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Calreticulin (CRT) and calnexin (CLNX) are lectin chaperones that participate in protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). CRT is a soluble ER lumenal protein, whereas CLNX is a transmembrane protein with a cytosolic domain that contains two consensus motifs for protein kinase (PK) C/proline- directed kinase (PDK) phosphorylation. Using confocal Ca(2+) imaging in Xenopus oocytes, we report here that coexpression of CLNX with sarco endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) 2b results in inhibition of intracellular Ca(2+) oscillations, suggesting a functional inhibition of the pump. By site-directed mutagenesis, we demonstrate that this interaction is regulated by a COOH-terminal serine residue (S562) in CLNX. Furthermore, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate- mediated Ca(2+) release results in a dephosphorylation of this residue. We also demonstrate by coimmunoprecipitation that CLNX physically interacts with the COOH terminus of SERCA2b and that after dephosphorylation treatment, this interaction is significantly reduced. Together, our results suggest that CRT is uniquely regulated by ER lumenal conditions, whereas CLNX is, in addition, regulated by the phosphorylation status of its cytosolic domain. The S562 residue in CLNX acts as a molecular switch that regulates the interaction of the chaperone with SERCA2b, thereby affecting Ca(2+) signaling and controlling Ca(2+)-sensitive chaperone functions in the ER.  相似文献   

M K Manion  Z Su  M Villain  J E Blalock 《FASEB journal》2000,14(10):1297-1306
Calmodulin (CaM), as well as other Ca(2+) binding motifs (i.e., EF hands), have been demonstrated to be Ca(2+) sensors for several ion channel types, usually resulting in an inactivation in a negative feedback manner. This provides a novel target for the regulation of such channels. We have designed peptides that interact with EF hands of CaM in a specific and productive manner. Here we have examined whether these peptides block certain Ca(2+)-permeant channels and inhibit biological activity that is dependent on the influx of Ca(2+). We found that these peptides are able to enter the cell and directly, as well as indirectly (through CaM), block the activity of glutamate receptor channels in cultured neocortical neurons and a nonselective cation channel in Jurkat T cells that is activated by HIV-1 gp120. As a consequence, apoptosis mediated by an influx of Ca(2+) through these channels was also dose-dependently inhibited by these novel peptides. Thus, this new type of Ca(2+) channel blocker may have utility in controlling apoptosis due to HIV infection or neuronal loss due to ischemia.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction is regulated by the intracellular Ca(2+ )concentration. In vertebrate striated muscle, troponin and tropomyosin on actin filaments comprise a Ca(2+)-sensitive switch that controls contraction. Ca(2+ )binds to troponin and triggers a series of changes in actin-containing filaments that lead to cyclic interactions with myosin that generate contraction. However, the precise location of troponin relative to actin and tropomyosin and how its structure changes with Ca(2+ )have been not determined. To understand the regulatory mechanism, we visualized the location of troponin by determining the three-dimensional structure of thin filaments from electron cryo-micrographs without imposing helical symmetry to approximately 35 A resolution. With Ca(2+), the globular domain of troponin was gourd-shaped and was located over the inner domain of actin. Without Ca(2+), the main body of troponin was shifted by approximately 30 A towards the outer domain and bifurcated, with a horizontal branch (troponin arm) covering the N and C-terminal regions of actin. The C-terminal one-third of tropomyosin shifted towards the outer domain of actin by approximately 35 A supporting the steric blocking model, however it is surprising that the N-terminal half of tropomyosin shifted less than approximately 12 A. Therefore tropomyosin shifted differentially without Ca(2+). With Ca(2+), tropomyosin was located entirely over the inner domain thereby allowing greater access of myosin for force generation. The interpretation of three-dimensional maps was facilitated by determining the three-dimensional positions of fluorophores labelled on specific sites of troponin or tropomyosin by applying probabilistic distance geometry to data from fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements.  相似文献   

In this report, we study Ca2+ transport in permeabilized Candida parapsilosis spheroplasts prepared by a new technique using lyticase. An intracellular non-mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake pathway, insensitive to orthovanadate and sensitive to the V-H(+)-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin A(1), nigericin and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone was characterized. Acidification of the compartment in which Ca2+ accumulated was followed using the fluorescent dye acridine orange. Acidification was stimulated by the Ca2+ chelator EGTA and inhibited by Ca2+. These results, when added to the observation that Ca2+ induces alkalization of a cellular compartment, provide evidence for the presence of a Ca2+/nH(+) antiporter in the acid compartment membrane. Interestingly, like in acidocalcisomes of trypanosomatids, the antioxidant 3,5-dibutyl-4-hydroxytoluene inhibits the V-H(+)-ATPase. In addition, the antifungal agent ketoconazole promoted a fast alkalization of the acidic compartment. Ketoconazole effects were dose-dependent and occurred in a concentration range close to that attained in the plasma of patients treated with this drug.  相似文献   

