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A morpho‐functional study of the colonial ascidian Botrylloides leachi haemocytes was carried out to propose their classification, relationships and specializations. This characterization was obtained by (i) investigations of both living and aldehyde‐fixed cells by light and electron microscopy; (ii) cytochemical and cytoenzymatic assays; (iii) lectin‐affinity assays; (iv) phagocytosis and haemagglutination assays; and (v) anti‐CD34 immunocytochemical assay for vertebrate haematopoietic stem cells. Results indicate that the haemoblast is a circulating stem cell and there are at least five haemocyte differentiation pathways, the last two of which have never been described in botryllids: (i) phagocytic line (hyaline amoebocytes and macrophage‐like cells) share ultrastructural features, the same hydrolytic enzymes and WGA lectin binding, and are involved in yeast phagocytosis and erythrocyte rosette formation; (ii) cytotoxic line (granular amoebocytes and morula cells) with vacuoles containing oxidative enzymes and polyphenolic substrates; (iii) vacuolated cell line (pigment cells and nephrocytes) involved in catabolite storage; (iv) compartment cell line (compartment amoebocytes and compartment cells) able to agglutinate erythrocytes and characterized by vacuoles with a moderately electron‐dense content, positive to arylsulphatase activity and binding DBA, UEA‐I, HPA lectins; and (v) granular cell line includes trophic cells, able to infiltrate the gut epithelium, showing a cytoplasm filled of PAS‐positive vacuoles with arylsulphatase, chloroacetylesterase and β‐glucuronidase activities.  相似文献   

Summary The protothyroid region in the endostyles of four species of tunicates was examined by means of autoradiography and cytochemistry, at both the light and electronmicroscopic levels. To reveal the primary binding site for iodine, autoradiography was carried out on endostylar tissue from animals that had been incubated with high activity 125I- over a short period of time. The specific iodine binding enzyme, a peroxidase, was traced by its reaction with DAB. In accordance with previous findings, the iodinebinding cells proved to be the same as those containing the peroxidase. There were also strong indications of a secondary uptake of iodinated compounds and subsequent release into the body fluid. Together with the ultrastructural features, the data provided strong evidence indicating that these cells constitute a protothyroid region, which partly functions as an endocrine organ, possibly homologous with the vertebrate thyroid gland. Since the number of zones varied between the species, the numeration of the protothyroid region also varied. However, in all the examined endostyles, the protothyroid region was seen to be situated dorsolaterally to the glandular regions of the endostyle concerned with food capture.  相似文献   

Grazing and ingestion rates of laboratory-born Thalia democraticaaggregates and Dolioletta gegenbauri gonozooids, phorozooidsand oozooids were determined while fed Isochrysis galbana (4–5µm diameter) alone or in combination with Peridinium trochoideum(16–18 µm diameter) at concentrations of 0.15–0.70mm3 x 1–1. Grazing rates (ml x zooid–1 x 24 h –1)ranged from 10 to 355, and at zooid weights greater than 5 µgcarbon were in order oozooid > gonozooid > aggregate.Grazing rates increased exponentially with increasing zooidweight. Weight-specific grazing rates (ml x µgC–1x 24 h–1) were independent of the four-fold initial foodconcentration. Mean weight-specific grazing rates increasedlinearly with increasing zooid weight for the aggregates andoozooids, but gonozooid mean rates were independent of zooidweight. Aggregate and gonozooid ingestion rates (106 µm3x zooid–1 x 24 h–1) ranged from 4 to 134 while oozooidrates ranged from 3 to 67. All ingestion rates were independentof the initial food concentration but increased linearly withincreasing zooid weight at similar rates. All mean weight-specificingestion rates (ml x µgC–1 x 24 h–1) wereindependent of zooid weight. The mean aggregate daily ration(µgC ingested x µg body C–1) was 59% and themean doliolid ration was 132%. Field studies indicate that normalconcentrations of D. gegenbauri in the Georgia Bight clear theirresident water volume (1 m3) in about 4 months, but that highlyconcentrated, swarm populations which occur along thermohalinefronts clear their resident water volume in less than 1 day. 1Current address: MacLaren Plansearch Ltd., P.O.Box 13250, sta.A.,St.John's, Nfld. A1B 4A5  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(10):1421-1437
Salps are marine planktonic chordates that possess an obligatory alternation of reproductive modes in subsequent generations. Within tunicates, salps represent a derived life cycle and are of interest in considerations of the evolutionary origin of complex anatomical structures and life history strategies. In the present study, the eyes and brains of both the sexual, aggregate blastozooid and the asexual, solitary oozooid stage of Thalia democratica (Forskål, 1775 ) were digitally reconstructed in detail based on serial sectioning for light and transmission electron microscopy. The blastozooid stage of T. democratica possesses three pigment cup eyes, situated in the anterior ventral part of the brain. The eyes are arranged in a way that the optical axes of each eye point toward different directions. Each eye is an inverse eye that consists of two different cell types: pigment cells (pigc) and rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells (prcs). The oozooid stage of T. democratica is equipped with a single horseshoe‐shaped eye, positioned in the anterior dorsal part of the brain. The opening of the horseshoe‐shaped eye points anteriorly. Similar to the eyes of the blastozooid, the eye of the oozooid consists of pigment cells and rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells. The rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells possess apical microvilli that form a densely packed presumably photosensitive receptor part adjacent to the concave side of the pigc. We suggest correspondences of the individual eyes in the blastozooid stage to respective parts of the single horseshoe‐shaped eye in the oozooid stage and hypothesize that the differences in visual structures and brain anatomies evolved as a result of the aggregate life style of the blastozooid as opposed to the solitary life style of the oozooid.  相似文献   

