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We studied the effect of symmetric, biphasic sinusoidal electromagnetic fields (EMF) (20 Hz, 6 mT) on the differentiation of normal human skin fibroblasts (HH-8), normal human lung fibroblasts (WI38), and SV40-transformed human lung fibroblasts (WI38SV40) in in vitro cultures. Cells were exposed up to 21 days for 2 × 6 h per day to EMF. Normal mitotic human skin and lung fibroblasts could be induced to differentiate into postmitotic cells upon exposure to EMF. Concomitantly, the synthesis of total collagen as well as total cellular protein increased significantly by a factor of 5–13 in EMF-induced postmitotic cells. As analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of [35S]methionine-labeled polypeptides, EMF-induced postmitotic cells express the same differentiation-dependent and cell type-specific marker proteins as their spontaneously arising counterparts. In SV40-transformed human lung fibroblasts (cell line WI38SV40) the exposure to EMF induced the differentiation of mitotic WI38SV40 cells into postmitotic and degenerating cells in subpopulations of WI38SV40 cell cultures. Other subpopulations of WI38SV40 cells did not show any effect of EMF on cell proliferation and differentiation. These results indicate that long-term EMF exposure of fibroblasts in vitro induces the differentiation of mitotic to postmitotic cells that are characterized by differentiation-specific proteins and differentiation-dependent enhanced metabolic activities.  相似文献   

Repair replication in response to ultraviolet irradiation has been studied in normal human diploid fibroblast cultures, W138, and an SV40 transformant, VA13. Quantitative comparisons have been made using the combined isotopic and density labeling method for assaying repair replication. We find no significant difference in the amount of repair replication performed its dose response, or the time course between growing and confluent W138 cells, early passage and senescent cells, or normal W138 cells and the transformed VA13 cells. When [3H]dThd was employed as the isotopic label in the presence of a 30-200 fold excess of unlabelled BrdUrd, apparent differences in repair replication were seen between W138 cells shortly after subcultivation and cells which had been allowed to reach confluence. These differences were the same over a wide dose range and regardless of the passage number of the cells, but could be influenced by using different serum lots. The differences were not seen, however, when [3H]BrdUrd provided the isotopic label; thus they reflect either impurities in the [3H]dThd or a slight discrimination by some cellular process.  相似文献   

To establish the relation of glycosaminoglycan synthesis to cell proliferation, we investigated the synthesis of individual glycosaminoglycan species by intact cells and in a cell-free system, using normal and transformed human fibroblasts under differing culture conditions. Reducing serum concentration brought about a marked decline in the synthesis of hyaluronate (HA) as well as cell proliferation on both normal and transformed cells. Both HA synthesis and proliferation decreased with increasing cell densities markedly (in inverse proportion to cell density) in normal cells but gradually in transformed cells. This noticeable congruity of the changes in HA synthesis and proliferation indicates that the change in HA synthesis is related primarily to cell proliferation rather than to cell density or cellular transformation. Examination of HA synthesis in a cell-free system demonstrated that the activity of HA synthetase also fluctuated in conjunction with cell proliferation. Furthermore, growth-reduced cells (except crowded transformed cells) inhibited cell-free HA synthesis and this inhibition was induced coincidentally with a decrease in both HA synthetase activity and proliferation. These findings suggest that the change in HA synthesis is significant in the regulation of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity of W138 human embryonic lung fibroblasts and SV40-transformed WI38 cells was measured. Under various growth conditions, the transformed cells always had lower MnSOD activity than their normal cell counterparts. The activity of MnSOD changes greatly with the growth conditions in the WI38 cells, while the MnSOD activity in the tumor cells remained more constant. The amount of immunoreactive MnSOD was measured by Western blotting. In all cases studied, the amount of immunoreactive MnSOD was lower in the transformed cells than in the normal cells.  相似文献   

