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Spontaneous and propagated contractions in rat cardiac trabeculae   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Sarcomere length measurement by microscopic and laser diffraction techniques in trabeculae of rat heart, superfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 21 degrees C, showed spontaneous local sarcomere shortening after electrically stimulated twitches. The contractions originated in a region of several hundred micrometers throughout the width of the muscle close to the end of the preparation that was damaged by dissection. The contractions propagated at a constant velocity along the trabeculae. The velocity of propagation increased from 0 to 10 mm/s in proportion to the number of stimuli (3-30) in a train of electrically evoked twitches at 2 Hz and at an external calcium ion concentration ([Ca++]o) of 1.5 mM. At a constant number of stimuli (n), the velocity of propagation increased from 0 to 15 mm/s with [Ca++]o increasing from 1 to 7 mM. In addition, increase of n and [Ca++]o led to an increase of the extent of local sarcomere shortening during the spontaneous contractions, and the occurrence of multiple contractions. Spontaneous contractions with much internal shortening and a high velocity of propagation frequently induced spontaneous synchronized contractions and eventually arrhythmias. Propagation of spontaneous contractions at low and variable velocity is consistent with the hypothesis that calcium leakage into damaged cells causes spontaneous calcium release from the overloaded sarcoplasmic reticulum in the damaged cells. This process propagates as a result of diffusion of calcium into adjacent cells, which triggers calcium release from their sarcoplasmic reticulum. We postulate that the propagation velocity depends on the intracellular calcium ion concentration, with increases with n and [Ca++]o.  相似文献   

Transient stretch of cardiac muscle during a twitch contraction may dissociate Ca2+ from myofilaments into the cytosol at the moment of quick release of the muscle. We studied the effect of stretch and quick release of trabeculae on changes in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) during triggered propagated contractions (TPCs). Trabeculae were dissected from the right ventricle of 9 rat hearts. [Ca2+]i was measured using electrophoretically injected fura-2. Force was measured using a silicon strain gauge and sarcomere length was measured using laser diffraction techniques. Reproducible TPCs (n = 13) were induced by trains of electrical stimuli (378 +/- 19 ms interval) for 7.5 s at [Ca2+]o of 2.0 mM (27.9 +/- 0.2 degrees C). The latency of the TPC force and the underlying increase in [Ca2+]i was calculated from the time (TimeF) between the last stimulus and the peak of TPC force (PeakF), or the time (TimeCa) between the last stimulus and the peak of the increase in [Ca2+]i during the TPCs (PeakCa). As a result of a 10% increase in muscle length for 150-200 ms during the last stimulated twitches, TimeF and TimeCa decreased and PeakF and PeakCa increased significantly (n = 13). In addition, transient stretch sometimes induced a twitch contraction subsequent to the accelerated TPC and its underlying increase in [Ca2+]i. These results suggest that Ca2+ binding and dissociation from the myofilaments by the stretch and quick release of muscle may modulate the TPC force and the underlying increases in [Ca2+]i and play an important role in the induction of arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Alcohol abuse is a leading cause of pancreatitis, accounting for 30% of acute cases and 70-90% of chronic cases, yet the mechanisms leading to alcohol-associated pancreatic injury are unclear. An early and critical feature of pancreatitis is the aberrant signaling of Ca(2+) within the pancreatic acinar cell. An important conductor of this Ca(2+) is the basolaterally localized, intracellular Ca(2+) channel ryanodine receptor (RYR). In this study, we examined the effect of ethanol on mediating both pathologic intra-acinar protease activation, a precursor to pancreatitis, as well as RYR Ca(2+) signals. We hypothesized that ethanol sensitizes the acinar cell to protease activation by modulating RYR Ca(2+). Acinar cells were freshly isolated from rat, pretreated with ethanol, and stimulated with the muscarinic agonist carbachol (1 μM). Ethanol caused a doubling in the carbachol-induced activation of the proteases trypsin and chymotrypsin (p < 0.02). The RYR inhibitor dantrolene abrogated the enhancement of trypsin and chymotrypsin activity by ethanol (p < 0.005 for both proteases). Further, ethanol accelerated the speed of the apical to basolateral Ca(2+) wave from 9 to 18 μm/s (p < 0.0005; n = 18-22 cells/group); an increase in Ca(2+) wave speed was also observed with a change from physiologic concentrations of carbachol (1 μM) to a supraphysiologic concentration (1 mM) that leads to protease activation. Dantrolene abrogated the ethanol-induced acceleration of wave speed (p < 0.05; n = 10-16 cells/group). Our results suggest that the enhancement of pathologic protease activation by ethanol is dependent on the RYR and that a novel mechanism for this enhancement may involve RYR-mediated acceleration of Ca(2+) waves.  相似文献   

