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Robert Baker 《Bioethics》2014,28(4):166-169
In ‘New Threats to Academic Freedom’ 1 1 Minerva, F. . New Threats to Academic Freedom . Bioethics 2013 ; DOI: 10.1111/bioe.12066 .
Francesca Minerva argues that anonymity for the authors of controversial articles is a prerequisite for academic freedom in the Internet age. This argument draws its intellectual and emotional power from the author's account of the reaction to the on‐line publication of ‘ After‐birth abortion: why should the baby live?’ 2 2 Giubilini, A. & Minerva, F. . After‐birth Abortion. Why Should the Baby Live? J Med Ethics 2013 ; 39 : 261 – 263 .
– an article that provoked cascades of hostile postings and e‐mails. Reflecting on these events, Minerva proposes that publishers should offer the authors of controversial articles the option of publishing their articles anonymously. This response reviews the history of anonymous publication and concludes that its reintroduction in the Internet era would recreate problems similar to those that led print journals to abandon the practice: corruption of scholarly discourse by invective and hate speech, masked conflicts of interest, and a diminution of editorial accountability. It also contends that Minerva misreads the intent of the hostile e‐mails provoked by ‘After‐birth abortion,’ and that ethicists who publish controversial articles should take responsibility by dialoguing with their critics – even those whose critiques are emotionally charged and hostile.  相似文献   

Varelius J 《Bioethics》2007,21(3):140-149
In a recent issue of this journal, David Silver and Gerald Dworkin discuss the physicians' role in execution by lethal injection. Dworkin concludes that discussion by stating that, at that point, he is unable to think of an acceptable set of moral principles to support the view that it is illegitimate for physicians to participate in execution by lethal injection that would not rule out certain other plausible moral judgements, namely that euthanasia is under certain conditions legitimate and that organ-donation surgery is sometimes permissible. This article draws attention to some problems in the views of Silver and Dworkin and suggests moral principles which support the three moral views just mentioned.  相似文献   

Belshaw C 《Bioethics》1997,11(2):130-150
In Life's Dominion Dworkin argues that the debate about abortion is habitually misconstrued. Substantial areas of agreement are overlooked, while areas of disagreement are, mistakenly, seen as central. If we uncover a truer picture, then hope of a certain accord may no longer seem vain. I dispute many of these claims.
Dworkin argues that both sides in the debate are united in believing that life is sacred, or intrinsically valuable. I disagree. I maintain that only in a very attenuated sense of intrinsic value will this be agreed upon. I consider how an account of such value might be further fleshed out, but suggest, if this is done on any plausible lines, agreement will fall away. Dworkin argues, also, that the issue of personhood, does not, contrary to widespread belief, keep the parties apart. Again I disagree. We need to distinguish the question of whether there is in fact dispute over this issue from that of whether there is, in truth, good reason for dispute. And I argue that, rightly or wrongly, the issue of personhood remains central. Dworkin suggests that the purported proximity between the two sides offers some hope of an eventual reconciliation. At least, they will agree to differ, accepting that in this area freedom of choice is paramount. I am sceptical. Even this measure of reconciliation depends upon conservatives giving up positions which, I argue, they will continue to maintain.
There is a further point. Dworkin appears to be, in many ways, cautiously optimistic. I appear, in contrast, to be pessimistic. I argue, however, that only so long as we do disagree over matters of substance is there much hope that our differences might be resolved.  相似文献   