The mantle of molluscs has been the subject of many studies as it is the organ that forms the shell. Microscopic studies in particular focus on the outer mantle epithelium, but few studies address this epithelium in a histochemical way. In this study, the outer mantle epithelium in adult specimens of Haliotis tuberculata is studied, that is, in specimens involved in maintaining and repairing the shell rather than in generating it. The epithelial cells are studied by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and by histochemical techniques, including the use of lectins for their biochemical characterization. The epithelium is composed of pigmented epidermal cells with small microvilli and junctional complexes. It furthermore contains a few ciliated cells, as well as two types of secretory cells which differ in the ultrastructural appearance of their secretory granules and their glycoconjugate content. Histochemical study shows secretory cells containing sulphated glycoconjugates such as glycosaminoglycans or mucins rich in N‐acetylgalactosamine and N‐glycoproteins rich in fucose. Furthermore, the apical regions of the epidermal cells are positive for lectins that label fucose, mannose and N‐acetylglucosamine. The role of epithelial cells in the synthesis of structural components of the shell is discussed.  相似文献   

The digestive gland of Viviparus ater was studied using histochemical and ultrastructural methods. Only one cell type was observed in the tubule epithelium of the gland. The cells are involved in an endocytotic process mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles and in the intracellular digestion of food materials (thus they can be regarded as digestive cells). The different stages of digestion and exocytotic extrusion of residual bodies into the tubule lumen were shown by electron microscopy. Very few, small mucocytes are scattered among the digestive cells. Calcium concretions, glycogen-containing cells and endocrine cells are scattered in the area of connective tissue present among the digestive tubules.  相似文献   

Members of the morphologically unusual cyanobacterial family Gomontiellaceae were studied using a polyphasic approach. Cultured strains of Hormoscilla pringsheimii, Starria zimbabweënsis, Crinalium magnum, and Crinalium epipsammum were thoroughly examined, and the type specimen of the family, Gomontiella subtubulosa, was investigated. The results of morphological observations using both light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were consistent with previous reports and provided evidence for the unique morphological and ultrastructural traits of this family. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene confirmed the monophyletic origin of non‐marine repre‐sentatives of genera traditionally classified into this family. The family was phylogenetically placed among other groups of filamentous cyanobacterial taxa. The presence of cellulose in the cell wall was analyzed and confirmed in all cultured Gomontiellaceae members using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy. Evaluation of toxins produced by the studied strains revealed the hepatotoxin cylindrospermopsin (CYN) in available strains of the genus Hormoscilla. Production of this compound in both Hormoscilla strains was detected using high‐performance liquid chromatography in tandem with high resolution mass spectrometry and confirmed by positive PCR amplification of the cyrJ gene from the CYN biosynthetic cluster. To our knowledge, this is the first report of CYN production by soil cyanobacteria, establishing a previously unreported CYN‐producing lineage. This study indicates that cyanobacteria of the family Gomontiellaceae form a separate but coherent cluster defined by numerous intriguing morphological, ultrastructural, and biochemical features, and exhibiting a toxic potential worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

The oviduct is a very thin organ with a very tortuous appearance. It is divided into three segments: the infundibulum, the ampulla and the isthmus. Particularly, the oviduct of the viscacha lacks the intramural portion described in other species. The mucosa shows longitudinal pleats. The free edge of the infundibulum ends as small fimbriae that are of variable length and do not completely cover the ovary. The proportion of ciliated and secretory epithelial cells varied both in relation to the segments of the oviduct analysed and to the physiological state (anoestrus, follicular phase, early pregnancy and late pregnancy). The glycocalix and the apical region of the superficial epithelial cells are PAS and alcian‐blue positive. The muscular layers vary in thickness in different regions. Some lectins such as UEA‐1 and DBA showed variations in the binding pattern during the different physiological stages analysed whereas RCA‐1and WGA had a very stable pattern.  相似文献   

