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Tetragonula hockingsi and T. carbonaria are two closely related species of Australian stingless bees. The primary species-specific character is the architecture of the brood comb. The brood comb of T. hockingsi is an open lattice comprising clumps of about ten cells that are connected by vertical pillars. In contrast, in T. carbonaria the brood comb is a compact spiral in which all brood cells (except on the margins) are connected by their walls to adjacent cells at the same height. We made detailed observations of the cell construction process in two colonies of each species. From these observations we formed a species-specific hypothesis about the algorithm followed by the bees during cell construction. The two algorithms allowed us to make predictions about the locations of new cells. Both T. hockingsi and T. carbonaria share a preference for constructing new brood cells in the clefts formed by two or three adjacent existing brood cells, but there are differences in detail for other components of the building process. The fundamental difference in the cell construction process of the two species is that for T. hockingsi, when a cluster of cells contains ten cells, the next cell added to the cluster is offset upwards by half a cell length, or, less often, a vertical pillar rather than a new cell is constructed. In T. carbonaria, cell construction is continuous at the comb margin so that there are no gaps between cells. Furthermore, it seems that T. hockingsi only makes use of local knowledge of the brood comb when deciding to place new brood cells, whereas T. carbonaria could make some building decisions based on knowledge of the total structure. We translated the species-specific algorithms into agent-based lattice swarm computer simulations of the cell construction process for the two species. These simulations produced representations of brood combs that are similar to those seen in vivo, suggesting that our biological rules are realistic.  相似文献   

Across the world, the keeping of stingless bees is increasingly popular, providing commercial pollination, high-value honey and a rewarding pass time. The popularity of stingless beekeeping has resulted in large-scale anthropogenic movements of nests, sometimes from outside their native range. Colony movement has the potential to impact local populations via transfer of parasites and pathogens and gene flow across unnaturally large geographic scales. Tetragonula carbonaria is the most widespread and commonly kept stingless bee species in Australia. Concerns have been raised that large-scale artificial propagation of T. carbonaria colonies by Sydney beekeepers, from a small number of colonies that originated in south-east Queensland, may have two consequences. First, the managed population may be becoming increasingly inbred. Second, the wild population may be experiencing significant introgression of south-east Queensland genotypes, potentially diluting local adaptations to the Sydney environment and resulting in the loss of local alleles. Here we show, based on microsatellite and mitochondrial markers, that both the managed and wild Sydney populations are significantly different from the south-east Queensland population. Nonetheless there is evidence that introgression of south-east Queensland alleles is impacting the genetic structure of both wild and managed Sydney populations. The two Sydney populations are indistinguishable, suggesting two-way gene flow in Sydney consistent with expectations of gene flow via male dispersal. All populations have low inbreeding coefficients, suggesting that they are genetically healthy.  相似文献   

Division of labour in social insect colonies is facilitated in two ways: through temporal sharing of tasks or by morphologically specialised castes. In casteless species, colony defence is maintained by morphologically indistinct workers, who lack the obvious defensive specialisation of polymorphic species. Discrimination of intruders is carried out via antenna, which also detects defensive social cues such as alarm pheromones. Despite their functional importance however, antennal morphology is rarely considered in studies of nestmate recognition. We investigated antennal morphology and the necessity of social cues in mediating defensive behaviour across differentially tasked workers of a casteless social bee, Tetragonula carbonaria. Our results suggest that the current understanding of division of labour in casteless worker species remains poorly understood, with differences in antennal morphology and aggression creating morphologically and behaviourally distinct ‘cryptic castes’. Further, we found that defensive behaviour was only elicited near nest odours, highlighting the importance of mediating aggression among workers.  相似文献   

