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2004—2005年,在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟阿巴嘎旗和东乌珠穆沁旗研究了肝毛细线虫病对黑线毛足鼠种群感染情况,分析肝毛细线虫对黑线毛足鼠的感染率与鼠体年龄以及种群密度的关系。结果表明,黑线毛足鼠达到一定的年龄(或体质量)才可感染肝毛细线虫病,最低感染个体体质量为14.6g。肝毛细线虫对低龄鼠的感染检出率比较低,而对成体鼠感染检出率较高,其感染率和感染度均随着个体年龄的增长而增高(感染率与年龄:r=0.97,P<0.05;感染度与年龄:r=0.93,P<0.05)。此外,黑线毛足鼠体质量与肝毛细线虫感染率和感染度也存在显著的相关关系(感染率与体质量:r=0.99,P<0.05;感染度与体质量:r=0.95,P<0.05),黑线毛足鼠的种群密度则对肝毛细线虫的感染率(r=0.27,P>0.05)和平均感染度(r=0.41,P>0.05)没有明显的影响,其感染率可能与地区不同有关。  相似文献   

在叶水平上, 叶柄(支撑结构)与叶片(同化结构)的权衡关系受多种因素的影响, 研究不同功能型植物柄叶性状之间的权衡关系有助于更好地理解植物的生长特性与生活史策略。该研究选定小兴安岭地区典型阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林林内乔木、灌木、草本植物, 采用最小显著差异法比较植物叶片性状与叶柄性状在不同生活型间的变异, 并用标准化主轴法从生活型、叶型、耐阴性3个方面研究叶片与叶柄性状之间的权衡关系。结果表明: (1)不同生活型、叶型植物以及不同耐阴性乔木叶片性状与叶柄干质量之间具有显著的异速生长关系, 且斜率均小于1; (2)随着叶柄干质量增加, 乔木叶片鲜质量、叶片干质量增长速度比灌木、草本更快, 但相同叶柄干质量, 乔木叶柄所能支撑的叶片面积最小; (3)单叶植物叶片面积-叶柄干质量的回归斜率显著大于复叶植物, 叶片鲜质量-叶柄干质量的回归斜率小于复叶植物, 并且相同叶柄干质量下, 单叶植物的叶片干质量总是大于复叶植物; (4)比起喜光树种, 相同叶柄干质量, 耐阴树种的叶柄能够支撑的叶片面积与叶片鲜质量更大, 并且叶柄生物量分配比例(叶柄干质量/叶干质量)与叶片性状的回归斜率均表现为喜光树种>0, 耐阴树种<0。该研究结果表明叶片大小(叶片面积、叶片鲜质量、叶片干质量)与叶柄性状之间存在典型的权衡关系, 其在不同生活型、叶型植物及不同耐阴性乔木内的差异有助于揭示不同功能型植物的生长特性与生活史策略。  相似文献   

Translation of protein from mRNA is a complex multi-step process that occurs at a non-uniform rate. Variability in ribosome speed along an mRNA enables refinement of the proteome and plays a critical role in protein biogenesis. Detailed single protein studies have found both tRNA abundance and mRNA secondary structure as key modulators of translation elongation rate, but recent genome-wide ribosome profiling experiments have not observed significant influence of either on translation efficiency. Here we provide evidence that this results from an inherent trade-off between these factors. We find codons pairing to high-abundance tRNAs are preferentially used in regions of high secondary structure content, while codons read by significantly less abundant tRNAs are located in lowly structured regions. By considering long stretches of high and low mRNA secondary structure in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli and comparing them to randomized-gene models and experimental expression data, we were able to distinguish clear selective pressures and increased protein expression for specific codon choices. The trade-off between secondary structure and tRNA-concentration based codon choice allows for compensation of their independent effects on translation, helping to smooth overall translational speed and reducing the chance of potentially detrimental points of excessively slow or fast ribosome movement.  相似文献   

