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We studied foraging segregation between two different sized colonies of little penguins Eudyptula minor with overlapping foraging areas in pre‐laying and incubation. We used stomach contents and stable isotope measurements of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) in blood to examine differences in trophic position, prey‐size and nutritional values between the two colonies. Diet of little penguins at St Kilda (small colony) relied heavily on anchovy while at Phillip Island (large colony), the diet was more diverse and anchovies were larger than those consumed by St Kilda penguins. Higher δ15N values at St Kilda, differences in δ13C values and the prey composition provided further evidence of diet segregation between colonies. Penguins from each colony took anchovies from different cohorts and probably different stocks, although these sites are only 70 km apart. Differences in diet were not reflected in protein levels in the blood of penguins, suggesting that variation in prey between colonies was not related to differences in nutritional value of the diet. Anchovy is currently the only available prey to penguins throughout the year and its absence could have a negative impact on penguin food supply, particularly at St Kilda where the diet is dominated by this species. While it is difficult to establish whether diet segregation is caused by inter‐ or intra‐colony competition or spatial differences in foraging areas, we have shown that colonies with broadly overlapping foraging ranges could have significant differences in trophic position, diet composition and prey size while maintaining a diet of similar nutritional value.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in habitat are driven by shifting life-history requirements and play an important role in population dynamics. However, large portions of the life history of many pelagic species are still poorly understood or unknown. We used a novel combination of stable isotope analysis of vertebral annuli, Bayesian mixing models, isoscapes and electronic tag data to reconstruct ontogenetic patterns of habitat and resource use in a pelagic apex predator, the salmon shark (Lamna ditropis). Results identified the North Pacific Transition Zone as the major nursery area for salmon sharks and revealed an ontogenetic shift around the age of maturity from oceanic to increased use of neritic habitats. The nursery habitat may reflect trade-offs between prey availability, predation pressure and thermal constraints on juvenile endothermic sharks. The ontogenetic shift in habitat coincided with a reduction of isotopic niche, possibly reflecting specialization upon particular prey or habitats. Using tagging data to inform Bayesian isotopic mixing models revealed that adult sharks primarily use neritic habitats of Alaska yet receive a trophic subsidy from oceanic habitats. Integrating the multiple methods used here provides a powerful approach to retrospectively study the ecology and life history of migratory species throughout their ontogeny.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized eight novel microsatellite loci in the little penguin Eudyptula minor, using nonradioactive polymerase chain reaction‐based techniques to screen GA and GAAA repeats from enriched genomic DNA libraries. All eight loci were polymorphic and seven were variable in our main study population (mean HE = 0.613, mean NA = 7.14). Cross‐amplification using a microsatellite primer developed in Spheniscus demersus (African penguin) yielded one additional polymorphic locus. This locus combined with six of the little penguin loci is suitable for paternity assignment in little penguins (exclusion probability for seven unlinked loci = 0.993).  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope composition of the structural carbonate derived from animal bone hydroxylapatite (δ13CB-HA) could record an animal’s diet. These records provide critical evidence for different paleontological disciplines, e.g., paleodiet analyses, and paleoclimate reconstructions. Compared to those of other body tissues, such as bone collagen or teeth enamel hydroxylapatite, δ13CB-HA values record information on the whole diet of an animal in its last years. δ13CB-HA can be applied to fossil animals of various body sizes. The δ13C analytical instruments available only require that prepared bone samples be approximately 2–5 mg for precise measurement, allowing δ13CB-HA analysis to be feasible on most vertebrate fossils without destructive sampling, especially on small mammals or birds whose teeth are not large enough for sampling or are lost. Moreover, δ13CB-HA can be used from different times or under less than ideal burial environments. For fossils dating back to Devonian or buried in hot and humid regions, dietary information has been completely lost in bone collagen during post-depositional processes but still remained in the δ13CB-HA values because hydroxylapatite is less influenced by diagenetic effects after deposition. In addition, systematic methods such as X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy have been developed to qualitatively or semiquantitatively assess the influence of diagenesis on bone hydroxylapatite to ensure the credibility of the δ13CB-HA values. With the above merits, δ13CB-HA analysis is therefore becoming an increasingly important method in paleodiet-related research. Currently, applications of the δ13CB-HA method on fossil animals are primarily focused on two aspects, namely, paleodietary reconstruction of fossil animals with uncertain diets and paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on the δ13CB-HA values of fossil herbivores. The published researches, combined with our new results from early birds, demonstrate the considerable significance of the δ13CB-HA method in paleontological and paleoenvironmental research. Notably, the δ13CB-HA-based paleodietary analysis of early vertebrates, especially the large number of small birds or mammals discovered in the past decades would be an important work in the near future.  相似文献   

