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Abstract. Development of semi‐natural vegetation has recently been a primary concern of restoration efforts. A primary management question is whether active intervention is required or spontaneous secondary succession could suffice. We studied 54 old‐fields in central Hungary, which differed in time since abandonment but which had similar environmental conditions and management histories. The sites were grouped into four age groups according to the time elapsed since cultivation abandonment: 1–5, 6–10, 11–23 and 24–33 yr. In each old‐field we recorded the species and estimated their abundances. We grouped species in two ways: according to life form (annuals, biennials, perennials, woody plants) and according to coenological behaviour (weeds, sand and steppe generalists, specialists). We analysed the changes in species number and abundance in these categories as a function of site age. Contrary to other successional studies, the total number of species did not change significantly among the four age groups. A significant change was detected between the first two age groups as to life‐form composition. Species number and abundance of annuals decreased, while the perennials and woody plants increased. As to coenological behaviour, species number changed only in the first two age groups, while abundance changed in the first three. Weeds quickly disappeared and specialists established and spread, while the species number and abundance of generalists did not change significantly. We concluded that the basic shifts in species composition are almost completed within 10 yr. Most of the late successional species colonized and weeds disappeared. We conclude that there was no need for active intervention in this system: the spontaneous secondary succession leads to semi‐natural vegetation.  相似文献   

Classical old‐field succession studies focused on vegetation changes after the abandonment of annual croplands or on succession after the elimination of cultivated crops. Perennial‐crop‐mediated succession, where fields are initially covered by perennial crops, reveals alternative aspects of old‐field succession theories. We tested the validity of classical theories of old‐field succession for perennial‐crop‐mediated succession. We formulated the following hypotheses: (1) functional diversity increases with increasing field age; (2) resource acquisition versus conservation trade‐off shifts toward conservation at community level during the succession; (3) the importance of spatial and temporal seed dispersal decreases during the succession; and (4) competitiveness and stress‐tolerance increases and ruderality decreases at community level during the succession. We studied functional diversity, trait distributions and plant strategies in differently aged old‐fields using chronosequence method. We found increasing functional richness and functional divergence, but also unchanged or decreasing functional evenness. We detected a shift from resource acquisition to resource conservation strategy of communities during the succession. The role of spatial and temporal seed dispersal was found to be important not only at the initial but also at latter successional stages. We found an increasing stress‐tolerance and a decreasing ruderality during succession, while the competitiveness remained unchanged at the community level. Despite the markedly different starting conditions, we found that classical and perennial‐crop‐mediated old‐field successions have some similarities regarding the changes of functional diversity, resource acquisition versus conservation trade‐off, and seed dispersal strategies. However, we revealed also the subsequent differences. The competitive character of communities remained stable during the succession; hence, the initial stages of perennial‐crop‐mediated succession can be similar to the middle stages of classical old‐field succession. Moreover, the occupied functional niche space and differentiation were larger in the older stages, but resources were not effectively utilized within this space, suggesting that the stabilization of the vegetation requires more time.  相似文献   

沙质草原植物群落退化与沙化演替   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
丁勇  牛建明  杨持 《生态学杂志》2006,25(9):1044-1051
应用TWINSPAN(two-way indicator species analysis)、DCA(detrended correspondence analysis)和CCA(canonical correspondence analysis)技术,对多伦县1984和2001年的28个样地草原植物群落调查数据及相对应的2001年的24个样地土壤调查数据进行分析。结果表明,研究区域的植物群落按照其退化、沙化或恢复演替序列可以分为5个阶段,不同时间的草原植物群落演替序列在空间格局上具有相似性,对比17年的动态变化,也呈现同一演替序列特征;与1984年相比,2001年研究区草原植物群落总体上有明显的退化迹象;草原植物群落退化、沙化或恢复演替与土壤变化具有一定相关性,土壤质地、养分和有机质变化在时间上较植物群落变化明显滞后。  相似文献   