Borisenko, I. and Ereskovsky, A.V. 2011. Tentacular apparatus ultrastructure in the larva of Bolinopsis infundibulum (Lobata: Ctenophora). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–10. Most ctenophores have a tentacular apparatus, which plays some role in their feeding. Tentacle structure has been described in adults of only three ctenophore species, but the larval tentacles have remained completely unstudied. We made a light and electron microscopic study of the tentacular apparatus in the larvae of Bolinopsis infundibulum from the White Sea. The tentacular apparatus of B. infundibulum larvae consists of the tentacle proper and the tentacle root. The former contains terminally differentiated cells, while the latter contains stem cells and cells undergoing differentiation. The core of the tentacle is formed by myocytes, and its epidermis contains colloblasts (hunting cells), wall cells, degenerating cask cells, refractive vesicles, and ciliated sensory cells. Stem cells, colloblasts, and cask cells at various stages of differentiation and putative myocytes progenitors were revealed in the tentacle root. Two different populations of the stem cells in the tentacle root give rise to epidermal (colloblasts and cask cells) and mesogleal (myocytes) cell lines. Nervous elements, glandular cells, and basal lamina were not found. Step‐by‐step differentiation of colloblasts and cask cells is described.  相似文献   

Longo, M.V. and Díaz, A.O. (2011). The claw closer muscle of two estuarine crab species, Cyrtograpsus angulatus and Neohelice granulata (Grapsoidea, Varunidae): histochemical fibre type composition. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–7. This study permitted the characterization of four types of muscle fibres in the claw closer muscles of Cyrtograpsus angulatus and Neohelice granulata. Succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) for mitochondria, periodic acid Schiff (PAS) for glycogen, Sudan Black B for lipids and myosin‐adenosine triphosphatase (m‐ATPase) preincubated at alkaline and acid pHs were used for that purpose. The mean fibre diameters, the relative areas and frequencies of each muscle fibre type were calculated. Types I and IV would be considered ‘extreme’ groups with type I fibres large, weak and acid/alkaline‐labile m‐ATPase, weak SDH, PAS and Sudan, and type IV fibres small, very strong and acid/alkaline‐resistant m‐ATPase, strong SDH and PAS, and moderate Sudan. Types II and III would belong to a predominant ‘intermediate’ group. Type IV fibres were scarce in C. angulatus but represented 25% of the total fibre population in N. granulata. In C. angulatus, the relative area occupied by type I fibres was bigger than its relative proportion, whereas in N. granulata, types I and II had similar patterns. Concluding, variations in fibre type composition in the claw closer muscles of C. angulatus and N. granulata would be linked to different habitats and feeding behaviours.  相似文献   

While the mechanisms by which adult terrestrial plants deploy constitutive and induced responses to grazing pressure are well known, the means by which young aquatic plants defend themselves from herbivory are little studied. This study addresses nitrogen transport in the aquatic angiosperm Myriophyllum spicatum in response to herbivore exposure. Nitrogen tracers were used to monitor nitrogen uptake and reallocation in young plants in response to grazing by the generalist insect herbivore Acentria ephemerella. Total nitrogen content (N%) and patterns of nitrogen uptake and allocation (δ15N) were assessed in various plant tissues after 24 and 48 h. Following 24 h exposure to herbivore damage (Experiment 1), nitrogen content of plant apices was significantly elevated. This rapid early reaction may be an adaptation allowing the grazer to be sated as fast as possible, or indicate the accumulation of nitrogenous defense chemicals. After 48 h (Experiment 2), plants' tips showed depletion in nitrogen levels of ca. 60‰ in stem sections vulnerable to grazing. In addition, nitrogen uptake by grazed and grazing‐prone upper plant parts was reduced and nutrient allocation into the relatively secure lower parts increased. The results point to three conclusions: (1) exposure to an insect herbivore induces a similar response in immature M. spicatum as previously observed in mature terrestrial species, namely a rapid (within 48 h) reduction in the nutritional value (N%) of vulnerable tissues, (2) high grazing intensity (100% of growing tips affected) did not limit the ability of young plants to induce resistance; and (3) young plants exposed to herbivory exhibit different patterns of nutrient allocation in vulnerable and secure tissues. These results provide evidence of induced defense and resource reallocation in immature aquatic macrophytes which is in line with the responses shown for mature aquatic macrophytes and terrestrial plants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify whether different living conditions of Polychaeta are correlated with morphological and functional differences in the organization of the integument. For this purpose, we decided to study the epidermis of Timarete filigera, a non-tubicolous polychaete. With this objective in mind, we have identified the various cellular types responsible for mucous secretion in the epidermis of this species and defined the histochemical composition of the mucus produced by different types of gland cells. Three types of gland cells have been identified by histochemical and ultrastructural studies in the epidermis of this polychaete. The histochemistry was carried out using standard techniques and peroxidase-labelled lectins. In type 1 cells, the secretory granules contain neutral glycoproteins with glucosidic residues of GalNAc, Galbeta 1,3 GalNAc, glucosidic and/or mannosidic residues. In type 2 cells, the secretory granules contain acid glycoproteins mainly sulphated with glucosidic residues of GalNAc, Galbeta 1,3 GalNAc, glucosidic and/or mannosidic residues, and some terminal sialic acid. In type 3 cells, the residual granules have the same chemical composition as that of granules present in type 2 cells. The secretion of these glandular mucous cells consists of mainly sulphated acidic glycoproteins and GAG resistant to testis jaluronidase. In these cells, the residual granules have the same chemical composition as that of their secretion. The heterogeneity of mucus composition may be correlated with its different functions.  相似文献   

