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通过石蜡切片观察6种山茶属(Camellia)植物叶片的解剖结构,应用聚类分析、相关性分析对叶片组织结构相关指标进行筛选,进一步采用隶属函数综合评价6种山茶属植物的耐热性。结果表明,6种山茶属植物的叶片均为异面叶,上下表皮均由一层排列紧密的细胞组成,叶肉组织中含有结晶体和不规则的石细胞,栅栏组织由1~3层长圆柱状细胞组成,含有大量叶绿体。影响6种山茶属植物耐热性的主要指标为叶片总厚度、栅栏组织/海绵组织、角质层厚度、组织疏松度。6种山茶属植物耐热性由强到弱依次为大果南山茶(C. semiserrata var. magnocarpa)、莽山红山茶(C. mongshanica)、石果红山茶(C. mairei var. lapidea)、长尾毛蕊茶(C. caudata)、东南山茶(C. edithae)、红皮糙果茶(C. crapnelliana);按耐热性可分为3类,大果南山茶为耐热型,莽山红山茶为中耐热型,其他4种为低耐热型。  相似文献   

粤东山区山茶科植物有10属56种8变种2变型,主要集中于山茶属和柃木属,具有丰富的种质资源。山茶科具有园林观赏、药用、用材、经济原料等多种用途。山茶属、石笔木属、木荷属、大头茶属植物有较高的观赏价值,但目前在园林应用上较少。柃木属和山茶属植物又是重要的蜜源植物。研究这些植物的生物学特性和生态学特性,建立野生资源的种质库,筛选和培育优良品种,在园林上推广应用,发挥粤东地区的区位优势,生产出优质的茶油和茶蜜,将有力地促进经济发展。  相似文献   

<正> 引言 山茶属植物将近二百种,分布于东南亚热带和亚热带地区,其中近90%以上的种集中在我国的南部。浙江红山茶(Camellia chekiangoleoso Hu)又名浙江红花油茶,属于山茶属(Camellia)山茶亚属(Subgen.Camellia)的山茶组(Sect.Camellia),是我国特有的树种,分布于浙江、安徽、湖南、江西和福建北部海拔600—1400米的山地。这种植物具有硕大而美丽的红花,为庭园观赏佳品;其种子含油量较高,可供食用。目前已有不少  相似文献   

南山茶Camellia semiserrata Chi染色体核型的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 引言 南山茶(Camellia semiserrata Chi)又名广宁红花油茶,属山茶属(Camellia L.)山茶亚属(Subg.Camellia)红山茶组(Sect.Camellia),分布于我国广东和广西。南山茶的种子油可供食用,为我国南方主要油料经济树种之一,花红色,形大而艳丽,可供观赏。 山茶属植物约共二百种,但已做过染色体计数者仅47种,做过核型分析者则不超过10种。本文提供的南山茶染色体核型的资料将有助于山茶属植物的遗传育种工作和属内系  相似文献   

利用傅立叶红外光谱仪和OMNI采样器直接、迅速、准确地测定山茶属Camellia4组63种2变种植物叶片的红外光谱,结果表明:各分类群(种)的红外光谱具有高度特异性,其红外光谱图的变化可以作为山茶属植物属下的分类依据之一。这也暗示了利用标准红外光谱图库,可以区分和鉴定出山茶属植物的种类。经主成分分析后的红外光谱数据构建的树型聚类图与先前的形态分类结果大体一致,能将油茶组sect.Oleifera和短柱茶组sect.Paracamellia植物明显区分,并且各组中亲缘关系较近的种聚在一起。因此支持它们作为两个独立的组处理。但是,红山茶组sect.Camellia内的滇山茶亚组subsect.Lucidissima和光果红山茶亚组subsect.Reticulata植物在聚类图上很难区分,建议将这两个亚组植物进行归并。最后讨论了张宏达和闵天禄系统中存在分歧的油茶组、短柱茶组和红山茶组内的种间分类关系。  相似文献   

一、种类及地理分布山茶属 Camellia 是山茶科内最大的属,已发表的种类超过230种,且不断还有新种发现。据张宏达先生的研究,这些种分隶于四个亚属,二十个组。我国是山茶属植物的起源与分布中心,产200种以上,其中大部分分布在我国南部及西南部,尤以广西、云南、广东为最多(见附表)。因此我国山茶属植物资源极为丰富,如能加以合理利用,将产生良好经济效益。  相似文献   

落瓣油茶染色体核型的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄少甫  徐炳声   《广西植物》1985,(4):363-368
<正> 山茶属植物约220种,其中报道过:染色体计数的约50种,报道过染色体核型的近10种。作者继浙江红山茶(Camellia chekiangoleosa Hu)、南山茶(C.semiserrata Chi)、白花南山茶C.semiserrata var.albiflora Hu et Huang)和茶梨C.octopetala Hu)之后,对落瓣油茶(C.kissii Wall.)进行染色体计数和核型分析,旨在为油茶育种工作和探索山茶属内的系统发育提供细胞学资料。  相似文献   

