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In the colour‐polymorphic Midas cichlid fish species complex (Amphilophus citrinellus spp.), gold morphs occur at much lower frequencies (< 10%) than dark individuals. This might be surprising because gold coloration is dominant and coded for by a single Mendelian locus. Furthermore, gold individuals are considered to be competitively advantaged over dark ones because they grow faster and win aggressive encounters more often compared to dark individuals of equal size. However, one might expect a cost of being gold in terms of natural selection as a result of predation. We tested whether the Jaguar cichlid (Parachromis managuensis), a major fish predator of Midas cichlids, preys differentially on colour variants of goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus), which were used as a proxy for Midas cichlids because of their similarity in colour. Size‐matched pairs of prey fish (gold and dark) were offered to the predator and the time until the fish were attacked was recorded. The gold morph was attacked first more often (approximately 70%) but not faster than the dark morph. This suggests that the predator perceives the gold individual first, and/or that the predator exhibits a preference or higher motivation to attack the gold prey fish. The increased risk of predation of gold prey fish suggests for the Midas cichlid system that being gold may carry significant costs in terms of natural selection as a result of its major piscivorous predator. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 350–358.  相似文献   

Predation has often been invoked as a selective agent affecting colour patterns in a wide range of organisms, but data relating susceptibility to predation and objective measures of conspicuousness are rare. To investigate relative crypticity in free-swimming fishes, two colour morphs of the Midas cichlid were exposed to predation by largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. The two colour morphs, normal and amelanic golds, were viewed by predators in ponds against a uniform, natural background. Swimming pools, 4 m in diameter, were stocked with equal numbers of gold and normal juvenile Midas cichlids. Bass took a significantly higher proportion of normal-coloured fishes (69·2% of fish) than gold morphs overall, and in a significantly higher proportion of trials (68·8% of experiments). No differences were found between colour morphs in their behaviour or in the willingness of bass to attack either morph. The significance of these results are discussed in relation to the visual system of the predator and the relative conspicuousness of the prey colour patterns.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of colour polymorphisms remains a topic of considerable research interest. One key mechanism thought to contribute to the coexistence of different colour morphs is a bias in how conspicuous they are to visual predators. Although individuals of many species camouflage themselves against their background to avoid predation, differently coloured individuals within a species may vary in their capacity to do so. However, to date, very few studies have explicitly investigated the ability of different colour morphs to plastically adjust their colouration to match their background. The red devil (Amphilophus labiatus) is a Neotropical cichlid fish with a stable colour polymorphism, with the gold morph being genetically dominant and having a myriad of documented advantages over the dark morph. However, gold individuals are much rarer, which may be related to their heightened conspicuousness to would‐be predators. Here, we tested the ability of differently coloured individuals to phenotypically adjust the shade of their body colour and patterns to match their background. In particular, we filmed dark, gold and mottled (a transitioning phase from dark to gold) individuals under an identical set‐up on light vs. dark‐coloured substrates. We found that, in contrast to individuals of the dark morph, gold and mottled individuals were less capable of matching their body colouration to their background. As a result, gold individuals appeared to be more conspicuous. These results suggest that a difference in background matching ability could play an important role in the maintenance of colour polymorphisms.  相似文献   

In a population of adders (Vipera berus) in Southwest Sweden, melanistic males were heavier than normal coloured males of the same length. Victory in male-male sexual combats was positively related to size. Higher risk of predation in the black morph was inferred from experiments showing a high predator attack rate on models of the black morph. Even the bright colour in newly moulted basking males of the normal morph gives cryptic protection. In females, melanism probably also affects body size and risk of predation by visually searching predators. The thermoregulatory influence of black colour, the reproductive success and the maintenance of two colour morphs in the population are discussed.  相似文献   

Body size and coloration may contribute to variation in performance and fitness among individuals; for example, by influencing vulnerability to predators. Yet, the combined effect of size and colour pattern on susceptibility to visual predators has received little attention, particularly in camouflaged prey. In the colour polymorphic pygmy grasshopper Tetrix subulata (Linnaeus, 1758), females are larger than males, although there is a size overlap between sexes. In the present study, we investigated how body size and colour morph influenced detection of these grasshoppers, and whether differences in protective value among morphs change with size. We conducted a computer‐based experiment and compared how human ‘predators’ detected images of large, intermediate or small grasshoppers belonging to black, grey or striped colour morphs when embedded in photographs of natural grasshopper habitats. We found that time to detection increased with decreasing size, that differences in time to detection of the black, grey and striped morphs depended differently on body size, and that no single morph provided superior or inferior protection in all three size classes. By comparing morph frequencies in samples of male and female grasshoppers from natural populations, we also examined whether the joint effects of size and colour morph on detection could explain evolutionary dynamics in the wild. Morph frequency differences between sexes were largely in accordance with expectations from the results of the detection experiment. The results of the present study demonstrate that body size and colour morph can interactively influence detection of camouflaged prey. This may contribute to the morph frequency differences between male and female pygmy grasshoppers in the wild. Such interactive effects may also influence the dynamics of colour polymorphisms, and contribute to the evolution of ontogenetic colour change and sexual dichromatism. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 112–122.  相似文献   

