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Abstract. For seven years we studied the recovery of vegetation in a Belgian P limited rich fen (Caricion davallianae), which had been fertilized with nitrogen (200 g.m?2) and phosphorus (50 g.m?2) in 1992. The vegetation in this fen has low above‐ground biomass production (< 100 g m?2) due to the strong P limitation. Above‐ground biomass was harvested from 1992 to 1998 and P and N concentrations measured. In 1998, below‐ground biomass was also harvested. The response to fertilization differed markedly between below‐ and above‐ground compartments. Above‐ground, P was the single most important factor that continued to stimulate growth 7 yr after fertilization. Below‐ground, N tended to decrease live root biomass and increase dead root biomass and seemed to have a toxic effect on the roots. In the combined NP treatment the stimulating effect of P (an increase of live root biomass) was countered by N. The 1998 soil analysis showed no difference in soil P in the plots. Thus, Fe hydroxides are not capable of retaining P in competition with fen vegetation uptake. However, higher capture of P in root Fe coatings from N plots may partially explain this negative N effect. The results suggest that N root toxicity will be amplified in strongly P limited habitats but that its persistence will be less influenced by P availability. This mechanism may be a competitive advantage for N2 fixing species that grow in strongly P limited wetlands.  相似文献   

Question: Why do similar fen meadow communities occur in different landscapes? How does the hydrological system sustain base‐rich fen mires and fen meadows? Location: Interdunal wetlands and heathland pools in The Netherlands, percolation mires in Germany, Poland, and Siberia, and calcareous spring fens in the High Tatra, Slovakia. Methods: This review presents an overview of the hydrological conditions of fen mires and fen meadows that are highly valued in nature conservation due to their high biodiversity and the occurrence of many Red List species. Fen types covered in this review include: (1) small hydrological systems in young calcareous dune areas, and (2) small hydrological systems in decalcified old cover sand areas in The Netherlands; (3) large hydrological systems in river valleys in Central‐Europe and western‐Siberia, and (4) large hydrological systems of small calcareous spring fens with active precipitation of travertine in mountain areas of Slovakia. Results: Different landscape types can sustain similar nutrient poor and base‐rich habitats required by endangered fen meadow species. The hydrological systems of these landscapes are very different in size, but their ground water flow pattern is remarkably similar. Paleoecological research showed that travertine forming fen vegetation types persisted in German lowland percolation mires from 6000 to 3000 BP. Similar vegetation types can still be found in small mountain mires in the Slovak Republic. Small pools in such mires form a cascade of surface water bodies that stimulate travertine formation in various ways. Travertine deposition prevents acidification of the mire and sustains populations of basiphilous species that elsewhere in Europe are highly endangered. Conclusion: Very different hydrological landscape settings can maintain a regular flow of groundwater through the top soil generating similar base‐rich site conditions. This is why some fen species occur in very different landscape types, ranging from mineral interdunal wetlands to mountain mires.  相似文献   

Questions: Does succession of rewetted species‐poor fen grasslands display similar trends when different water levels, sites and regions are compared? Will restoration targets as peat growth and waterfowl diversity be reached? Location: Valley fen of the river Peene (NE‐Germany) and the Hanság fen (Lake Neusiedler See, NW‐Hungary). Methods: Analysis of permanent plot data and vegetation maps over a period of up to seven years of rewetting. The general relations between newly adjusted water levels and changes in dominance of helophytic key species during early succession are analysed considering four rewetting intensities (water level classes) and eight vegetation types (Phalaris arundinacea type, Carex type, Glyceria maxima type, Phragmites australis type, Typha type, aquatic vegetation type, open water type and miscellaneous type). Results: The initial period of balancing the site conditions and vegetation is characterised by specific vegetation types and related horizontal vegetation structures. Most vegetation types displayed similar trends within the same water level class when different sites and regions were compared. A significant spread of potentially peat forming vegetation with dominance of Carex spp. or Phragmites as desired goal of restoration was predominantly restricted to long‐term shallow inundated sites (water level median in winter: 0–30 cm above surface). Open water patches as bird habitats persisted mainly at permanent inundated sites (water level median in winter > 60 cm above surface). Conclusions: Site hydrology appeared as a main force of secondary succession. Thus the rewetting intensity and restoration targets have to be balanced adequately.  相似文献   

