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A new bacteriochlorophyll b containing phototrophic bacterium was isolated from extremely saline and alkaline soda lakes in Egypt. Enrichment and isolation were performed using a synthetic medium with high contents of sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate and sodium chloride. Photoautotrophic growth occurred with hydrogen sulfide as photosynthetic electron donor. During oxidation of sulfide to sulfate extracellular elemental sulfur globules appeared in the medium. Cells were also capable to grow under photoheterotrophic conditions with acetate, propionate, pyruvate, succinate, fumarate or malate as carbon sources and electron donors. Under these conditions sulfate was assimilated. Optimal growth under the applied experimental conditions occurred at a total salinity of 14–27%, a pH-range between 8.1 and 9.1 and a temperature between 47°C and 50°C. The cells were 0.5–0.6 m wide and, depending on cultural conditions, 2.5–8.0 m long; they were spiral shaped, multiplied by binary fission and were motile by means of bipolar flagella. Intercytoplasmic photosynthetic membranes were present as stacks. Bacteriochlorophyll b was the main photosynthetic pigment; small amounts of carotenoids were mainly present as glucosides of rhodopin and its methoxy derivative. The new organism is described as Ectothiorhodospira halochloris.Dedicated to Professor C. B. van Niel on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

A new phototrophic bacterium was isolated from Jordanian and Kenyan alkaline salt lakes. Cells are rod shaped, 1.5 m wide and 2–4 m long, and motile by polar flagella. They divide by binary fission, and possess photosynthetic membranes as lamellar stacks similar to those in the other species of the genus Ectothiorhodospira and the brown colored Rhodospirillum species. The presence of bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the normal spirilloxanthin series is indicated by the absorption spectra of living cells. Under certain growth conditions the cells form gas vacuoles, may become immotile and float to the top of the culture medium. Sulfide and thiosulfate are used as photosynthetic electron donors. During the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate, elemental sulfur is formed, which is accumulated outside the cells. The organisms are strictly anaerobic, do not require vitamins, are moderately halophilic and need alkaline pH-values for growth. The new species Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata is proposed.  相似文献   

A novel pale-yellow-pigmented, moderately halophilic, facultatively alkaliphilic, non-motile, non-spore-forming, catalase- and oxidase-positive, obligately aerobic Gram-positive coccus, strain YIM-C678T was isolated from a saline soil sample collected from a hypersaline habitat in the Qaidam basin, northwest China. The organism grew at 4–37°C and pH 6.0–11.0, with optimum growth at 25°C and pH 8.0. Strain YIM-C678T grew optimally in the presence of 10–12% (w/v) NaCl and growth was observed in 1–25% (w/v) NaCl. The cell wall murein type was l-Lys-Gly5. Major cellular fatty acids were anteiso-C15:0, iso-C15:0, iso-C16:0 and C16:0. Menaquinone 6 (MK-6) was the major respiratory quinone. The DNA G + C content was 46.5 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the strain YIM-C678T belonged to the family Staphylococcaceae and was most closely related to the eight described species of the genus Salinicoccus with sequence similarities from 92.2 (S. luteus YIM 70202T) to 97.5% (S. kunmingensis YIM Y15T). The DNA–DNA relatedness between strain YIM-C678T and S. kunmingensis YIM Y15T was 35.4%. Chemotaxonomic data and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis supported the affiliation of strain YIM-C678T with the genus Salinicoccus. The combination of phylogenetic analysis, phenotypic characteristics, chemotaxonomic differences and DNA–DNA hybridization data supported the view that the bacterium represents a novel species of the genus Salinicoccus, for which the name Salinicoccus salitudinis sp. nov. is proposed, with YIM-C678T (=DSM 17846 = CGMCC 1.6299) as the type strain.  相似文献   