中国山茶属4种2变种核型研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李光涛  梁涛   《广西植物》1990,10(3):189-197
本文采用去壁低渗法研究了我国山茶属植物4种2变种的核型。根据Levan等的命名系统,各个种的核型可简式为大理茶2n=20m+2m(SAT)+8sm;勐腊茶2n=20m+2m(SAT)+6sm+2sm(SAT);德宏茶2n=20m+8sm+2sm(SAT);苦茶2n=20m+9sm+1sm(SAT);茶2n=18m+2m(SAT)+12sm;白毛茶2n=18m十2m(SAT)+9sm+1sm(SAT)。这些种都是二倍体种(2n=2x=30),未发现多倍体。在勐腊茶核型中发现2个超数染色体(B-chromosome)。核型的不对称性表明,这些种均属于Stebbins核型分类的2A型核型。这些种在“随体数目和位置,最长染色体与最短染色体之比,臂比大于2:1的染色体比例,着丝点端化值,染色体绝对长度”方面的变异是清楚易见的。核型的变异表明,这些种的染色体进化顺序为大理茶—→勐腊茶—→德宏茶—→普洱茶—→白毛茶—→苦茶—→茶。这一结果与张宏达提出的山茶属植物的分类系统基木吻合。本文还讨论了山茶属植物核型的杂合性和多态性。本文中勐腊茶、德宏茶、苦茶的染色体数目和核型及大理茶的核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

本文对山茶属(Camellia)中的茶组(Sect.Thea)和秃茶组(Sect.Glaberrima)植物47种和3变种进行了分类学订正研究。将秃茶组并人茶组之中,确认世界茶组植物共有12种和6变种。讨论了茶组植物分化与分布,并展示了我国茶叶种质资源的丰富性和利用潜力。  相似文献   

山茶属植物的染色体数目和核型   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李光涛  梁涛   《广西植物》1990,10(2):127-137+191
本文对已报道的(包括作者的研究)山茶属植物的染色体数目和核型作一简单的讨论,结合地理分布情况,提出由二倍体向多倍体进化可能是山茶属植物进化的一个重要途径。山茶属植物的核型多为Stebbins核型分类的“2A”型,表明山茶属植物是一个较原始的种系。本文中12种的染色体数目和2种的核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

Engineering oilseeds to produce nutritional fatty acids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that regular consumption of foods rich in omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids has multiple positive health benefits. The fats and oils from marine fish contain high contents of these beneficial fatty acids but increased consumer demand has also increased strain on the ability of the world's fisheries to meet demand from wild capture. Many consumers are choosing fish oil supplements or are eating foods that have been complemented with fish oils instead of consuming fish directly. However, removing undesirable odors, flavors and contaminants is expensive. In contrast, oils derived from land plants such as soybean are inexpensive and contaminant free. Recent strides in plant molecular biology now allow the engineering of oilseeds for the production of novel fats and oils, including those synthesized by complex, multigene biosynthetic pathways such as the omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Given the potential benefits to the environment with regards to overfishing and the health prospects of increased consumption of these healthy fatty acids, producing these fatty acids in oilseeds is a desirable and worthy goal. In this review, we will describe the recent advances in this field along with some of the technical hurdles encountered thus far.  相似文献   

Golden Camellias have recently been used as a food, cosmetic, and traditional medicine in China and Vietnam. Forty-two species have natural distribution in Vietnam, of which thirty-two species were considered endemic species of this country. The morphology of leaves and flowers of these species were similar; therefore, their taxonomic identification usually needed experts and the authentication has often been confused among species. Our study aims to describe the genetic diversity and the relationship of six species Camellia phanii, Camellia tamdaoensis, Camellia tienii, Camellia flava, Camellia petelotii and Camellia euphlebia by using three chloroplast DNA-barcodes: matK, rbcL and trnH-psbA. We also clarified the significant differences in anatomical characteristics of midvein and blade of their leaves, which suggested the possibility to use these criteria in taxonomy. In addition, preliminary chemical profiles of the methanolic extracts of leaves from six Golden Camellias such as total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), total anthocyanin content (TAC) and chlorogenic acids content (TCGAs) also showed the diversity among them. Interestingly, the discrimination on the catechins profile among six species followed the same tendency with the genetic distance on the phylogeny tree suggesting that catechins (i. e., discriminative catechins) can be biomarkers for the chemotaxonomy of these six Golden Camellias.  相似文献   