Changes in plant community traits along an environmental gradient are caused by interspecific and intraspecific trait variation. However, little is known about the role of interspecific and intraspecific trait variation in plant community responses to the restoration of a sandy grassland ecosystem. We measured five functional traits of 34 species along a restoration gradient of sandy grassland (mobile dune, semi‐fixed dune, fixed dune, and grassland) in Horqin Sand Land, northern China. We examined how community‐level traits varied with habitat changes and soil gradients using both abundance‐weighted and non‐weighted averages of trait values. We quantified the relative contribution of inter‐ and intraspecific trait variation in specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf carbon content (LCC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), and plant height to the community response to habitat changes in the restoration of sandy grassland. We found that five weighted community‐average traits varied significantly with habitat changes. Along the soil gradient in the restoration of sandy grassland, plant height, SLA, LDMC, and LCC increased, while LNC decreased. For all traits, there was a greater contribution of interspecific variation to community response in regard to habitat changes relative to that of intraspecific variation. The relative contribution of the interspecific variation effect of an abundance‐weighted trait was greater than that of a non‐weighted trait with regard to all traits except LDMC. A community‐level trait response to habitat changes was due largely to species turnover. Though the intraspecific shift plays a small role in community trait response to habitat changes, it has an effect on plant coexistence and the maintenance of herbaceous plants in sandy grassland habitats. The context dependency of positive and negative covariation between inter‐ and intraspecific variation further suggests that both effects of inter‐ and intraspecific variation on a community trait should be considered when understanding a plant community response to environmental changes in sandy grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Continuous and prolonged human disturbances have caused severe degradation of a large portion of lowland in South China, and how to restore such degraded ecosystems becomes an increasing concern. The process and mechanisms of spontaneous succession, which plays an important role in vegetation restoration, have not been adequately examined. To identify the pathways of early spontaneous vegetation succession, 41 plots representing plant communities abandoned over different times were established and Investigated. The communities and indicator species of the vegetation were classified by analyzing the important values of plant species using multivariate analyses. The reaults indicated that the plant species could be classified into nine plant communities repreaenting six succession staages. The pathway and species composition alao changed in the process of succession. We also meaeurad 13 environmental variables of microtopography, soil structure and soil nutrition in each plot to examine the driving forces of auccession and the vegetation-environment relationships. Our resulta ahowed that the environmental variables changed in diverse directions, and that aoil bulk density, soil water capacity and soU acidity were the most important factors.  相似文献   

通过对处于流动沙地、半固定沙地和固定沙地等不同恢复演替阶段的群落的取样调查 ,研究了科尔沁沙地草地植被恢复进程中群落优势种群的空间分布格局及其动态变化。运用扩散系数、聚集指数、平均拥挤度、聚块性指数、Green指数、聚集强度、Poisson分布和负二项分布的 χ2 拟合检验等 7项指标 ,对群落优势种群的分布格局的研究结果基本一致 ,大多数物种的空间分布呈显著的聚集分布。在演替进程中种群格局强度的变化和群落总体聚集程度的变化与种群动态和群落结构的空间异质性相对应 ,较高的聚集程度是种群分布斑块化和群落结构的空间异质性的反映 ,随着演替进展 ,优势种的种群数量扩展 ,但种群分布的聚集强度下降 ,群落结构的空间异质性降低。在 7种测定分布格局的指标中 ,聚块性指数、Green指数和聚集强度是无量纲的指标 ,其大小不受种群大小的影响 ,其变化可以较好地指示格局强度本身的变化 ,并与种群动态和群落结构变化相联系  相似文献   

Community assembly theory is suggested as a guiding principle for ecological restoration to help understand the mechanisms that structure biological communities and identify where restoration interventions are needed. We studied three hypotheses related to propagule limitation, stress‐dominance, and limiting similarity concepts in community assembly in a restoration field experiment with a trait‐based null model approach. The experiment aimed to assist the recovery of sand grassland on former arable land in the Kiskunság, Pannonian biogeographic region, Europe. Treatments included initial seeding of five grassland species, carbon amendment, low‐intensity mowing, and combinations in 1 m by 1 m plots in three old fields from 2003 to 2008. The distribution of 10 individual plant traits was compared to the null model and the effect of time and treatments were tested with linear mixed effect models. Initial seeding had the most visible impact on species and trait composition confirming propagule limitation in grassland recovery. Reducing nutrient availability through carbon amendment strengthened trait convergence for length of flowering as expected based on the stress‐dominance hypothesis. Mowing changed trait divergence to convergence for plant height with a strengthening impact with time, supporting our hypothesis of increasing dominance of limiting similarity with time. Our results support the idea that community assembly is simultaneously influenced by propagule limitation and multiple trait‐based processes that act through different traits. The limited impact of manipulating environmental filtering and limiting similarity compared to seeding, however, supports the view that only targeting the dispersal and environmental filters in parallel would improve restoration outcome.  相似文献   

