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A network perspective on the evolution of metabolism by gene duplication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Gene duplication followed by divergence is one of the main sources of metabolic versatility. The patchwork and stepwise models of metabolic evolution help us to understand these processes, but their assumptions are relatively simplistic. We used a network-based approach to determine the influence of metabolic constraints on the retention of duplicated genes.  相似文献   

Role of gene duplication in evolution   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
T Ohta 《Génome》1989,31(1):304-310
It is now known that many multigene and supergene families exist in eukaryote genomes: multigene families with uniform copy members like genes for ribosomal RNA, those with variable members like immunoglobulin genes, and supergene families such as those for various growth factor and hormone receptors. Many such examples indicate that gene duplication and subsequent differentiation are extremely important for organismal evolution. In particular, gene duplication could well have been the primary mechanism for the evolution of complexity in higher organisms. Population genetic models for the origin of gene families with diverse functions are presented, in which natural selection favors those genomes with more useful mutants in duplicated genes. Since any gene has a certain probability of degenerating by mutation, success versus failure in acquiring a new gene by duplication may be expressed as the ratio of probabilities of spreading of useful versus detrimental mutations in redundant gene copies. Also examined are the effects of gene duplication on evolution by compensatory advantageous mutations. Results of the analyses show that both natural selection and random drift are important for the origin of gene families. In addition, interaction between molecular mechanisms such as unequal crossing-over and gene conversion, and selection or drift is found to have a large effect on evolution by gene duplication.  相似文献   

Fay JC  Wittkopp PJ 《Heredity》2008,100(2):191-199
Surveys of gene expression reveal extensive variability both within and between a wide range of species. Compelling cases have been made for adaptive changes in gene regulation, but the proportion of expression divergence attributable to natural selection remains unclear. Distinguishing adaptive changes driven by positive selection from neutral divergence resulting from mutation and genetic drift is critical for understanding the evolution of gene expression. Here, we review the various methods that have been used to test for signs of selection in genomic expression data. We also discuss properties of regulatory systems relevant to neutral models of gene expression. Despite some potential caveats, published studies provide considerable evidence for adaptive changes in gene expression. Future challenges for studies of regulatory evolution will be to quantify the frequency of adaptive changes, identify the genetic basis of expression divergence and associate changes in gene expression with specific organismal phenotypes.  相似文献   

A duplication growth model of gene expression networks   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

We investigated the evolution of transmembrane (TM) topology by detecting partial sequence repeats in TM protein sequences and analyzing them in detail. A total of 377 sequences that seem to have evolved by internal gene duplication events were found among 38,124 predicted TM protein sequences (except for single-spannings) from 87 prokaryotic genomes. Various types of internal duplication patterns were identified in these sequences. The majority of them are diploid-type (including quasi-diploid-type) duplication in which a primordial protein sequence was duplicated internally to become an extant TM protein with twice as many TM segments as the primordial one, and the remaining ones are partial duplications including triploid-type. The diploid-type repeats are recognized in many 8-tms, 10-tms and 12-tms TM protein sequences, suggesting the diploid-type duplication was a principle mechanism in the evolutionary development of these types of TM proteins. The "positive-inside" rule is satisfied in whole sequences of both 10-tms and 8-tms TM proteins and in both halves of 10-tms proteins while not necessarily in the second half of 8-tms proteins, providing fit examples of "internal divergent topology evolution" likely occurred after a diploid-type internal duplication event. From analyzing the partial duplication patterns, several evolutionary pathways were recognized for 6-tms TM proteins, i.e. from primordial 2-tms, 3-tms and 4-tms TM proteins to extant 6-tms proteins. Similarly, the duplication pattern analysis revealed plausible evolution scenarios that 7-tms TM proteins have arisen from 3-tms, 4-tms and 5-tms TM protein precursors via partial internal gene duplications.  相似文献   

Many proteins consist of several structural domains. These multi-domain proteins have likely been generated by selective genome growth dynamics during evolution to perform new functions as well as to create structures that fold on a biologically feasible time scale. Domain units frequently evolved through a variety of genetic shuffling mechanisms. Here we examine the protein domain statistics of more than 1000 organisms including eukaryotic, archaeal and bacterial species. The analysis extends earlier findings on asymmetric statistical laws for proteome to a wider variety of species. While proteins are composed of a wide range of domains, displaying a power-law decay, the computation of domain families for each protein reveals an exponential distribution, characterizing a protein universe composed of a thin number of unique families. Structural studies in proteomics have shown that domain repeats, or internal duplicated domains, represent a small but significant fraction of genome. In spite of its importance, this observation has been largely overlooked until recently. We model the evolutionary dynamics of proteome and demonstrate that these distinct distributions are in fact rooted in an internal duplication mechanism. This process generates the contemporary protein structural domain universe, determines its reduced thickness, and tames its growth. These findings have important implications, ranging from protein interaction network modeling to evolutionary studies based on fundamental mechanisms governing genome expansion.  相似文献   

