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The importance of fucose-binding proteins stems from the presence of fucose as terminal sugars in H and Lewis (a) blood groups. Recently, the structure of a complex between Anguilla anguilla agglutinin (AAA) and -L-fucose has been worked out at 1.9 A resolution. The structure of AAA characterizes the novel fold of an entire lectin family. In the present study, molecular modeling techniques have been used to identify new proteins that can provide a similar fucose binding module in the newly discovered genomic sequences using the above mentioned structural information. We modeled 3-D structures of three such proteins, namely, ebiP5322 protein of Anopheles gambiae, a pentraxin of Xenopus laevis, and the fw gene product of Drosophila melanogaster. -L-fucose was docked in the binding pockets of the modeled structures followed by energy minimization and molecular dynamic runs to obtain the most probable structures of the complexes. Properties of these modeled complexes were studied to examine the nature of physicochemical forces involved in the complex formation and compared with AAA--L-fucose complex. It was found that ebiP5322 protein of A. gambiae and the pentraxin of X. laevis can provide a fucose-binding fold similar to AAA. We studied structures of four protein-fucose complexes to examine the electrostatic potential surfaces around the binding site and concluded that a highly positive-charged surface was not a necessary condition of fucose-binding. Published in 2004..  相似文献   

DivIVA proteins and their GpsB homologues are late cell division proteins found in Gram‐positive bacteria. DivIVA/GpsB proteins associate with the inner leaflet of the cytosolic membrane and act as scaffolds for other proteins required for cell growth and division. DivIVA/GpsB proteins comprise an N‐terminal lipid‐binding domain for membrane association fused to C‐terminal domains supporting oligomerization. Despite sharing the same domain organization, DivIVA and GpsB serve different cellular functions: DivIVA plays diverse roles in division site selection, chromosome segregation and controlling peptidoglycan homeostasis, whereas GpsB contributes to the spatiotemporal control of penicillin‐binding protein activity. The crystal structures of the lipid‐binding domains of DivIVA from Bacillus subtilis and GpsB from several species share a fold unique to this group of proteins, whereas the C‐terminal domains of DivIVA and GpsB are radically different. A number of pivotal features identified from the crystal structures explain the functional differences between the proteins. Herein we discuss these structural and functional relationships and recent advances in our understanding of how DivIVA/GpsB proteins bind and recruit their interaction partners, knowledge that might be useful for future structure‐based DivIVA/GpsB inhibitor design.  相似文献   

ESyPred3D: Prediction of proteins 3D structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Homology or comparative modeling is currently the most accurate method to predict the three-dimensional structure of proteins. It generally consists in four steps: (1) databanks searching to identify the structural homolog, (2) target-template alignment, (3) model building and optimization, and (4) model evaluation. The target-template alignment step is generally accepted as the most critical step in homology modeling. RESULTS: We present here ESyPred3D, a new automated homology modeling program. The method gets benefit of the increased alignment performances of a new alignment strategy. Alignments are obtained by combining, weighting and screening the results of several multiple alignment programs. The final three-dimensional structure is build using the modeling package MODELLER. ESyPred3D was tested on 13 targets in the CASP4 experiment (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Proteins Structural Prediction). Our alignment strategy obtains better results compared to PSI-BLAST alignments and ESyPred3D alignments are among the most accurate compared to those of participants having used the same template. AVAILABILITY: ESyPred3D is available through its web site at http://www.fundp.ac.be/urbm/bioinfo/esypred/ CONTACT: christophe.lambert@fundp.ac.be; http://www.fundp.ac.be/~lambertc  相似文献   

In order to make better use of the information contained in rapidly expanding amino acid sequence data, a new method to predict various modification sites of proteins from their primary structures is presented. It is also applicable to the prediction of other functional sites in proteins. Here we show the examples of N-glycosylation and serine/threonine phosphorylation sites. The method is essentially an elaboration of consensus sequence pattern matching based on stepwise discriminant analysis. The occurring amino acids near a potential modification site are represented by six numerical values which reflect various properties of amino acids. Longer-range effects around these sites are also considered. The stepwise procedure enabled us to automatically select effective features for discrimination. A computer program with our method first identifies potential modification sites by a sequence pattern, NX(S/T) for N-glycosylation or (S/T) for phosphorylation, and then decides by discriminant analysis whether a potential site is likely to be a true modification site. The prediction accuracy in the second step of discrimination was about 60% for glycosylation sites and about 80% for phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

Fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs), are evolutionarily conserved small cytoplasmic proteins that occur in many tissue-specific types. One of their primary functions is to facilitate the clearance of the cytoplasmic matrix from free fatty acids and of other detergent-like compounds. Crystallographic studies of FABP proteins have revealed a well defined binding site located deep inside their β-clam structure that is hardly exposed to the bulk solution. However, NMR measurements revealed that, when the protein is equilibrated with its ligands, residues that are clearly located on the outer surface of the protein do interact with the ligand. To clarify this apparent contradiction we applied molecular dynamics simulations to follow the initial steps associated with the FABP–fatty acid interaction using, as a model, the interaction of toad liver basic FABP, or chicken liver bile acid binding protein, with a physiological concentration of palmitate ions. The simulations (~200 ns of accumulated time) show that fatty acid molecules interact, unevenly, with various loci on the protein surface, with the favored regions being the portal and the anti-portal domains. Random encounters with palmitate at these regions led to lasting adsorption to the surface, while encounters at the outer surface of the β-clam were transient. Therefore, we suggest that the protein surface is capable of sequestering free fatty acids from solution, where brief encounters evolve into adsorbed states, which later mature by migration of the ligand into a more specific binding site.  相似文献   

Hydrogen exchange experiments provide detailed information about the local stability and the solvent accessibility of different regions of the structures of folded proteins, protein complexes, and amyloid fibrils. We introduce an approach to predict protection factors from hydrogen exchange in proteins based on the knowledge of their amino acid sequences without the inclusion of any additional structural information. These results suggest that the propensity of different regions of the structures of globular proteins to undergo local unfolding events can be predicted from their amino acid sequences with an accuracy of 80% or better.  相似文献   

Co-evolution of proteins with their interaction partners   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The divergent evolution of proteins in cellular signaling pathways requires ligands and their receptors to co-evolve, creating new pathways when a new receptor is activated by a new ligand. However, information about the evolution of binding specificity in ligand-receptor systems is difficult to glean from sequences alone. We have used phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), an enzyme that forms its active site between its two domains, to develop a standard for measuring the co-evolution of interacting proteins. The N-terminal and C-terminal domains of PGK form the active site at their interface and are covalently linked. Therefore, they must have co-evolved to preserve enzyme function. By building two phylogenetic trees from multiple sequence alignments of each of the two domains of PGK, we have calculated a correlation coefficient for the two trees that quantifies the co-evolution of the two domains. The correlation coefficient for the trees of the two domains of PGK is 0. 79, which establishes an upper bound for the co-evolution of a protein domain with its binding partner. The analysis is extended to ligands and their receptors, using the chemokines as a model. We show that the correlation between the chemokine ligand and receptor trees' distances is 0.57. The chemokine family of protein ligands and their G-protein coupled receptors have co-evolved so that each subgroup of chemokine ligands has a matching subgroup of chemokine receptors. The matching subfamilies of ligands and their receptors create a framework within which the ligands of orphan chemokine receptors can be more easily determined. This approach can be applied to a variety of ligand and receptor systems.  相似文献   

The Xin actin-binding repeat–containing proteins Xin and XIRP2 are exclusively expressed in striated muscle cells, where they are believed to play an important role in development. In adult muscle, both proteins are concentrated at attachment sites of myofibrils to the membrane. In contrast, during development they are localized to immature myofibrils together with their binding partner, filamin C, indicating an involvement of both proteins in myofibril assembly. We identify the SH3 domains of nebulin and nebulette as novel ligands of proline-rich regions of Xin and XIRP2. Precise binding motifs are mapped and shown to bind both SH3 domains with micromolar affinity. Cocrystallization of the nebulette SH3 domain with the interacting XIRP2 peptide PPPTLPKPKLPKH reveals selective interactions that conform to class II SH3 domain–binding peptides. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation experiments in cultured muscle cells indicate a temporally restricted interaction of Xin-repeat proteins with nebulin/nebulette during early stages of myofibril development that is lost upon further maturation. In mature myofibrils, this interaction is limited to longitudinally oriented structures associated with myofibril development and remodeling. These data provide new insights into the role of Xin actin-binding repeat–containing proteins (together with their interaction partners) in myofibril assembly and after muscle damage.  相似文献   