张静  王平  杨明新  谷强  纪宝明 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9878-9885
由植物引起的根际土壤生物或非生物环境的改变能够反馈影响群落中不同植物的生长,直接改变共存植物的相对竞争关系,推动群落结构的动态变化。作为土壤生物群落的重要组成部分,土壤微生物在植物-土壤反馈关系中起到重要的调控作用,对解释植物群落的演替进程和方向有着重要的意义。在草地植物群落演替的早期阶段和外来物种入侵的过程中,宿主植物对丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)的依赖性较低,受本地病原菌的影响较小,一般不存在负反馈。在演替后期,植物对AMF更具依赖性,而积累的病原菌则产生较强的负反馈效应,从而促进群落物种共存和植物多样性,提高草地生产力和稳定性。研究微生物-植物反馈机制不仅有助于完善草地退化与恢复理论,还对退化草地恢复治理的实践有着指导意义。未来关于根际微生物-植物反馈在草地群落演替中的作用应该加强以下几方面的研究:(1)在实验方法上,开展专性微生物-植物反馈研究;(2)在测定指标上,进一步量化不同微生物在反馈关系中的功能差异;(3)在研究对象上,加强土壤微生物在植物群落水平的反馈研究;(4)在应用上,明晰植物-土壤反馈在退化草地恢复过程中的作用,指导草地管理实践。  相似文献   

Abstract. Secondary succession and seed bank formation was studied in a formerly grazed, abandoned, eastern Hungarian sandy steppe‐meadow (Pulsatillo‐Festucetum). The vegetation was sampled at different elevations of a sand dune which became partly invaded by the tree Robinia pseudo‐acacia ca. 10 yr ago. Pre‐abandonment vegetation records were used as historic references. Though composition of the non‐invaded grassland only changed moderately, dominance of tall grasses (Elymus hispidus, Poa angustifolia) increased significantly at the cost of annuals and low stature perennials. In the stand invaded by Robinia most grassland species were lost and replaced by nitrophytes. Vertical position influenced species abundance, but affected the composition only moderately. Fine‐scale zonation of the vegetation also changed with time. Species richness of the above‐ground vegetation and the seed density of soil samples at the lower elevation were slightly greater than at the higher sites. Seed banks of sensitive grassland specialists (e.g. Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. hungarica) disappeared during grass encroachment. Following extinction from above‐ground vegetation, restoration must rely on dispersal from adjacent areas. In contrast, several annuals and perennials, which survived this degradation stage in the above‐ground vegetation, possessed seed banks. Many of these species became extinct from the vegetation during the Robinia invasion but left viable persistent seeds. This fact is promising for restoration of the Potentillo‐Festucetum sandy pasture. Competitive weedy species and sprouting Robinia can, however, limit seedling establishment.  相似文献   

The long‐term establishment success of founder plant populations has been commonly assessed based on the measures of population genetic diversity and among population genetic differentiation, with founder populations expected to carry sufficient genetic diversity when population establishment is the result of many colonists from multiple source populations (the ‘migrant pool’ colonization model). Theory, however, predicts that, after initial colonization, rapid population expansion may result in a fast increase in the extent of spatial genetic structure (SGS), independent of extant genetic diversity. This SGS can reduce long‐term population viability by increasing inbreeding. Using 12 microsatellite markers, we inferred colonization patterns in four recent populations of the grassland specialist plant Anthyllis vulneraria and compared the extent of SGS between recently established and old populations. Assignment analyses of the individuals of recent population based on the genetic composition of nine adjacent putative source populations suggested the occurrence of the ‘migrant pool’ colonization model, further confirmed by high genetic diversity within and low genetic differentiation among recent populations. Population establishment, however, resulted in the build‐up of strong SGS, most likely as a result of spatially restricted recruitment of the progeny of initial colonists. Although reduced, significant SGS was nonetheless observed to persist in old populations. The presence of SGS was in all populations associated with elevated inbreeding coefficients, potentially affecting the long‐term viability of these populations. In conclusion, this study illustrates the importance of studying SGS next to population genetic diversity and differentiation to adequately infer colonization patterns and long‐term establishment success of plant species.  相似文献   