NBS-LRR genes are the major class of disease resistance genes in flowering plants, and are arranged as single genes and as clustered loci. The evolution of these genes has been investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana by combining data on their genomic organisation and position in phylogenetic trees. Tandem and segmental duplications distribute and separate NBS-LRR genes in the genome. It is, however, unclear by which mechanism(s) NBS-LRR genes from different clades are sampled into heterogeneous clusters. Once physically removed from their closest relatives, the NBS-LRR genes might adopt and preserve new specificities because they are less prone to sequence homogenization.  相似文献   

Chen CC  Li WH  Sung HM 《Gene》2007,396(1):59-65
Internal duplication can enhance the function of a gene or provide raw material for the emergence of a new function in a gene. Therefore, it is interesting to see whether the frequency of internal duplication has increased during metazoan evolution. The growing number of sequenced eukaryotic genomes provides an excellent opportunity to study the change in the pattern of internal duplication in the course of metazoan evolution. We studied repeated segments in proteins in the proteomes of 11 eukaryotes. We found that the frequency of internal duplication in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster (two protostomes) is higher than that in fungi but lower than that in chordates. Moreover, the frequencies of internal duplication for the chordates studied are largely similar. We classified orthologous proteins of chordates into three antiquity groups and found that more recently derived proteins in the metazoan lineage have higher repetitiveness than older ones. Our analysis suggests that lineage-specific internal duplication in protein evolution increases with organismal complexity before the emergence of chordates but not so afterward. Proteins with repeated regions might have been preferred before the protostome-chordate split. This finding supports the suggestion that exon-shuffling occurred more frequently after the first multicellular organism appeared and might have contributed to the metazoan radiation.  相似文献   

A role for phospholipase A in auxin-regulated gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scherer GF  Zahn M  Callis J  Jones AM 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4205-4211

The variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) genes of Trypanosoma brucei have been classified into two groups depending upon whether or not duplication of the genes is observed when they are expressed. We report here the observation of duplication apparently linked to expression of the ILTaT 1.3 gene in the ETaR 1 trypanosome stock. In the ILTaR 1 stock, expression of the ILTaT 1.3 VSG did not involve a new duplication, but instead activation of a preexisting gene copy that had been apparently generated earlier by a duplication event analogous to that directly observed in the ETaR 1 trypanosomes. The results suggest that the well-characterised gene duplications found with other VSG genes are common to all VSG genes but are not directly responsible for controlling expression. All currently available data can be accommodated by a model that assumes that gene duplication and replacement occurs independently of antigenic switching.  相似文献   

The rapid accumulation of genomic sequences in public databases will finally allow large scale studies of gene family evolution, including evaluation of the role of positive Darwinian selection following a duplication event. This will be possible because recent statistical methods of comparing synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates permit reliable detection of positive selection at individual amino acid sites and along evolutionary lineages. Here, we summarize maximum-likelihood based methods, and present a framework for their application to analysis of gene families. Using these methods, we investigated the role of positive Darwinian selection in the ECP-EDN gene family of primates and the Troponin C gene family of vertebrates. We also comment on the limitations of these methods and discuss directions for further improvements.  相似文献   

Variation in traits that are sexually dimorphic is usually attributed to sexual selection, in part because the influence of ecological differences between sexes can be difficult to identify. Sex‐limited dimorphisms, however, provide an opportunity to test ecological selection disentangled from reproductive differences between the sexes. Here, we test the hypothesis that ecological differences play a role in the evolution of body colour variation within and between sexes in a radiation of endemic Hawaiian damselflies. We analysed 17 Megalagrion damselflies species in a phylogenetic linear regression, including three newly discovered cases of species with female‐limited dimorphism. We find that rapid colour evolution during the radiation has resulted in no phylogenetic signal for most colour and habitat traits. However, a single ecological variable, exposure to solar radiation (as measured by canopy cover) significantly predicts body colour variation within sexes (female‐limited dimorphism), between sexes (sexual dimorphism), and among populations and species. Surprisingly, the degree of sexual dimorphism in body colour is also positively correlated with the degree of habitat differences between sexes. Specifically, redder colouration is associated with more exposure to solar radiation, both within and between species. We discuss potential functions of the pigmentation, including antioxidant properties that would explain the association with light (specifically UV) exposure, and consider alternative mechanisms that may drive these patterns of sexual dimorphism and colour variation.  相似文献   

Sensory systems provide crucial information about an organism's external environment and, thus, are often subject to strong natural selection. Because of the large variation in the intensity and spectral quality of light in aquatic environments, studies of sensory adaptation have focused on the visual systems of fish for over a half a century. Recently, the molecular genetic mechanisms that determine the spectral sensitivity of visual pigments have been characterized in several fishes including zebrafish, guppies, medaka, killifish, bream, and cichlids. The results of these studies suggest that teleost fish have incredibly diverse visual systems. In this paper, we review the role that opsin duplication and differential gene expression have played in the diversification of visual pigments. We compare our findings in cichlids to five other taxonomic groups and highlight the ways that their similarities and differences may provide new insights into the molecular genetic basis of sensory adaptation and diversification.  相似文献   

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