Diet studies are crucial for understanding the ecology and evolution of species, as well as for establishing appropriate conservation and management strategies. However, they remain methodologically challenging due to variation between seasons, sites, sexes or age groups and even variation between individuals. Due to method‐specific characteristics and biases, a combination of existing techniques can overcome the inherent limitations of each technique and provide a more accurate and broad picture of species’ food preferences. Here, we examine diet information obtained using three different assessment methods to better understand the trophic ecology of the European Roller Coracias garrulus, a species targeted by conservation measures in Europe. First, we analysed regurgitated pellets and video‐recordings to report the diet composition of adult and nestling Rollers, respectively. Secondly, we used stable isotope analysis (SIA) to investigate adult sexual diet segregation as well as to confirm the main findings regarding adult and nestling diets obtained through conventional methods. Based on the analysis of pellets, the diet of adult Rollers was dominated by Coleoptera, whereas camera images revealed that the diet of nestlings was dominated by Orthoptera, mainly grasshoppers and bush crickets. Blood isotopic signatures of adult and nestling Rollers confirmed the results obtained through pellet and video‐recording techniques. Of the three methods, pellet analysis provided the most comprehensive trophic information regarding the detectable prey spectrum and prey species contribution, as well as basic diet information for the SIA. Our results also highlight the potential of SIA for assessing intraspecific variation in diet by sampling individuals of known age and sex, which is often unfeasible through conventional approaches. SIA analysis showed no differences in δ13C and δ15N ratios of blood between males and females and a high degree of overlap amongst isotopic niches, suggesting no sex‐specific partitioning in resource use. Overall, we showed that the combination of different methods could be used to gain new and clearer insights into avian trophic ecology that are essential for informing habitat management aiming to improve availability of foraging resources.  相似文献   

1. Freshwaters with established zebra mussel populations typically exhibit reduced chlorophyll a concentrations, but the subsequent impacts upon zooplankton are varied. We hypothesised that in an invaded system with less phytoplankton but available allochthonous subsidy, zooplankton may utilise greater proportions of allochthonous matter and that this could be traced by analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 2. We used archived zooplankton samples which had been consistently preserved and which spanned the invasion period of an Irish lake, Lough Erne. Increasing reliance upon allochthonous resources would be reflected in an increase in zooplankton δ13C away from phytoplankton which is relatively 13C‐depleted in humic‐stained L. Erne. 3. Analysis of a series of monthly samples (1992–96, 1999–2003) revealed significant 13C‐enrichment of mixed zooplankton, Eudiaptomus gracilis and Mysis relicta post‐zebra mussel invasion; δ13C values approached ?27‰ typical of terrestrial organic matter during spring and autumn. Changes in zooplankton elemental composition also suggested a switch to a lower quality diet. However, analysis of zooplankton δ13C from an annual, single‐point (June) time series spanning 28 years (1977–2004) suggested that when phytoplankton was sufficiently abundant, zooplankton used this resource and their δ13C remained relatively constant around ?32‰. Post‐invasion enrichment of mysid δ15N may reflect a shift towards carnivory, but planktonic prey abundance was reduced and a subsequent loss of body condition could result in the same isotopic changes. 4. Our results indicate that in L. Erne, when phytoplankton was reduced by zebra mussel filtering, zooplankton assimilated more from allochthonous matter, and potentially sustained a higher population than would otherwise be possible. Thus, zebra mussel impact on foodweb structure and function is likely to be different in lakes subject to varying subsidy levels.  相似文献   

