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FRIIS  E. M.; SKARBY  A. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):569-583
Structurally preserved angiosperm flowers are described fromthe Upper Cretaceous of southern Sweden. They are found in fluviatiledeposits dated, on palynological evidence, as Upper Santonianor Lower Campanian. The material studied includes two speciesof Scandianthus gen.nov. and one unnamed, related taxon. Thefossil flowers represent the best-preserved Cretaceous floralstructures available and the preservation permits detailed studyof organization and arrangement of parts. Comparison with flowersof extant angiosperms indicates a close relationship with membersof the Saxifragales. Scandianthus gen.nov. fossil angiosperm, Upper Cretaceous  相似文献   

The wood flora from Williams Point, Livingston Island, contains 12 wood types of gymnosperm and angiosperm origin. Recent collections of material have increased the biodiversity of a postulated species-rich vegetation. The gymnosperm wood can be readily assigned to four form-genera: Araucarioxylon Kraus, Araucariopitys Jeffrey, Podocarpoxylon Gothan and Sahnioxylon Bose and Sah. This indicates a diversity of coniferous araucarian and podocarp trees alongside woods of uncertain affinity ( Sahnioxylon ; Bennettitales). Two angiosperm morphotypes are assigned to the organ genera Hedycaryoxylon Su¨ss (Monimiaceae) and Weinmannioxylon Petriella (Cunoniaceae). The remaining four taxa of angiosperm wood cannot be confidently placed in extant families as they exhibit features that suggest relationships with the Magnoliidae, Hamamelidae and Rosidae. This paper presents the first comprehensive taxonomic revision of the wood flora from Livingston Island and discusses the palaeoecology that prevailed at a latitude of about 60 degrees south during the Late Cretaceous. Newly described taxa are Araucarioxylon chapmanae sp. nov., Araucariopitys antarcticus sp. nov., Podocarpoxylon chapmanae sp. nov., P. verticalis sp. nov., P. communis sp. nov., Weinmannioxylon ackamoides sp. nov., Antarctoxylon livingstonensis gen. et sp. nov., A. multiseriatum gen. et sp. nov., A. heteroporosum gen. et sp. nov. and A. uniperforatum gen et sp. nov.  相似文献   

The problematic lizard family Changjiangosauridae, representatives of which inhabited Asia in the Early Paleogene, is discussed. Six new species of this group, including Acrodontopsis robustus gen. et sp. nov., Agamimus gracilis gen. et sp. nov., Graminisaurus interruptus gen. et sp. nov., Khaichinsaurus reshetovi gen. et sp. nov., Lavatisaurus elegans gen. et sp. nov., and Lentisaurus giganteus gen. et sp. nov., from the Middle Eocene of the Khaichin Uul 2 locality (southern Gobi, Mongolia) are described. It is shown that Changjiangosauridae are probably related to the Late Cretaceous Isodontosauridae and recent Uromastycidae; independent development of a number of dental features in different lineages of Acrodonta (Iguania) is corroborated.  相似文献   

In this paper, five new pollen genera and twenty new pollen species of angiospermae from the Late Cretaceous of a certain basin in central China are described. Four new organ genera and their species include: Morinoipollenites normalis gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites minor gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites polyprojectus gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites rhombiformis gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis ringens gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis, mikros gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis radiatus gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis sayangensis gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis arciformis gen. et sp. nov., Myoporumpollonites variabilis gen. et sp. nov., Myoporumpollenites striatus gen. et sp. nov., Lythraites giganteus Yu, Guo et Mao gen. et sp. nov. Lythraites clavatus sp. nov., Lythraites dilutus sp. nov., Lythraites magnus sp. nov., Lythraites varrustriatus sp. nov., Lythraites pachyrrhachis sp. nov.; the new-form genus and its species are: Crassimarginpollenites reticulatus gen. et sp. nov., Crassimerginpollenites mirus gen. et sp. nov., Crassimarginpollenites psilatus gen. et sp. nov. The new pollen genera and their species described herein have been compared in some details with recent pollens and considered their affinity with such recent families as Dipsacaceae, Myoporaceae, Apocynaceae and Lythraceae. According to the age of the pollen-bearing strata, a preliminary discussion is made regarding to the taxonomy of the recent plants families with which our new described pollens are related. Hence, this study may provide some mieropalaeobotanical information for deciphering 'the phylogeny of these plants.  相似文献   

A new genus of Late Cretaceous radiolarians, Cyprodictyomitra gen. nov., comprising two new species, C. longa sp. nov., C. elegantissima sp. nov., and a new species, Pseudodictyomitra crassa sp. nov. are described. These new taxa come from rich Coniacian-Santonian radiolarian associations of the Perapedhi Formation of Southern Cyprus.  相似文献   