Questions: What vegetational changes does a boreal rich fen (alkaline fen) undergo during a time period of 24 years after drainage? How is plant species richness affected, and what are the changes in composition of ecological groups of species? Is it possible to recover parts of the original flora by rewetting the rich fen? Which are the initial vegetation changes in the flora after rewetting? What are the major challenges for restoration of rich fen flora after rewetting? Location: Eastern central Sweden, southern boreal vegetational zone. Previously rich fen site, drained for forestry purposes during 1978–1979. The site was hydrologically restored (rewetted) in 2002. Method: Annual vegetation survey in permanent plots during a period of 28 years. Results: There were three successional stages in the vegetational changes. In the first stage there was a rapid (< 5 years) loss of rich fen bryophytes. The second step was an increase of sedges and early successional bryophytes, which was followed by an increase of a few emerging dominants, such as Molinia caerulea, Betula pubescens and Sphagnum spp. After rewetting, there are indications of vegetation recovery, albeit at slow rates. Depending on, for instance, initial species composition different routes of vegetation change were observed in the flora after drainage, although after 24 years, species composition became more homogenous and dominated by a few species with high cover. Conclusion: Major changes have occurred after changes in the hydrology (drainage and rewetting) with a severe impact on the biodiversity among vascular plants and bryophytes. Several rich fen bryophytes respond quickly to the changes in water level (in contrast to vascular plants). The recovery after rewetting towards the original rich fen vegetation is slow, as delayed by substrate degradation, dispersal limitation and presence of dominant species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Response of a species to an environmental variable may be modeled and predicted using a wide spectrum of different functions. Contrary to other functions (Gaussian, polynomial etc), all parameters of the β‐function are interpretable in ecological terms. However, computational difficulties in the determination of the β‐function parameters initiated controversial debates on the applicability and usefulness of this function in vegetation modelling and gradient analysis. We propose a simple algorithm for fitting the β‐function to observed data. Analytic properties of the algorithm (its ability to recover the known species responses along gradients) are tested using a series of simulated data. In most cases the algorithm correctly estimated parameters of the simulated responses.  相似文献   



How does the plant species composition of Pontic–Pannonian salt‐rich habitats vary on a large geographical scale? Do the floristic differences between Pannonia and the Balkans correspond to the current phytosociological classification?


Pannonia (Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Romania) and the Balkans (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece).


Two thousand four hundred and thirty‐seven relevés from halophytic and sub‐halophytic habitats were classified using a modified TWINSPAN. The crispness of classification was checked. DCA and CCA with climate data as explanatory variables were applied.


The classification was best interpreted at the level of 15 clusters. The vegetation changed along the salinity gradient from sub‐halophytic grasslands (including Trifolion resupinati alliance of the Molinio‐Arrhenatheretalia class and Beckmannion eruciformis and Festucion pseudovinae p. p. alliances of the Festuco‐Puccinellietea class) and reed beds (Bolboschoenion maritimi p. p. alliance; the Phragmito‐Magnocaricetea class), through steppe and wet inland halophytic vegetation (Festucion pseudovinae p. p., Puccinellion limosae, Pucinellion convolutae, Bolboschoenion maritimi p. p. and Juncion gerardii of the Festuco‐Puccinellietea class) towards the extreme halophytic vegetation of the Thero‐Salicornietea, Crypsietea and Juncetea maritimi classes. This gradient was longer in the Balkan region, where it spanned from the sub‐mediterranean salt‐rich grasslands to the extremely halophytic vegetation at the Black Sea coast. The second most important gradient coincided with the water regime. Some vegetation types appeared to be confined to either the Pannonian or the Balkan region (especially within dry sub‐halophytic and steppe halophytic grasslands), while others were distributed across the entire study area. The above‐mentioned pattern did not always correspond with current classification systems.


