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The herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein heterodimer gE/gI plays an important role in virus cell-to-cell spread in epithelial and neuronal tissues. In an analogous fashion, gE/gI promotes virus spread between certain cell types in culture, e.g., keratinocytes and epithelial cells, cells that are polarized or that form extensive cell junctions. One mechanism by which gE/gI facilitates cell-to-cell spread involves selective sorting of nascent virions to cell junctions, a process that requires the cytoplasmic domain of gE. However, the large extracellular domains of gE/gI also appear to be involved in cell-to-cell spread. Here, we show that coexpression of a truncated form of gE and gI in a human keratinocyte line, HaCaT cells, decreased the spread of HSV between cells. This truncated gE/gI was found extensively at cell junctions. Expression of wild-type gE/gI that accumulates at intracellular sites, in the trans-Golgi network, did not reduce cell-to-cell spread. There was no obvious reduction in production of infectious HSV in cells expressing gE/gI, and virus particles accumulated at cell junctions, not at intracellular sites. Expression of HSV gD, which is known to bind virus receptors, also blocked cell-to-cell spread. Therefore, like gD, gE/gI appears to be able to interact with cellular components of cell junctions, gE/gI receptors which can promote HSV cell-to-cell spread.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein heterodimer gE/gI is necessary for virus spread in epithelial and neuronal tissues. Deletion of the relatively large gE cytoplasmic (CT) domain abrogates the ability of gE/gI to mediate HSV spread. The gE CT domain is required for the sorting of gE/gI to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in early stages of virus infection, and there are several recognizable TGN sorting motifs grouped near the center of this domain. Late in HSV infection, gE/gI, other viral glycoproteins, and enveloped virions redistribute from the TGN to epithelial cell junctions, and the gE CT domain is also required for this process. Without the gE CT domain, newly enveloped virions are directed to apical surfaces instead of to cell junctions. We hypothesized that the gE CT domain promotes virus envelopment into TGN subdomains from which nascent enveloped virions are sorted to cell junctions, a process that enhances cell-to-cell spread. To characterize elements of the gE CT domain involved in intracellular trafficking and cell-to-cell spread, we constructed a panel of truncation mutants. Specifically, these mutants were used to address whether sorting to the TGN and redistribution to cell junctions are necessary, and sufficient, for gE/gI to promote cell-to-cell spread. gE-519, lacking 32 C-terminal residues, localized normally to the TGN early in infection and then trafficked to cell junctions at late times and mediated virus spread. By contrast, mutants gE-495 (lacking 56 C-terminal residues) and gE-470 (lacking 81 residues) accumulated in the TGN but did not traffic to cell junctions and did not mediate cell-to-cell spread. A fourth mutant, gE-448 (lacking most of the CT domain), did not localize to cell junctions and did not mediate virus spread. Therefore, the capacity of gE/gI to promote cell-cell spread requires early localization to the TGN, but this is not sufficient for virus spread. Additionally, gE CT sequences between residues 495 and 519, which contain no obvious cell sorting motifs, are required to promote gE/gI traffic to cell junctions and cell-to-cell spread.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) spreads rapidly and efficiently within epithelial and neuronal tissues. The HSV glycoprotein heterodimer gE/gI plays a critical role in promoting cell-to-cell spread but does not obviously function during entry of extracellular virus into cells. Thus, gE/gI is an important molecular handle on the poorly understood process of cell-to-cell spread. There was previous evidence that the large extracellular (ET) domains of gE/gI might be important in cell-to-cell spread. First, gE/gI extensively accumulates at cell junctions, consistent with being tethered there. Second, expression of gE/gI in trans interfered with HSV spread between epithelial cells. To directly test whether the gE ET domain was necessary for gE/gI to promote virus spread, a panel of gE mutants with small insertions in the ET domain was constructed. Cell-to-cell spread was reduced when insertions were made within either of two regions, residues 256 to 291 or 348 to 380. There was a strong correlation between loss of cell-to-cell spread function and binding of immunoglobulin. gE ET domain mutants 277, 291, and 348 bound gI, produced mature forms of gE that reached the cell surface, and were incorporated into virions yet produced plaques similar to gE null mutants. Moreover, all three mutants were highly restricted in spread within the corneal epithelium, in the case of mutant 277 to only 4 to 6% of the number of cells compared with wild-type HSV. Therefore, the ET domain of gE is indispensable for efficient cell-to-cell spread. These observations are consistent with our working hypothesis that gE/gI can bind extracellular ligands, so-called gE/gI receptors that are concentrated at epithelial cell junctions. This fits with similarities in structure and function of gE/gI and gD, which is a receptor binding protein.  相似文献   

Cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) were conventionally embedded or freeze substituted after high-pressure freezing and stained with uranyl acetate. Electron tomograms of capsids attached to or undergoing envelopment at the inner nuclear membrane (INM), capsids within cytoplasmic vesicles near the nuclear membrane, and extracellular virions revealed the following phenomena. (i) Nucleocapsids undergoing envelopment at the INM, or B capsids abutting the INM, were connected to thickened patches of the INM by fibers 8 to 19 nm in length and < or =5 nm in width. The fibers contacted both fivefold symmetrical vertices (pentons) and sixfold symmetrical faces (hexons) of the nucleocapsid, although relative to the respective frequencies of these subunits in the capsid, fibers engaged pentons more frequently than hexons. (ii) Fibers of similar dimensions bridged the virion envelope and surface of the nucleocapsid in perinuclear virions. (iii) The tegument of perinuclear virions was considerably less dense than that of extracellular virions; connecting fibers were observed in the former case but not in the latter. (iv) The prominent external spikes emanating from the envelope of extracellular virions were absent from perinuclear virions. (v) The virion envelope of perinuclear virions appeared denser and thicker than that of extracellular virions. (vi) Vesicles near, but apparently distinct from, the nuclear membrane in single sections were derived from extensions of the perinuclear space as seen in the electron tomograms. These observations suggest very different mechanisms of tegumentation and envelopment in extracellular compared with perinuclear virions and are consistent with application of the final tegument to unenveloped nucleocapsids in a compartment(s) distinct from the perinuclear space.  相似文献   

Alphaherpesviruses express a heterodimeric glycoprotein, gE/gI, that facilitates cell-to-cell spread between epithelial cells and neurons. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) gE/gI accumulates at junctions formed between polarized epithelial cells at late times of infection. However, at earlier times after HSV infection, or when gE/gI is expressed using virus vectors, the glycoprotein localizes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The cytoplasmic (CT) domains of gE and gI contain numerous TGN and endosomal sorting motifs and are essential for epithelial cell-to-cell spread. Here, we swapped the CT domains of HSV gE and gI onto another HSV glycoprotein, gD. When the gD-gI(CT) chimeric protein was expressed using a replication-defective adenovirus (Ad) vector, the protein was found on both the apical and basolateral surfaces of epithelial cells, as was gD. By contrast, the gD-gE(CT) chimeric protein, gE/gI, and gE, when expressed by using Ad vectors, localized exclusively to the TGN. However, gD-gE(CT), gE/gI, and TGN46, a cellular TGN protein, became redistributed largely to lateral surfaces and cell junctions during intermediate to late stages of HSV infection. Strikingly, gE and TGN46 remained sequestered in the TGN when cells were infected with a gI(-)HSV mutant. The redistribution of gE/gI to lateral cell surfaces did not involve widespread HSV inhibition of endocytosis because the transferrin receptor and gE were both internalized from the cell surface. Thus, gE/gI accumulates in the TGN in early phases of HSV infection then moves to lateral surfaces, to cell junctions, at late stages of infection, coincident with the redistribution of a TGN marker. These results are related to recent observations that gE/gI participates in the envelopment of nucleocapsids into cytoplasmic vesicles (A. R. Brack, B. G. Klupp, H. Granzow, R. Tirabassi, L. W. Enquist, and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 74:4004-4016, 2000) and that gE/gI can sort nascent virions from cytoplasmic vesicles specifically to the lateral surfaces of epithelial cells (D. C. Johnson, M. Webb, T. W. Wisner, and C. Brunetti, J. Virol. 75:821-833, 2000). Therefore, gE/gI localizes to the TGN, through interactions between the CT domain of gE and cellular sorting machinery, and then participates in envelopment of cytosolic nucleocapsids there. Nascent virions are then sorted from the TGN to cell junctions.  相似文献   

