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The aim of this study was to determine the infectious status of semen and genital tract tissues from male goat naturally infected with the caprine lentivirus. Firstly, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the presence of CAEV proviral-DNA in the circulating mononuclear cells, semen (spermatozoa and non-spermatic cells), and genital tract tissues (testis, epididymis, vas deferens, and vesicular gland) of nine bucks. RT-PCR was used to detect the presence of CAEV viral RNA in seminal plasma. Secondly, in situ hybridization was performed on PCR-positive samples from the head, body, and tail of the epididymis. CAEV proviral-DNA was identified by PCR in the blood cells of 7/9 bucks and in non-spermatic cells of the seminal plasma of 3/9 bucks. No CAEV proviral-DNA was identified in the spermatozoa fraction. The presence of CAEV proviral-DNA in non-spermatic cells and the presence of CAEV in the seminal plasma was significantly higher (p<0.01) in bucks with PCR-positive blood. Two of the three bucks with positive seminal plasma cells presented with at least one PCR-positive genital tract tissue. Proviral-DNA was found in the head (3/9), body (3/9), and tail (2/9) of the epididymis. In situ hybridization confirmed the presence of viral mRNA in at least one of each of these tissues, in the periphery of the epididymal epithelium. This study clearly demonstrates the presence of viral mRNA and proviral-DNA in naturally infected male goat semen and in various tissues of the male genital tract.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether cells of early goat embryos isolated from in vivo-fertilized goats interact with the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) in vitro and whether the embryonic zona pellucida (ZP) protects early embryo cells from CAEV infection. ZP-free and ZP-intact 8-16 cell embryos were inoculated for 2 h with CAEVat the 10(4) tissue culture infectious dose 50 (TCID50)/ml. Infected embryos were incubated for 72 h over feeder monolayer containing caprine oviduct epithelial cells (COECs) and CAEV indicator goat synovial membrane (GSM) cells. Noninoculated ZP-free and ZP-intact embryos were submitted to similar treatments and used as controls. Six days postinoculation, infectious virus assay of the wash fluids of inoculated early goat embryos showed typical CAEV-induced cytopathic effects (CPE) on indicator GSM monolayers, with fluids of the first two washes only. The mixed cell monolayer (COEC + GSM) used as feeder cells for CAEV inoculated ZP-free embryos showed CPE. In contrast, none of the feeder monolayers, used for culture of CAEV inoculated ZP-intact embryos or the noninoculated controls, developed any CPE. CAEV exposure apparently did not interfere with development of ZP-free embryos in vitro during the 72 h study period when compared with untreated controls (34.6 and 36% blastocysts, respectively, P > 0.05). From these results one can conclude that the transmission of infectious molecularly cloned CAEV-pBSCA (plasmid binding site CAEV) by embryonic cells from in vivo-produced embryos at the 8-16 cell stages is possible with ZP-free embryos. The absence of interactions between ZP-intact embryos and CAEV in vitro suggests that the ZP is an efficient protective embryo barrier.  相似文献   

To improve the knowledge on the risk of transmission of the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) during embryo manipulations, we conducted a double-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for CAEV proviral-DNA on flushing media recovered from the oviducts 48 h after the beginning of estrus and on blood from 89 donor does. Sixty-four does had negative blood and flushing media by PCR. Among the 25 CAEV infected goats (blood PCR positive), 11 were PCR flushing media positive (P < 0.01). Cell lysate from flushing media samples that were PCR positive were serially diluted 10 times at 1:100. Starting with the second 1:100 dilution all the cell lysate samples were PCR negative. The mean number of embryos recovered was not significantly different between goats with flushing media PCR positive and goats with flushing media PCR negative (6.0 +/- 5.4 versus 7.8 +/- 4.4, respectively; mean +/- S.D.) nor between goats with blood PCR positive and goats with blood PCR negative (7.0 +/- 5.0 versus 5.9 +/- 5.3; mean +/- S.D.). The presence of CAEV infected cells in oviductal flushing media from infected donor does was indicated for the first time during this study. The absence of flushing media PCR positive for goat blood PCR negative seemed to allow the use of the blood PCR test to confidently predict the absence of CAEV provirus in the oviductal fluid.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to demonstrate that embryo transfer can be used to produce CAEV-free kids from CAEV-infected biological mothers when appropriate procedure is implemented. Twenty-eight goats that had tested positive for CAEV using PCR on vaginal secretions were used as embryo donors. Embryos with intact-ZP were selected and washed 10 times; they were then frozen and used for transfer into CAEV-free recipient goats. Nineteen of the 49 recipient goats gave birth, producing a total of 23 kids. Three blood samples were taken from each recipient goat, 10 days before, during, and 10 days after parturition; these were tested for CAEV antibodies using ELISA and for CAEV proviral DNA using PCR. The mothers were then euthanized. Tissue samples were taken from the lungs, udder, and retromammary and prescapular lymph nodes. The kids were separated from their mothers at birth. Seven of them died. At 4 months of age, 16 kids were subjected to drug-induced immunosuppression. Blood samples were taken every month from birth to 4 months of age; samples were then taken on days 15, 21, and 28 after the start of the immunosuppressive treatment. The kids were then euthanized and tissue samples taken from the carpal synovial membrane, lung tissue, prescapular lymph nodes, inguinal and retromammary lymph nodes, and uterus. All samples from the 19 recipient goats and 23 kids were found to be negative for CAEV antibodies and/or CAEV proviral DNA. Under acute conditions for infection this study clearly demonstrates that embryo transfer can be safely used to produce CAEV-free neonates from infected CAEV donors.  相似文献   

