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A model for sperm-egg binding and fusion based on ADAMs and integrins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Once a sperm meets an egg, several events must occur in order for fertilization to proceed. Sperm must bind to the zona pellucida, undergo the acrosome reaction, penetrate the zona pellucida and then bind to and fuse with the egg plasma membrane. Shortly thereafter, the egg must be activated for zygotic development. This review focuses on mammalian sperm-egg plasma membrane binding and fusion, and in particular on the roles of two families of cell-adhesion molecules, ADAMs and integrins, in this important union.  相似文献   

Antibody inhibition and alpha6beta1 ligand binding experiments indicate that the egg integrin alpha6beta1 functions as a receptor for sperm during gamete fusion; yet, eggs null for the alpha6 integrin exhibit normal fertilization. Alternative integrins may be involved in sperm-egg binding and fusion and could compensate for the absence of alpha6beta1. Various beta1 integrins and alphav integrins are present on mouse eggs. Some of these integrins are also reported to be receptors for ADAMs, which are expressed on sperm. Using alpha3 integrin null eggs, we found that the alpha3beta1 integrin was not essential for sperm-egg binding and fusion. Oocyte-specific, beta1 integrin conditional knockout mice allowed us to obtain mature eggs lacking all beta1 integrins. We found that the beta1 integrin null eggs were fully functional in fertilization both in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, neither anti-mouse beta3 integrin function-blocking monoclonal antibody (mAb) nor alphav integrin function-blocking mAb inhibited sperm binding to or fusion with beta1 integrin null eggs. Thus, function of beta3 or alphav integrins does not seem to be involved in compensating for the absence of beta1 integrins. These results indicate that none of the integrins known to be present on mouse eggs or to be ADAM receptors are essential for sperm-egg binding/fusion, and thus, egg integrins may not play the role in gamete fusion previously attributed to them.  相似文献   

We have shown that sperm sulfolipidimmobilizing protein 1 (SLIP1, molecular mass of 68 kDa), a sulfogalactosylglycerolipid (SGG)-binding protein, is significant in sperm-zona pellucida (ZP) interaction. The objective of this study was to localize SLIP1 on the egg and determine its role in gamete interaction. Immunofluorescence and immunoprotein A gold electron microscopy localized SLIP1 to the egg plasma membrane. In vitro gamete binding, using zona-free eggs preincubated with antiSLIP1 Fab before coincubation with sperm, showed a significant, dose-dependent decrease in sperm-egg plasma membrane binding. Similar results were obtained when affinity-purified antiSLIP1 IgG was used for egg pretreatment. The significance of egg SLIP1 in sperm-egg plasma membrane binding was further demonstrated by a decrease (36-52%) in in vitro fertilization when zona-intact eggs were pretreated with antiSLIP1 IgG. Since SLIP1 has been shown to bind SGG in vitro, we investigated the possibility that sperm SGG may participate in sperm-egg plasma membrane binding through egg SLIP1. Pretreatment of sperm with antiSGG Fab prior to coincubation with zona-free eggs resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in sperm-egg plasma membrane binding. Collectively, these findings strongly suggest a role for egg SLIP1 in sperm-egg plasma membrane interaction, which may be through its binding to sperm SGG.  相似文献   

Rat epididymal protein DE is localized on the fusogenic region of the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa and has a potential role in sperm-egg fusion. We investigated the presence of DE binding sites on the egg surface by co-incubating zona-free eggs and capacitated sperm in different concentrations of pure DE. Results indicate that DE produced a concentration-dependent decrease in egg penetration by sperm (fusion), with almost complete inhibition at 200 micrograms/ml. This inhibition was not due to an effect of DE on initial sperm binding to the egg membrane, since the presence of this protein did not affect the percentage of oocytes with bound sperm nor the number of bound sperm per egg. Those sperm that failed to penetrate the egg in the presence of DE became able to do so after transfer of the eggs to protein- and sperm-free medium, indicating a role for DE in an event subsequent to binding and leading to fusion. Indirect immunofluorescence using a polyclonal antibody against DE revealed a patchy labeling over the entire egg surface, with the exception of the area overlying the second metaphase spindle. This conclusion was supported by the disappearance of the DE-negative area on the fertilized egg. Zona-free eggs, incubated with DE at 4 degrees C or fixed before exposure to DE, displayed a uniform staining, suggesting that the patchy labeling resulted from aggregation of DE binding sites by the purified protein. The aggregation of these egg components may represent a necessary step of the fusion process. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the existence and localization of complementary sites to a specific sperm protein on the plasma membrane of the mammalian egg.  相似文献   