Following reactivation from latency, alphaherpesviruses replicate in sensory neurons and assemble capsids that are transported in the anterograde direction toward axon termini for spread to epithelial tissues. Two models currently describe this transport. The Separate model suggests that capsids are transported in axons independently from viral envelope glycoproteins. The Married model holds that fully assembled enveloped virions are transported in axons. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) membrane glycoprotein heterodimer gE/gI and the US9 protein are important for virus anterograde spread in the nervous systems of animal models. It was not clear whether gE/gI and US9 contribute to the axonal transport of HSV capsids, the transport of membrane proteins, or both. Here, we report that the efficient axonal transport of HSV requires both gE/gI and US9. The transport of both capsids and glycoproteins was dramatically reduced, especially in more distal regions of axons, with gE(-), gI(-), and US9-null mutants. An HSV mutant lacking just the gE cytoplasmic (CT) domain displayed an intermediate reduction in capsid and glycoprotein transport. We concluded that HSV gE/gI and US9 promote the separate transport of both capsids and glycoproteins. gE/gI was transported in association with other HSV glycoproteins, gB and gD, but not with capsids. In contrast, US9 colocalized with capsids and not with membrane glycoproteins. Our observations suggest that gE/gI and US9 function in the neuron cell body to promote the loading of capsids and glycoprotein-containing vesicles onto microtubule motors that ferry HSV structural components toward axon tips.  相似文献   

Evidence was recently presented that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc receptors are composed of a complex containing a previously described glycoprotein, gE, and a novel virus-induced polypeptide, provisionally named g70 (D. C. Johnson and V. Feenstra, J. Virol. 61:2208-2216, 1987). Using a monoclonal antibody designated 3104, which recognizes g70, in conjunction with antipeptide sera and virus mutants unable to express g70 or gE, we have mapped the gene encoding g70 to the US7 open reading frame of HSV-1 adjacent to the gE gene. Therefore, g70 appears to be identical to a recently described polypeptide which was named gI (R. Longnecker, S. Chatterjee, R. J. Whitley, and B. Roizman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:147-151, 1987). Under mildly denaturing conditions, monoclonal antibody 3104 precipitated both gI and gE from extracts of HSV-1-infected cells. In addition, rabbit IgG precipitated the gE-gI complex from extracts of cells transfected with a fragment of HSV-1 DNA containing the gI, gE, and US9 genes. Cells infected with mutant viruses which were unable to express gE or gI did not bind radiolabeled IgG; however, cells coinfected with two viruses, one unable to express gE and the other unable to express gI, bound levels of IgG approaching those observed with wild-type viruses. These results further support the hypothesis that gE and gI form a complex which binds IgG by the Fc domain and that neither polypeptide alone can bind IgG.  相似文献   

The late stages of assembly of herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other herpesviruses are not well understood. Acquisition of the final virion envelope apparently involves interactions between viral nucleocapsids coated with tegument proteins and the cytoplasmic domains of membrane glycoproteins. This promotes budding of virus particles into cytoplasmic vesicles derived from the trans-Golgi network or endosomes. The identities of viral membrane glycoproteins and tegument proteins involved in these processes are not well known. Here, we report that HSV mutants lacking two viral glycoproteins, gD and gE, accumulated large numbers of unenveloped nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm. These aggregated capsids were immersed in an electron-dense layer that appeared to be tegument. Few or no enveloped virions were observed. More subtle defects were observed with an HSV unable to express gD and gI. A triple mutant lacking gD, gE, and gI exhibited more severe defects in envelopment. We concluded that HSV gD and the gE/gI heterodimeric complex act in a redundant fashion to anchor the virion envelope onto tegument-coated capsids. In the absence of either one of these HSV glycoproteins, envelopment proceeds; however, without both gD and gE, or gE/gI, there is profound inhibition of cytoplasmic envelopment.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) expresses a number of membrane glycoproteins, including gB, gD, and gH/gL, that function in both entry of virus particles and movement of virus from an infected cell to an uninfected cell (cell-to-cell spread). However, a complex of HSV glycoproteins gE and gI (gE/gI) is required for efficient cell-to-cell spread, especially between cells that form extensive cell junctions, yet it is not necessary for entry of extracellular virions. We previously showed that gE/gI has the capacity to localize specifically to cell junctions; the glycoprotein complex was found at lateral surfaces of cells in contact with other cells but not at those lateral surfaces not forming junctions or at apical surfaces. By virtue of these properties, gE/gI is an important molecular handle on the poorly understood process of cell-to-cell spread. