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Vertebrates play a fundamental role in the dispersal of Neotropical trees, generating different seed shadows according to their physical and behavioral features. Tapirs are capable of consuming great quantities of large fruits, and they defecate seeds far from parent trees. For instance, intact seeds of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana have been found in tapir dung piles in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil, suggesting that tapirs effectively disperse this species. However, recruitment was not examined therein. We studied tapir endozoochory of large and medium seeds in the semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest of Argentina by examining dung piles found within Iguazu National Park. We recorded dung-pile positions to evaluate the spatial distribution. We also counted the number of juveniles in 2 × 2 m quadrats placed on old dung piles in latrines, beneath adults and in random sites to estimate recruitment levels. Syagrus romanzoffiana seeds were present in 98 percent of dung piles, averaging >200 seeds/dung pile, indicating that this species constitutes the main fruit component in the tapir's diet. Dung piles showed a clumped deposition pattern reflecting the use of latrines. Juvenile recruitment in latrines was 21 times higher than that of under-adult sites and 500 times greater than in random sites, and correlated with the frequency of use of the areas. We concluded that the lowland tapir is a major disperser of S. romanzoffiana . Given that this palm can be considered a keystone species, a disruption of this interaction might affect the entire community of frugivores in the long term.  相似文献   

The historical and contemporary loss of large‐bodied frugivores has disrupted many plant‐disperser mutualisms, with potentially profound consequences for plants. Although several aspects of seed dispersal by megafrugivores have already been examined, the role of these species in promoting seed‐mediated gene flow has remained unexplored. We evaluated the role of the Amazonian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), the largest Neotropical frugivore, in shaping plant genetic structure through seed‐mediated gene flow. We used microsatellites to analyze the genetic patterns of Syagrus romanzoffiana seedlings recruited in tapir latrines and around conspecific adult palms, the two sites where seeds and seedlings are most frequently found in this species. While the genetic diversity of seedlings was rather similar in both sites, the kinship structure was substantially weaker in latrines. Most seedlings recruited around adult palms were half‐ or full‐sibs originating from those adults. In contrast, seedlings recruited in latrines came from several (>5, on average) contributing mothers other than the nearest adult (95%) and were mostly non‐sibs (72%). Kinship patterns indicated that tapir‐mediated dispersal promotes the admixture of genotypes across space. Also, our results suggested that genetic diversity and the number of contributing mothers in latrines increase with the number of fruiting adults visited by tapirs before defecating and with the accumulation of feces over time. We provide evidence of the relevance of tapirs in mobilizing maternal progenies (and genotypes) across the landscape and recruiting clusters of unrelated seedlings. This study suggests a key role for plant–megafrugivore interactions in seed‐mediated gene flow and emphasizes the importance of preserving such mutualisms.  相似文献   

Movement patterns of animals can vary dramatically as a function of their reproductive cycle or social structure; however, little is known about how changes in the social structure of dispersers affect patterns of seed dispersal. We examined the movement patterns of the forest‐dwelling and cooperatively breeding Puff‐throated Bulbul (Alophoixus pallidus) in relation to different stages of their reproductive cycle, time of day, and group size, to determine potential impacts on the shape and scale of dispersal curves generated using a combination of gut passage time and displacement distance data. There were significant differences in dispersal distances depending on group size, season (breeding, non‐breeding), incubation (vs. other times of the year), and time of the day. The estimated median seed dispersal distance was 28 m. The median dispersal distances produced by birds in larger groups were longer than those of smaller groups (29 m vs. 25 m). During the breeding season, median dispersal distances were longer than during the non ‐ breeding season (31 m vs. 25 m), but the median dispersal distances were significantly shorter during incubation than during outside incubation (24 m vs. 28 m). The median dispersal distance produced in the early morning (30 m) was also longer than that of other times of the day (23 m late morning, 28 m early afternoon, and 26 m late afternoon). This study suggests that various aspects of an animal's behavior are likely to have significant effects on seed shadows and that this may vary significantly even among individuals of the same species.  相似文献   