Rat epididymal protein DE associates with the sperm surface during epididymal maturation and is a candidate molecule for mediating gamete membrane fusion in the rat. Here, we provide evidence supporting a role for DE in mouse sperm-egg fusion. Western blot studies indicated that the antibody against rat protein DE can recognize the mouse homologue in both epididymal tissue and sperm extracts. Indirect immunofluorescence studies using this antibody localized the protein on the dorsal region of the acrosome. Experiments in which zona-free mouse eggs were coincubated with mouse capacitated sperm in the presence of DE showed a significant and concentration-dependent inhibition in the percentage of penetrated eggs, with no effect on either the percentage of oocytes with bound sperm or the number of sperm bound per egg. Immunofluorescence experiments revealed specific DE-binding sites on the fusogenic region of mouse eggs. Because mouse sperm can penetrate zona-free rat eggs, the participation of DE in this interaction was also investigated. The presence of the protein during gamete coincubation produced a significant reduction in the percentage of penetrated eggs, without affecting the binding of sperm to the oolemma. These observations support the involvement of DE in an event subsequent to sperm-egg binding and leading to fusion in both homologous (mouse-mouse) and heterologous (mouse-rat) sperm-egg interaction. The lack of disintegrin domains in DE indicates that the protein interacts with its egg-binding sites through a novel mechanism that does not involve the reported disintegrin-integrin interaction.  相似文献   

Potassium dependence for sperm-egg fusion in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we examined the potassium requirements for sperm-egg fusion in mouse. Zona-free mouse eggs prepared by the method described by Boldt and Wolf were inseminated with capacitated sperm in culture media containing 0-6 mM extracellular K+, and scored for penetration. Penetration of zona-free eggs was dependent on extracellular K+, with no penetration observed under K(+)-free conditions. Media transfer experiments indicated that the lack of penetration observed was due to effects on fusion, and not on postpenetration events such as sperm head decondensation. To analyze whether the K+ effect was attributable to an effect on the sperm (i.e., occurrence of acrosome reactions), sperm were treated with the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 before insemination. Less than 5% of zona-free eggs were penetrated with ionophore-treated sperm under K(+)-free conditions, suggesting that K+ is required for fusion per se. Addition of ionophore to insemination cultures similarly did not overcome the block to fusion observed under K(+)-free conditions. The potassium channel blockers 4-aminopyridine (0.1-5 mM) and tetraethyl ammonium chloride (5-50 mM) had no inhibitory effect on fusion. These data indicate that extracellular K+ is required for sperm-egg fusion and that this requirement may not involve membrane K+ channels.  相似文献   