Intestinal aspects of lipid absorption: in review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rapidly evolving field of lipid absorption is reviewed with the thrust of new knowledge focused on the interpendency of the luminal and cellular phases of absorption. To date little attention has been paid to factors that regulate the phospholipid biosynthesis in the enterocyte. The availability of 20:4 omega 6 may be the rate-limiting factor for phospholipid synthesis. The source of 20:4 omega 6 is unknown, whether it be synthesized de novo the enterocyte or entirely originating from degradation of bile phospholipid. It has been established that dietary fat can modulate the enterocyte membrane lipid composition and transport properties. Specified fats such as as fish oils rich in 20:5 omega 3 and 22:6 omega 3 have been implicated as protective against hypercholesterolemia. However, the effects of these dietary fats on the transport of nutrients across the enterocyte are not yet known, nor are the mechanisms responsible for the adaptive responses of the brush border identified.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,89(2-3):135-144
The potential to modify milk fatty acid composition and milk production by dietary administration of marine oils rich in n-3 PUFAs in goats diets is reviewed. Moreover animal and human health implications are considered. Role of nutrition in dairy goats for enhancing content of CLA in milk fat is also discussed. At last, rumen protected choline supplementation is evaluated to improve productive performance and metabolic health. While the effects of n-3 PUFAs administration on goat productive performance seem to depend on many factors, fish oil administration has been extensively shown to lower average concentration of C18:0 and saturated fatty acids, with a relative increase of C16:1, C18:3 n-3 and very long-chain n-3 PUFAs. Positive results have been evidenced in animals health following administration of EPA and DHA from fish oil, leading to increased phagocytic activity with no effects on extracellular ROS production in incubated goats cells. The nutritional and health properties of goat's milk could be further improved by increasing the content of CLA in milk fat. Provision of PUFAs from fresh pasture and plant lipids, mainly C18:2 n-6 and C18-3 n3 which serve as precursor for trans C18:1 formation in the rumen, have proved to enhance content of CLA in goat milk fat. Marine oils rich in n-3 PUFAs have been shown to be very effective at increasing CLA content in bovine milk, but very scarce data are available on dairy goats.Rumen protected choline has been show to increase productive performance, particularly milk production, fat percentage, and fat and protein yield without detrimental effects on methyl groups, thus reducing BHBA plasma content and hepatocellular lipid accumulation around transition.However the magnitude of the production response seems to be affected by the composition of the diet, and other factors as already reported for n-3 PUFAs administration.  相似文献   

The activities of hepatic fatty acid oxidation enzymes in rats fed linseed and perilla oils rich in alpha-linolenic acid (alpha-18:3) were compared with those in the animals fed safflower oil rich in linoleic acid (18:2) and saturated fats (coconut or palm oil). Mitochondrial and peroxisomal palmitoyl-CoA (16:0-CoA) oxidation rates in the liver homogenates were significantly higher in rats fed linseed and perilla oils than in those fed saturated fats and safflower oil. The fatty oxidation rates increased as dietary levels of alpha-18:3 increased. Dietary alpha-18:3 also increased the activity of fatty acid oxidation enzymes except for 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. Unexpectedly, dietary alpha-18:3 caused great reduction in the activity of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase measured with short- and medium-chain substrates but not with long-chain substrate. Dietary alpha-18:3 significantly increased the mRNA levels of hepatic fatty acid oxidation enzymes including carnitine palmitoyltransferase I and II, mitochondrial trifunctional protein, acyl-CoA oxidase, peroxisomal bifunctional protein, mitochondrial and peroxisomal 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolases, 2, 4-dienoyl-CoA reductase and delta3, delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase. Fish oil rich in very long-chain n-3 fatty acids caused similar changes in hepatic fatty acid oxidation. Regarding the substrate specificity of beta-oxidation pathway, mitochondrial and peroxisomal beta-oxidation rate of alpha-18:3-CoA, relative to 16:0- and 18:2-CoAs, was higher irrespective of the substrate/albumin ratios in the assay mixture or dietary fat sources. The substrate specificity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I appeared to be responsible for the differential mitochondrial oxidation rates of these acyl-CoA substrates. Dietary fats rich in alpha-18:3-CoA relative to safflower oil did not affect the hepatic activity of fatty acid synthase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. It was suggested that both substrate specificities and alterations in the activities of the enzymes in beta-oxidation pathway play a significant role in the regulation of the serum lipid concentrations in rats fed alpha-18:3.  相似文献   