Savannas are highly diverse and dynamic environments that can shift to forest formations due to protection policies. Long‐distance dispersal may shape the genetic structure of these new closed forest formations. We analyzed eight microsatellite loci using a single‐time approach to understand contemporary pollen and effective seed dispersal of the tropical tree, Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. (Fabaceae), occurring in a Brazilian fire‐ and livestock‐protected savanna. We sampled all adult trees found within a 10.24 ha permanent plot, young trees within a subplot of 1.44 ha and open‐pollinated seeds. We detected a very high level of genetic diversity among the three generations in the studied plot. Parentage analysis revealed high pollen immigration rate (0.64) and a mean contemporary pollen dispersal distance of 74 m. In addition, half‐sib production was 1.8 times higher than full‐sibs in significant higher distances, indicating foraging activity preference for different trees at long distances. There was a significant and negative correlation between diameter at breast height (DBH) of the pollen donor with the number of seeds (r = ?0.640, P‐value = 0.032), suggesting that pollen donor trees with a higher DBH produce less seeds. The mean distance of realized seed dispersal (recruitment kernel) was 135 m due to the large home range dispersers (birds and mammals) in the area. The small magnitude of spatial genetic structure found in young trees may be a consequence of overlapping seed shadows and increased tree density. Our results show the positive side of closed canopy expansion, where animal activities regarding pollination and seed dispersal are extremely high.  相似文献   

The effects of dispersal pattern (seeds in small clumps vs. seeds scattered in pairs) and distance to the nearest Carapa procera (Meliaceae; a tree that produces seeds preferred by terrestrial vertebrates) on survival of seeds and seedlings were examined for the animal–dispersed tree species Virola michelii (Myristicaceae) in a mature forest‘at Paracou, French Guiana, in 1992 and 1993. We assessed the putative role of ground–dwelling mammalian herbivores, rodents, and ungulates that filter the seed shadow, acting either as dispersers or predators and thus modifying the original pattern of seed dispersal made by frugivores. We measured the effects of simulated seed burial by rodents using marked seeds and quantified the effect of protecting seeds and seedlings from ground–dwelling vertebrates on seedling germination and survival with fence exclosures in 1992. Dispersal pattern had short–term but no long–term effects on the proportion of V. michelii seeds that survived one year later as seedlings. In the short term, within six weeks, clumped seeds survived better than scattered seeds in both years. Marked seeds that were removed from their site of dispersal were eaten; rodents only rarely buried seeds of V. michelii, and seed burial reduced seed and seedling survivorship. The combined effect of the factors year and Carapa proximity significantly affected seed survival within six weeks. Although six–week seed survival was greater in 1993 than in 1992, seedling establishment was lower in 1993 than in 1992 following a lower rainfall regime during the key period of seed germination (February). One–year seed and seedling survivorship was similar between treatments and years. Seed survival and seedling establishment in V. michelii was dependent on vertebrates in the short term and on climate in the long term. Overall, seed and seedling survivorship depended on a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

