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Roger M. Knudson 《Dreaming》2003,13(3):121-134
Recent, renewed attention to big or significant dreams calls into question many widely held assumptions about dreams. This essay focuses on the assumption that dreams can be accounted for in terms of the dominant emotions and concerns of the dreamer at the time of the dream. That assumption is found to be inadequate to account for at least some significant dream experiences. Archetypal psychology's aesthetic, phenomenological approach to dreams is presented as providing an instructive, illuminating alternative for understanding the on-going significance of significant dreams.  相似文献   

A contextualizing image (CI) is a powerful central image of a dream which appears to contextualize (provide a picture-context for) the dreamer's emotion. For instance, dreamers who have experienced any serious traumatic event sometimes dream, I was overwhelmed by a tidal wave. This appears to picture their feeling of terror and/or vulnerability.A scoring system for CIs is examined here and is applied to dreams and daydreams supplied by 40 students. Two raters scoring dreams on a blind basis showed good inter-rater reliability. Recent dreams were shown to have more as well as more intense CIs than recent daydreams; likewise, dreams that stand out had more intense CIs than daydreams that stand out. Students with thin boundaries had more and more intense CIs than students with thick boundaries in their recent dreams and nightmare, but not so clearly in dreams and nightmares that stand out. The emotions judged as contextualized by the powerful images tended towards fear/terror and helplessness/vulnerability in dreams (especially in dreams that stand out) whereas emotions contextualized by images in daydreams showed a wide range with no clusters.  相似文献   

The concepts of text and narrative are reviewed in terms of their appropriate application to the study of dreams. It is proposed that, once experienced, all dreams are texts, but that not all of these texts are narratives. Blending Jung's proposal for the form of the average dream with basic terms from narratology, dream data are employed in order to examine the narrativity of dreams, and by way of inquiring into cognitive aspects of narrative structure. Questions about the relation between language and narrative structure on the one hand, and between dreaming and language on the other are also briefly taken up.  相似文献   

In the growing literature on significant dreams, relatively little attention has been given to the enduring, even life-long, influence some dreams have on dreamers' lives. This article describes an ongoing research project on significant dreams by way of an illustrative case of a young woman whose 20-year-old dream still resonates in her psychic life. We suggest that such dreams might be better understood in terms of the aesthetics of & #x201C;image rather than the interpretation of dreams as & #x201C;text.  相似文献   

Kelly Bulkeley 《Dreaming》2002,12(2):61-77
This pilot study focuses on the relationship of dream content and political ideology in a contemporary U.S. context. The study involved 56 people, 28 (14 male and 14 female) who identified themselves as members of the political right and 28 (14 male and 14 female) who identified themselves as members of the political left. Most recent dream reports from these subjects were analyzed using Hall and Van de Castle content analysis categories. Following that quantitative analysis, each dream was analyzed in terms of its narrative qualities (themes, images, emotional patterns, etc.). Although the small size of the study makes it impossible to offer definitive interpretations, the findings are suggestive: people on the political right had more nightmares, more dreams in which they lacked personal power, and a greater frequency of lifelike dreams; people on the political left had fewer nightmares, more dreams in which they had personal power, and a greater frequency of good fortunes and bizarre elements in their dreams. These findings have plausible correlations to certain features of the political ideologies of people on the left and the right, and merit future investigation in larger-scale studies.  相似文献   

Ernest Hartmann 《Dreaming》2000,10(2):103-110
This report examines the extent to which dream recall involves the 3 R's (reading, writing, and arithmetic). Two separate studies were done. In the first study, two scorers rated, on a blind basis, a total of 456 written dream reports, available from five previous studies. There was perfect agreement between the two scorers. They agreed that there were no instances of reading, no instances of writing, and one instance of probable calculating in the 456 dreams. The second study was a questionnaire survey. Complete responses were obtained from 240 frequent dreamers (who reported remembering a mean of seven dreams per week). The study examined in two ways the frequency of the 3 R's in their recalled dreams. First, in answer to direct questions as to how frequently they dreamt about each activity, roughly 90% of the respondents reported that they never or hardly ever dreamt about each of four activities: reading, writing, typing, and calculating. In answers to other questions, this group reported spending a mean of six hours per day engaged in these activities. Second, responses as to the relative prominence of six activities (walking, writing, talking with friends, reading, sexual activity, typing) in dreaming versus waking produced two clear groupings of activities. Walking, talking with friends, and sexual activity were each rated almost as prominent in dreaming as in waking whereas the second group consisting of writing, reading, and typing were rated as far more prominent in waking than in dreaming. The two activity groups differed at p < .0001. Thus, the 3 R's appear to occur very infrequently in dreams. These findings are placed in a theoretical frame which suggests that dreaming (compared to waking) deals very little with serial activities characterized by input—rapid-processing—output in which the neural nets function in a feed-forward mode. Rather, dreaming may be characterized by relatively broad or loose connection making in which the nets function more in an autoassociative mode.  相似文献   

