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《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1577-1585
Body elongation in vertebrates can be achieved by lengthening of the vertebrae or by an increase in their number. In salamanders, longer bodies are mostly associated with greater numbers of vertebrae in the trunk or tail region. However, studies on the relative contribution of the length of single vertebra to body elongation are lacking. In this study, we focus on evolutionary and ontogenetic changes in differentiation of the trunk vertebrae and the relative contribution of individual vertebrae to trunk lengthening in Triturus newts, a monophyletic group of salamanders that shows remarkable disparity in body shape. We compared juveniles and adults of the most elongated T. dobrogicus , which has 17 trunk vertebrae, with juveniles and adults of two closely related species (T. ivanbureschi and T. anatolicus belonging to the T. karelinii species complex) representing a stout and robust morphotype with thirteen trunk vertebrae. We show that trunk vertebrae are uniform in size at the juvenile stage of both analyzed morphotypes. In adults, the trunk vertebrae of the elongated T. dobrogicus are largely uniform, while in those of T. anatolicus , the first two vertebrae differ from the remaining trunk vertebrae. There was no difference in the relative contribution of individual vertebrae to body lengthening between species or stages. We conclude that body elongation in Triturus newts is achieved by increasing the number of vertebrae but not their length.  相似文献   

The morphological variation of the sulcal development and shell outline in large Permian neospiriferine brachiopods including Fasciculatia Waterhouse, 2004 is investigated using geometric morphometrics. The sulcal tongues of spiriferide brachiopods can be, in a qualitative sense, categorized into three types according to the degree of their development: short sulcal tongue, long sulcal tongue and geniculated sulcal tongue. All three types have been noted within Fasciculatia striatoparadoxa, regardless of the nature of the substrate which they originally inhabited. To quantify its morphological variation both in sulcal development and shell outline, 51 brachiopod shells were scanned with a three‐dimensional (3‐D) surface imaging device, and their 3‐D models were reconstructed. Using two landmarks and 58 semilandmarks designated on the surface of the reconstructed 3‐D models, a landmark‐based morphometric analysis was performed. Our result demonstrates a significant intraspecific variation of sulcal development in F. striatoparadoxa and its relatives. Local environmental factors, especially the intensity of ambient water flow, are invoked as the most likely cause for this intraspecific variation. Additionally, this study also shows that there are considerable interspecific distinctions in shell outline among Fasciculatia species, independent of the high variation in the sulcal development. The strong stability of overall shell outline at species level implies a decoupled morphological development between sulcal tongue and whole shell outline. The 3‐D morphometric approach applied here demonstrates its great utility as a tool for quantifying and analysing the morphological variation of highly convex brachiopod shells.  相似文献   

We explored the phylogenetic signal of skull size and shape in alpine newts from the Balkans, a group of European newts that, in spite of their considerable phylogeographic substructuring (as inferred from previous DNA analyses), maintain a conserved phenotype. In terms of skull shape disparity, geometric morphometrics show that the dorsal cranium carries a significant phylogenetic signal, the most notable evidence in this present study. On the contrary, no phylogenetic signal in the shape of the ventral cranium was found. This result indicates that the variation in the shape of the ventral cranium is more prone to other factors and processes, such as adaptations to local environments rather than phylogenetic constraints. Variation in skull size within alpine newts seems to be independent from phylogenetic constraints.  相似文献   

The variability of cranial features of Atlantic and Mediterranean samples of Stenella coeruleoalba was examined using a three‐dimensional geometric morphometric approach. Data were collected on 79 skulls from the upper and middle Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic French coasts, and Scotland. Three‐dimensional x, y, and z coordinates of 27 landmarks were recorded on each left half skull using a Microscribe 3‐D digitizer. All configurations were rotated, centered, and scaled, and residuals from the mean configuration were analyzed through multivariate analyses of variance. Mahalanobis distances among populations were used to evaluate phenetic relationships. Consensus configurations were compared to visualize shape differences among samples. Analyses revealed significant differences among populations, a clear distinction of the Scottish coasts dolphins from the other samples, and a closer relationship of the dolphins from the French coasts to the Mediterranean populations than to the Scottish one. Shape differences are mainly concentrated in the rostral and in the occipital regions of the skull. Phylogenetic and adaptive factors were invoked as possible causes of the variation patterns.  相似文献   

