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Summary The vitreous body of the rat eye was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The freeze-dried specimens were either unfixed, freshly frozen or fixed and rinsed before being frozen.The vitreous body is surrounded by a coat of intercellular material covering a thin sheath of chiefly parallel fibers. The latter forms the base for a regularly organized three-dimensional network of fibers. The interfibrillar spaces are filled with ground substance and also contain a few cells. The shape of the cells varies from bipolar to polyhedronal. Their interconnected processes are usually undivided. The functional importance of this complex regular organization of the fibers and cells in the vitreous body is stressed.Supported by grants from H. Jeanssons Stiftelse and the Swedish Medical Research Council (B70-12X-2534-02).I would like to thank the Swedish Silicate Research Institute, Göteborg, for using their scanning electron microscope and Miss M. Persson for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional arrangement of the zonular fibers of Zinn and their ultrastructure was studied with the aid of scanning and transmission electron microscopy.Most of the thicker zonular fibers are arranged in straight bundles between the ciliary body and the lens, while the thinner fibers form a complex three-dimensional network interconnecting all the zonular fibers. These do originate from the limiting membrane covering the ciliary body. The zonular fibers are subdivided close to lens and form a complicated network on the surface of the lens capsule, i. e. the zonular lamella. The latter consists of a dense network of fibers and is from a structural point of view closely related to the zonular fibers and not to the lens capsule.The zonular fibers are continuous with those in the vitreous body close to the ciliary body but never in the lenticular two thirds of the zonular fibers or in the retrolental area.The ground substance is possible to demonstrate in freeze-dried specimens by scanning electron microscopy. It appeared granular or amorphous and coated the zonular fibers. It does not form membranes or fill all available space in contrast to its properties in the vitreous body. The many structural similarities between the zonular fibers and the vitreous body indicate perhaps a common origin.Supported by grants from Magnus Bergwalls Stiftelse and the Swedish Medical Research Council (B70-12 X -2543-02, B71-12 X -2543-03).  相似文献   



For drug safety assessment, ophthalmic fundus examination is of diagnostic importance in experimental animals. Interim blood samples are usually collected from the orbital venous sinus in the mouse. This report characterizes the angioarchitecture of the mouse eye.


In 10 mice, the microvasculature of the eyes of was investigated using scanning electron micrographs of corrosion casts.


The mouse eye was characterized as having a rich vasculature with many thick retinal arteries and a well-developed orbital venous sinus. The eye receives its primary blood supply from the external ophthalmic artery, which is divided into three branches: the central retinal artery, as well as the medial and lateral long posterior ciliary arteries. The central retinal artery is divided into 8-9 radiating retinal arteries. The mouse has an orbital venous sinus around the orbit rather than a well-developed orbital venous plexus in the retrobulbar space as is in the rat. The orbital venous sinus is formed by the episcleral veins, the ophthalmic vein, the superior palpebral vein, inferior palpebral vein and numerous anastomotic veins among these veins.