Thirty-five volunteers spent between one and five nights in one of four unfamiliar outdoor sacred sites in England and Wales where they were awakened following rapid eye movement periods and asked for dream recall. They also monitored their dreams in familiar home surroundings, keeping dream diaries. Equal numbers of site dreams and home dream reports were obtained for each volunteer. Two judges, working blind and independently, evaluated each of the resulting 206 dream reports, using the Strauch Scale which contains criteria for identifying bizarre, magical, and paranormal elements. Of the 103 site dream reports, 46 fell into one of these categories, versus 31 of the home dream reports. A number of explanations exist for this difference, including expectancy, suggestion, the effect of unfamiliar surroundings, the nature of the volunteers' awakenings, and possible anomalous properties of the sacred sites. The latter possibility, however, is unlikely due to the fact the 22 volunteers reported site dreams containing Strauch Scale items, while 20 reported home dreams containing these content items, a minimal difference.  相似文献   

Milton Kramer 《Dreaming》2000,10(3):161-178
Dream interpretative efforts appear unconstrained by methodological standards. An examination of the re-interpretations of Freud's dream of Irma's Injection, the dream specimen of psychoanalysis, illustrates the undisciplined nature of dream interpretation. Reading in from presumed day residues or infantile experiences rather than out from the dream report per se lies at the heart of the problem. The failure to spell out inferences, to link inferences to the dream text, to explain and maintain the relationships in the dream report, and to offer a substitute text for the entire dream text all contribute to the inadequacies of dream interpreatation.  相似文献   

Bert O. States 《Dreaming》2000,10(4):179-192
The paper offers a critique of bizarreness studies that compare dreams to real world probability ratios and directed thought processes as a basis for determining the degree of bizarreness in dreams. It examines two cases from the literature and suggests that dreams are better compared to non-directed, or imaginative waking thought processes, specifically Inner Thought and Speech (or speech for oneself, in Lev Vygotsky's definition), in which associative mechanisms operate freely hand in hand with (primarily) visual imagery before logical thought mechanisms come into play. The article suggests that dreams create a world order, or umwelt, with its own distinct cognitive domain in which waking considerations of efficiency, logic, and common sense are only thematically relevant. Dreams follow their own logic and can only be approached as thought-in-progress, or a search for coherence leading up many blind alleys. Finally, the relevance to dreams of the Inner Thought principle of predication, or abbreviation is examined.  相似文献   

In this essay I argue that Ernst Mayr's idea that the emergence of evolutionary biology in Western thought was delayed by the pernicious influence of the false ideologies of Platonism, Christianity, and physicalism is ahistorical and anti-evolutionary, that similar ideas, especially his antipathy to physicalism, prejudice his account of the transformation of natural history and medical science into biology, that his organicist resolution of the perennial conflict between mechanism and vitalism is an unstable compound of semi-holism and semi-mechanism, that his conception of biology as the true bridge between the sciences and the humanities, ethics, and social theory is open to question (especially as to the adequacy of the theory of natural selection to account for every aspect of human nature), and that his depiction of science as the sovereign key to understanding everything known to exist or happen in this universe cannot be justified at the bar of reason.  相似文献   

Tamar Kron  Adi Brosh 《Dreaming》2003,13(2):67-81
Postpartum depression (henceforth PPD) is an emotional disturbance which occurs in as much as 20% of the childbearing population. This study attempted to ascertain whether dreams, offering unconscious expression of internal emotional processes, could help to identify early signs of PPD. It was hypothesized that differences would be found in the emotional dream work of pregnant women who either later developed or did not develop PPD. 166 women participated in the two stages of the study. During stage I, the women were interviewed in the last trimester of their first pregnancies. The interview included a demographic questionnaire and an account of a dream. During stage II, the women were interviewed 6–10 weeks after giving birth. The second interview included only the EPDS scale for affirming or denying the occurrence of PPD. The findings of the study confirm the hypothesis that dreams of pregnant women can differentiate among women who are or are not at-risk for PPD. It was found that more unpleasant dreams and dreams expressing apprehension were found among women who did not later develop PPD, than among women who did develop PPD.  相似文献   

