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王晓伟  韩佳玲  张爱勤 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4872-4881
种子的选择性败育在被子植物中普遍存在,开展结籽格局及其影响因素的研究有助于深入了解种子的形成机制及多样化的生殖对策。以刺叶锦鸡儿Caragana acanthophylla为材料,通过传粉过程、胚珠发育动态和资源分配状况的研究,以探讨种子的选择性败育格局及相关影响因素。结果显示:(1)刺叶锦鸡儿具高度自交不亲和性,为泛化的传粉系统,蜂类是主要的传粉者。自然状态的结实率为(86.00±4.96)%,不存在传粉限制,但受精具明显的时间效应。(2)刺叶锦鸡儿单花期4—5d,每朵花有(14.00±0.14)粒胚珠。胚珠的发育从荚果顶部开始,其中,开花后第3天荚果顶部胚珠开始膨大;第11天绝大多数胚珠出现了膨大,此时,在荚果基部的胚珠开始败育,随后荚果顶端受精后的胚珠也出现败育,最终仅荚果中部形成2—3粒种子。其结籽格局为成熟荚果中部胚珠,而败育荚果顶部和基部胚珠的选择性败育类型。(3)受微地形影响,居群内开花植株具斑块分布,对较少开花植株通过添加水肥进行资源调控后,结籽率显著提高,说明在种子形成过程中存在资源限制。综上所述,受精顺序和资源限制两个互逆的资源梯度决定了刺叶锦鸡儿的结籽格局。其中,...  相似文献   

枣雄性不育种质胚败育与内源激素变化的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以雄性不育1号和梨枣为试材,研究了枣果实发育过程内源激素变化与胚败育的关系。结果表明,种子Z、GA3和IAA含量高于果肉利于枣种子早期发育。种子发育过程Z/GA3和Z/IAA持续下降,IAA/GA3在胚败育的关键时期硬核期前后呈现双峰,且种子内的IAA/GA3大于果肉。在果实发育过程中,胚败育果实内Z、GA3和IAA含量及比值呈现出异常变化。早期胚败育果实果肉Z、GA3和IAA含量高于含种胚的果肉,呈现较高水平的Z/GA3和Z/IAA及低水平的IAA/GA3。果实发育后期瘪种子中IAA、GA3和ABA亏缺,Z异常累积,Z/GA3异常升高。  相似文献   

在2007和2008年对大花百子莲(Agapanthus praecox subsp.orientalis‘Big Blue’)在群体、果序和单果水平上的结实和结籽格局进行了观测,并依据每花序单花数、单花胚珠数和单粒种子质量推算其单株潜在种子产量;此外,采用人工补充授粉方法研究了不同授粉方式对大花百子莲结实和结籽的影响,并对其种子产量的影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:从始花期、盛花期至末花期,随开花时间的延迟,大花百子莲植株的每花序单花数和座果率均逐渐降低,其中始花期开花的植株每花序单花数和座果率均最高。从果序基部、中部至顶端,座果率和结籽率均逐渐减小且差异显著。在果序基部和中部,果实内种子败育率沿果实基部至顶端依次降低,而单粒种子质量则依次增加;且果序基部的果实各部位的种子败育率均低于果序中部的果实,而单粒种子质量则差异不大。大花百子莲的单株潜在种子产量约为43.18 g,而其单株实际种子产量约为2.87 g,远低于其潜在种子产量。自然授粉的大花百子莲每柱头花粉数为27.5粒,而自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株授粉的每柱头花粉数均超过100粒;与自然授粉、自花授粉和同株异花授粉植株相比,异株授粉植株的座果率和结籽率均显著增加。研究结果显示:大花百子莲的结实和结籽格局呈现非随机分布规律,在引种地存在有性繁殖障碍;养分和授粉状况是制约大花百子莲种子产量的重要因素。  相似文献   

雄性不育雄性不育是指植物的雌性(雌蕊)正常,雄性(雄蕊)不正常,不能产生花粉或花粉败育的现象.雄性不育现象在植物中普遍存在,玉米、高粱、小麦、水稻、洋葱等作物中都有发现.玉米中有一种雄性不育的变异,植株在开花抽穗期,雄穗上的花药不能显示出来,整个植株不能开花散粉,其雌蕊的发育正常,能接受另一植株的花粉而结实.又如我国科技工作者发现的雄性败育的野生稻等.  相似文献   

