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In this study, we show for the first time the dynamics of spongelarvae assemblages from nearshore meroplankton. Plankton wascollected by SCUBA diving once or twice a week during a 2-yearperiod over a rocky artificial reef in the NW Mediterranean.Data on larval abundance were cross correlated with the valuesof environmental parameters (i.e. seawater temperature, solarradiation, wind speed and atmospheric pressure). In the laboratory,we recorded external features and main behaviors of larvae.We collected larvae belonging to 20 different taxa of sponges,which are among the most common in the sublittoral hard bottomcommunities of the NW Mediterranean and other temperate areas.There was a positive correlation between maximum abundance oflarvae and highest water temperatures. Maximum solar radiationpreceded the maximum of larval abundance. Wind speed showedno clear seasonal patterns and atmospheric pressure was overallthe lowest when larvae were most abundant. Two main patternsin the larval release periods were observed. One was shown byspecies releasing larvae in summer, right before the maximumwater temperatures (orders Dictyoceratida and Dendroceratida)and another by the species whose larvae release from the endof summer till autumn, when temperatures decrease (order Poecilosclerida).The larvae of Phorbas tenacior, Raphidoflus jolicoueri, Mycalerotalis, Tedania anhelans, Pleraplysilla spinifera, Aplysillasulfurea var. rosea and Chelonaplysilla noevus are describedfor the first time. The larvae collected mainly belonged tothe parenchymella type (except for the species Oscarella sp.and probably Cliona viridis) and showed different features andbehaviors: from the elongated parenchymellae of Scopalina lophyropoda(order Halichondrida), which show simple swimming behavior andno response to light, to the parenchymellae of Poeciloscleridaand Dictyoceratida orders with variable morphologies as adaptationsto complex swimming behaviors. Our database will hopefully contributeto the present knowledge of larval types in sponges and definitivelyhighlight the importance of this group in the dynamics of meroplanktonfrom nearshore bottoms.  相似文献   

Sponges play important roles in marine ecosystems by contributing to habitat complexity and benthopelagic coupling of nutrients. Yet, the reproduction and settlement behaviors of diverse sponge species are not well understood. Here, we examined the brooding demosponge Haliclona amboinensis, which is common on shallow reefs in Bolinao, northwestern Philippines. Gravid sponges were found between the months of May and August, coinciding with warmer sea surface temperature. Sponges released parenchymella larvae from brood chambers in the mid‐morning, suggesting that light and temperature may serve as cues to initiate hatching. Larvae immediately swam toward the surface upon emergence and migrated to the bottom of the tanks 1–2 hr after release. The presence of light and crustose coralline algae induced high larval settlement. Metamorphosis proceeded rapidly in vitro, with larval cells spreading laterally on the substrate. The osculum was first visible at 3 days after settlement. The short pelagic duration of larvae in H. amboinensis promotes local recruitment and may be important for the maintenance of sponge populations in the face of disturbances.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Encrusting sponges threaten coral reefs and compete for space against corals; however, little is known about the timing of their larval release. This study is the first to demonstrate...  相似文献   

