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The radial increases in wood specific gravity known in many tree species have been interpreted as providing mechanical support in response to the stresses associated with wind loading. This interpretation leads to the hypothesis that individuals reaching the canopy should (1) be more likely to have radial increases in specific gravity and (2) exhibit greater increases than individuals in the subcanopy. Wood specific gravity was determined for three species of forest trees (Acer rubrum, Fagus grandifolia and Tsuga canadensis) growing in central Massachusetts, USA. Acer rubrum shows radial increases in specific gravity, but these increases are not more pronounced in canopy trees; the other two species show a pattern of radial decreases. The degree of radial increase or decrease is influenced by tree height and diameter. Of the dominant tree species for which we have data, A. rubrum, Betula papyrifera and Pinus strobus show radial increases in specific gravity, whereas F. grandifolia, T. canadensis and Quercus rubra show decreases. The occurrence of radial increases in B. papyrifera and P. strobus, which are often canopy emergents, suggests that it is overall adaptive strategy that is important rather than position (canopy vs. subcanopy) of any individual tree. It is suggested that radial increases in specific gravity are associated with early-successional status or characteristics and decreases with late-successional status or persistence in mature forest.  相似文献   

R. L. Goldingay 《Oecologia》1987,73(1):154-158
Summary The Yellow-bellied Glider, Petaurus australis, was observed to feed sporadically but extensively on eucalypt sap. Gliders extracted sap by making incisions into the bark with their procumbent lower incisor teeth and licking the resulting exudate. Less than 1% of possible trees were incised for sap. Sap flow and sap-sugar concentration were estimated for eight sap-site trees and eight non sap-site trees at intervals during an 18 month period. Measurements of sap-sugar concentration differed substantially among trees but fluctuated between sample periods independent of glider use. Sap flow measurements, were always higher for those trees currently in use by gliders, although the particular sap-site trees comprising this group varied between sample periods. The variation in sap flow occurred indenpendent of the incidence of rainfall or the type of microhabitat the tree occupied. Experimental incising of trees, designed to mimic the effects of feeding by gliders, failed to show any effect on sap flow. This suggests that the incidence of sap feeding is determined by a tree's pattern of sap flow and that there may be trees with unusual patterns of sap flow which gliders select as the most favourable trees to incise.  相似文献   

Chemical defenses are an effective mode of predator deterrence across benthic marine organisms, but their production may come with associated costs to the organism as limited resources are diverted away from primary processes like growth and reproduction. Organisms concentrating ecologically relevant levels of these defenses in tissues most at risk to predator attack may alleviate this cost while deterring predators. We addressed this hypothesis by investigating the deterrence of chemical extracts from the inner and outer regions of the sponges Aplysina fulva, Ircinia felix, and I. campana from a temperate hard-bottom reef in the South Atlantic Bight. Assays were conducted using natural fish assemblages and sea urchins. Although, A. fulva and I. felix have higher concentrations of defensive metabolites in the outer and inner regions, respectively, extracts from these regions did not display enhanced deterrency against fish or mobile invertebrate predators. Likewise, extracts from both regions of the sponge Ircinia campana, which has a uniform distribution of defensive chemicals throughout, did not differ in their ability to deter either group of predators. Since chemical defenses were effective deterrents at lower concentrations, secondary metabolite allocation patterns observed among these sponges are likely not driven by predation pressure from generalist fish and mobile invertebrate predators on these reefs. Alternatively, these patterns may be driven by other ecological stressors, another suite of predators, or may be more effective at deterring predators when combined with structural defenses.  相似文献   