Calcium stable isotope ratios are hypothesized to vary as a function of trophic level. This premise raises the possibility of using calcium stable isotope ratios to study the dietary behaviors of fossil taxa and to test competing hypotheses on the adaptive origins of euprimates. To explore this concept, we measured the stable isotope composition of contemporary mammals in northern Borneo and northwestern Costa Rica, two communities with functional or phylogenetic relevance to primate origins. We found that bone collagen δ13C and δ15N values could differentiate trophic levels in each assemblage, a result that justifies the use of these systems to test the predicted inverse relationship between bioapatite δ13C and δ44Ca values. As expected, taxonomic carnivores (felids) showed a combination of high δ13C and low δ44Ca values; however, the δ44Ca values of other faunivores were indistinguishable from those of primary consumers. We suggest that the trophic insensitivity of most bioapatite δ44Ca values is attributable to the negligible calcium content of arthropod prey. Although the present results are inconclusive, the tandem analysis of δ44Ca and δ13C values in fossils continues to hold promise for informing paleodietary studies and we highlight this potential by drawing attention to the stable isotope composition of the Early Eocene primate Cantius. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:633–643, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Stable isotope composition of human tissue reflects that of foods consumed, and can provide information about diet independent of artifactual remains. Here we refine and test this method by analyzing nitrogen (delta(15)N) and carbon (delta(13)C) isotope ratios in historic North American Plains Indians hair. Gas-source isotope-ratio mass spectrometry provides high-precision data for both delta(15)N and delta(13)C (+/-0.2 per thousand, 1 sigma) in single hair strands as short as 2 cm (100-150 mug). Because hair contains more carbon than nitrogen, if only delta(13)C data are needed, shorter strands (<1 cm) can be analyzed. This reduction in sample size opens new opportunities for analysis of small hair fragments found in archaeological excavations, as well as for analysis of seasonal variations in long hair strands. We find distinct isotope profiles (delta(15)N vs. delta(13)C) for two cultural groups, the Lower Brule reservation Sioux of 1892 and the reservation Blackfoot of 1892 and 1935. The resultant dietary profiles indicate a higher consumption of meat by the Blackfoot and a higher consumption of maize (or of animals that had fed on maize or other C(4) plants) by the Lower Brule. The two groups of Blackfoot yield similar isotopic profiles despite the passage of four decades, suggesting a strong role for cultural preference even as food sources change. Such stable isotope profiles can be used to link samples from the same cultural tradition based on their similar diets.  相似文献   

Compound‐specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) of amino acids (AA) has rapidly become a powerful tool in studies of food web architecture, resource use, and biogeochemical cycling. However, applications to avian ecology have been limited because no controlled studies have examined the patterns in AA isotope fractionation in birds. We conducted a controlled CSIA feeding experiment on an avian species, the gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua), to examine patterns in individual AA carbon and nitrogen stable isotope fractionation between diet (D) and consumer (C) (Δ13CC‐D and Δ15NC‐D, respectively). We found that essential AA δ13C values and source AA δ15N values in feathers showed minimal trophic fractionation between diet and consumer, providing independent but complimentary archival proxies for primary producers and nitrogen sources respectively, at the base of food webs supporting penguins. Variations in nonessential AA Δ13CC‐D values reflected differences in macromolecule sources used for biosynthesis (e.g., protein vs. lipids) and provided a metric to assess resource utilization. The avian‐specific nitrogen trophic discrimination factor (TDFGlu‐Phe = 3.5 ± 0.4‰) that we calculated from the difference in trophic fractionation (Δ15NC‐D) of glutamic acid and phenylalanine was significantly lower than the conventional literature value of 7.6‰. Trophic positions of five species of wild penguins calculated using a multi‐TDFGlu‐Phe equation with the avian‐specific TDFGlu‐Phe value from our experiment provided estimates that were more ecologically realistic than estimates using a single TDFGlu‐Phe of 7.6‰ from the previous literature. Our results provide a quantitative, mechanistic framework for the use of CSIA in nonlethal, archival feathers to study the movement and foraging ecology of avian consumers.  相似文献   

In the present study, profiles of stable isotope composition were characterized for two species with partially migratory populations in rivers along the latitudinal gradient of Patagonia, brown trout Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . The effects of factors ( e.g. ontogeny of fishes, location, species and fasting) that may influence the stable isotope analysis (SIA) were evaluated, as was SIA evaluated as a tool to assign individual fish to their corresponding ecotype. Anadromous fishes exhibited enriched δ15N (15·2 ± 1·0‰; mean ± s . d .) and δ13C (−19·2 ± 1·3‰) relative to resident fishes'δ15N (8·8 ± 1·1‰) and δ13C (−23·2 ± 2·5‰). For both species, the difference in δ15N was larger between resident (range 6·8–10·7‰) and anadromous (range 14·3–17·8‰) fishes than that in δ13C. Values of δ13C, while not as dramatically contrasting in rainbow trout, provided a powerful anadromy marker for brown trout in the region. Increases were found in both δ15N and δ13C during the spawning migration of anadromous rainbow trout, most likely due to fasting. Differences in stable isotopes between location, size and species were found, suggesting different stable isotopes base levels in freshwater environments and different trophic levels and feeding location of anadromous populations. The SIA was demonstrated as a powerful tool for ecotype discrimination in Patagonian Rivers, overriding any effect of sampling location, size or species.  相似文献   

