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People have always been fascinated by the exquisite precision and flexibility of the human hand. When hand meets object, we confront the overlapping worlds of sensorimotor and cognitive functions. We reach for objects, grasp and lift them, manipulate them and use them to act on other objects. This review examines one of these actions--grasping. Recent research in behavioural neuroscience, neuroimaging and electrophysiology has the potential to reveal where in the brain the process of grasping is organized, but has yet to address several questions about the sensorimotor transformations that relate to the control of the hands.  相似文献   

The grasping primate foot is one of the hallmark adaptations for the order Primates. Prosimian muscle and joint analysis indicates that there are two distinct primate grasping feet. The I–V opposable grasp, in which the hallux opposes the other four digits around a support, is the primitive grasp type utilized by cheirogaleids, lorisides, Daubentonia, and tarsiids. Lemurids and indriids, on the other hand, have a derived I–II adductor grasp, where the grasping action of the hallux and the second digit have been enhanced. This grasp seems to be in response to increasing body size and the use of vertical supports. North American adapids, which were large and possessed the I–V opposable grasp, were probably not able to utilize vertical supports frequently. The recognition of this innovative adaptation, the I–II adductor grasp, which is unique to Madagascar, extends our appreciation of prosimian locomotor capabilities.  相似文献   

Daphnids respond to algae-associated odours   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a Y-tube olfactometer, it was found that Daphnia galeatax hyalina moves to the arm with odour from either of two ediblealgal species (Scenedesmus acuminatus and Oscillatoria limnetica)rather than to the alternative arm with clean water. However,no differential response was observed when odours of the toxiccyanobacterium (Oscillatoria agardhu) were tested. We suggestthat odours associated with edible algae attract Daphnia whereasnon-edible algae do not elicit attraction of Daphnia.  相似文献   

The prevailing hypothesis about grasping in primates stipulates an evolution from power towards precision grips in hominids. The evolution of grasping is far more complex, as shown by analysis of new morphometric and behavioural data. The latter concern the modes of food grasping in 11 species (one platyrrhine, nine catarrhines and humans). We show that precision grip and thumb-lateral behaviours are linked to carpus and thumb length, whereas power grasping is linked to second and third digit length. No phylogenetic signal was found in the behavioural characters when using squared-change parsimony and phylogenetic eigenvector regression, but such a signal was found in morphometric characters. Our findings shed new light on previously proposed models of the evolution of grasping. Inference models suggest that Australopithecus, Oreopithecus and Proconsul used a precision grip.  相似文献   

When animals perceive social signals, information about the identity and the location of the signaller can be important determinants of a response by the perceiver. An unfamiliar individual often elicits a greater response than does a familiar individual. Similarly, a signal from an unexpected location may elicit a greater response than if it came from an expected location. For example, in field experiments on vocal communication in birds, an unexpected location has been many metres away from the expected one. Laboratory experiments on the responses of voles and hamsters to scent overmarks and on the habituation of hamsters to social scents suggest that much smaller differences in the location of odours may be salient. To explore this further, we examined the influence of changes in spatial location of familiar and novel male scents on responses of female golden hamsters,M. auratus . The spatial changes were about 9 cm, less than three-fourths of the body length of our subjects. The decline in females' investigation of the same male's flank odour across four habituation trials was not affected by changing the location of the odour. During test trials, however, changes in location did influence the results. The expected higher level of investigation of a novel scent versus that of a familiar one was observed primarily when the novel scent occupied a novel location. Such increases in investigation were usually not seen when only one of these variables was changed (individual or location). Thus, small changes in spatial location influence the salience of conspecific odours in this species. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

By emitting strong fetid scents, sapromyiophilous flowers mimic brood and food sites of flies to attract them as pollinators. To date, intensive comparative scent analyses have been restricted to sapromyiophilous Araceae. Here, we analysed flower volatiles of fetid stapeliads to improve our understanding of the floral biology of fly pollinated species, and to learn whether mimicry types comparable to those found in Araceae exist. Floral volatiles of 15 species out of 11 genera within the Asclepiadoideae-Ceropegieae-Stapeliinae were collected via headspace adsorption and thermal desorption and analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectometry (GC-MS). Data were analysed using CNESS-NMDS statistics. Sapromyiophilous stapeliads are highly diverse in their scent composition, in which sulphur compounds, benzenoids, fatty acid derivatives or nitrogen-containing compounds dominate. Four groups are evident: species with high p-cresol content but low amounts of polysulphides (herbivore faeces mimicry); species with mainly polysulphides and low amounts of p-cresol (carnivore/omnivore faeces or carcass mimicry); species with high amounts of heptanal and octanal (carnivore/omnivore faeces or carcass mimicry); and species with hexanoic acid (urine mimicry). Considering the findings in the unrelated Araceae, our results support the universality of different mimicry types that are obviously subsumed under the sapromyiophilous syndrome.  相似文献   

