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Facial expression is a mode of close-proximity non-vocal communication used by primates and is produced by mimetic/facial musculature. Arguably, primates make the most-intricate facial displays and have some of the most-complex facial musculature of all mammals. Most of the earlier ideas of primate mimetic musculature, involving its function in facial displays and its evolution, were essentially linear "scala natural" models of increasing complexity. More-recent work has challenged these ideas, suggesting that ecological factors and social systems have played a much larger role in explaining the diversity of structures than previously believed. The present review synthesizes the evidence from gross muscular, microanatomical, behavioral and neurobiological studies in order to provide a preliminary analysis of the factors responsible for the evolution of primate facial musculature with comparisons to general mammals. In addition, the unique structure, function and evolution of human mimetic musculature are discussed, along with the potential influential roles of human speech and eye gaze.  相似文献   

Rosado  R.  del Campillo  M.C.  Martínez  M.A.  Barrón  V.  Torrent  J. 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(1):139-144
Iron (Fe) chlorosis is common in olive (Olea europaea L.) trees growing on highly calcareous soils in Southern Spain, where generally causes reduction in yield, size and commercial value of the olives. The objective of this research was to study the effectiveness of synthetic vivianite (Fe3(PO4)2H2O) to reduce Fe chlorosis in olive. Experiments were established in three orchards with cultivars `Hojiblanco', `Manzanillo', and `Picual'. The design was a randomised block design with two or three treatments (control with no Fe fertiliser and vivianite at one or two rates). A vivianite suspension (0.05 kg dm–3 water) was injected into the soil at 10–20 points around the tree at the depth of maximum root density (25–35 cm). The rates (and times of application) were 0.5 and 1 kg tree–1 for `Hojiblanco' (March 1997), 1 kg tree–1 for `Manzanillo' (March 1998), and 2 kg tree–1 for `Picual' (March 1998). The leaf chlorophyll content index (CCI) was estimated on the youngest expanded leaves by means of a Minolta apparatus (SPAD units). The colour index of the olives was estimated by visual comparison with a scale ranging from 1 (pale yellow) to 8 (normal green). For the period studied (July 1997–November 1999), the CCI of fertilised trees was, in general, significantly higher than that of control trees, and so was the case with the olive colour index. Olive yield, measured in the experimental fields with `Hojiblanco' (in 1999) and `Manzanillo' (in 1998 and 1999), was higher for the fertilised than for the control trees but differences were only significant in 1999. These results suggest that vivianite is effective to reduce Fe chlorosis for more than two seasons. Such effectiveness is probably due to the poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxides (which are good sources of Fe to plants) that result from the slow oxidation and incongruent dissolution of vivianite.  相似文献   

Horlock N  Sanders R  Harrison DH 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,109(3):839-49; discussion 850-4
Subperiosteal face lifting has gained wide acceptance in aesthetic surgical practice. It may also have a role to play in patients with partial facial palsy. These patients demonstrate poor static position of the mouth but maintain some degree of facial movement. This study examined the role of subperiosteal facial suspension as an alternative treatment modality in this patient group. In this series, five patients with varying degrees of partial facial palsy underwent subperiosteal face lifting, including sub-orbicularis oculi fat elevation via a temporal, lower lid, and buccal approach, thereby mobilizing and elevating and suspending the zygomaticus major and levator labii superioris muscles on the facial skeleton. An attempt was made to categorize the patients according to overall House-Brackmann score. It was not possible to precisely classify the patients by this method, although the approximate scores were two patients scoring 3, two patients scoring 4, and one patient scoring 5. To overcome inconsistencies with this method, the degree of static and dynamic asymmetry of the mouth and also the excursion of the mouth were graded separately. Four patients with mild to moderate dynamic and static asymmetry (House-Brackmann score of approximately 3 and 4) who maintained excellent or good excursion of the mouth achieved excellent or good results. One patient with poor excursion and severe partial facial palsy (House-Brackmann score of 5) was improved but remained markedly asymmetric (follow-up, 4 months to 1 year). Subperiosteal face lifting is a useful therapeutic modality for management of selected patients with mild partial facial palsy. These patients demonstrate asymmetric static position but maintain some degree of muscle excursion. Patients with severe facial palsies with poor muscle excursion continue to require muscle transfer or sling procedures. The authors hope that long-term follow-up will confirm the sustained effect of midfacial suspension in this selected patient group.  相似文献   

The influence of age on the effectiveness of chelation treatment in reducing retention of radioactive cerium was studied in two- and six-week-old albino rats. 141Ce was administered intraperitoneally, followed immediately and after 24 and 48 hours by intraperitoneal administration of the tri-sodium calcium salt of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid--Na3(CaDTPA) at 380 mumol/kg body weight. The whole-body retention was determined 2, 4 and 6 days after radiocerium administration, when the animals were killed and the organ retention was determined. The chelation therapy significantly reduced the whole-body retention of radiocerium. This treatment was however twice as effective in older as in younger animals.  相似文献   