1. The use of stable isotope analysis (SIA) in ecological research has dramatically increased in recent years largely because it allows researchers to investigate ecological questions that have been previously difficult to address. 2. Ecological applications of SIA include estimating fundamental niche space and overlap, evaluating trophic or species level interactions, and investigating food web structure. Increasingly, researchers have been incorporating SIA in studies of animal migration, disease transmission, diet composition, nutrient assimilation, and body condition among others. 3. Studies using SIA to evaluate the ecology of terrestrial insects have lagged behind other taxonomic groups. This poor representation of stable isotope studies in publications likely stems from a lack of familiarity of entomologists with this technique. 4. An improved understanding of SIA, as well as the advantages and disadvantages specifically related to insect research, will benefit the field of entomology. In addition, insect-model systems provide unique opportunities for entomologists to incorporate SIA in their research to advance our knowledge of insect biology and the stable isotope ecology of insects. 5. We provide background information on stable isotopes, explain sources of isotopic variation, describe the processes of how isotopes are differentially routed and incorporated into an individual's tissues, explain the principles that influence isotopic fractionation and discrimination, highlight different methods and advancements in SIA, review innovative stable isotope studies, and provide an overview of common mistakes, considerations, and future directions entomologists can explore.  相似文献   

The serendipitous discovery of a body-size dimorphism amongst the sexually mature Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus of Loch Tay is described. Sexually mature Arctic charr, collected by gill netting on spawning areas, showed a clear and distinct bimodal size distribution with no overlap in fork length distributions. The upper (19–29 cm L F) and lower modes (8–16 cm) were not solely the result of sex or age differences. Analysis of stable isotope ratios of C and N in muscle showed highly significant differences in mean δ13C and δ15N between populations, demonstrating a difference in trophic ecology between the two body-size morphs. Overlap in the range of δ13C and δ15N values for the two morphs, however, suggested that they occasionally shared a common diet. Data from other studies strongly indicated that the proximate and ultimate mechanisms that control body-size dimorphisms in Arctic charr differed between sites. Clear differences in trophic ecology in the Loch Tay Arctic charr suggested that the available feeding opportunity may differ for the two morphs. The most likely proximate mechanism resulting in this dimorphism is growth rate differences resulting from differences in food availability for the two subgroups occupying alternative foraging niches in Loch Tay.  相似文献   

Rib collagen of 51 juveniles and 11 adult females from the late medieval Fishergate House cemetery site (York, UK) were analyzed using nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratio analysis to determine the weaning age for this population and to reconstruct diet. The juveniles' ages ranged from fetal to 5–6 years, while the females were of reproductive age. Previous researchers suggested that the children from Fishergate House might have been weaned later than the medieval British norm of 2 years, based on a mortality peak at 4–6 years of age. The results show weaning was complete by 2 years of age, agreeing with previous British weaning studies. The adult female δ15N values have a mean of 11.4‰ ± 1.1‰ and the δ13C values have a mean of ?19.4‰ ± 0.4‰. These findings are consistent with previous isotopic studies of female diet in York during this period, though slightly lower. The weaned juvenile nitrogen values were found to be higher than the adult females (12.4‰ ± 1.0‰ for δ15N and ?19.7‰ ± 0.5‰ for δ13C), which might indicate a dependence on higher trophic level proteins such as marine fish or pork. Marine fish is considered a high status food and children are considered low‐status individuals at this time, making this a particularly interesting finding. Weaning does not appear to coincide with peak mortality, suggesting environment factors may be playing a larger role in child mortality at Fishergate House. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:407–416, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