Temperate forest 15N isotope trace experiments find nitrogen (N) addition‐driven carbon (C) uptake is modest as little additional N is acquired by trees; however, several correlations of ambient N deposition against forest productivity imply a greater effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition than these studies. We asked whether N deposition experiments adequately represent all processes found in ambient conditions. In particular, experiments typically apply 15N to directly to forest floors, assuming uptake of nitrogen intercepted by canopies (CNU) is minimal. Additionally, conventional 15N additions typically trace mineral 15N additions rather than litter N recycling and may increase total N inputs above ambient levels. To test the importance of CNU and recycled N to tree nutrition, we conducted a mesocosm experiment, applying 54 g N/15N ha?1 yr?1 to Sitka spruce saplings. We compared tree and soil 15N recovery among treatments where enrichment was due to either (1) a 15N‐enriched litter layer, or mineral 15N additions to (2) the soil or (3) the canopy. We found that 60% of 15N applied to the canopy was recovered above ground (in needles, stem and branches) while only 21% of 15N applied to the soil was found in these pools. 15N recovery from litter was low and highly variable. 15N partitioning among biomass pools and age classes also differed among treatments, with twice as much 15N found in woody biomass when deposited on the canopy than soil. Stoichiometrically calculated N effect on C uptake from 15N applied to the soil, scaled to real‐world conditions, was 43 kg C kg N?1, similar to manipulation studies. The effect from the canopy treatment was 114 kg C kg N?1. Canopy treatments may be critical to accurately represent N deposition in the field and may address the discrepancy between manipulative and correlative studies.  相似文献   

Jiménez JL 《Proteins》2005,59(4):757-764
To understand the evolutionary forces establishing, maintaining, breaking, or precluding protein-protein interactions, a comprehensive data set of protein complexes has been analyzed to examine the overlap between protein interfaces and the most conserved or divergent protein surface areas. The most divergent areas tend to be found predominantly away from protein interfaces, although when found at interfaces, they are associated with specific lack of cross-reactivity between close homologues, like in antibody-antigen complexes. Moreover, the amino acid composition of highly variable regions is significantly different from any other protein surfaces. The variable regions present higher structural plasticity as a result of insertions and deletions, and favor charged over hydrophobic residues, a known strategy to minimize aggregation. This suggests that (1) a rapid rate of mutations at these regions might be continuously altering their properties, making difficult the coadaptation, in shape and chemical complementarity, to potential interacting partners; and (2) the existence of some form of selective pressure for variable areas away from interfaces to accumulate charged residues, perhaps as an evolutionary mechanism to increase solubility and minimize undesirable interactions within the crowded cellular environment. Finally, these results are placed into the context of the aberrant oligomerization of sickle-cell anemia hemoglobin and prion proteins.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the specific characteristics of carcass and meat from an old French chicken breed, the ‘Géline de Touraine’ (GT), characterised by a very slow-growing rate and usually slaughtered at 120 days of age. For this purpose, we compared the GT with an experimental crossbreed (EC) exhibiting the same growth rate, and with a ‘Label rouge’ (LR) genotype usually slaughtered at 84 days of age. A total of 250 males and 250 females per genotype were reared by separating sexes and genotypes. The growth performances were recorded. At 84 days of age, 80 birds per sex and per genotype were slaughtered. The frequency of clawing and pecking injuries on the carcass was noted. We also measured the skin colour and the thickness of wing membrane. The relative percentages of carcass, breast, thigh + drumstick, abdominal fat, testis or ovary to body weight were determined. On breast and thigh muscles the ultimate pH (pHu) and colour were measured. The juice loss after 3 days’ storage at +4°C and after cooking at 85°C, and the shear force value of Warner–Bratzler were only measured on breast muscles. At 120 days of age, we repeated the same measurements but only on EC and GT genotypes in order to compare birds at the same age or at the respective slaughter age for each production. Whatever the slaughter age, the body weight of males was always higher than that of the females but the carcass yield was similar for both sexes. The females had higher breast yield and carcass fatness but lower thigh + drumstick yield than the males. The yellowness of skin and meat was higher for the females than for the males while the contrary was observed for the redness of the meat. The breast meat of the females also had higher cooking loss than that of the males. GT and EC birds exhibited a higher occurrence of carcass defects and a higher pHu in meat than LR birds. The GT chickens were characterised by a lower breast yield, a higher fattiness and an earlier sexual maturity than the other genotypes, which could confer typical sensorial attributes to their meat. Finally, the EC chickens exhibited a skin and a meat more coloured than the other genotypes, particularly for yellowness, a character which could be under genetic control.  相似文献   

Calcium: just a chemical switch?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The calcium-signature hypothesis has evolved as a concept to explain specificity in signaling pathways that utilise calcium as a second messenger. In plant biology, this hypothesis was purely conceptual and based only upon correlative observations until recently. In the past few years, however, empirical data have emerged from experiments that were specifically designed to tackle the question of how specificity is encoded by calcium. In light of the attractive calcium-signature hypothesis, other potential explanations for signalling specificity have been overshadowed and ignored: it has been assumed that the calcium-signature dogma will explain all plant calcium signaling. However, there is a good deal of evidence supporting a counter-hypothesis in which calcium does not itself encode specificity but is merely an essential 'switch' in signaling. At the very least, both hypotheses are likely to be true in different situations, and it may well be that the calcium-signature hypothesis describes the exception rather than the rule.  相似文献   