果实的起源与多样化是植物对陆地生态系统长期适应的结果,与植物的种群繁衍和通过种子传播以适应更广阔的生存空间密切相关.这一进化现象与过程造就了被子植物的起源与极大繁盛.揭示果实的起源与多样化以及其适应性进化机制是进化生物学研究的核心科学问题之一.本文综述了近年来在植物果实形态(大小和形状)、果实附属结构的形态创新、果实类型等进化发育研究方面的主要进展,并对该领域的未来研究方向和重点等进行了展望.  相似文献   

荔枝胚胎发育过程的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
荔枝是我国南方重要的亚热带果树之一,福建的栽培面积仅次于广东,列居全国第二,在果树业中占有重要位置。福建龙溪地区的主栽品种中,根据种子的发育状况,可分为三个类型:(1)正常大核型,其胚胎发育正常,成熟果实一般具有发育完好的种子,即大核。代表品种如乌叶、早红等;(2)败育型,其胚胎发育受阻,成熟果实种子败育,即所谓焦核。代表品种如绿荷包;(3)部分败育型,同一棵树或同一果穗所结的果实,其胚胎发育部分正常、部分败育。因此,成熟果实既有正常的大核果,又有一定比例的焦核果。代表品种如兰竹。  相似文献   

为了寻找保护和恢复甘南红景天种群的有效途径,本文分析了甘南红景天的繁育系统、生殖过程、开花物候特征及影响生殖成功的主要因子.结果表明:甘南红景天为雌雄异株,雄花在花芽分化初期为两性植株,但随着花的不断发育,雌蕊的胚囊发育到一定阶段时败育,两性植株基本仅执行雄性功能,种群繁殖为异交,以风媒传粉方式为主,种群花期出现在全年降雨和气温较高的季节.6月初现蕾,6月中旬开花,7月上旬进入盛花期,花期在36 d左右,8月下旬果实成熟.两性植株略早于雌花开放,花期(10.2 d)大于雌性植株(8.4 d).由于部分雌花不易授粉,部分花蕾、胚珠损失,1~3年的幼龄植株几乎不开花结实,群落中只有11%的植株开花结实,种子自然繁殖率极低,约为2%.从花蕾到开花,雌性单株有20.0%~25.1%的花蕾损失; 从开花到结实,单株51.1%~65.0%的花败育;至种子成熟,仅10.1%~21.0%的胚珠发育成种子.雌性单株平均种子产量为158.1粒,人工条件下种子发芽率为81.5%,幼苗第一年的成活率为36.0%.表明种子质量不是导致甘南红景天濒危的原因,而花粉限制、种子产量和幼苗的成活率是真正影响其生殖成功和导致濒危的主要生殖生态学因素.  相似文献   

地下结实和地上/下两型结实是被子植物两类独特的结实方式, 多发生在陆生和草本植物中, 主要生长在缺少水分或光照、土壤扰动频繁及环境波动较为剧烈的生境中。两种结实方式不仅是植物适应性进化的重要方面, 也是选择性进化的产物。其中, 地下结实对于植物在母株附近适宜微环境中保存后代、在极端环境下保持种子活力、逃避地面动物取食和火灾伤害以及延长果实发育时间等方面, 地上/下两型结实对于减少同胞子代及种群内竞争、维持和扩大种群以及提高物种的适应力和进化可塑性等方面, 都具有重要的生态适应意义, 是植物抵御不利生物与非生物环境的两类重要防御策略。但两种结实方式同时也存在着限制果实与种子扩散、影响基因传递与种群遗传结构、加大种群隔离以及提高繁殖代价等进化限制, 对物种的分布、种群增长、迁移、适合度和生活史进化等具有重要影响。目前, 地下和地上/下两型结实现象分别在大约24科57属和13科34属中进行了报道, 其中在菊科、十字花科、豆科和玄参科等类群中两种结实现象同时存在。从系统发育看, 地下结实在木兰分支、单子叶植物分支及双子叶植物分支中均存在, 而地上/下两型结实仅出现在单子叶植物分支和双子叶植物分支中, 在被子植物基部类群(ANITA类群)中两种结实方式均不存在。该文对植物地下和地上/下两型结实的类型、系统进化、繁殖特性和扩散对策进行了介绍, 并对其生态适应意义进行了总结, 以期为深入研究植物结实的进化策略提供参考。  相似文献   

