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Pod morphology and anatomy have been studied in 28 species and four varieties of Indian Indigofera. Pods of Indigofera spp. differ with respect to size, the relative thickness of the fruit wall, the number of sclerenchymatous layers in the endocarp, the presence/absence of hypodermis and trichomes, and the presence of separation tissue. Anatomically, the pericarp is broadly characterized into three types: type I (thin pericarp and three to five sclerenchymatous layers in the endocarp), type II (intermediary pericarp thickness and six to eight sclerenchymatous layers), and type III (thick pericarp and more than eight sclerenchymatous layers). The distribution of these types across the tribe is not congruent with the current phylogenetic analyses. Type III pericarp (present in the early diverging lineages of the tribe) represents the most primitive state, whereas type I and type II pericarps are derived. Fruits of Indigofera generally show normal explosive dehiscence as a means of dispersal of seeds, although some species show adaptations for dispersal by wind. In Indigofera, dehiscence is caused by a separation layer present at the dorsal and ventral sutures except in some species (Indigofera hochstetteri, Indigofera karnatakana, Indigofera glandulosa var. sykesii, and Indigofera trita var. scabra) in which no separation tissue is present; these species show delayed dehiscence or an indehiscent condition. The indehiscent pod type is considered to be apomorphic. The taxonomic, functional, and evolutionary significance of morphological and anatomical features in fruits of the genus Indigofera has been evaluated. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 260–276.  相似文献   

Premise of study: Phylogenetic relationships of the papilionoid legumes (Papilionoideae) reveal that the early branches are more highly diverse in floral morphology than are other clades of Papilionoideae. This study attempts for the first time to comprehensively sample the early-branching clades of this economically and ecologically important legume subfamily and thus to resolve relationships among them. • Methods: Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of the plastid matK and trnL intron sequences included 29 genera not yet sampled in matK phylogenies of the Papilionoideae, 11 of which were sampled for DNA sequence data for the first time. • Key results: The comprehensively sampled matK phylogeny better resolved the deep-branching relationships and increased support for many clades within Papilionoideae. The potentially earliest-branching papilionoid clade does not include any genus traditionally assigned to tribe Swartzieae. Dipterygeae is monophyletic with the inclusion of Monopteryx. The genera Aldina and Amphimas represent two of the nine main but as yet unresolved lineages comprising the large 50-kb inversion clade within papilionoids. The quinolizidine-alkaloid-accumulating genistoid clade is expanded to include a strongly supported subclade containing Ormosia and the previously unplaced Clathrotropis s.s., Panurea, and Spirotropis. Camoensia is the first-branching genus of the core genistoids. • Conclusions: The well-resolved phylogeny of the earliest-branching papilionoids generated in this study will greatly facilitate the efforts to redefine and stabilize the classification of this legume subfamily. Many key floral traits did not often predict phylogenetic relationships, so comparative studies on floral evolution and plant–animal interactions, for example, should also benefit from this study.  相似文献   

Cavitated secretory trichomes are characterized by a short or absent stalk that is connected to a secretory hollow head. They are rare structures in angiosperms; in Fabaceae, they have been recorded in only seven genera, including Bauhinia s.s. Because B. curvula and B. rufa exhibit glands that are responsible for attracting pollinators to flowers, this study aimed to test whether the cavitated secretory trichomes present in the flowers of these species have an attraction function. As leaf trichomes are commonly related to plant defence, comparative analyses of the morphology, ontogeny, ultrastructure and chemical profile of the secretory trichomes present in flowers and leaves were conducted. It was found that cavitated secretory trichomes are similar in their external morphology and development, regardless of the organ or species analysed. However, interspecific differences were found in the secretion process and chemical profile of the exudate. The differences found in the cavitated secretory trichomes between species indicate that they secrete distinct compounds, whereas the similarities found in these structures between vegetative and reproductive organs indicate that the cavitated trichomes have equivalent ecological functions within a species, probably in plant defence during organ development. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 104–122.  相似文献   

