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Exposure to fast-rise-time ultra-wideband (UWB) electromagnetic pulses has been postulated to result in effects on biological tissue (including the cardiovascular system). In the current study, 10 anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to pulses produced by a Sandia UWB pulse generator (average values of exposures over three different pulse repetition rates: rise time, 174–218 ps; peak E field, 87–104 kV/m; pulse duration, 0.97–0.99 ns). Exposures to 50, 500 and 1000 pulses/s resulted in no significant changes in heart rate or mean arterial blood pressure measured every 30 s during 2 min of exposure and for 2 min after the exposure. The results suggest that acute UWB whole-body exposure under these conditions does not have an immediate detrimental effect on these cardiovascular system variables in anesthetized rats. Bioelectromagnetics 19:330–333, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

These experiments were designed to investigate the effects of sub-resonant microwave (MW) exposure (350 MHz, E orientation, average power density 38 mW/cm2, average whole-body specific absorption rate 13.2 W/kg) on selected physiological parameters. The increase in peripheral body temperature during 350 MHz exposure was greater than that in earlier experiments performed at 700 MHz (resonance). Heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were significantly elevated during a 1 °C increase in colonic temperature due to 350 MHz exposure; respiratory rate showed no significant change. The results are consistent with other investigators' reports comparing sub-resonance exposures with those at resonance and above. Bioelectromagnetics 18:335–338, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Parallel evolutionary radiations in adjacent locations have been documented in many systems, but typically at limited geographical scales. Here, we compare patterns of evolutionary radiation at the global scale in iguanian lizards, the dominant clade of lizards. We generated a new time‐calibrated phylogeny including 153 iguanian species (based on mitochondrial and nuclear data) and obtained data on morphology and microhabitats. We then compared patterns of species diversification, morphological disparity, and ecomorphological relationships in the predominantly Old World and New World clades (Acrodonta and Pleurodonta, respectively), focusing on the early portions of these radiations. Acrodonts show relatively constant rates of species diversification and disparity over time. In contrast, pleurodonts show an early burst of species diversification and less‐than‐expected morphological disparity early in their history, and slowing diversification and increasing disparity more recently. Analyses including all species (with MEDUSA) suggest accelerated diversification rates in certain clades within both Acrodonta and Pleurodonta, which strongly influences present‐day diversity patterns. We also find substantial differences in ecomorphological relationships between these clades. Our results demonstrate that sister clades in different global regions can undergo very different patterns of evolutionary radiation over similar time frames. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

In order to acquire prevalence and genetic data on Cryptosporidium infections in captive lizards and snakes kept as pets, a survey was conducted on 150 individual reptiles from southern Italy. Fecal samples were preserved in 5% formalin and analyzed using a commercial immunofluorescence assay (IFA) for the detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts. IFA revealed the presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts in nine of the 150 samples examined (6.0%), precisely in 6/125 snakes (4.8%) and in 3/25 lizards (12.0%); all fecal samples tested negative for the presence of Giardia cysts. Molecular characterization based on nested PCR amplification and sequencing of the SSU-rRNA gene, revealed the presence of Cryptosporidium serpentis in three samples from snakes (Boa constrictor constrictor, Elapheguttata guttata guttata and Python molurus).  相似文献   

The atrial septum enables efficient oxygen transport by separating the systemic and pulmonary venous blood returning to the heart. Only in placental mammals will the atrial septum form by the coming‐together of the septum primum and the septum secundum. In up to one of four placental mammals, this complex morphogenesis is incomplete and yields patent foramen ovale. The incidence of incomplete atrial septum is unknown for groups with the septum primum only, such as birds and reptiles. We found a low incidence of incomplete atrial septum in 11 species of bird (0% of specimens) and 13 species of reptiles (3% of specimens). In reptiles, there was a trabecular interface between the atrial septum and the atrial epicardium which was without a clear boundary between left and right atrial cavities. In developing reptiles (four squamates and one crocodylian), the septum primum initiated as a sheet that acquired perforations and the trabecular interface developed late. We conclude that atrial septation from the septum primum only results in a low incidence of incompleteness. In reptiles, the atrial septum and atrial wall develop a trabecular interface, but previous studies on atrial hemodynamics suggest this interface has a very limited capacity for shunting.  相似文献   