Discoveries in three distinct areas of dream research make it possible to suggest the outlines of a new neurocognitive theory of dreaming. The first relevant findings come from assessments of patients with brain injuries, which show that lesions in different areas have differential effects on dreaming and thereby imply the contours of the neural network necessary for dreaming. The second set of results comes from work with children ages 3–15 in the sleep laboratory, which reveals that only 20–30% of REM period awakenings lead to dream reports up to age 9 and that the dreams of children under age 5 are bland and static in content. The third set of findings comes from a rigorous system of content analysis, which demonstrates the repetitive nature of much dream content and that dream content in general is continuous with waking conceptions and emotional preoccupations. Based on these findings, dreaming is best understood as a developmental cognitive achievement that depends upon the maturation and maintenance of a specific network of forebrain structures. The output of this neural network for dreaming is guided by a continuity principle linked to current personal concerns on the one hand and a repetition principle rooted in past emotional preoccupations on the other.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Filmanalysen haben gezeigt, daß im geometrisch exakten Keilverband fliegender Gänse eine strenge Phasenbeziehung zwischen den Flügelschlägen verschiedener Tiere herrscht: Weiter seitwärts fliegende Individuen erreichen eine gegebene Schlagstellung um einen bestimmten, konstanten Zeitbetrag später als ihre inneren Nachbarn. Die vorderste Gans, der Hauptführer, bestimmt den phasischen Rhythmus. Größe und Richtung der Phasenverschiebung sind unabhängig von der Zahl der Tiere, die einen Keilschenkel bilden; schon 2 Tiere können in der genannten phasischen Koordination fliegen. Störungen in der Geometrie der Keilformation haben ihr Korrelat in entsprechenden Veränderungen der Phasenbeziehungen. Nebenführer fliegen etwas vom Verband abgesetzt und bestimmen meist den phasischen Rhythmus der außen sich anschließenden Tiere. Bis zu 2 Nebenführer (1. und 2. Ordnung) pro Keilschenkel wurden beobachtet.
Phase relationship in the wing beat of geese flying in V formation
Summary Film analysis has demonstrated a precise phase relationship in the wing beat of geese flying in exact V-formation. The farther out along the arms of the V the geese are located, the later their wings achieve a given stroke position. This lag in stroke of one goose behind its more apically situated immediate neighbour remains more or less constant and is approximately the same for each pair of geese in the sequence. It is independent of the number of geese forming the arm of a V; a single pair can display this phase coordination. The rhythm is established by the main leader, the goose at the apex. Departure from the V-formation is accompanied by a break in the phase relationship. A goose out of line is a goose out of phase relationship; it is usually the secondary leader who determines the rhythm for those lining up behind it, i.e. off to the side of the V-formation. Up to two secondary leaders were observed per V-arm.

The dysfunctional consequences of the Cartesian dichotomy have been enhanced by the power of biomedical technology. Technical virtuosity reifies the mechanical model and widens the gap between what patients seek and doctors provide.Patients suffer illnesses; doctors diagnose and treat diseases. Illnesses are experiences of discontinuities in states of being and perceived role performances. Diseases, in the scientific paradigm of modern medicine, are abnormalities in the function and/or structure of body organs and systems. Traditional healers also redefine illness as disease: because they share symbols and metaphors consonant with lay beliefs, their healing rituals are more responsive to the psychosocial context of illness.Psychiatric disorders offer an illuminating perspective on the basic medical dilemma. The paradigms for psychiatric practice include multiple and ostensibly contradictory models: organic, psychodynamic, behavioural and social. This melange of concepts stems from the fact that the fundamental manifestations of psychosis are disordered behaviours. The psychotic patient remains a person; his self-concept and relationships with others are central to the therapeutic encounter, whatever pharmacological adjuncts are employed.The same truths hold for all patients. The social matrix determines when and how the patient seeks what kind of help, his compliance with the recommended regimen and, to a significant extent, the functional outcome. When physicians dismiss illness because ascertainable disease is absent, they fail to meet their socially assigned responsibility. It is essential to reintegrate scientific and social concepts of disease and illness as a basis for a functional system of medical research and care.Harvard Medical School  相似文献   