Conspicuous warning coloration helps to protect prey because it signals to potential predators that the prey is unprofitable. However, such signals only work once predators have come to associate the conspicuous colour with the unprofitability of the prey. The evolution of warning coloration is generally considered to be paradoxical, because it has traditionally been assumed that the first brightly coloured individuals would be at an immediate selective disadvantage because of their greater conspicuousness to predators that are naïve to the meaning of the signal. As a result, it has been difficult to understand how a novel conspicuous colour morph could ever avoid rapid extinction, and instead survive and spread in the population until predators have become educated about the signal. In the present study, we experimentally simulated the appearance of a single novel coloured mutant in small populations (20 individuals) of palatable artificial pastry "prey". The colour morph frequencies in each "generation" of prey (presented on successive days of a trial) were determined by the relative survival of the previous generation under predation by free-living birds. We found that the novel colour morphs regularly persisted and increased from a starting frequency of 1/20 to reach fixation (100%), despite being fully palatable, even when the novel morph was much more conspicuous against the background than the familiar morph. This was true for both green (not normally considered a warning colour) and red (a classic warning colour) novel morphs. Novel colours reached fixation significantly faster than could be accounted for by random drift, indicating differential predation in relation to prey colour by the birds. Our experiments show that the immediate demise of a fully palatable new prey morph is not an inevitable outcome of predator behaviour, because even very conspicuous prey can gain protection from conservative foragers, simply by being novel.  相似文献   

Variation in mating preferences coupled with selective predation may allow for the maintenance of alternative mating strategies. Males of the South American live‐bearing fish Poecilia parae fall in one of five discrete morphs: red, yellow, blue, stripe‐coloured tail (parae) and female mimic (immaculata). Field surveys indicate that the red and yellow morphs are the rarest and that their rarity is consistent across years. We explored the role of variable female mating preference and selective predation by visual predators in explaining the rarity of red and yellow males, and more generally, the maintenance of this extreme colour polymorphism. We presented wild‐caught P. parae females and Aequidens tetramerus, the most common cichlid predator, with the five male colour morphs in separate trials to determine mating and prey preferences, respectively. We found that a large proportion of females shared a strong preference for the rare carotenoid‐based red and yellow males, but a distinct group also preferred the blue and parae morphs. The cichlid predator strongly preferred red and yellow males as prey. Together, these results suggest that the interaction between premating sexual selection favouring and predation acting against the red and yellow morphs may explain their rarity in the wild. The trade‐off between sexual and natural selection, accompanied by variation in female mating preferences, may therefore facilitate the maintenance of the striking colour polymorphism in P. parae.  相似文献   

Conspicuous colour variation, caused by the influence of the environment on phenotype or by genetic differences among individuals, is frequently observed in nature. If genetic in origin, colour variation can facilitate the study of mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance of true polymorphisms. Here we describe, for the first time, the female‐limited colour polymorphism in the crab spider, Synema globosum. We looked for associations between life‐history traits and female colour morph, and identified potential agents of selection that could influence the maintenance of the polymorphism. Our results showed that the polymorphism is discrete and heritable, and that differences in colour among morphs are likely to be detectable by honeybees, birds, and conspecifics. We found limited evidence of differences among morphs in morphology and ecology, and found no differences in components of reproduction. Based on the lines of evidence obtained in this study, we suggest that selection exerted by prey, predators, and/or mates is likely to influence the maintenance of the polymorphism observed in S. globosum. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 368–383.  相似文献   