A halophilic, Gram-positive, spore-forming motile Bacillus-like strain YIM 012(T), was isolated from one of the hypersaline soil samples collected in Xin-jiang province, China. Its optimum growth occurred at 10-20% of NaCl concentration (w/v), pH 7.0-8.0. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain YIM 012(T) is a member of the genus of Alkalibacillus, which is well supported by its chemotaxonomic and molecular characteristics. Based on its phenotypic evidence and genotypic data, Alkalibacillus halophilus sp. nov. was proposed and strain YIM 012(T) (=DSM 17369(T)=KCTC 3990(T)) was assigned as the type strain of the novel species.  相似文献   

Two moderately halophilic low G + C Gram-positive bacteria were isolated from a sample of salted skate (Class Chondrychthyes, Genus Raja). Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strains RH1T and RH4 showed that these organisms represented a novel species of the genus Salinicoccus. The new isolates formed pink–red colonies and flocculated in liquid media, with optimum growth in media containing 4% NaCl and pH of about 8.0. These organisms are aerobic but reduce nitrate to nitrite under anaerobic conditions. Acid is produced from several carbohydrates. Oxidase and catalase were detected. Menaquinone 6 was the major respiratory quinone. The major fatty acids of strains RH1T and RH4 were 15:0 anteiso and 15:0 iso. The G + C contents of DNA were 46.2 and 46.0 mol%, respectively. The peptidoglycan was of A3alpha L-Lys-Gly5–6 type. On the basis of the phylogenetic analyses, physiological and biochemical characteristics, we suggest that strain RH1T (=LMG 22840 = CIP 108576) represents a new species of the genus Salinicoccus, for which we propose the name Salinicoccus salsiraiae.  相似文献   

A new phototrophic sulfur bacterium has been isolated from a red layer in a laminated mat occurring underneath a gypsum crust in the mediterranean salterns of Salin-de-Giraud (Camargue, France). Single cells were coccus-shaped, non motile, without gas vacuoles and contained sulfur globules. Bacteriochlorophyll a and okenone were present as major photosynthetic pigments. These properties and the G+C content of DNA (65.9–66.6 mol% G+C) are typical characteristics of the genus Thiocapsa. However, the new isolate differs from known species in the genus, particularly in NaCl requirement (optimum, 7% NaCl; range, 3–20% NaCl) and some physiological characteristics. Therefore, a new species is proposed, Thiocapsa halophila, sp. nov.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfennig in occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Screening of faecal bacteria for glycyrrhetic acid (GA) production by hydrolysing of glycyrrhizin (GL) resulted in the isolation of two strains, designated ZM35T and ZM38. Strains ZM35T and ZM38 were Gram-positive, obligate anaerobic, non-spore-forming and rod-shaped bacteria. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strains ZM35T and ZM38 belonged to cluster XIVa of the genus Clostridium. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains ZM35T and ZM38 were identical. Strain ZM35T exhibited approximately 94% to 95% identity with the validly described species, Clostridium oroticum(94.5%), Eubacterium contortum(93.8%), Ruminococcus gnavus(94.5%) and R. torques(95.1%). In an experiment of DNA-DNA hybridization, it was confirmed that strains ZM35T and ZM38 were the same species. The guanine-plus-cytosine (G+C) content of strain ZM35T is 45.7 mol%. Based on the phylogenetic and phenotypic findings, we propose that strains ZM35T and ZM38 be assigned to a novel species named Clostridium glycyrrhizinilyticum. The type strain is ZM35T (=JCM 13368T=DSM 17593T).  相似文献   

From the microbial mats that develop in Solar Lake, a new purple sulfur bacterium was isolated. This strain (Chromatium strain SL 3201) was morphologically similar to Chromatium gracile and Chromatium minutissimum. Chromatium SL 3201 was found to be a moderate halophile with a growth range between 2 and 20% NaCl (optimum 4–5% NaCl) and was able to grow photo-organotrophically using glycolate and glycerol. It is the first described phototrophic sulfur bacterium able to use glycolate. According to NaCl requirements and utilization of organic compounds, the strain is not related to any known species of the genus Chromatium. On the basis of its 16S rRNA gene sequence, it clusters with other Chromatium species and is most similar to Chromatium salexigens and Chr. gracile, but it is sufficiently separated to be considered as a new species of the genus. It is, therefore, described as Chromatium glycolicum sp. nov. Received: 17 June 1996 / Accepted: 4 November 1996  相似文献   