The oogenesis of the acoel Actinoposthia beklemischevi can be divided into a previtellogenic and a vitellogenic stage. Maturing oocytes are surrounded by accessory cells (a.c.) that produce electrondense granules, the content of which is released into the space between the oocyte and a.c. and gives rise to a thin primary egg envelope. The a.c. may also contribute to yolk synthesis by transferring low molecular weight precursors to the oocyte. Two types of inclusion are produced in maturing oocytes. Type I inclusions are small, roundish granules produced by the Golgi complex. They have a proteinaceous non-polyphenolic content which is discharged in the intercellular space and produce a thicker secondary egg envelope. Type I inclusions represent eggshell-forming granules (EFGs). Type II inclusions are variably sized globules progressively changing their shape from round to crescent. They appear to be produced by the ER, contain glycoproteins and remain scattered throughout the cytoplasm in large oocytes. Type II inclusions represent yolk. The main features of oogenesis in Actinoposthia are: (a) EFGs have a non-polyphenolic composition; (b) the egg envelope has a double origin and is not sclerotinized; (c) yolk production appears to be autosynthetic. The present ultrastructural findings are compared with those from other Acoelomorpha and Turbellaria.  相似文献   

The spermatogenesis, the spermiogenetic process and the structure of the mature spermatozoon of Acanthodasys aculeatus (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) are described from an ultrastructural point of view. Several spermatogonia in mitotic divisions were seen, proving that euthely of gastrotrichs does not concern gonads. Spermiogenesis is characterized by the early formation of both the acrosome and the axoneme, by the subsequent appearances of a perinuclear helix and of a complex axial tubular structure in the acrosome and by the late development of the peraxonemal striated cylinder. The mature spermatozoon is filiform, and composed of a spiralized acrosome, a helical nuclear–mitochondrial complex and a long flagellum. The acrosome contains an axial tubular structure and the spring-shaped nucleus delimits a single, long mitochondrion. A perinuclear helix formed by the pro-acrosome surrounds the nuclear–mitochondrial complex extending for its whole length. A monolayered, obliquely striated cylinder encloses the 9 × 2 + 2 axoneme; its terminal part is empty because of the shortness of the axoneme.  相似文献   

The postembryonic development of the gonad in the hermaphroditic appendicularian O. gracilis was studied using transmission electron microscopy. The primordial germ cells were detected first in 10-h-old larvae and represent migrating primordial germ syncytium (mPGS) localized in the hemocoel of the tail/trunk junction and several haemocoel areas of the digestive compartment. The mPGS consisted of primordial germ nuclei (PGN) 2 μm in diameter, and elongate somatic-line nuclei 1.8 μm in diameter. In 12.5-h-old juveniles the gonad primordium 40 × 90 μm in size, was separated by a narrow space of haemocoel between the gut and the epidermis of the reproductive compartment. The gonad primordium consisted of the central syncytial part of primordial germ nuclei (PGN), enclosing a single layer of somatic epithelium. In 3-day-old juveniles, the gonad was differentiated into testis and ovary. The testis, 400 × 550 μm in size, is a syncytium of spermatogonial nuclei, covered by a single layer of somatic epithelium. The ovaries, 350 × 850 μm in size, consist of a syncytium with nurse nuclei and meiotic nuclei. The hermaphroditic gonad originates from extragonadal mPGS. Early gonadogenesis in appendicularians has ultrastructural features in common with early gonadogenesis in ascidians.  相似文献   