We examined range‐wide mitochondrial phylogeographical structure in the riverine freshwater turtle Chelodina expansa to determine whether this species exhibits deep genetic divergence between coastal and inland hydrological provinces, as seen in co‐distributed freshwater taxa. We sequenced two mitochondrial loci, genealogical relationships were assessed using a network approach, and relationships among biogeographical regions were tested using analyses of molecular variance. Population history was evaluated using neutrality tests, indices of demographic expansion, and mismatch analyses. Twenty‐one haplotypes were recovered across two mitochondrial haplogroups separated by approximately 4% nucleotide divergence. The haplogroups have discrete geographical boundaries but only partially support a hypothesis of deep divergence between coastal and inland bioregions. The first haplogroup comprises populations from the inland Murray‐Darling Basin and from coastal catchments south of the Mary River in south‐east Queensland. The second haplogroup comprises populations from coastal catchments north of the Mary River. Cryptic phylogeographical barriers separating adjacent coastal populations are congruent with those demonstrated for other freshwater taxa and may result from the combined influences of the Conondale Range and alluvial deposits at the mouth of the Mary River. The findings of the present study demonstrate that freshwater taxa commonly display genetic differentiation within a biogeographical region where no boundaries have been recognized, highlighting the need to uncover cryptic microbiogeographical regions to aid conservation of freshwater biota. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 789–805.  相似文献   

Seabirds are considered highly mobile, able to fly great distances with few apparent barriers to dispersal. However, it is often the case that seabird populations exhibit strong population genetic structure despite their potential vagility. Here we show that Galapagos Nazca booby (Sula granti) populations are substantially differentiated, even within the small geographic scale of this archipelago. On the other hand, Galapagos great frigatebird (Fregata minor) populations do not show any genetic structure. We characterized the genetic differentiation by sampling five colonies of both species in the Galapagos archipelago and analyzing eight microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes. Using an F‐statistic approach on the multilocus data, we found significant differentiation between nearly all island pairs of Nazca booby populations and a Bayesian clustering analysis provided support for three distinct genetic clusters. Mitochondrial DNA showed less differentiation of Nazca booby colonies; only Nazca boobies from the island of Darwin were significantly differentiated from individuals throughout the rest of the archipelago. Great frigatebird populations showed little to no evidence for genetic differentiation at the same scale. Only two island pairs (Darwin – Wolf, N. Seymour – Wolf) were significantly differentiated using the multilocus data, and only two island pairs had statistically significant φST values (N. Seymour – Darwin, N. Seymour – Wolf) according to the mitochondrial data. There was no significant pattern of isolation by distance for either species calculated using both markers. Seven of the ten Nazca booby migration rates calculated between island pairs were in the south or southeast to north or northwest direction. The population differentiation found among Galapagos Nazca booby colonies, but not great frigatebird colonies, is most likely due to differences in natal and breeding philopatry.  相似文献   

The phylogeographical patterns of the endemic minnow, Candidia barbatus, were examined using mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b sequences, allozyme electrophoresis, and morphology. The 23 mtDNA haplotypes recovered were grouped into six lineages (A–F). According to a molecular clock of 1.7% per million years, we estimated that the colonization of C. barbatus to Taiwan took place three million years ago with several subsequent vicariance events. In the allozyme analysis, the Bayesian approach partitioned different populations into three clusters, with clusters I, II, and III mainly found in northern, central, and southern Taiwan, respectively. Morphologically, fish from north and south of the Tropic of Cancer had distinct numbers of lateral line scales and were separated into two morphs. The cohabitation of different mtDNA lineages with high allozymic and morphological similarities suggests that interbreeding amongst them is possible. Therefore, in spite of highly differentiated mtDNA, samples from different collecting sites should be considered a single species. Based on the current population distribution and levels of divergence, we propose that both orogenic activities and marine regression during glacial epoch were the two main forces shaping population differentiation of this species. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 613–632.  相似文献   