We conducted field surveys and experiments to evaluate the hypothesis that predation is an important driving factor determining the degree of coexistence between red and green morphs of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. Theory suggests that the different colour morphs are differentially susceptible to natural enemies and selection by predation which in turn leads to variable relative abundances of red and green morphs among host plants across landscapes. Our field surveys on pea and alfalfa revealed, however, that the colour morphs tended to coexist closely in a ratio of one red to three green aphids across fields with different host plant monocultures. Experimentation involving manipulation of the relative abundances of the two colour morphs on host plants pea and alfalfa with and without predator presence revealed that red morphs had higher or same fitness (per capita reproduction) than green morphs on both pea and alfalfa only when in the proportion of one red/three green proportion. Moreover, experimentation evaluating predator efficiency revealed that red morphs are safest from predation when in a 1 : 3 ratio with green morphs. These results suggest that in addition to predation selection effects, red morphs may behaviourally choose to associate with green morphs in a narrow 1 : 3 ratio to maximize their fitness. This evidence, along with existing published data on red and green morph anti‐predator behaviour indicates that a 1 : 3 red and green morph coexistence ratio is driven by a balance between predation pressure and behavioural assorting by red morphs across landscapes. In this way predators may have ecological‐evolutionary consequences for traits that affect the colour morphs' proportion and tolerances to selective pressure.  相似文献   

Dietary conservatism may facilitate the initial evolution of aposematism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has generally been assumed that warningly coloured organisms pay a cost associated with their increased visibility, because naïve predators notice and eat them. This cost is offset by their enhanced protection from educated predators who associate the colour pattern with unprofitability. However, some studies have suggested that avoidance of novel prey by avian predators ("dietary conservatism") can actually place novel colour morphs at a selective advantage over familiar ones, even when they are highly conspicuous. To test this idea, we experimentally simulated the appearance of a single novel-coloured mutant in small populations (20 individuals) of palatable artificial prey. The colour morph frequencies in each "generation" were determined by the relative survival of the previous generation under predation by birds. We used wild-caught European robins Erithacus rubecula foraging on pastry "prey" of different colours. The aim was to test whether prey selection by predators prevented or facilitated the novel colour morph persisting in the prey population over successive generations. We found that the novel colour morph quickly increased to fixation in 14/40 prey "populations", and at least once each in 8 of the 10 birds tested. Novel mutants of the classic aposematic colours (red and yellow) reached fixation most frequently, but even the green and blue novel morphs both increased to fixation in 2/40 trials. Novel colours reached fixation significantly faster than could be accounted for by drift, indicating active avoidance by the birds. These results suggest that a novel colour morph arising in a prey population can persist and increase under the selective pressure imposed by predators, even to the local exclusion of the original morph, despite being fully palatable. The consequences of this finding are discussed in relation to receiver psychology, the evolution of aposematism and the existence of polymorphism in Müllerian mimics.  相似文献   

Evolutionary divergence in the coloration of toxic prey is expected when geographic variation in predator composition and behavior favours shifts in prey conspicuousness. A fundamental prediction of predator‐driven colour divergence is that the local coloration should experience lower predation risk than novel prey phenotypes. The dorsal coloration of the granular poison frog varies gradually from populations of conspicuous bright red frogs to populations of dull green and relatively cryptic frogs. We conducted experiments with clay models in four populations to examine the geographic patterns of taxon‐specific predation. Birds avoided the local phenotype while lizards consistently selected for decreased conspicuousness and crab predation did not depend on frog coloration. Importantly, birds and lizards favoured low conspicuousness in populations where relatively cryptic green morphs have evolved. This study provides evidence for the interplay among distinct selective pressures, from multiple‐predator taxa, acting on the divergence in protective coloration of prey species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 580–589.  相似文献   

Chitons are very common molluscs on European rocky shores. They are common prey of fish and crabs and often display several colour morphs within a given habitat. Predation is one of the potential mechanisms accounting for chiton colour polymorphism. The colour variation is considered to provide a camouflage protection through a match with the substratum surface typology. However, the effectiveness of chiton polymorphism as a predation defence requires further investigation. Previously we found a relationship between chiton colour morphs and substrate characteristics, with chitons most commonly found on substrates that were of similar colour to their shells. Here, we examined whether each morph displayed an active choice for matching the substratum. Next, we assessed if the predation success of the intertidal common crab Carcinus maenas varied significantly with the absence/presence of an apparent camouflage effect created between the chiton colour morph and the substratum type. The present study indicates that chiton colour morphs probably actively choose substratum types where they blend in. Carcinus maenas was able to prey on all Lepidochitona cinereus colour morphs, regardless of the substrate camouflage effect. Surprisingly, the predation frequency was higher on camouflaged chitons than on contrasting chitons. It was concluded that chiton camouflage is probably not a defence mechanism against predation by the crab C. maenas, and that chiton colour polymorphism is probably promoted by other, more visual predators.  相似文献   