Background and AimsFloral developmental studies are crucial for understanding the evolution of floral structures and sexual systems in angiosperms. Within the monocot order Poales, both subfamilies of Eriocaulaceae have unisexual flowers bearing unusual nectaries. Few previous studies have investigated floral development in subfamily Eriocauloideae, which includes the large, diverse and widespread genus Eriocaulon. To understand floral variation and the evolution of the androecium, gynoecium and floral nectaries of Eriocaulaceae, we analysed floral development and vasculature in Eriocaulon and compared it with that of subfamily Paepalanthoideae and the related family Xyridaceae in a phylogenetic context.MethodsThirteen species of Eriocaulon were studied. Developmental analysis was carried out using scanning electron microscopy, and vasculature analysis was carried out using light microscopy. Fresh material was also analysed using scanning electron microscopy with a cryo function. Character evolution was reconstructed over well-resolved phylogenies.Key ResultsPerianth reductions can occur due to delayed development that can also result in loss of the vascular bundles of the median sepals. Nectariferous petal glands cease development and remain vestigial in some species. In staminate flowers, the inner stamens can emerge before the outer ones, and carpels are transformed into nectariferous carpellodes. In pistillate flowers, stamens are reduced to staminodes and the gynoecium has dorsal stigmas.ConclusionsFloral morphology is highly diverse in Eriocaulon, as a result of fusion, reduction or loss of perianth parts. The nectariferous carpellodes of staminate flowers originated first in the ancestor of Eriocaulaceae; petal glands and nectariferous branches of pistillate flowers originated independently in Eriocaulaceae through transfer of function. We present a hypothesis of floral evolution for the family, illustrating a shift from bisexuality to unisexuality and the evolution of nectaries in a complex monocot family, which can contribute to future studies on reproductive biology and floral evolution in other groups.  相似文献   

Hedysarum al-shehbazii , a new species endemic to Iran, is described and illustrated. This species belongs to Hedysarum section Multicaulia . It is confined to the western part of Iran (Kermanshah Province), and is known from a single population close to the Iraq frontier, although possibly also growing in the adjoining eastern part of Iraq. The conservation status of this species is 'vulnerable' according to World Conservation Union (IUCN) criteria. In addition, H. varium and H. syricum are reported as new records from a single gathering close to the Turkish frontier. Moreover, H. kotschyi and H. pogonocarpum are transferred from Hedysarum section Crinifera to Hedysarum section Multicaulia .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 505–512.  相似文献   

We present new comparative morphological and ontogenetic data on flowers and bulbils of Globba (Zingiberaceae) to clarify their homologies. Globba flowers are characteristically Zingiberaceous, possessing a single stamen and epigynous (``supragynopleural') nectaries, but are unusual as the anther bears triangular lateral outgrowths and the style is held tightly in position across the curvature of the filament like a bowstring. Floral ontogeny in Globba is similar to other Zingiberaceae. Characteristic features, such as anther wings, occur late in development, shortly before anthesis. Unusually Globba has zygomorphic style anatomy with only two abaxial vascular bundles, in contrast to most other Zingiberaceae, which possess three stylar traces. The ovary is unilocular and lacks septa. Bulbils have enclosing bracts and replace flowers in the lower part of the inflorescence; they consist of a shoot with an enlarged corky storage root forming the bulk of the propagule.  相似文献   

Floral ontogeny of taxa of two subtribes (Labicheinae, Dialiinae) of caesalpinioid tribe Cassieae, characterized by reduced number of floral organs, was compared. All three taxa studied are distichous; Petalostylis labicheoides flowers are solitary in leaf axils, Labichea lanceolata has few-flowered racemes, and Dialium guineense has numerous-flowered cymes. The first sepal primordium in each is initiated abaxially and nonmedianly. Order of organogenesis in Petalostylis is: five sepals bidirectionally, five petals and carpel simultaneously, then five stamens bidirectionally, starting abaxially. The order in Labichea is: five sepals helically (one lagging in time), five petals unidirectionally starting abaxially, the carpel and petals concurrently, then two stamens successively, starting laterally. Order in Dialium is: five sepals bidirectionally, the single petal adaxially, and lastly the carpel and two stamens concurrently. Specializations include (1) reduction of the five sepals to four by fusion in Petalostylis and Labichea; (2) reduction of petal number to one in Dialium; (3) reduction of stamen number to two in Labichea and Dialium, and reduction of functional stamens to three in Petalostylis; and (4) an elaborate, late-developing style in Petalostylis. Floral asymmetry, another specialization, characterizes Labichea, expressed by dissimilar stamens, while the other genera have zygomorphic flowers. Floral ontogenies are compared with other taxa of Cassieae.  相似文献   

