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2002年植物学科共受理面上申请项目449项,其中自由申请项目352项、青年项目42项和地区项目55项.另外,还受理了国家杰出青年科学基金17项、海外(香港)青年合作基金7项、重点项目9项、国家科学技术学术著作出版基金2项、国家自然科学基金研究成果专著出版基金6项.经评议,2002年本学科资助自由申请项目 69项、青年基金项目6项、地区基金8项、小额探索项目15项、国家杰出青年基金5项、海外青年学者合作研究基金2项和重点项目3项.本文还对各分支学科面上项目申请者的情况,以及学科建议资助项目遴选原则等进行了较为系统的分析.最后,还提供了2002年度植物学科资助项目情况一览表.  相似文献   

张凤珠  杜生明  何旭 《生命科学》2001,13(6):241-278
2001年度国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部受理的项目经过初筛、同行评议、学科评审组评审、委务会审批等程序,现已完成了评审任务,向各申请单位反馈了评审结果,下面就我学部今年的受理、评审与资助情况做一些总结分析。1 今年受理、评审的基本情况及特点1.1 今年我学部共受理了 828个单位 10 667项申请,其中面上项目 9 998项(表 1);重点项目 186项;国家杰出青年基金项目 197项,海外、香港、澳门青年学者合作研究基金项目 118项,GM中国科学基金项目 9项,科普项目 157项(新设项目),科学…  相似文献   

1999年度国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部植物学学科共受理面上项目(含自由申请、青年基金和地区基金)288项,资助57项;重点项目申请6项,资助2项(其中一项为两份申请合并);国家杰出青年科学基金及海外(含港、澳)青年学者合作研究基金13项,资助2项(表1)。就面上项目而言,申请数  相似文献   

1997年度生命科学部微生物学学科共受理面上项目348项,重点项目5项,杰出青年科学基金5项,其中面上项目包括自由申请项目264项,青年基金44项,地区基金40项。经评审,有44项自由申请项目、7项青年基金、6项地区基金和3项重点项目获得资助.本学科今年无人获得杰出青年科学基金资助。总的来看,今年的申请课题在学术水平上较去年又有所提高,表现在不同方面。以下我们就面上项目评审结果简单子以分析,供参考。l结果及分析1.l本年度资助项目的特点1.1.l获连续资助项目所占比例较高:本学科在今年资助的自由申请项目中,有近80%的课题…  相似文献   

1993年国家自然科学基金委员会微生物学科共受理面上项目258项,其中自由申请项目232项、青年基金33项、地区基金20项.申请项目数比去年增长45%,经同行专家评议及评审组评审,共择优资助53项.其中自由申请项目42项、青年基金项目6项、地区基金项目5项.虽然近年来国家对自然科学基金事业的投入逐年以数千万元的幅度递增,但是增加的比例远赶不上申请项目数增加的比例.因此,今年的平均资助率仅为17.8%.按照国家自然科学基金委员会确定的“控制规模、提高强度、拉开档次、鼓励创新”原则,微生物学科在基本维持上一年资助规模下,又进一步提高资助强度,今年微生物学科面上项目的平均资助强度为 6.02万元/项,比去年增加一万元,这一做法是符合国家“稳住一头,放开一片”的科技方针.从今年的评审统计和分析看,受理的项目有以下几个特点:1.微生物学科中各分支学科发展不平衡,从申请数量上看,微生物生理生化、遗传育种及应用基础研究项目有大幅度增加,明显偏应用的项目有增加的势头.而有关微生物分  相似文献   

1999年度国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部共受理670个单位的9444项申请,其中面上项目8865项、高技术新概念新构思探索项目180项、高技术新概念新构思重点项目16项、杰出青年基金项目174项、海外青年学者合作研究基金90项、香港青年学者合作研究基金5项、重点项目114项。面上项目申请占全委面上项目总数的42.5%,下面就我学部今年的受理与资助情况做一些初浅分析。11999年度面上项目申请与评审情况分析1.1除高技术新概念新构思探索项目申请略有下降外,其他各类项目申请较去年均有较大幅度增长,平均增长10.27%,是继前三年逐年递减…  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金委员会微生物学学科1996年度共受理面上项目申请320份、重点项目10份、国家杰出青年科学基金5份,其中面上项目包括自由申请项目261份、青年基金40份、地区基金19份。经过广大科学家严肃认真的评审,国家自然科学基金委员会批准资助自由申请项目44项、青年基金7项、地区基金3项、重点项目2项,国家杰出青年科学基金1项。从整体上看,今年受理的申请项目的质量与去年相比,有较大幅度的提高,表现为申请人对文献掌握得更加全面,一般都能选准研究内容中的关键问题。多数申请项目也有较好的研究工作积累。在自由申请项目中,虽然只有44项获得资助(其中20项为连续资助),资助率为16.9%,但好的项目远不止这些。下面仅以自由申请项目为例,将今年的项目申请与资助情况介绍如下并做简单分析。  相似文献   