Providing key resources to animals may enhance both their biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide. We examined the performance of annual flower strips targeted at the promotion of natural pest control in winter wheat. Flower strips were experimentally sown along 10 winter wheat fields across a gradient of landscape complexity (i.e. proportion non-crop area within 750 m around focal fields) and compared with 15 fields with wheat control strips. We found strong reductions in cereal leaf beetle (CLB) density (larvae: 40%; adults of the second generation: 53%) and plant damage caused by CLB (61%) in fields with flower strips compared with control fields. Natural enemies of CLB were strongly increased in flower strips and in part also in adjacent wheat fields. Flower strip effects on natural enemies, pests and crop damage were largely independent of landscape complexity (8–75% non-crop area). Our study demonstrates a high effectiveness of annual flower strips in promoting pest control, reducing CLB pest levels below the economic threshold. Hence, the studied flower strip offers a viable alternative to insecticides. This highlights the high potential of tailored agri-environment schemes to contribute to ecological intensification and may encourage more farmers to adopt such schemes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of reducing core temperature in postexercise hyperthermic subjects and to assess if hand cooling (HC) improves subsequent timed distance performance. Following a detailed measurement check on the use of insulated auditory canal temperature (T(ac)), eight wheelchair (WA) athletes and seven male able-bodied (AB) athletes performed two testing sessions, comprising a 60-min exercise protocol and 10-min recovery period, followed by a performance trial (1 km and 3 km for WA and AB, respectively) at 30.8 degrees C (SD 0.2) and 60.6% (SD 0.2) relative humidity. In a counterbalanced order, HC and a no-cooling condition was administered during the 10-min recovery period before the performance trial. Nonsignificant condition x time interactions for both WA (F(15,75) = 1.5, P = 0.14) and AB (F(15,90) = 1.2, P = 0.32) confirmed that the exercise-induced changes (Delta) in T(ac) were similar before each intervention. However, the exercise-induced increase was evidently greater in AB compared with WA (2.0 vs. 1.3 degrees C change, respectively). HC produced DeltaT(ac) of -0.4 degrees C (SD 0.4) and -1.2 degrees C (SD 0.2) in comparison (WA and AB, respectively), and simple-effects analyses suggested that the reductions in T(ac) were noteworthy after 4 min of HC. HC had an impact on improving AB performances by -4.0 s (SD 11.5) (P < 0.05) and WA by -20.5 s (SD 24.2) (P > 0.05). In conclusion, extraction of heat through the hands was effective in lowering T(ac) in both groups and improving 3-km performance in the AB athletes and trends toward positive gains for the 1-km performance times of the WA group.  相似文献   

A device was designed to create clinically relevant, precise partial flexor digitorum profundus tendon lacerations for in vitro studies but can be adapted for in vivo studies. This caliper-based system utilizes a direct measurement of the tendon height and assumes an elliptical cross section to select the depth of the cut. The accuracy was tested on 60 cuts on 12 human tendons lacerated to an expected 50% or 75% of their cross-sectional area, based on the assumption that the cross-section was elliptical in shape. The cuts were made in portions of the tendon that varied in cross-sectional shape and size. The cut surface of the laceration was colored with Methylene blue and then the laceration was completed. The tendon cross-section was digitally imaged and the respective areas of the stained and unstained regions were evaluated using image-processing software. The mean lacerated areas were 52% (SD 5%) and 73% (SD 6%) for targeted lacerations of 50% and 75%, respectively. The device thus appears to be accurate within an acceptable 5% margin of error from the expected area, and adaptable to intra- and inter-tendinous size variations.  相似文献   

A new composite facial and scalp transplantation model in rats   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
There are limited sources of autogenous tissue available for reconstruction of severe facial and scalp deformities caused by extensive tumor ablation, burns, or trauma. Allografts from cadaveric sources may serve as a reconstructive alternative. However, technical and immunological aspects of harvesting and transplanting face and scalp flaps limit the routine use of such procedures. For evaluation of the feasibility of composite-tissue reconstruction, an experimental model of composite face/scalp flap transplantation in rats was designed. Technical aspects of the model, survival rates, and the complications encountered during development of the model are presented. A total of 64 animals, in three experimental groups, were studied. In group I, the anatomical study group (n = 6), the anatomical features of the face and scalp region in rats were explored. Groups II and III were the transplantation groups. Isograft transplantations were performed between identical Lewis rats (RT11 to RT11), and allografts were transplanted, across major histocompatibility complex barriers, between Lewis-Brown Norway rats (RT1l/n) and Lewis rats (RT11). In group II (the control group, n = 8), transplantation of nonvascularized composite face/scalp isografts and allografts was performed. In group III (the transplantation group, n = 50), vascularized face/scalp isografts (n = 36) and allografts (n = 14) were transplanted. Complications included partial or total flap necrosis, death attributable to food aspiration, and poor general condition. To prevent acute and chronic allograft rejection, cyclosporine A (16 mg/kg per day) therapy was initiated 24 hours after transplantation; the dose was tapered to 2 mg/kg per day within 4 weeks and was maintained at that level thereafter. Long-term survival (>170 days) was achieved, without any signs of rejection, with low-dose (2 mg/kg per day) cyclosporine A therapy. This is the first report documenting successful composite face/scalp flap transplantation in the rat model.  相似文献   