本文描述蝎龄化石1新属4新种。新属Megabittacus2新种,即Megabittacuscolosseussp.nov.,Megabittacusbeipiaoensissp.nov,新种Sibirobittacusatalussp.nov.属于现生的蚊蝎蛉科,新种Orthophlebialiaoningensissp.nov.属于绝灭的直脉蝎蛉科。化石采于辽宁省北票市晚侏罗世义县组地层中。这些新的化石属种,其虫体特征包括触角、喙、足和翅脉特征均完整的保存。模式标本保存在中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of jewel beetles are described, Andakhudukia ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Metabuprestium ustkivdense sp. nov. from the lowermost Paleogene of the Amur Region. In addition, four new monotypic genera that share some features with jewel beetles are described: Cretoelaterium kazanovense gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Eastern Transbaikalia and Cretopoena gratshevi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia have been referred to the families Elateridae and Eucnemidae; Cretofalselaterium baiankhongoricum gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Cretogermen turonicum gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan have been erected for isolated elytra and placed in Coleoptera incertae sedis.  相似文献   

The Normapolles complex, characterised by its oblate and triaperturate pollen, constitutes an important and diverse element of many Late Cretaceous and Early Cainozoic floras of the Northern Hemisphere. Based on the dispersed pollen record alone it has been difficult to assess systematic affinities, but relationships with Fagales have been proposed. Over the past twenty years several exquisitely preserved Late Cretaceous reproductive structures with Normapolles type pollen in situ have been described. In this study we provide a summary and new information of these floral structures. Further, a new genus, Dahlgrenianthus, is described from the Late Cretaceous of southern Sweden. The genus includes the type species Dahlgrenianthus suecicus, a number of reproductive structures referred to Dahlgrenianthus sp., and Dahlgrenianthus trigonus (Knobloch et Mai) comb. nov. from the Maastrichtian flora of Walbeck, Germany. Dahlgrenianthus comprises small flowers with pentamerous perianth and androecium and a tricarpellate gynoecium. It is distinguished from all other Normapolles floral structures in its hypogynous floral organisation. All Normapolles floral structures described so far are thought to be related to various members of the core Fagales, but the group is obviously not monophyletic. The stratigraphic range of the Normapolles taxa and other fagalean fossils strongly suggests that all major fagalean lineages were present by the Cenomanian or earlier.  相似文献   

David Penney 《Palaeontology》2004,47(2):367-375
The oldest described fossils of the extant spider family Araneidae (Araneinae; gen. et sp. indet.), the extant genus Orchestina (Oonopidae; O. sp. indet.) and the new fossil genus Palaeosegestria (Segestriidae; P. lutzzii gen. et sp. nov.) are presented from Upper Cretaceous amber of New Jersey. The known fossil range of the extant family Araneidae is extended approximately 50 myr from the previously oldest described araneid from the Middle Eocene oil shales of the Messel pit in Hesse, Germany. The fossil range of the extant genus Orchestina is also extended 50 myr from the previously oldest described specimen in Eocene Baltic amber.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of water scavenger beetles, Hydrophilopsia bontsaganica, sp. nov. and Prospercheus cristatus, gen. et sp. nov., are described from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia. The systematic position of the new genus is discussed.  相似文献   

A new tribe, two new genera, and seven new species of click beetles are described: Pollostelaterini, trib. nov., Pollostelater baissensis, gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality), five new species in the genus Cryptocoelus Dolin et Nel C. sinitshenkovae, sp. nov. (Romanovka locality), C. shcherbakovi, sp. nov., C. baissensis, sp. nov., C. lukashevichae, sp. nov., C. dolini, sp. nov. (all from Baisa locality), and Turonelater giganteus, gen. et sp. nov. from the Turonian of Southern Kazakhstan (Kzyl-Dzhar locality).  相似文献   

五十多年前胡骕在研究山东临朐县山旺组的植物化石中,发现有花的化石,仅保存了5个花瓣或仅5个萼片,均难给予确切的分类位置;六十年代我们两次去山旺野外工作,发现为数较多,同样仅保存花瓣或萼片的化石。本文研究的是80年代发现并保存较为完好的花化石。新近李凤麟详细论述了各门类化石,均认为山旺组的地质时代属中中新世。近十余年来,国际上被子植物的花化石的研究进展较快。每次花化石的发现,对研究被子植物种系发生、系统位置及在地史中的演化及演变速率等均是极重要  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of jewel beetles, Cretalbiana sukatshevae gen. et sp. nov. and C. major sp. nov., are described from the Middle Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of Khetana, Khabarovsk Region, Russia.  相似文献   

COLLINSON  M. E. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(5):603-632
The nine extant genera within the Nymphaeaceae s l (Water Lilies)are shown to be separable from one another on the basis of seedmorphology In particular, epidermal detail, vertical sectionof the testa and relative position of the micropyle and hilumare diagnostic for each genus These features are consideredin connection with current systematic treatments of this familyFossil seeds are reviewed at the generic level and many of theseeds previously assigned to Brasenia ovula (Brong ) Reid andChandler are shown to belong to an extinct genus of Nymphaeaceaeintermediate between the currently accepted families Cabombacaceaeand Nymphaeaceae s s They are redescribed as Sabrenia chandleraegen et sp nov. The British Tertiary fossils Brasenia spinosaChandler, Palaeonymphaea eocenica Chandler emend and ?Nymphaealiminis sp nov are described Fossil material of Carpolithesovulum Brongniart 1822a, Brasenia victoria (Casp ) Weberbauer1893, B teumeri Kirchheimer 1935, B tenuicostata Nikitin 1965and Nymphaea arethusae Grambast 1962 has been studied for comparativepurposes The use of ‘?’ before the extant genericname is advocated when all features of a fossil indicate thatit may be placed in a living genus but when certain additional,critical features of the living genus are lacking on the fossil. Nymphaeaceae, water lilies, seeds, palaeobotany, Tertiary, Sabrenia chandlerae gen et sp nov Nymphaea liminis sp nov, Brasenia ovula  相似文献   