数珠珊瑚(商陆科)的花器官发生   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对数珠珊瑚的花器官发生和子房的发育过程进行了观察。结果表明:(1)数珠珊瑚花被呈2/5螺旋状发生,远轴侧的1枚先发生,其次为近轴侧的1枚发生,最后侧方的2枚花被几乎同时发生,第3枚花被在靠近第1枚的位置发生,第2枚和第3枚之间有1个空隙;(2)4枚雄蕊是同时发生的;(3)心皮发生于分生组织的远轴侧,心皮原基形成后,向上向轴生长,在子房成熟前在近轴侧非正中位形成1个孔,该孔为心皮最终愈合前的残迹,到子房成熟时.因子房的生长孔被挤压缩小,在进一步的生长过程中愈合。子房由1枚心皮构成;(4)从子房发育过程的切片看,该植物的胚珠是在子房发生后不久发生的,子房上的圆孔形成时,从近轴侧的分生组织发生胚珠原基,由胚珠原基分化出珠被与珠心。  相似文献   

A new species, Lathyrus egirdiricus H.Genc & A.Sahin (section Cicercula; Fabaceae), is described from Turkey, with illustrations and taxonomic comments. Characteristics of the species are compared with those of the related species Lathyrus hirsutus L., L. stenophyllus Boiss. & Heldr., L. sativus L., L. cassius Boiss. and L. gorgoni Parl., from which it differs mainly in the shape, length, width and venation of leaflets, length and width of the stipule, flower colour, legume and style length. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 301–305.  相似文献   

The structure and late development of the flowers of the South‐East Asian bee‐pollinated palm Licuala peltata are described with special focus on the architecture of the unusual labyrinthine nectaries. The nectaries are derived from septal nectaries by extensive convolution of the carpel flank surfaces below the ovary throughout the inner floral base, thus also encompassing the inner surface of the corolla–androecium tube. A comparison with septal nectaries elsewhere in Arecaceae and with labyrinthine nectaries in other monocots shows that labyrinthine nectaries situated below the ovary, as described here, are not known from any other palms, but are similar to those of a few Bromeliaceae and, less strongly convoluted, some Haemodoraceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae. In addition, the substantial participation of parts other than the gynoecium in the nectary architecture of Licuala appears unique at the level of monocots. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 66–77.  相似文献   

Floral development was compared among three taxa in caesalpinioid tribe Detarieae sensu lato: Amherstia nobilis and Tamarindus indica have racemose, helically arranged inflorescences, while Brownea latifolia has cauliflorous capitate flower clusters that arise as racemes. All have acropetal flower order; initiation and development are sequential in all except Brownea, which is synchronous. All have paired persistent showy bracteoles. Floral symmetry is dorsiventral (zygomorphic) in all except Brownea, with radial symmetry at anthesis. Sepals initiate helically on a circular floral apex, starting with a median abaxial sepal, in all. Petals are initiated helically in Brownea, and unidirectionally in Amherstia and Tamarindus. Stamens are initiated unidirectionally in each stamen whorl in all except Amherstia, in which the outer whorl is bidirectional. The carpel initiates concurrently with the petals in Brownea, and with the outer stamens in the other taxa. The two upper (adaxial) sepal primordia become fused during development in all, so that the calyx appears tetramerous. Some reduced petals occur in Amherstia and Tamarindus, and some reduced stamens occur in all. All produce a hypanthium by zonal growth, and all except Tamarindus have the gynoecium attached adaxially to the hypanthial rim.  相似文献   

