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The secreted growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN) can induce mitogenesis in cells that express the receptor for this growth factor, anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK). Here we examine the ability of PTN to produce anti-apoptotic signals. We demonstrate that PTN is a survival factor for SW-13 epithelial cells and show that ribozyme-mediated depletion of ALK from SW-13 cells abolishes this effect of PTN. Furthermore, in serum-starved NIH3T3 fibroblasts PTN prevents apoptosis (measured by annexin V staining) with an EC(50) of 0.2 ng/ml and induces cell growth at higher concentrations of PTN. A polyclonal antibody against the PTN ligand-binding domain of the ALK receptor (alpha-LBD) was a partial agonist for ALK in NIH3T3 cells. This alpha-LBD antibody showed high agonist activity for anti-apoptosis (56 +/- 9% relative to PTN), low agonist activity for cell growth (21 +/- 1% relative to PTN), and was an antagonist of PTN-induced cell growth (61 +/- 2% inhibition). Both MAP kinase and phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase cascades in NIH3T3 cells were activated by PTN, and this effect persisted for up to 3 h. Surprisingly, the anti-apoptotic effect of PTN was completely blocked by the MAP kinase inhibitor UO126, but was not affected by the PI 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002. In contrast, PTN-dependent cell growth required both MAPK and PI 3-kinase activity. We conclude that anti-apoptotic signaling of PTN through ALK in NIH3T3 fibroblasts is via the MAP kinase pathway.  相似文献   

Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is transiently expressed in specific regions of the central and peripheral nervous systems, suggesting a role in its normal development and function. The nature of the cognate ligands of ALK in vertebrate is still a matter of debate. We produced a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the extracellular domain of the human receptor. Two major species of ALK (220 and 140 kDa) were identified in transfected cells, and the use of our mAbs established that the 140-kDa species results from a cleavage of the 220-kDa form. Two mAbs, in the nm range, induced the differentiation of PC12 cells transiently transfected with ALK. In human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably expressing ALK, these two mAbs strongly activated the receptor and subsequently the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. We further showed for the first time that activation of ALK also resulted in a specific activation of STAT3. In contrast, other mAbs presented the characteristics of blocking antibodies. Finally, in these cell systems, a mitogenic form of pleiotrophin, a proposed ligand of ALK, failed to activate this receptor. Thus, in the absence of clearly established ligand(s) in vertebrates, the availability of mAbs allowing the activation or the inhibition of the receptor will be essential for a better understanding of the biological roles of ALK.  相似文献   

Midkine (MK) is a developmentally regulated, secreted growth factor homologous to pleiotrophin (PTN). To investigate the potential role of MK in tumor growth, we expressed MK in human SW-13 cells and studied receptor binding, signal transduction, and activity of MK. The MK protein stimulates soft agar colony formation in vitro and tumor growth of SW-13 cells in athymic nude mice, as well as proliferation of human endothelial cells from brain microvasculature and umbilical vein (HUVEC) in the low ng/ml range. MK binds to anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK), the receptor for PTN, with an apparent K(d) of 170 pm in intact cells, and this receptor binding of MK is competed by PTN with an apparent K(d) of approximately 20 pm. Monoclonal antibodies raised against the extracellular ligand-binding domain of ALK inhibit ALK receptor binding of MK as well as MK-stimulated colony formation of SW-13 cells. Furthermore, MK stimulates ALK phosphorylation in WI-38 human fibroblasts and activates PI3-kinase and MAP kinase signal transduction in WI-38, HUVEC, neuroblastoma (SH SY-5Y) and glioblastoma (U87MG) cells that express the ALK protein. We conclude that MK can act as a growth, survival, and angiogenic factor during tumorigenesis and signals through the ALK receptor.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF), also known as vascular permeability factor, is an endothelial cell mitogen which stimulates angiogenesis. Here we report that a previously identified receptor tyrosine kinase gene, KDR, encodes a receptor for VEGF. Expression of KDR in CMT-3 (cells which do not contain receptors for VEGF) allows for saturable 125I-VEGF binding with high affinity (KD = 75 pM). Affinity cross-linking of 125I-VEGF to KDR-transfected CMT-3 cells results in specific labeling of two proteins of M(r) = 195 and 235 kDa. The KDR receptor tyrosine kinase shares structural similarities with a recently reported receptor for VEGF, flt, in a manner reminiscent of the similarities between the alpha and beta forms of the PDGF receptors.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common highly aggressive human brain cancer, and receptor tyrosine kinases have been implicated in the progression of this malignancy. We have recently identified anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) as a tyrosine kinase receptor for pleiotrophin, a secreted growth factor that is highly expressed during embryonic brain development and in tumors of the central nervous system. Here we report on the contribution of pleiotrophin-ALK signaling to glioblastoma growth. We found ALK overexpressed in human glioblastoma relative to normal brain and detected ALK mRNA in glioblastoma cell lines. We reduced the endogenous ALK in glioblastoma cells by ribozyme targeting and demonstrated that this prevents pleiotrophin-stimulated phosphorylation of the anti-apoptotic protein Akt. Furthermore, this depletion of ALK reduced tumor growth of xenografts in athymic nude mice and prolonged survival of the animals because of increased apoptosis in the tumors. These findings directly implicate ALK signaling as a rate-limiting factor in the growth of glioblastoma multiforme and suggest potential utility of therapeutic targeting of ALK.  相似文献   