张凤珠  李人卫  何旭 《生命科学》2000,12(6):241-272
2000年度国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部共受理655个单位9458项申请,其中面上项目8846项,高技术新概念新构思探索项目189项,杰出青年基金188项,香港、澳门杰出青年基金10项,海外杰出青年基金116项,重点项目103项,科学仪器专项基金6项。这些项目经过几千名同行评议专家和200多位学科评审组专家认真负责的评审,各类项目均已完成了评审任务,整体情况见综合统计表。 下面就我学部今年的受理、评审与资助情况作一些初浅的分析。1 今年申请与资助的面上项目的一些特点1.1 面上项目申请总数与…  相似文献   

20 0 2年植物学科共受理面上申请项目 4 4 9项 ,其中自由申请项目 35 2项、青年项目 4 2项和地区项目 5 5项。另外 ,还受理了国家杰出青年科学基金 17项、海外 (香港 )青年合作基金 7项、重点项目 9项、国家科学技术学术著作出版基金 2项、国家自然科学基金研究成果专著出版基金 6项。经评议 ,2 0 0 2年本学科资助自由申请项目 6 9项、青年基金项目 6项、地区基金 8项、小额探索项目 15项、国家杰出青年基金 5项、海外青年学者合作研究基金 2项和重点项目 3项。本文还对各分支学科面上项目申请者的情况 ,以及学科建议资助项目遴选原则等进行了较为系统的分析。最后 ,还提供了 2 0 0 2年度植物学科资助项目情况一览表。  相似文献   

20 0 0年度 ,国家自然科学基金植物学学科共受理面上项目 (含自由申请、青年基金和地区基金 ) 30 4项 ,资助 5 6项 ;重点项目申请 7项 ,资助 1项 ;国家杰出青年基金及海外 (含港澳 )青年学者合作研究基金 5项 ,资助 2项 (表 1)。本年度受理面上项目高水平课题很多 ,因经费和资助指标的限制 ,许多优秀项目未能获得资助。表 2是本学科 2 0 0 0年度资助的各类项目。表 1 植物学学科 2 0 0 0年度受理和资助各类项目数Table 1 Projectnumbersofacceptanceandfundinginthedivisionofb…  相似文献   

The Ecology of Infectious Diseases (EID) program is a joint National Science Foundation–National Institutes of Health initiative to produce predictive understanding of disease dynamics, with a focus on diseases with an environmental component. The interdisciplinary research projects funded by this program take advantage of the wide range of theoretical and methodological advances developed over the past 30 years. The challenge for disease ecology is to unravel these systems, discover how complex they truly are, and to determine if they can be predicted and controlled using targeted environmental, public health, or medical interventions. Between 1999 and 2005, a total of 42 research awards were made under the EID program. EID projects have had affects on policy in two areas: adoption of novel interventions on a local scale and use of models by government agencies for the purpose of allocating public health resources. The past 6 years have been an exciting time for the field of disease ecology; we expect the coming years to be even more exciting and productive. As US federal government employees writing an article as part of our official duties, copyright of all publications is retained by the US government. The views expressed here by Samuel M. Scheiner and Joshua P. Rosenthal are those of the authors and do not represent official views or policies of the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, or the United States Government.  相似文献   

Despite more than 50 years of genetic research on Sámi people in Sweden, there has been very little engagement with the ethical issues related to this research. My aim is to investigate the ethical challenges in biobank research on Sámi people, to identify ethical challenges that have been overlooked and to find ethical solutions. In my historical research inquiry of published material and interviews with people that have participated in this research, my research questions have been: How are blood samples from Sámi people collected, codified, governed and analyzed? What ethical strategies have been utilized? My main findings are: Sweden acquired biobank collections from Sámi people that are not registered or cannot be traced through the biobank register at the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. These collections entail ethical challenges concerning how the donors are identified, how the material is categorized, the regional ethical committees, governance and Sámi representation. My suggestions focus on transparency and traceability, competence and native peoples' rights and representation in biobank-related activities.  相似文献   