NAADP (nicotinic acid-adenine dinucleotide phosphate) is fast emerging as a new intracellular Ca2+-mobilizing messenger. NAADP induces Ca2+ release by a mechanism that is distinct from IP3 (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate)- and cADPR (cADP-ribose)-induced Ca2+ release. In the present study, we demonstrated that micromolar concentrations of NAADP trigger Ca2+ release from rat hepatocyte microsomes. Cross-desensitization to IP3 and cADPR by NAADP did not occur in liver microsomes. We report that non-activating concentrations of NAADP can fully inactivate the NAADP-sensitive Ca2+-release mechanism in hepatocyte microsomes. The ability of thapsigargin to block the NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ release is not observed in sea-urchin eggs or in intact mammalian cells. In contrast with the Ca2+ release induced by IP3 and cADPR, the Ca2+ release induced by NAADP was completely independent of the free extravesicular Ca2+ concentration and pH (in the range 6.4-7.8). The NAADP-elicited Ca2+ release cannot be blocked by the inhibitors of the IP3 receptors and the ryanodine receptor. On the other hand, verapamil and diltiazem do inhibit the NAADP- (but not IP3- or cADPR-) induced Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

It has previously been observed that spontaneous contractions start in a region of damage of isolated right ventricular trabeculae of rat, propagate along the muscle, and induce triggered arrhythmias (Mulder, B.J.M., P.P. de Tombe, and H.E.D.J. ter Keurs. 1989. J. Gen. Physiol. 93:943-961). The present study was designed to analyze the mechanisms that lead to triggered propagated contractions (TPCs). TPCs were elicited in 29 trabeculae by stimulation with trains (2 Hz; 15-s intervals) at varied number of stimuli (n), lowered temperature (19-21 degrees C), and varied [Ca++]o (1.5-4 mM) in the superfusate. Length (SL) and shortening of sarcomeres in the muscle were measured at two sites using laser diffraction techniques; twitch force (Ft) was measured with a silicon strain gauge. Time between the last stimulus in the train and the onset of sarcomere shortening due to a TPC at a site close to the damaged end region (latency) and propagation velocity of the contraction (Vprop) were correlated with Ft. For 10 trabeculae, TPCs were calculated to start in the end region itself 586 +/- 28 ms (mean +/- 1 SEM) after the last stimulus of a train (n = 15; [Ca++]o: 1.5 mM), i.e., at the end of or after the rapid release of the damaged end during twitch relaxation. When Ft was increased by increasing either SL prior to stimulation or the afterload during twitches, methods that do not affect intracellular calcium levels, latency decreased, but Vprop remained constant. No TPC occurred when Ft was less than 20% of maximal Ft. Both increasing [Ca++]o and n increased Ft to a maximum, increased Vprop progressively (maximum Vprop, 17 mm/s), but decreased latency. These observations suggest that initiation of TPCs depends on the force developed by the preceding twitch, and therefore on the degree of stretch and subsequent rapid release of damaged areas in the myocardium, while Vprop along the trabeculae is determined by intracellular calcium concentration.  相似文献   

