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A method of measuring the water potential of stored potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) was needed to investigate the relationship of bacterial soft rot in tubers to water potential. Pressure chamber measurements, while useful for tubers with functional stolons, cannot be made on stored tubers. Measurements could be made on excised tissue pieces in a hygrometer chamber and with hygrometers implanted into tubers. We report here our evaluation of these hygrometric methods using a comparison with the pressure chamber on tubers harvested with stolons intact.

In tubers of high water potential, measurements on excised tissue were as much as 0.5 megapascals lower than the pressure chamber, probably due to turgor-driven expansion of the sample when freed from constraints imposed by surrounding tissue. Good agreement (±0.05 megapascals) was found between the implanted hygrometer and the pressure chamber at potentials higher than −0.5 megapascals. At lower water potentials, both hygrometer measurements were higher than the pressure chamber. Respirational heating of the tissue contributed to the increase in the excised tissue samples, but not with the implanted hygrometers because of the hygrometer design. The osmotic pressure balanced the pressure chamber measurement of potential at −0.7 megapascals, but was too small to do so at lower potentials. At most, 25% of this discrepancy can be accounted for by dilution by apoplastic water. We believe that the pressure chamber measurement is too low at low water potentials and that the error is associated with air bubbles in the xylem. At low potentials air emerged from xylem vessels along with sap, and fewer xylem emitted sap as potentials decreased.


Twenty fungal genera, including 14 Fusarium species, were examined for ice nucleation activity at −5.0°C, and this activity was found only in Fusarium acuminatum and Fusarium avenaceum. This characteristic is unique to these two species. Ice nucleation activity of F. avenaceum was compared with ice nucleation activity of a Pseudomonas sp. strain. Cumulative nucleus spectra are similar for both microorganisms, while the maximum temperatures of ice nucleation were −2.5°C for F. avenaceum and −1.0°C for the bacteria. Ice nucleation activity of F. avenaceum was stable at pH levels from 1 to 13 and tolerated temperature treatments up to 60°C, suggesting that these ice nuclei are more similar to lichen ice nuclei than to bacterial ones. Ice nuclei of F. avenaceum, unlike bacterial ice nuclei, pass through a 0.22-μm-pore-size filter. Fusarial nuclei share some characteristics with the so-called leaf-derived nuclei with which they might be identified: they are cell free and stable up to 60°C, and they are found in the same kinds of environment. Highly stable ice nuclei produced by fast-growing microorganisms have potential applications in biotechnology. This is the first report of ice nucleation activity in free-living fungi.  相似文献   

Tecnazene (up to 33 ppm) and dichloran (up to 500 ppm) had little effect on germination of spores or growth of Fusarium solani isolated from and causing a rot of potato tubers; they also did not decrease rotting when applied to wounds later inoculated with the pathogen. Benomyl and thiabendazole (up to 500 ppm) also had little effect on spore germination but did greatly decrease growth at 5 ppm. A pronounced pink coloration developed in cultures growing slowly in the presence of benomyl; a similar though less striking effect appeared in agar cultures containing thiabendazole. Benomyl suspended in water or diluted with Fuller's earth gave good control of rotting when applied to wounds inoculated later with F. solani. Still better control was obtained with thiabendazole; dusts containing 1% a.i. substantially decreased rots and those containing 10 % a.i. gave almost complete control when applied to wounds shortly before inoculation. Thiabendazole was also very effective when used 24 h after inoculation and a fair measure of control was obtained when it was applied 24 h later. Benomyl and thiabendazole placed on apparently intact surfaces of tubers caused tissue 5 mm deep to become toxic to F. solani 10 days later, and, unexpectedly, this tissue prevented spore germination. Fuller's earth alone substantially decreased rotting. The results obtained suggest that dusts containing thiabendazole have some promise for the control of Fusarium rots of potato tubers, especially of early crops.  相似文献   

The relationships of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber membrane permeability and membrane lipid composition to sugar accumulation were examined. Tubers from four potato cultivars were stored for 40 weeks at 3°C and 9°C. Rates of tuber membrane electrolyte leakage, total fatty acid composition, free fatty acid composition, and sugar content were measured throughout the storage period. Storage of tubers at 3°C caused dramatic increases in total fatty acid unsaturation, membrane permeability, and sugar content compared to tubers stored at 9°C. Cultivars with higher levels of fatty acid unsaturation had lower rates of membrane electrolyte leakage and lower sugar contents. We propose that high initial levels or high induced levels of membrane lipid unsaturation mitigate increases in tuber membrane permeability during storage, thus positively influencing the processing quality of stored potato tubers.  相似文献   