Mariani S  Uriz MJ  Turon X  Alcoverro T 《Oecologia》2006,149(1):174-184
While known to be uniformly non-feeding, short-lived, and potentially short dispersing, sponge larvae display different behaviours (swimming ability and taxis). Our aim was to show whether sponge larvae with different behaviours exhibit different dispersal strategies under variable intensity of water movements. We first assessed the distribution of larvae of six taxa: Dictyoceratida spp., Dysidea avara, Crambe crambe, Phorbas tenacior, Scopalina lophyropoda, and Cliona viridis, collected through plankton sampling, and the abundance of the corresponding adult sponges across three hard bottom communities and a sandy bottom from a north-west Mediterranean rocky shore. We then tested adult–larvae couplings (abundance of larvae vs abundance of adults) under increasing levels of water movements (surge) to assess the importance of this environmental factor in driving differences in dispersal strategies. Adults of Dictyoceratida spp., D. avara, and P. tenacior were most abundant in semi-dark caves (SDC), C. crambe and C. viridis in communities of sciaphilic algae (SA), whereas the distribution of S. lophyropoda was extremely patchy, being present almost only in the SA community of one of the five stations studied. Larvae of Dictyoceratida spp. and P. tenacior were more abundant in the SDC, whereas D. avara and C. crambe were homogeneously distributed across the communities. The larvae of C. viridis were more abundant in the SA communities and the S. lophyropoda larvae were mostly present in one station and one community (SA). Increased water movement did not modify the adult–larvae coupling for Dictyoceratida spp., D. avara, and C. crambe, whereas it broke up the positive association for P. tenacior and to some extent S. lophyropoda. For C. viridis, possible variability in adult–larvae coupling was not tested because the larvae were collected on only one day under calm sea conditions. We confirm that efficient-swimming larvae with some cue response can actively counteract hydrodynamic forces and highlight the importance of both larval behaviour and environmental conditions in determining small-scale patterns of dispersal.  相似文献   

The nonfeeding planktonic larvae of marine invertebrates typically lack larval feeding structures. One puzzling exception to this generalization is the annelid clade Sabellidae, in which nonfeeding larvae possess ciliary bands (specifically, food groove and metatroch) that, to the best of our knowledge, have no function other than in feeding. Nishi and Yamasu (1992b, Bulletin of the College of Sciences, University of the Ryukyus, 54 , 107–121) published a scanning electron micrograph showing that nonfeeding larvae of the serpulid annelid Salmacina dysteri also possess food groove and metatrochal cilia. Here I demonstrate that nonfeeding larvae of Salmacina tribranchiata also bear ciliary bands identifiable as food groove and metatroch by position. High‐speed video of ciliary beat patterns shows that, together with the prototrochal cilia, these bands function in an opposed band system. The presence of feeding structures in nonfeeding annelid larvae is thus more widely distributed than previously recognized. The presence of feeding structures may make evolutionary transitions to planktotrophy more likely, and may underlie an inferred origin of larval feeding in the common ancestor of one of the two major clades of serpulid annelids, Serpulinae.  相似文献   

宽额螯蜂Dryinus latus Olmi在山东商河寄生恶性席瓢蜡蝉Sivaloka damnosus Chouet Lu若虫,具有捕食和寄生的双重控制作用。首次明确该蜂寄主,记述其幼期形态特征、生活史、生活习性。在山东商河1年发生2代,以4龄老熟幼虫在茧内越冬。翌年4月下旬至5月上旬为化蛹盛期,5月中旬越冬代成虫开始出现,捕捉寄主若虫补充营养。成虫主要产卵于恶性席瓢蜡蝉3~5龄若虫前后翅芽下紧贴体背的淡绿色组织上。第1代卵历期平均78.1h,幼虫孵化至脱囊平均历时209.5h,产卵至脱囊平均历时280.0h,蛹期平均386.4h。幼虫作茧于枝条、叶片或地面枯叶上,茧外缀有枝条表皮或叶片碎屑。7月下旬至8月上旬出现第1代成虫,第2代幼虫8月上旬开始脱囊结茧越冬。野外寄生率27.8%~45.7%,控制作用显著。  相似文献   

Conclusions Ciliary resorption, a phenomenon consistently occurring in certain protozoa, illustrates fundamental cellular processes. Membranes are observed to break and fuse in an end-to-end manner and to laminate by surface fusion within the environment of the resorption vesicle. The sequence and manner of filament degradation demonstrate the relative lability of central filaments as compared to peripheral ones and the tenacity of the arrangement of peripheral filaments.Dedicated to Professor Friedrich Wassermann with admiration and affection on the occasion of his eightieth birthday.This study was supported by a grant (C-5581) from the National Cancer Institute, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