Effects of a pulsating, half sine wave magnetic field (MF) with a frequency of 100 pps and 15 mT rms flux density, generated by the MD TEMF device (EMF Therapeutics, Inc., Chattanooga), on subjective pain rating, heart rate, and arterial blood pressure were tested in a double blind, crossover design study employing experimental muscle pain. Each of 24 healthy volunteers (12 females and 12 males, 24.7 +/- 3.2 years of age) received painful stimulation induced by the infusion of 5% hypertonic saline (HS) into the erector spinae muscle during real and sham MF exposure, in counterbalanced order. Exposure to MF differently affects subjective pain estimates in females and males. MF exposure increased averaged pain level and time integral of pain ratings in females, whereas no statistically significant difference for these characteristics was found in males. Pain related elevation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure was observed during both real and sham EMF exposure in female and male subjects.  相似文献   

Studies on reptilian life-history evolution have emphasized the role of cold climates as a selective force for the evolution of viviparity, but have tended to neglect the many cold-climate reptiles that retain oviparity. Many of these species avoid low incubation temperatures by selecting warm nest-sites, and the evolution of viviparity (by uterine retention and maternal thermoregulation) is an extension of this strategy. However, an alternative pathway exists: reptiles may adapt to low-temperature incubation rather than avoid it. The scincid lizard Nannoscincus maccoyi from high-elevation areas of south-eastern Australia follows this alternative strategy. Field studies show that Nannoscincus selects cooler oviposition sites than does the sympatric heliothermic skink Bassiana duperreyi, owing to differences in the type of cover object (log vs. rock), the size of cover object and the depth to which eggs are buried. These interspecific differences in natural incubation regimes are reflected in the responses of laboratory-incubated eggs to incubation temperature. Bassiana eggs tolerate higher temperatures than do Nannoscincus eggs, but do not develop as rapidly at low temperatures. Incubation at lower temperatures produces a larger, faster hatchling in Nannoscincus, whereas the reverse is true in Bassiana. Thus, Nannoscincus and Bassiana follow different pathways to overcome the difficulties of reproducing in cold climates. Only the Bassiana pathway is likely to be compatible with the evolution of viviparity.  相似文献   

The heart is one of the vital organs and is functionalized for blood circulation from its early development. Some vertebrates have altered their living environment from aquatic to terrestrial life over the course of evolution and obtained circulatory systems well adapted to their lifestyles. The morphology of the heart has been changed together with the acquisition of a sophisticated respiratory organ, the lung. Adaptation to a terrestrial environment requires the coordination of heart and lung development due to the intake of oxygen from the air and the production of the large amount of energy needed for terrestrial life. Therefore, vertebrates developed pulmonary circulation and a septated heart (four-chambered heart) with venous and arterial blood completely separated. In this review, we summarize how vertebrates change the structures and functions of their circulatory systems according to environmental changes.  相似文献   

杨绍年  王绍 《生理学报》1992,44(4):401-404
本文观察了麻醉大鼠外侧隔核(LS)内微量注射神经肽Y(NPY)引起的心血管效应。LS内微量注射NPY可使血压和心率明显增加,其加压反应呈量效关系,但心率加快反应则否。LS内微量注射生理盐水对血压和心率无明显影响。  相似文献   