Semen and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) samples of four naturally infected, four experimentally infected (endangered breeds) and four non-infected bucks (endangered breeds) were evaluated for the presence of CAEV proviral-DNA by nested polymerase chain reaction (n-PCR). Three out of the eight PBMC samples from infected bucks were positive for CAEV-DNA and four out of the eight semen samples were positive for CAEV proviral-DNA. This is the first report describing the presence of CAEV proviral-DNA in semen from seropositive Anglo-Nubian, Moxotó and Canindé bucks, providing useful information towards the design of efficient methods to prevent CAEV dissemination in the endangered goat livestock genetic resources in Brazil.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine seroprevalence and the risk factors associated with caprine arthritis encephalitis virus infection (CAEV) in Northern Somalia (Somaliland). A total of 1198 serum samples were collected from 34 randomly selected goat herds of two major districts of Somaliland namely, Togdheer (Burao) and Waqoyi Galbed (Hergiesa). Serum samples were examined for CAEV antibodies using competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA). A total of 72 goats were found seropositive with overall seroprevalence of 6.0%. On animal level, multivariate logistic regression showed that there was a significant association between CAEV infection and age (P < 0.01; OR: 16.282; CI 95%, 5.87–25.17), rearing with sheep (P < 0.001; OR: 4.158; CI 95%, 1.47–11.715), and herd size (P < 0.05; OR: 1.22; CI 95%, 0.93–2.17). However, on the herd level, herd size (P < 0.05; OR: 1.96; CI 95%, 0.51–1.76) and rearing with sheep (P < 0.05; OR: 13.31; CI 95%, 1.30–13.24) were the risk factors.The result of the present study indicates that CAEV infection exists in the goat herds in Somaliland. It also provides an overview about the risk factors associated with the disease at the examined localities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether oocytes taken from ovarian follicles in 123 naturally infected goats were carrying the proviral CAEV genome. Examination of DNA isolated from 190 batches of oocytes with intact cumulus cells and 190 batches of oocytes whose cumulus cells had been removed, taken from follicles of the same ovaries, demonstrated that 42/190 batches of oocytes with intact cumulus cells had the proviral CAEV genome, whereas none of the 190 batches of oocytes without cumulus cells were positive for the provirus. To confirm that the proviral genome was present in the cumulus cells and not in the oocyte cells, 586 oocytes from 56 different ovaries, were separated from their cumulus cells. The DNA was then extracted from each fraction and examined. The purity of the oocyte fraction was verified by searching for granulosa cell-specific mRNA, using RT-PCR; this was negative in all the batches of oocytes in which the cumulus cells had been removed. PCR analysis demonstrated that none of the oocytes without cumulus cells were positive, whereas 22/56 of the batches with cumulus cells were found to be positive. This study clearly demonstrates that despite being surrounded by infected cumulus cells, the oocytes are not infected, and that the enzymatic and mechanical technique for removing the cells surrounding the oocyte, as used in this study, is effective, thus enabling CAEV-free oocytes to be obtained from infected goats.  相似文献   