Foraging theory suggests that predator responses to potential prey should be influenced by prey chemical defences, but the effects of ontogenetic variation in such defences on prey vulnerability to predators remain unclear. Cane toads (Rhinella marina) are toxic to anurophagous snakes, including the keelback (Tropidonophis mairii, a natricine colubrid that occurs within the toads' invasive range in Australia). Toxin levels and diversity change through toad ontogeny, decreasing from the egg stage to metamorphosis, then increasing in postmetamorphic toads. If the toxin content of a prey item influences predator responses, we predict that keelbacks should exhibit selective predation on toads close to metamorphosis. The results of our laboratory trials on adult (field-collected, and thus toad-experienced) and hatchling (laboratory-incubated, and thus toad-naive) keelbacks supported this prediction. The snakes selectively consumed later-stage rather than earlier-stage tadpoles, and earlier-stage rather than later-stage metamorphs. Our data are thus consistent with the hypothesis that ontogenetic changes in toxin content can affect individuals' vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   



Donor human milk banks are much more than simple centers for collection, storage, processing, and distribution of donor human milk, as they cover other aspects and represent a real opportunity to promote and support breastfeeding. The aim of our study is to assess the impact that opening a human milk bank has had on the proportion of infants receiving exclusive breast milk at discharge and other aspects related to feeding children with birth weight < or = 1500 g or < 32 weeks gestation admitted to the neonatal unit.


The study included babies of < or = 1500 g or < 32 weeks gestation. Fifty infants born from February to July in 2006, before the opening of the human milk bank, and 54 born from February to July in 2008, after its opening, met inclusive criteria. We collected data about days of hospital stay, hours of life when feeding was started, hours of life when full enteral feeding was attained, the type of milk received during admission, and the type of feeding on discharge.


Children born in 2008 commenced feeding 16 hours earlier than those born in 2006 (p = 0.00). The proportion of infants receiving exclusive breast milk at discharge was 54% in 2006 and 56% in 2008 (p = 0.87). The number of days they received their mother's own milk during the first 28 days of life was 24.2 days in 2006, compared to 23.7 days in 2008 (p = 0.70). In 2006, 60% of infants received infant formula at least once in the first 28 days of life, compared to 37% in 2008 (p = 0.01).


The opening of a donor human milk bank in a neonatal unit did not reduce the proportion of infants exclusively fed with breast milk at discharge, but did reduce the proportion of infants that received infant formula during the first four weeks of life. Also, having donor human milk available enables commencement of enteral feeding earlier.  相似文献   

Murine F9 and PCC4 teratoma cells do not express H-2 major transplantation antigens according to virus-specific T-lymphocyte cytotoxic or serological assays. However, such cells can be infected with and readily replicate many types of viruses (coxsackie B 3, mouse hepatitis, Sindbis, Semliki Forest [SFV], lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Pichinde, vesicular stomatitis, herpes simplex type 1) to the same extent as do murine F12 teratoma cells and mouse embryo fibroblasts, all of which express the H-2 determinants. In contrast, F9 and PCC4 cells are not productively infected with murine cytomegalovirus, whereas F12 and mouse embryo fibroblast cells are. In addition to replicating in H-2-negative murine teratoma cells, SFV replicates in H-2-negative murine lymphoblastoid cells. The ability of SFV to infect cells without H-2 antigens and then to effect viral antigenic expression in the cells' cytoplasm and on their surface with similar kinetics and in equivalent amounts as cells with H-2 antigens indicates that the H-2 receptor is not needed for SFV infection. Daudi cells, which lack HLA antigens, block the replication of SFV. This occurs at some point after receptor binding, as demonstrated by diminished viral mRNA. In addition, a possible membrane defect precludes viral exit in Daudi cells transfected with SFV infectious RNA. These results indicate that a cell's possession of H-2 antigens is not a requirement for SFV infection and that major histocompatibility complex antigens are not specific receptors for this virus.  相似文献   