The systematic structure and postglacial population history of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris were explored in an allozyme survey of 65 populations across Northern Europe. A strong multilocus pattern of differentiation discriminated populations of the north‐east (north‐eastern Norway, northern Finland) from those in the west and the south (southern and central Scandinavia, Denmark, Poland). This principal division is attributed to postglacial colonization of the area by two main refugial races or lineages, one from the east (Russia), the other from the south (north‐western European continent). The strongly diverged Eastern and Western races (Nei's D= 0.3, from 22 loci) now meet in a secondary contact zone across a narrow sector of northernmost Norway. Genetic population compositions in this zone vary in a mosaic pattern, and show no evidence of reproductive incompatibility. Similar contacts of eastern and western lineages, far older than the latest glaciation, are now known from a number of taxa and they constitute a general pattern in Fennoscandian phylogeography. Within the Western Gammarus race, the populations through coastal north‐western Norway are further distinguished from those in southern Scandinavia and Denmark by a set of unique alleles at high frequencies (D = 0.12). This suggests an independent early colonization of the coastal region by another distinct stock, either along an early deglaciated coastal corridor from the south‐west, or directly from the ice‐free continental shelf off the Norwegian coast – a hypothesis that has also previously been presented for G. lacustris, and parallels controversial suggestions of local refugia for other taxa in Scandinavia. The coastal population type only later could come into contact with Gammarus invading over the mountains from the south; these two population types now smoothly intergrade. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 79, 523–542.  相似文献   

Given that East Asia is located south‐west of Beringia and was less glaciated during the Pleistocene, species at higher latitudes were able to expand their range in this region during climate cooling. Although southward migration is an inevitable colonization process, the biogeographical history of the disjunct ranges of higher‐latitude species in East Asia has been investigated less extensively. Here, we assess whether their disjunct distributions in the Japanese archipelago connected sufficiently with Beringia or persisted in isolation following their establishment. Sequences of nine nuclear loci were determined for Cassiope lycopodioides (Ericaceae) from the Japanese archipelago as well as its surrounding areas, Kamchatka and Alaska. According to the geographical pattern of genetic diversity, the northern populations from Kamchatka to the northern part of the Japanese archipelago were similar genetically and were differentiated from populations in central Japan. Our study suggested that the distribution of C. lycopodioides was connected between the northern part of the Japanese archipelago and south‐western Beringia due to Pleistocene climate cooling. Conversely, central Japan harboured a disjunct range after its establishment. These inferences suggest that widespread range expansion in northern East Asia was plausible for species distributed in Beringia. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 497–509.  相似文献   

Organisms with vast distributions often represent geographical mosaics of cryptic species. The black fly Simulium (Wilhelmia) lineatum is among the most widely distributed members of the family Simuliidae, ranging from the British Isles to eastern China. Rather than viewing S. lineatum as a possible aggregate of multiple species, taxonomists have suggested a more inclusive taxon with additional synonyms. Accordingly, S. lineatum is an ideal candidate for testing the hypothesis that a wide geographical distribution signals the presence of more than one species. A cytogenetic approach was used to probe the macrogenome of S. lineatum and other taxa proposed by taxonomists as conspecific. The banding patterns in the polytene chromosomes of 480 larvae from 15 countries across the Palearctic Region revealed 128 rearrangements of the complement. All rearrangements were autosomal and 89% were inversions nonrandomly distributed among species and among chromosome arms. The analyses clarify long‐standing confusion over previously proposed names and reveal a longitudinal succession of four species sequentially replacing one another from west to east: Simulium lineatum s.s., Simulium balcanicum, Simulium turgaicum, and Simulium takahasii. Thus, S. turgaicum is recalled from synonymy and the other three species are validated. Within the most‐represented species, S. balcanicum, the frequency of inversions follows a longitudinal gradient with a north–south bias; as the distance between the sites increases along this north‐west–south‐east axis, the similarity of inversion frequencies between sites decreases. Validation of the concept that broadly distributed black flies are composites of structurally similar species provides a framework for guiding discovery of additional biodiversity. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 163–183.  相似文献   