Membrane potential-current and mechanical tension of frog atrial muscle were studied in a Ca and Mg-free solution containing 1 mmol/l EGTA (Ca-free solution). Exposure to Ca-free solution resulted in a shortening of action potential duration within 1.5 min and a subsequent lengthening which were paralleled by changes in magnitude and duration of the contraction. Similarly, the slow inward current quickly disappeared and progressively reappeared with a quite slower inactivation time-course. Its reversal potential varied with [Na]0 as for a pure Na current. By 12 min in Ca-free solution, the tension-voltage relation could be interpreted as the sum of two components correlated with the slow inward current and the membrane potential respectively. Contractures in response to sustained large depolarizations had similar time courses in Ca-free solution and Ringer's containing Na-Ca exchange blockers (Mn2+ 15 mmol/l or La3+ 3 mmol/l). Intracellular Na loading by voltage-clamp depolarizations (40 mV from the resting potential for 100 ms, at 0.2 Hz) in the presence of Veratrine (7.5 X 10(-6) g/ml) caused a large progressive increase in tonic tension. An intracellular Ca2+ release is invoked, partly related to Na+ entry and partly to membrane potential changes. The potential dependent part could be influenced by intracellular Na+.  相似文献   

Polycystin-2, a member of the TRP family of calcium channels, is encoded by the human PKD2 gene. Mutations in that gene can lead to swelling of nephrons into the fluid-filled cysts of polycystic kidney disease. In addition to expression in tubular epithelial cells, human polycystin-2 is found in muscle and neuronal cells, but its cell biological function has been unclear. A homologue in Caenorhabditis elegans is necessary for male mating behavior. We compared the behavior, calcium signaling mechanisms, and electrophysiology of wild-type and pkd-2 knockout C. elegans. In addition to characterizing PKD-2-mediated aggregation and mating behaviors, we found that polycystin-2 is an intracellular Ca(2+) release channel that is required for the normal pattern of Ca(2+) responses involving IP(3) and ryanodine receptor-mediated Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores. Activity of polycystin-2 creates brief cytosolic Ca(2+) transients with increased amplitude and decreased duration. Polycystin-2, along with the IP(3) and ryanodine receptors, acts as a major calcium-release channel in the endoplasmic reticulum in cells where rapid calcium signaling is required, and polycystin-2 activity is essential in those excitable cells for rapid responses to stimuli.  相似文献   

Mechanical strainapplied to prostate cancer cells induced an intracellularCa2+ (Cai2+) wave spreading with avelocity of 15 µm/s. Cai2+ waves were notdependent on extracellular Ca2+ and membrane potentialbecause propagation was unaffected in high-K+ andCa2+-free solution. Waves did not depend on thecytoskeleton or gap junctions because cytochalasin B and nocodazole,which disrupt microfilaments and microtubules, respectively, and1-heptanol, which uncouples gap junctions, were without effects.Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments revealed anabsence of gap junctional coupling. Cai2+ waveswere inhibited by the purinergic receptor antagonists basilen blue andsuramin; by pretreatment with ATP, UTP, ADP, UDP, 2-methylthio-ATP, andbenzoylbenzoyl-ATP; after depletion of ATP by 2-deoxyglucose; and afterATP scavenging by apyrase. Waves were abolished by the anion channelinhibitors 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid, tamoxifen,4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, niflumic acid, andgadolinium. ATP release following strain was significantly inhibited byanion channel blockers. Hence, ATP is secreted via mechanosensitiveanion channels and activates purinergic receptors on the same cell orneighboring cells in an autocrine and paracrine manner, thus leading toCai2+ wave propagation.


Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) plays an important role in the generation of cytosolic Ca2+ signals in many cell types. However, it is inherently difficult to distinguish experimentally between the contributions of messenger-induced Ca2+ release and CICR. We have directly tested the CICR sensitivity of different regions of intact pancreatic acinar cells using local uncaging of caged Ca2+. In the apical region, local uncaging of Ca2+ was able to trigger a CICR wave, which propagated toward the base. CICR could not be triggered in the basal region, despite the known presence of ryanodine receptors. The triggering of CICR from the apical region was inhibited by a pharmacological block of ryanodine or inositol trisphosphate receptors, indicating that global signals require coordinated Ca2+ release. Subthreshold agonist stimulation increased the probability of triggering CICR by apical uncaging, and uncaging-induced CICR could activate long-lasting Ca2+ oscillations. However, with subthreshold stimulation, CICR could still not be initiated in the basal region. CICR is the major process responsible for global Ca2+ transients, and intracellular variations in sensitivity to CICR predetermine the activation pattern of Ca2+ waves.  相似文献   

The phasic contraction to phenylephrine of the rat isolated portal vein was investigated using functional studies. Phasic contractions to phenylephrine and caffeine could be produced after several minutes in Ca(2+)-free Krebs solution, which were inhibited by cyclopiazonic acid or ryanodine. The phenylephrine and caffeine contractions were abolished, however, within 10 min in Ca(2+)-free Krebs solution and by nifedipine. This indicated the Ca(2+) stores were depleted in the absence of Ca(2+) influx through voltage-gated channels. The phasic contraction to phenylephrine was also abolished by niflumic acid even in Ca(2+)-free Krebs solution. This showed that the response depended on intracellular Ca(2+) release stimulated directly by depolarization, resulting from opening of Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channels, but did not require Ca(2+) influx. In support of this, K(+)-induced phasic contractions were also produced in Ca(2+)-free Krebs solution. The phenylephrine but not K(+)-induced phasic contractions in Ca(2+)-free Krebs solution were inhibited by ryanodine or cyclopiazonic acid. This would be consistent with Ca(2+) release from more superficial intracellular stores (affected most by these agents), probably by inositol 1,4,5-trisphospate, being required to stimulate the phenylephrine depolarization.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the myofilament lattice in intact (i.e., nonskinned) striated muscle obeys constant volume. However, whether such is the case during the myocardial contraction is unknown. Accordingly, we measured interfilament spacing by x-ray diffraction in ultra-thin isolated rat right ventricular trabeculae during a short 10 ms shuttered exposure either just before electrical stimulation (diastole), or at the peak of the contraction (systole); sarcomere length (SL) was held constant throughout the contraction using an iterative feedback control system. SL was thus varied in a series of SL-clamped contractions; the relationship between SL and interfilament spacing was not different between diastole and systole within 1%; this was true also over a wide range of inotropic states induced by varied [Ca(2+)](o). We conclude that the cardiac myofilament lattice maintains constant volume, and thus constant interfilament spacing, during contraction.  相似文献   

It is of paramount importance to investigate the relation between the time-dependent change in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) (Ca2+ transients) and the mechanical activity of isolated single myocytes to understand the regulatory mechanisms of heart function. However, because of technical difficulties in performing mechanical measurements with single myocytes, the simultaneous recording of Ca2+ transients and mechanical activity has mainly been performed with multicellular cardiac preparations that give conflicting results concerning Ca2+ transients during isometric twitches and during twitches with unloaded shortening. In the present study, we coupled intracellular Ca2+ measurement optics with a force measurement system using carbon fibers to examine the relation between Ca2+ transients and the mechanical activity of rat single ventricular myocytes over a wide range of load. To minimize the possible load dependence of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ loading, contraction mode was switched at every twitch from unloaded shortening to isometric contraction. During a twitch with unloaded shortening, the Ca2+ transients exhibited a higher peak and a higher rate of decay than transients during an isometric twitch. Similarly, when we changed the contraction mode in every pair of twitches, Ca2+ transients were dependent only on the mode of contraction. Mechanical uncoupling with 2,3-butanedione monoxime abolished this dependence on the mode of contraction. Our results suggest that Ca2+ transients reflect the affinity of troponin C for Ca2+, which is influenced by the change in strain on the thin filament but not by the length change per se.  相似文献   