The activity and mRNA level of hepatic enzymes in fatty acid oxidation and synthesis were compared in rats fed diets containing either 15% saturated fat (palm oil), safflower oil rich in linoleic acid, perilla oil rich in α-linolenic acid or fish oil rich in eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) for 15 days. The mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation rate was 50% higher in rats fed perilla and fish oils than in the other groups. Perilla and fish oils compared to palm and safflower oils approximately doubled and more than tripled, respectively, peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation rate. Compared to palm and safflower oil, both perilla and fish oils caused a 50% increase in carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity. Dietary fats rich in n-3 fatty acids also increased the activity of other fatty acid oxidation enzymes except for 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. The extent of the increase was greater with fish oil than with perilla oil. Interestingly, both perilla and fish oils decreased the activity of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase measured using short- and medium-chain substrates. Compared to palm and safflower oils, perilla and fish oils increased the mRNA level of many mitochondrial and peroxisomal enzymes. Increases were generally greater with fish oil than with perilla oil. Fatty acid synthase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase activity and mRNA level were higher in rats fed palm oil than in the other groups. Among rats fed polyunsaturated fats, activities and mRNA levels of these enzymes were lower in rats fed fish oil than in the animals fed perilla and safflower oils. The values were comparable between the latter two groups. Safflower and fish oils but not perilla oil, compared to palm oil, also decreased malic enzyme activity and mRNA level. Examination of the fatty acid composition of hepatic phospholipid indicated that dietary α-linolenic acid is effectively desaturated and elongated to form EPA and DHA. Dietary perilla oil and fish oil therefore exert similar physiological activity in modulating hepatic fatty acid oxidation, but these dietary fats considerably differ in affecting fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

The triglyceride composition of seed oils of six species of the Camellia was separated and analysed by highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed the plants contain 11–12 kinds of triglyceride predominantly as OOO and POO, but the content of each kind of triglyceride for each species is different.  相似文献   

十四种金花茶组植物叶总黄酮含量比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金花茶叶含有丰富的黄酮类化合物.以70%乙醇为提取溶剂,对14种金花茶叶中的黄酮进行超声波提取,并以芦丁为对照品,采用紫外分光光度法于273 nm处测定吸光度,得出各种金花茶叶总黄酮的含量并进行了比较.结果表明:不同种金花茶叶黄酮的含量差异较大,平果金花茶中新叶的总黄酮含量(22.011%)最高,而东兴金花茶中一年叶龄...  相似文献   

Microbial lipids produced by oleaginous microorganisms, also called microbial oils and single cell oils (SCOs), are very promising sources for several oil industries. The exploration of efficient oleaginous yeast strains, meant to produce both high-quantity and high-quality lipids for the production of biodiesel, oleochemicals, and the other high value lipid products, have gained much attention. At present, the number of oleaginous yeast species that have been discovered is 8.2% of the total number of known yeast species, most of which have been isolated from their natural habitats. To explore high lipid producing yeasts, different methods, including high-throughput screening methods using colorimetric or fluorometric measures, have been developed. Understanding of the fatty acid composition profiles of lipids produced by oleaginous yeasts would help to define target lipid-related products. For lipid production, the employment of low-cost substrates suitable for yeast growth and lipid accumulation, and efficient cultivation processes are key factors for successfully increasing the amount of the accumulated lipid yield while decreasing the cost of production.  相似文献   

为探讨喜钙型金花茶对高钙环境的生理适应机制以及嫌钙型金花茶的避钙机理,该文采用砂培法,分别以两种喜钙型金花茶[直脉金花茶(Camellia multipetala)、柠檬金花茶(C.limonia)]和两种嫌钙型金花茶[金花茶(C.nitidissima)、东兴金花茶(C.tunghinensis)]的幼苗为材料,用不同浓度(设为5、25、50、100 mmol·L-1)的钙离子(Ca2+)营养液进行培养,研究其对两种不同类型金花茶的光合及生理指标的影响。结果表明:两种嫌钙型金花茶的净光合速率(P n)、气孔导度(G s)、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)、电子传递效率(ETR)、叶绿素a(Chl a)、叶绿素b(Chl b)、叶绿素总量[(Chl(a+b)]均随Ca2+浓度的升高而降低,表明高钙环境降低了嫌钙型金花茶的光合能力;喜钙型金花茶的这些指标在不同Ca2+浓度下无显著变化,高钙环境未影响其光合作用的正常进行。嫌钙型金花茶叶片丙二醛含量和PSⅡ最大光化学效率(F v/F m)在高钙环境下未有显著变化,表明其光合膜系统还未受到伤害。随着Ca2+浓度的升高,嫌钙型金花茶叶片脯氨酸含量显著增加,而可溶性糖含量变化却不大;喜钙型金花茶在不同Ca2+浓度下脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量的变化均不明显,但其可溶性糖含量却明显高于嫌钙型金花茶。喜钙型金花茶对外界钙离子浓度的变化不敏感,其适应高钙的生理机制可能与叶片较高的可溶性糖含量有关;而嫌钙型金花茶对高钙环境的适应性较差,这可能是其不能在钙质土上生长的主要原因。  相似文献   

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