Evidence that platynotan squamates (living varanoid lizards, snakes and their fossil relatives) are monophyletic is presented. Evolutionary relationships within this group are then ascertained through a cladistic analysis of 144 osteological characters. Mosasauroids (aigialosaurs and mosasaurs), a group of large marine lizards, are identified as the nearest relatives of snakes, thus resolving the long-standing problem of snake affinities. The mosasauroid–snake clade (Pythonomorpha) is corroborated by 40 derived characters, including recumbent replacement teeth, thecodonty, four or fewer premaxillary teeth, supratemporal–prootic contact, free mandibular tips, crista circumfenestralis, straight vertical splenio-angular joint, loss of posterior ramus of the coronoid, reduced basipterygoid processes, reduced interpterygoid vacuity, zygosphene–zygantral articulations, and absence of epiphyses on the axial skeleton and skull. After mosasauroids, the next closest relatives of snakes are varanids (Varanus, Saniwa and Saniwides) and lanthanotids (Lanthanotus and Cherminotus). Derived features uniting varanids and lanthanotids include nine cervical vertebrae and three or fewer pairs of sternal ribs. The varanid–lanthanotid–pythonomorph clade, here termed Thecoglossa, is supported by features such as the anteriorly positioned basal tubera, and the loss of the second epibranchial. Successive outgroups to thecoglossans are Telmasaurus, an unresolved polytomy (Estesia, Gobidermatidae and Helodermatidae), Paravaranus and Proplatynota. The ''necrosaurs'' are demonstrated to be an artificial (polyphyletic) assemblage of primitive platynotans that are not particularly closely related to each other.Snakes are presumed to have evolved from small, limbless, burrowing lizards and the inability of previous analyses to resolve the affinities of snakes has been attributed to extensive convergence among the numerous lineages of such lizards. The present study contradicts this claim, demonstrating that the problem is due instead to omission of critical fossil taxa. No modern phylogenetic analysis of squamate relationships has simultaneously included both mosasauroids and snakes: previous studies have therefore failed to identify the mosasauroid–snake association and the suite of derived characters supporting it. Mosasauroids are large aquatic animals with well-developed appendages, and none of the derived characters uniting mosasauroids and snakes is obviously correlated with miniaturization, limb reduction or fossoriality. Recognition that mosasauroids, followed by varanids and lanthanotids, are the nearest relatives of snakes will also facilitate studies of relationships within snakes, which until now have been hampered by uncertainty over the most appropriate (closely-related) lizard outgroups.  相似文献   

中枢苯环立啶受体介导的心血管效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
有关中枢苯环立啶(PCP)受体的心血管效应,尚未见报道,本文采用大鼠侧脑室注射(icv)、脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射(ith)和皮下注射(sc)PCP受体的激动剂或拮抗剂,观察其对血压、心率和呼吸的影响,以了解脑和脊髓PCP受体的心血管效应,结果表明,icv250nmolPCP产生强烈的降压和快速持久的心率减慢作用。ithPCP立即产生强烈的降压和心率减慢作用。并呈量效关系。ithPCP受体篁 异性拮抗剂右吗喃15nmol,可拮抗PCP(150nmol)所产生的降奔驰主和心率减慢作用,ithPCP受体特异性拮抗剂右吗喃15nmol,可拮抗PCP(150nmol)所产生的降压和心率减慢作用,ithPCP受体激动剂TCP250nmol,立即产生强烈的降压和心率减慢作用。scPCP10ng/kg则产生升压作用,对心率没有影响,上述结果表明,中枢PCP受体具有心血管抑制效应。  相似文献   

The chemical senses are crucial for squamates (lizards and snakes). The extent to which squamates utilize their chemosensory system, however, varies greatly among taxa and species’ foraging strategies, and played an influential role in squamate evolution. In lizards, ‘Scleroglossa’ evolved a state where species use chemical cues to search for food (active foragers), whereas ‘Iguania’ retained the use of vision to hunt prey (ambush foragers). However, such strict dichotomy is flawed as shifts in foraging modes have occurred in all clades. Here, we attempted to disentangle effects of foraging ecology from phylogenetic trait conservatism as leading cause of the disparity in chemosensory investment among squamates. To do so, we used species’ tongue‐flick rate (TFR) in the absence of ecological relevant chemical stimuli as a proxy for its fundamental level of chemosensory investigation, that is baseline TFR. Based on literature data of nearly 100 species and using phylogenetic comparative methods, we tested whether and how foraging mode and diet affect baseline TFR. Our results show that baseline TFR is higher in active than ambush foragers. Although baseline TFRs appear phylogenetically stable in some lizard taxa, that is a consequence of concordant stability of foraging mode: when foraging mode shifts within taxa, so does baseline TFR. Also, baseline TFR is a good predictor of prey chemical discriminatory ability, as we established a strong positive relationship between baseline TFR and TFR in response to prey. Baseline TFR is unrelated to diet. Essentially, foraging mode, not phylogenetic relatedness, drives convergent evolution of similar levels of squamate chemosensory investigation.  相似文献   

An extracellular exo-maltohexaohydrolase [EC] from a Klebsiella pneumoniae (Aerobacter aerogenes) mutant produced about 40% maltohexaose (G6) from short-chain amylose ( =23). Mostly G6 was produced from maltooligosaccharides larger than G6 by an exo-mechanism action. It also hydrolyzed G6 and shorter maltooligosaccharides to give smaller maltooligosaccharides. Its position specificity of action on G3 through G8 was studied with maltodextrins specifically labeled at the reducing-end glucose unit with 14C. The highest frequency of cleavage was at the second bond from the reducing end in G3 through G6. For G7 and G8, the sixth bond from the nonreducing end of the substrate was cleaved with absolute specificity by the exo-mechanism action.