Basal rot is the main and economically soil-borne disease of onion that caused by various Fusarium species worldwide. To identify the prevailing Fusarium species, 140 Fusarium isolates were obtained from red onion bulbs farms in 10 regions of East and West Azarbaijan provinces in 2015. By inoculating 80 selected isolates, 40 of them were pathogenic on onion. These 40 isolates were identified as F. oxysporum with 43.62%, F. subglutinans with 44%, F. culmorum with 50.66%, F. avenaceum with 51%, F. solani with 42.41%, F. crookwellens with 55%, F. proliferatum with 47.16% and F. redolens with 55.5% virulence. Their frequency were 20%, 2.5%, 7.5%, 5%, 42.5%, 2.5%, 15% and 5%, respectively. Forty studied isolates demonstrating that, 14.2% were highly virulent, 26.1% virulent, 40.3% moderately virulent and 19.4% weakly virulent. This is the first report of F. avenaceum and F. crookwellens as the causal agents of red onion basal rot in Iran.  相似文献   

Potato titbers infested with Phoma exigua var. foveata were uniformly wounded and sprayed or dipped in fungicide suspensions either immediately or after periods of up to 21 days' storage at 5, 10, 15 or 20 °C. Tubers were then stored at 5 °C and gangrene assessed after 12 wk. Incidence of gangrene on untreated tubers was progressively decreased by increasing the length of storage at 15 or 20° (curing) but was not affected by 3 days' storage at any temperature. Fungicide treatment immediately after wounding gave best control of the disease; treatment after 3 days' delay was less effective and after 14 or 21 days was usually ineffective. Gangrene was decreased by fungicides more on tubers stored for 3 or 7 days at 5 °C than at higher temperatures. Control of gangrene by curing or fungicides diminished when the amount of inoculum on tubers was increased. Increasing the amount of fungicide applied improved control and fungicides were more effective in decreasing gangrene on cut and crush wounds than on cut wounds. At the arbitrary concentrations used in these experiments imazalil gave better disease control than thiabendazole, prochloraz, carbendazim plus quinolin 8-ol or triadimefon.  相似文献   

It was found that crude preparation obtained from the culture medium of Fusarium avenaceum degraded cellulose and xylan. After chromatography on CM-Sepharose CL-6B of this preparation six fraction were obtained. The eluted fractions II and V showed xylanase activity, fraction IV — cellulase activity and fraction III — xylanase and cellulase activity. The end products of xylan hydrolysis by all xylanase fractions (II, III, V) were xylobiose, xylose, xylotriose and xylotetrose. The end products of cellulose hydrolysis by fractions III and IV was cellobiose, glucose and cellotriose. The data from gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 indicated a molecular weight of more than 250,000 for both cellulase IV and xylanase V. After gel filtration in the presence of urea disaggregation of those high molecular xylanase and cellulase particles was observed. Xylanase II in difference from the other fractions contained higher amount of sugar. Digestion of fraction II with cellulase-hemicellulase preparation from Phoma hibernica decreased the content of sugar from 17% to 8%, but did not change its enzymatic properties. Cellulase IV as well as xylanase V were inactivated by N-bromosuccinimide, 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide and tetranitromethane, hence it is suggested that tryptophan and tyrosine are the essential for the activity of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Potato tubers of the cultivar Pentland Dell were investigated for ultrastructural changes following impact. Studies were carried out on tubers after 12 and 24 wk of storage using a falling bolt delivering 0.7 J of energy. Ultra-thin sections were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Tubers stored for 12 wk exhibited no visual bruise formation, whereas visible bruising resulted following impact of tubers stored for 24 wk. An ultrastructural sequence of events during bruising was established as (1) a collapse of intracellular compartmentation, (2) increased ribosomal and mitochondrial abundance within the cytoplasm, (3) increased density of cytoplasm adjacent to the cell wall and surrounding amyloplasts, and (4) the development of melanin in bruised cells. These observations are discussed in relation to tuber turgor and physiology during storage.  相似文献   

The nutrient contents of the two cultivare of Potato‐Irish Cobbler and Red Pontiac were quantitatively altered by Rhizoctonia bataticola during pathogenesis. The glucose content of both cultivare increased whereas sucrose, maltose and fructose contents decreased appreciably in quantity during the period of incubation. The total protein and lipid contents of both cultivare were also lowered quantitatively by the rot‐causing organism. The depletion of total carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents, was more in Irish Cobbler cultivar than in Red Pontiac cultivar.  相似文献   

