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The medical charts of 267 patients who had primary high-superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) rhytidectomies were reviewed. The depth of the nasolabial fold was used as an indicator of the degree of descent of the subcutaneous cheek mass, as a guide in procedure selection, and as a method of judging the operative results. Fold depth was assigned a score of 0 to 3, with 3 being most severe. According to their preoperative fold depth, patients were operated on using one of three variants of the high-SMAS technique: sub-SMAS dissection up to the nasolabial fold, sub-SMAS dissection up to the nasolabial fold plus transnasal SMAS graft, or sub-SMAS dissection across the nasolabial fold. An independent trained observer rated the postoperative fold depth in each case from photographs taken at the 6-month follow-up visit. Of patients with fold scores of 2 or 3, 97 percent (183 of 189 patients) showed visible improvement in nasolabial crease depth after the operation.  相似文献   

The subperiosteal face lift described by Psillakis has been criticized for not showing a more dramatic improvement over conventional brow/face lift procedures. His approach also has a significantly high incidence of nerve injury. This study reports our anatomic findings and surgical modifications, which have permitted a significant improvement in the safety of execution and clinical results using the subperiosteal face lift concept. Pertinent points of applied local anatomy and dissection techniques are as follows: First, we use extensive interconnected subperiosteal dissection that includes the entire zygomatic arch. This allows better repositioning of the deep soft tissues of the entire upper face, most of the midface, and indirectly, key structures of the lower face. Second, the upward pull of the muscles of the cheek and mouth will produce an elevation of the corner of the mouth, affecting positively the smiling mechanism, the oral frowning, and the jowls. Third, the dissection deep to both layers of the temporal fascia decreases the risk of injury to the frontalis nerve. Fourth, the temporal fascia is used as a lifter and anchoring element of the entire cheek-perioral soft tissues as opposed to the periorbital fibrofatty tissues. This will decrease the risk of injuring the frontal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve. These modifications have been used in 28 patients. Our rate of patient satisfaction has been high, and no complications with regard to nerve injury have been observed. This compares favorably with our initial 60 patients, in whom the Psillakis or Tessier approach was used. In these patients, there was an 11 and 20 percent rate of nerve injury, respectively.  相似文献   

Pantaloni M  Sullivan P 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2000,105(7):2594-9; discussion 2600-3
Nerve injuries are possible during facial rejuvenation surgery. The great auricular nerve has been studied; however, little is known about the lesser occipital nerve and its relevance in facial rejuvenation surgery. To understand the importance of the lesser occipital nerve in a face lift procedure, the specific anatomy of the nerve was studied in the laboratory in 19 hemifaces, with additional nerve observations in the operating room. The course of the lesser occipital nerve, its branches, and the relationship with the surrounding structures were evaluated and recorded. The great auricular nerve was also dissected to compare the two nerve territories. In the majority of the dissections, the lesser occipital nerve supplied the superior ear and the mastoid area, whereas the great auricular nerve innervated the inferior ear and a portion of the preauricular area. The nerves, however, were variable in size and distribution. Five lesser occipital nerves provided the dominant supply to the ear, compensating for a small great auricular nerve contribution. Therefore, injury to the lesser occipital nerve can result in a major sensory deficit of the ear. We also found the lesser occipital nerve to have a subcutaneous course at a proximal and variable level. These nerve branches can be superficial, and therefore postauricular flap dissection can injure the nerve if the flap is dissected at the fascial level. We therefore suggest that the dissection be at a more superficial level to avoid nerve injury. And finally, if SMAS/platysma suspension sutures are placed, we suggest these be done in a vertical-oblique direction along the course of the lesser occipital nerve, because this should minimize the possibility of trapping terminal branches.  相似文献   

With the aim to study interrelations of the interventricular septum (IVS) and systematization of their definitions, 151 preparations of hearts of persons died from causes having no connections with cardio-vascular diseases have been studied. The IVS consists of inflow and outflow septa. The inflow septum includes the sinusal (posterior) and trabecular septa, the outflow one--the anterior and conoid septa. The distal part of the anterior and conoid septa form the infundibular septum. From the side of the right ventricle the conoid septum and bulboventricular fold form a supraventricular crest--muscular torus, separating its inflow and outflow parts. From the side of the left ventricle the supraventricular crest is seen as a muscular bar, forming the basal medial wall.  相似文献   