The role of genetic relatedness in the evolution of eusociality has been the topic of much debate, especially when contrasting eusocial insects with vertebrates displaying reproductive altruism. The naked mole‐rat, Heterocephalus glaber, was the first described eusocial mammal. Although this discovery was based on an ecological constraints model of eusocial evolution, early genetic studies reported high levels of relatedness in naked mole‐rats, providing a compelling argument that low dispersal rates and consanguineous mating (inbreeding as a mating system) are the driving forces for the evolution of this eusocial species. One caveat to accepting this long‐held view is that the original genetic studies were based on limited sampling from the species’ geographic distribution. A growing body of evidence supports a contrary view, with the original samples not representative of the species—rather reflecting a single founder event, establishing a small population south of the Athi River. Our study is the first to address these competing hypotheses by examining patterns of molecular variation in colonies sampled from north and south of the Athi and Tana rivers, which based on our results, serve to isolate genetically distinct populations of naked mole‐rats. Although colonies south of the Athi River share a single mtDNA haplotype and are fixed at most microsatellite loci, populations north of the Athi River are considerably more variable. Our findings support the position that the low variation observed in naked mole‐rat populations south of the Athi River reflects a founder event, rather than a consequence of this species’ unusual mating system.  相似文献   

Bursts of speciation have followed colonization of remote oceanic islands by diverse taxa, a process evidenced by island endemics around the world. The present study explores whether the Malvinas – Falkland Islands (MFI), a relatively understudied archipelago off the South Atlantic coast of Patagonia, harbour endemic genetic lineages of passerine birds. Nine passerine species nest regularly in the MFI (Cinclodes antarcticus, Muscisaxicola maclovianus, Troglodytes cobbi, Cistothorus platensis, Turdus falcklandii, Anthus correndera, Melanodera melanodera, Sturnella loyca, and Carduelis barbata). Mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase I sequences) are used to quantify and compare divergence between insular and continental populations, finding genetic patterns to vary across these nine species. Most MFI passerines do not show significant genetic differentiation from continental populations, whereas C. platensis, M. melanodera, and T. falcklandii are modestly diverged. Finally, T. cobbi differes markedly from its closest continental relative Troglodytes aedon, a result that is confirmed using nuclear and vocal data. The study also identifies broadly divergent lineages within continental populations of C. platensis and T. aedon. Taken together, these results suggest that the land bird populations of the MFI were established at different times. Troglodytes cobbi is the oldest MFI land bird, splitting from continental T. aedon during the Great Patagonian Glaciation of the Pleistocene. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, •• , ••–••.  相似文献   

Both time and low gene flow are the key factors by which different biological species arise. The divergence process among lineages and the development of pre‐ or postzygotic isolation occur when gene flow events are lacking. The separation among species of the genus Characidium was analysed in relation to the geomorphological mechanisms in river courses, events of captured adjacent upland drainages in south‐eastern Brazil, and sex chromosome differences. The ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes of Characidium vary in size, morphology, degree of heterochromatinization, and presence/absence of ribosomal DNA. The goal of this study was to understand the mechanism of sex chromosome differentiation, its close association with the geological history of cladogenetic events among drainages, and reproductive isolation leading to Characidium speciation. The W‐specific probe from Characidium gomesi generated a highlighted signal on the entire W chromosome of C. gomesi, Characidium heirmostigmata, Characidium pterostictum, and Characidium sp., instead of karyotypes of three Characidium aff. zebra populations, which showed scattered signals. An evolutionary and biogeographic landscape arose by analysis of ribosomal DNA site location and differentiation of the sex chromosomes, which established mechanisms of reproductive isolation leading to meiotic barriers, keeping the biological unit distinct even if the contact among species was restored. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 541–553.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the genetic diversity of the Petunia integrifolia species group using a phylogeographical approach, and attempted to understand better its diversification and taxonomy. Plants from five morphological groups were collected, covering a large part of the geographical distribution of most of the species. Two major clades were found in the phylogenetic tree, and an additional lineage, corresponding to P. inflata, was found in the haplotype network obtained for plastid markers. All three lineages are clearly delimited geographically, but, with the exception of P. inflata, the morphological groups were not genetically distinct. Our results suggest that a population expansion after a size reduction resulted in the establishment of two distinct and allopatric groups c. 0.5 Mya, one group occurring in a geologically ancient area, and the other occurring in areas that were under the influence of a series of marine transgressions/regressions at the end of the Pleistocene. These two clades are evolutionarily significant units with significantly different allele frequencies in their nuclear genome and reciprocal monophyly in maternal, uniparentally inherited markers. All our results suggest that the morphology‐based taxonomy in this group does not reflect its evolutionary history, and revision of its species limits should incorporate the distribution of the genetic diversity. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174 , 199–213.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity analyses, coupled with ecological niche modelling (ENM) of species with a restricted distribution, may provide valuable information for understanding diversification patterns in endangered areas. We analyzed the genetic diversity of Recordia reitzii, a tree restricted to the threatened and highly fragmented Brazilian Atlantic forest, using three intergenic cpDNA spacers and ten microsatellite (SSR) loci. To assess the historical processes that may have influenced the distribution of extant R. reitzii populations, the current potential distributions of R. reitzii and Recordia boliviana, a closely related species, were modelled and projected onto the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Last Interglacial (LIG) periods. Niche divergence was quantified between these two. The cpDNA and SSR data showed a north–south pattern of the diversity distribution and structured populations, suggesting that gene flow is probably limited. According to our data, R. reitzii exhibits low genetic diversity, which may be a result of a founder or distribution‐reduction effect, narrow distribution or small population size. The ecological niche models showed a wider palaeodistribution during the LIG and a retraction during the LGM for both species. Tests of niche divergence and conservatism indicated that bioclimatic factors might have influenced the diversification of these Recordia species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 332–348.  相似文献   