Ma N  Li N  He XS  Sun DL  Zhang X  Zhang DR 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39619
The rejection of unfair offers can be affected by both negative emotions (e.g. anger and moral disgust) and deliberate cognitive processing of behavioral consequences (e.g. concerns of maintaining social fairness and protecting personal reputation). However, whether negative emotions are sufficient to motivate this behavior is still controversial. With modified ultimatum games, a recent study (Yamagishi T, et al. (2009) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:11520-11523) found that people reject unfair offers even when this behavior increases inequity, and even when they could not communicate to the proposers. Yamagishi suggested that rejection of unfair offers could occur without people's concerning of maintaining social fairness, and could be driven by negative emotions. However, as anonymity was not sufficiently guaranteed in Yamagishi's study, the rejection rates in their experiments may have been influenced by people's concerns of protecting personal reputation (reputational concerns) in addition to negative emotions; thus, it was unclear whether the rejection was driven by negative emotions, or by reputational concerns, or both. In the present study, with specific methods to ensure anonymity, the effect of reputational concerns was successfully ruled out. We found that in a private situation in which rejection could not be driven by reputational concerns, the rejection rates of unfair offers were significantly larger than zero, and in public situations in which rejection rates could be influenced by both negative emotions and reputational concerns, rejection rates were significantly higher than that in the private situation. These results, together with Yamagishi's findings, provided more complete evidence suggesting (a) that the rejection of unfair offers can be driven by negative emotions and (b) that deliberate cognitive processing of the consequences of the behavior can increase the rejection rate, which may benefit social cooperation.  相似文献   

Scholars have offered various critiques of Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva's controversial article, ‘After‐birth abortion: Why should the baby live?’ My book The Ethics of Abortion: Women's Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice presents four such critiques. First, Giubilini and Minerva argue from the deeply controversial to the even more controversial. Second, they presuppose a false view of personal identity called body‐self dualism. Third, their view cannot secure human equality. And fourth, their account of harm cannot account for harm found in some cases of murder. In the article, ‘Pro‐life arguments against infanticide and why they are not convincing’, J. Räsänen examines and finds wanting these four critiques. This essay responds to Räsänen's defense of infanticide and argues that his responses to the four objections fail.  相似文献   

Persson I 《Bioethics》1997,11(2):161-169
I have outlined two ways of defending the claim that there are so-called person-regarding reasons for practising gene therapy on human conceptuses. One is metaphysical and concerns our nature and identity. The upshot of it is that, in cases of most interest, this therapy does not affect our identity, by bringing into existence anyone of our kind who would not otherwise have existed. The other defence is value theoretical and claims that even if genetic therapy were to affect the identity of beings our kind, there could still be person-regarding reasons for performing it, since we can be benefited and harmed by being caused to exist or not to exist. Robert Elliot has attacked both of these lines, and my present objective is to show how his criticisms can be deflected.  相似文献   

Doug McConnell 《Bioethics》2019,33(1):154-161
Daniel Sulmasy has recently argued that good medicine depends on physicians having a wide discretionary space in which they can act on their consciences. The only constraints Sulmasy believes we should place on physicians’ discretionary space are those defined by a form of tolerance he derives from Locke, whereby people can publicly act in accordance with their personal religious and moral beliefs as long as their actions are not destructive to society. Sulmasy also claims that those who would reject physicians’ right to conscientious objection eliminate discretionary space, thus undermining good medicine and unnecessarily limiting religious freedom. I argue that, although Sulmasy is correct that some discretionary space is necessary for good medicine, he is wrong in thinking that proscribing conscientious objection entails eliminating discretionary space. I illustrate this using Julian Savulescu and Udo Schuklenk’s system for restricting conscientious objections as a counter‐example. I then argue that a narrow discretionary space constrained by professional ideals will promote good medicine better than Sulmasy’s wider discretionary space constrained by his conception of tolerance. Sulmasy’s version of discretionary space would have us tolerate actions that are at odds with aspects of good medicine, including aspects that Sulmasy himself explicitly values, such as fiduciary duty. Therefore, if we want the degree of religious freedom in the public sphere that Sulmasy favours then we must decide whether it is worth the cost to the healthcare system.  相似文献   