Oncogenic rearrangements of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene, encoding a receptor type tyrosine kinase, are frequently associated with anaplastic large cell lymphomas. Such rearrangements juxtapose the intracellular domain of ALK to 5'-end sequences belonging to different genes and create transforming fusion proteins. To understand how the oncogenic versions of ALK contribute to lymphomagenesis, it is important to analyze the biological effects and the biochemical properties of this receptor under controlled conditions of activation. To this aim, we constructed chimeric receptor molecules in which the extracellular domain of the ALK kinase is replaced by the extracellular, ligand-binding domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Upon transfection in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, the EGFR/ALK chimera was correctly synthesized and transported to the cell surface, where it was fully functional in forming high versus low affinity EGF-binding sites and transducing an EGF-dependent signal intracellularly. Overexpression of the EGFR/ALK chimera in NIH 3T3 was sufficient to induce the malignant phenotype; the appearance of the transformed phenotype was, however, conditionally dependent on the administration of EGF. Moreover, the EGFR/ALK chimera was significantly more active in inducing transformation and DNA synthesis than the wild type EGFR when either was expressed at similar levels in NIH 3T3 cells. Comparative analysis of the biochemical pathways implicated in the transduction of mitogenic signals did not show any increased ability of the EGFR/ALK to phosphorylate PLC-gamma and MAPK compared with the EGFR. On the contrary, EGFR/ALK showed to have a consistently greater effect on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity compared with the EGFR, indicating that this enzyme plays a major role in mediating the mitogenic effects of ALK in NIH 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a novel neuronal orphan receptor tyrosine kinase that is essentially and transiently expressed in specific regions of the central and peripheral nervous systems, suggesting a role in its normal development and function. To determine whether ALK could play a role in neuronal differentiation, we established a model system that allowed us to mimic the normal activation of this receptor. We expressed, in PC12 cells, a chimeric protein in which the extracellular domain of the receptor was replaced by the mouse IgG 2b Fc domain. The Fc domain induced the dimerization and oligomerization of the chimeric protein leading to receptor phosphorylation and activation, thus mimicking the effect of ligand binding, whereas the wild type ALK remained as a monomeric nonphosphorylated protein. Expression of the chimera, but not that of the wild type ALK or of a kinase inactive form of the chimera, induced the differentiation of PC12 cells. Analysis of the signaling pathways involved in this process pointed to an essential role of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade. These results are consistent with a role for ALK in neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) receptor tyrosine kinase is considered a promising therapeutic target for human cancers. We identified novel tetracyclic derivatives as potent ALK inhibitors. Among them, compound 27 showed strong cytotoxicity against KARPAS-299 with an IC50 value of 21 nM and significant antitumor efficacy in ALK fusion-positive blood and solid cancer xenograft models in mice without body weight loss.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis is central to epithelial organogenesis. In the developing kidney, the epithelial ureteric bud invades the metanephric mesenchyme, which directs the ureteric bud to undergo repeated branching. A soluble factor(s) in the conditioned medium of a metanephric mesenchyme cell line is essential for multiple branching morphogenesis of the isolated ureteric bud. The identity of this factor had proved elusive, but it appeared distinct from factors such as HGF and EGF receptor ligands that have been previously implicated in branching morphogenesis of mature epithelial cell lines. Using sequential column chromatography, we have now purified to apparent homogeneity an 18 kDa protein, pleiotrophin, from the conditioned medium of a metanephric mesenchyme cell line that induces isolated ureteric bud branching morphogenesis in the presence of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor. Pleiotrophin alone was also found to induce the formation of branching tubules in an immortalized ureteric bud cell line cultured three-dimensionally in an extracellular matrix gel. Consistent with an important role in ureteric bud morphogenesis during kidney development, pleiotrophin was found to localize to the basement membrane of the developing ureteric bud in the embryonic kidney. We suggest that pleiotrophin could act as a key mesenchymally derived factor regulating branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud and perhaps other embryonic epithelial structures.  相似文献   

Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma is a subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphomas characterized by the expression of CD30. More than half of these lymphomas carry a chromosomal translocation t(2;5) leading to expression of the oncogenic tyrosine kinase nucleophosmin-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (NPM-ALK). NPM-ALK is capable of transforming fibroblasts and lymphocytes in vitro and of causing lymphomas in mice. Previously, we and others demonstrated phospholipase C-gamma and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase as crucial downstream signaling mediators of NPM-ALK-induced oncogenicity. In this study, we used an ALK fusion protein as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen identifying NIPA (nuclear interacting partner of ALK) as a novel downstream target of NPM-ALK. NIPA encodes a 60-kDa protein that is expressed in a broad range of human tissues and contains a classical nuclear translocation signal in its C terminus, which directs its nuclear localization. NIPA interacts with NPM-ALK and other ALK fusions in a tyrosine kinase-dependent manner and is phosphorylated in NPM-ALK-expressing cells on tyrosine and serine residues with serine 354 as a major phosphorylation site. Overexpression of NIPA in Ba/F3 cells was able to protect from apoptosis induced by IL-3 withdrawal. Mutations of the nuclear translocation signal or the Ser-354 phosphorylation site impaired the antiapoptotic function of NIPA. In NPM-ALK-transformed Ba/F3 cells, apoptosis triggered by wortmannin treatment was enhanced by overexpression of putative dominant-negative NIPA mutants. These results implicate an antiapoptotic role for NIPA in NPM-ALK-mediated signaling events.  相似文献   

An ideal vaccination strategy against tumors relies on specific antigens that are required for tumor maintenance. For lymphoma, vaccination with subject-specific immunoglobulin idiotypes has had the most promising results. Here we show that DNA vaccination with plasmids encoding portions of the cytoplasmic domain of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK), which has been translocated in different fusion proteins necessary for the growth of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), protects mice from local and systemic lymphoma growth. The protection is potent and long lasting and elicits ALK-specific interferon-gamma responses and CD8+ T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. A combination of chemotherapy and vaccination significantly enhanced the survival of mice challenged with ALK+ lymphomas. These findings indicate that ALK represents an ideal tumor antigen for vaccination-based therapies of ALCL and possibly other ALK+ human tumors.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the mechanisms which control the mitogenic response to epidermal growth factor (EGF), we have partially purified and characterized several intracellular proteins which are phosphorylated on tyrosine residues following activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Partial purification was achieved by immunoaffinity chromatography using immobilized anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. Antisera generated against the partially purified proteins were used to identify at least five novel EGFR putative substrates, designated, on the basis of their apparent molecular weight, p97, p68, p61, p56, and p23. All of these proteins became specifically phosphorylated on tyrosine after EGF treatment of intact cells, as assessed by phosphoamino acid analysis, and none of them represented an EGFR degradation product. The phosphorylation of these proteins appeared to be relatively specific for the EGFR. In particular, an EGFR-related kinase, erbB-2 was much less efficient than EGFR at phosphorylating p97, p56, and p23 and incapable of phosphorylating p68. The identification of these novel EGFR putative substrates should lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms controlling the specificity of EGFR-mediated mitogenic signaling.  相似文献   


We have identified the receptor for epithelial type transforming growth factor (TGFe). TGFe, a member of the epithelin/granulin family of proteins, is present primarily in tissues of epithelial origin. It is a powerful mitogen for epithelial and fibroblastic cells. TGFe, iodinated using an immobilized glucose oxidase-lactoperoxidase method, was chemically crosslinked to receptors on membranes isolated from SW-13 adrenal carcinoma cells by the crosslinker disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS). The receptor appears to be a protein which migrates at an apparent molecular weight of approximately 170-175 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions in SDS-polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