The dark side     
Petsko GA 《Genome biology》2000,1(3):comment1003.1-comment10032

Male red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) were studied to determine the origin of the chemical cues allowing for individual odour recognition between conspecifics. Individual males showed a preference for substrates with their own faecal and cloacal odours rather than those marked by unfamiliar conspecific males. This discriminatory ability did not depend on recent differences in food consumed. These scent marks might be used to define breeding territories in the field.  相似文献   

Evolution of pedal grasping in Primates   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

Abstract. Male and female Lutzomyia longipalpis sandflies showed attraction to human skin emanations placed on warmed glass Petri dishes. Unfed virgin females were more strongly attracted than males, which also showed attraction. Four human subjects were tested and significant variation was found between the numbers of sandflies attracted to their skin emanations. This suggests that some individuals were more attractive than others. There was a significant difference between the response shown by sandflies from the Jacobina and Lapinha regions of Brazil, suggesting that sandflies from the Jacobina region were more anthropophilic. In addition, sandflies from Jacobina had a significantly higher level of activity than those from Lapinha. The role of sandfly attraction to humans as a risk factor in Leishmania transmission is considered.  相似文献   

Stimulus evoked oscillatory synchronization of neural assemblies has been most clearly documented in the olfactory and visual systems. Recent results with the olfactory system of locusts show that information about odour identity is contained in spatial and temporal aspects of an oscillatory population response. This suggests that brain oscillations may reflect a common reference for messages encoded in time. Although stimulus-evoked oscillatory phenomena are reliable, their roles in perception, memory and pattern recognition remain to be demonstrated. Using honey bees, we demonstrated that odour encoding involves, as in locusts, the oscillatory synchronization of assemblies of neurons, and that this synchronization is, here also, selectively abolished by the GABA receptor antagonist picrotoxin. In collaboration with Dr Brian Smith's laboratory, we showed, using a behavioural learning paradigm, that picrotoxin-induced desynchronization impairs the discrimination of molecularly similar odourants, but not that of dissimilar odours. It appears, therefore, that oscillatory synchronization of neuronal assemblies is relevant, and essential for fine odour discrimination. Finally, experiments with locust mushroom body neurons, two synapses downstream from the antennal lobe, indicate that their responses to odours become less specific when antennal lobe neurons are desynchronized by picrotoxin injection. These results suggest that oscillatory synchronization and the kind of temporal encoding it affords provide an additional dimension by which the brain can segment spatially overlapping stimulus representations.  相似文献   

Suspicion towards technological advances has progressively grown during the xx(th) century. However, in the XXI(st) century, reading the NBIC (nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science) report of the National Science Foundation, we can note that science has caught up with science fiction. These changes in public mentality on one side and in scientific capacities on the other argue for an evolution of the debate on sciences. The recent example of the national debate on nanotechnology in France has clearly shown that the public is no longer waiting for additional sources of scientific knowledge but rather waiting for the recognition of its authority to participate in the definition of the national R&D priority and associated scientific strategies. This is all the more legitimate that these strategies will have profound impact on the future of our societies and therefore cannot be decided only by scientists. Hence, it is crucial to identify innovative tools promoting debate on sciences and their technological spin-off. Here, we contend that science fiction has major assets that could face this challenge and facilitate the dialogue between sciences and society.  相似文献   

Drosophila species vary in the rates at which females remate and the number of sperm they receive in the laboratory. In species such as D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura, in which females receive thousands of sperm and remate infrequently compared with species such as D. hydei and D. nigrospiracula, where females receive only a few hundred sperm and remate many times in a day, wild caught females should produce far more progeny. We tested this prediction by collecting, directly from nature, females of six species whose remating rates and number of sperm received vary from high to low and assessing the proportion of females with sperm and the number of progeny females produce. Over 95% of D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster females were inseminated while far fewer of the other species contained any sperm. In addition, D, pseudoobscura females produced progeny for over two weeks, D. melanogaster for over a week, while D. hydei and D. nigrospiracula females ran out of sperm after 1–2 d. These observations suggest extreme sperm limitation in these latter species.  相似文献   

The induction of brown-like adipocyte development in white adipose tissue (WAT) confers numerous metabolic benefits by decreasing adiposity and increasing energy expenditure. Therefore, WAT browning has gained considerable attention for its potential to reverse obesity and its associated co-morbidities. However, this perspective has been tainted by recent studies identifying the detrimental effects of inducing WAT browning. This review aims to highlight the adverse outcomes of both overactive and underactive browning activity, the harmful side effects of browning agents, as well as the molecular brake-switch system that has been proposed to regulate this process. Developing novel strategies that both sustain the metabolic improvements of WAT browning and attenuate the related adverse side effects is therefore essential for unlocking the therapeutic potential of browning agents in the treatment of metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

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