The ability to grasp and manipulate is often considered a hallmark of hominins and associated with the evolution of their bipedal locomotion and tool use. Yet, many other mammals use their forelimbs to grasp and manipulate objects. Previous investigations have suggested that grasping may be derived from digging behaviour, arboreal locomotion or hunting behaviour. Here, we test the arboreal origin of grasping and investigate whether an arboreal lifestyle could confer a greater grasping ability in musteloid carnivorans. Moreover, we investigate the morphological adaptations related to grasping and the differences between arboreal species with different grasping abilities. We predict that if grasping is derived from an arboreal lifestyle, then the anatomical specializations of the forelimb for arboreality must be similar to those involved in grasping. We further predict that arboreal species with a well‐developed manipulation ability will have articulations that facilitate radio‐ulnar rotation. We use ancestral character state reconstructions of lifestyle and grasping ability to understand the evolution of both traits. Finally, we use a surface sliding semi‐landmark approach capable of quantifying the articulations in their full complexity. Our results largely confirm our predictions, demonstrating that musteloids with greater grasping skills differ markedly from others in the shape of their forelimb bones. These analyses further suggest that the evolution of an arboreal lifestyle likely preceded the development of enhanced grasping ability.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has equipped male rhinoceros beetles with large horns on their head and prothorax to aid in battle over access to females. Horns are used to pry and dislodge opponents from resource sites that attract females, so an optimal horn should be able both to withstand the high stresses imposed during fights, and to resist deflection in response to these loads. We examined the cross‐sectional morphology of horns using micro‐computed tomography scanning to determine how horn structure changes with horn length to withstand the different fighting loads. Specifically, we measured the second moment of area of horns within and among rhinoceros beetle species to assess whether changes in cross‐sectional morphology accompany changes in body size in order to maintain high strength and stiffness during fights. We find that the second moment of area of horns increases with body size both intra‐specifically and inter‐specifically, and that these relationships closely fit those predicted if horns have been selected to be strong and stiff fighting structures. Our results therefore support the hypothesis that rhinoceros beetle horns are structurally adapted for combat.  相似文献   

Forelimb morphology is an indicator for terrestrial locomotor ecology. The limb morphology of the enigmatic tapir (Perissodactyla: Tapirus) has often been compared to that of basal perissodactyls, despite the lack of quantitative studies comparing forelimb variation in modern tapirs. Here, we present a quantitative assessment of tapir upper forelimb osteology using three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics to test whether the four modern tapir species are monomorphic in their forelimb skeleton. The shape of the upper forelimb bones across four species (T. indicus; T. bairdii; T. terrestris; T. pinchaque) was investigated. Bones were laser scanned to capture surface morphology and 3D landmark analysis was used to quantify shape. Discriminant function analyses were performed to reveal features which could be used for interspecific discrimination. Overall our results show that the appendicular skeleton contains notable interspecific differences. We demonstrate that upper forelimb bones can be used to discriminate between species (>91% accuracy), with the scapula proving the most diagnostic bone (100% accuracy). Features that most successfully discriminate between the four species include the placement of the cranial angle of the scapula, depth of the humeral condyle, and the caudal deflection of the olecranon. Previous studies comparing the limbs of T. indicus and T. terrestris are corroborated by our quantitative findings. Moreover, the mountain tapir T. pinchaque consistently exhibited the greatest divergence in morphology from the other three species. Despite previous studies describing tapirs as functionally mediportal in their locomotor style, we find osteological evidence suggesting a spectrum of locomotor adaptations in the tapirs. We conclude that modern tapir forelimbs are neither monomorphic nor are tapirs as conserved in their locomotor habits as previously described. J. Morphol. 277:1469–1485, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Patterns of common recolonization routes from glacial refugia to Central Europe during the Pleistocene are generalized to paradigms of postglacial recolonization in Europe. Recent studies indicate, however, that the actual phylogeographic history of many species might be more complex and cannot be simplified to generalized patterns. Burnet moths of the Zygaena transalpina complex represent a group of closely related taxa, which are considered as a typical example for these generalized patterns. At present, three groups are recognized that are assumed to have spread from three classical refugia in Western Europe, Italy and the Balkans to Central Europe. Here, we re‐investigate their phylogeography using a combined molecular and morphometric approach. Phylogenetic and nested clade phylogeographic analyses of 476 samples from 55 localities taken from Southern and Central Europe reveal that the Zygaena transalpina complex consists of three distinct haplotype clusters, which geographically roughly correspond to possible refugia in Western Europe, Italy and the Balkans. A synthesis of the data with a geometric morphometry dataset of 425 specimens from 46 localities corroborates this molecular result but differs in several aspects. Important new aspects are multiple refugia of the western ‘hippocrepidis’ branch and micro‐habitats within the Alps of the central ‘transalpina’ branch. Further, our results display a more complex phylogeographic pattern for this species complex, which is not tractable with a rigid, generalized pattern.  相似文献   

