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How firms scan and interpret their environments has implications for the flexibility strategy that they choose, as well as for the performance of that strategy. We extend Daft and Weick’s (Acad Manage Rev 9(2):284–295, 1984) model of firms as interpretation systems into a theoretical model of flexibility performance through extended iterations between observations of a failed flexibility initiative and relevant literature. We test the model using well-known teaching cases. We argue that the use of an iterative process that involves cases and theory both stimulates creativity in integrating theory and lays an initial foundation for evidence-based practice.  相似文献   

Competition and conflict among individuals can favour exploitative strategies that undermine the common good. Theory suggests that this can lead to a tragedy of the commons and ultimately population extinction, a phenomenon known as evolutionary suicide. Here, I present a model of the evolutionary tragedy of the commons that explicitly considers the population dynamics where individuals invest in individually costly competitive traits. In the simplest form, this supports the notion that selection for high levels of conflict can cause evolutionary suicide. However, as competition comes with survival and fecundity costs, a feedback between the investment in competition and population density can act to reduce the level of conflict and prevent the population from going extinct. This suggests that the interaction between population ecology and the evolution of competition and conflict among individuals may be an important mechanism in resolving the level of competition and conflict among individuals.  相似文献   

Linke  Simon  Norris  Richard 《Hydrobiologia》2003,500(1-3):203-211
The aim of this study is to create a two-tiered assessment combining restoration and conservation, both needed for biodiversity management. The first tier of this approach assesses the condition of a site using a standard bioassessment method, AUSRIVAS, to determine whether significant loss of biodiversity has occurred because of human activity. The second tier assesses the conservation value of sites that were determined to be unimpacted in the first step against a reference database. This ensures maximum complementarity without having to set a priori target areas. Using the reference database, we assign site-specific and comparable coefficients for both restoration (Observed/Expected taxa with >50% probability of occurrence) and conservation values (O/E taxa with <50%, rare taxa). In a trial on 75 sites on rivers around Sydney, NSW, Australia we were able to identify three regions: (1) an area that may need restoration; (2) an area that had a high conservation value and; (3) a region that was identified as having significant biodiversity loss but with high potential to respond to rehabilitation and become a biodiversity hotspot. These examples highlight the use of the new framework as a comprehensive system for biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

Soloviev M  Finch P 《Proteomics》2006,6(3):744-747
Studies of naturally occurring peptides and protein profiling by 'classical' proteomics are linked by common analytical objectives and methodologies. The first international workshop "Peptidomics: methods and applications" held on 6-7th September 2005 at Royal Holloway University of London confirmed that the science of peptidomics is a rapidly developing activity of high interest to both academia and industry. This meeting featured talks by over 20 leading international scientists detailing methods and typical applications, including newly-developed capabilities for protein and peptide analyses. It provided a definition of the scope of the subject in terms of current and future technologies together with applications ranging from studies of defined biological extracts to complete ecosystems. The proceedings of this meeting, speakers' contact details and other relevant information can be accessed at: www.rhul.ac.uk/biosci/meetings.  相似文献   

Current evolutionary models for amphibian life cycles reflect tradeoffs in size-specific growth and mortality rates between the aquatic and terrestrial stages. A limitation of these models is that they do not incorporate evolutionary phenomena that are associated with metapopulation structure. In this work I address components of the evolution of complex life cycles (CLCs) that are tied to the metapopulation dynamics of amphibians that use seasonal wetlands that vary in hydroperiod. In particular, I describe how selection for the minimum length of the larval period affects metapopulation viability and the selection/migration equilibrium. Selection to increase the minimum length of the larval period functionally reduces the number of viable breeding sites on the landscape, increases the average distance between neighboring sites, and increases the risk of metapopulation extinction. Within a metapopulation, asymmetric gene flow between populations that are adapted to different hydroperiods tends to swamp local selection for long larval periods at sites with long hydroperiods. The evolutionary stability of CLCs of many species with metapopulation structure may reflect the fact that extremely small metamorphs cannot survive on land, while lineages with long larval periods incur a high risk of metapopulation extinction. I encourage theorists to more carefully consider how life history traits and metapopulation viability are related for these and other taxa.  相似文献   