Kinetic parameters of the exo-maltohexaohydrolase on various substrates were also studied. The Michaelis constant (Km) for short-chain amylose was the smallest among the various substrates examined.

G6 was also formed from G4 by a transfer action of the enzyme, with an action pattern dependent on the substrate concentration.  相似文献   

We examined caudal anatomy in two species of prehensile‐tailed lizards, Furcifer pardalis and Corucia zebrata. Although both species use their tails to grasp, each relies on a strikingly different anatomy to do so. The underlying anatomies appear to reflect phylogenetic constraints on the consequent functional mechanisms. Caudal autotomy is presumably the ancestral condition for lizards and is allowed by a complex system of interdigitating muscle segments. The immediate ancestor of chameleons was nonautotomous and did not possess this specialized anatomy; consequently, the derived arrangement in the chameleon tail is unique among lizards. The limb functions as an articulated linkage system with long tendinous bands originating from longitudinal muscles to directly manipulate vertebrae. Corucia is incapable of autotomy, but it is immediately derived from autotomous ancestors. As such, it has evolved a biomechanical system for prehension quite different from that of chameleons. The caudal anatomy in Corucia is very similar to that of lizards with autotomous tails, yet distinct differences in the ancestral pattern and its relationship to the subdermal tunic are derived. Instead of the functional unit being individual autotomy segments, the interdigitating prongs of muscle have become fused with an emphasis on longitudinal stacks of muscular cones. The muscles originate from the vertebral column and a subdermal collagenous tunic and insert within the adjacent cone. However, there is remarkably little direct connection with the bones. The muscles have origins more associated with the tunic and muscular septa. Like the axial musculature of some fish, the tail of Corucia utilizes a design in which these collagenous elements serve as an integral skeletal component. This arrangement provides Corucia with an elegantly designed system capable of a remarkable variety of bending movements not evident in chameleon tails. J. Morphol. 239:143–155, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Resting heart rate variability can be an index of sympathetic or parasympathetic dominance, according to the frequency of the variability studied. Sympathetic dominance of this system has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Similarly, rapid and dramatic increases in heart rate reactivity to a stressor task have also been suggested as indicating increased risk of CVD via atherogenesis. Although both of these variables have been related to the development of cardiovascular disease, and both may be related to increased sympathetic activity or parasympathetic withdrawal, most research studies have tended to focus on either variable independently of the other. In order to investigate whether these two indices of stressor reactivity were related in relatively young and healthy subjects, resting heart rate variability data were collected from 80 volunteers for 20 minutes. In addition, heart rate reactivity data were collected during a 2-minute mental arithmetic stressor, which has been previously shown to induce significant increases in heart rate. After classifying subjects according to whether their heart rate variability data were above or below the mean for their gender, heart rate reactivity data were examined via MANOVA to detect significant differences between subject groups. Females showed significant effects, and males showed nonsignificant trends, but these two sets of data were in different directions, suggesting that gender may be a confounding factor in the relationship between heart rate reactivity and heart rate variability.  相似文献   

Cheng JH  Wang SY  Zhang LF  Liu X  Liu Y  Ma J 《生理学报》2008,60(1):74-82
本文旨在观察模拟失重28 d大鼠解除尾部悬吊前、后(2 h内),清醒自由活动状态下动脉收缩压(systolic bloodpressure,SBP)、舒张压(diastolic blood pressure,DBP)和心率(heart rate,HR)的变化.采用自回归模型法对不同时间点的收缩压变异性(SBP variability,SBPV)和心率变异性(HR variability,HRV)进行自谱与互谱分析,并比较自回归法与周期图法的自谱分析结果:由传递函数分析得到反映压力感受器-心率反射敏感性(baroreceptor-heart rate reflex sensitivity,BRS)变化的有关数据.结果显示,用自回归模型法对清醒大鼠血压信号进行短时程谱分析可得到较为平滑、谱峰清楚的谱估计曲线.28 d模拟失重大鼠解除尾部悬吊前、后,SBP、DBP和HR及其主要谱指标,以及高、低频段传递函数的平均增益均无显著性变化,不同时间点的谱指标也无显著差别;但模拟失重组的SBP、DBP和HR却显著高于对照组.上述结果提示,中期模拟失重大鼠恢复正常体位后,其清醒状态的BPV与HR均处于升高状态,但其短时程BPV与HRV谱及BRS均无显著变化,与最近报道的航天员HRV与BRS无显著改变一致.  相似文献   