Two new mesophilic, sporeforming, gram-positive, strictly anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated which utilized betaine in the Stickland reaction. Strain M1 was obtained from pasteurized hypersaline sediments. Cells were motile rods and formed spherical terminal spores. Betaine was used with hydrogen and several amino acids as electron donors. In addition, several carbohydrates served as substrates. Growth required 1.5% NaCl with an optimum at 6.0% NaCl. The guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA was 26.9%. This strain is described as a new species, Clostridium halophilum.Strain W6 was isolated from marine sediments. Cells were motile rods and formed ovoid, subterminal spores. Betaine was used with hydrogen and several amino acids as electron donors. Carbohydrates were not fermented. Growth optimum was at 1.0% NaCl. The guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA was 26.1%. This strain is described as a new species, Clostridium litorale.Non standard abbreviations DMG N,N-dimethylglycine - TMA trimethylamine - PY peptone-yeast extract - PYG peptone-yeast extract-glucose  相似文献   

Phenotypic and phylogenetic studies were performed on four unidentified Gram-positive staining, catalase-negative, alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus-like organisms recovered from the teeth of horses. SDS PAGE analysis of whole-cell proteins and comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated the four strains were highly related to each other but that they did not correspond to any recognised species of the genus Streptococcus. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed the unidentified organisms form a hitherto unknown sub-line within the Streptococcus genus, displaying a close affinity with Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus ferus and related organisms. Sequence divergence values of > 5% with these and other reference streptococcal species however demonstrated the organisms from equine sources represent a novel species. Based on the phenotypic distinctiveness of the new bacterium and molecular chemical and molecular genetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown species be classified as Streptococcus devriesei sp. nov. The type strain of Streptococcus devriesei is CCUG 47155T (= CIP 107809T).  相似文献   

A novel actinomycete strain YIM 33378T was isolated from a soil sample collected from Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China. Based on the results of phenotypic and genotypic characteristics, strain YIM 33378T should be assigned to a new species of the genus Nocardia, for which the name Nocardia lijiangensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is YIM 33378T (= CCTCC AA 204005T = KCTC 19028T). The GenBank accession number for the sequence reported in this paper is AY779043.  相似文献   

Two Gram-positive, moderately halophilic bacteria, designated strains 29CMIT and 53CMI, were isolated from salted hides. Both strains were non-motile, strictly aerobic cocci, growing in the presence of 3–25% (w/v) NaCl (optimal growth at 7.5–12.5% [w/v] NaCl), between pH 5.0 and 10.0 (optimal growth at pH 7.5) and at temperatures between 15 and 40 °C (optimal growth at 37 °C). Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison showed that both strains showed a similarity of 98.7% and were closely related to species of the genus Salimicrobium, within the phylum Firmicutes. Strains 29CMIT and 53CMI exhibited 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity values of 97.9–97.6% with Salimicrobium album DSM 20748T, Salimicrobium halophilum DSM 4771T, Salimicrobium flavidum ISL-25T and Salimicrobium luteum BY-5T. The DNA G+C content was 50.7 mol% and 51.5 mol% for strains 29CMIT and 53CMI, respectively. The DNA–DNA hybridization between both strains was 98%, whereas the values between strain 29CMIT and the species S. album CCM 3517T, S. luteum BY-5T, S. flavidum ISL-25T and S. halophilum CCM 4074T were 45%, 28%, 15% and 10%, respectively, showing unequivocally that strains 29CMIT and 53CMI constitute a new genospecies. The major cellular fatty acids were anteiso-C15:0, anteiso-C17:0, iso-C15:0 and iso-C14:0. The main respiratory isoprenoid quinone was MK-7, although small amounts of MK-6 were also found. The polar lipids of the type strain consist of diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, one unidentified phospholipid and one glycolipid. The peptidoglycan type is A1γ, with meso-diaminopimelic acid as the diagnostic diamino acid. On the basis of the phylogenetic analysis, and phenotypic, genotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics, we propose strains 29CMIT and 53CMI as a novel species of the genus Salimicrobium, with the name Salimicrobium salexigens sp. nov. The type strain is 29CMIT (=CECT 7568T = JCM 16414T = LMG 25386T).  相似文献   