很多植物的花,其柱头上接受的花粉供体多样性数量通常与果实成熟和种子产出有关。关于提高花粉多样性能否增加植物的生殖产出问题,文献中时常有相互矛盾的结论。本研究通过对自交不亲和性植物文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolium)进行1、2、3、4种花粉供体传粉实验,调查了不同花粉供体数量对文冠果雌性生殖的影响。结果表明,增加亲和花粉供体的多样性,一定程度上提高了花序上果实的坐果数量,同时也增加了果实中种子的数量及单粒种子重量。对文冠果授以4种亲和性花粉供体后,花序上成熟果实的平均数最多;3种亲和性花粉供体传粉后,每个果实中的种子数最多,单粒种子也最重。如果混合花粉中含有自交花粉,那么果实将败育。除花粉多样性影响雌性生殖产出外,母本基因型也具有重要影响,即增加文冠果种植品系的多样性,将有助于提高果实和种子产量。本研究还讨论了花粉遗传多样性效应、母本交配选择及果实选择性败育假说。  相似文献   

位置效应在开花植物中广泛存在。以野生巫山淫羊藿种群为研究对象,运用单因素方差分析法,研究位置效应对结实性和花蜜分泌的影响。结果表明:三个巫山淫羊藿种群不同位置的结实率显著差异,其中基部的结实率明显大于中部和顶部; 位置效应对果实重量及果实长、宽的影响均显著,表现出基部>中部>顶部的趋势; 总状花序上不同开花位置对单个果实种子数的影响显著,且基部大于顶部。但位置效应对单个果实种子败育率的影响不显著,均值呈现顶部>中部>基部变化规律; 巫山淫羊藿不同开花位置的花蜜常备量和含糖量的差异显著。三个种群基部的花蜜常备量较高,而花蜜含糖量在顶部较高。因此,对巫山淫羊藿野生种群进行研究与保护时应注意位置效应对生殖成功的影响,选择基部果实进行试验或育种,应维持种群多样性及稳定性。  相似文献   

T. D. Lee  F. A. Bazzaz 《Oecologia》1986,68(3):459-465
Summary We examined the extent of ovule abortion and the within-fruit pattern of abortion inCassia fasciculata, an annual legume, and tested the hypothesis that abortion can result from competition for limited maternal resources among developing fruits and seeds. In a natural population at Mayview, IL, 53.4% of ovules in mature fruits matured as seeds; 43.4% showed some development but aborted, and 3.1% showed no development over virgin ovules. In a greenhouse experiment in which treatments were applied after most fruits were initiated, nutrient addition and partial root removel had no effect on abortion, but drought reduced the proportion of ovules maturing to 75% of the control mean. A fruit thinning experiment was conducted in which the number of fruits initiated on certain plants was limited. Control plants had more ovule abortion than fruit-thinned plants, suggesting that abortion resulted from competition for limited maternal resources. A position effect was observed in both field and greenhouse populations; ovules toward the fruit base (pedicellar end) had higher frequencies of abortion than those at the distal end. Thus, ovule abortion, like fruit abortion in this species, is non-random. Indivisuals regulate fecundity at both the whole fruit and individual seed levels.Scientific contribution no. 1357 from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Under the microgametophytic competition hypothesis, a non-random pattern of seed abortion is expected, in which only the most vigorous seeds reach maturity. In a previous study, it was found that Bauhinia ungulata (Fabaceae) exhibits a pattern of seed abortion dependent on the position of the ovule within the ovary; ovules located in the stylar half of the fruit, close to the point of entry of pollen tubes to the ovary, have a low probability of seed abortion, whereas ovules in the basal half of the fruit are aborted with a high probability. METHODS: A series of experimental fruits was generated, in which ovules from either the stylar (treatments 1 and 2) or the basal (treatments 3 and 4) half of fruits were destroyed, to evaluate whether these patterns of selective seed abortion have an effect on the vigour of the offspring in B. ungulata. KEY RESULTS: Only 53 % of the seed from control fruits germinated. Seed set in fruits from treatments 1 and 2 showed a significantly lower (33-43 %) percentage of germination; the germination of seeds from fruits in treatments 3 and 4 (49-51 %) did not differ from control seeds. In addition, it was found that the differences in vigour of the offspring are not random with respect to the position of the ovule in the pod. CONCLUSIONS: The overall performance of the seeds correlated with their likelihood of maturation. Seeds located at the basal half of the treatment fruits showed lower values of vigour than seeds located on the stylar half. The differences were more marked for early measures of fitness.  相似文献   