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of gE is important for the proper delivery of gE/gI to lateral surfaces of cells. Without this domain, gE/gI is found on the apical surface of epithelial cells, and more uniformly in the cytoplasm, although incorporation into the virion envelope is unaffected. However, even without proper trafficking signals, a substantial fraction of gE/gI retained the capacity to accumulate at cell junctions. Therefore, the extracellular domain of gE can mediate accumulation of gE/gI at cell junctions, if the glycoprotein can be delivered there, probably through interactions with ligands on the opposing cell. The role of phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of gE was also studied. A second mutant HSV type 1 was constructed in which three serine residues that form a casein kinase II phosphorylation site were changed to alanine residues, reducing phosphorylation by 70 to 80%. This mutation did not affect accumulation at cell junctions or cell-to-cell spread.  相似文献   

V Litwin  W Jackson    C Grose 《Journal of virology》1992,66(6):3643-3651
The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) genome contains 70 reading frames (ORF), 5 of which encode the glycoproteins gpI, gpII, gpIII, gpIV, and gpV. ORF 67 and 68 lie adjacent to each other in the unique short region of the VZV genome and code for gpIV and gpI, respectively. These two genes, which are contained within the HindIII C fragment of the VZV genome, were subcloned in the correct orientation downstream from the promoter regions of the eukaryotic expression vectors pCMV5 and pBJ. After transfection, 5 to 20% of the Cos cells bound antibody specific for the given glycoprotein. In this study, it was shown that only the cells transfected with the gpI construct bound to the Fc fragment of human immunoglobulin G. Neither the transfected gpIV gene product nor the vector only bound to the Fc fragment. Thus, VZV gpI is confirmed to be the VZV-encoded Fc-binding glycoprotein. Like the wild-type form of gpI expressed in VZV-infected cells, gpI precipitated from transfected cells contained both N-linked and O-linked glycans and was heavily sialated. In addition, the transfected gpI gene product was phosphorylated both in cell culture and in protein kinase assays by mammalian casein kinases I and II. Extensive computer-assisted analyses of the VZV gpI sequence, as well as those of alphaherpesviral homolog glycoproteins, disclosed properties similar to those of other cell surface receptors; these included (i) exocytoplasmic regions rich in cysteine residues, (ii) membrane-proximal regions with potential O-linked glycosylation sites, and (iii) cytoplasmic domains with consensus phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoproteins E and I (gE and gI) can act as a receptor for the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (IgG). To examine the role of HSV IgG Fc receptor in viral pathogenesis, rabbits and mice were infected by the corneal route with HSV gE- or gI- mutants. Wild-type HSV-1 produced large dendritic lesions in the corneal epithelium and subsequent stromal disease leading to viral encephalitis, whereas gE- and gI- mutant viruses produced microscopic punctate or small dendritic lesions in the epithelium and no corneal disease or encephalitis. These differences were not related to the ability of the gE-gI oligomer to bind IgG because the differences were observed before the appearance of anti-HSV IgG and in mice, in which IgG binds to the Fc receptor poorly or not at all. Mutant viruses produced small plaques on monolayers of normal human fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Replication of gE- and gI- mutant viruses in human fibroblasts were normal, and the rates of entry of mutant and wild-type viruses into fibroblasts were similar; however, spread of gE- and gI- mutant viruses from cell to cell was significantly slower than that of wild-type HSV-1. In experiments in which fibroblast monolayers were infected with low multiplicities of virus and multiple rounds of infection occurred, the presence of neutralizing antibodies in the culture medium caused the yields of mutant viruses to drop dramatically, whereas there was a lesser effect on the production of wild-type HSV. It appears that cell-to-cell transmission of wild-type HSV-1 occurs by at least two mechanisms: (i) release of virus from cells and entry of extracellular virus into a neighboring cell and (ii) transfer of virus across cell junctions in a manner resistant to neutralizing antibodies. Our results suggest that gE- and gI- mutants are defective in the latter mechanism of spread, suggesting the possibility that the gE-gI complex facilitates virus transfer across cell junctions, a mode of spread which may predominate in some tissues. It is ironic that the gE-gI complex, usually considered an IgG Fc receptor, may, through its ability to mediate cell-to-cell spread, actually protect HSV from IgG in a manner different than previously thought.  相似文献   