Lentiviruses have long been considered host-specific pathogens, but several recent observations demonstrated their capacity to conquer new hosts from different species, genera, and families. From these cross-species infections emerged new animal and human infectious diseases. The successful colonization and adaptation of a lentivirus to a nonnatural host depends on unspecific and specific host barriers. Some of those barriers exert a relative control of viral replication (i.e., cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response, viral inhibitory factors), but none of them was found able to totally clear the infection once the retrovirus is fully adapted in its host. In this study we examined the evolution of the host-lentivirus interactions occurring in an experimental animal model of cross-species infection in order to analyze the efficiency of those barriers in preventing the establishment of a persistent infection. Five newborn calves were inoculated with caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), and the evolution of infection was studied for more than 12 months. All the animals seroconverted in the first 0.75 to 1 month following the inoculation and remained seropositive for the remaining time of the experiment. Viral infection was productive during 4 months with isolation of replication competent virus from the blood cells and organs of the early euthanized animals. After 4 months of infection, neither replication-competent virus nor virus genome could be detected in blood cells or in the classical target organs, even after an experimental immunosuppression. No evidence of in vitro restriction of CAEV replication was observed in cells from tissues explanted from organs of these calves. These data provide the demonstration of a natural clearance of lentivirus infection following experimental inoculation of a nonnatural host, enabling perspectives of development of new potential vaccine strategies to fight against lentivirus infections.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to report the chronology of Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus elimination and compare the blood and semen viral profiles of animals naturally and experimentally infected by SRLV raised in the semi-arid region of Brazil. The experiment was carried out at the Brazilian Center for Goat Research (Embrapa). Nine bucks were selected, four naturally infected by CAEV and five animals proven negative that were inoculated with the goat lentivirus (CAEV-Cork strain). Every week the animals were submitted to semen collection using an artificial vagina. The blood was collected by puncturing the jugular vein with tubes containing EDTA, 7 days after inoculation (experimentally infected group) or at the start of the experiment (naturally infected group) and then at every 30 days. The genomic viral DNA was extracted from semen and blood and then Nested-PCR was applied. An agar gel microimmunodiffusion was performed to detect anti-CAEV antibodies. The results were described in percentage and analyzed by the Chi square test (P < 0.05). The presence of anti-CAEV antibodies was detected in the 16th week after inoculation that characterized the seroconversion from four of the five naturally infected goat bucks (80%). The fifth reproducer presented late seroconversion, totaling 32 weeks post-inoculation. A quantity was observed in the total of samples collected of 12.50 and 17.14% positive results in the blood and 10.98 and 11.25% positive results in the semen of the naturally and experimentally infected animals, respectively, and there was no statistical difference. No statistically significant differences were observed regarding the presence of proviral DNA in the blood and semen of the naturally and experimentally infected animals. A viral elimination pattern was not identified during the assessment period, but the presence of proviral DNA was shown at shorter intervals after the 18th week and the 22nd week, for the experimentally and naturally infected bucks, respectively. Therefore, recently infected goats in the period prior to seroconversion eliminated small ruminant lentivirus proviral DNA in the semen and are important sources of infection that should be considered in a control program of this lentivirus, and the Nested-PCR technique is a relevant tool to select virus-free ejaculates.  相似文献   

Recombination of different strains and subtypes is a hallmark of lentivirus infections, particularly for human immunodeficiency virus, and contributes significantly to viral diversity and evolution both within individual hosts and within populations. Recombinant viruses are generated in individuals coinfected or superinfected with more than one lentiviral strain or subtype. This, however, has never been described in vivo for the prototype lentivirus maedi-visna virus of sheep and its closely related caprine counterpart, the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus. Cross-species infections occur in animals living under natural conditions, which suggests that dual infections with small-ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) are possible. In this paper we describe the first documented case of coinfection and viral recombination in two naturally infected goats. DNA fragments encompassing a variable region of the envelope glycoprotein were obtained from these two animals by end-limiting dilution PCR of peripheral blood mononuclear cells or infected cocultures. Genetic analyses, including nucleotide sequencing and heteroduplex mobility assays, showed that these goats harbored two distinct populations of SRLVs. Phylogenetic analysis permitted us to assign these sequences to the maedi-visna virus group (SRLV group A) or the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus group (SRLV group B). SimPlot analysis showed clear evidence of A/B recombination within the env gene segment of a virus detected in one of the two goats. This case provides conclusive evidence that coinfection by different strains of SRLVs of groups A and B can indeed occur and that these viruses actually recombine in vivo.  相似文献   

The caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) long terminal repeat (LTR) is activated by gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in promonocytic cells. We have previously shown that a 70-bp element is necessary and sufficient for the response of the CAEV LTR to this cytokine. At the 5' end, this 70-bp IFN-gamma response element contains sequence similarity to the gamma activated site (GAS). Here we demonstrate that the putative GAS element in the CAEV LTR binds specifically to a cellular factor induced by IFN-gamma in promonocytic cells. Substitution mutations in this consensus sequence eliminate binding of the inducible factor. The GAS element from the 70-bp motif is sufficient to confer responsiveness to IFN-gamma using a heterologous minimal promoter. Consistent with the binding data, the same mutations in the GAS element eliminate responsiveness to IFN-gamma in the context of both a functional CAEV LTR and a heterologous promoter. The cellular factor that binds to the GAS element is present from 5 min to 14 h after stimulation with IFN-gamma. Binding of the nuclear factor to the GAS element in the CAEV LTR is inhibited by antibody directed against STAT1 (p91/84). Thus, the GAS sequence in the CAEV LTR is essential for the response to IFN-gamma and a STAT1-like factor binds to this site. The STAT-1 signaling pathway provides at least one mechanism for activation of the CAEV LTR by IFN-gamma in monocytes. These data are the first demonstration of a role for a STAT family member in the regulation of a viral promoter.  相似文献   