M. E. Martin  T. D. Lee 《Oecologia》1993,94(4):503-509
We examined the effects of pollen source and resource availability on ovule abortion in the annual legumeCassia fasciculata. Pollen source was controlled by hand-pollinating flowers with cross- or self-pollen. Resource availability to developing fruits was controlled by adjusting fruit loads (heavy versus light) on each plant and exposing plants to different photoperiod cycles (16 vs 12 h of light; short days favor fruit growth at the expense of vegetative growth). In mature fruits the proportion of ovules expanding (showing some development over virgin ovules) ranged from 89–95% and did not increase with resource availability, suggesting that unexpanded ovules were either unfertilized or obligately aborted shortly after fertilization. The proportion of expanded ovules maturing in mature fruits was near 97% for both self- and crosspollinations in the treatment with highest resource availability (light load, short days) and lower in the remaining treatments, where self-pollination resulted in up to 9% lower seed maturation than cross-pollination. In the latter three treatments a pollen source effect was dependent upon the maternal plant; in some plants selfing increased abortion and in others it did not. Collectively, the results suggest that (1) both pollen source and resource availability affect ovule abortion, (2) at least some abortion is facultative, and (3) when resources are limited, self-pollination increases abortion in some but not all maternal plants.  相似文献   

Selective fruit and seed maturation in Asphodelus albus Miller (Liliaceae)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
J. R. Obeso 《Oecologia》1993,93(4):564-570
The fruiting patterns of the rhizomatous perennial Asphodelus albus Miller (Liliaceae) were studied in five populations during 1989 and in one population over 3 years (1988–1990). Fruit/flower (Fr/Fl) ratio and seed/ovule (S/O) ratio varied markedly between populations. Although there were differences between years within the population studied over 3 years, these variations, although statistically signifcant, were less important than those between populations. Neither flowering phenology nor plant size influenced Fr/Fl or S/O ratios. Field experiments tested whether fruit and seed set were pollenor resource-limited. Hand-pollination had no effect on Fr/Fl or S/O ratios, but the reduction of resources by defoliation at the time of flowering decreased both relative components of fecundity. Manipulation of resources by hand-thinning flowers and tiny fruits had no demonstrable effect on these ratios, although brood size of individual fruits was significantly affected. It may be concluded that fruit maturation is resource-limited rather than pollen-limited. Most of the fruits aborted early in the fruiting season, and fruits with higher numbers of developing seeds had a lower probability of abortion than fruits with fewer seeds. Analyses of position effects revealed that the fruits in lower positions in the inflorescence matured preferentially. Furthermore, the two ovules in the same carpel tended either both to fail or both to develop into seeds. The plant's ability to selectively mature only high quality embryos may be limited.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are well-known examples of mutualism, but are not free of antagonism. Antagonistic interactions and defenses or counter-defenses are expected particularly in nursery pollination. In these systems, adult insects, while pollinating, lay their eggs in flowers, and juveniles consume the seeds from one or several fruits, thereby substantially reducing plant fitness. The outcome of such interactions will depend, for the plant, on the balance between pollination versus seed predation and for the larvae on the balance between the food and shelter provided versus the costs imposed by plant defenses, e.g., through abortion of infested fruits. Here, we examine the costs and benefits to the larvae in the nursery-pollination system Silene latifolia/Hadena bicruris. Using selection lines that varied in flower size (large- vs. small-flowered plants), we investigated the effects of variation in flower and fruit size and of a potential defense, fruit abortion, on larval performance. In this system, infested fruits are significantly more likely to be aborted than non-infested fruits; however, it is unclear whether fruit abortion is effective as a defense. Larger flowers gave rise to larger fruits with more seeds, and larvae that were heavier at emergence. Fruit abortion was frequently observed (ca. 40% of the infested fruits). From aborted fruits, larvae emerged earlier and were substantially lighter than larvae emerging from non-aborted fruits. The lower mass at emergence of larvae from aborted fruits indicates that abortion is a resistance mechanism. Assuming that lower larval mass implies fewer resources invested in the frugivore, these results also suggest that abortion is likely to benefit the plant as a defense mechanism, by limiting both resources invested in attacked fruits, as well as the risk of secondary attack. This suggests that selective fruit abortion may contribute to the stability of mutualism also in this non-obligate system.  相似文献   