Proponents of controversial Complementary and Alternative Medicines, such as homeopathy, argue that these treatments can be used with great effect in addition to, and sometimes instead of, ‘conventional’ medicine. In doing so, they accept the idea that the scientific approach to the evaluation of treatment does not undermine use of and support for some of the more controversial CAM treatments. For those adhering to the scientific canon, however, such efficacy claims lack the requisite evidential basis from randomised controlled trials. It is not clear, however, whether such opposition characterises the views of the general public. In this paper we use data from the 2009 Wellcome Monitor survey to investigate public use of and beliefs about the efficacy of a prominent and controversial CAM within the United Kingdom, homeopathy. We proceed by using Latent Class Analysis to assess whether it is possible to identify a sub-group of the population who are at ease in combining support for science and conventional medicine with use of CAM treatments, and belief in the efficacy of homeopathy. Our results suggest that over 40% of the British public maintain positive evaluations of both homeopathy and conventional medicine simultaneously. Explanatory analyses reveal that simultaneous support for a controversial CAM treatment and conventional medicine is, in part, explained by a lack of scientific knowledge as well as concerns about the regulation of medical research.  相似文献   

Bernard Lejeune 《Andrologie》2008,18(2):154-157
Belgian law concerning medically assisted procreation (MAP) and use of gametes and supernumerary embryos was adopted in 2007 and entered into force at the end of July 2007. It has only a limited impact on routine clinical practice, but dramatically limits the number of pregnancies that can be achieved by gamete donation. In Belgium, sperm donation is theoretically anonymous, but anonymity is not mandatory: when the donor and recipient attend the clinic together, request direct donation and sign an agreement, this procedure is acceptable. Sperm donation is free but it is permitted to provide reasonable compensation to the donor for any expenses and loss of income. Ooocyte donation is also free and theoretically anonymous, but directed (non-anonymous) donation is not prohibited when all parties sign an agreement. In this case, the donor and recipient attend the clinic together. It is also permitted to provide compensation to the donor, but no agreement has been reached concerning the acceptable amount. By taking into account the need for treatment, it would be reasonable to provide for 10 to 15 days off work and therefore an equivalent loss of income that could be compensated by 500 to 1000 euros, travel expenses, or even accommodation close to the MAP clinic during this period, which could also represent 500 to 1000 euros. Justified compensation would therefore represent 1000 or even 2000 euros. This amount appeared to be excessive up until now, but opinions tend to change. It is nevertheless true that spontaneous volunteer donors for free and anonymous oocyte donation are rare. Some centres perform donor randomisation to ensure anonymity. Embryo donation is anonymous. Embryos cannot be sold, but the MAP clinic must ensure the health security of these embryos and their management after the 5-year legal storage period, which also has a certain cost.  相似文献   

Twenty-two institutionalized handicapped children who were susceptible to varicella were vaccinated with live varicella vaccine of the Oka strain and their immune status was followed for 5 years under conditions without exposure to natural varicella. Simultaneously, 7 children infected with natural varicella were followed. Of the 22 vaccinees, 16 showed sero-positive conversion by the fluorescent antibody to membrane antigen (FAMA) test, the other 6 remaining seronegative during 5 years of observation period. All the 16 cases showing seroconversion had detectable antibody for 5 years after vaccination, and 14 of them gave a positive reaction in the varicella skin test. All the 7 cases after natural varicella gave positive reactions in both the FAMA and skin test. These results suggest that immunity conferred by the vaccination would persist long even in the absence of exposure to natural varicella, though further follow-up studies are needed.  相似文献   

Persson I 《Bioethics》1995,9(1):16-31
It has been argued that there can be no person-regarding reasons for practising genetic therapy, since it affects identity and causes to exist an individual who would not otherwise have existed. And there can be no such reasons for causing somebody to exist because existing cannot be better for an individual than never existing. In the present paper, both of these claims are denied. It is contended, first, that in practically all significant cases genetic therapy will not affect the identity of beings of our kind. This is so irrespective of whether, essentially, we are beings with minds or beings of a certain biological species, the human one. Second, it is contended that, even if genetic therapy were to affect our identity, there could be person-regarding reasons for conducting it, for existence can be better than non-existence for the individual.  相似文献   