The changes in the components of the ascorbateglutathione systemduring the storage of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Spunta)tubers for 40 weeks at both 3C and 9C were studied in relationto lipid peroxidation. The level of malondialdehyde was foundto be higher at 3C than at 9C throughout storage. Thus, lipidperoxidation, which is the main cause of membrane deterioration,was accelerated at the lower temperature. Catalase activityincreased throughout storage independently of temperature. Theascorbate content of tubers decreased during storage both at3C and at 9C, as in other ageing processes. However, ascorbateperoxidase activity reached a maximum after about 8 weeks ofstorage, then declined at 9C, but held a higher level at 3C.The dehydroascorbic content also reached a maximum after about8 weeks and was significantly higher in tubers stored at 3C.These findings indicate a greater utilization of ascorbate byascorbate peroxidase at the lower temperature. Ascorbate freeradical reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase and glutathionereductase, the enzymes involved in the regeneration of ascorbate,were not affected by temperature and remained quite unchangedthroughout storage. It can be concluded that the ascorbate systemis involved in the scavenging of the free-radicals responsiblefor lipid peroxidation in stored potato tubers, at least atlow temperatures and in the first period of storage. Key words: Ascorbate, lipid peroxidation, potato tubers, Solanum tuberosum L  相似文献   

Winter (37), spring (8) wheat accessions and additionally, 7 double haploid (DH) lines were examined for susceptibility to Fusarium seedling blight after inoculation with F. culmorum and F. avenaceum. Winter accessions exhibited lower susceptibility of about 30% to both pathogens than spring cultivars. Susceptibility of winter cultivars varied from low (22%) to high (97%). Evaluation of the root was found to be more reliable than evaluation of coleoptile necrosis.
F. avenaceum infected mostly root and, to a lesser extent, coleoptile and leaves, with about a three times lower disease score of coleoptile against root. F. culmorum caused a 1.5 higher disease score on root than on coleoptile. Susceptibility of DH lines was different from susceptibility of parental forms. Reaction of individual accessions to F. culmorum and F. avenaceum was different.  相似文献   

The extracellular ice nuclei of Fusarium avenaceum IFO 7158 (FEIN) were stable at pH levels from 2 to 12 and tolerated temperatures up to 40°C. In an activity of the FEIN, proteins were important, however, saccharide and lipid which were proved to be a part of components of bacterial ice nuclei did not participate.  相似文献   

To change the hexose-to-sucrose ratio within phloem cells, yeast-derived cytosolic invertase was expressed in transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Desirée) plants under control of the rolC promoter. Vascular tissue specific expression of the transgene was verified by histochemical detection of invertase activity in tuber cross-sections. Vegetative growth and tuber yield of transgenic plants was unaltered as compared to wild-type plants. However, the sprout growth of stored tubers was much delayed, indicating impaired phloem-transport of sucrose towards the developing bud. Biochemical analysis of growing tubers revealed that, in contrast to sucrose levels, which rapidly declined in growing invertase-expressing tubers, hexose and starch levels remained unchanged as compared to wild-type controls. During storage, sucrose and starch content declined in wild-type tubers, whereas glucose and fructose levels remained unchanged. A similar response was found in transgenic tubers with the exception that starch degradation was accelerated and fructose levels increased slightly. Furthermore, changes in carbohydrate metabolism were accompanied by an elevated level of phosphorylated intermediates, and a stimulated rate of respiration. Considering that sucrose breakdown was restricted to phloem cells it is concluded that, in response to phloem-associated sucrose depletion or hexose elevation, starch degradation and respiration is triggered in parenchyma cells. To study further whether elevated hexose and/or hexose-phosphates or decreased sucrose levels are responsible for the metabolic changes observed, sucrose content was decreased by tuber-specific expression of a bacterial sucrose isomerase. Sucrose isomerase catalyses the reversible conversion of sucrose into palatinose, which is not further metabolizable by plant cells. Tubers harvested from these plants were found to accumulate high levels of palatinose at the expense of sucrose. In addition, starch content decreased slightly, while hexose levels remained unaltered, compared with the wild-type controls. Similar to low sucrose-containing invertase tubers, respiration and starch breakdown were found to be accelerated during storage in palatinose-accumulating potato tubers. In contrast to invertase transgenics, however, no accumulation of phosphorylated intermediates was observed. Therefore, it is concluded that sucrose depletion rather than increased hexose metabolism triggers reserve mobilization and respiration in stored potato tubers.  相似文献   

