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核仁中丝状成分的数量和分布状态在不同的植物组织细胞中和不同的生理状态下有所不同。因此,准确地识别和量度核仁中丝状成分的多少及分布状态对于研究不同植物组织细胞核仁及其生理活性有着重要的意义。但是,近几年所采用的标准的戊二醛—锇酸双固  相似文献   

硼是植物生长发育必需的一种微量营养元素,缺硼和硼毒害是国内外农业生产中普遍存在的问题,不仅影响产量,而且还会降低品质。近年来,植物的硼吸收和转运机制研究取得较大进展,从而为基因工程改良植物的缺硼和硼毒害奠定了重要基础。本文就植物对硼的吸收和转运机制以及植物对缺硼和硼毒害耐性的遗传调控研究概况进行综述。  相似文献   

硼营养与植物细胞壁关系的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物必需的7种微量元素中,植物缺硼最为普遍,因而引起人们的广泛关注。半个多世纪以来,学者们对硼的生理功能和硼肥应用进行了广泛的研究,为农业生产作出了重大贡献。但由于硼元素的特殊性,至今对硼在植物体内的存在形式和基本生理功能仍不十分清楚。不同植物的缺硼症状尽管各不相同,但一个显著的共同特征就是根尖和茎尖的伸长首先受到抑制。顶端生长依赖于细胞分裂和细胞伸长,由此可见,硼必然首先影响分生组织的细胞分裂和细胞伸长。硼对细胞分裂的影响已进行了大量的研究。Whittington〔1〕曾报道缺硼减少大豆有丝分…  相似文献   

以洋葱表皮细胞为研究材料,通过中性红液泡染色和质壁分离实验相结合,将能更清晰地观察到细胞壁,细胞质膜,细胞质,液泡膜,液泡,细胞核,核仁等结构,达到光学显微镜下观察植物细胞基本结构的教学目的。改进后的实验大大提高了利用洋葱表皮细胞观察植物细胞结构实验的教学效果,同时可以通过观察不同部位液泡体积变化,了解植物细胞的动态发育,使学生掌握了更多的知识点。  相似文献   

小麦核仁的超微结构在细胞周期中的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用整体银染技术在电镜下对小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)根端分生细胞核仁在细胞周期中的超微结构变化进行了研究。结果显示,间期核仁染色很深,能够区分出纤维中心、密集纤维成分、颗粒成分和核仁液泡等结构;染色质上也布满大量染色浅的细小银粒。前期,随着核仁的解体和染色质的集缩,染色质的边缘逐渐出现深染的大颗粒;到前期末时,大量的核仁物质向染色体周围扩散并附着到其表面。中期染色体的周边分布着来自解体核仁的银染大颗粒,形成一个不大均匀也不完全连续的“鞘”状结构。后期仍可见这种“鞘”状结构的存在。进入末期,这些银染核仁物质逐渐由“鞘”脱离,彼此融合形成前核仁体,最后参与新核仁的形成。这些结果表明,核仁解体后的物质直接转移到了染色体的表面,并形成一个不连续的表层,没有进入染色体内部;染色体内部的银染颗粒与核仁及其解体物质无关  相似文献   

在分化条件下甜菊愈伤组织分生区细胞超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对甜菊(Steviarebaudiana)愈伤组织中尚未发生器官分化的分生细胞团进行了超微结构研究.结果表明,在器官分化条件下,愈伤组织中形成的分生区域的细胞体积小,细胞核大,核仁明显,且具核仁泡,部分细胞核中含有核内含物.大量小液泡分布在细胞的边周或散布于整个细胞中.液泡中通常含有陷入的细胞质成分和膜状物.部分液泡的形成与内质网膨大有密切关系.同时也观察到由内质网形成的多圈膜和双层膜包围细胞质成分的同心环结构.高尔基体及其小泡丰富,有时聚集分布在细胞某一区域.核糖体密集,有的聚集成多聚核糖体.因此,愈伤组织中分生区的细胞与分生组织中的液泡化和分裂的细胞类似.分生区细胞的另一明显特征是出现质膜内陷.推测这些超微结构特征可能反映了甜菊愈伤组织器官分化前的某些形态变化。  相似文献   