The effects of larval morphology and substrate quality on the searching efficiency of third stage larvae of Epistrophe eligans (Harris) and Metasyrphus luniger (Meigen) were examined. E. eligans has a smooth, flat undersurface and was able to grasp smooth, flat substrates where it achieved high casting rates and capture efficiencies. It is probably best suited to exploiting leaf-feeding, rather than stem-feeding aphids. However, M. luniger did best on stems and petiles where it used a special U-shaped grasping organ and lateral movements to hold on and move. On these substrates, as opposed to smooth, flat surfaces, it achieved high casting rates and capture efficiencies.
Résumé L'examen a proté sur les effets de la morphologie larvaire et de la nature du substrat sur les succès de la prospection des larves de troisième stade de E. elegans et de M. luniger. La surface ventrale de E. elegans est plate et molle, sans proéminences locomotrices. Sur les feuilles plutôt que sur les pétioles, il a mieux adhéré au substrat et a réalisé plus de captures avec une meilleure efficacité. E. elegans est probablement mieux adapté à l'exploitation des pucerons sur des surfaces molles et plates, comme les feuilles. M. luniger présente une disposition complexe de proéminences locomotrices, comprenant un organe de préhension en forme de U à l'extrémité du corps. Sur les tiges, les pétioles et les feuilles avec des nervures saillantes, il est capable de se fixer efficacement et de se déplacer sur des structures cylindriques en utilisant son organe de préhension, ses pièces buccales et des mouvements latéraux. Il a réalisé plus de captures avec une plus grande efficacité sur tiges et pétioles par comparaison avec des surfaces molles; il peut être mieux adapté à exploiter les pucerons associés aux surfaces cylindriques de ce type.

《Tissue & cell》2016,48(6):588-595
In the present study, we examined the morphology of cilia and expression of the dynein intermediate chain 2 (DNAI2) in the oviduct of non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. Results obtained with immunohistochemistry showed that DNAI2 expression was reduced in oviducts of diabetic NOD (dNOD) mice, as compared to that observed in the normoglycemic NOD (cNOD) group, especially in the acyclic dNOD mice. Oviductal cilia of dNOD mice appeared to be reduced in number. Results obtained with Western blot analysis revealed that the expression of DNAI2 protein was significantly less in oviducts of dNOD mice as compared to that of cNOD mice corroborating the results obtained with immunohistochemistry. Electron microscopic examination and quantitative imaging of thin sections of Epon-embedded oviducts of both dNOD and cNOD mice confirmed the reduction of the number of cilia in the oviduct of the dNOD group which also displayed aberrant axonemal ultrastructure, including disorganization of the axoneme and alteration of microtubule doublets into singlets as well as disruption of the plasma membrane in many cilia. Taken together, the present findings suggest that structural alterations of oviductal cilia in female diabetic NOD mice might be detrimental to the normal function of these particular cell structures in gamete transport.  相似文献   

The effect of germanium on the secretion of siliceous spicules by the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris was investigated by exposing germinating and hatching gemmules to varying concentrations of germanium (Ge) in the presence of silicon (Si). Results were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively and demonstrate that a [Ge]/[Si] (= molar ratio) of 1.0 completely inhibits silicon deposition. Intermediate ratios (0.5, 0.1, 0.01) which are permissive to spicule appearance result in fewer, shorter, and thinner spicules, in proportionately fewer microscleres, and in short bulbous megascleres. The size of the bulb increases with increasing [Ge]/[Si], while the length of the bulbous megascleres decreases with increasing [Ge]/[Si]. Microscleres do not demonstrate these graded responses suggesting that they are secreted in an all or none manner. Swellings produced in pond water and bulbs produced in germanium appear to decrease in size with time indicating a spreading of the accumulated silica. The effect of germanium on spicule secretion can be partially explained by its ability to uncouple the growth in length of the axial filament from the growth of the surrounding silicalemma. Under these conditions excess silicalemma is produced in which silica accumulates as bulbs in short spicules. Continuous exposure to Ge is necessary to produce this altered morphology. It is conjectured that the bulbs may be retained due to an inhibition of spreading. which in turn may be caused by the incorporation of germanium into the silica.  相似文献   