The expression of fibronectin, a cell surface-associated transformation-sensitive glycoprotein, was studied in hetero- and homokaryons of normal and SV40-transformed human fibroblasts. In immunofluorescence, fibroblast homokaryons had an intense surface-associated and intracelluar fibronectin fluorescence similar to that of normal fibroblasts. Transformed cells and their homokaryons had a minimal surface-associated and a weak intracellular fibronectin fluorescence. In heterokaryons formed between transformed and normal fibroblasts, the expression of fibronectin fell within 24 h to the level of the transformed cell homokaryons. The change was detectable already at 3 h after fusion and was gene-dose dependent. These results show that the transformed genotype determines fibronectin expression in the heterokaryons.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed a quantitative difference in a series of polypeptides ranging in MW from 45 000 to 51 000 and of lower isoelectric pH than vimentin, when comparing normal human fibroblasts with a virally transformed subline and with HeLa cells. Re-extraction of purified [35S]vimentin with cold whole cell homogenates and peptide mapping showed that these polypeptides are derivatives of vimentin. They may be natural components of a normal fibroblast's architecture or they may arise from a pool of vimentin that is not structured within intermediate filaments at the time of extraction. Furthermore, we show that vimentin from the two transformed cell types is more resistant to proteolysis by whole cell homogenates than vimentin from normal fibroblasts. Structural alteration of vimentin may play an important role in the expression of transformation.  相似文献   

Possible participation of immune system cells in the differentiation of non-lymphoid tissues has been examined. Lymphocytes were tested on transformed fibroblasts of L mouse strain. The presence of lymphocytes in L cell culture enhanced their differentiation, assessed by morphological, proliferative and biophysical criteria. The induction of L-cell differentiation took place during contact and short-distant interaction both with mouse and human lymphocytes. The phenomenon had a stable character, as it was revealed in L cells separated from lymphocytes during passaging. The results obtained indicate real and potential abilities of the immune system to affect differentiation of proliferating non-lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   

Environmental exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) has been implicated in the development of cancer in humans. An important basis for assessing a potential cancer risk due to ELF-EMF exposure is knowledge of biological effects on human cells at the chromosomal level. Therefore, we investigated in the present study the effect of intermittent ELF electromagnetic fields (50 Hz, sinusoidal, 5'field-on/10'field-off, 2-24 h, 1 mT) on the induction of micronuclei (MN) and chromosomal aberrations in cultured human fibroblasts. ELF-EMF radiation resulted in a time-dependent increase of micronuclei, which became significant after 10 h of intermittent exposure at a flux density of 1 mT. After approximately 15 h a constant level of micronuclei of about three times the basal level was reached. In addition, chromosomal aberrations were increased up to 10-fold above basal levels. Our data strongly indicate a clastogenic potential of intermittent low-frequency electromagnetic fields, which may lead to considerable chromosomal damage in dividing cells.  相似文献   

SV-40 transformed human fibroblasts show a growth requirement for methionine, whereas normal fibroblasts do not. Activities of the N5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine transmethylase and N5–10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase in extracts of both cell lines are similar. These observations indicate that the absolute growth requirement for methionine observed in these transformed cells does not necessarily involve a deficiency in enzymes related to methionine synthesis.  相似文献   

Adhesive specificity in normal and transformed mouse fibroblasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adhesive specificity was studied in normal and transformed Balbc mouse fibroblasts by comparing the number of labeled cells collected from a suspension of these cells by aggregates of various cell types. Aggregates of the two malignant cells examined collected either very many cells (aggregates of SV3T3 cells) or very few cells (aggregates of 3T12 cells). In addition, the relative adhesive behavior of these two aggregate types did not vary according to the cell suspension in which they were circulated. These data make it unnecessary to assume that malignancy is always accompanied by a decrease in intercellular adhesion.The adhesive behavior of normal 3T3 cell aggregates, compared to the aggregates composed of either malignant cell type, varied according to the type of cells in the suspension. Aggregates of 3T3 cells collected an appreciable number of SV3T3 cells but few 3T12 cells. Collection of 3T3 cells by 3T3 aggregates was also low if the 3T3 cells of the suspension were harvested from confluent cultures. However, collection of 3T3 cells by 3T3 aggregates increased significantly, as compared to collection by SV3T3 and 3T12 aggregates in the same cell suspension, if the 3T3 suspension was prepared from sparse cultures.Flat-revertants of SV3T3 cells were also studied. These cells behave like nonmalignant 3T3 cells rather than like the SV3T3 cells from which they were derived.We suggest that malignancy may not be caused by decreased intercellular adhesion as compared to normal cells but, perhaps, by decreased intercellular recognition.  相似文献   