A study of nematodes associated with the large larch bark beetle Ips cembrae (Heer 1836) was carried out at three locations in the Czech Republic. The proportion of beetles infested by endoparasitic nematodes (representatives of genera Contortylenchus, Parasitylenchus, Cryptaphelenchus and Parasitorhabditis) ranged from 29.9 to 50.9%. Significant differences were determined in nematode infestation levels among locations, generations and sampling methods. No differences were found in infestation rates between males and females. The percentage of bark beetles with phoretic nematodes ranged from 18 to 42.9%. Phoretic nematodes directly found under elytra, on wings and between body segments of the bark beetles belong to the genus Micoletzkya. However, adults and juveniles of other two phoretic species Laimaphelenchus penardi and Bursaphelenchus sp. were found in the gallery frass of I. cembrae. Infestation by phoretic nematodes positively correlated with the presence of mites under elytra.  相似文献   

The female genital system of the oviparous peripatopsid Ooperipatellus decoratus consists of an ovary, oviducts equipped with receptacula seminis and additional pouches, uteri, and a vagina. It is examined using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The ovary is made up of paired ovarian tubes united anteriorly and posteriorly and differentiated into a sterile dorsal part and a fertile ventral part with exogenous oocytes. Fertilization presumably occurs in the oviducts once the oocytes pass the receptaculum seminis. Although the receptacula seminis have been reported to occur in juvenile O. decoratus females only, the present study reveals that they are present in adult females as well. Their wall consists of a cuboidal epithelium covered with a thin collagen-muscle layer. The additional pouches are projections of the oviducts facing the receptacula seminis. They are distally closed to the haemocoel by a flattened epithelium and lack external muscle cells. A thin collagen layer is only found proximally. The uteri are characterized by a columnar epithelium with folded cell membranes allowing extension of the uteri, thus facilitating the passage of the large uterine eggs towards the vagina. Another dominating feature of the uteri is a distally increasing secretory production, which probably contributes to chorion development. Cilia occurring along the entire length of the uteri are considered to assist in the transport of eggs towards the vagina.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to evaluate the antioxidant, anti‐inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of Alchemilla mollis (Buser ) Rothm . (Rosaceae) aerial parts extracts. Chemical composition was analyzed by spectrophotometric and chromatographic (HPLC) techniques. The antioxidant properties assessed included DPPH· and ABTS·+ radical scavenging, β‐carotene‐linoleic acid co‐oxidation assay. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated with disc diffusion and micro dilution method. In order to evaluate toxicity of the extracts, with the sulforhodamine B colorimetric assay L929 cell line (mouse fibroblast) was used. The anti‐inflammatory activities of the potent antioxidant extracts (methanol, 70% methanol, and water extracts) were determined by measuring the inhibitory effects on NO production and pro‐inflammatory cytokine TNF‐α levels in lipopolysaccharide stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. 70% methanol and water extracts which were found to be rich in phenolic compounds (184.79 and 172.60 mg GAE/g extract) showed higher antioxidant activity. Luteolin‐7‐O‐glucoside was the main compound in the extracts. Ethyl acetate and 70% methanol extracts showed higher antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enteritidis with MIC value of 125 μg/ml. 70% methanol extract potentially inhibited the NO and TNF‐α production (18.43 μm and 1556.22 pg/ml, respectively, 6 h).  相似文献   

The digestive system of the sea hare, Aplysia depilans , includes a pair of ribbon-shaped salivary glands. A central duct and a large blood vessel run close to each other along the length of these glands and both are surrounded by a layer of muscle cells. Three cell types form the glandular epithelium: granular cells, vacuolated cells and mucocytes. The granular cells possess cilia and spherical secretion granules, located primarily in the apical region. The granules of immature cells have a low electron density and are mainly formed by neutral polysaccharides with small amounts of proteins. The granules of mature cells are larger, have a high electron density and are mainly formed by proteins with lower amounts of neutral polysaccharides. Transition stages between immature and mature granular cells are observed. The vacuolated cells are large and frequently pyramidal in shape, but after the application of histochemical techniques almost all vacuoles remain uncoloured. The numerous vacuoles contain flocculent material in a clear background and the mitochondria possess large crystalline structures in the matrix. A pyramidal shape is also typical of the mucocytes, which are filled with vesicles containing granular masses surrounded by a network of secretion material. These large cells are strongly stained by Alcian blue, revealing the presence of acidic mucopolysaccharides. This is the first ultrastructural study of the salivary glands in opisthobranch gastropods.  相似文献   

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