Husak PJ  Kuo T  Enquist LW 《Journal of virology》2000,74(23):10975-10983
The membrane proteins gI and gE of Pseudorabies virus (PRV) are required for viral invasion and spread through some neural pathways of the rodent central nervous system. Following infection of the rat retina with wild-type PRV, virus replicates in retinal ganglion neurons and anterogradely spreads to infect all visual centers in the brain. By contrast, gI and gE null mutants do not infect a specific subset of the visual centers, e.g., the superior colliculus and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. In previous experiments, we suggested that the defect was not due to inability to infect projection-specific retinal ganglion cells, because mixed infection of a gE deletion mutant and a gI deletion mutant restored the wild-type phenotype (i.e., genetic complementation occurred). In the present study, we provide direct evidence that gE and gI function to promote the spread of infection after entry into primary neurons. We used stereotaxic central nervous system injection of a fluorescent retrograde tracer into the superior colliculus and subsequent inoculation of a PRV gI-gE double null mutant into the eye of the same animal to demonstrate that viral antigen and fluorescent tracer colocalize in retinal ganglion cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that direct injection of a PRV gI-gE double null mutant into the superior colliculus resulted in robust infection followed by retrograde transport to the eye and replication in retinal ganglion neuron cell bodies. These experiments provide additional proof that the retinal ganglion cells projecting to the superior colliculus are susceptible and permissive to gE and gI mutant viruses. Our studies confirm that gI and gE specifically facilitate anterograde spread of infection by affecting intracellular processes in the primary infected neuron such as anterograde transport in axons or egress from axon terminals.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus glycoproteins gE and gI are required to infect some, but not all, regions of the rodent central nervous system after peripheral injection. After infection of the retina, pseudorabies virus mutants lacking either gE or gI can subsequently infect neural centers involved in the control of circadian function but cannot infect visual circuits mediating visual perception or the reflex movement of the eyes. In this study, we used genetic complementation to test the hypothesis that gE and gI are required for entry into the specific retinal ganglion cells that project to visual centers. These data strongly suggest that gE and gI must function after the viruses enter primary neurons in the retina.  相似文献   

Immunogold electron microscopy was used to determine whether the tegument proteins VP13/14, VP22, and VP16 of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) are components of primary enveloped virions. Whereas VP13/14 and VP22 were not detected in virus particles in the perinuclear space and were present in only mature extracellular virions, VP16 was acquired prior to primary envelopment of the virus at the inner nuclear membrane. This finding highlights potential similarities and differences between HSV1 and the related alphaherpesvirus, pseudorabies virus, in which the homologues of all three of these tegument proteins are not incorporated into the virion until secondary envelopment.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein E (gE) functions as an immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc binding protein and is involved in virus spread. Previously we studied a gE mutant virus that was impaired for IgG Fc binding but intact for spread and another that was normal for both activities. To further evaluate the role of gE in spread, two additional mutant viruses were constructed by introducing linker insertion mutations either outside the IgG Fc binding domain at gE position 210 or within the IgG Fc binding domain at position 380. Both mutant viruses were impaired for spread in epidermal cells in vitro; however, the 380 mutant virus was significantly more impaired and was as defective as gE null virus. gE mutant viruses were inoculated into the murine flank to measure epidermal disease at the inoculation site, travel of virus to dorsal root ganglia, and spread of virus from ganglia back to skin to produce zosteriform lesions. Disease at the inoculation and zosteriform sites was reduced for both mutant viruses, but more so for the 380 mutant virus. Moreover, the 380 mutant virus was highly impaired in its ability to reach the ganglia, as demonstrated by virus culture and real-time quantitative PCR. The results indicate that the domain surrounding amino acid 380 is important for both spread and IgG Fc binding and suggest that this domain is a potential target for antiviral therapy or vaccines.  