一个新的水稻花器官数目突变体fon(t)的鉴定及分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水稻花器官数目突变体 fon(t)是在单倍体与二倍体的杂交 F2代发现的,经过多代种植,已稳定遗传。以 fon(t)为父本,以日本晴、93?11 和 R527 为母本配制杂交组合进行遗传分析,根据 F2代表型及χ2测验结果表明,该突变体的性状是由单隐性基因控制的。因为对花器官数目突变体曾有报道如 fon1、fon2 和 fon3,所以该突变体暂定名为 fon(t)。该突变体导致内外稃开裂,花器官外露;雄蕊和雌蕊的数目均增多,雄蕊一般 6~9 枚,雌蕊 1~2 枚;浆片同源转化为类内稃的结构;个别的花器官中还出现花丝上伸出类柱头的结构,浆片上部同源转化为类柱头或者类雄蕊的结构。研究结果表明,fon(t)基因可能影响水稻第三、四轮花器官的数目以及第二轮浆片的发育。  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the floral ontogeny of Swartzia dipetala, which has peculiar floral features compared with other legumes, such as an entire calyx in the floral bud, a corolla with one or two petals, a dimorphic and polyandrous androecium and a bicarpellate gynoecium. We provide new information on the function of pollen in both stamen morphs and whether both carpels of a flower are able to form fruit. Floral buds, flowers and fruits were processed for observation under light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and for quantitative analyses. The entire calyx results from the initiation, elongation and fusion of three sepal primordia. A unique petal primordium (or rarely two) is produced on the adaxial side of a ring meristem, which is formed after the initiation of the calyx. The polyandrous and dimorphic androecium also originates from the activity of the ring meristem. It produces three larger stamen primordia on the abaxial side and numerous smaller stamen primordia on the adaxial side. These two types of stamens bear morphologically similar ripening pollen grains. However, prior to the dehiscence of thecae and presentation of pollen in the anther, only the pollen grains of the larger stamens contain amyloplasts. Two carpel primordia are initiated as distinct protuberances, alternating with the larger stamens, in a slightly inner position in the floral meristem, constituting the bicarpellate gynoecium. Both carpels are able to form fruit, although only one fruit is generally produced in a flower. The increase in gynoecium merism probably results in an increase in the surface deposition of pollen grains and consequently in the chance of pollination. This is the first study to thoroughly investigate organogenesis and the ability of the carpel to form fruit in a bicarpellate flower from a member of Fabaceae, in addition to the pollen ultrastructure in the heteromorphic stamens associated with the ‘division of labour’ sensu Darwin. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 303–320.  相似文献   

F. Conti 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):814-818

Lathyrus apenninus, from beech woods margins and scrub in the Central Apennine (Italy), is described as a species new to science. The relationship of L. apenninus with L. linifolius, which it had been confused with, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Floral development was compared with scanning electron microscopy in 12 Australian species of Hibbertia representing most of its morphological variation, and in the related Adrastaea (Dilleniaceae). Calyx and corolla arise in quincuncial helices in radially symmetrical species, while the petals initiate unidirectionally from one side in zygomorphic species. Stamen number (3-200+) proliferates by centrifugal addition of individual primordia or by innovations of common primordia and ring meristems. Common primordia arise in single-stamen positions alternately with petals, and each produces one to several stamens centrifugally that remain attached to a shared base and form a stamen fascicle. A ring meristem in Adrastaea initiates a whorl of five stamens, alternate with the first stamens but outside their whorl. In radially symmetrical species of Hibbertia, a first ring of stamens is supplemented centrifugally by additional stamens on a meristem ring. The first stamens in zygomorphic species of Hibbertia initiate as a terminal ridge on the floral apex, with subsequent stamens added centrifugally on one side and two carpels initiated on the opposite side. The carpels arise as a simultaneous ring in radially symmetrical flowers, or as a simultaneous pair in zygomorphic species. Staminodial presence is viewed as of minor significance. Four pollinator syndromes are proposed for Hibbertia, related to differing floral architecture.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated selection toward larger and abundant flowers is common in naturally pollen‐limited populations. However, floral antagonists may counteract this effect, maintaining smaller‐ and few‐flowered individuals within populations. We quantified pollinator and antagonist visit rates and determined a multiplicative female fitness component from attacked and non‐attacked flowers of the Brazilian hummingbird‐pollinated shrub Collaea cipoensis to determine the selective effects of pollinators and floral antagonists on flower size and number. We predicted that floral antagonists reduce the female fitness component and thus exert negative selective pressures on flower size and number, counteracting the positive effects of pollinators. Pollinators, mainly hummingbirds, comprised 4% of total floral visitation, whereas antagonist ants and bees accounted for 90% of visitation. Nectar‐robbers involved about 99% of floral antagonist visit rates, whereas florivores comprised the remaining 1%. Larger and abundant flowers increased both pollinator and antagonist visit rates and the female fitness component significantly decreased in flowers attacked by nectar‐robbers and florivores in comparison to non‐attacked flowers. We detected that pollinators favored larger‐ and many‐flowered individuals, whereas floral antagonists exerted negative selection on flower size and number. This study confirms that floral antagonists reduce female plant fitness and this pattern directly exerts negative selective pressures on flower size and number, counteracting pollinator‐mediated selection on floral attractiveness traits.  相似文献   

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