The mouse ocular vasculature is quite similar to that of rats. It is recommended that the best location for insertion of a capillary tube for collecting blood is in the lateral canthus around the eye where the sinus is larger and is most readily accessible. Functional significance of the vascular patterns of the eye is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The cell-body layer of the lamina ganglionaris of the housefly, Musca domestica, contains the perikarya of five types of monopolar interneuron (L1–L5) along with their enveloping neuroglia (Strausfeld 1971). We confirm previous reports (Trujillo-Cenóz 1965; Boschek 1971) that monopolar cell bodies in the lamina form three structural classes: Class I, Class II, and midget monopolar cells. Class-I cells (L1 and L2) have large (8–15 m) often crescentshaped cell bodies, much perinuclear cytoplasm and deep glial invaginations. Class-II cells (L3 and L4) have smaller perikarya (4–8 m) with little perinuclear cytoplasm and no glial invaginations. The midget monopolar cell (L5) resides at the base of the cell-body layer and has a cubshaped cell body. Though embedded within a reticulum of satellite glia, the L1–L4 monopolar perikarya and their immediately proximal neurites frequently appose each other directly. Typical arthropod (-type) gap junctions are routinely observed at these interfaces. These junctions can span up to 0.8 m with an intercellular space of 2–4 nm. The surrounding nonspecialized interspace is 12–20 nm. Freezefracture replicas of monopolar appositions confirm the presence of -type gap junctions, i.e., circular plaques (0.15–0.7 m diam.) of large (10–15 nm) E-face particles. Gap junctions are present between Class I somata and their proximal neurites, between Class I and Class II somata and proximal neurites, and between Class II somata. Intercartridge coupling may exist between such monopolar somata. The cell body and proximal neurite of L5 were not examined. We also find that Class I and Class II somata are extensively linked to their satellite glia via gap junctions. The gap width and nonjunctional interspace between neuron and glia are the same as those found between neurons. The particular arrangement and morphology of lamina monopolar neurons suggest that coupling or low resistance pathways between functionally distinct neurons and between neuron and glia are probably related to the metabolic requirements of the nuclear layer and may play a role in wide field signal averaging and light adaptation.  相似文献   

Synaptic cartridges of the first optic neuropile (lamina ganglionaris) of the housefly were examined by high voltage electron microscopy (HVEM). Stereo pairs (from thick, i.e., 0.25 mum, sections viewed at 1,000 kV) provided a three dimensional representation of cartridge neurons and clearly revealed the lateral spread, bifurcation and some functional associations of Type I (L1, L2) monopolar interneurons. Slightly proximal to cartridge neck level, pairs of retinular (R) axons made contact with each other and it appeared that R processes projected through the cleft between the Type I interneurons. No junctional modifications were seen between contiguous R axon terminals. The speculation was made that functional contact might exist between neighboring R axons prior to their extensive synapses with principal first order interneurons. Such alleged coupling between R axons would account for several electrophysiological findings from other laboratories. Modifications in EM technique applicable for HVEM were detailed. The value of obtaining thick serial sections and the use of the HVEM in expediting three dimensional reconstructions of neuropile were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary Fixed and unfixed, freeze-dried pieces of isolated retina and the posterior part of the eye bulb from adult rats were examined in a scanning electron microscope.The inner limiting membrane shows distinct cell borders, protrusions, and scattered microvilli-like structures. Different types of nerve cells are observed in the ganglion cell layer and the inner nuclear layer. They all lack synaptic boutons on the surface of their perikarya. There is an intercellular space between the processes in the nerve fiber layer.The inner and outer segments are surrounded by a space with extracellular material. Their surface is smooth or slightly undulated. There is no evidence indicating the existence of basal infoldings continuous with the membraneous structures inside the rod outer segments. The connecting piece between the inner and outer segments resemble a symmetrically shaped hour-glass. The surface of the epithelial cells is covered by microvilli forming a honeycomb-like structure and each outer segment is surrounded by several microvilli.The results obtained are discussed in relation to those obtained by transmission electron microscopy. The probable existence of a significant extracellular space and the distribution of extracellular material between the segments and the microvilli are discussed.Supported by grants from H. Jeanssons Stiftelse Riksföreningen mot Cancer (265-B69-OIX) and the Swedish Medical Research Council (B70-12X-2534-02). I would like to thank the Swedish Silicate Research Institute, Göteborg, for using their scanning electron microscope, and Miss. M. Persson for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