A literature review for operational research on malaria control and elimination was conducted using the term 'malaria' and the definition of operational research (OR). A total of 15 886 articles related to malaria were searched between January 2008 and June 2013. Of these, 582 (3.7%) met the definition of operational research. These OR projects had been carried out in 83 different countries. Most OR studies (77%) were implemented in Africa south of the Sahara. Only 5 (1%) of the OR studies were implemented in countries in the pre-elimination or elimination phase. The vast majority of OR projects (92%) were led by international or local research institutions, while projects led by National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCP) accounted for 7.8%. With regards to the topic under investigation, the largest percentage of papers was related to vector control (25%), followed by epidemiology/transmission (16.5%) and treatment (16.3%). Only 19 (3.8%) of the OR projects were related to malaria surveillance. Strengthening the capacity of NMCPs to conduct operational research and publish its findings, and improving linkages between NMCPs and research institutes may aid progress towards malaria elimination and eventual eradication world-wide.  相似文献   

BackgroundRecent development in neuroimaging and genetic testing technologies have made it possible to measure pathological features associated with Alzheimer''s disease (AD) in vivo. Mining potential molecular markers of AD from high-dimensional, multi-modal neuroimaging and omics data will provide a new basis for early diagnosis and intervention in AD. In order to discover the real pathogenic mutation and even understand the pathogenic mechanism of AD, lots of machine learning methods have been designed and successfully applied to the analysis and processing of large-scale AD biomedical data.ObjectiveTo introduce and summarize the applications and challenges of machine learning methods in Alzheimer''s disease multi-source data analysis.MethodsThe literature selected in the review is obtained from Google Scholar, PubMed, and Web of Science. The keywords of literature retrieval include Alzheimer''s disease, bioinformatics, image genetics, genome-wide association research, molecular interaction network, multi-omics data integration, and so on.ConclusionThis study comprehensively introduces machine learning-based processing techniques for AD neuroimaging data and then shows the progress of computational analysis methods in omics data, such as the genome, proteome, and so on. Subsequently, machine learning methods for AD imaging analysis are also summarized. Finally, we elaborate on the current emerging technology of multi-modal neuroimaging, multi-omics data joint analysis, and present some outstanding issues and future research directions.  相似文献   

白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)生性机警,行为隐蔽,在野外研究其集群行为较为困难。红外相机技术为解决这一问题提供了有益的工具。为研究白冠长尾雉集群行为及其地理变异,采用红外相机技术在湖北广水平靖关村和河南董寨自然保护区两个地点对其集群行为进行了调查。依据前期无线电遥测的结果,在两个研究地点分别设置了1 km×1 km的样地,在样地中分别放置了25台红外相机进行监测,野外累计放置了12412个相机日,获得视频24374段,其中有白冠长尾雉的视频有1361段。以有集群行为的独立视频数量(m)与独立视频数量(M)的比表示集群率,以拍摄到的白冠长尾雉个体数量(n)与有集群行为的独立视频数量(m)的比代表集群强度。结果表明,平靖关和董寨两地均是数量为2只的群体占比最大,在平靖关和董寨分别占68.23%、72.79%,Pearson卡方检验的结果表明群体大小在两地之间无显著差异(Pearson χ~2=6.522,df=5,P=0.259),而集群方式在两地之间则差异显著(Pearson χ~2=46.415,df=4,P0.001),两地均以单性集群为主要集群方式。单因素方差分析结果表明,集群率在季节间差异不明显。Neu方法分析发现,在平靖关,白冠长尾雉对灌丛和竹林显著偏好,对针阔混交林、杉木林和乔灌丛显著回避;而在董寨,其对针阔混交林和针叶林明显偏好,对杉木林和阔叶林明显回避。  相似文献   

“十三五”期间,我国设立了国家重点研发计划“干细胞及转化研究”重点专项(以下简称“专项”)。通过五年实施,专项取得了显著进展。通过对专项立项和实施情况的回顾,总结管理中的经验和不足,为“十四五”干细胞研究部署提出相关建议,以进一步增强我国干细胞及转化研究的核心竞争力,加快推进干细胞研究成果惠及人民健康。  相似文献   

