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The modeling of top predators' habitats and the understanding of their environmental requirements in landscapes facing high land‐use transformation pressure have long‐standing importance for the development of conservation strategies. Multi‐distance spatial cluster analysis and logistic regression with environmental weighting for pseudo‐absence designation were applied to understand spatial patterns of jaguar occurrence in Mato Grosso state (Central Western Brazil). This location has been under intense deforestation pressure since the 1970s and is historically one of the most important jaguar habitats in the world. By using a model of five independent variables, we were able to achieve a 73.2 percent success rate of case/non‐case classification and indicate not only a general loss of habitat suitability, but also an increasing interruption of potential migration corridors in the state. Our analysis on a regional scale demonstrates the importance of forest and savannah woodland for jaguar habitat maintenance in the Mato Grosso state. The jaguar species demonstrates a sensitivity to landscape fragmentation, which can be parameterized for improved model building by metrics such as edge density and patch size. Comparisons with previous studies in South America show that parameter selection for jaguar habitat modeling is highly scale‐dependent and that habitat suitability in partially transformed landscapes could be maintained if fragmentation is minimized. Recent land‐use transformation, however, has significantly weakened the conservation status of the Pantanal‐Amazon corridor.  相似文献   

In Britain, the population of native red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris has suffered population declines and local extinctions. Interspecific resource competition and disease spread by the invasive gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis are the main factors behind the decline. Gray squirrels have adapted to the British landscape so efficiently that they are widely distributed. Knowledge on how gray squirrels are using the landscape matrix and being able to predict their movements will aid management. This study is the first to use global positioning system (GPS) collars on wild gray squirrels to accurately record movements and land cover use within the landscape matrix. This data were used to validate Geographical Information System (GIS) least‐cost model predictions of movements and provided much needed information on gray squirrel movement pathways and network use. Buffered least‐cost paths and least‐cost corridors provide predictions of the most probable movements through the landscape and are seen to perform better than the more expansive least‐cost networks which include all possible movements. Applying the knowledge and methodologies gained to current gray squirrel expansion areas, such as Scotland and in Italy, will aid in the prediction of potential movement areas and therefore management of the invasive gray squirrel. The methodologies presented in this study could potentially be used in any landscape and on numerous species.  相似文献   

The n‐alkane composition in the leaf cuticular waxes of natural populations of Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii), Austrian pine (P. nigra), and Macedonian pine (P. peuce) was compared for the first time. The range of n‐alkanes was wider in P. nigra (C16 – C33) than in P. heldreichii and P. peuce (C18 – C33). Species also diverged in abundance and range of dominant n‐alkanes (P. heldreichii: C23, C27, and C25; P. nigra: C25, C27, C29, and C23; P. peuce: C29, C25, C27, and C23). Multivariate statistical analyses (PCA, DA, and CA) generally pointed out separation of populations of P. nigra from populations of P. heldreichii and P. peuce (which were, to a greater or lesser extent, separated too). However, position of these species on the basis of n‐alkane composition was in accordance neither with infrageneric classification nor with recent molecular and terpene investigations.  相似文献   

Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is the primary vector of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. bacteria that cause citrus greening, a disease of worldwide importance. Olfactometry was employed to test responses of D. citri to odours from intact citrus plants (Mexican lime, Citrus aurantifolia, sour orange, Citrus aurantium, Marsh grapefruit, Citrus paradisi and Valencia orange, Citrus sinensis), citrus plants previously infested with D. citri, and odours of conspecifics including nymphs, adult insects of same and opposite sex, and their products (honeydew), both alone and in combination. In contrast to other studies, psyllids of both sexes were attracted to volatiles of undamaged Mexican lime leaves, whereas undamaged grapefruit attracted only females, and leaves of Valencia and sour orange did not attract either sex. All four plant species attracted female psyllids when previously infested, but only Mexican lime and sour orange‐attracted males. Thus, Citrus species appear to vary in the production of both constituitive and induced volatiles that attract adult psyllids. Volatiles emitted by nymphs did not attract either sex, but psyllid honeydew was attractive to males, likely due to female pheromone residues. Males oriented to the odour of females, whereas the reverse was not true, and neither males nor females oriented to same‐sex volatiles. The addition of conspecific cues (adults, nymphs or honeydew) did not increase female attraction to previously infested leaves, but male response was increased by the presence of adults and honeydew, regardless of plant species. Thus, female psyllids appear to orient more strongly to volatiles of plant origin, whereas males respond more strongly to cues emanating from females and conspecific excretions. These results suggest that female psyllids drive the initial colonization of host plants, whereas males orient to females and infested plants. Identification of the specific volatiles involved may permit their use in monitoring and management of this pest.  相似文献   

Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), corticotropin‐releasing factor (CRF), and hypothalamic neuronal histamine are anorexigenic substances within the hypothalamus. This study examined the interactions among BDNF, CRF, and histamine during the regulation of feeding behavior in rodents. Food intake was measured after treatment with BDNF, α‐fluoromethyl histidine (FMH; a specific suicide inhibitor of histidine decarboxylase that depletes hypothalamic neuronal histamine), or CRF antagonist. We measured food intake in wild‐type mice and mice with targeted disruption of the histamine H1 receptor (H1KO mice) after central BDNF infusion. Furthermore, we investigated CRF content and histamine turnover in the hypothalamus after BDNF treatment, and conversely, BDNF content in the hypothalamus after histamine treatment. We used immunohistochemical staining for histamine H1 receptors (H1‐R) in BDNF neurons. BDNF‐induced feeding suppression was partially attenuated in rats pre‐treated with FMH or a CRF antagonist, and in H1KO mice. BDNF treatment increased CRF content and histamine turnover in the hypothalamus. Histamine increased BDNF content in the hypothalamus. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that H1‐Rs were expressed on BDNF neurons in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. These results indicate that CRF and hypothalamic neuronal histamine mediate the suppressive effects of BDNF on feeding behavior and body weight.  相似文献   

We present an exercise for counting trematode cysts on mudsnails that can be implemented as a field‐based project in course work by students or by volunteers. The exercise involves the digenetic trematode Pleurogonius malaclemys, which infects diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) as its definitive host, and eastern mudsnails (Tritia obsoleta) as its intermediate host. The trematode forms macroscopic metacercarial cysts on the shells and opercula of the mudsnails, and the life cycle is completed when terrapins ingest the intermediate hosts with cysts. Previous research has suggested that quantifying cysts on mudsnails can be a relatively simple method to estimate terrapin population sizes where terrapins co‐occur with mudsnails. Three non‐professional scientist groups (including students and volunteers) were tested in their estimates of prevalence and intensity data compared to verified cyst counts. Prevalence data were relatively accurate (~76–78%) and reliable (68–89%) across the groups. The intensity of cysts (on shells and opercula of mudsnails) were mostly within 12% of the verified counts (total mean intensity of 1.81–2.97 cysts/parasitized mudsnail) but varied significantly in two cases due to false positives (likely due to sand grains or debris scored as cysts) or negatives (likely due to missed cysts behind the operculum). The exercise can be completed as a lab or series of labs in courses, and data from such projects could be used in terrapin conservation efforts, particularly in helping scientists determine where terrapins occur. We discuss modification of the exercise for other trematode species in regions around the world and hope this expands recognition by the public of the important role of parasites in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Downy mildew, caused by the oomycete pathogen Peronospora belbahrii, is a devastating foliar disease of basil in the United States and worldwide. Currently there are very few chemistries or organic choices registered to control this disease. In this study, two systemic acquired resistance (SAR) inducers, acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (ASM) and β‐aminobutyric acid (BABA), were evaluated for their in vitro effects on the pathogen, for their potential to control basil downy mildew in greenhouses, and for changes in peroxidase activity in basil plants treated with these two SAR inducers. No significant inhibition of sporangial germination was detected in water agar amended with ASM at concentrations lower than 100 mg/l or with BABA at concentrations lower than 500 mg/l. Efficacy of ASM and BABA in greenhouses varied depending on the rate, method and timing of application. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of disease severity was significantly reduced compared to the non‐treated control when ASM was sprayed (in all experiments) or drenched (in one out of two experiments) pre‐, or pre‐ + post‐inoculation at rates of 25–400 mg/l. Three weekly post‐inoculation sprays of ASM at the rate of 50 mg/l reduced AUDPC by 93.0 and 47.2% when started 3 and 7 days after inoculation (DAI), respectively. The AUDPC of disease severity was also significantly reduced when BABA was sprayed pre‐ + post‐inoculation at rates of 125–500 mg/l. According to the prediction using a log‐logistic function, 50% maximum disease protection was achieved at a concentration of 27.5 mg/l of ASM. Basil plants treated with these two SAR inducers and challenged with the pathogen showed significantly higher peroxidase activity than the non‐treated control at 8 DAI. Temporally, the highest activity of peroxidase was detected at 8 DAI, decreased at 15 DAI and waned further at 23 DAI.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum [Chrysanthemum × morifolium Ramat. (Asteraceae)] is one of the economically most important greenhouse ornamentals worldwide. A major constraint in chrysanthemum production is adequate pest management, requiring the use of different tactics, such as improving host plant resistance, in the framework of an integrated pest management (IPM) approach. In this study, we investigated cross‐resistance of chrysanthemum to its three major pests: western flower thrips [Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)], celery leafminer [Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae)], and two‐spotted spider mite [Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)]. We quantified resistance to each pest by performing greenhouse bioassays with a broad range of chrysanthemum types from commercial germplasm provided by Dutch breeding companies. Considerable variation was detected among the chrysanthemum cultivars in thrips silver damage and growth damage, leafminer damage, measured as number of mines and pupae, and spider mite numbers and damage. We observed significant positive correlations between thrips damage (both silver and growth damage) vs. leafminer numbers (both mines and pupae), and between leafminer numbers (both mines and pupae) vs. spider mite numbers. Our results indicate an overlap in resistance to all three herbivores. The important implications of this result for chrysanthemum breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Surveys of colonial‐nesting waterbirds are needed to assess population trends and gain insight into the health of wetland ecosystems. Use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for such surveys has increased over the past decade, but possible sources of bias in surveys conducted with UAS have not been examined. We examined possible