New data on the phylogenetic relationships of various arthropod groups have spurred interesting attempts to reconstruct the evolution of arthropod nervous and visual systems. Some of the relevant new data are cell identities and developmental processes in the nervous and sensory systems, which is particularly useful for reconstructing the evolution of these systems. Here, we focus on the structure of compound eye ommatidia, and make an evolutionary analysis with functional arguments. We investigate possible routes of evolution that can be understood in terms of selection for improved visual function, and arrive at a number of conclusions that are discussed in the light of recent phylogenetic hypotheses. On the basis of ommatidial focusing structures and the arrangement of receptor cells we show that the evolution of compound eyes proceeded largely independently along at least two lineages from very primitive ancestors. A common ancestor of insects and crustaceans is likely to have had ommatidia with focusing crystalline cones, and colour and/or polarization vision. In contrast, the compound eyes in myriapods and chelicerates are likely to date back to ancestors with corneal lenses and probably without the ability to discriminate colour and polarization.  相似文献   

Relationships between the ommatidial structure and photoperiodic behavior of several mosquito species were investigated. Host-seeking behavioral patterns of mosquitoes were classified into four main groups based on previously compiled reports on field or laboratory biting activity. These groups were pattern I and I' (nocturnal), pattern II (crepuscular and nocturnal), pattern III (crepuscular and diurnal), and pattern IV (diurnal). Eye parameters (product of facet diameter and interommatidial angle) of mosquitoes that belong to the pattern I and I' group were higher (2.7-4.2) than those of mosquitoes that belong to the pattern IV group (0.8-2.3). Eye parameters of the mosquitoes categorized in the pattern II and III groups were intermediate (2.3-2.6). These results suggest that the crepuscular behavior of mosquitoes undergoes a transition in the course of evolution from nocturnal behavior to diurnal behavior. Large variations in the eye parameters were observed even within the same genus depending on their photoperiodic behavior. Therefore, the ommatidial structure of mosquitoes appears to be determined, not taxonomically, but evolutionarily by the photoenvironment in which the mosquitoes are most active.  相似文献   

A complex Sarcophaga bullata pupariation assay was used to evaluate the neurotropic effects of several drugs, venoms, and insecticides. The assay consists of tests for (1) immediate effects on the intact larva, (2) effects on ligated (ie, isolated from the central nervous system) larval abdomens, (3) morphogenetic effects on the puparium, and (4) effects on stereotyped pupariation behavior. The latter are monitored barographically by recording changes in hemocoelic pressure. Of 62 compounds screened, 18 showed morphogenetic activity at a threshold dose of 5 μg or less, 11 at a dose of 50 μg, four at a dose of 100 μg, and 29 showed no morphogenetic activity. From a comparison of the putative pharmacological actions of the tested compounds with their morphogenetic effects, certain generalizations can be made: Agents that paralyze neuromuscular systems at the peripheral level (eg, tetrodotoxin), or suppress or modify basic motor patterns centrally (eg, veratrine sulphate), cause retention of larval morphological characters in the puparium. Compounds that stimulate convulsive contractions of segmental musculature (mostly cholinergic drugs like eserine sulphate, nicotine, organophosphate insecticides) cause retention of larval segmentation on longitudinally contracted puparia. Five compounds (venom of the scorpion, Leirus quinquestriatus, pyrethrins, protoveratrine A, and kainic and quisqualic acids) stimulate musculature of the denervated abdomen. Barographic monitoring of changes in pupariation behavior appears to be a most sensitive and informative test. It reveals great differences in the ways in which compounds producing seemingly identical morphogenetic effects affect and modify behavior, thus making pharmacological classification more accurate.  相似文献   

The ommatidial lens surfaces of the compound eyes in several species of files (Insecta: Diptera) and a related order (Mecoptera) were analyzed using a recently developed Raman-atomic force microscope. We demonstrate in this work that the atomic force microscope (AFM) is a potentially useful instrument for gathering phylogenetic data and that the newly developed Raman-AFM may extend this application by revealing nanometer-scale surface chemistry. This is the first demonstration of apertureless near-field Raman spectroscopy on an intact biological surface. For Chrysopilus testaceipes Bigot (Rhagionidae), this reveals unique cerebral cortex-like surface ridges with periodic variation in height and surface chemistry. Most other Brachyceran flies, and the "Nematoceran" Sylvicola fenestralis (Scopoli) (Anisopodidae), displayed the same morphology, while other taxa displayed various other characteristics, such as a nodule-like (Tipula (Triplicitipula) sp. (Tipulidae)) or coalescing nodule-like (Tabanus punctifer Osten Sacken (Tabanidae)) morphology, a smooth morphology with distinct pits and grooves (Dilophus orbatus (Say) (Bibionidae)), or an entirely smooth surface (Bittacus chlorostigma MacLachlan (Mecoptera: Bittacidae)). The variation in submicrometer structure and surface chemistry provides a new information source of potential phylogenetic importance, suggesting the Raman-atomic force microscope could provide a new tool useful to systematic and evolutionary inquiry.  相似文献   