Much uncertainty remains about traits linked with successful invasion – the establishment and spread of non‐resident species into existing communities. Using a 20‐year experiment, where 50 non‐resident (but mostly native) grassland plant species were sown into savannah plots, we ask how traits linked with invasion depend on invasion stage (establishment, spread), indicator of invasion success (occupancy, relative abundance), time, environmental conditions, propagule rain, and traits of invaders and invaded communities. Trait data for 164 taxa showed that invader occupancy was primarily associated with traits of invaders, traits of recipient communities, and invader‐community interactions. Invader abundance was more strongly associated with community traits (e.g. proportion legume) and trait differences between invaders and the most similar resident species. Annuals and invaders with high‐specific leaf area were only successful early in stand development, whereas invaders with conservative carbon capture strategies persisted long‐term. Our results indicate that invasion is context‐dependent and long‐term experiments are required to comprehensively understand invasions.  相似文献   

Vegetation variability, the participation of target and undesirable species, and the role of local species pool were studied in the course of spontaneous succession in disused gravel–sand pits. The study was conducted in various regions of the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The regions represented either agrarian lowlands with a relatively warm and dry climate or mostly woodland uplands with a relatively cold and wet climate. The gravel–sand pits (36) comprised stages of different age from 1 to 75 years since abandonment. Altogether, 224 vegetation samples were recorded with species cover (%) visually estimated. Species affinity to different vegetation types was assessed in each sample based on the species cover. Local site factors, such as water table and soil characteristics, and landscape characteristics, namely climatic parameters, presence of nearby (semi)natural plant communities and main land cover categories in the broader surroundings, were evaluated as well as the participation of target (grassland, woodland, and wetland) and undesirable (ruderal, alien) species. Ordination analyses showed that vegetation succession led to target grassland, wetland, or woodland vegetation depending on local site factors, especially moisture and the presence of (semi)natural vegetation in the surroundings (local species pool). Restoration of target vegetation in disused gravel–sand pits by processes of spontaneous succession can be possible and successful in about 25 years, especially if (semi)natural vegetation exists in the surroundings. The invasion of the alien tree Robinia pseudacacia must be taken into consideration within the dry sites in lowlands.  相似文献   

The present loss of species‐rich grasslands makes it vital to restore these valuable habitat types, including novel habitat variants such as road verges. Due to the lack of knowledge on long‐term outcomes of restoration initiatives, well‐designed studies comparing different restoration methods are needed. In this study, we examined fine‐scale vegetation recovery patterns over 9 years in a field experiment with several near‐natural restoration methods (adding local seed mixtures, transferring hay from local grasslands using hard or light raking, and natural regeneration) in a road verge. We compared this to standard revegetation (hydroseeding species‐poor commercial seed mixtures). We found major temporal changes in vegetation restored by local seed or hay transfer, before it gradually became more similar to the donor grasslands and seed mixtures, which served as references for the experiment. Natural (spontaneous) regeneration with seed dispersal from surroundings gave similar results, whereas areas revegetated using standard methods became more dissimilar to the reference sites during the study period. The main variation in species composition reflected the contrast between local donor grasslands and seed mixtures and the species‐poor early successional grasslands. We conclude that near‐natural methods (hay transfer and seeding) successfully restored species‐rich grassland, including road verges. This study underlines the importance of comparing several treatments over a sufficiently long period to assess their success in restoring species‐rich grassland.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new synthesis of the role of native and non‐native species in diverse pathways and processes that influence forest regeneration on anthropogenic grassland in the moist tropics. Because of altered species composition, abiotic conditions and landscape habitat mosaics, together with human interventions, these successional pathways differ from those seen in pre‐clearing forests. However, representation of different functional life forms of plant (tree, vine, grass, herb and fern) and animal (frugivorous seed disperser, granivorous seed predator, seedling herbivore and carnivore) shows consistent global variation among areas of pasture, intact forest, and post‐grassland regrowth. Biotic webs of interaction involve complex indirect influences and feedbacks, which can account for wide observed variation in regeneration trajectories over time. Important processes include: limitation of tree establishment by dense grasses; recruitment and growth of pioneer pasture trees (shading grasses and facilitating bird‐assisted seed dispersal); and smothering of trees by vines. In these interactions, species’ functional roles are more important than their biogeographic origins. Case studies in eastern Australia show native rain forest plant species diversity in all life forms increasing over time when pioneer trees are non‐native (e.g., Cinnamomum camphora, Solanum mauritianum), concurrent with decreased grass and fern cover and increased abundance of trees and vine tangles. The global literature shows both native and non‐native species facilitating and inhibiting regeneration. However conservation goals are often targeted at removing non‐native species. Achieving large‐scale tropical forest restoration will require increased recognition of their multiple roles, and compromises about allocating resources to their removal.  相似文献   

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