Summary Some early reports have claimed that the Mongolian gerbil is a diurnal rodent, but we found it to be active both night and day, being more active at night. A circadian rhythm was found both in locomotory activity under laboratory conditions and in average daily metabolic rate (ADMR).The ADMR of the Mongolian gerbil observed at 20° C in our study was 2.921 ml O2/g·h which was near the value expected from Grodzinski's equation (ADMR=19.94 W-0.50).Both ADMR and RMR were found to be negatively correlated with ambient temperature, with the slope of the regression line for ADMR being less than that for RMR. These two lines intersected at 20° C, lower below 20° C.According to Grodzinski, the ADMR is usually lower than RMR, but in our study the ADMR was found to be lower than the RMR only below 20° C, which suggests that the ambient temperature acts differently on ADMR and RMR. The temperature-dependent variation of both ADMR and RMR as well as their differences should be taken into account in the estimation of the productivity of animal population.  相似文献   

Personality and metabolic rate are predicted to show covariance on methodological and functional grounds, but empirical studies at the individual level are rare, especially in natural populations. Here we assess the relationship between exploration behaviour, an important axis of personality, and basal metabolic rate (BMR) for 680 free‐living great tits Parus major, studied over three years. We find that exploration behaviour is weakly negatively related to BMR among female, but not male, birds. Moreover, we find exploration behaviour to be independent of methodological aspects of BMR measurements (e.g. activity levels, time to acclimatize) which have been suggested to be indicative of personality‐related activity or stress levels during measurement. This suggests that the weak link between exploration behaviour and BMR found here is functional rather than methodological. We therefore test the hypothesis that selection favours covariance between exploration behaviour and metabolic rate, but find no evidence for correlational survival or fecundity selection. Our data therefore provide at best only very weak evidence for a functional link between personality and metabolic rate, and we suggest that studies of personality and metabolic strategies, or personality and daily energy expenditure, are required to further resolve the link between personality and metabolic rate.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) has indeterminate growth. The growth regulator mepiquat chloride (MC) is used worldwide to restrict vegetative growth and promote boll formation and yield. The effects of MC are modulated by complex interactions with growing conditions (nutrients, weather) and plant population density, and as a result the effects on plant form are not fully understood and are difficult to predict. The use of MC is thus hard to optimize.


To explore crop responses to plant density and MC, a functional–structural plant model (FSPM) for cotton (named CottonXL) was designed. The model was calibrated using 1 year''s field data, and validated by using two additional years of detailed experimental data on the effects of MC and plant density in stands of pure cotton and in intercrops of cotton with wheat. CottonXL simulates development of leaf and fruits (square, flower and boll), plant height and branching. Crop development is driven by thermal time, population density, MC application, and topping of the main stem and branches.

Key Results

Validation of the model showed good correspondence between simulated and observed values for leaf area index with an overall root-mean-square error of 0·50 m2 m−2, and with an overall prediction error of less than 10 % for number of bolls, plant height, number of fruit branches and number of phytomers. Canopy structure became more compact with the decrease of leaf area index and internode length due to the application of MC. Moreover, MC did not have a substantial effect on boll density but increased lint yield at higher densities.


The model satisfactorily represents the effects of agronomic measures on cotton plant structure. It can be used to identify optimal agronomic management of cotton to achieve optimal plant structure for maximum yield under varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between pathogen and herbivore resistance   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
During the past year genetic and pharmacological experiments have revealed a molecular basis for the cross-talk between signaling pathways mediating pathogen and herbivore resistance. These findings provide considerable insight into the apparently contradictory results reported for trade-offs between pathogen and herbivore resistance.  相似文献   