Summary The gross structure and neuronal elements of the first optic ganglion of two crabs, Scylla serrata and Leptograpsus variegatus, are described on the basis of Golgi (selective silver) and reduced silver preparations. Of the eight retinula cells of each ommatidium, seven end within the lamina, while the eighth cell sends a long fibre to the external medulla. Five types of monopolar neurons are described, three types of large tangential fibres, and one fibre which may be centrifugal. The marked stratification of the lamina is produced by several features. The main synaptic region, the plexiform layer, is divided by a band of tangential fibres; the short retinula fibres end at two levels in the plexiform layer; and two types of monopolar cells have arborisations confined to the distal or proximal parts of the plexiform layer. The information presently available concerning the retina-lamina projection in Crustacea is examined. Some of the implications of retina and lamina structure are discussed in conjunction with what is known about their electrophysiology.  相似文献   

Summary The lamina ganglionaris of the superposition eye of Cloeon dipterum is composed of separate optic cartridges arranged in a hexagonal pattern. Each optic cartridge consists of one central, radially branched monopolar cell (Li) surrounded by a crown of seven retinula cell terminals and two more unilaterally branched monopolar cells (La1/La2) situated close together outside the cartridge. Projections to neighbouring cartridges have not been observed.In most cases, synaptic contacts could be seen between a presynaptic retinula cell and more than two other postsynaptic profiles, which belong to monopolar cells or sometimes to glial cells.Seven retinula cell fibers of one ommatidium pass in a bundle through the basement membrane, run into their respective cartridges without changing orientation and terminate at approximately equal levels in the lamina. Long visual fibers with endings in the medulla are not visible in the superposition eye lamina, but are present in the lateral apposition eye. The relationship between the behaviour of the animal, optic mechanisms of the superposition eye and the structure of the lamina is discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of formation of quinone methide from the sclerotizing precursor N-acetyldopamine (NADA) was studied using three different cuticular enzyme systems viz. Sarcophaga bullata larval cuticle, Manduca sexta pharate pupae, and Periplaneta americana presclerotized adult cuticle. All three cuticular samples readily oxidized NADA. During the enzyme-catalyzed oxidation, the majority of NADA oxidized became bound covalently to the cuticle through the side chain with the retention of o-diphenolic function, while a minor amount was recovered as N-acetylnorepinephrine (NANE). Cuticle treated with NADA readily released 2-hydroxy-3′,4′-dihydroxyacetophenone on mild acid hydrolysis confirming the operation of quinone methide sclerotization. Attempts to demonstrate the direct formation of NADA-quinone methide by trapping experiments with N-acetylcysteine surprisingly yielded NADA-quinone-N-acetylcysteine adduct rather than the expected NADA-quinone methide-N-acetylcysteine adduct. These results are indicative of NADA oxidation to NADA-quinone and its subsequent isomerization to NADA-quinone methide. Accordingly, all three cuticular samples exhibited the presence of an isomerase, which catalyzed the conversion of NADA-quinone to NADA-quinone methide as evidenced by the formation of NANE—the water adduct of quinone methide. Thus, in association with phenoloxidase, newly discovered quinone methide isomerase seems to generate quinone methides and provide them for quinone methide sclerotization.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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