Hamra ST 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2004,113(7):2124-41; discussion 2142-4
Resetting of the septum orbitale over the orbital rim, or "septal reset," is the latest step in achieving periorbital rejuvenation in composite rhytidectomy. The first significant step was the addition of orbicularis repositioning to conventional lateral vector deep plane rhytidectomy, followed by orbital fat preservation using the arcus marginalis release and fat transposition over the orbital rim. Those early procedures have been further refined to include the zygomaticus muscles with the orbicularis oculi in the composite flap, or zygorbicular cheek flap, and a septal reset. The septum orbitale reset has distinct advantages over transposition of orbital fat alone, as it creates a firmer undersurface for the lower eyelid. This maneuver will create a truly youthful lower eyelid-cheek complex, as the normal concave aging skeletonization of the periorbit is transformed to a convex contour of youth. The effectiveness of this operation can be demonstrated in most variations of human anatomy, whether congenital or iatrogenic, allowing the plastic surgeon to utilize the septal reset in virtually every patient undergoing and desiring a harmonious facial rejuvenation.  相似文献   

The treatment of cervical fat in facial aesthetic surgery has received much attention in recent years. Suction lipectomy has become a very popular technique for removing cervical fat because it is easy to perform and results in few complications. This paper describes the en bloc excision of cervical fat in conjunction with rhytidectomy. The senior author has treated 1,000 patients over 17 years using this technique with a high degree of patient satisfaction and minimal morbidity. Although suction lipectomy alone may be indicated for the younger patient, our experience suggests that the en bloc excisional technique is the treatment of choice in the older patient in whom a rhytidectomy is also indicated. In contrast with suction lipectomy, we have found that the en bloc excision of cervical fat allows for more anatomic dissection and facilitates removal of greater amounts of fat and better redraping of the cervical skin.  相似文献   

目的:探讨将射频技术联合电针除皱应用于面部年轻化美容的临床效果.方法:对皮肤松弛或皱纹明显的面部老化者,分别或联合应用射频除皱术和微针电子除皱术进行治疗.射频除皱采用深圳GSD公司GP699A型射频皮肤治疗仪.能量密度50~100J/cm2,频率2M-8M,6次为一个疗程,每次治疗间隔10天;电针除皱采用英国ERP Face Magic电子美容除皱仪,电流强度1.0mA~20.0mA,每次30分钟,疗程及间隔时间同射频治疗组;联合治疗组先行射频除皱治疗,五天后再进行电针除皱,疗程及间隔时间同上.结果:178例面部皮肤老化者,行单纯射频除皱58例,单纯电针除皱49例,二者联合治疗71例.其中射频治疗组总有效率为84%,半年有效维持率49%;电针治疗组总有效率78%,半年有效维持率42%;联合治疗组总有效率为96%,半年有效维持率72%,显著高于任何单一治疗组.结论:射频技术联合电针除皱即能改善面部浅表皱纹又能收缩面部肌肉促进其紧缩,具有起效快、效果显著、疗效持久的特点,是面部年轻化美容的理想方法.  相似文献   