Y J Suzuki  W Wang  M Morad 《Cell calcium》1999,25(3):191-198
Cardiac muscle excitation-contraction coupling is controlled by the Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release mechanism. The present study examines the effects of a calmodulin antagonist W-7 on Ca2+ current (ICa)-induced Ca2+ release in whole cell-clamped rat ventricular myocytes. Exposure of cells to W-7 suppressed ICa, but the intracellular Ca(2+)-transients showed a lesser degree of reduction, suggesting possible enhancement of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release. The effects of W-7 on the efficacy of Ca2+ release were most prominent at negative potentials. At test potentials of -30 mV, 20 microM W-7 almost completely blocked ICa, but significant Ca(2+)-transients remained, thus causing a four to six-fold increase in the efficacy of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release. The depolarization-dependent Ca(2+)-transients were eliminated in absence of extracellular Ca2+, blocked by Cd2+, and were absent when the sarcoplasmic reticulum was depleted of Ca2+, implicating dependency on Ca(2+)-signaling between the L-type channel and the ryanodine receptor. W-7 mediated increase in the efficacy of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release was eliminated when myocytes were dialyzed with the internal solution containing gluathione (5 mM), suggesting the possible role of cellular redox state in the regulation of Ca2+ release by the calmodulin antagonist.  相似文献   

The control of force by [Ca2+] was investigated in rat cardiac trabeculae loaded with fura-2 salt. At sarcomere lengths of 2.1-2.3 microns, the steady state force-[Ca2+]i relationship during tetanization in the presence of ryanodine was half maximally activated at a [Ca2+]i of 0.65 +/- 0.19 microM with a Hill coefficient of 5.2 +/- 1.2 (mean +/- SD, n = 9), and the maximal stress produced at saturating [Ca2+]i equalled 121 +/- 35 mN/mm2 (n = 9). The dependence of steady state force on [Ca2+]i was identical in muscles tetanized in the presence of the Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). The force-[Ca2+]i relationship during the relaxation of twitches in the presence of CPA coincided exactly to that measured at steady state during tetani, suggesting that CPA slows the decay rate of [Ca2+]i sufficiently to allow the force to come into a steady state with the [Ca2+]i. In contrast, the relationship of force to [Ca2+]i during the relaxation phase of control twitches was shifted leftward relative to the steady state relationship, establishing that relaxation is limited by the contractile system itself, not by Ca2+ removal from the cytosol. Under control conditions the force-[Ca2+]i relationship, quantified at the time of peak twitch force (i.e., dF/dt = 0), coincided fairly well with steady state measurements in some trabeculae (i.e., three of seven). However, the force-[Ca2+]i relationship at peak force did not correspond to the steady state measurements after the application of 5 mM 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) (to accelerate cross-bridge kinetics) or 100 microM CPA (to slow the relaxation of the [Ca2+]i transient). Therefore, we conclude that the relationship of force to [Ca2+]i during physiological twitch contractions cannot be used to predict the steady state relationship.  相似文献   

Ca2+ transients and the rate of Ca2+ release (dCaREL/dt) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in voltage-clamped, fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibers from the rat were studied with the double Vaseline gap technique and using mag-fura-2 and fura-2 as Ca2+ indicators. Single pulse experiments with different returning potentials showed that Ca2+ removal from the myoplasm is voltage independent. Thus, the myoplasmic Ca2+ removal (dCaREM/dt) was studied by fitting the decaying phase of the Ca2+ transient (Melzer, Ríos & Schneider, 1986) and dCaREL/dt was calculated as the difference between dCa/dt and dCaREM/dt. The fast Ca2+ release decayed as a consequence of Ca2+ inactivation of Ca2+ release. Double pulse experiments showed inactivation of the fast Ca2+ release depending on the prepulse duration. At constant interpulse interval, long prepulses (200 msec) induced greater inactivation of the fast Ca2+ release than shorter depolarizations (20 msec). The correlation (r) between the myoplasmic [Ca2+]i and the inhibited amount of Ca2+ release was 0.98. The [Ca2+]i for 50% inactivation of dCaREL/dt was 0.25 m, and the minimum number of sites occupied by Ca2+ to inactivate the Ca2+ release channel was 3.0. These data support Ca2+ binding and inactivation of SR Ca2+ release.This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid from the American Heart Association (National) and Muscular Dystrophy Association (USA). Part of this work was developed in Dr. Stefani's laboratory at Baylor College of Medicine.  相似文献   