A new genus and three new species of parasitic hymenopterans of the family Archaeocynipidae are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia: Khasips alisectus gen. et sp. nov., K. sculptus sp. nov., and K. kovalevi sp. nov. The placement of archaeocynipids in the system of Cynipoidea is discussed.  相似文献   

Flowers of Anisophyllea(Anisophylleaceae, Cucurbitales) andCeratopetalum(Cunoniaceae, Oxalidales) are surprisingly similar in appearance.To date, these families have never been interpreted as closelyrelated, and even in present molecular (rbcL) studies they appearin different orders of eurosids I (APG, Annals of the MissouriBotanical Garden85:531–553, 1998). In this investigation,flowers of selected taxa of both families are morphologicallyand anatomically compared. In addition, previous work on thetwo families is reviewed. The results strongly emphasize thegreat similarity in all floral organs. Some special similaritiesinclude the occurrence of trimerous flowers, isomerous organwhorls (including the gynoecium), valvate sepals, digitate petals,obdiplostemony, incurved filaments in bud with similar anthers,similar pollen, similar nectaries, carpels with free styles,a canal in the centre of each individual carpel as well as inthe centre of the entire gynoecium along the symplicate zone,and similar ovules with a slit-shaped micropyle. In addition,recently recovered Late Cretaceous floral fossils that sharefeatures of both families further emphasize a potential closerelationship. However, if more extensive molecular studies areperformed in the future that support the current disparate positionof the two families, then an explanation of the biological/functionalsimilarities in floral structure should be attempted: specifically,whether this suite of features is a symplesiomorphy for basalrosids, or an autapomorphy for each family. Copyright 2001 Annalsof Botany Company Anisophylleaceae, Cucurbitales, Cunoniaceae, eudicots, floral structure, molecular systematics, Myrtales, Oxalidales, Saxifragales  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(3):159-163
A remarkable new rove beetle, Protodeleaster glaber gen. et sp. nov, is described and illustrated based on two well-preserved specimens from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, China. The new genus is placed in the extant staphylinid subfamily Oxytelinae, and recent tribe Euphaniini, based on several characteristic features (e.g. a single pair of wide paratergites on abdominal segments; open procoxal fissures; contiguous mesocoxae; abdominal sternite II short and poorly sclerotized). This find from the Early Cretaceous documents the oldest fossil representative of the tribe Euphaniini. Morphologically, it resembles most closely the recent genus Platydeleaster Schülke, 2003, an unusual member of the extant Oxytelinae. According to the currently accepted hypothesis of the phylogenetic position of Euphaniini and the prior discovery of other taxa from the Late Jurassic, we suggest the tribe might have first appeared at least as early as the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Diverse radiolarians from the Upper Cretaceous Perapedhi and Moni formations (southern Cyprus) are studied. Many representatives of the genus Afens Riedel et Sanfilippo, 1974 are recognized. The diagnosis of the genus Afens is emended and three new species of this genus, Afens perapediensis sp. nov., Afens moniensis sp. nov., and Afens concinnus sp. nov., are described. In addition, the species Afens liriodes Riedel et Sanfilippo, 1974 is redescribed.  相似文献   

New taxa of the suborder Blattina (order Dictyoptera), possibly belonging to the family Corydiidae (Erucoblatta semicaeca gen. et sp. nov., Miocene; Proholocompsa gen. nov., Eocene; and Holocompsa nigra sp. nov. and H. abbreviata sp. nov., Miocene) and belonging to the family Ectobiidae (Plectoptera electrina sp. nov., Miocene; Agrabtoblatta symmetrica gen. et sp. nov. and ?Symploce rete sp. nov., Pleistocene) are described. The taxonomic position of the enigmatic genus Raphidiomimula Grimaldi et Ross from the Upper Cretaceous is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species, Tanychora loki, sp. nov., and a new genus and species, Megachora sibirica gen. et sp. nov., are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia and Mongolia. The genus Tanychora Townes, 1973 is divided into two genera: Tanychora s. str., composed of T. petiolata Townes, 1973 (type species), T. sinensis Zhang, 1991, and T. loki sp. nov., and Amplicella, gen. nov., composed of A. sessilis (Townes, 1973) (type species), A. exquisite (Zhang et Rasnitsyn, 2003), A. beipiaoensis (Zhang et Rasnitsyn, 2003), and A. spinata (Zhang et Rasnitsyn, 2003). The frequency of occurrence of ichneumonids in the principal Cretaceous localities of central and northern Asia is calculated.  相似文献   

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