visibility biases associated with using a UAS to survey waterbird colonies in cypress‐tupelo watersheds and coastal island habitats in Texas in 2016. We used known numbers of four waterbird decoy types, including Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger), terns, and white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons, to estimate their detectability in each habitat. Six observers independently counted decoys from aerial imagery mosaics taken with a consumer‐grade, off‐the‐shelf quadcopter drone. We used generalized linear mixed‐effects models to estimate detection probabilities of each decoy type. Black Skimmers at the coastal island had a detection probability of just 53%. Detectability of both white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons was lower in the canopied cypress‐tupelo habitat than the coastal island. In addition, cloud cover > 50% further reduced detectability of white heron decoys in cypress‐tupelo habitat. Use of the double‐count method yielded biased‐low abundance estimates for white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons in canopied sites, suggesting that habitat differences were a greater source of bias than observer error. Black Skimmers were the only decoy type to be imperfectly detected at the coastal island, a surprising result given the stark contrast of their plumage with their sand and shell nesting substrate. Our results indicate that UAS‐derived photographic surveys are prone to low detection probabilities at sites where vegetation occludes nests. In habitats without canopy, however, UAS surveys show promise for obtaining accurate counts of terns, white herons, and dark herons.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies corroborate a correlation between pesticide use and Parkinson's disease (PD). Thiocarbamate and dithiocarbamate pesticides are widely used and produce neurotoxicity in the peripheral nervous system. Recent evidence from rodent studies suggests that these compounds also cause dopaminergic (DAergic) dysfunction and altered protein processing, two hallmarks of PD. However, DAergic neurotoxicity has yet to be documented. We assessed DAergic dysfunction in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) to investigate the ability of thiocarbamate pesticides to induce DAergic neurodegeneration. Acute treatment with either S‐ethyl N,N‐dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC), molinate, or a common reactive intermediate of dithiocarbamate and thiocarbamate metabolism, S‐methyl‐N,N‐diethylthiocarbamate (MeDETC), to gradual loss of DAergic cell morphology and structure over the course of 6 days in worms expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under a DAergic cell specific promoter. HPLC analysis revealed decreased DA content in the worms immediately following exposure to MeDETC, EPTC, and molinate. In addition, worms treated with the three test compounds showed a drastic loss of DAergic‐dependent behavior over a time course similar to changes in DAergic cell morphology. Alterations in the DAergic system were specific, as loss of cell structure and neurotransmitter content was not observed in cholinergic, glutamatergic, or GABAergic systems. Overall, our data suggest that thiocarbamate pesticides promote neurodegeneration and DAergic cell dysfunction in C. elegans, and may be an environmental risk factor for PD.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation results in landscape configuration, which affects the species that inhabit it. As a consequence, natural habitat is replaced by different anthropogenic plantation types (e.g. pasture, agriculture, forestry plantations and urban areas). Anthropogenic plantations are important for biodiversity maintenance because some species or functional groups can use it as a complementary habitat. However, depending on plantation permeability, it can act as a barrier to the movement of organisms between habitat patches, such as forest fragments, reducing functional connectivity for many species. Anthropogenic plantations are becoming the most common land use and cover type in the Anthropocene and biodiversity conservation in fragmented landscapes requires information on how different plantation types affect the capacity of the species to move through the landscape. In this study, we evaluated the influence of the type and structure of plantations on the movement of two forest‐dependent understory bird species – plain antvireo (Dysithamnus mentalis) and flavescent warbler (Myiothlyps flaveola) – within a highly fragmented landscape of Atlantic Forest hotspot. Knowing that forestry plantation is assumed to be more permeable to dependent forest bird species than open ones, we selected six study areas containing a forest fragment and surrounding plantation: three with sugarcane plantation and three with Eucalyptus sp. plantation. We used playback calls to stimulate the birds to leave forest fragments and traverse the plantations. Control trials were also carried out inside the forest fragments to compare the distances crossed. We observed that individuals moved longer distances inside forest than between plantation types, which demonstrate that plantations do constrict the movements of both species. The two plantation types equally impeded the movements of the species, suggesting the opposite of the general assumption that forestry plantations are more permeable. Our results indicate that, for generalist species, plantation type does not matter, but its presence negatively impacts movement of these bird species. We highlight that plantations have negative influences on the movements of common bird species, and discuss why this is important when setting conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Plant essential oils are potential sources of insecticidal compounds, but have rarely been explored for their effect on termites. In the present study, we assessed the chemical composition of essential oils of Lippia sidoides Cham. (pepper‐rosmarin; Verbenaceae) and Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. (patchouli; Lamiacaeae) and evaluated their toxicity, behavioral impairment, and repellence to termite species of the genera Amitermes and Microcerotermes (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae). The main components of essential oils of L. sidoides and P. cablin were thymol (44.6%) and patchouli alcohol (36.6%), respectively. The essential oil of P. cablin was most potent against Amitermes cf. amifer Silvestri and had the lowest LD50 (0.63 μg mg?1). There was no difference in toxicity for Microcerotermes indistinctus Mathews between the essential oils of L. sidoides (LD50 = 1.49 μg mg?1) and P. cablin (LD50 = 1.67 μg mg?1). Pogostemon cablin essential oil was the most toxic to M. indistinctus (LC50 = 0.32 μl ml?1) and A. cf. amifer (LC50 = 0.29 μl ml?1). The essential oils analyzed exhibited high toxicity and repellence to the termites, in addition to reducing behavioral interactions among individuals, thus constituting potential termiticides.  相似文献   