Energy, climate, habitat heterogeneity, and human activity are important correlates of spatial variation in species richness. We examined the correlation between species richness and these variables using the birds that breed in northern Taiwan. We conducted general linear models (GLMs) and spatial correlation models to examine the relationship between bird species richness (BSR) and environmental variables. We found that normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was the most important predictor of BSR. We suggest productivity is the primary process of BSR. Additionally, we hypothesized that scale dependency might exist in the relationship between BSR and NDVI in Taiwan. Human population density, the second most important factor, was inversely correlated with BSR. The factor and BSR did not have similar response to NDVI, which contradicted observations in most of the previous studies on human population vs. species richness. We proposed that the human population density had an effect on NDVI, which in turn had an effect on BSR. Moreover, we hypothesized that the contradiction between our study and the previous studies might arise from a higher level of human disturbance in Taiwan than in other areas. The necessity of conserving native species in intensively developed lowlands of Taiwan cannot be overemphasized. Number of land cover type was another significant predictor of BSR. Habitat heterogeneity may have an effect on BSR in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Punta M  Cavalli A  Torre V  Carloni P 《Proteins》2003,52(3):332-338
A dimeric model of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of the all-alpha homomeric cyclic nucleotide-gated channel from bovine retinal rod is constructed. The model, based on the structure of the fairly homologous catabolite gene activator protein (Weber and Steitz, J Mol Biol 1987;198:311-326), is obtained by use of comparative modeling and molecular dynamics simulations. Our model provides a structural basis for the experimentally measured difference in activity between cAMP and cGMP, as well as the different solvent accessibilities of GLY597 in the complex with cGMP, with cAMP and in the protein in free state. In addition, it provides support for the rearrangement of the domain C helix on ligand binding and releasing proposed by Matulef et al. (Neuron 1999;24:443-452).  相似文献   

Tissue microarrays are a high-throughput method for the investigation of biomarkers in multiple tissue specimens at once. This technique allows for the analysis of up to 500 tissue samples in a single experiment using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Recently, cell lines and xenografts have been reduced to a tissue microarray format and are being applied to preclinical drug development. In clinical research, tissue microarrays are applied at multiple levels: comprehensive analysis of samples in the context of a clinical trial or across a population. Tissue microarrays play a central role in translational research, facilitating the discovery of molecules that have potential roles in the diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of response to therapy.  相似文献   

The population densities of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) may reach outbreak levels that pose considerable economic and environmental impacts to forests in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. Compared with the situation in its native European range feeding damage by gypsy moth is often found to be more severe in North America and other parts of the world. Thus, the release from natural enemies can be interpreted as an important cause for high feeding damages. Natural enemies, especially parasitoids, can cause delayed density‐dependent mortality, which may be responsible for population cycles. In North America where only few parasitoids have been introduced and the parasitism rates are considerably lower than in Europe, generalist predators play a larger role than in Europe. Many other factors seem to influence the population dynamics of the gypsy moth such as the host plants and weather. Nevertheless, much of the variability in population densities of the gypsy moth may be attributed to interacting effects of weather conditions and attack by natural enemies. In spite of the considerable number of studies on the ecology and population dynamics of the gypsy moth and the impact of their natural enemies, more quantitative information is required to predict the population dynamics of this pest species and to control its economic and ecologic impact.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict over mating rate is both pervasive and evolutionarily costly. For females, the lifetime reproductive fitness costs that arise through interactions with potential mates will be influenced by the frequency of such interactions, and the fitness cost of each interaction. Both of these factors are likely to be influenced by variation in operational sex ratio (OSR) and population density. Variation in OSR‐ and density‐dependent male alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) may be particularly important if the fitness costs that females experience vary with the reproductive tactics that males express. Using a simple model, we consider several examples of OSR‐ and/or density‐dependent variation in male ARTs and the frequency of male–female interactions, and find that variation in the expression of male ARTs has the potential to augment or diminish the costs of frequent male interactions for females. Accurately documenting variation in the expression of male ARTs and associated female fitness costs will benefit future work in this area.  相似文献   

Temperature and crowding are key environmental factors mediating the transmission and epizooty of infectious disease in ectotherm animals. The host physiology may be altered in a temperature‐dependent manner and thus affects the pathogen development and course of diseases within an individual and host population, or the transmission rates (or infectivity) of pathogens shift linearly with the host population density. To our understanding, the knowledge of interactive and synergistic effects of temperature and population density on the host–pathogen system is limited. Here, we tested the interactional effects of these environmental factors on phenotypic plasticity, immune defenses, and disease resistance in the velvetbean caterpillar Anticarsia gemmatalis. Upon egg hatching, caterpillars were reared in thermostat‐controlled chambers in a 2 × 4 factorial design: density (1 or 8 caterpillars/pot) and temperature (20, 24, 28, or 32°C). Of the immune defenses assessed, encapsulation response was directly affected by none of the environmental factors; capsule melanization increased with temperature in both lone‐ and group‐reared caterpillars, although the lone‐reared ones presented the most evident response, and hemocyte numbers decreased with temperature regardless of the population density. Temperature, but not population density, affected considerably the time from inoculation to death of velvetbean caterpillar. Thus, velvetbean caterpillars succumbed to Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) more quickly at higher temperatures than at lower temperatures. As hypothesized, temperature likely affected caterpillars' movement rates, and thus the contact between conspecifics, which in turn affected the phenotypic expression of group‐reared caterpillars. Our results suggest that environmental factors, mainly temperature, strongly affect both the course of disease in velvetbean caterpillar population and its defenses against pathogens. As a soybean pest, velvetbean caterpillar may increase its damage on soybean fields under a scenario of global warming as caterpillars may reach the developmental resistance faster, and thus decrease their susceptibility to biological control by AgMNPV.  相似文献   