The process of fertilization and the sperm storage in the female apparatus in Parascaris equorum is described in this paper. The sperm approaches the egg by means of pseudopodia containing bundles of microfilaments. The sperm and egg membranes fuse and the sperm penetrates progressively into the ovum. The egg and sperm plasma membranes and glycocalyces disappear at the point of fusion. At the end of fertilization, they are reformed at the egg's surface, while the egg and sperm chromatin begins to decondense. Spermatozoa are stored in the female apparatus prior to fertilization; here they come into contact with the epithelial cells of the spermatheca, protruding pseudopodia rich in microfilaments into the cellular body.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate involvement in sperm-egg fusion in mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The potential involvement of cell-surface carbohydrates in sperm-egg fusion in mice was evaluated in this study. Zona-free mouse eggs were inseminated in the presence of a variety of simple saccharides to determine if certain sugars would act as competitive inhibitors of sperm-egg fusion. Of the sugars tested, L-fucose, galactose, and N-acetylglucosamine caused the greatest inhibition of sperm penetration levels relative to controls. A number of complex saccharides or glycoproteins with differing carbohydrate structures, including fucoidan, ascophyllan, ovomucoid, ovalbumin, fetuin, asialofetuin, and chondroitin sulfate, were also tested as competitive inhibitors of fusion. Only the L-fucose containing saccharides fucoidan and ascophyllan caused significant inhibition of fusion at concentrations of 0.05-1.0 mg/ml and 0.1-5.0 mg/ml, respectively. None of the other compounds tested had any inhibitory effect on fusion when tested at concentrations up to 5 mg/ml. The effect of the inhibitory saccharides was not due to the presence of residual zona material on the surface of the zona-free eggs, since zona-free eggs did not bind an 125I-labeled antibody directed against the ZP3 protein of the mouse zona pellucida. Pretreatment of either sperm or eggs with fucoidan (1 mg/ml) for 60 min prior to insemination caused only small decreases in sperm penetration levels, indicating that fucoidan exerted its major inhibitory effect on fusion only when present during insemination. Treatment of sperm, but not zona-free eggs, with fucosidase prior to insemination caused significant reductions in sperm penetration levels. Other glycosidic enzymes, including glucosidase, galactosidase, and N-acetylglucosaminidase, had no inhibitory effect on the sperm. These data suggest that an L-fucose component of the sperm surface is involved in sperm-egg fusion in the mouse.  相似文献   

The role of cell surface glycoproteins of the sea urchin egg in binding sperm has been examined by studying the biological activity of glycopeptides derived from these glycoproteins. Glycopeptides were produced from egg surface glycoproteins by Pronase digestion. After fractionation by gel filtration the glycopeptides were tested for their ability to inhibit the binding of sperm to eggs, presumably by competing with the egg surface glycoproteins for binding sites on the sperm. One glycopeptide fraction with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 6,000 was found to be a potent inhibitor of sperm-egg binding, as well as fertilization, even at nanomolar concentrations. This activity was heat stable and exerted its effect against the sperm and not the egg. Experiments with a radiolabeled form of the glycopeptide fraction directly demonstrated that at least one component of it bound to sperm. Specific binding of the radiolabeled glycopeptide occurred only to acrosome-reacted sperm. Because the isolated glycopeptide fraction has many of the characteristics that one would expect of a biologically active fragment of an egg surface receptor for sperm, these findings are consistent with the idea that one or more glycoconjugates on the surface of the egg are involved in sperm binding.  相似文献   

Calcium requirement for sperm-egg fusion in mammals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Fertilization includes a series of cellular interactions culminating with the fusion of gamete membranes, creating a zygote. Two ADAM proteins present on sperm, fertilin beta and cyritestin, drew much attention. However, gene deletion in mice showed that fusion can happen in their absence. The presence of the integrin alpha6beta1 on egg, a putative fertilin beta receptor, is also dispensable. In contrast, sperm lacking Izumo, a molecule with a single Ig domain, are unable to fuse. On the egg side, a role for GPI-anchored molecules has been shown, and in mice lacking both tetraspanins CD9 and CD81 fertilization is completely blocked.  相似文献   