Many musculoskeletal systems, including the skulls of birds, fishes, and some lizards consist of interconnected chains of mobile skeletal elements, analogous to linkage mechanisms used in engineering. Biomechanical studies have applied linkage models to a diversity of musculoskeletal systems, with previous applications primarily focusing on two‐dimensional linkage geometries, bilaterally symmetrical pairs of planar linkages, or single four‐bar linkages. Here, we present new, three‐dimensional (3D), parallel linkage models of the skulls of birds and fishes and use these models (available as free kinematic simulation software), to investigate structure–function relationships in these systems. This new computational framework provides an accessible and integrated workflow for exploring the evolution of structure and function in complex musculoskeletal systems. Linkage simulations show that kinematic transmission, although a suitable functional metric for linkages with single rotating input and output links, can give misleading results when applied to linkages with substantial translational components or multiple output links. To take into account both linear and rotational displacement we define force mechanical advantage for a linkage (analogous to lever mechanical advantage) and apply this metric to measure transmission efficiency in the bird cranial mechanism. For linkages with multiple, expanding output points we propose a new functional metric, expansion advantage, to measure expansion amplification and apply this metric to the buccal expansion mechanism in fishes. Using the bird cranial linkage model, we quantify the inaccuracies that result from simplifying a 3D geometry into two dimensions. We also show that by combining single‐chain linkages into parallel linkages, more links can be simulated while decreasing or maintaining the same number of input parameters. This generalized framework for linkage simulation and analysis can accommodate linkages of differing geometries and configurations, enabling novel interpretations of the mechanics of force transmission across a diversity of vertebrate feeding mechanisms and enhancing our understanding of musculoskeletal function and evolution. J. Morphol. 277:1570–1583, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our laboratory has been conducting positive control studies to evaluate the utility of micro‐computed tomography (micro‐CT) for qualitative evaluation of fetal skeletal morphology. All‐trans‐retinoic acid (atRA) was used to produce a different spectrum of defects compared to our previous studies with boric acid and hydroxyurea. METHODS: Groups of five mated Crl:CD(SD) female rats each were administered vehicle or atRA (2.5–50 mg/kg) on GD 10, and groups of four mated Dutch Belted rabbits each were dosed with vehicle or atRA (6.25–25 mg/kg) on GD 9. Cesarean sections were performed on GD 21 and 28, respectively. Following external examination the viscera were removed and fetuses scanned in a micro‐CT imaging system. Fetuses were subsequently stained with alizarin red. Skeletal morphology was evaluated by each method without the knowledge of treatment group. Total bone mineral content (BMC) of each fetus was quantitated using the micro‐CT images. RESULTS: In rats there were dose‐related increases in the incidence of extra lumbar vertebra and non‐dose‐related increases in supernumerary ribs at all dose levels. There were decreases in mean number of ossified sacrocaudal vertebra at ≥5 mg/kg, and increases in skull bone malformations at ≥10 mg/kg. Rabbits were less sensitive on a mg/kg basis since skeletal malformations and a decrease in mean number of ossified sacrocaudal vertebra were observed only in the 25‐mg/kg group. Micro‐CT evaluation detected essentially the same incidence of skeletal abnormalities as seen in alizarin red‐stained rat and rabbit fetuses. BMC analysis showed a trend toward slight decreases in atRA‐treated rats, but no notable changes in rabbits. CONCLUSIONS: These results add support to our previous work that demonstrates that micro‐CT imaging can effectively assess rat and rabbit fetal skeletal morphology. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:408–417, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi represent one of the most diverse adaptive radiations of vertebrates known. Among the rock‐dwelling cichlids (mbuna), closely related sympatric congeners possess similar trophic morphologies (i.e. cranial and jaw structures), defend overlapping or adjacent territories, but can be easily distinguished based on male nuptial coloration. The apparent morphological similarity of congeners, however, leads to an ecological conundrum: theory predicts that ecological competition should lead to competitive exclusion. Hence, we hypothesized that slight, yet significant, ecological differences accompanied the divergence in sexual signals and that the divergence of ecological and sexual traits is correlated. To evaluate this hypothesis, we quantified body shape, a trait of known ecological importance, in populations of Maylandia zebra, a barred, widespread mbuna, and several sympatric nonbarred congeners. We found that the barred populations differ in body shape from their nonbarred sympatric congeners and that the direction of shape differences was consistent across all barred vs. nonbarred comparisons. Barred populations are generally deeper bodied which may be an adaptation to the structurally complex habitat they prefer, whereas the nonbarred species have a more fusiform body shape, which may be adaptive in their more open microhabitat. Furthermore, M. zebra populations sympatric with nonbarred congeners differ from populations where the nonbarred phenotype is absent and occupy less morphospace, indicating potential ecological character displacement. Mitochondrial DNA as well as published AFLP data indicated that the nonbarred populations are not monophyletic and therefore may have evolved multiple times independently. Overall our data suggest that the evolution of coloration and body shape may be coupled as a result of correlational selection. We hypothesize that correlated evolution of sexually selected and ecological traits may have contributed to rapid speciation as well as the maintenance of diversity in one of the most diverse adaptive radiations known.  相似文献   