In a recent article in this journal, Parker Crutchfield argues that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, as some authors claim, then it ought to be covert, i.e., performed without the knowledge of the population that is being morally enhanced. Crutchfield argues that since the aim of compulsory moral bioenhancement is to prevent ultimate harm to the population, compulsory moral bioenhancement is best categorized as a public health issue, and should therefore be governed by the norms and values that apply in public health settings. In this article, I argue for two related claims. First, I question the extent to which compulsory moral enhancement should be considered a public health issue that ought to be governed by the norms and values that apply in public health settings. Second, I argue that Crutchfield's argument that covert moral bioenhancement would better respect people's autonomy than an overt program overlooks two important autonomy‐based reasons that, in fact, favor an overt moral enhancement program over a covert one.  相似文献   

Compromised immunity contributes to the decreased ability of the elderly to control infectious disease and to their generally poor response to vaccination. It is controversial as to how far this phenomenon contributes to the well-known age-associated increase in the occurrence of many cancers in the elderly. However, should the immune system be important in controlling cancer, for which there is a great deal of evidence, it is logical to propose that dysfunctional immunity in the elderly would contribute to compromised immunosurveillance and increased cancer occurrence. The chronological age at which immunosenescence becomes clinically important is known to be influenced by many factors, including the pathogen load to which individuals are exposed throughout life. It is proposed here that the cancer antigen load may have a similar effect on "immune exhaustion" and that pathogen load and tumor load may act additively to accelerate immunosenescence. Understanding how and why immune responsiveness changes in humans as they age is essential for developing strategies to prevent or restore dysregulated immunity and assure healthy longevity, clearly possible only if cancer is avoided. Here, we provide an overview of the impact of age on human immune competence, emphasizing T-cell-dependent adaptive immunity, which is the most sensitive to ageing. This knowledge will pave the way for rational interventions to maintain or restore appropriate immune function not only in the elderly but also in the cancer patient.  相似文献   

Intuitively, keeping ones distance from a source of infection would appear to be the best way to limit the occurrence of disease. However, this overlooks the importance of repeated infections in maintaining efficient immune defenses. When acquired immunity has partly waned, re-exposure to the pathogenic agent may lead to mild disease that boosts the immune system. This prevents the total loss of immunity that would lead to classical disease in cases of re-infection. Here, using a mathematical model, we show that avoiding the pathogenic agent is detrimental in some situations, e.g. for pathogens that are highly transmissible, are not excessively lethal and that induce rapidly waning immunity. Reducing exposure to pathogenic agents is among the objectives of most, if not all, public health measures. A better understanding of the factors influencing the severity of a disease is required before applying measures that reduce the circulation of pathogenic agents.  相似文献   

Jonathan Pugh 《Bioethics》2015,29(3):145-152
Jurgen Habermas has argued that carrying out pre‐natal germline enhancements would be inimical to the future child's autonomy. In this article, I suggest that many of the objections that have been made against Habermas' arguments by liberals in the enhancement debate misconstrue his claims. To explain why, I begin by explaining how Habermas' view of personal autonomy confers particular importance to the agent's embodiment and social environment. In view of this, I explain that it is possible to draw two arguments against germline enhancements from Habermas' thought. I call these arguments ‘the argument from negative freedom’ and ‘the argument from natality’. Although I argue that many of the common liberal objections to Habermas are not applicable when his arguments are properly understood, I go on to suggest ways in which supporters of enhancement might appropriately respond to Habermas' arguments.  相似文献   