Climate, food, density and wildlife population growth rate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The aim of this study was to derive and evaluate a priori models of the relationship between annual instantaneous population growth rate (r) and climate. These were derived from the numerical response of annual r and food, and the effect of climate on a parameter in the numerical response. The goodness of fit of a range of such deductive models to data on annual r of Soay sheep and red deer were evaluated using information-theoretic (AICc-based) analyses. 2. The analysis for sheep annual r showed negative effects of abundance and negative effects of the interaction of abundance and climate, measured as March rainfall (and winter NAO) in the best fitting models. The analysis for deer annual r showed a negative effect of deer abundance and a positive effect of climate measured as March rainfall (but a negative effect of winter NAO), but no interaction of abundance and climate in the best fitting models. 3. There was most support in the analysis of sheep dynamics for the ratio numerical response and the assumption that parameter J (equilibrium food per animal) was influenced by climate. In the analysis of deer dynamics there was most support for the numerical responses assuming effects of food and density (Ivlev and density, food and density, and additive responses) and slightly less support for the ratio numerical response. The evaluation of such models would be aided by the collection of and incorporation of food data into the analyses.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study is to examine that not only the relationship of the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and cardiorespiratory fitness(VO2peak), but also the comparison between measured and predicted results of RMR in obese men.


60 obese men (body fat>32%) were recruited for this study. They did not participate in regular exercising programs at least 6 months. The RMR was measured with indirect calorimetry and predicted RMR using Herris-Benedicte equation. The cardiorespiratory fitness was determined by directly measuring the oxygen consumption (VO2peak) during the exercise on the treadmill.


The significance for the difference between the measured results and predicted result of RMR were tested by paired t-test. Correlation of measured date was obtained by Pearson correlation coefficient. The value of predicted RMR and measured RMR were significantly different in these obese subjects. (p < 0.001). The difference between RMR cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiorespiratory fitness showed significant correlation (r=0.67, p < 0.05).


The current formulas of predicted RMR have limited the evaluation of measured RMR for Korean obese men. Therefore, this study suggests that new formula should be designed for Korean in order to obtain more accurate results in obese.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the population dynamics of an annual plant (Sesbania vesicaria) with a seed bank (i.e. in which a proportion of seeds remain dormant for at least one year). A simple linear matrix model is deduced from the life cycle graph. The dominant eigenvalue of the projection matrix is estimated from demographic parameters derived from field studies. The estimated values for population growth rate () indicates that the study population should be experiencing a rapid exponential increase, but this was not the case in our population.The addition of density dependent effects on seedling survivorship and adult fecundity, effects for which field studies provide evidence, considerably improves our model. Depending on the demographic parameters, the model leads to stable equilibrium, oscillations, or chaos. Study of the behaviour of this model in the parameter space shows that the existence of a seed bank allows higher among-year variation of adult fecundity, without leaving the region of demographic stability. Field data obtained over 3 years confirm this prediction.  相似文献   

研究表明,无视异绒螨种群密度与棉田连作年限之间呈正相关,与棉田海拔高度和水位之间呈负相关.露地棉田螨量明显高于地膜覆盖棉田.若螨在静水中的浮水时间可持续5.2h.成螨产卵的最适土壤含水量为12.5%.不同杀虫剂对幼螨杀伤力为溴氰菊酯喷雾>氧化乐果喷雾>三氯杀螨醇喷雾>氧化乐果缓释剂涂茎.因此,发展灌溉棉田、棉花适当连作、棉花生长期采取药剂涂茎治蚜对壮大无视异绒螨种群密度有重要作用.  相似文献   

Evolutionary constraints on the ability of herbivores to efficiently use a set of phytochemically similar hosts, while maintaining a high performance on phytochemically different hosts, are central in explaining the predominance of host specialization in phytophagous insects. Such feeding trade-offs could be manifested within insect populations as negative genetic correlations in fitness on different host species. We tested the hypothesis that feeding trade-offs were present within a population of the obliquebanded leafroller,Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris). Components of fitness were measured in families originating from an apple orchard that were fed on four host-plant species in the laboratory. Under the conditions of this experiment, all across-host genetic correlations were strongly positive, suggesting that this population comprised true generalists. With the exception of diapausing propensity, the heritability of the fitness components tended to be lower in caterpillars fed on apple leaves than in insects fed other hosts. This suggests a constraint on the selective response of the fitness components in the orchard environment.  相似文献   