One of the key measures of the effectiveness of primary seed dispersal by animals is the quality of seed dispersal (Schupp: Plant Ecol 107/108 [1993] 15–29). We present data on quality of seed dispersal by two groups of white‐faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Costa Rica to test the hypothesis that capuchin seed handling results in effective primary dispersal for some fruit species they consume. We examined seed handling for 27 plant species, and germination rates of 18 species consumed by capuchins. For five of the most commonly swallowed seed species, we determined germination rates and average time to germination (latency) for seeds ingested and defecated by capuchins and compared these to seeds removed directly from fruit and planted. For the same five species, we compared germination rates and latency for passed seeds planted in capuchin feces to those cleaned of feces and planted in soil. For three of five species, differences in proportion of germinated seeds were significantly higher for gut passed seeds than for controls. For four of five species, germination latency was significantly faster for gut passed seeds than for controls. Feces had either no effect on seed germination rate or precluded germination. Data presented here support the hypothesis that white‐faced capuchins are effective primary dispersers. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tropical forest conservation and restoration require an understanding of the movements and habitat preferences of important seed dispersers. With forests now being altered at an unprecedented rate, avian frugivores are becoming increasingly vital for forest regeneration. Seed movement, however, is highly dependent on the behavioral characteristics of their dispersers. Here, we examined the movements, habitat preferences, and range sizes of two African frugivores: the Black‐casqued (Ceratogymna atrata) and the White‐thighed (Bycanistes albotibialis) Hornbill, in the lowland rain forests of southern Cameroon. Using satellite transmitters, we tracked eight hornbills for 3 yr to characterize their movements and relate them to environmental landscape features. Hornbill movements differed significantly, with B. albotibialis ranging over larger areas (mean = 20,274 ha) than C. atrata (mean = 5604 ha), and females of both species covering over 15 times the area of males. Evidence suggests that movements are irruptive during particular periods, perhaps driven by low resource availability. In addition, hornbills often returned to the same localities within a year, although movements were not characterized as migratory. Both species displayed significant differences in habitat preference, with B. albotibialis utilizing disturbed habitat more frequently than Catrata (= ?22.04, = 2.2 × 10?16). Major roads were found to act as barriers for C. atrata, but not for B. albotibialis. The ability of both hornbill species to move large distances suggests hornbills will play a vital role in the maintenance and regeneration of rain forests in Central Africa as forest fragmentation increases and terrestrial vertebrates decline in numbers.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the impacts of Attalea oleifera on the structure of seedling bank and discuss potential mechanisms of palm influence. Seed rain, seedling bank, and palm leaf fall were assessed beneath the canopy and in the vicinity of 16 adult palms across the edges of a large fragment (3500 ha) of the Atlantic forest. Moreover, we examined A. oleifera impacts on seed germination and seedling mortality by experimentally submitting seeds and seedlings to prolonged palm-leaf covering. As expected, seedling bank beneath the adults exhibited reduced abundance and species richness at local and habitat scale. Small to large seeds (3.1–30 mm) were underrepresented in the seed rain below adults palms, while experimental leaf covering drastically reduced both seed germination and seedling survivorship. A. oleifera leaf fall occurred over the whole year (3.6±2.7 leaves/individual/yr), which resulted in deep leaf litter mounds (10.7±9.2 cm). Finally, adult palm density (21.6±11.9 individuals/ha) correlated negatively with seedling density across Attalea clusters. Our results suggest that A. oleifera exerts negative effects on the seedling bank by reducing seedling abundance and richness as a consequence of two complementary mechanisms: impoverished and size-biased seed rain plus reduced seed germination and increased seedling mortality due to prolonged covering by fallen leaves.  相似文献   