The puffer Takifugu niphobles is a top predator of hard-shelled prey such as molluscs; its predatory tactics may affect the evolution of prey coloration. Two hypotheses concerning its foraging were tested: (1) T. niphobles shows frequency dependence in foraging colour-polymorphic prey, and (2) such dependence reverses in response to changes in prey distribution. Captive fish were provided with 70 artificial prey, coloured either dark brown or pale brown, at four frequencies (1 : 4, 2 : 3, 3 : 2, 4 : 1) and in two distribution patterns (uniform and aggregated). When prey were uniformly distributed, frequency and feeding rate significantly influenced colour preference: the common morph was consumed more. When prey were aggregated, frequency significantly affected preference only when the feeding rate was low, in which case the rare morph was consumed more. Thus both hypotheses were supported. The impact of T. niphobles 's frequency-dependent predation and its reversal on the colour evolution of prey species, especially molluscs, is discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 197–202.  相似文献   

Negative frequency‐dependent selection (NFDS), where rare types are favoured by selection, can maintain diversity. However, the ecological processes that mediate NFDS are often not known. Male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) exhibit extreme diversity of colour patterning and, in a previous field experiment, rare morphs had a survival advantage. Here, we test the hypothesis that predators impose NFDS because they are efficient at capturing familiar prey morphs, but are less efficient at capturing unfamiliar morphs. Over a series of trials, we presented Rivulus hartii, a natural predator of guppies, with male guppies with the same colour patterning (A trials); then, for a second series of trials, we presented the rivulus with guppies with a new colour pattern (B trials). The success of rivulus at capturing guppies on the first attack increased over successive A trials. First attack success decreased significantly for the early B trials, and then increased during successive B trials, eventually reaching the same level as in the best A trials. This experiment demonstrates that learning, perhaps through long‐term search image formation, plays a role in predation success on familiar vs. unfamiliar prey morphs. These results support the hypothesis that predator learning contributes to the maintenance of the extreme male guppy polymorphism seen in nature.  相似文献   

Polymorphism, the coexistence of two or more variants within a population, has served as a classic model system to address questions about the evolution and maintenance of intraspecific variation. It has been hypothesized that a natural level of colour polymorphism may impair the search efficiency of visually orientated predators. To test this polymorphism protects hypothesis, we asked human participants to search for images of natural black, striped or grey Tetrix subulata grasshopper colour morphs presented against photographs of their natural habitat on computer screens. Fewer grasshoppers were detected when morphs were presented in mixed than in uniform sequences. All three morphs benefited to comparable degrees, in terms of reduced detection, from being presented in polymorphic sequences. Our findings demonstrate that natural levels of polymorphic variation can impede the efficiency of visually orientated predators and increase survival of prey. This protective effect supports the limited attention hypothesis, explains why predators develop ‘search images’, may account for the spread and establishment of novel colour variants, and contributes to maintenance of polymorphisms. © 2014 The Authors. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 546–555.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Predation upon macroinvertebrates by the loach Oreonectes platycephalus Günther (Cobitidae) was studied using predator inclusion/exclusion cages in a series of pools along a Hong Kong stream. Treatments employed were predator exclusion, medium (approximately natural) predator densities (1 fish cage−1) and high predator densities (2 fish cage−1). Macroinvertebrate abundance in cages was monitored after 2 and 4-weeks exposure to predators.
2. The presence of fish was associated with significant declines in the total numbers of macroinvertebrates colonizing cages. However, taxa were influenced differently, with mayflies decreasing by a factor of two while the more mobile shrimps (Atyidae) were unaffected. Chironomid abundance (largely Chironominae) was unaffected by predator density and increased in week 4. Detritus acted as a confounding variable at this time because chironomid abundance was significantly correlated with the weight of accumulated detritus in cages.
3. While invertebrates were more abundant in cages lacking fish, there were no fewer invertebrates in cages with 2 fish than with 1 fish. This may indicate the presence of secure refuges among substrates in the cages, preventing the additional fish from depleting prey further, or a lack of precision of methods due to natural variations in prey densities and spatial patchiness.
4. No significant effects of predators on relative prey abundance or species richness were detected.
5. The impact of predation on prey abundance weakened on week 4, perhaps due to extra refuges among the accumulated detritus. However, drying of the stream increased fish densities in pools so that cages may have become zones of relative safety that were colonized readily by macroinvertebrates. This result highlights the need for year-round investigations to quantify predation effects in Hong Kong's seasonal tropical climate.  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of colour polymorphism in diurnal raptors, owls and nightjars, the avian taxa in which this trait is most widespread, in relation to species ecological niche width and diet. Two main mechanisms have been put forward to explain the maintenance of polymorphism, namely apostatic selection and disruptive selection. The niche variation hypothesis states that species with broader ecological niches should be more variable compared with those with narrow niches because of the action of disruptive selection; the apostatic selection hypothesis conversely suggests that intraspecific colour variation should be promoted in predators by prey forming an avoidance image for the more common colour morph. Our aim was to determine if colour polymorphism occurrence was associated with broad ecological niches as predicted by the niche variation hypothesis, or with predation on intelligent and sharp‐sighted prey as predicted by the avoidance image hypothesis. Pairwise comparisons were made between pairs of closely related species differing in variables expected to influence the occurrence of polymorphism. We found that polymorphic species of all three groups showed wider and more continuous distribution ranges, frequented many different habitats, both open and closed, and lived in seasonally alternating dry/wet climates. Polymorphic species were more migratory compared with monomorphic ones, and they showed an activity pattern covering both day and night. Conversely, colour polymorphism was not higher in species preying on birds and mammals. All these findings support the hypothesis that colour polymorphism evolved in bird species with wider niche breadth and not in species preying on intelligent prey. Therefore, we propose that disruptive selection may be the main mechanism maintaining colour polymorphism in these bird groups by favouring different morphs in different environmental conditions. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 237–248.  相似文献   