Brow suspension,a minimally invasive technique in facial rejuvenation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Erol OO  Sozer SO  Velidedeoglu HV 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,109(7):2521-32; discussion 2533
People tend to prefer noninvasive or minimally invasive methods of facial rejuvenation, especially when it involves their face, which is the hallmark of a person's identity and impossible to hide. It is widely known that brow ptosis gives the face a "tired look" and also accentuates deformities of the upper eyelid. Most people who are interested in facial rejuvenation may not accept even a minor surgery, such as an endoscopic surgery. The senior author has developed a minimally invasive method of suspending the brow at a higher position. In this technique, there is neither surgical dissection nor a surgical incision except for four stab incisions and suture insertion, which is why we refer to it as a nonsurgical brow suspension. It is done under local anesthesia, and the brows are fixed in the position that they assume when the patient is supine. In the past 6 years, we performed 387 brow suspensions on 324 female and 63 male patients. The youngest patient was 19 years old, and the oldest was 74 years old. A retrospective chart review was done. These 387 cases were reviewed by comparison of preoperative and postoperative photographs. This approach was not only used for patients who were not interested in surgical rejuvenation but was also combined with lipofilling, laser resurfacing, and/or upper blepharoplasty. This technique is useful for correcting postsurgical brow asymmetry. We present this technique as an adjunct to the established techniques of facial rejuvenation. Despite the high patient acceptance and technical ease, it is not a replacement for the established techniques of facial rejuvenation.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of cross-facial nerve grafting and free vascularized muscle transfer for the treatment of longstanding facial paralysis, substantial progress has been made toward restoration of facial expression that is as normal as possible. Much of the focus has remained on the gracilis as a donor muscle. However, its inherent anatomical characteristics may preclude it from ever being more than simply a mass of contractile tissue in the face. The coracobrachialis muscle, which is the analogue in the arm of the lower limb adductor mass, was proposed as an alternative donor muscle because it was thought that certain features would allow it to improve on the overall results that are currently possible with the gracilis. A comparative anatomical study was conducted to gauge this potential. A total of 133 muscles were analyzed, including 96 dissected specimens, 16 arterial and 14 venous study specimens, and seven neurovascular study specimens. Anatomical parameters were recorded for each muscle and later tabulated. Histological analysis of the nerves to 10 gracilis and 10 coracobrachialis muscles was performed, and the findings were confirmed with intraneural dissection of an additional 20 nerves under an operating microscope. The coracobrachialis was observed to be a practical alternative to the gracilis. Indeed, it has many of the attributes that initially drew attention to the gracilis as a possible donor muscle, including a reliable neurovascular supply, minimal donor-site morbidity, and the option of having two teams operate simultaneously. In addition, it has a size, shape, and form that make it an excellent choice for transfer to the face. It could be easily attached in the face to provide static support as well as animation, because of its long proximal tendon, the thick intermuscular septum along its lateral surface, and, when present, the ligament of Struthers.  相似文献   

Ernest Glen  Wever  Carl  Gans 《Journal of Zoology》1973,171(2):189-206
The anatomy of the ear, and especially of the sound-receptive and conductive system, was studied in nine species of amphisbaenians. In all species a region of skin is used as the sound-receptive surface, and the vibrations are transmitted along a columellar apparatus consisting of cartilage and bone that expands to form a footplate in the oval window of the cochlea. In all species but one the receptive skin area is on the face; in the form Bipes biporus it is in the region of the neck constriction.
The structures of the inner ear present a fairly uniform pattern, except for species variations of nearly four-fold in the size of the hair-cell population. The amphisbaenian extracolumella is shown to be an epihyal and not homologous to the structure of the same name in lizards.  相似文献   

Volumetric facial aging occurs primarily as a descent of facial soft tissues, followed by their secondary atrophy. Proper volumetric facial rejuvenation, therefore, demands effective superior redistribution of fallen soft tissues, for which the author prefers malar imbrication. Only then do augmentative adjustments become appropriate, including solid facial protheses, "soft-tissue" fillers, dermal fat grafts, free-fat micrografts, and Erol's "tissue-cocktail." Of these, the author prefers the time-honored dermal fat graft for all primary volumetric augmentations within the surgical field, reserving free-fat micrografts for adjustments outside the field and those performed secondarily. Dermal fat grafts are added to the face in three categories: "camouflage" grafts from the anterior face lift discard specimen to correct contour irregularities in the sculpted subcutaneous cheek in half of patients; "transition" grafts from the suprapubic abdomen to the zone between the midface and lower face in 5 percent of patients with an emaciated quality to their aging; and "secondary" grafts from the abdomen in occasional patients with volumetric deformities following inexpert face lift and other forms of trauma. All grafts were harvested, prepared, and placed according to 10 straightforward technical principles. The grafts were highly effective and predictable in their ability to augment contour; none of 283 total grafts were regarded as a treatment failure. The use of such grafts was extremely safe, with complications limited to cyst formation in 1.5 percent of grafts, all of which were treated nonoperatively. The use of the dermal fat graft is seen as safe, effective, and convenient when the subcutaneous plane of the face is exposed during facial rejuvenation. The majority of grafts were derived from the face lift discard specimen. Although those that came from outside the head and neck presented extra inconvenience and operative time, their use was limited to occasional and challenging circumstances that justified extra investment.  相似文献   

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