植物的色香味与植物液泡植物细胞具有酸甜苦涩等味道,植物的花果叶也具有红橙黄绿等颜色,有些植物还具有特殊的香气,这都与植物的液泡有关系。植物液泡中的液体是细胞代谢活动的产物,其中主要成分是水和溶于水的糖、丹宁、有机酸、植物碱、色素和盐类。由于植物的种类...  相似文献   

油橄榄缺硼症的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硼在植物代谢中有重要的生理作用。已经证明,硼有利于光合产物—糖的运输;缺硼导致大量酚类物质的形成和积累,致使植物组织受害和坏死。另有实验表明,硼对生殖过程有很大的影响。几年来,我们  相似文献   

本文以蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)根端分生组织细胞为材料,以抗SC35抗体为探针,在电镜下对SC35在高等植物细胞中的存在与否和分布特点进行了研究,发现经抗SC35抗体标记后,标明SC35位置的胶体金颗粒主要分布于核仁的致密纤维组分(DFC)、核质的染色质间颗粒(IGs)和染色质周边纤维处(PFs),而核仁的纤维中心(FC)、核仁液泡和集缩染色质团块中央部位的金颗粒很少。DFC, IGs和PFs处的金颗粒平均密度分别为65.89个/μm~2和36.28个/μm~2,远远高于集缩染色质团块中央部位以及FC和核仁液泡处的金颗粒平均密度(分别为5.90个/μm~2和6.26个/μm~2)。说明蚕豆细胞核仁的DFC,核质的IGs和PFs处富含剪接因子SC35。本文研究结果表明,SC35或SC35类蛋白在蚕豆细胞核质中的分布与其在哺乳动物细胞核质中的分布规律相似。同时本文首次报道了SC35或SC35类蛋白存在于核仁中。  相似文献   

四季海棠成熟胚珠的组织化学及超微结构的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用四季海棠的胚珠,进行石蜡切片,做PAS反应、苯胺兰黑染色等组织化学染色;又做超薄切片,进行超微结构观察。PAS反应:胚囊内染色深,珠被浅,各处均有红色淀粉粒。苯胺兰黑染色;显示胚囊内蛋白质丰富,卵核质兰色,核仁深兰,反足细胞更深。在超微结构中:珠被细胞中见到细胞核、线粒体、质体、内质网、同心圆潴泡、液泡等,近珠孔处珠被细胞内线粒体较多。珠心细胞内可见微管及其它细胞器。胚囊内助细胞可见丝状器。见到卵核、极核、线粒体、内质网、液泡、质体(其中未见淀粉粒)等。  相似文献   

Evolution of the rat oocyte nucleolus during follicular growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ultrastructural evolution of the nucleolus was followed during follicular growth by means of a silver staining procedure. The oocyte nucleolus in the primordial and primary follicles consists of strands of dense fibrillar silver-stained component and aggregates of granules which are devoid of silver grains. Small fibrillar centres are also recognized and appear to have less silver stainability. At the secondary follicle stage, a new nucleolar component appears in the reticulated oocyte nucleolus. This component is devoid of silver grains. During follicle growth, at the antral follicle stage, this new component seems to fuse and the nucleolus becomes constituted of a compact homogeneous mass which exhibits a vacuole at the end of the oocyte maturation. The results obtained suggest that this nucleolar mass is essentially made of proteins and particularly of acidic proteins.  相似文献   

Correlation of nucleolar activity and nucleolar vacuolation in plant cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In root meristematic cells nucleolar structure varies with the cell cycle. Apart from normal meristematic nucleoli one finds nucleoli with a big central vacuole surrounded by a loose cortex with individual fibrillar centres [22] clearly visible within it. There are also intermediate structures between both nucleolar types. In Pisum sativum nuclear tissue, the structure of the vacuolated nucleoli is similar and appears in periods of high metabolic activity during megasporogenesis. In both tissues, vacuolated nucleoli incorporate tritiated uridine more actively than 'normal' nucleoli. In this work the structure of spontaneous nucleolar vacuoles is compared with that induced by drugs such as cordycepin, and FUdR. The vacuolated nucleolus with its increased surface corresponds to a transient structure which not only shows higher metabolic activity but also supplies a storing and/or transporting mechanism for nucleolar products.  相似文献   