NP603, the 6-dimethoxy phenyl indolin-2-one, was designed as FGF receptor 1 inhibitor by computational study. NP603 was synthesized and found to be more active against endothelial proliferation of HUVEC after the rhFGF-2 stimulation than SU6668 with minimum effective dose of 0.4 microM but with similar potency as SU16g. NP603 inhibited the tyrosine phosphorylation in FGF receptor and the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and c-Jun-N-terminal-kinase after the rhFGF-2 stimulation. The increase in activity of NP603 supports the role of Lys514 movement in ligand-receptor binding in modeling study as the movement accommodates the hydrophobic interaction at the receptor pocket leading to the enhancement of binding capacity.  相似文献   

PTEN deletion leads to up-regulation of a secreted growth factor pleiotrophin   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Li G  Hu Y  Huo Y  Liu M  Freeman D  Gao J  Liu X  Wu DC  Wu H 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2006,281(16):10663-10668
Tumor suppressor gene PTEN is highly mutated in a wide variety of human tumors. To identify unknown targets or signal transduction pathways that are regulated by PTEN, microarray analysis was performed to compare the gene expression profiles of Pten null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) cell lines and their isogenic counterparts. Expression of a heparin binding growth factor, pleiotrophin (Ptn), was found to be up-regulated in Pten-/- MEFs as well as Pten null mammary tumors. Further experiments revealed that Ptn expression is regulated by the PTEN-PI3K-AKT pathway. Knocking down the expression of Ptn by small interfering RNA resulted in the reduction of Akt and GSK-3beta phosphorylation and suppression of the growth and the tumorigenicity of Pten null MEFs. Our results suggest that PTN participates in tumorigenesis caused by PTEN loss and PTN may be a potential target for anticancer therapy, especially for those tumors with PTEN deficiencies.  相似文献   

Drug resistance to anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitors (crizotinib and ceritinib) is caused by mutation in the region encoding kinase domain of ALK. Compounds with potential ability to inhibit all strains of ALK are a solution to tackle the problem of drug resistance. In this study, we delineated positions of residues possessing the ability to make ALK drug resistant upon mutation by assessing them using five parameters (conservation index, binding-site root-mean-square deviation, protein structure stability, change in ATP, and drug-binding affinity). Four residual positions (Leu 1122, Thr 1151, Phe 1245, and Gly 1269) were ascertained. This study will be beneficial for designing drugs with better proficiency against ALK and the issues of drug resistance. This study can be taken as a pipeline for investigating drug-resistant mutations in other diseases as well.  相似文献   

We have purified the epidermal growth factor receptor/kinase from A431 membrane vesicles which had been affinity labeled with the ATP analog, 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl[8-14C]adenosine. The resulting purified, affinity labeled receptor/kinase preparation has been subjected to reduction and carboxymethylation followed by tryptic digestion. From this digest, we have isolated and sequenced the tryptic peptide containing the major site of labeling by the ATP analog. The sequence of this peptide is Ile-Pro-Val-Ala-Ile-X-Glu-Leu, where X corresponds to Lys 721 of the derived sequence of the EGF receptor/kinase.  相似文献   

Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) first discovered as the constitutively active nucleophosmin-ALK oncoprotein in anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCL). Full-length ALK has a critical role in normal development and differentiation. Activated full-length ALK also is found in different malignant cancers. Nevertheless, the ligand to activate ALK remained unknown until recently, when ALK was proposed to be the physiological receptor of the cytokine pleiotrophin (PTN, Ptn). However, earlier studies had demonstrated that receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP) beta/zeta is a physiological PTN receptor. We now demonstrate that phosphorylation of ALK in PTN-stimulated cells is mediated through the PTN/RPTPbeta/zeta signaling pathway. ALK is phosphorylated independently of a direct interaction of PTN with ALK. The data thus support a unique model of ALK activation. In cells not stimulated by PTN, RPTPbeta/zeta dephosphorylates ALK at the site(s) in ALK that is undergoing autophosphorylation through autoactivation. In contrast, when RPTPbeta/zeta is inactivated in PTN-stimulated cells, the sites that are autophosphorylated in ALK no longer can be dephosphorylated by RPTPbeta/zeta; thus, autoactivation and tyrosine phosphorylation of ALK rapidly increase. The data indicate that the PTN/RPTPbeta/zeta signaling pathway is a critical regulator of the steady state levels of tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ALK; the data support the conclusion that ALK phosphorylation and activation in PTN-stimulated cells are increased through a unique "alternative mechanism of RTK activation."  相似文献   

Allosteric regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor kinase   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2067-2072

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