Sperm-egg plasma membrane fusion during fertilization was studied using guinea pig gametes and mAbs to sperm surface antigens. The mAb, PH-30, strongly inhibited sperm-egg fusion in a concentration-dependent fashion. When zona-free eggs were inseminated with acrosome-reacted sperm preincubated in saturating (140 micrograms/ml) PH-30 mAb, the percent of eggs showing fusion was reduced 75%. The average number of sperm fused per egg was also reduced by 75%. In contrast a control mAb, PH-1, preincubated with sperm at 400 micrograms/ml, caused no inhibition. The PH-30 and PH-1 mAbs apparently recognize the same antigen but bind to two different determinants. Both mAbs immunoprecipitated the same two 125I-labeled polypeptides with Mr 60,000 (60 kD) and Mr 44,000 (44 kD). Boiling a detergent extract of sperm severely reduced the binding of PH-30 but had essentially no effect on the binding of PH-1, indicating that the two mAbs recognize different epitopes. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that PH-30 mAb binding was restricted to the sperm posterior head surface and was absent from the equatorial region. The PH-30 and PH-1 mAbs did not bind to sperm from the testis, the caput, or the corpus epididymis. PH-30 mAb binding was first detectable on sperm from the proximal cauda epididymis, i.e., sperm at the developmental stage where fertilization competence appears. After purification by mAb affinity chromatography, the PH-30 protein retained antigenic activity, binding both the PH-30 and PH-1 mAbs. The purified protein showed two polypeptide bands of 60 and 44 kD on reducing SDS PAGE. The two polypeptides migrated further (to approximately 49 kD and approximately 33 kD) on nonreducing SDS PAGE, showing that they do not contain interchain disulfide bonds, but probably have intrachain disulfides. 44 kD appears not to be a proteolytic fragment of 60 kD because V8 protease digestion patterns did not reveal related peptide patterns from the 44- and 60-kD bands. In the absence of detergent, the purified protein precipitates, suggesting that either 60 or 44 kD could be an integral membrane polypeptide.  相似文献   

The tendency of mammalian sperm-egg fusion to occur at a site away from the first polar body was investigated in a homologous (mouse oocytes and mouse spermatozoa) and in a heterologous model (hamster oocytes and mouse spermatozoa). Following micromanipulation of the zona pellucida either in proximity to or opposite the first polar body, in vitro fertilization was performed and subsequent differences in sperm-egg interaction were evaluated. Since spermatozoa from random-bred mice do not readily penetrate intact zonae pellucidae in vitro, it is likely that zona penetration occurred through the artificial holes in both models. The creation of a gap in the zona pellucida opposite the first polar body was associated with levels of sperm fusion that were significantly higher than those resulting from manipulation near the first polar body. Spermatozoa were rarely found to penetrate the hole completely, and in general few spermatozoa were observed in the pervitelline space. The proximity between pronuclei following sperm penetration was correlated with the position of the incision with respect to the polar body. The findings suggest that breaching the zona pellucida for microsurgical fertilization should be performed away from the microvillus-free area of the oocyte.  相似文献   

精子与卵子质膜粘附并发生融合是哺乳动物完成受精过程所必需的步骤。近年来,学者们以现代分子生物学理论为基础,对参与精卵质膜粘附、融合过程的分子进行了研究,特别是精子表面的去整合素金属蛋白酶基因家族(ADAM)和卵子表面的整合素蛋白。本文通过对精子表面的受精素仅、受精素β、cyritestin,卵子表面的α6β1、CD9等蛋白分子的研究,揭示了这些分子对粘附、融合的重要作用,为提高受精率提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

Contrary to the widely accepted view that chiton sperm lack acrosomes and that fertilization in this group occurs via a micropyle, we demonstrate here that fertilization in Tonicella lineata occurs by acrosome-mediated sperm-egg fusion. The acrosome is a small vesicle containing two granules located at the tip of the sperm. The eggs have an elaborate hull (=chorion), which is formed into cupules that remain covered by follicle cells until maturity. When dissected ripe eggs were exposed to sperm in vitro, the sperm were attracted only to open cupules, inside which they swam through one of seven channels to the base where they penetrated the hull. The acrosome fired on contact with, or in, the hull, and during passage through it the apical granule was exhausted while the basal granule was exposed. If sperm contacted follicle cells between the cupules the acrosome did not react. The vitelline layer beneath the hull contains pores arranged in a regular pattern. Embedded in the base of each pore is an egg microvillus. Having penetrated the hull the sperm anterior filament located a pore and fused with the tip of the egg microvillus projecting into it. This created a membranous tube, through which the sperm nucleus was injected into the egg. The egg membrane appeared to be raised up into a small fertilization cone around the penetrating sperm, the vitelline layer became slightly elevated, and some cortical granules were released by exocytosis.  相似文献   