Immune response to fish microsporidia is still unknown and there are current research trying to elucidate the events involved in the immune response to this parasite. There is evidence suggesting the role of innate immune response and it is clear that adaptive immunity plays an essential part for eliminating and then mounting a solid resistance against subsequent microsporidian infections. This review article discusses the main mechanisms of resistance to fish microsporidia, which are considered under four main headings. 1) Innate immunity: the inflammatory tissue reaction associated with fish microsporidiosis has been studied at the ultrastructural level, providing identification of many of the inflammatory cells and molecules that are actively participating in the spore elimination, such as macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophilic granular cells, soluble factors and MHC molecules. 2) Adaptive immunity: the study of the humoral response is relatively new and controversial. In some cases, the antibody response is well established and it has a protective role, while in other situations, the immune response is not protective or it is depressed. Study of the cellular response against fish microsporidia is still in its infancy. Although the nature of the microsporidian infection suggests participation of cellular mechanisms, few studies have focused on the cellular immune response of infected fish. 3) Immunomodulation: glucans are compounds that can modulate the immune system and potentiate resistance to microorganisms. These compounds have been proposed that can interact with receptors on the surface of leukocytes that result in the stimulation on non-specific immune responses. 4) Vaccination: little is known about a biological product that could be used as a vaccine for preventing this infection in fish. In the Loma salmonae experience, one of the arguments that favor the production of a vaccine is the development in fish of resistance, associated to a cellular immune response. A recently proved spore-based vaccine to prevent microsporidial gill disease in salmon has recently shown its efficacy by considerably reducing the incidence of infection. This recent discovery would be first anti-microsporidian vaccine that is effective against this elusive parasite.  相似文献   

Endgame proposals strive for a tobacco-free (or at least cigarette-free) society. Some endgame proposals are radical and include, for example, a complete ban on cigarettes. Setting aside empirical worries, one worry is ethical: would such proposals not go too far in interfering with individual freedom? I argue that concerns around freedom do not speak against endgame proposals, including strong proposals such as a ban on cigarettes. I first argue that when balancing freedom with public health goals in tobacco control, the latter win out. But I also argue that, in principle, a concern with freedom itself already justifies endgame measures. First, such measures can increase people's lifetime freedom, that is, the freedom they have across their entire lives. Second, such measures can facilitate a better interpersonal distribution of freedom by increasing aggregate societal freedom and by reducing inequalities. Overall, freedom does not preclude strict tobacco control but supports it.  相似文献   

Recent developments in generating gametes via in vitro gametogenesis (IVG) from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and their successful use for reproductive purposes in animals strongly suggest that soon these methods could also be used in human reproduction. At least two questions emerge in this context: (a) if a legislator should permit their use and (b) if ethical claims emerge that support their provision, e.g., by public health care systems. This urges an ethical reflection of the new reproductive options this technique might offer. Since the concept of reproductive freedom is a key aspect for the ethical evaluation of artificial reproductive technologies (ARTs), it is necessary to analyze if the new possibilities emerging from IVG fall within the scope of this concept. The results may constitute a morally relevant difference between different imaginable applications of IVG and potentially justify differences in claims to access this technology.  相似文献   

The principle of self-determination is one of the basic principles of international law but as a right, it is only granted to peoples, defined as whole populations of internationally recognized territories. Thus, the claims to self-determination voiced by national minorities are not seen as legitimate by international legal standards. This article examines the underlying assumptions of the principle of self-determination and by combining legal and moral arguments, tries to show that withholding this right from national minorities is unjustified. If one of the reasons why minorities are not granted the right is that they are entitled to collective rights, one would have to maintain that peoples have the relevant characteristics for the possessing group rights while minorities do not, and this view cannot be sustained. The right to self-determination should be understood as abroad notion and the restrictive view according to which the right only applies to colonial peoples and its implementation amounts to independent statehood, should be rejected. Furthermore, it should be noted that although the internal dimension of self-determination can ground a right to freedom from external interference, this freedom is a matter of degree; therefore, minorities can exercise the right to self-determination without this leading to secession or break-up of the state.  相似文献   

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