E V Barkovski? 《Biofizika》1985,30(5):782-785
Two-dimensional representation of consequence of 32 proteins with known three-dimensional structure has been obtained on 20 X 20 matrix of the distribution of amino acid pairs (nearest neighbours). Prediction algorithm of the structural class of globular proteins has been worked out on the basis of the comparison of 20 X 20 matrix of the distribution of amino acid pairs for the proteins of different structural classes. The accuracy of structural class predictions of 32 proteins has been carried out (all the proteins are taken from numerous ones used to obtain the algorithm).  相似文献   

P Chakrabarti 《Biochemistry》1989,28(14):6081-6085
An analysis of the geometry of binding of metal ions by cysteine and methionine residues in protein structures has been made by using the Protein Data Bank. Metal ions have a distinct model of binding to each of these residues, and this is independent of the nature of the metal center or the type of protein. Metal ions tend to approach the sulfur of Met roughly 38 degrees from the perpendicular to the plane through atoms C gamma-S delta-C epsilon. For Cys, the approach direction is such that the M...S gamma-C beta-C alpha torsional angle is about +/- 90 or 180 degrees. The side-chain conformation of the cysteine residue is affected by the presence of the metal ion; there is a shift from the g+ conformation toward g- and mainly t conformations. When two Cys residues at positions i-3 and i bind to the same metal center, there appears to be some restriction on the geometry of metal binding by the residue i; for such a residue chi 1 and M...S gamma-C beta-C alpha angles are likely to be around 60 degrees and 270 degrees, respectively. Met and Cys residues coordinating to a metal ion are usually from coil or turn regions of the protein structure.  相似文献   

DNA molecules with three bulges separated by double-stranded helical sections of B-DNA were constructed to be used as substrates for DNA-protein binding assays. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between dye molecules attached to the 5'-ends of the DNA molecules is used to monitor the protein binding. The A5 bulge, which consists of five unpaired adenine nucleotides, alters the direction of the helical axis by approximately 80 to 90 at every bulge site. Computer molecular modeling facilitated a pre-selection of suitable helix lengths that bring the labeled ends of the three-bulge DNA molecules (60 to 70 base-pairs long) into close proximity. The FRET experiments verified that the labeled ends of the helices of these long molecules were indeed close. A series of FRET experiments was carried out with two A5 and two A7 bulge molecules. The relative positions of the bulges were varied along the central helical DNA sequence (between the bulges) in order to determine the relative angular juxtapositions of the outlying helical arms flanking the central helical region. The global structural features of the DNA molecules are manifested in the FRET data. The FRET experiments, especially those of the two-bulge series, could be interpreted remarkably well with molecular models based on the NMR structure of the A5 bulge. These models assume that the DNA molecules do not undergo large torsional conformational fluctuations at the bulge sites. The magnitude of the FRET efficiency attests to a relatively rigid structure for many of the long 5'-end-labeled molecules. The changes in the FRET efficiency of three-bulge structures containing the specific binding sequence of the catabolite activator protein (CAP) demonstrated significant deformation of the DNA upon binding of CAP. No direct interaction of CAP with the dyes was observed.  相似文献   

Summary To assay the functional significance of the multiple but closely related - and -tubulin polypeptides (termed isotypes) that are expressed in mammalian cells, we have generated a number of sera that uniquely discriminate among these isotypes. These sera have been used to demonstrate that there is no subcellular sorting of either - or -tubulin isotypes among microtubules of diverse function, either in cells growing in culture or in tissues consisting of cell types that contain specialized kinds of microtubule. In spite of this failure to segregate between functionally distinct kinds of microtubule, the fact that isotype-specific amino acid sequences have been strictly conserved over extensive periods of evolutionary time argues persuasively for a functional role for the different tubulin gene products. One possibility is that they are required for specific interactions with microtubule associated proteins (MAPs), and that tubulin isotypes have coevolved with different cell type-specific MAPs with which they must interact. We have tested this hypothesis by examining the distribution of -tubulin isotypes in mammalian cerebellum in relationship to the known patterns of expression of a number of MAPs, and find that these patterns correlate in the case of M 2 and MAP 3, and M 6 and MAP 1 a. These data, plus emerging data based on a structural analysis of tau, MAP 1 b and MAP 2 obtained via sequence determination of cloned cDNAs, are discussed in terms of the possible functional significance of tubulin isotype/MAP interactionsin vivo.  相似文献   



G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) transduce signals from extracellular space into the cell, through their interaction with G proteins, which act as switches forming hetero-trimers composed of different subunits (α,β,γ). The α subunit of the G protein is responsible for the recognition of a given GPCR. Whereas specialised resources for GPCRs, and other groups of receptors, are already available, currently, there is no publicly available database focusing on G Proteins and containing information about their coupling specificity with their respective receptors.  相似文献   



The explosion in biological information creates the need for databases that are easy to develop, easy to maintain and can be easily manipulated by annotators who are most likely to be biologists. However, deployment of scalable and extensible databases is not an easy task and generally requires substantial expertise in database development.