Berkels R  Dachs C  Roesen R  Klaus W 《Cell calcium》2000,27(5):281-286
Different methods to measure the unstable radical nitric oxide (NO) have been established. We are going to present a new method to measure intracellular calcium and NO simultaneously in endothelial cells. A new fluorescent dye (DAF-2) has been developed recently which binds NO resulting in an enhanced fluorescence. We loaded porcine aortic endothelial cells with Fura-2, a fluorescent dye commonly used to measure intracellular calcium, and DAF-2 simultaneously (cell permeable dyes). Using excitation wavelengths of lambda 340 nm (Fura-2) and lambda 485 nm (DAF-2) we could show that thrombin induces an intracellular calcium increase and simultaneously a NO formation in endothelial cells which could be blocked by a NO synthase inhibitor. This new method of a simultaneous measurement of intracellular calcium and NO provides the possibility to follow intracellular calcium and NO distributions online, and is sensitive enough to monitor changes of NO formed by the constitutive endothelial NO-synthase.  相似文献   

Cytosolic Ca2+ waves occur in a number of cell types either spontaneously or after stimulation by hormones, neurotransmitters, or treatments promoting Ca2+ influx into the cells. These waves can be broadly classified into two types. Waves of type 1, observed in cardiac myocytes or Xenopus oocytes, correspond to the propagation of sharp bands of Ca2+ throughout the cell at a rate that is high enough to permit the simultaneous propagation of several fronts in a given cells. Waves of type 2, observed in hepatocytes, endothelial cells, or various kinds of eggs, correspond to the progressive elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ throughout the cell, followed by its quasi-homogeneous return down to basal levels. Here we analyze the propagation of these different types of intracellular Ca2+ waves in a model based on Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release (CICR). The model accounts for transient or sustained waves of type 1 or 2, depending on the size of the cell and on the values of the kinetic parameters that measure Ca2+ exchange between the cytosol, the extracellular medium, and intracellular stores. Two versions of the model based on CICR are considered. The first version involves two distinct Ca2+ pools sensitive to inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and Ca2+, respectively, whereas the second version involves a single pool sensitive both to Ca2+ and IP3 behaving as co-agonists for Ca2+ release. Intracellular Ca2+ waves occur in the two versions of the model based on CICR, but fail to propagate in the one-pool model at subthreshold levels of IP3. For waves of type 1, we investigate the effect of the spatial distribution of Ca(2+)-sensitive Ca2+ stores within the cytosol, and show that the wave fails to propagate when the distance between the stores exceeds a critical value on the order of a few microns. We also determine how the period and velocity of the waves are affected by changes in parameters measuring stimulation, Ca2+ influx into the cell, or Ca2+ pumping into the stores. For waves of type 2, the numerical analysis indicates that the best qualitative agreement with experimental observations is obtained for phase waves. Finally, conditions are obtained for the occurrence of "echo" waves that are sometimes observed in the experiments.  相似文献   

Glutoxim and molixan belong to new generation of disulfide-containing drugs with immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective and hemopoetic effect on cells. Using Fura-2AM microfluorimetry, two structurally distinct actin filament disrupters, latrunculin B and cytochalasin D, and calyculin A, which causes actin filaments condensation under plasmalemma, we have shown the involvement of actin cytoskeleton in the intracellular Ca(2+)-concentration increase induced by glutoxim or molixan in rat peritoneal macrophages. Morphological data obtained with the use of rhodamine-phalloidine have demonstrated that glutoxim and molixan cause the actin cytoskeleton reorganization in rat peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