To explore the impacts of increasing human numbers on nature, many studies have examined relationships between human population density (HPD) and biodiversity change. The implicit assumption in many of these studies is that as population density increases so does the threat to biodiversity. The implications of this assumption are compounded by recent research showing that species richness for many taxonomic groups is often highest in areas with high HPD. If increasing HPD is a threat to conservation, this threat may be magnified owing to the spatial congruence between people and species richness. Here, I review the relationships between HPD and measures of biodiversity status focussing in particular on evidence for the spatial congruence between people and species richness and the threat that increasing HPD may pose to biodiversity conservation. The review is split into two major sections: (i) a quantitative assessment of 85 studies covering 401 analyses, including meta-analyses on discrete relationships; and (ii) a discussion of the implications of the quantitative analyses and major issues raised in the literature. Our understanding of the relationships between HPD and biodiversity is skewed by geographic and taxonomic biases in the literature. Most research has been conducted in the Northern Hemisphere and focussed primarily on birds and mammals, largely ignoring relationships with other taxonomic groups. A total of 127 analyses compared HPD with the species richness of particular taxonomic groups. A meta-analysis of these results found a significant positive population correlation indicating that, on average, species-rich regions and human settlements co-occur. However, there was substantial unexplained heterogeneity in these data. Some of this heterogeneity was explained by the size of the sampling unit used by researchers - as this increased so did the strength of the correlation between HPD and species richness. The most convincing result for a taxonomic group was a significant positive population correlation between HPD and bird species richness. Significant positive population correlations were also found for HPD versus the richness of threatened and geographically restricted species. Hence, there is reasonably good evidence for spatial congruence between people and species-rich regions. The reasons for this congruence are only just beginning to be explored, but key mutual drivers appear to include available energy and elevation. The evidence for increasing HPD as a threat to conservation was weak, owing primarily to the extreme heterogeneity in the approaches used to address this issue. There was some suggestion of a positive relationship between HPD and species extinction, but this result should be interpreted with caution owing to the wide diversity of approaches used to measure extinction. Identifying strong links between human development and species extinction is hampered in part by the difficulty of recording extinction events. The most convincing indication of the negative impact of increasing HPD was a significant negative population correlation between density and the size of protected areas. The magnitude and implications of spatial congruence between people and biodiversity are now being explored using the principles of complementarity and irreplaceability. Human development as a threat to conservation is usually assessed within a complex, interdisciplinary modelling framework, although population size is still considered a key factor. Future population growth and expansion of human settlements will present increasing challenges for conserving species-rich regions and maximising the benefits humans gain from nature.  相似文献   

Stephen F. Matter 《Oikos》2000,89(3):613-619

On the relation between basal and maximum metabolic rate in mammals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Basal and maximum metabolic rates, measured by oxygen consumption, for 18 species of wild mammals have been obtained from a search of literature records. The mass exponent of the allometric regression equation for maximum metabolic rate is significantly higher than that for BMR (0.841 and 0.745, respectively; P less than 0.05) in the group of animals examined. No significant correlation between mass-independent basal and maximum metabolic rates has been found. These results do not support the 'aerobic capacity' model of the origin of endothermy.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between growth and reproduction in female bison   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The percentage contribution of heart rate ( f H) to change in oxygen consumption ( V o2) was examined in relation to body weight and across the metabolic scope of pike. Also the consequences of variability around the regression relating V o2 and f H for estimating V o2 were considered. The percentage contribution of f H was calculated using two equations, one that ignored and one that included an estimate for oxygen consumed by the gills and absorbed across the skin ( V o2s). Using both equations the percentage contribution of f H calculated using maximum and resting values for f H and V o2 decreased with weight of pike. The omission of V o2s, resulted in erroneously high estimates of the percentage contribution of f H for pike of any given weight. The omission of V o2s resulted in erroneously high estimates of the percentage contribution of f H over the region of the metabolic scope where f H is related linearly to V o2, whereas the equation that included V o2s resulted in the expected value of 100%. Assuming zero experimental error and under normoxic conditions, the 95% confidence limits for single estimates of V o2 from 30–60-min readings of heart rate are ±39% at a heart rate of 30 beats min −1. Averaged over longer periods the error decreases, and used over several days to estimate meal size the error is of the order of 1%.  相似文献   

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