BioBuilder is a Zope-based software tool that was developed to facilitate intuitive creation of protein databases. Protein data can be entered and annotated through web forms along with the flexibility to add customized annotation features to protein entries. A built-in review system permits a global team of scientists to coordinate their annotation efforts. We have already used BioBuilder to develop Human Protein Reference Database http://www.hprd.org, a comprehensive annotated repository of the human proteome. The data can be exported in the extensible markup language (XML) format, which is rapidly becoming as the standard format for data exchange.


As the proteomic data for several organisms begins to accumulate, BioBuilder will prove to be an invaluable platform for functional annotation and development of customizable protein centric databases. BioBuilder is open source and is available under the terms of LGPL.  相似文献   

An immobilization procedure for protein on surface plasmon resonance sensor (SPR) chips is described. The target protein, cyclophilin D, is thereby genetically linked to a mutant of the human DNA repair protein O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (hAGT). The procedure includes the immobilization of an alkylguanine derivative on the surface by amine coupling and contact of the surface with a solution of the fusion protein (TCypD-hAGT). TCypD-hAGT could be immobilized using buffer solutions of purified protein or cell extracts. High densities of covalently linked proteins were achieved by either procedure. Binding experiments performed with the ligand cyclosporin A indicate relative binding activities close to 100%. The KD value (12 nM) and the kinetic rate constants kon (3 × 105 M−1s−1) and koff (4 × 10−3s−1) are given and compared to values determined for cyclophilin D linked to the surface by amide coupling chemistry. The KD value is in excellent agreement with the KD value determined in solution by fluorescence titration.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequences of ribosomal proteins L9, L20, L21/22, L24 and L32 from the archaebacterium Halobacterium marismortui were determined. The comparison of the sequences of these proteins with those from other organisms revealed that proteins L21/22 and L24 are homologous to ribosomal protein Yrp29 from yeast and L19 from rat, respectively, and that H. marismortui L20 is homologous to L30 from eubacteria. H. marismortui ribosomal protein L9 showed sequence homology to both L29 from yeast and L15 from eubacteria. No homologous protein was found for H. marismortui L32. These results are discussed with respect to the phylogenetic relationship between eubacteria, archaebacteria and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Lectins, a group of proteins that bind to cell surface carbohydrates and play important roles in innate immunity, are widely used experimentally to distinguish cell types and to induce cell proliferation. Eel serum lectins have been useful as anti-H hemagglutinins and also in lectin histochemistry as fucose-binding lectins (fucolectins), but their structures have not been determined. Here we report the primary structures and the sites of synthesis of eel fucolectins. Eel serum fucolectins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and sequenced. cDNA cloning, based on the amino acid sequence information, and Northern blot analysis indicated that 1) the fucose-binding lectins are secretory proteins and have unique structures among the lectins, exhibiting only weak similarities to frog pentraxin, horseshoe crab tachylectin-4, and fly fw protein; 2) there are at least seven closely related members; and 3) their messages are abundantly expressed in the liver and in significant levels in the gill and intestine. The lectin-producing hepatic cells were identified by immunostaining; in the gill, exocrine mucous cells were stained, suggesting that serum fucolectins derive from the liver. Using primary culture of eel hepatocytes, the message levels were shown to be increased by lipopolysaccharide, suggesting a role for fucolectins in host defense. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed that eel fucolectins have a SDS-resistant tetrameric structure consisting of two disulfide-linked dimers.  相似文献   

We describe the development of a method for assembling structures of multidomain proteins from structures of isolated domains. The method consists of an initial low-resolution search in which the conformational space of the domain linker is explored using the Rosetta de novo structure prediction method, followed by a high-resolution search in which all atoms are treated explicitly and backbone and side chain degrees of freedom are simultaneously optimized. The method recapitulates, often with very high accuracy, the structures of existing multidomain proteins.  相似文献   

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