Variation in salt‐rich vegetation predominantly follows the salinity and water regime gradients. Geographical variation, generally coinciding with climatic and historical effects, is also important, especially in drier salt‐rich habitats. Our large‐scale analysis of the floristic variation of salt‐rich habitats might be useful for the unification of classification systems that differ substantially between the countries involved. In addition, the analysis may be useful for adjustment of a classification system in the poorly explored Balkan region, where particular vegetation types were identified with, or delimited from, Central European vegetation types without detailed comparative analysis until now.

β‐diversity (variation in community composition) is a fundamental component of biodiversity, with implications for macroecology, community ecology and conservation. However, its scaling properties are poorly understood. Here, we systematically assessed the spatial scaling of β‐diversity using 12 empirical large‐scale datasets including different taxonomic groups, by examining two conceptual types of β‐diversity and explicitly considering the turnover and nestedness components. We found highly consistent patterns across datasets. Multiple‐site β‐diversity (i.e. variation across multiple sites) scaling curves were remarkably consistent, with β‐diversity decreasing with sampled area according to a power law. For pairwise dissimilarities, the rates of increase of dissimilarity with geographic distance remained largely constant across scales, while grain size (or scale level) had a stronger effect on overall dissimilarity. In both analyses, turnover was the main contributor to β‐diversity, following total β‐diversity patterns closely, while the nestedness component was largely insensitive to scale changes. Our results highlight the importance of integrating both inter‐ and intraspecific aggregation patterns across spatial scales, which underpin substantial differences in community structure from local to regional scales.  相似文献   

Abstract. Various attempts have been made to describe and map the vegetation of southern Africa with recent efforts having an increasingly ecologi cal context. Vegetation classification is usually based on vegetation physiognomy and floristic composition, but phenology is useful source of information which is rarely used, although it can contribute functional information on ecosystems. The objectives of this study were to identify a suite of variables derived from time‐series NDVI data that best describe the phenological phenomena of vegetation in southern Africa and, secondly, to assess a classification of pixels of the study area based on NDVI variables using a preexisting map of the biomes that was delimited on the basis of life forms and climate. A number of variables were derived from the satellite data for describing phenological phenomena, which were analysed by multivariate techniques to determine which variables best explained the variation in the satellite data. This set of variables was used to produce a phenological classification of the vegetation of southern Africa, the results of which are discussed in relation to their concordance with the existing biome boundaries.  相似文献   

Abstract. The predictability of early primary succession in post‐mining landscapes of eastern Germany was studied at sites 5–70 yr following dumping. This chronosequence was investigated using indirect ordination methods. The position of the vegetation types in the ordination diagram was found not to infer any temporal sequence. Independent observations show that the change of vegetation type is slow and does not necessarily occur among types adjacent in the ordination diagram. Furthermore, direct ordination revealed that environmental parameters such as pH, the levels of available phosphate and organic carbon as well as the age of the study sites do not significantly account for the variance. Instead, attention needs to be paid to the influence of spatial aspects and also what recultivation measures have been carried out. A detailed account of the vegetation dynamics of individual sample plots showed ‐ depending on the respective vegetation type ‐ divergence, convergence, and fluctuation at the smallest spatial scale. While the species richness of the sample plots remained more or less constant after initial colonization, mean vegetation cover continuously increases with age, although some sites still remain free of vegetation after as long as 70 yr. No general trend in dominant life forms was indicated. A conceptual model of early succession mechanisms is outlined and five basic mechanisms are identified (i.e. site availability, site suitability, availability of diaspores, strategies of colonizing species and biotic interactions). Their respective importance in three different stages of early succession is estimated and compared. The predictability of vegetation dynamics at each stage is rated differently.  相似文献   

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