The ability of cells to transfer tritium-labelled nucleotides to other cells is a measure of gap-junction-mediated communication based on metabolic cooperation. Here we report that human epidermal keratinocytes (HuK) transfer radiolabel to a variety of cell types including human skin fibroblasts (HuDF), human mammary fibroblasts (HuMF) and calf lens epithelial cells (CaLE). The metabolic cooperation pattern of HuK shows them to be non-selective communicators and in this respect they differ from another human epithelial cell type mammary epithelial cells (HuME), which communicates with CaLE but not HuDF or HuMF. SV40 transformation is known to modulate metabolic cooperation between some human cells in vitro. Here we further report that SV40 transformation of HuK has no obvious effect on their non-selective communication phenotype. Possible mechanisms involved in selective and non-selective junctional communication and their relevance to epithelial/stromal interactions in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes were incubated in the presence of high-frequency electromagnetic fields of 380, 900 and 1800 MHz. The measured endpoints were cell cycle progression and the frequencies of sister-chromatid exchanges. No differences between treated and control cultures could be found.  相似文献   

Cell spreading in dense cultures of normal mouse embryo fibroblasts and of the two lines of mouse transformed fibroblasts was examined by electron microscopy. The mean number of cell layers in culture and cell population density per unit area of the substrate were detetmined; the mean area of the cell projection on the substratum was found from these data.Normal fibroblasts formed multilayefed sheet in dense culture. The cells in this sheet were well-spread. These cells formed thin lamellae (lamellar cytoplasm) over the surface of other cells and over the intercellular substance. The mean cell area in dense culture was not smaller than that of the cell spread on the substratum in sparse culture.Dense cultures of two transformed lines (M 22 and L) had differing morphologies: cultures of one line (M 22) were multilayered, those of the other line (L) were monolayered. Decreased spreading and almost complete (M 22) or complete (L) absence of lamellar cytoplasm were characteristic of both transformed lines. The mean area of the cell in dense cultures of both lines was several times smaller than that of their normal progenitors.It is concluded that similar reactions leading to the spreading accompanied by the formation of lamellar cytoplasm can be induced by the contact of fibroblast with various surfaces: that of the substratum in sparse culture, that of other cells and of intercellular structures in dense culture. Deficiency of these reactions characteristic for transformed fibroblasts may be responsible for abnormal morphology of their cultures.  相似文献   

Results of epidemiological research show low association of electromagnetic field (EMF) with increased risk of cancerous diseases and missing dose-effect relations. An important component in assessing potential cancer risk is knowledge concerning any genotoxic effects of extremely-low-frequency-EMF (ELF-EMF).Human diploid fibroblasts were exposed to continuous or intermittent ELF-EMF (50Hz, sinusoidal, 24h, 1000microT). For evaluation of genotoxic effects in form of DNA single- (SSB) and double-strand breaks (DSB), the alkaline and the neutral comet assay were used.In contrast to continuous ELF-EMF exposure, the application of intermittent fields reproducibly resulted in a significant increase of DNA strand break levels, mainly DSBs, as compared to non-exposed controls. The conditions of intermittence showed an impact on the induction of DNA strand breaks, producing the highest levels at 5min field-on/10min field-off. We also found individual differences in response to ELF-EMF as well as an evident exposure-response relationship between magnetic flux density and DNA migration in the comet assay.Our data strongly indicate a genotoxic potential of intermittent EMF. This points to the need of further studies in vivo and consideration about environmental threshold values for ELF exposure.  相似文献   

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