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Classical hereditary hemochromatosis involves the HFE-gene and diagnostic analysis of the DNA variants HFE p.C282Y (c.845G > A; rs1800562) and HFE p.H63D (c.187C > G; rs1799945). The affected protein alters the iron homeostasis resulting in iron overload in various tissues. The aim of this study was to validate the TaqMan-based Sample-to-SNP protocol for the analysis of the HFE-p.C282Y and p.H63D variants with regard to accuracy, usefulness and reproducibility compared to an existing SNP protocol. The Sample-to-SNP protocol uses an approach where the DNA template is made accessible from a cell lysate followed by TaqMan analysis. Besides the HFE-SNPs other eight SNPs were used as well. These SNPs were: Coagulation factor II-gene F2 c.20210G > A, Coagulation factor V-gene F5 p.R506Q (c.1517G > A; rs121917732), Mitochondria SNP: mt7028 G > A, Mitochondria SNP: mt12308 A > G, Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9-gene PCSK9 p.R46L (c.137G > T), Plutathione S-transferase pi 1-gene GSTP1 p.I105V (c313A > G; rs1695), LXR g.-171 A > G, ZNF202 g.-118 G > T. In conclusion the Sample-to-SNP kit proved to be an accurate, reliable, robust, easy to use and rapid TaqMan-based SNP detection protocol, which could be quickly implemented in a routine diagnostic or research facility.  相似文献   

The goldfish (Carassius auratus) Tgf2 transposon is a vertebrate DNA transposon that belongs to the hAT transposon family. In this study, we constructed plasmids containing either the full-length Tgf2 transposon (pTgf2 plasmid) or a partially-deleted Tgf2 transposon (ΔpTgf2 plasmid), and microinjected these plasmids into fertilized zebrafish (Danio rerio) eggs at the one- to two-cell stage. DNA extracted from the embryos was analyzed by PCR to assess transient excision, if any, of the exogenous plasmid and to verify whether Tgf2 is an autonomous transposon. The results showed that excision-specific bands were not detected in embryos injected with the ΔpTgf2 plasmid, while bands of 300–500 bp were detected in embryos injected with pTgf2, which indicated that the full-length Tgf2-containing plasmid could undergo autonomous excision in zebrafish embryos. DNA cloned from 24 embryos injected with pTgf2 was sequenced, and the results suggested that Tgf2 underwent self-excision in zebrafish embryos. Cloning and PCR analysis of DNA extracted from embryos co-injected with ΔpTgf2 and in vitro-transcribed transposase mRNA indicated that partially-deleted-Tgf2-containing ΔpTgf2 plasmid also underwent excision, in the presence of functional transposase mRNA. DNA cloned from 25 embryos co-injected with ΔpTgf2 and transposase mRNA was sequenced, and the results suggested that partially-deleted Tgf2 transposons plasmids were excised. These results demonstrated that excisions of Tgf2 transposons were mediated by the Tgf2 transposase, which in turn confirmed that Tgf2 is an autonomous transposon.  相似文献   

Regulation of proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein by the aspartic protease BACE may occur by alternative splicing and the generation of enzymatically inactive forms. In fact, the presence of exonic donor and acceptor sites for intron 3 generates the two deficient variants BACE457 and BACE476. In HEK293 cells, when introns are inserted separately in the BACE cDNA, we found that whilst introns 2 and 4 are efficiently spliced out, intron 3 is not removed. On the other hand, splicing to wild-type BACE is restored when intron 3 is flanked by the two other introns. The presence of all three introns also leads to alternative splicing of intron 3 and the generation of BACE476. In contrast, BACE457 expression takes place only after mutating the donor splice site of intron 3, indicating that additional regulatory elements are necessary for the use of the splicing site within exon 4. Overall, our data demonstrate that a complex splicing of intron 3 regulates the maturation of the BACE mRNA. This appears orchestrated by domains present in the exons and introns flanking intron 3. Excessive BACE activity is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, therefore this complex regulation might guarantee low neuronal BACE activity and disease prevention.  相似文献   