  1. Stable isotope mixing models (SIMMs) are widely used for characterizing wild animal diets. Such models rely upon using accurate trophic discrimination factors (TDFs) to account for the digestion, incorporation, and assimilation of food. Existing methods to calculate TDFs rely on controlled feeding trials that are time-consuming, often impractical for the study taxon, and may not reflect natural variability of TDFs present in wild populations.
  2. We present TDFCAM as an alternative approach to estimating TDFs in wild populations, by using high-precision diet estimates from a secondary methodological source—in this case nest cameras—in lieu of controlled feeding trials, and provide a framework for how and when it should be applied.
  3. In this study, we evaluate the TDFCAM approach in three datasets gathered on wild raptor nestlings (gyrfalcons Falco rusticolus; peregrine falcons Falco perigrinus; common buzzards Buteo buteo) comprising contemporaneous δ13C & δ15N stable isotope data and high-quality nest camera dietary data. We formulate Bayesian SIMMs (BSIMMs) incorporating TDFs from TDFCAM and analyze their agreement with nest camera data, comparing model performance with those based on other relevant TDFs. Additionally, we perform sensitivity analyses to characterize TDFCAM variability, and identify ecological and physiological factors contributing to that variability in wild populations.
  4. Across species and tissue types, BSIMMs incorporating a TDFCAM outperformed any other TDF tested, producing reliable population-level estimates of diet composition. We demonstrate that applying this approach even with a relatively low sample size (n < 10 individuals) produced more accurate estimates of trophic discrimination than a controlled feeding study conducted on the same species. Between-individual variability in TDFCAM estimates for ∆13C & ∆15 N increased with analytical imprecision in the source dietary data (nest cameras) but was also explained by natural variables in the study population (e.g., nestling nutritional/growth status and dietary composition).
  5. TDFCAM is an effective method of estimating trophic discrimination in wild animal populations. Here, we use nest cameras as source dietary data, but this approach is applicable to any high-accuracy method of measuring diet, so long as diet can be monitored over an interval contemporaneous with a tissue's isotopic turnover rate.

Some carnivores are known to survive well in urban habitats, yet the underlying behavioral tactics are poorly understood. One likely explanation for the success in urban habitats might be that carnivores are generalist consumers. However, urban populations of carnivores could as well consist of specialist feeders. Here, we compared the isotopic specialization of red foxes in urban and rural environments, using both a population and an individual level perspective. We measured stable isotope ratios in increments of red fox whiskers and potential food sources. Our results reveal that red foxes have a broad isotopic dietary niche and a large variation in resource use. Despite this large variation, we found significant differences between the variance of the urban and rural population for δ13C as well as δ15N values, suggesting a habitat‐specific foraging behavior. Although urban regions are more heterogeneous regarding land cover (based on the Shannon index) than rural regions, the dietary range of urban foxes was smaller compared with that of rural conspecifics. Moreover, the higher δ13C values and lower δ15N values of urban foxes suggest a relatively high input of anthropogenic food sources. The diet of most individuals remained largely constant over a longer period. The low intraindividual variability of urban and rural red foxes suggests a relatively constant proportion of food items consumed by individuals. Urban and rural foxes utilized a small proportion of the potentially available isotopic dietary niche as indicated by the low within‐individual variation compared to the between‐individual variation. We conclude that generalist fox populations consist of individual food specialists in urban and rural populations at least over those periods covered by our study.  相似文献   

The ecology of opportunistic foragers can be highly dependent on anthropogenic food sources, such as landfills, resulting in changes in several ecological and demographic aspects. The total closure of several landfill sites and the use of deterrence systems to prevent access to the remaining open landfill sites in a region in the northern Iberian Peninsula provided an excellent opportunity to evaluate the consequences of landfills on the trophic ecology of an opportunistic forager, the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis, using these resources. Based on stable isotope analyses, we used mixing models to estimate changes in diet before and after the closure of the majority of landfills in the breeding and the non-breeding season. We found a decrease in the consumption of food from landfills after their closure, which was accompanied by an increase in feeding on terrestrial prey (mostly earthworms), but only in the breeding season. Interestingly, we observed no increase in marine prey consumption after the landfill closures. In winter there was a decrease in terrestrial prey consumption, whereas the consumption of marine and, despite their reduce availability, landfill resources increased. Thus, and unlike when all the landfills were open, we detected significant trophic differences between breeding and non-breeding seasons. Additionally, we found significant trophic differences among colonies that were quite close to each other, but not between breeding adults and chicks. In conclusion, landfill closure or the use of deterrence systems had a direct impact on the trophic ecology of Yellow-legged Gulls; loss of refuse was mainly compensated for by prey of terrestrial origin when breeding, but not in winter. Thus, this species may experience foraging constraints in winter with potential effects on other life-history aspects including their dispersal, breeding and survival that needs further evaluation.  相似文献   

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