Cytosolic Ca2+ waves occur in a number of cell types either spontaneously or after stimulation by hormones, neurotransmitters, or treatments promoting Ca2+ influx into the cells. These waves can be broadly classified into two types. Waves of type 1, observed in cardiac myocytes or Xenopus oocytes, correspond to the propagation of sharp bands of Ca2+ throughout the cell at a rate that is high enough to permit the simultaneous propagation of several fronts in a given cells. Waves of type 2, observed in hepatocytes, endothelial cells, or various kinds of eggs, correspond to the progressive elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ throughout the cell, followed by its quasi-homogeneous return down to basal levels. Here we analyze the propagation of these different types of intracellular Ca2+ waves in a model based on Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release (CICR). The model accounts for transient or sustained waves of type 1 or 2, depending on the size of the cell and on the values of the kinetic parameters that measure Ca2+ exchange between the cytosol, the extracellular medium, and intracellular stores. Two versions of the model based on CICR are considered. The first version involves two distinct Ca2+ pools sensitive to inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and Ca2+, respectively, whereas the second version involves a single pool sensitive both to Ca2+ and IP3 behaving as co-agonists for Ca2+ release. Intracellular Ca2+ waves occur in the two versions of the model based on CICR, but fail to propagate in the one-pool model at subthreshold levels of IP3. For waves of type 1, we investigate the effect of the spatial distribution of Ca(2+)-sensitive Ca2+ stores within the cytosol, and show that the wave fails to propagate when the distance between the stores exceeds a critical value on the order of a few microns. We also determine how the period and velocity of the waves are affected by changes in parameters measuring stimulation, Ca2+ influx into the cell, or Ca2+ pumping into the stores. For waves of type 2, the numerical analysis indicates that the best qualitative agreement with experimental observations is obtained for phase waves. Finally, conditions are obtained for the occurrence of "echo" waves that are sometimes observed in the experiments.  相似文献   

Calcium seems to be a major second messenger involved in the regulation of prostatic cell functions, but the mechanisms underlying its control are poorly understood. We investigated spatiotemporal aspects of Ca2+ signals in the LNCaP cell line, a model of androgen-dependent prostatic cells, by using non-invasive external electric field pulses that hyperpolarize the anode facing membrane and depolarize the membrane facing the cathode. Using high-speed fluo-3 confocal imaging, we found that an electric field pulse (10-15 V/cm, 1-5 mA, 5 ms) initiated rapidly, at the hyperpolarized end of the cell, a propagated [Ca2+]i wave which spread through the cell with a constant amplitude and an average velocity of about 20 microns/s. As evidenced by the total wave inhibition either by the block of Ca2+ entry or the depletion of Ca2+ stores by thapsigargin, a specific Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor, the [Ca2+]i wave initiation may imply a localized Ca2+ influx linked to a focal auto-regenerative process of Ca2+ release. Using different external Ca2+ and Ca2+ entry blockers concentrations, Mn2+ quenching of fluo-3 and fura-2 fluorescence and inhibitors of InsP3 production, we found evidence that the [Ca2+]i wave progression required, in the presence of basal levels of InsP3, an interplay between Ca2+ release from InsP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores and Ca2+ influx through channels possibly activated by the [Ca2+]i rise.  相似文献   

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