Type I collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, produced by folding of two α1(I) polypeptides and one α2(I) polypeptide into the triple helix. A conserved stem-loop structure is found in the 5′ untranslated region of collagen mRNAs, encompassing the translation start codon. We cloned La ribonucleoprotein domain family member 6 (LARP6) as the protein that binds the collagen 5′ stem-loop in a sequence-specific manner. LARP6 has a distinctive bipartite RNA binding domain not found in other members of the La superfamily. LARP6 interacts with the two single-stranded regions of the 5′ stem-loop. The Kd for binding of LARP6 to the 5′ stem-loop is 1.4 nM. LARP6 binds the 5′ stem-loop in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, LARP6 does not associate with polysomes; however, overexpression of LARP6 blocks ribosomal loading on collagen mRNAs. Knocking down LARP6 by small interfering RNA also decreased polysomal loading of collagen mRNAs, suggesting that it regulates translation. Collagen protein is synthesized at discrete regions of the endoplasmic reticulum. Using collagen-GFP (green fluorescent protein) reporter protein, we could reproduce this focal pattern of synthesis, but only when the reporter was encoded by mRNA with the 5′ stem-loop and in the presence of LARP6. When the reporter was encoded by mRNA without the 5′ stem-loop, or in the absence of LARP6, it accumulated diffusely throughout the endoplasmic reticulum. This indicates that LARP6 activity is needed for focal synthesis of collagen polypeptides. We postulate that the LARP6-dependent mechanism increases local concentration of collagen polypeptides for more efficient folding of the collagen heterotrimer.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we identified a novel gene, factor for adipocyte differentiation 24 (fad24), which plays an important role during the early stages of adipogenesis in mouse 3T3-L1 cells. Moreover, overexpression of fad24 increased the number of smaller adipocytes in white adipose tissue and improved glucose metabolic activity in mice, thus indicating that fad24 functions as a regulator of adipogenesis in vivo. However, the physiological roles of fad24 in vivo are largely unknown. In this study, we attempted to generate fad24-deficient mice by gene targeting. No fad24-null mutants were recovered after embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5). Although fad24-null embryos were detected in an expected Mendelian ratio of genotypes at E3.5, none of the homozygous mutants developed into blastocysts. In vitro culture experiments revealed that fad24-null embryos develop normally to the morula stage but acquire growth defects during subsequent stages. The number of nuclei decreased in fad24-deficient morulae compared with that in wild-type ones. These results strongly suggested that fad24 is essential for pre-implantation in embryonic development, particularly for the progression to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Duplications of the X chromosome are rare cytogenetic findings, and have been associated with an abnormal phenotype in the male offspring of apparently normal or near normal female carriers. We report on the prenatal diagnosis of a duplication on the long arm of chromosome X from chromosomal band Xq13.2 to q21.31 in a male fetus with increased nuchal translucency in the first trimester and polyhydramnios at 22 weeks of gestation. Amniocentesis was undertaken and cytogenetic analysis revealed additional chromosomal material in the long arm of chromosome X at position Xq13. Analysis with high resolution array CGH revealed the additional material is in fact a duplication of the region Xq13.2–q21.13. The duplication is 14.8 Mb in size and includes fourteen genes: SLC16A2, KIAA2022, ABCB7, ZDHHC15, ATRX, MAGT1, ATP7A, PGK1, TBX22, BRWD3, POU3F4, ZNF711, POF1B and CHM. Analysis of the parents revealed the mother to be a carrier of the same duplication. After elected termination of the pregnancy at 28 weeks a detailed autopsy of the fetus allowed for genotype–phenotype correlations.  相似文献   

We describe a boy with a de novo deletion of 15.67 Mb spanning 3q22.1q24. He has bilateral micropthalmia, ptosis, cleft palate, global developmental delay and brain, skeletal and cardiac abnormalities. In addition, he has bilateral inguinal hernia and his right kidney is absent. We compare his phenotype with seven other patients with overlapping and molecularly defined interstitial 3q deletions. This patient has some phenotypic features that are not shared by the other patients. More cases with smaller deletions defined by high resolution aCGH will enable better genotype–phenotype correlations and prioritizing of candidate genes for the identification of pathways and disease mechanisms.  相似文献   

Delineation of the fish family Percichthyidae (Percomorphaceae) has a long and convoluted history, with recent morphological-based studies restricting species members to South American and Australian freshwater and catadromous temperate perches. Four recent nuclear gene-based phylogenetic studies, however, found that the Percichthyidae was not monophyletic and was nested within a newly discovered inter-familial clade of Percomorphaceae, the Centrarchiformes, which comprises the Centrarchidae and 12 other families. Here, we reexamined the systematics of the Percichthyidae and Centrarchiformes based on new mitogenomic information. Our mitogenomic results are globally congruent with the recent nuclear gene-based studies although the overall amount of phylogenetic signal of the mitogenome is lower. They do not support the monophyly of the Percichthyidae, because the catadromous genus Percalates is not exclusively related to the freshwater percichthyids. The Percichthyidae (minus Percalates) and Percalates belong to a larger clade, equivalent to the Centrarchiformes, but their respective sister groups are unresolved. Because all recent analyses recover a monophyletic Centrarchiformes but with substantially different intra-relationships, we performed a simultaneous analysis for a character set combining the mitogenome and 19 nuclear genes previously published, for 22 centrarchiform taxa. This analysis furthermore indicates that the Centrarchiformes are divided into three lineages and the superfamily Cirrhitoidea is monophyletic as well as the temperate and freshwater centrarchiform perch-like fishes. It also clarifies some of the relationships within the freshwater Percichthyidae.  相似文献   

The Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signalling pathway plays an important role both in embryonic development and in adult stem cell function. Inappropriate regulation of this pathway is often due to dysfunction between two membrane receptors Patched (Ptc) and Smoothened (Smo), which lead to birth defects, cancer or neurodegenerative diseases. However, little is known about Ptc, the receptor of the Shh protein, and the way Ptc regulates Smo, the receptor responsible for the transduction of the signal. To develop structure-function studies of these receptors, we expressed human Ptc (hPtc) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrated that hPtc expressed in a yeast membrane fraction is able to interact with its purified ligand Shh, indicating that hPtc is produced in yeast in its native conformational state. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance technology, we showed that fluorinated surfactants preserve the ability of hPtc to interact with its ligand after purification. This is the first report on the heterologous expression and the purification of a native and stable conformation of the human receptor Ptc. This work will allow the scale-up of hPtc production enabling its biochemical characterization, allowing the development of new therapeutic approaches against diseases induced by Shh signalling dysfunction.  相似文献   

Termites from the genus Odontotermes are known to contain numerous species complexes that are difficult to tell apart morphologically or with mitochondrial DNA sequences. We developed markers for one such cryptic species complex, that is, Odontotermes srinakarinensis sp. nov. from Maxwell Hill Forest Reserve (Perak, Malaysia), and characterised them using a sample of 41 termite workers from three voucher samples from the same area. We then genotyped 150 termite individuals from 23 voucher samples/colonies of this species complex from several sites in Peninsular Malaysia. We analysed their population by constructing dendograms from the proportion of shared-alleles between individuals and genetic distances between colonies; additionally, we examined the Bayesian clustering pattern of their genotype data. All methods of analysis indicated that there were two distinct clusters within our data set. After the morphologies of specimens from each cluster were reexamined, we were able to separate the two species morphologically and found that a single diagnostic character found on the mandibles of its soldiers could be used to separate the two species quite accurately. The additional species in the clade was identified as Odontotermes denticulatus after it was matched to type specimens at the NHM London and Cambridge Museum of Zoology.  相似文献   

P120-catenin (p120ctn) is an armadillo-repeat protein that directly binds to the intracytoplasmic domains of classical cadherins. p120ctn binding promotes the stabilization of cadherin complexes on the plasma membrane and thus positively regulates the adhesive activity of cadherins. Using co-immunoprecipitation, we show here that p120ctn associates to desmogleins (Dsg) 1 and 3. To determine which region is involved in the association between Dsg3 and p120ctn, we constructed mutant Dsg3 proteins, in which various cytoplasmic subdomains were removed. The tailless Dsg3 constructs Delta IA:AA1-641Dsg3 and Delta 641-714Dsg3, which do not contain the intracellular anchor (IA) region, did not coprecipitate with p120cn, nor did they colocalize at the plasma membrane. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that p120ctn does not localize to desmosomes, but colocalizes with Dsg3 at the cell surface. A biotinylation assay for Dsg3 showed that biotinylated Delta 641-714Dsg3 was turned over more rapidly than wild-type Dsg3. These results indicate that the membrane proximal region (corresponding to residues 641-714) in the IA region of Dsg3 is necessary for complex formation with p120ctn, and to maintain free Dsg3 at the cell surface before it is integrated into desmosomes. In summary, we show that p120ctn is a novel interactor of the Dsg proteins, and may play a role in desmosome remodeling.  相似文献   

Golgi alpha-mannosidase II is essential for the efficient formation of complex-type glycosylation. Here, we demonstrate that the disruption of Golgi alpha-mannosidase II activity by swainsonine in human embryonic kidney cells is capable of inducing a novel class of hybrid-type glycosylation containing a partially processed mannose moiety. The discovery of 'Man(6)-based' hybrid-type glycans reveals a broader in vivo specificity of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I, further defines the arm-specific tolerance of core alpha1-6 fucosyltransferase to terminal alpha1-2 mannose residues, and suggests that disruption of Golgi alpha-mannosidase II activity is capable of inducing potentially 'non-self' structures.  相似文献   