Many mirid bugs are omnivores, and several species are key pests of agricultural crops. While mirid feeding behavior on plant hosts is relatively well studied, little attention has been paid to foraging, acceptance, and consumption of insect prey items. In this study, we investigated the feeding behavior and stylet penetration of the green mirid bug Apolygus lucorum on insect prey (Helicoverpa armigera eggs), plant hosts (green bean Phaseolus vulgaris pod), and combined plant + prey diets. Direct observation and electrical penetration graph (EPG) assays were used to assess feeding on either food item. Overall feeding time was highest on combined diets (48.18 ± 4.92 % of total time) and plant foods (42.23 ± 3.36 %), compared with only 28.95 ± 2.27 % feeding time on H. armigera eggs. When exposed to combined diets, A. lucorum spent 3.8 times longer feeding on green bean pod than on H. armigera eggs. The overall duration of stylet penetration was 5866.27 ± 800.39 s on green bean pod versus 3644.81 ± 715.19 s on H. armigera eggs, representing a 37.87 % reduction in duration. Similarly, the duration of a single probing event was significantly higher on green bean pod (355.76 ± 50.13 s) versus H. armigera eggs (236.20 ± 25.17 s), with a 33.61 % reduction. This first work in which omnivory is studied by combined use of observational studies and EPG assays (1) provides further insights into A. lucorum omnivory, (2) further elucidates its trophic position in agroecosystems, and (3) guides the development of artificial diets for this pest species.  相似文献   

We studied agonistic dominance and priority of access to a limited drinking resource in two captive groups of Eulemur fulvus mayottensis.Gender is not systematically related to agonistic dominance or to drinking priority. The dominance hierarchy obtained in the drinking competition test is correlated with the baseline hierarchy in the absence of induced competition, but not with drinking priority. We analyze results within the framework of recent dicussions on female dominance in Malagasy prosimians.  相似文献   

A laboratory culture of an Israeli benthic midge, Chironomus luridus, was exposed to two chemicals: copper and monochloramine. The objective of this study was to determine the protective nature of Chironomus' larval tube. Three experimental conditions were tested: larva with sand tubes, with silt tubes and without tubes. Larvae without tubes were significantly more sensitive to copper and chloramine than larvae that had sand or silt as tube building substrate. The tubes protected the insects against chemicals throughout 14 days of exposure time. Silt tubes had higher protective value than sand tubes, especially when exposed to copper for a short period of time (LC50/ 24 h, with silt, sand, or none: 80.0, 7.0 and 3.4 mg l–1 copper, respectively). C. luridus seemed to be better protected against copper than against chloramine (LC50/ 24 h, with silt, sand, or none: 12.2, 6.4 and 3.7 mg l–1 chloramine, respectively). The acute toxicity of copper to chironomid larvae was investigated using a cytochemical method. Larva in silt tubes had significantly higher non-specific esterase activity in midgut cells than larvae without tubes. We conclude that, in addition to its role in feeding, respiration and anti-predation shelter, the C. luridus tube protects its inhabitant from toxic substances.  相似文献   

Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) intentionally overturn rocks to feed on the invertebrates beneath. However, baboons do not move all the rocks they encounter, with this presumably reflecting cost–benefit (or effort–reward) trade‐offs in their foraging behavior. We ask, how do “clever baboons” choose rock sizes and shapes and move these rocks? Using optimal foraging theory, we predicted that baboons would prefer to move medium‐sized rocks, a trade‐off between moving larger rocks that might require more effort to move, and smaller rocks that likely do not provide enough prey (the reward) to make the effort worthwhile. We also expected baboons to prefer rounded rocks as these will require less energy to move by rolling (rather than being flipped as for flat rocks) and that the effort of rock movement might be offset by moving rocks along the shortest axis. We show that baboons have clear preferences for specific rock sizes (medium‐sized) and shapes (angular and flat when these were medium‐sized), and the way in which rocks are moved (along the shortest axis). Prey occurred infrequently under rocks. The low predictability of prey beneath rocks suggests that such prey, when encountered, is of considerable value to baboons for them to expend the search effort, and also explains the extensive nature of rock movement by baboons in the landscape. Our study provides a novel application of the optimal foraging theory concept and has important implications for understanding and predicting how animals choose to move rocks.  相似文献   

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