David M. Watson 《Biotropica》2013,45(2):195-202
Mistletoes rely on birds for seed dispersal, but the presumed importance of mistletoe‐specialist frugivores has not been critically examined nor compared with generalist frugivores and opportunistic foragers. The contribution of these three groups was compared directly by quantifying bird visitation to fruiting mistletoe plants ( Oryctanthus occidentalis: Loranthaceae) at Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and by comparing these results with proportions calculated from other empirical studies of mistletoe visitation conducted elsewhere. After more than 100 h of timed watches, 23 bird species were recorded visiting eight heavily infected host trees ( Luehea seemannii: Tiliaceae). Eight of these species visited mistletoe, of which five (all tyrannids) consumed mistletoe fruit. Although two mistletoe specialist frugivores ( Tyrannulus elatus and Zimmerius vilissimus) removed most fruit (73%), more than a quarter was consumed by one generalist frugivore ( Mionectes oleagineus) and two opportunists ( Myiozetetes cayanensis and Myiozetetes similis). Post consumption behaviour varied: the specialists flew from mistletoe to mistletoe, the generalist rested in the subcanopy and understory, and the opportunists spent most time hawking insects and resting high in the canopy. Integrating these data with previous work, the dietary specialization, short gut passage rate and strict habitat preferences of mistletoe specialists suggests that their services relate primarily to intensification and contagious dispersal, while species with broader diets are more likely to visit uninfected trees and establish new infections. The presumed importance of mistletoe‐specialist frugivores was not supported and mistletoes are considered to be comparable to many other bird‐dispersed plants, relying on both specialist and generalist frugivores, while opportunists may be disproportionately important in long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Amur Falcons (Falco amurensis) are a migratory species that face a variety of threats across their range, but little is known about their breeding ecology. These falcons breed in forest habitats in Eastern and Central Asia using nests constructed by corvids, including Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica). We monitored nests of 21 pairs of Amur Falcons at Hustai National Park in central Mongolia in 2017. Our objectives were to describe their basic nesting ecology, estimate nest survival by modeling the daily survival rate (DSR), examine nest selection by modeling it as a function of nest and site covariates, and use a spatial simulation to test hypotheses concerning intra‐ and interspecific avoidance. Clutch sizes averaged 4.1 eggs (= 21 nests), and incubation and nestling periods averaged 25.7 and 26.1 d, respectively. The daily survival rate was 0.98, with young in 12 nests surviving to fledging. Nest structures were more likely to be selected as percent cover of nest bowls increased, usually in the form of a dome of sticks with multiple side entrances. Closed nests likely provide increased protection from predators. In contrast to congeneric Red‐footed Falcons (F. vespertinus) that nest in large colonies, Amur Falcons nested no farther from or closer to nests of either conspecifics or congeners than expected by chance. One factor likely contributing to this difference is that Red‐footed Falcons often use the nests of colonial‐nesting Rooks (Corvus frugilegus), whereas Amur Falcons typically use the nests of non‐colonial Eurasian Magpies. The ongoing loss of deciduous trees like white birch (Betula platyphylla) across the breeding range of Amur Falcons, probably due to climate change and increased grazing pressure, is likely to reduce the availability of nesting habitat for Eurasian Magpies which, in turn, will likely reduce availability of nests for Amur Falcons and other small falcons.  相似文献   

Orchid seeds are minute, dust-like, wind-borne and, thus, would seem to have the potential for long-distance dispersal. Based on this perception, one may predict near-random spatial genetic structure within orchid populations. In reality we do not know much about seed dispersal in orchids and the few empirical studies of fine-scale genetic structure have revealed significant genetic structure at short distances (< 5m), suggesting that most seeds of orchids fall close to the maternal plant. To obtain more empirical data on dispersal, Ripley’s L(d)-statistics, spatial autocorrelation analyses (coancestry, fij analyses) and Wright’s F statistics were used to examine the distribution of individuals and the genetic structure within two populations of the terrestrial orchid Orchis cyclochila in southern Korea. High levels of genetic diversity (He = 0.210) and low between-population variation were found (FST = 0.030). Ripley’s L(d)-statistics indicated significant aggregation of individuals, and patterns varied depending on populations. Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed significant positive genetic correlations among individuals located <1 m, with mean fij values expected for half sibs. This genetic structure suggests that many seeds fall in the immediate vicinity of the maternal plant. The finding of significant fine-scale genetic structure, however, does not have to preclude the potential for the long distance dispersal of seeds. Both the existence of fine-scale genetic structure and low FST are consistent with a leptokurtic distribution of seed dispersal distances with a very flat tail.  相似文献   