Infection by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality seen in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. This is mainly due to the genotypic and phenotypic changes of the bacteria that cause conversion from a typical nonmucoid to a mucoid form in the CF lung. Mucoid conversion is indicative of overproduction of a capsule-like polysaccharide called alginate. The alginate-overproducing (Alg(+)) mucoid phenotype seen in the CF isolates is extremely unstable. Low oxygen tension growth of mucoid variants readily selects for nonmucoid variants. The switching off mechanism has been mapped to the algT/U locus, and the molecular basis for this conversion was partially attributed to mutations in the algT/U gene itself. To further characterize molecular changes resulting in the unstable phenotype, an isogenic PAO1 derivative that is constitutively Alg(+) due to the replacement of the mucA with mucA22 (PDO300) was used. The mucA22 allele is common in mucoid CF isolates. Thirty-four spontaneous nonmucoid variants, or sap (suppressor of alginate production) mutants, of PDO300 were isolated under low oxygen tension. About 40% of the sap mutants were rescued by a plasmid carrying algT/U (Group A). The remaining sap mutants were not (Group B). The members of Group B fall into two subsets: one similar to PAO1, and another comparable to PDO300. Sequence analysis of the algT/U and mucA genes in Group A shows that mucA22 is intact, whereas algT/U contains mutations. Genetic complementation and sequencing of one Group B sap mutant, sap22, revealed that the nonmucoid phenotype was due to the presence of a mutation in PA3257. PA3257 encodes a putative periplasmic protease. Mutation of PA3257 resulted in decreased algT/U expression. Thus, inhibition of algT/U is a primary mechanism for alginate synthesis suppression.  相似文献   

The various iterations of the HapMap Project and many genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified hundreds of potential genes involved in monogenic and multifactorial traits. We constructed an arrayed 115,000-member human genomic library in the PAC shuttle vector pJCPAC-Mam2 that can be propagated in both bacterial and human cells. The library appears to represent a two-fold coverage of the human genome. Transient transfection of a p53-containing PAC clone into p53-null Saos-2 human osteosarcoma cells demonstrated that both p53 mRNA and protein were produced. Additionally, expression of the p53 protein triggered apoptosis in a subset of the Saos-2 cells. This library should serve as a valuable resource to validate potential disease genes identified by GWAS in human cell lines and in animal models. Also, individual library members could potentially be used for gene therapy trials for a variety of recessive disorders.  相似文献   

T Huotari  H Korpelainen 《Gene》2012,508(1):96-105
Elodea canadensis is an aquatic angiosperm native to North America. It has attracted great attention due to its invasive nature when transported to new areas in its non-native range. We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast (cp) genome of Elodea. Taxonomically Elodea is a basal monocot, and only few monocot cp genomes representing early lineages of monocots have been sequenced so far. The genome is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule 156,700bp in length, and has a typical structure with large (LSC 86,194bp) and small (SSC 17,810bp) single-copy regions separated by a pair of inverted repeats (IRs 26,348bp each). The Elodea cp genome contains 113 unique genes and 16 duplicated genes in the IR regions. A comparative analysis showed that the gene order and organization of the Elodea cp genome is almost identical to that of Amborella trichopoda, a basal angiosperm. The structure of IRs in Elodea is unique among monocot species with the whole cp genome sequenced. In Elodea and another monocot Lemna minor the borders between IRs and LSC are located upstream of rps19 gene and downstream of trnH-GUG gene, while in most monocots, IR has extended to include both trnH and rps19 genes. A phylogenetic analysis conducted using Bayesian method, based on the DNA sequences of 81 chloroplast genes from 17 monocot taxa provided support for the placement of Elodea together with Lemna as a basal monocot and the next diverging lineage of monocots after Acorales. In comparison with other monocots, the Elodea cp genome has gone through only few rearrangements or gene losses. IR of Elodea has a unique structure among the monocot species studied so far as its structure is similar to that of a basal angiosperm Amborella. This result together with phylogenetic analyses supports the placement of Elodea as a basal monocot to the next diverging lineage of monocots after Acorales. So far, only few cp genomes representing early lineages of monocots have been sequenced and, therefore, this study provides valuable information about the course of evolution in divergence of monocot lineages.  相似文献   

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