The 18.5-kDa myelin basic protein (MBP), the most abundant isoform in human adult myelin, is a multifunctional, intrinsically disordered protein that maintains compact assembly of the sheath. Solution NMR spectroscopy and a hydrophobic moment analysis of MBP's amino-acid sequence have previously revealed three regions with high propensity to form strongly amphipathic α-helices. These regions, located in the central, N- and C-terminal parts of the protein, have been shown to play a role in the interactions of MBP with cytoskeletal proteins, Src homology 3-domain-containing proteins, Ca(2+)-activated calmodulin (Ca(2+)-CaM), and myelin-mimetic membrane bilayers. Here, we have further characterized the structure-function relationship of these three domains. We constructed three recombinant peptides derived from the 18.5-kDa murine MBP: (A22-K56), (S72-S107), and (S133-S159) (which are denoted α1, α2, and α3, respectively). We used a variety of biophysical methods (circular dichroism spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy, fluorimetry, and solution NMR spectroscopy and chemical shift index analysis) to characterize the interactions of these peptides with actin and Ca(2+)-CaM. Our results show that all three peptides can adopt α-helical structure inherently even in aqueous solution. Both α1- and α3-peptides showed strong binding with Ca(2+)-CaM, and both adopted an α-helical conformation upon interaction, but the binding of the α3-peptide appeared to be more dynamic. Only the α1-peptide exhibited actin polymerization and bundling activity, and the addition of Ca(2+)-CaM resulted in depolymerization of actin that had been polymerized by α1. The results of this study proved that there is an N-terminal binding domain in MBP for Ca(2+)-CaM (in addition to the primary site located in the C-terminus), and that it is sufficient for CaM-induced actin depolymerization. These three domains of MBP represent molecular recognition fragments with multiple roles in both membrane- and protein-association.  相似文献   

Actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin from Physarum polycephalum decreases when it binds Ca2+ and increases when it loses Ca2+. This Ca-inhibition is observed with phosphorylated myosin [Kohama, K. (1990) Trend, Pharmacol. Sci. 11, 433-435]. The activity of dephosphorylated myosin remained at a low level both in the presence and absence of Ca2+, although Ca(2+)-binding ability was much the same as that of the phosphorylated myosin. The effect of phosphorylation has been studied at a conventional actin concentration, which is comparable with that of myosin by weight. When the concentration of actin was increased by 10 times, the dephosphorylated myosin became actin-activatable in the absence of Ca2+, and Ca-inhibition was recovered. As actin exists quite abundantly in non-muscle cells of Physarum, myosin phosphorylation plays virtually no role in regulating actin-myosin-ATP interaction in vivo. Physiologically the interaction may be regulated by Ca2+ by binding to and subsequent release from myosin. Latex beads coated by either phosphorylated or dephosphorylated myosin moved ATP-dependently on the actin cables of Characeae cells to the same extent in the absence of Ca2+, but the movement was abolished by increasing Ca2+. When the interaction was examined by monitoring the movement of actin filaments on myosin fixed on a coverslip, the movement and Ca-inhibition of the movement were detected with phosphorylated, not dephosphorylated, myosin [Okagaki, T., Higashi-Fujime, S., & Kohama, K. (1989) J. Biochem. 106, 955-957].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

ROS-GC1 membrane guanylate cyclase is a Ca(2+) bimodal signal transduction switch. It is turned "off" by a rise in free Ca(2+) from nanomolar to the semicromolar range in the photoreceptor outer segments and the olfactory bulb neurons; by a similar rise in the bipolar and ganglion retinal neurons it is turned "on". These opposite operational modes of the switch are specified by its Ca(2+) sensing devices, respectively termed GCAPs and CD-GCAPs. Neurocalcin delta is a CD-GCAP. In the present study, the neurocalcin delta-modulated site, V(837)-L(858), in ROS-GC1 has been mapped. The location and properties of this site are unique. It resides within the core domain of the catalytic module and does not require the alpha-helical dimerization domain structural element (amino acids 767-811) for activating the catalytic module. Contrary to the current beliefs, the catalytic module is intrinsically active; it is directly regulated by the neurocalcin delta-modulated Ca(2+) signal and is dimeric in nature. A fold recognition based model of the catalytic domain of ROS-GC1 was built, and neurocalcin delta docking simulations were carried out to define the three-dimensional features of the interacting domains of the two molecules. These findings define a new transduction model for the Ca(2+) signaling of ROS-GC1.  相似文献   