Enrichments on succinate plus yeast extract under anoxic conditions from intertidal mud-flat sediments yielded cultures dominated by oval to round-ended rod-shaped cells. Strain 10succ1, obtained in pure culture, was characterized in detail. The non-motile cells possessed a gram-negative cell wall and did not form spores. Carbohydrates were fermented to formate, acetate, ethanol, and lactate. Succinate was decarboxylated to propionate. Other organic and amino acids were variously fermented to formate, acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Sulfur, sulfate, thiosulfate, and nitrate were not used as electron acceptors. Growth required the presence of yeast extract and at least 5 g/l NaCl, and was possible only in the absence of oxygen. No cytochromes were detected. The DNA base ratio was 40 mol% G+C. Phylogenetically, strain 10succ1 is closely related to Propionigenium modestum, as revealed by 16S rDNA analysis, but is physiologically distinct. Accordingly, strain 10succ1 (DSM 9537) is described as the type strain of a new species of the genus Propionigenium, P. maris sp. nov. Received: 12 January 1995 / Accepted: 24 February 1995  相似文献   

A new obligately methylotrophic bacterium (strain MTT) with the ribulose monophosphate pathway of carbon assimilation is described. The isolate, utilizing only methanol, is an aerobic, Gram-negative, asporogenous, non-motile short rod multiplying by binary fission. Its cellular fatty acids profile consists primarily of straight-chain saturated C16:0 and unsaturated C16:l acids. The major ubiquinone is Q-8. The dominant phospholipids are phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. Diphosphatidylglycerol (cardiolipin) is absent. Optimal growth conditions are 25-29 degree C, pH 6.5 - 7.5, 0.5% CH3OH and 0.05% NaCl. Strain MTT lacks alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, the glyoxylate shunt enzymes, and glutamate dehydrogenase. Ammonium is assimilated by the operation of the glutamate cycle enzymes: glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase. An exopolysaccharide consisting of rhamnose, glucose and galactose is formed under nitrogen limitation. The G + C content of the DNA is 54.0 mol%. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis and DNA-DNA relatedness (29-34%) with type strains of the genus Methylophilus, the novel isolate was classified as a new species of this genus and named Methylophilus quaylei MTT (VKM B-2338T, DSMZ, etc.).  相似文献   

Two types of new anaerobic bacteria were isolated from anoxic freshwater sediments. They grew in mineral medium with oxalate as sole energy source and with acetate as main carbon source. Oxalate as well as oxamate (after deamination) were decarboxylated to formate with growth yields of 1.2–1.4 g dry cell matter per mol oxalate degraded. No other organic or inorganic substrates were used, and no electron acceptors were reduced. Strain WoOx3 was a Gramnegative, non-sporeforming, motile vibrioid rod with a guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA of 51.6 mol%. It resembled the previously described genus Oxalobacter, and is described as a new species, O. vibrioformis. Strain AltOx1 was a Gram-positive, spore-forming, motile rod with a DNA base ratio of 36.3 mol% guanine-plus-cytosine. This isolate is described as a new species of the genus Clostridium, C. oxalicum.  相似文献   