Barriers to establishing native plant communities on former pasture include dominance by a single planted species, hydrologic and edaphic alteration, and native species propagule limitation. Establishment may be dispersal‐limited (propagules do not arrive at the site), microsite‐limited (areas suitable for seedling emergence and survival do not exist), or both. Successful restoration strategies hinge on identifying and addressing critical limitations. We examined seed and microsite limitation to establishment of a native wildflower (Coreopsis lanceolata ) in a former pasture dominated by Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass). We determined the relative and interactive effects of microsite (irrigation and disturbance) and seed limitation on C. lanceolata establishment. We tested (1) irrigation (none, pre‐seeding, and pre‐ and post‐seeding), (2) disturbance (none, sethoxydim, glyphosate, and topsoil removal), and (3) C. lanceolata seeding rate (three seeding densities). Applying glyphosate before seeding increased C. lanceolata establishment compared to other disturbance treatments. Ultimately, C. lanceolata establishment was not affected by irrigation. Coreopsis lanceolata establishment was limited when seeded at 100 live seeds/m2 but not at 600 or 1100 live seeds/m2. Seed and microsite availability interactively affected C. lanceolata establishment, in that microsite limitation was biologically relevant only when a minimum number of seeds were present. In practice, both seed and microsite requirements must be met for successful establishment, and increasing the availability of seeds or microsites does not compensate for limitations of the other. Here, it is the relative importance of seed and microsite limitations that drives plant establishment; these limitations do not represent a simple dichotomy.  相似文献   

The deterioration of seeds during prolonged storage results in a reduction of viability and germination rate. DNA damage is one of the major cellular defects associated with seed deterioration. It is provoked by the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) even in the quiescent state of the desiccated seed. In contrast to other stages of seed life, DNA repair during storage is hindered through the low seed water content; thereby DNA lesions can accumulate. To allow subsequent seedling development, DNA repair has thus to be initiated immediately upon imbibition. Poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerases (PARPs) are important components in the DNA damage response in humans. Arabidopsis thaliana contains three homologues to the human HsPARP1 protein. Of these three, only AtPARP3 was very highly expressed in seeds. Histochemical GUS staining of embryos and endosperm layers revealed strong promoter activity of AtPARP3 during all steps of germination. This coincided with high ROS activity and indicated a role of the nuclear‐localised AtPARP3 in DNA repair during germination. Accordingly, stored parp3‐1 mutant seeds lacking AtPARP3 expression displayed a delay in germination as compared to Col‐0 wild‐type seeds. A controlled deterioration test showed that the mutant seeds were hypersensitive to unfavourable storage conditions. The results demonstrate that AtPARP3 is an important component of seed storability and viability.  相似文献   

Spatial learning, the cognitive ability that allows animals to efficiently locate food, partners or avoid predators, can be affected by various factors such as stress. Stressors represent a threat to the animal's homeostasis and trigger a set of physiological and behavioral changes known as stress response. The herbivorous rodent Ctenomys talarum (tuco‐tuco) inhabits underground complex gallery systems. Dispersal as well as food collection occurs on the surface, where they are exposed to terrestrial and aerial predators. We evaluated the effect of a natural stress factor, predation, on spatial learning of C. talarum. Additionally, we collected data on neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, hematocrit, blood glucose, and plasma cortisol to assess physiological levels of stress. The acute exposure to direct cues indicating the presence of a predator (immobilization + cat urine) increased the time needed to reach the goal in a longitudinal labyrinth. The number of errors also increased albeit the difference was only marginally significant. The chronic exposure to predator cues (immobilization, cat urine, and cat fur) presented in an unpredictable order significantly increased both time and errors committed by tuco‐tucos during learning trials in the labyrinth. Results show the strong impact of predatory stress on the spatial abilities of C. talarum, a key cognitive process involved in most of their vital activities. They also highlight the importance of investigating wild species as regards the development of antipredatory defensive behaviors that contribute both to the avoidance of deleterious consequences of a direct attack and the influence on food search and mate localization performance.  相似文献   