Using clonal insulin-secreting BRIN-BD11 cells, we have assessed whether the graded response of the whole cell population to glucose can be accounted for by a dose-dependent recruitment of individual cells, an amplification of the response of the recruited cells or both. Cytosolic free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) is an established index of beta-cell function. We used fura-2 microfluorescence techniques to assess the [Ca(2+)](i) responsiveness of single BRIN-BD11 cells to glucose and other secretagogues. Glucose (1-16.7 mM) evoked oscillatory [Ca(2+)](i) rises in these cells resembling those found in parental rat pancreatic beta-cells. The percentage of glucose-responsive cells was 11% at 1 mM and increased to 40-70% at 3-16.7 mM glucose, as assessed by a single-stimulation protocol. This profile was unrelated to possible differences in the cell cycle, as inferred from experiments where the cultured cells were synchronized by a double thymidine block protocol. Individual cells exhibited variable sensitivities to glucose (threshold range: 1-5 mM) and a variable dose-dependent amplification of the [Ca(2+)](i) responses (EC(50) range: 2-10 mM), as assessed by a multiple-stimulation protocol. Glyceraldehyde and alpha-ketoisocaproic acid had glucose-like effects on [Ca(2+)](i). The data support a mixed model for the activation of insulin-secreting cells. Specifically, the graded secretory response of the whole cell population is likely to reflect both a recruitment of individual cells with different sensitivities to glucose and a dose-dependent amplification of the response of the recruited cells.  相似文献   

Large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (BK(Ca)) contain an intracellular binding site for bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), a well-known inhibitor of various serine proteinase (SerP) enzymes. To investigate the structural basis of this interaction, we examined the activity of 11 BPTI mutants using single BK(Ca) channels from rat skeletal muscle incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. All of the mutants induced discrete substate events at the single-channel level. The dwell time of the substate, which is inversely related to the dissociation rate constant of BPTI, exhibited relatively small changes (<9-fold) for the various mutants. However, the apparent association rate constant varied up to 190-fold and exhibited a positive correlation with the net charge of the molecule, suggesting the presence of a negative electrostatic surface potential in the vicinity of the binding site. The substate current level was unaffected by most of the mutations except for substitutions of Lys15. Different residues at this position were found to modulate the apparent conductance of the BPTI-induced substate to 0% (K15G), 10% (K15F), 30% (K15 wild-type), and 55% (K15V) of the open state at +20 mV. Lys15 is located on a loop of BPTI that forms the primary contact region for binding to many SerPs such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase. The finding that Lys15 is a determinant of the conductance behavior of the BK(Ca) channel when BPTI is bound implies that the same inhibitory loop that contacts SerP's is located close to the protein interface in the BK(Ca) channel complex. This supports the hypothesis that the C-terminal region of the BK(Ca) channel protein contains a domain homologous to SerP's. We propose a domain interaction model for the mechanism of substate production by Kunitz inhibitors based on current ideas for allosteric activation of BK(Ca) channels by voltage and Ca(2+).  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of alpha-actinin from rabbit skeletal muscle was determined by cryoelectron microscopy in combination with homology modeling of the separate domain structures based on results previously determined by X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. alpha-Actinin was induced to form two-dimensional arrays on a positively charged lipid monolayer and micrographs were collected from unstained, frozen hydrated specimens at tilt angles from 0 degrees to 60 degrees. Interpretation of the 15 A-resolution three-dimensional structure was done by manually docking homologous models of the three key domains, actin-binding, three-helix motif and the C-terminal calmodulin-like domains. The initial model was refined quantitatively to improve its fit to the experimental reconstruction. The molecular model of alpha-actinin provides the first view of the overall structure of a complete actin cross-linking protein. The structure is characterized by close proximity of the C-terminal, calmodulin-like domain to the linker between the two calponin-homology domains that comprise the actin-binding domain. This location suggests a hypothesis to explain the involvement of the C-terminal domain in Ca(2+)-dependent actin binding of non-muscle isoforms.  相似文献   

The ryanodine receptor (RyR) is a large homotetrameric protein with a hydrophobic domain at the C-terminal end that resides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane and forms the conduction pore of a Ca(2+) release channel. Our previous studies showed that RyR expressed in heterologous cells localized to the ER membrane. Confocal microscopic imaging indicated that the ER retention signal is likely present within the C-terminal portion of RyR, a region that contains four putative transmembrane segments. To identify the amino acid sequence responsible for ER retention of RyR, we expressed fusion proteins containing intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM), various fragments of RyR, and green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Chinese hamster ovary and COS-7 cells. ICAM is a plasma membrane-resident glycoprotein and serves as a reporter for protein trafficking to the cell surface membrane. Imaging analyses indicated that ICAM-GFP fusion proteins with RyR sequence preceding the four transmembrane segments, ICAM-RyR-(3661-3993)-GFP, and with RyR sequence corresponding to transmembrane segments 1, 2, and 3, ICAM-RyR-(4558-4671)-GFP and ICAM-RyR-(4830-4919)-GFP, were localized to the plasma membrane; fusion proteins containing the fourth transmembrane segment of RyR, ICAM-RyR-(4913-4943)-GFP, were retained in the ER. Biochemical assay showed that ICAM-RyR-GFP fusion proteins that target to the plasma membrane are fully glycosylated, and those retained in the intracellular membrane are core-glycosylated. Together our data indicate that amino acids 4918-4943 of RyR contain the signal sequence for ER retention of the Ca(2+) release channel.  相似文献   