Seed plant genera often exhibit intercontinental disjunctions where different species are found on different continents. Many morphologically circumscribed bryophyte species exhibit similar disjunctions. We used nucleotide sequences from the plastid and nuclear genomes to test hypotheses of phylogeography within representatives of the genus Metzgeria: Metzgeria furcata, Metzgeria conjugata, and Metzgeria myriopoda. The first two species have sexual and asexual populations, exhibit disjunctions between North America and Europe, and have been split into separate species, numerous subspecies or varieties. The third species occurs in eastern North America but is not reported from Europe. Phylogenetic analyses resolved three distinct lineages within the morphologically defined species, M. furcata: one in North America, and two in Europe. Similarly, three morphologically cryptic clades of M. conjugata were resolved by the molecular data: northern North America, Europe, and south‐eastern North America. For both species, molecular divergence among taxa occurred in the absence of morphological change. In the case of M. myriopoda, all plants from eastern North America were both morphologically uniform and genetically homogeneous (although not identical). The present study provides significant insight into a plant group with complex taxonomy, and indicates that these liverwort taxa with wide distributions, extreme sex ratios, and continental disjunctions harbor cryptic lineages. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 745–756.  相似文献   

Five species of geophilomorphs, Strigamia maritima (Leach, 1817), Geophilus flavus (De Geer, 1778), Geophilus truncorum Bergsøe and Meinert, 1866, Geophilus proximus C. L. Koch, 1847, and Pachymerium ferrugineum (C. L. Koch, 1835), from various sample sites in north‐western Europe were examined for numbers of leg‐bearing segments. Where data was adequate, mean segment numbers were correlated with latitudinal gradients for each species. Solely in S. maritima and some populations of P. ferrugineum did the results show a highly significant geographic pattern towards more leg‐bearing segments in southern populations of both sexes. As concerns G. proximus, we presented for the first time a remarkable geographic shift towards an increased number of pairs of legs in northern populations. Contrary to the conventional geographic pattern, we found that G. flavus and G. truncorum did not exhibit a north–south increase or decrease in segment number. Although there was no general/universal evidence supporting the occurrence of a significant regression slope between mean segment number and latitude/temperature, more information shows that the overall region‐to‐region segment variation was highly significant in both sexes. In S. maritima and P. ferrugineum mean segment number was correlated with the north–south temperature cline. The same was not observed in G. proximus. Parthenogenesis in G. proximus, and a series of ecological characteristics such as habitat preferences, spatial distribution, and fragmented populations could explain the presence or absence of a geographic patterning of segment number variation along a latitudinal cline. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 899–909.  相似文献   