Cilia are microtubule-based organelles that arise from the centrosome and project from the surface of many cells. Defects in cilia-localized proteins are felt to lead to polycystic kidney disease as well as ciliopathies with multiple organ involvement. Movement of proteins along mammalian cilia is a specialized process that is highly related to the intraflagellar movement of proteins in lower organisms. Entry of proteins into the cilia appears to be a tightly regulated process. Several cilia-targeting sequences have been identified that appear to mediate the movement of proteins into cilia, although the molecular basis through which these sequences operate is still being elucidated. Entry of proteins into cilia appears to be regulated at the base of the cilia at a region known as the transition zone. It has been proposed that a ciliary pore exists in this zone that controls entry of proteins into the cilia, similar to the nuclear pore that controls entry of proteins into the nucleus. Our group at the University of Michigan has found that proteins important in nuclear import appear to function similarly in cilia entry. In particular, we have identified roles for the small GTPase, Ran and its binding partners, the importins, in regulating cilia entry of specific proteins.  相似文献   

Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that serve as hubs for the transduction of various developmental signaling pathways including Hedgehog, Wnt, FGF, and PDGF. Ciliary dysfunction contributes to a range of disorders, collectively known as the ciliopathies. Recently, interest has grown in these syndromes, particularly among craniofacial biologists, as many known and putative ciliopathies have severe craniofacial defects. Herein we discuss the current understanding of ciliary biology and craniofacial development in an attempt to gain insight into the molecular etiology for craniofacial ciliopathies, and uncover a characteristic ciliopathic craniofacial gestalt.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cilia/flagella are ancient organelles with motility and sensory functions. Cilia display significant ultrastructural conservation where present across the eukaryotic phylogeny; however, diversity in ciliary biology exists and the ability to produce cilia has been lost independently on a number of occasions. Land plants provide an excellent system for the investigation of cilia evolution and loss across a broad phylogeny, because early divergent land plant lineages produce cilia, whereas most seed plants do not. This review highlights the differences in cilia form and function across land plants and discusses how recent advances in genomics are providing novel insights into the evolutionary trajectory of ciliary proteins. We propose a renewed effort to adopt ciliated land plants as models to investigate the mechanisms underpinning complex ciliary processes, such as number control, the coordination of basal body placement and the regulation of beat patterns.  相似文献   

We describe the external morphology of the terminal-instar larvae of 30 species of Cynipoidea (Hymenoptera), with special reference to the head capsule and mouthparts. Twenty-five of the species belong to the Cynipidae and are gall inducers or phytophagous inquilines (guests) in galls, while five represent different insect-parasitic lineages of the Cynipoidea. Although we find only limited variation in body shape, the head sclerites and mandibles offer many characters of potential phylogenetic value. For instance, the mandibles of the parasitoids have one large pointed tooth, with several smaller dents along the inner margin in core figitids, whereas the phytophagous gall inducers and inquilines have mandibles with two or three blunt teeth of subequal size. The mandibles of inquiline larvae are unique in being covered by vertical striations and in having a dominating, broad second tooth. We summarize the qualitative variation among the studied terminal-instar larvae in terms of 33 morphological characters and one life-history trait and examine the phylogenetic implications of these data by running parsimony analyses under uniform character weights and under implied weights (Goloboff weights). The analysis under uniform weights is poorly resolved but the relationships suggested by the implied-weights analysis are largely congruent with previous analyses of adult morphology and molecular data. The larval data support inclusion of the genus Liposthenes in the Neaylax – Isocolus clade, in agreement with the molecular data but in weak conflict with adult morphology. However, the larval data agree with adult morphology and conflict with the molecular data in supporting monophyly of the inquilines.  相似文献   

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