We have investigated the precise location of DNA within the meristematic cell nucleolus ofZea maysroot cells andPisum sativumcotyledonary buds, in the course of their activation and induced inactivation following a subsequent treatment at low temperature. For this purpose, we combined the acetylation method, providing an excellent distinction between the various nucleolar components, with thein situterminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-immunogold technique, a highly sensitive method for detecting DNA at the ultrastructural level. In addition to the presence of DNA in the condensed chromatin associated with the nucleolus, we demonstrated that a significant label was detected in the nucleolus of quiescent cells in both plant models. Evident labels were also found in the dense fibrillar component of actived nucleoli. Whereas in inactivated nucleoli no significant label was observed within the dense fibrillar component, an intense label was seen over the large heterogeneous fibrillar centres only during inactivation. The granular component was never significantly labelled. These results appear to indicate that the DNA present in the dense fibrillar component of activated nucleoli withdraws from this structure during its inactivation and becomes incorporated in the large fibrillar centres. These observations suggest that in plant cells inactivation of rRNA genes is clearly accompanied by changes in the conformation of ribosomal chromatin.  相似文献   

The transformation of nucleolus and its structural components in the main groups of erythroid cells (from pronormoblasts to reticulocytes and dividing ones) has been studied. It is shown that during inactivation of the nucleolus, the granular component is reduced, and the degree of chromatin condensation increases. Enlargement and "naking" of fibrillar centres are also observed. At the stage of basophilic and polychromatophilic erythroblasts, the nucleolus has a mushroom-like shape with well developed fibrillar centres, which lie at the border of the nucleolus. Nucleolar RNP components consist predominantly of a fibrillar component and forms "caps" of these mushroom-like structures. Therefore, at this stage "free" fibrillar centres are found on ultrathin sections, if the section plane runs only through the fibrillar centre, or through ring-shaped nucleoli, i.e. the fibrillar centre surrounded by sheet of nucleolar RNP fibrilles, when the mushroom-like nucleolus is cut tangentially. Using serial section technique, small round nucleoli with an extremely weakly developed RNP material or free fibrillar centres, resembling those in telophase nuclei, are shown on the terminal stage of nucleolus transformation. It is noted that the main groups of erythroid cells differ from each other not only in the chromatin condensation degree, but also in the development of nucleolus material and in the size of fibrillar centres. However, such differences exist in either cell group. Consequently, we can distinguish between cell populations being on different stages of maturation. On this basis, we described on intermediate population of cells, which possess signs of pronormoblasts and basophilic erythroblasts. In all the cases, strands of electron opaque material bound with the condensed chromatin are present in fibrillar centres.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

用透射电镜观察到MGC-803细胞的核仁是网织型的,在网眼内分布有电子密度低的纤维中心。MGC-803细胞经丁酸钠作用后,其核仁的类型发生了改变,多呈环型的,核仁的中央有一个大的纤维中心;纤维中心和银染颗粒的大小和数目明显减低;用图像分析仪测得核仁银染蛋白所占面积与核总面积的比值也明显降低。结果提示:丁酸钠可能通过抑制rRNA合成和rDNA转录活性调控MGC-803细胞的增殖。  相似文献   

The effects of MPB, a strong inhibitor of RNA synthesis, have been analysed at the ultrastructural level by means of stereological methods. After treatment, an increase in the nucleolar volume is observed. This enlargement is due to vacuolization of the nucleoli. However, the relative volumes of the nucleolar components are modified in various directions: the volume of the granular component decreases whereas the fibrillar centres increase in size. These results are discussed in terms of relations between morphology and function of the nucleolus.  相似文献   

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