A Ca(2+) spark arises when a cluster of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) channels (ryanodine receptors or RyRs) opens to release calcium in a locally regenerative manner. Normally triggered by Ca(2+) influx across the sarcolemmal or transverse tubule membrane neighboring the cluster, the Ca(2+) spark has been shown to be the elementary Ca(2+) signaling event of excitation-contraction coupling in heart muscle. However, the question of how the Ca(2+) spark terminates remains a central, unresolved issue. Here we present a new model, "sticky cluster," of SR Ca(2+) release that simulates Ca(2+) spark behavior and enables robust Ca(2+) spark termination. Two newly documented features of RyR behavior have been incorporated in this otherwise simple model: "coupled gating" and an opening rate that depends on SR lumenal [Ca(2+)]. Using a Monte Carlo method, local Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release from clusters containing between 10 and 100 RyRs is modeled. After release is triggered, Ca(2+) flux from RyRs diffuses into the cytosol and binds to intracellular buffers and the fluorescent Ca(2+) indicator fluo-3 to produce the model Ca(2+) spark. Ca(2+) sparks generated by the sticky cluster model resemble those observed experimentally, and Ca(2+) spark duration and amplitude are largely insensitive to the number of RyRs in a cluster. As expected from heart cell investigation, the spontaneous Ca(2+) spark rate in the model increases with elevated cytosolic or SR lumenal [Ca(2+)]. Furthermore, reduction of RyR coupling leads to prolonged model Ca(2+) sparks just as treatment with FK506 lengthens Ca(2+) sparks in heart cells. This new model of Ca(2+) spark behavior provides a "proof of principle" test of a new hypothesis for Ca(2+) spark termination and reproduces critical features of Ca(2+) sparks observed experimentally.  相似文献   

The increase in the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ in A431 cells induced by the calcium ionophore A23187 leads to phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors at serine and/or threonine residues. This process is accompanied by the decrease in the level of EGF receptor autophosphorylation at tyrosine residues. Preincubation of cells in a A23187-containing medium in the presence of phorbol-12-myristoyl-13-acetate leads to a further decrease of the phosphotyrosine content in EGF receptors. At increased intracellular concentrations of Ca2+ preincubation of A431 cells with the protein kinase C inhibitor H-7 has no effect on the degree of EGF receptor autophosphorylation. Down-regulation of cellular protein kinase C does not change the A23187-induced effect either. The data obtained suggest that the decreased autophosphorylation of EGF receptors induced by Ca2+ is not due to the activation of cellular protein kinase C.  相似文献   

(CaMg)ATPase [(Ca2+ + Mg2+)-dependent ATPase] was partially purified from a microsomal fraction of the smooth muscle of the pig stomach (antrum). Membranes were solubilized with deoxycholate, followed by removal of the detergent by dialysis. The purified (CaMg)ATPase has a specific activity (at 37 degrees C) of 157 +/- 12.1 (7)nmol.min-1.mg-1 of protein, and it is stimulated by calmodulin to 255 +/- 20.9 (7)nmol.min.mg-1. This purification of the (CaMg)ATPase resulted in an increase of the specific activity by approx. 18-fold and in a recovery of the total enzyme activity of 55% compared with the microsomal fraction. The partially purified (CaMg)ATPase still contains some Mg2+-and (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase activities, but their specific activities are increased relatively less than that of the (CaMg)ATPase. The ratios of the (CaMg)ATPase to Mg2+- and (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase activities increase from respectively 0.14 and 0.81 in the crude microsomal fraction to 1.39 and 9.07 in the purified preparation. During removal of the deoxycholate by dialysis, vesicles were reconstituted which were capable of ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport.  相似文献   

Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) is a 58-residue basic peptide that is a representative member of a widely distributed class of serine protease inhibitors known as Kunitz inhibitors. BPTI is also homologous to dendrotoxin peptides from mamba snake venom that have been characterized as inhibitors of various types of voltage-dependent K+ channels. In this study we compared the effect of DTX-I, a dendrotoxin peptide, and BPTI on large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels from rat skeletal muscle using planar bilayer methodology. As previously found for DTX-I (1990. Neuron. 2:141-148), BPTI induces the appearance of distinct subconductance events when present on the internal side of maxi K(Ca) channels. The single channel kinetics of substate formation follow the predictions of reversible binding of the peptide to a single site or class of sites with a Kd of 4.6 microM at 0 mV and 50 mM symmetrical KCl. The apparent association rate of BPTI binding decreases approximately 1,000-fold per 10-fold increase in ionic strength, suggestive of a strong electrostatic interaction between the basic peptide and negative surface charge in the vicinity of the binding site. The equilibrium Kd for BPTI and DTX-I is also voltage dependent, decreasing e-fold per 30 mV of depolarization. The unitary subconductance current produced by BPTI binding exhibits strong inward rectification in the presence of symmetrical KCl, corresponding to 15% of open channel current at +60 mV and 70% of open state at -40 mV. In competition experiments, the internal pore-blocking ions, Ba2+ and TEA+, readily block the substate with the same affinity as that for blocking the normal open state. These results suggest that BPTI does not bind near the inner mouth of the channel so as to directly interfere with cation entry to the channel. Rather, the mechanism of substate production appears to involve a conformational change that affects the energetics of K+ permeation.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase belongs to the P-type ATPases family and transports calcium at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. For years, a complex pattern of activity has been observed as a function of ATP and metal cofactor concentrations, leaving the stoichiometry of both metal and ATP in the active site as an open question. In agreement with recent structural studies we present here-using Mn as analogue of Mg-radioisotopic and fluorescence results showing that two metal ions bind to the Ca-ATPase favoring ATP binding. We further show that low ATP concentration favors the binding of these ions, whereas high ATP concentration is inhibitory. We propose a binding model for ATP and metal ions, which permits simulation of our data. Finally, we suggest that (i) the contribution of two metal ions as cofactors of ATP is essential to get maximal activity; (ii) the contribution of two ATP molecules can activate or inhibit the Ca-ATPase depending on metal concentration.  相似文献   

The plant alkaloid ryanodine (Ry) is a high-affinity modulator of ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca(2+) release channels. Although these channels are present in a variety of cell types, their functional role in nerve cells is still puzzling. Here, a monosubstituted fluorescent Ry analogue, B-FL-X Ry, was used to reveal the distribution of RyRs in cultured rat sympathetic neurons. B-FL-X Ry competitively inhibited the binding of [3H]Ry to rabbit skeletal muscle SR membranes, with an IC(50) of 150 nM, compared to 7 nM of unlabeled Ry. Binding of B-FL-X Ry to the cytoplasm of sympathetic neurons is saturable, reversible and of high affinity. The pharmacology of B-FL-X Ry showed marked differences with unlabeled Ry, which are partially explained by its lower affinity: (1) use-dependent reversible inhibition of caffeine-induced intracellular Ca(2+) release; (2) diminished voltage-gated Ca(2+) influx, due to a positive shift in the activation of voltage gated Ca(2+) currents. B-FL-X Ry-stained sympathetic neurons, viewed under confocal microscopy, showed conspicuous labeling of crescent-shaped structures pertaining to the Golgi complex, a conclusion supported by experiments showing co-localization with Golgi-specific fluorescent probes and the breaking up of crescent-shaped staining after treatment with drugs that disassemble Golgi complex. The presence of RyRs to the Golgi could be confirmed with specific anti-RyR(2) antibodies, but evidence of caffeine-induced Ca(2+) release from this organelle could not be obtained using fast confocal microscopy. Rather, an apparent decrease of the cytosolic Ca(2+) signal was detected close to this organelle. In spite of that, short-term incubation with brefeldin A (BFA) suppressed the fast component of caffeine-induced Ca(2+) release, and the Ca(2+) release process lasted longer and appeared less organized. These observations, which suggest a possible role of the Golgi complex in Ca(2+) homeostasis and signaling in nerve cells, could be relevant to reports involving derangement of the Golgi complex as a probable cause of some forms of progressive neuronal degeneration, such as Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  相似文献   

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