Scaphinotus petersi Roeschke, 1907 (Carabidae) is a ground beetle endemic to Sky Islands in south‐eastern Arizona. Previous taxonomic studies described several subspecies with morphological differences inhabiting geographically isolated mountain ranges. We combined molecular sequence data and morphometric data, especially head and pronotum shape analyses, to examine the variation and divergence in subspecies and isolated montane populations. In this study, we employ a combination of distance morphometrics as well as geometric morphometrics to quantify the level of morphological variation, and to test the hypothesis that geographically distinct populations of S. petersi are phenotypically distinct. Results suggest that these isolated populations have diverged morphologically and genetically. Phylogenetic analyses identified two monophyletic lineages within the species that correspond generally to pronotum shape. We observed significant morphological variation among most montane populations in of S. petersi, with the pronotum shape as the clearest delimiting trait. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Polyommatus ripartii is a biogeographically and taxonomically poorly understood species of butterfly with a scattered distribution in Europe. Recently, it has been shown that this species includes several European endemic and localized taxa (galloi, exuberans, agenjoi) that were previously considered species and even protected, a result that poses further questions about the processes that led to its current distribution. We analysed mitochondrial DNA and the morphology of P. ripartii specimens to study the phylogeography of European populations. Three genetically differentiated but apparently synmorphic lineages occur in Europe that could be considered evolutionarily significant units for conservation. Their strongly fragmented and counterintuitive distribution seems to be the result of multiple range expansions and contractions along Pleistocene climatic oscillations. Remarkably, based on the 79 specimens studied, these genetic lineages do not seem to extensively coexist in the distributional mosaic, a phenomenon most evident in the Iberian Peninsula. One of the important gaps in the European distribution of P. ripartii is reduced by the discovery of new Croatian populations, which also facilitate a better understanding of the biogeography of the species. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 817‐829.  相似文献   

Monocelis lineata is a complex of cryptic species (three in the Mediterranean and one in the Atlantic) widespread in midlittoral habitats. Throughout the range, populations with or without an ocular pigmented shield are found. We investigated the genetic structure of the North‐East Atlantic populations with the aim of shedding light on their phylogeography and reconstructing possible patterns of recolonization after the Würmian glaciation. Fourteen samples were investigated using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 13 by inter‐simple sequence repeats (ISSRs). COI did not exhibit a clear pattern of decreased genetic diversity along a latitudinal gradient. Populations from Ferrol (Spain), Doolin (Ireland), and Helsingør (Denmark) showed a higher genetic variability, whereas a reduction in the number of haplotypes was found at the northernmost edge of the distribution and in northern Ireland and Scotland. Two genetically differentiated areas (southern Europe and south‐western Ireland versus northern Atlantic) were revealed by ISSR data. The results obtained provided evidence of three refugia (Iberian Peninsula, south‐western Ireland, and North Sea), and the occurrence of secondary contacts that shaped the genetic variability of some of the populations examined. Two different recolonization pathways of north‐western Europe during the post‐Würmian glaciations have been detected. Furthermore, ISSR analysis provided evidence of genetic divergence among populations with and without pigmented eyespot, suggesting the action of ecological differentiation. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 117–135.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition was studied in the Southeast Asian stingless beeTrigona (Tetragonula) minangkabau, a species in which worker oviposition has not been observed in queenright or queenless colonies. When conspecific non-nestmate foragers from queenright and queenless colonies were introduced to the observed colony, they were all rejected by guards. Foragers of a different species (Trigona (Tetragonisca) angustula) were also completely rejected. However, conspecific non-nestmate callows were accepted as often as were nestmate callows, although guards recognized the difference. Accepted non-nestmate callows exchanged food with guards equally as much as nestmate callows did.  相似文献   

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