The interaction of mating system and nutrient limitation in determining seed production was investigated in the annual, self-compatible plant Lupinus texensis (Fabaceae). Abortion of developing seeds is a major factor limiting seed production in natural populations (17-28%). Selfing rates are generally low (0.02-0.21), suggesting that deleterious recessive genes may be maintained at significant levels in natural populations. The average inbreeding depression associated with seed development is δ = 0.24. Nutrient limitation reduced seed output across experimental treatments by a factor of 0.22 through decreased production of inflorescences, flowers, and ovules, and by a factor of 0.29 through increased abortion of fruits and of seeds within fruits. Competition for resources among fruits increased the frequency of seed abortion. Moreover, a greater proportion of selfed seeds were aborted as the overall abortion rate increased. Estimates of genetic load may therefore only be appropriate if undertaken in the field, and inbreeding depression may vary from year to year simply due to changes in environmental conditions rather than to underlying genetic changes in populations. The existence of inbreeding depression and the high frequency of abortions suggest that selective abortion favoring outcrossed progeny occurs in natural populations of L. texensis.  相似文献   

Flower, fruit and immature seed abortion was studied in seven self-incompatible species of trees in a tropical lowland semideciduous forest. The species showed considerable variability in fruit and seed set and the rate at which flowers and fruits were aborted. The amount of flower and fruit abortion also varied over time within species. Small samples of open-pollinated flowers in three species showed adequate amounts of pollen on the stigma, but it could not be determined whether the pollen was compatible or incompatible. In a species with multiseeded fruits, the aborted fruits contained significantly fewer seeds than those retained on the plant. Position of fruit within the inflorescence and of seed within the ovary also had a marked effect on abortion: fruits and seeds at certain positions had a higher probability of abortion than those at other positions. Experiments to test the effect of pollen source on abortion were inconclusive. The factors underlying abortions were evaluated in the context of three mutually non-exclusive hypotheses. It is concluded that selection for increased pollen dispersal and uncertainty in paternity of the zygotes are major factors underlying abortions.  相似文献   

Summary Flowering and fruiting patterns of Yucca whipplei (Agavaceae), a monocarpic perennial of the southern California chaparral, were studied to determine the role of fruit abortion in the regulation of seed yield. Data on reproductive expenditure, fruit abortion and fruit maturation were obtained for 108 flowering individuals at two sites. The proportion of flowers maturing fruits was less than 10% at both sites. Inflorescences produced an average of 2,045±111 and 1,743±77 flowers at the two sites, initiated an average of 439±48 and 304±21 fruits, and matured an average of 194±16 and 162±10 fruits, respectively. Overall, 51% of the fruits which initiated development were aborted and abscized in an early stage of development.The hypothesis that fruit abortion serves to regulate seed yeild, matching fruit production to the available resources, yields three predictions which are borne out by our findings: (1) the proportion of initiated fruits which abort is an increasing function of the number of fruits initiated, (2) the number of fruits matured is an increasing function of estimates of the amount of resources available to support fruits, and (3) on any inflorescence, fruits initiated early have a lower probability of aborting than fruits initiated late.These results suggest that low fruit set in Yucca whipplei is caused by shortage of resources to support developing fruits, rather than by a shortage of pollinators. Possible explanations of the adaptive significance of regulating maternal investment via fruit abortion are mentioned, but further experimentation is required before any conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   

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