The underlying genetic basis of life-history traits in free-ranging animals is critical to the effects of selection on such traits, but logistical constraints mean that such data are rarely available. Our long-term ecological studies on free-ranging oviparous snakes (keelbacks, Tropidonophis mairii (Gray, 1841), Colubridae) on an Australian floodplain provide the first such data for any tropical reptile. All size-corrected reproductive traits (egg mass, clutch size, clutch mass and post-partum maternal mass) were moderately repeatable between pairs of clutches produced by 69 female snakes after intervals of 49-1152 days, perhaps because maternal body condition was similar between clutches. Parent-offspring regression of reproductive traits of 59 pairs of mothers and daughters revealed high heritability for egg mass (h2= 0.73, SE=0.24), whereas heritability for the other three traits was low (< 0.37). The estimated heritability of egg mass may be inflated by maternal effects such as differential allocation of yolk steroids to different-sized eggs. High heritability of egg size may be maintained (rather than eroded by stabilizing selection) because selection acts on a trait (hatchling size) that is determined by the interaction between egg size and incubation substrate rather than by egg size alone. Variation in clutch size was mainly because of environmental factors (h2=0.04), indicating that one component of the trade-off between egg size and clutch size is under much tighter genetic control than the other. Thus, the phenotypic trade-off between egg size and egg number in keelback snakes occurs because each female snake must allocate a finite amount of energy into eggs of a genetically determined size.  相似文献   


Hyperphosphatemia is a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), which has contributed to an increase in mortality of CKD patients. The onset of CVD often varies by time-of-day. Acute myocardial infarction or ventricular arrhythmia occurs most frequently during early morning. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate circadian rhythms account for the diurnal variations in CVD. Preservation of normal circadian time structure from the cardiomyocyte level to the whole organ system is essential for cardiovascular health and CVD prevention. Independent risk factors, such as reduced heart rate variability (HRV) and increased BP variability (BPV), are particularly prevalent in patients with CKD. Analysis of HRV is an important clinical tool for characterizing cardiac autonomic status, and reduced HRV has prognostic significance for various types of CVD. Circadian BP rhythms are classified as extreme dipper, dipper, non-dipper or riser. It has been reported that nocturnal riser BP pattern contributes to cardiovascular threats. Previous studies have indicated that the circadian rhythm of serum phosphate in CKD patients is consistent with the general population, with the highest diurnal value observed in the early morning hours, followed by a progressive decrease to the lowest value of the day, which occurs around 11:00 am. Rhythm abnormalities have become the main therapeutic target for treating CVD in CKD patients. It has been reported that high levels of serum phosphate are associated with reduced HRV and increased BPV in CKD patients. However, the mechanisms related to interactions between hyperphosphatemia, HRV and BPV have not been fully elucidated. This review focuses on the evidence and discusses the potential mechanisms related to the effects of hyperphosphatemia on HRV and BPV.  相似文献   

We test the 'free radical theory of aging' using six species of colubrid snakes (numerous, widely distributed, non-venomous snakes of the family Colubridae) that exhibit long (> 15 years) or short (< 10 years) lifespans. Because the 'rate of living theory' predicts metabolic rates to be correlated with rates of aging and oxidative damage results from normal metabolic processes we sought to answer whether physiological parameters and locomotor performance (which is a good predictor of survival in juvenile snakes) mirrored the evolution of lifespans in these colubrid snakes. We measured whole animal metabolic rate (oxygen consumption Vo2), locomotor performance, cellular metabolic rate (mitochondrial oxygen consumption), and oxidative stress potential (hydrogen peroxide production by mitochondria). Longer-lived colubrid snakes have greater locomotor performance and reduced hydrogen peroxide production than short-lived species, while whole animal metabolic rates and mitochondrial efficiency did not differ with lifespan. We present the first measures testing the 'free radical theory of aging' using reptilian species as model organisms. Using reptiles with different lifespans as model organisms should provide greater insight into mechanisms of aging.  相似文献   

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