In theory, predators should attempt to match the distribution of their prey, and prey to avoid areas of high predation risk. However, there is a scarcity of empirical knowledge on predator and prey spatial use when both are moving freely in their natural environment. In the current study, we use information collated on a predators’ diet, its population structure, as well as predator and prey relative abundance, and track the movements of predator and prey simultaneously to compare habitat use and evaluate predation pressure. The study was conducted in elasmobranch protected areas of coastal Tasmania, Australia. The species considered were the broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus, the apex predator in the area, and five chondrichthyan prey species. Notorynchus cepedianus and its prey show similar seasonality in the use of these coastal areas: more abundant in warmer months and absent in winter. Predator and prey also showed high spatial overlap and similar habitat use patterns. These similar movement patterns of predator and prey combined with the additional ecological information (diet, population structure of predator, relative abundance of predator and prey) suggests that N. cepedianus move into coastal areas to exploit seasonally abundant prey. Also, while in protected areas, chondrichthyans are subjected to high predation pressure. Overall, results illustrate the value of simultaneously recording and integrating multiple types of information to explore predator–prey relationships and predation pressure.  相似文献   

In communities of tropical insects, adult abundance tends to fluctuate widely, perhaps in part owing to predator–prey dynamics. Yet, temporal patterns of attack rates in tropical forest habitats have not been studied systematically; the identity of predators of insects in tropical forests is poorly known; and their responses to temporal variation in prey abundance have rarely been explored. We recorded incidence and shape of marks of attacks on dummy caterpillars (proxy of predation rate) in a sub‐montane tropical forest in Uganda during a yearlong experiment, and explored correlations with inferred caterpillar abundance. Applying the highest and lowest observed daily attack rates on clay dummies over a realistic duration of the larval stage of butterflies, indicates that the temporal variation in attack rate could cause more than 10‐fold temporal variation in caterpillar survival. Inferred predators were almost exclusively invertebrates, and beak marks of birds were very scarce. Attack rates by wasps varied more over time than those of ants. Attack rates on dummies peaked during the two wet seasons, and appeared congruent with inferred peaks in caterpillar density. This suggests (1) a functional response (predators shifting to more abundant resource) or adaptive timed phenology (predators timing activity or breeding to coincide with seasonal peaks in prey abundance) of predators, rather than a numerical response (predator populations increasing following peaks in prey abundance); and (2) that predation would dampen abundance fluctuations of tropical Lepidoptera communities.  相似文献   

The maintenance of colour polymorphisms within populations has been a long-standing interest in evolutionary ecology. African cichlid fish contain some of the most striking known cases of this phenomenon. Intrasexual selection can be negative frequency dependent when males bias aggression towards phenotypically similar rivals, stabilizing male colour polymorphisms. We propose that where females are territorial and competitive, aggression biases in females may also promote coexistence of female morphs. We studied a polymorphic population of the cichlid fish Neochromis omnicaeruleus from Lake Victoria, in which three distinct female colour morphs coexist: one plain brown and two blotched morphs. Using simulated intruder choice tests in the laboratory, we show that wild-caught females of each morph bias aggression towards females of their own morph, suggesting that females of all three morphs may have an advantage when their morph is locally the least abundant. This mechanism may contribute to the establishment and stabilization of colour polymorphisms. Next, by crossing the morphs, we generated sisters belonging to different colour morphs. We find no sign of aggression bias in these sisters, making pleiotropy unlikely to explain the association between colour and aggression bias in wild fish, which is maintained in the face of gene flow. We conclude that female-female aggression may be one important force for stabilizing colour polymorphism in cichlid fish.  相似文献   

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