Sperm limitation may be an important selective force influencing gamete traits such as egg size. The relatively inexpensive extracellular structures surrounding many marine invertebrate eggs might serve to enhance collision rates without the added cost of increasing the egg cell. However, despite decades of research, the effects of extracellular structures on fertilization have not been conclusively documented. Here, using the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus, we remove jelly coats from eggs, and we quantify sperm collisions to eggs with jelly coats, eggs without jelly coats, and inert plastic beads. We also quantify fertilization success in both egg treatment groups. We find that sperm-egg collision rates increase as a function of sperm concentration and target size and that sperm are not chemotactically attracted to eggs nor to jelly coats in this species. In fertilization assays, the presence of the jelly coat is correlated with a significant but smaller-than-expected improvement in fertilization success. A pair of optimality models predict that, despite the large difference in the energetic value of egg contents and jelly material, the presence of the jelly coat does not diminish selection for larger egg cell size when sperm are limiting.  相似文献   

周思畅  倪崖  石其贤 《生命科学》2005,17(4):323-327
ADAMs家族是含多结构域的跨膜蛋白。睾丸特异的ADAMs,在精子发生与附睾精子转运过程中,经过蛋白水解成为成熟精子的分子形式,与精.卵质膜结合和融合有关。对于精-卵质膜相互作用,ADAMs去整合素域具有关键氨基酸残基和特殊模体。模拟ADAM2和ADAM3去整合素域的短肽能用于鉴别特异性卵子识别蛋白。精子ADAMs去整合素域与卵子膜蛋白整合素β1、α4/α9、α6和CD9相互作用,介导了精卵质膜的结合与融合。  相似文献   

Glycodelin is a glycoprotein produced in many glands, particularly those of reproductive tissues. It appears as different glycoforms in amniotic fluid (glycodelin-A) and seminal plasma (glycodelin-S), but only glycodelin-A inhibits gamete adhesion. In the present study, glycodelin from secretory-phase endometrium, first-trimester pregnancy decidua, and midtrimester amniotic fluid was studied with respect to physicochemical properties, including glycosylation patterns and inhibitory activity of sperm-egg binding. Purified glycodelins from all these sources were similar in isoelectric focusing and in lectin immunoassays using lectins from Wisteria floribunda and Sambucus nigra. Likewise, the glycodelins inhibited sperm-egg binding in a dose-dependent manner, as measured by hemizona-binding assay. However, subtle quantitative physicochemical and biological differences were found between glycodelins from different sources as well as within the same tissue/fluid between different individuals. Differences were most pronounced between endometrial glycodelins from nonpregnancy and first-trimester pregnancy. The glycan structures studied by fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry of individual amniotic fluid glycodelin-A samples also showed interindividual quantitative differences. In conclusion, glycodelins from different female reproductive tract tissues and amniotic fluid share substantial similarity, allowing all of them to be called glycodelin-A. However, these glycodelins exhibit quantitative physicochemical and functional differences between different sources and individuals.  相似文献   

Osteopontin (OPN), a phosphoprotein containing an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) sequence, has been identified in cow oviduct epithelium and fluid. To investigate the potential role OPN in fertilization, we evaluated the ability of RGD peptide (arginine-glycine-aspartic), RGE peptide (arginine-glycine-glutamic acid), integrins alphaV and alpha5 antibodies and OPN antibody to influence bovine in vitro sperm-egg binding and fertilization. Treatment of sperm or oocytes with the RGD peptide prior fertilization significantly decreased in vitro sperm-egg binding and fertilization compared to the non-treated controls or those treated with RGE peptide. Binding and fertilization were also significantly decreased when in vitro matured bovine oocytes or sperm were pre-incubated with integrins alphaV and alpha5 antibodies at concentration ranging from 5 to 20 microg/mL. Addition of a rabbit polyclonal IgG antibody against purified bovine milk OPN with sperm or/and oocytes decreased (P<0.05) fertilization compared to the in vitro-fertilized control. These data provided evidence that integrin ligands existed on bovine oocytes and spermatozoa that contained RGD recognition sequences, and that antibody to OPN, a protein that contains that RGD sequence, was capable of reducing sperm-egg binding and fertilization in vitro.  相似文献   

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