A recent phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences from eretmodine cichlids from Lake Tanganyika indicated independent origins of strikingly similar trophic specializations, such as dentition characters. Because genetic lineages with similar trophic morphologies were not monophyletic, but instead were grouped with lineages with different trophic phenotypes, raises the question of whether trophic morphology covaries with additional morphological characters. Here, we quantified morphological variation in body shape and trophically associated traits among eretmodine cichlids using linear measurements, meristic counts and landmark‐based geometric morphometrics. A canonical variates analysis (CVA) delineated groups consistent with dentition characters. Multivariate regression and partial least squares analyses indicated that body shape was significantly associated with trophic morphology. When the phylogenetic relationships among taxa were taken into account using comparative methods, the covariation of body shape and trophic morphology persisted, indicating that phylogenetic relationships were not wholly responsible for the observed pattern. We hypothesize that trophic ecology may be a key factor promoting morphological differentiation, and postulate that similar body shape and feeding structures have evolved multiple times in independent lineages, enabling taxa to invade similar adaptive zones.  相似文献   

Allometry constitutes an important source of morphological variation. However, its influence in head development in anurans has been poorly explored. By using geometric morphometrics followed by statistical and comparative methods we analyzed patterns of allometric change during cranial postmetamorphic ontogeny in species of Nest‐building frogs Leptodactylus (Leptodactylidae). We found that the anuran skull is not a static structure, and allometry plays an important role in defining its shape in this group. Similar to other groups with biphasic life‐cycle, and following a general trend in vertebrates, ontogenetic changes mostly involve rearrangement in rostral, otoccipital, and suspensorium regions. Ontogenetic transformations are paralleled by shape changes associated with evolutionary change in size, such that the skulls of species of different intrageneric groups are scaled to each other, and small and large species show patterns of paedomorphic/peramorphic features, respectively. Allometric trajectories producing those phenotypes are highly evolvable though, with shape change direction and magnitude varying widely among clades, and irrespective of changes in absolute body size. These results reinforce the importance of large‐scale comparisons of growth patterns to understand the plasticity, evolution, and polarity of morphological changes in different clades.  相似文献   