Heavy infestations of stored potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers by the two potato tuber moth species Symmetrischema tangolias (Gyen) and Tecia solanivora (Povolny) frequently occur in Andean potato‐growing regions of Ecuador. The aim of the study was to develop a biological control strategy for both species using powder formulations made of inert substances, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) granulovirus (PhopGV) and Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subsp. kurstaki (Btk). The LC50 of PhopGV on T. solanivora was 0.33 LE/L, and Btk caused 82.7% mortality at a concentration of 100 g/L in bioassays. The efficacy of talcum, kaolin, calcium carbonate and sand ranged between 76.2% and 98.7%. Calcium carbonate was highly effective to control both species; however, its efficacy was affected by the relative humidity and dropped to 55.4% at relative humidity of 100%. PhopGV at concentrations of five larvae equivalents (LE) per kg kaolin and Btk at a concentration of 60 g Btk/kg talcum caused 95.7% and 88.1% mortality of T. solanivora, respectively. In storage experiments, the efficacy of calcium carbonate alone and in combination with PhopGV (20 LE/kg) and Btk (15 g/kg) caused 95.0–99.8% mortality of T. solanivora in all treatments and reduced infestation on potato tubers by 83.6%–91.0%. In the case of S. tangolias, Btk significantly increased mortality to 96.5% compared with calcium carbonate alone and reduced tuber infestation by 83.4%. Storage of potato tubers in thin layers enhanced the efficacy of the calcium carbonate treatment compared with storage in bags. It was concluded that calcium carbonate alone seems to be appropriate for the control of T. solanivora, and an addition of 15 g Btk/kg would improve the control of S. tangolias. It is suggested to test these new formulations under on‐farm storage conditions.  相似文献   

Inoculation with soil samples proved that the fungus causing dry rot is frequently present in field soils in Cheshire and in soil adhering to imported seed tubers. The fungus was viable in soils having a wide range of p H values and in fields which had not grown potatoes for 5-6 years. Other sources of infection include lofts, used sacks, seed boxes, diseased tubers, and knives used for cutting seed potatoes.
Bruised tubers stored in heavily contaminated boxes developed much dry rot; far less disease occurred in unbruised tubers. In boxes containing own-saved seed, healthy tubers in contact with diseased ones remained sound. Bruised tubers in contact with, or contaminated by, diseased tubers contracted dry rot. Cutting seed with a contaminated knife increased the disease seven-fold.
Inoculation of tubers attached to the parent plant showed that little or no infection occurred before lifting. In field trials severe dry rot developed in several varieties 6-8 weeks after lifting.
The results are discussed in relation to seed treatment.  相似文献   

The effect on plant establishment of planting infected and contaminated sets of susceptible varieties has been studied in field trials from 1942 to 1945.
Healthy whole sets, and whole sets inoculated internally 3 days before planting, yielded good stands, whilst whole sets with obvious dry-rot lesions present at planting time produced gappy crops.
Healthy cut sets gave satisfactory stands except in one test with Doon Star, whilst sets cut with a contaminated knife at planting time yielded only a few misses in 1943 but many in the unfavourable 1944 season and in 1945.  相似文献   

Starch branching enzyme was purified from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers as a single species of 79 kilodaltons and specific antibodies were prepared against both the native enzyme and against the gel-purified, denatured enzyme. The activity of potato branching enzyme could only be neutralized by antinative potato branching enzyme, whereas both types of antibodies reacted with denatured potato branching enzyme. Starch branching enzymes were also isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) kernels. All of the denatured forms of the maize enzyme reacted with antidenatured potato branching enzyme, whereas recognition by antinative potato branching enzyme was limited to maize branching enzymes I and IIb. Antibodies directed against the denatured potato enzyme were unable to neutralize the activity of any of the maize branching enzymes. Antinative potato branching enzyme fully inhibited the activity of maize branching enzyme I; the neutralized maize enzyme was identified as a 82 kilodalton protein. It is concluded that potato branching enzyme (Mr = 79,000) shares a high degree of similarity with maize branching enzyme I (Mr = 82,000), in the native as well as the denatured form. Cross-reactivity between potato branching enzyme and the other forms of maize branching enzyme was observed only after denaturation, which suggests mutual sequence similarities between these species.  相似文献   

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