We refine the information available through the IPCC AR5 with regard to recent trends in global GHG emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU), including global emission updates to 2012. Using all three available AFOLU datasets employed for analysis in the IPCC AR5, rather than just one as done in the IPCC AR5 WGIII Summary for Policy Makers, our analyses point to a down‐revision of global AFOLU shares of total anthropogenic emissions, while providing important additional information on subsectoral trends. Our findings confirm that the share of AFOLU emissions to the anthropogenic total declined over time. They indicate a decadal average of 28.7 ± 1.5% in the 1990s and 23.6 ± 2.1% in the 2000s and an annual value of 21.2 ± 1.5% in 2010. The IPCC AR5 had indicated a 24% share in 2010. In contrast to previous decades, when emissions from land use (land use, land use change and forestry, including deforestation) were significantly larger than those from agriculture (crop and livestock production), in 2010 agriculture was the larger component, contributing 11.2 ± 0.4% of total GHG emissions, compared to 10.0 ± 1.2% of the land use sector. Deforestation was responsible for only 8% of total anthropogenic emissions in 2010, compared to 12% in the 1990s. Since 2010, the last year assessed by the IPCC AR5, new FAO estimates indicate that land use emissions have remained stable, at about 4.8 Gt CO2 eq yr?1 in 2012. Emissions minus removals have also remained stable, at 3.2 Gt CO2 eq yr?1 in 2012. By contrast, agriculture emissions have continued to grow, at roughly 1% annually, and remained larger than the land use sector, reaching 5.4 Gt CO2 eq yr?1 in 2012. These results are useful to further inform the current climate policy debate on land use, suggesting that more efforts and resources should be directed to further explore options for mitigation in agriculture, much in line with the large efforts devoted to REDD+ in the past decade.  相似文献   

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