In an aging society, research involving neurodegenerative disorders is of paramount importance. Over the past few years, research on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases has made tremendous progress. Experimental studies, however, rely mostly on transgenic animal models, preferentially using mice. Although experiments on mice have enormous advantages, they also have some inherent limitations, some of which can be overcome by the use of Drosophila melanogaster as an experimental animal. Among the major advantages of using the fly is its small genome, which can also be modified very easily. The fact that its genome lends itself to diverse alterations (e. g. mutagenesis, transposons) has made the fly a useful organism to perform large‐scale and genome‐wide screening approaches. This has opened up an entirely new field of experimental research aiming to elucidate genetic interactions and screen for modifiers of disease processes in vivo. Here, we provide a brief overview of how flies can be used to analyze molecular mechanisms underlying human neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

青藏高原在保障国家生态安全、发展高寒生态草牧业和改善当地民生等方面具有重要战略意义。实现高寒地区生态草牧业可持续发展,对推动青藏高原生态保护和区域高质量发展具有重要推动作用。由于高寒草地承载力低、草畜供需时空失衡和畜牧业经营方式粗放等原因,导致草地畜牧业生产效率低,牧民经营效益差,高寒草地退化严重。为了协调推动高原生态保护、国家公园建设和区域民生改善,传统草地畜牧业亟待转型升级。近年来在国家和地方科技项目支持下,针对高寒草地畜牧业系统效率低、资源消耗大和经营效益差的瓶颈,我们在位于青藏高原东缘农牧交错区的青海省贵南县系统开展了生态草牧业关键技术研发、应用和示范,集成了以“高寒草地适度利用—优质高产人工草地建植—优良牧草青贮—系列草产品加工—饲草料精准配置—家畜营养均衡饲养—高原特色畜产品精深加工—一二三产业融合—区域功能耦合”等为一体的高寒地区生态草牧业提质增效技术体系,积极推动了传统草地畜牧业向生态草牧业发展转变,促进了高寒地区生态—生产—生活协调发展。上述工作将为青藏高原生态保护、草牧业可持续发展和高寒地区牧民持续增收提供重要科技支撑,同时对我国西部典型生态脆弱区适应性管理,黄河上游生态保护和高质量发展具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

人体内肠道菌群数量庞大,参与机体物质与能量代谢,对机体的生理活动具有重要调节作用。近年来,众多研究表明,肠道菌群稳态在维持大脑和神经系统的正常功能中发挥着重要作用,肠道菌群失调与帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)等神经疾病的发作密切相关。目前,针对PD发病机制与肠道菌群失调的研究成果丰富,表明肠道菌群在PD发病中起着重要的诱导作用。本文梳理了肠道菌群紊乱与PD发生的相关国内外文献,通过深入分析PD患者肠道菌群的变化特征,讨论了PD与肠道菌群变化间的关系;同时,探讨了粪便移植技术在PD治疗中的应用,旨在为有效预防与治疗PD提供可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   


Although the emphasis of the recent National Rivers Research Initiative (now the Research Programme for the Management of Rivers) in South Africa was on river research in that country, the reality is that in southern Africa many watercourses are shared by more than one country. Therefore a central issue in integrated river basin management and development should be the recognition of the principle of international joint planning, conservation, monitoring and research.

Co-operation and a better understanding of shared waters would prevent deleterious impacts, not only in the country where they occur, but also in those downstream. With this in mind, since the early 1980s Namibia has worked on joint cross-border projects in efforts to manage and conserve her shared water bodies. These include joint river gauging exercises, biological control of Saivinia molesta in the eastern Caprivi region and, more recently, the application of a biological monitoring technique, the South African Scoring System version 4, to north-eastern perennial rivers.

The formation of the Joint Permanent Water Commission between Botswana and Namibia enabled the Departments of Water Affairs of both countries to work together on their shared rivers. The establishment of the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission between Angola, Botswana and Namibia in 1994 improved this co-operation even further. Namibia and its' counterparts are thus committed to sharing information, co-ordinating research and monitoring activities and to undertaking detailed studies to improve their knowledge of these shared systems.

Such cross-border co-operation is vital for the survival of shared river systems not only as ecological entities in their own right, but also as sources of water, power and the other resources they provide, both directly and indirectly, to the human and wildlife populations that they support.  相似文献   

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