D Knowles  Jr  W Cheevers  T McGuire  T Stem    J Gorham 《Journal of virology》1990,64(5):2396-2398
Antibody titers to caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus surface glycoprotein gp135 and core protein p28 in synovial fluid and serum from 35 goats infected for 3 years were compared with the histologic severity of arthritis in these animals. Anti-gp135 antibody titers in synovial fluid and serum directly reflect the severity of carpal arthritis in chronically infected goats.  相似文献   

Rhodanese (thiosulfate: cyanide sulfurtransferase, EC. is a ubiquitous enzyme present in all living organisms, from bacteria to humans and plays a central role in cyanide detoxification. The purpose of this investigation is to determine and compare rhodanese activity in different tissues of adult male and female goats (Capra hircus). The results showed that the specific activity of rhodanese in different tissues was significantly different (P<0.05). The highest activity of rhodanese was in epithelium of rumen, followed by epithelia of reticulum and omasum and liver. No significant difference was observed when tissues of male and female goats were compared. The lowest specific activity of rhodanese was observed in spleen, urinary bladder, lymph node, ovary, skeletal muscle and pyloric muscle of abomasum. The results of this study may indicate the involvement of rhodanese in cyanide detoxification in goat tissues that have greater potential to be exposed to higher levels of cyanide.  相似文献   

Feral does of various ages were treated with intravaginal progestagen sponges for 16 days to synchronize oestrus. On Day 2 before sponge removal the goats were given 1200 i.u. PMSG to induce superovulation: 6 of the goats were also injected every 12 h with flunixin meglumine, a prostaglandin (PG) synthetase inhibitor, from Day 3 to 7 of the synchronized oestrous cycle. Jugular blood samples were collected from all females into heparinized syringes at daily intervals over the 2 days before sponge removal, twice daily for the next 2 days, then at hourly intervals from 09:00 to 17:00 h for 2 days and then twice daily for a further 2 days, for measurement of plasma progesterone and the PGF metabolite 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF (PGFM) by radioimmunoassay. Intermittent surges in plasma PGFM concentrations were observed in hourly samples collected from 4/4 untreated females but in only 2/6 of the inhibitor-treated females (P less than 0.05), and the peak plasma PGFM concentrations were reduced in these 2 inhibitor-treated goats compared with the control goats. The corpora lutea (CL) of the inhibitor-treated females appeared to be functional as indicated by the plasma progesterone profile and endoscopic examination of CL. In the control females, however, there was evidence of premature regression of CL. These results suggest that the premature release of PGF-2 alpha may be the cause of premature regression of CL in nanny goats induced to superovulate.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F (PGF) concentrations in genital tract secretions of conscious dairy bulls were determined by radioimmunoassay procedures and compared with peripheral blood plasma levels. The mean (± SD) PGF concentration of coccygeal venous blood plasma from four bulls was 0.14 ± 0.05 ng/ml. Values for rete testis fluid and seminal plasma were the same, namely 0.17 ± 0.01 ng/ml (n = 5) and 0.17 ± 0.02 ng/ml (n = 4), respectively. However, the PGF level in cauda epididymal plasma was 1.61 ± 0.41 ng/ml, or over 8 to 10 times (P < 0.01) the concentration of any other fluid studied.Added PGF had no effect on the endogenous oxygen consumption of washed cauda epididymal spermatozoa or on the oxidative and glycolytic activities of washed ejaculated spermatozoa in vitro. No evidence was obtained suggesting that the prostaglandin may interact with the stimulatory effect of added testosterone or phosphatidylinositol (PI) on the motility, respiration or glucose uptake of ejaculated spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Sixty lactating Holstein cows were treated, in 3 groups, with Folltropin and Estrumate to induce superovulation and then bred by artificial insemination (AI). Embryos were collected at slaughter on D 4, 5 or 6 after insemination by flushing separately the oviducts, uterine tip and the remainder of the uterine horn. The embryos and ova recovered accounted for 64.6 ± 4.3% of the ovulations, and there were no differences due to day, side or group. On D 4, 60% of the embryos were found in the oviducts; on Days 5 and 6, 80 and 91%, respectively, were found in the tip of the uterine horn. Viability was independent of the site of recovery; over 91% of the embryos grew and developed in culture for at least 3 d.  相似文献   

A 27-kilodalton protein representing approximately 60% of the E2 open reading frame of human papillomavirus type 6 (HPV-6) was synthesized in a bacterial expression system. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibody to this protein detected the probable E2 gene product as a 50-kilodalton protein in most condylomas by Western blot (immunoblot) analysis. The E2-positive condylomas were associated with HPV-6, HPV-11, HPV-16, or unidentified HPVs.  相似文献   

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