Starting from the conceptual premises of Garrod, who as long ago as 1902 spoke of chemical individuality, and of Burnet (1949), who recognized as self one's own molecular antigenic structures (as opposed to the antigenic alien: the non- self), the discovery and understanding of HLA antigens and of their extraordinarily individual and differentiated polymorphisms have gained universal recognition. Transplant medicine has now dramatically stressed, within man's knowledge of himself, the characteristic of his biological uniqueness. Today man, having become aware of being a biological antigenic-molecular individuality which is unique and different from that of all of his fellow men (except for monozygotic twins), can therefore easily consider himself a true biological Ego.Abbreviations BMT bone marrow transplantation - GVHD graft versus host disease - HLA human leukocyte antigens - MHC major histocompatibility complex - MLC mixed lymphocyte culture - MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction  相似文献   

We examined a series of twenty dreams—the last ten dreams recorded before 9/11/01 and the first ten dreams recorded after 9/11/01—from each of sixteen individuals in the United States who regularly record all their dreams. Blind scoring using established scales demonstrated that dreams after 9/11/01 were characterized by more intense imagery, but were not longer nor more dreamlike, compared to data before 9/11/01. The dreams after 9/11/01 did not contain significantly more content related to the attacks. The results show that traumatic events such as the attacks of 9/11/01 have a detectable effect on dreams—specifically an increase in dream image intensity—in a population of dream recorders. Whether this finding can be generalized to the entire population is not clear from this preliminary study. The results of this study are consistent with previous findings that dream image intensity is related to emotional arousal.  相似文献   

Summary Fundamentally, theoretically, there is only one process underlying genetic and cultural evolution: natural selection. Organism fitness-enhancement (adaptive significance) is one of its practical mechanisms; group formation and maintenance is another, often but not always through fitness-enhancement; and need-fulfillment is still another. If Durham can accept that formulation, and switch from organism-thinking to instruction-thinking (Cloak, 1975: 178), he will free himself from two handicaps: First, he can forget his worries about reductionism and determinism (1976a: 100, 101). Under this general theory of natural selection, cultural evolutionis biological evolution, continued by other (nongenetic) means. Second, he will spare himself the appearance of anthropomorphism, mentalism, and wishy-washiness attendant on his discussion of kinds of significance, other than adaptive significance, of cultural behaviors (1976a: 102–106, 115).  相似文献   

Idioms of distress refers to the popular expression of emotional tension that arises in the relationship between sickness and kinship. By reference to case studies and discussions among the Polynesian people of Tonga, the author shows where such tension arises and how it influences the sickness process. Sickness is necessarily a collective phenomenon which can best be understood not simply as a clinical event, but as an experience that is part of the experience of family. Various ways of expressing distress as a reflexive encounter between personal and cultural meaning systems are reviewed, as are several new concepts such as doing sickness as kinship, and turning in the process of decision making in the kinship management of sickness. The explanatory models of sickness in Tonga are shown to encompass culturally sanctioned expressions of distress as part of the adaptive coping mechanisms in that society. Distress frequently emerges in somatic form, as a number of studies have shown. However, the author emphasizes the kinship meaning of sickness, kinship management and sickness therapy, the adaptive process of idiomatic expressions of distress, which are expanded here and offered as potential avenues for elaboration in other cultural milieu. Two aspects of the notion idioms of distress are noted, and the phenomenon is understood as a process which acts as a prime mover in social change.  相似文献   

Children's understanding of dreams as mental states was examined as an instance of their development of a theory of mind. Thirty-five children between the ages of three and seven were interviewed to determine how well they understood the reality, location, privacy, and origin of their own dream, versus that of a fictional character, matched for emotional valence. Theory of mind developments in understanding appearance vs. reality and perspective-taking were evaluated as predictors of dream understanding. Results revealed significant age increases in dream understanding that occur in a logical sequence predicted by Kohlberg. Theory of mind developments were correlated with children's understanding of the reality and the privacy of dreams. These findings suggest that children as young as five, although their own dreams may be rare, are beginning to understand that Western culture deems dreams to be non-real, private, psychological occurrences.  相似文献   

This paper explores the usefulness of a concept of human behavioral breakdowns for studying psychiatric phenomena from a cross-cultural standpoint. The kinds of conceptualizations that are available in the English literature about human behavioral breakdowns across societies are reviewed. The way these breakdowns have been handled in the Western European Tradition of medicine is given special emphasis. Attention is focused on schizophrenia as one of the modern disease concepts of psychiatry that is a variant of human behavioral breakdowns. The essay then looks at schizophrenia using contemporary ideas about cultural relativism as these apply to the study of psychiatric phenomena in relation to society. Perspectives about the variable as versus the invariant in schizophrenia are reviewed.  相似文献   

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