The integration of genetic information with ecological and phenotypic data constitutes an effective approach to gain insight into the mechanisms determining interpopulation variability and the evolutionary processes underlying local adaptation and incipient speciation. Here, we use the Pyrenean Morales grasshopper (Chorthippus saulcyi moralesi) as study system to (i) analyse the relative role of genetic drift and selection in range‐wide patterns of phenotypic differentiation and (ii) identify the potential selective agents (environment, elevation) responsible for variation. We also test the hypothesis that (iii) the development of dispersal‐related traits is associated with different parameters related to population persistence/turnover, including habitat suitability stability over the last 120 000 years, distance to the species distribution core and population genetic variability. Our results indicate that selection shaped phenotypic differentiation across all the studied morphological traits (body size, forewing length and shape). Subsequent analyses revealed that among‐population differentiation in forewing length was significantly explained by a temperature gradient, suggesting an adaptive response to thermoregulation or flight performance under contrasting temperature regimes. We found support for our hypothesis predicting a positive association between the distance to the species distribution core and the development of dispersal‐related morphology, which suggests an increased dispersal capability in populations located at range edges that, in turn, exhibit lower levels of genetic variability. Overall, our results indicate that range‐wide patterns of phenotypic variation are partially explained by adaptation in response to local environmental conditions and differences in habitat persistence between core and peripheral populations.  相似文献   

Polyphenism has been suggested as an accelerator for morphological evolution and speciation. In the dung beetles of the genus Onthophagus, horn expression is polyphenic: large males develop horns whereas smaller males express greatly reduced or no horns. Horn static allometries seem to diverge rapidly amongst extant taxa, a process which might trigger changes in the male genital morphology, thus possibly promoting speciation as a by‐product. It can therefore be hypothesized that interspecific distances in allometries and, possibly, in other morphological traits mirror phylogenetic distances. In this study we first assessed the phylogenetic relationships amongst three closely related taxa belonging to the so‐called ‘Onthophagus fracticornis‐similis‐opacicollis’ species‐complex by sequencing the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1). Biomolecular results indicated three independent lineages, the closest relationships being found between Onthophagus similis and Onthophagus opacicollis. Then we assessed the extent to which divergence pattern of horn static allometries and size and shape divergence patterns of one genital (paramere) and two nongenital (head and epipharynx) structures mirrored the phylogenetic relationships. Interspecific divergence patterns of horn static allometries, paramere, and head shape were found to be congruent with the evolutionary relationships inferred from biomolecular data. Nevertheless, paramere size and epipharynx shape showed patterns not consistent with the phylogeny. Furthermore, the relative size of nongenital structures showed little interspecific divergence compared to their shapes. Our results suggest that size and shape interspecific divergence mirror phylogeny only in part; they also indicate that distinct morphological traits may differ in their tendency to evolve in concert, and that size and shape of the same trait can evolve independently across species. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 482–498.  相似文献   

We investigated ontogenetic trends in body shape of 54 freshwater (48 lake, seven stream) and six anadromous populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) from the Haida Gwaii archipelago off the west coast of Canada. Multivariate analysis of covariance on the partial warp scores generated from 12 homologous landmarks on 1,958 digital images of subadult and adult male stickleback indicated that there was considerable variability of population ontogenetic slopes. We used discriminant function analysis to quantify body shape and determined that anadromous stickleback, which are ancestral to the freshwater populations, have a strongly negative ontogenetic slope (?5.62; increased streamlining with increased size). All freshwater populations exhibit a more positive slope (91% differed significantly from the marine slope), with the differences being most accentuated in populations from ponds and streams. In pristine lakes, ontogenetic slope could be predicted by lake volume as well as multivariate measures of habitat. Evidence from field transplant experiments of one of the intact populations indicates a rapid change (5 years) from allometric to isometric growth, equivalent to about half of the total slope variation among intact populations on the archipelago. We interpret this shift as developmental plasticity and suggest this may comprise the precursor for selection of optimal body shapes in these stickleback populations. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When long‐lasting, balancing selection can lead to “trans‐species” polymorphisms that are shared by two or more species identical by descent. In such cases, the gene genealogy at the selected site clusters by allele instead of by species, and nearby neutral sites also have unusual genealogies because of linkage. While this scenario is expected to leave discernible footprints in genetic variation data, the specific patterns remain poorly characterized. Motivated by recent findings in primates, we focus on the case of a biallelic polymorphism under ancient balancing selection and derive approximations for summaries of the polymorphism data from two species. Specifically, we characterize the length of the segment that carries most of the footprints, the expected number of shared neutral single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and the patterns of allelic associations among them. We confirm the accuracy of our approximations by coalescent simulations. We further show that for humans and chimpanzees—more generally, for pairs of species with low genetic diversity levels—these patterns are highly unlikely to be generated by neutral recurrent mutations. We discuss the implications for the design and interpretation of genome scans for ancient balanced polymorphisms in primates and other taxa.  相似文献   

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