A strictly aerobic, Gram-positive, motile, coccoid-shaped, halotolerant actinobacterium (10% NaCl, w/v), designated MSL-23T, was isolated from a soil sample on Bigeum Island, Korea. Results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that the isolate belonged to the genus Nocardioides, with the highest sequence similarity (95.63%) being to Nocardioides kribbensis KCTC 19038T. The major menaquinone was MK-8(H4), and the predominant cellular fatty acids were i-C16:0, ai-C17:0, C18:1 ω9c and 10-methyl-C16:0. The DNA G+C content was 69.7 mol%. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain MSL 23T and its chemotaxonomic properties showed it to be unique in the genus Nocardioides. Phenotypic characteristics distinguished strain MSL-23T from other Nocardioides species. On the basis of the phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic data strain MSL-23T represents a novel species, for which the name Nocardioides halotolerans sp. nov. is proposed, with MSL-23T (=KCTC 19274T=DSM 19273T) as the type strain.  相似文献   

An endophytic actinobacterium, designated YIM 65003(T), was isolated from a surface sterilized leaf sample of Cercidiphyllum japonicum collected from Yunnan province, south-west China. The morphological and chemotaxonomic properties of the isolate were typical of members of the genus Rhodococcus. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed that the isolate was most closely related to Rhodococcus fascians DSM 20669(T) (99.6%) and Rhodococcus yunnanensis YIM 70056(T) (99.0%). DNA-DNA hybridization with the above microorganisms (46.3% and 48.8%, respectively), in combination with differences in the biochemical and physiological properties, suggested that strain YIM 65003(T) should be classified within a novel species of the genus Rhodococcus, for which the name Rhodococcus cercidiphylli sp. nov. is proposed, with YIM 65003(T) (=CCTCC AB 207160(T)=DSM 45141(T)) as the type strain. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain YIM 65003(T) has been deposited in GenBank under the accession number EU325542.  相似文献   

A new, moderately haloalkaliphilic and restricted-facultatively methylotrophic bacterium (strain Bur2T) with the ribulose monophosphate pathway of carbon assimilation is described. The isolate, which utilizes methanol, methylamine and fructose, is an aerobic, Gram-negative, asporogenous, motile short rod multiplying by binary fission. It is auxotrophic for vitamin B12, and requires NaHCO3 or NaCl for growth in alkaline medium. Cellular fatty acids profile consists primarily of straight-chain saturated C16:0, unsaturated C16:1 and C18:1 acids. The major ubiquinone is Q-8. The dominant phospholipids are phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. Diphosphatidylglycerol is also present. Optimal growth conditions are 25-29 degrees C, pH 8.5-9.0 and 2-3% (w/v) NaCl. Cells accumulate ectoine and glutamate as the main osmoprotectants. The G + C content of the DNA is 45.0 mol%. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis and DNA-DNA relatedness (25-35%) with type strains of marine and soda lake methylobacteria belonging to the genus Methylophaga, the novel isolate was classified as a new species of this genus and named Methylophaga natronica (VKM B-2288T).  相似文献   

The dominant purple sulfur bacterium of a reddish-colored waste water pond near Taichung, Taiwan, was isolated in pure culture, strain CML2. Individual cells were nearly spherical, nonmotile, and contained in their peripheral parts was vacuoles that appeared like elongated, curved tubes. Four to sixteen cells formed platelet-like aggregates reminiscent of Thiopedia rosea. The intracellular photosynthetic membrane system of the cells was of vesicular type; the photosynthetic pigments consisted of bacteriochlorophyll a and spirilloxanthin as the major carotenoid. The color of cell suspensions was pink to rosered. Under anaerobic conditions photolithoautotrophic growth occurred with sulfide, elemental sulfur or thiosulfate; sulfur globules were stored as an intermediary oxidation product. In the presence of sulfide, acetate, lactate and pyruvate were photoassimilated; strain CML2 lacked assimilatory sulfate reduction. Fastest photoautotrophic growth (11 h doubling time) was obtained at pH 7.5, 35°C and a light intensity of about 1000 lux (tungsten lamp). Chemolithoautotrophic growth in the dark was possible under reduced oxygen partial pressure with reduced sulfur compounds as respiratory substrates. The DNA base composition of strain CML2 was 65.5 mol% G+C. Strain CML2 is described as type strain of a new species, Amoebobacter pedioformis sp. nov., in the family Chromatiaceae.  相似文献   

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