Marine ambient sound levels have risen due to noisy human activities, such as shipping, fishing, seismic surveys and piling for windfarms. Marine mammals and fishes are two prominent taxonomic groups that are exposed to this noise pollution, which may experience detrimental effects at the population level. Acoustic effects on individual behaviour such as deterrence, disturbance, distraction and masking of biologically relevant sounds, can be translated energetically to changes in vital rates (growth, maturation, reproduction and survival) in a population consequences of acoustic disturbance (PCAD) approach. However, we typically neglect spatial variation in species distributions and noise pollution, while abiotic factors like temperature, bathymetry and currents, as well as habitat quality in terms of feeding or hiding opportunities, will also have a geographically variable impact on potential consequences. We here address the conceptual integration of agent based models (ABM) into the PCAD framework, as a suitable theoretical tool with high potential for the exploration of these spatial factors and their modifying role in noise impact assessment studies. We review five ABM case studies, including investigations into: 1) effects of movement strategy on the impact of explosions in harbour porpoise; 2) effects of disturbance sensitivity on pile driving impact on migrating cod; 3) impact of seismic survey sounds on Atlantic mackerel distribution and movement; 4) population-level impact of mitigation of harbour porpoise bycatch with pingers; and 5) population effects of alternative windfarm construction scenarios in harbour porpoise. We discuss similarities and differences among these studies in sound and species mapping approaches and we evaluate model realism and pattern validation. We believe that ABMs are a valuable tool for integrating spatial information into ecological impact studies that investigate acoustic disturbance, for any type of sound source, and for both marine mammals and fish.  相似文献   

The mean properties of larval fish populations do not necessarily reflect the properties of the mean individual. For example, the change in mean length in a population with time may not reflect the average individual growth rate, since individual growth rates and survival probability are linked so that slow growing individuals suffer higher mortality. Hence, mean growth rate indicated from population data could be biased upwards. Factors which influence the magnitude and variability of individual growth rates can exert nonlinear effects on population survival. Two categories of process must be considered: first, the variability in exposure of the average individual as a consequence of individual variability in dispersal through a patchy environment; and second, the intrinsic variability between individuals expressed even under equal exposure conditions. These two aspects have been addressed independently, the first by lagrangian modelling of individual fish larvae linked to spatially resolved hydrodynamic models, and the second by strategic biological modelling. In this paper, progress towards the goal of individually based larval fish ecosystem models is reviewed, highlighting the space and time scales which may be important in such systems, and identifying the gaps in current knowledge of larval biology.  相似文献   

Aim Current evidence from temperate studies suggests that ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi require overland routes for migration because of their obligate symbiotic associations with woody plants. Despite their key roles in arctic ecosystems, the phylogenetic diversity and phylogeography of arctic ECM fungi remains little known. Here we assess the phylogenetic diversity of ECM communities in an isolated, formerly glaciated, high arctic archipelago, and provide explanations for their phylogeographic origins. Location Svalbard. Methods We generated and analysed internal transcribed spacer (ITS) nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences from both curated sporocarp collections (from Svalbard) and soil polymerase chain reaction (PCR) clone libraries (from Svalbard and the North American Arctic), compared these with publicly available sequences in GenBank, and estimated the phylogenetic diversity of ECM fungi in Svalbard. In addition, we conducted coalescent analyses to estimate migration rates in selected species. Results Despite Svalbard’s geographic isolation and arctic climate, its ECM fungi are surprisingly diverse, with at least 72 non‐singleton operational taxonomic units (soil) and 109 phylogroups (soil + sporocarp). The most species‐rich genera are Thelephora/Tomentella, Cortinarius and Inocybe, followed by Hebeloma, Russula, Lactarius, Entoloma, Sebacina, Clavulina, Laccaria, Leccinum and Alnicola. Despite the scarcity of available reference data from other arctic regions, the majority of the phylogroups (73.4%) were also found outside Svalbard. At the same time, all putative Svalbard ‘endemics’ were newly sequenced taxa from diverse genera with massive undocumented diversity. Overall, our results support long‐distance dispersal more strongly than vicariance and glacial survival. However, because of the high variation in nucleotide substitution rates among fungi, allopatric persistence since the Pliocene, although unlikely, cannot be statistically rejected. Results from the coalescent analyses suggest recent gene flow among different arctic areas. Main conclusions Our results indicate numerous recent colonization events and suggest that long‐distance, transoceanic dispersal is widespread in arctic ECM fungi, which differs markedly from the currently prevailing view on the dispersal capabilities of ECM fungi. Our molecular evidence indicates that long‐distance dispersal has probably played a major role in the phylogeographic history of some ECM fungi in the Northern Hemisphere. Our results may have implications for studies on the biodiversity, ecology and conservation of arctic fungi in general.  相似文献   

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