Ship rats exhibit large increases in abundance (irruptions) following heavy beech seedfall in New Zealand's Nothofagus forests. Predation by rats at high density severely damages native fauna populations. In 2006 the Department of Conservation undertook a management experiment in the Eg‐linton Valley to see if they could protect endangered species during a rat irruption. Poison (0.15% 1080, followed by 0.0375% coumatetralyl, or Racumin®) was laid in bait stations, and the consequences for rat abundance and survival were estimated. All 10 radio‐tagged rats died, suggesting that 1080 had a high impact on the rat population. The two rats that made the smallest daily movements survived longer than the others. Live trapping documented a reduced abundance of rats within the poison area (450 ha) after 1 month of poisoning. However, after 4 months of poisoning, the abundance of rats had begun to recover. Further investigation is needed on acceptance of Racumin® to rats, optimum spacing of bait stations for rats, and bait competition between rats and mice when densities of both species are high.  相似文献   

Proline accumulation in Escherichia coli is mediated by three proline porters. Proline catabolism is effected by proline porter I (PPI) and proline/delta 1-pyrroline carboxylate dehydrogenase. Proline did not accumulate cytoplasmically when E. coli was subjected to osmotic stress in minimal salts medium. Although PPI is induced when proline is provided as carbon or nitrogen source, its activity decreased following growth of the bacteria in minimal salts medium of high osmotic strength. Proline dehydrogenase was induced by proline in low or high osmotic strength media. Proline porter II (PPII) was both activated and induced in osmotically stressed bacteria, though the dependencies of the two responses on medium osmolarity differed. Osmotic downshift during the transport measurement decreased the uptake of proline, serine and glutamine by bacteria cultured in media of high osmotic strength. Thus, while osmotic upshift caused specific activation of PPII, osmotic downshift caused a non-specific reduction in amino acid uptake. Glycine betaine inhibited the uptake of [14C]proline via PPII and PPIII but not via PPI. The dependence of that inhibition on glycine betaine concentration was similar when PPII was uninduced, induced or activated by osmotic stress, or induced by amino acid limited growth. Thus PPII and PPIII, not PPI, contribute to the mechanism of osmoprotection by proline and glycine betaine. The tendency for exogenous proline to accumulate in the cytoplasm of bacteria exposed to osmotic stress would, however, be countered by increased proline catabolism.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy revealed that accumulation of iron-protein in soybean nodules is influenced by nodule age, mutation in bradyrhizobia, and rhizobial/bradyrhizobial strain-soybean cultivar interactions. Iron-protein concentrations (micrograms per milligram protein) were inversely related to heme concentrations (nanomoles per milligram protein), with correlation coefficients (r values) ranging from −0.98 in young nodules to −0.83 in mature ones. Bradyrhizobium japonicum symbiotic mutants HS 129 and HS 145 (Nod+ Fix) produced nodules high in iron-protein. Electrophoresis of homogenate prepared from nodules on Lee 68 produced by B. japonicum HS 129 yielded two different forms of the iron-proteins, 570 and 600 kilodaltons. The 570 kilodalton iron-protein isolated by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis behaved like horse-spleen-ferritin in responses to iron-stains, heat stability, ultraviolet absorption spectrum, iron unloading and reloading, and characteristic appearance in electron micrographs. These properties led to the conclusion that the 570 kilodalton iron-protein is phytoferritin. The nodule phytoferritin differed from horse-spleen-ferritin in electrophoretic mobility, serological properties, and molecular size and was distinct from most other known phytoferritins in that it was composed of different subunit types.  相似文献   

Ajmal N  Riordan CL  Cardwell N  Nanney LB  Shack RB 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,112(5):1455-61; discussion 1462-3
The development of capsular contracture is the most common complication associated with the insertion of breast implants. The authors studied the role of sodium 2-mercaptoethane sulfonate (mesna) in reduction of capsular formation in a rabbit model. Two 40-cc textured saline implants were placed dorsally into each of the 20 rabbits in the study. At the time of insertion of the implants, 10 ml of a 10% solution of mesna was instilled into one of the pockets and normal saline was instilled into the other. The implants were removed and a capsulectomy was performed at 5 months. The capsules were examined histologically for qualitative differences between the two groups. Quantitative analysis of the thickness of the capsule and the myofibroblast populations was also performed and compared between the two groups. The mean total thickness of the capsule around the implants was 496.8 microm in the mesna-treated group compared with 973.7 microm in the saline-treated group (p < 0.001). Likewise, the thickness of the myofibroblast layer was reduced in the mesna-treated group at 283.2 microm versus 555 microm in the saline-treated group (p < 0.0001). The capsules were also relatively less vascular in the mesna-treated group. Because of its ability to reduce the extent of capsular formation and to diminish development of myofibroblasts in the capsules, mesna would appear to be a useful adjunct in the prevention of capsular contracture formation.  相似文献   

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