Plant architecture is crucial to pollination and mating in wind‐pollinated species. We investigated the effect of crown architecture on pollen dispersal, mating system and offspring quality, combining phenotypic and genotypic analyses in a low‐density population of the endangered species Abies pinsapo. A total of 598 embryos from three relative crown height levels (bottom, middle and top) in five mother plants were genotyped using eleven nuclear microsatellite markers (nSSRs). Paternity analysis and mating system models were used to infer mating and pollen dispersal parameters. In addition, seeds were weighed (= 16 110) and germinated (= 736), and seedling vigour was measured to assess inbreeding depression. Overall, A. pinsapo shows a fat‐tailed dispersal kernel, with an average pollen dispersal distance of 113–227 m, an immigration rate of 0.84–26.92%, and a number of effective pollen donors (Nep) ranging between 3.5 and 11.9. We found an effect of tree height and relative crown height levels on mating parameters. A higher proportion of seeds with embryo (about 50%) and a higher rate of self‐fertilization (about 60%) were found at the bottom level in comparison with the top level. Seed weight and seedling vigour are positively related. Nevertheless, no differences were found in seed weight or in seedling‐related variables such as weight and length of aerial and subterranean parts among the different relative crown height levels, suggesting that seeds from the more strongly inbred bottom level are not affected by inbreeding depression. Our results point to vertical isotropy for outcross‐pollen and they suggest that self‐pollen may ensure fertilization when outcross‐pollen is not available in low‐density population.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial genetic structure of the tiger meta‐population in the Satpura–Maikal landscape of central India using population‐ and individual‐based genetic clustering methods on multilocus genotypic data from 273 individuals. The Satpura–Maikal landscape is classified as a global‐priority Tiger Conservation Landscape (TCL) due to its potential for providing sufficient habitat that will allow the long‐term persistence of tigers. We found that the tiger meta‐population in the Satpura–Maikal landscape has high genetic variation and very low genetic subdivision. Individual‐based Bayesian clustering algorithms reveal two highly admixed genetic populations. We attribute this to forest connectivity and high gene flow in this landscape. However, deforestation, road widening, and mining may sever this connectivity, impede gene exchange, and further exacerbate the genetic division of tigers in central India.  相似文献   

There is little previous information on feeding habits of long‐finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the northeast Atlantic. The present study analyzed stomach contents of pilot whales stranded in Portugal (= 6), Galicia (northwest Spain) (= 32), and Scotland (United Kingdom) (= 10), from 1990 to 2011. These animals ranged from 213 to 555 cm in length (24 females, 19 males and 5 of unknown sex). The main prey identified were cephalopods of the families Octopodidae and Ommastrephidae, the former being numerically more important in Iberia (Portugal and Galicia) and the latter more important in Scotland, with Iberian whales also showing a more diverse diet. Multivariate analysis revealed evidence of geographical and seasonal variation in diet. Generalized Additive Modeling results indicated that more octopus (Eledone cirrhosa) were eaten in Iberia than in Scotland, more in the first half of the year, and more in larger whales. Numbers of ommastrephid squids in the stomach decreased over the study period and varied with season and whale length. This study confirms cephalopods as the main prey of pilot whales, as previously reported, although our results also suggest that, in the northeast Atlantic, ommastrephid squid are largely replaced as the main prey by octopods at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Various factors affect spatial genetic structure in plant populations, including adult density and primary and secondary seed dispersal mechanisms. We evaluated pollen and seed dispersal distances and spatial genetic structure of Carapa guianensis Aublet. (Meliaceae) in occasionally inundated and terra firme forest environments that differed in tree densities and secondary seed dispersal agents. We used parentage analysis to obtain contemporary gene flow estimates and assessed the spatial genetic structure of adults and juveniles. Despite the higher density of adults (diameter at breast height ≥ 25 cm) and spatial aggregation in occasionally inundated forest, the average pollen dispersal distance was similar in both types of forest (195 ± 106 m in terra firme and 175 ± 87 m in occasionally inundated plots). Higher seed flow rates (36.7% of juveniles were from outside the plot) and distances (155 ± 84 m) were found in terra firme compared to the occasionally inundated plot (25.4% and 114 ± 69 m). There was a weak spatial genetic structure in juveniles and in terra firme adults. These results indicate that inundation may not have had a significant role in seed dispersal in the occasionally inundated plot, probably because of the higher levels of seedling mortality.  相似文献   

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