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is the alphaherpesvirus that causes chicken pox (varicella) and shingles (zoster). The two VZV glycoproteins gE and gI form a heterodimer that mediates efficient cell-to-cell spread. Deletion of gI yields a small-plaque-phenotype virus, ΔgI virus, which is avirulent in human skin using the xenograft model of VZV pathogenesis. In the present study, 10 mutant viruses were generated to determine which residues were required for the typical function of gI. Three phosphorylation sites in the cytoplasmic domain of gI were not required for VZV virulence in vivo. Two deletion mutants mapped a gE binding region in gI to residues 105 to 125. A glycosylation site, N116, in this region did not affect virulence. Substitution of four cysteine residues highly conserved in the Alphaherpesvirinae established that C95 is required for gE/gI heterodimer formation. The C95A and Δ105-125 (with residues 105 to 125 deleted) viruses had small-plaque phenotypes with reduced replication kinetics in vitro similar to those of the ΔgI virus. The Δ105-125 virus was avirulent for human skin in vivo. In contrast, the C95A mutant replicated in vivo but with significantly reduced kinetics compared to those of the wild-type virus. In addition to abolished gE/gI heterodimer formation, gI from the C95A or the Δ105-125 mutant was not recognized by monoclonal antibodies that detect the canonical conformation of gI, demonstrating structural disruption of gI in these viruses. This alteration prevented gI incorporation into virus particles. Thus, residues C95 and 105 to 125 are critical for gI structure required for gE/gI heterodimer formation, virion incorporation, and ultimately, effective viral spread in human skin.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) nucleocapsids acquire an envelope by budding through the inner nuclear membrane, but it is uncertain whether this envelope is retained during virus maturation and egress or whether mature progeny virions are derived by deenvelopment at the outer nuclear membrane followed by reenvelopment in a cytoplasmic compartment. To resolve this issue, we used immunogold electron microscopy to examine the distribution of glycoprotein D (gD) in cells infected with HSV-1 encoding a wild-type gD or a gD which is retrieved to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In cells infected with wild-type HSV-1, extracellular virions and virions in the perinuclear space bound approximately equal amounts of gD antibody. In cells infected with HSV-1 encoding an ER-retrieved gD, the inner and outer nuclear membranes were heavily gold labeled, as were perinuclear enveloped virions. Extracellular virions exhibited very little gold decoration (10- to 30-fold less than perinuclear virions). We conclude that the envelope of perinuclear virions must be lost during maturation and egress and that mature progeny virions must acquire an envelope from a post-ER cytoplasmic compartment. We noted also that gD appears to be excluded from the plasma membrane in cells infected with wild-type virus.  相似文献   

AF6 and its rat homologue afadin are multidomain proteins localized at cell junctions and involved in intercellular adhesion. AF6 interacts via its PDZ domain with nectin-1 at epithelial adherens junctions. Nectin-1 serves as a mediator of cell-to-cell spread for Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). We analyzed the role of AF6 protein in the viral spread and nectin-1 clustering at cell-cell contacts by knockdown of AF6 in epithelial cells. AF6 knockdown reduced efficiency of HSV-1 spreading, however, the clustering of nectin-1 at cell-cell contacts was not affected. Thus, AF6 protein is important for spreading of HSV-1 in epithelial cells, independently of nectin clustering, possibly by stabilization of the E-cadherin-dependent cell adhesion.  相似文献   

The promoters for each of the immediate-early genes from herpes simplex virus type 1 were cloned and fused to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase cassette. These chimeric genes were used as targets in a transient expression assay to determine how the immediate-early gene products ICP4 and ICP0 and the virion-associated stimulatory protein Vmw65 affected their expression in HeLa and Vero cells. The basal level of expression from these cassettes differed significantly depending on the extent of 5'-flanking sequence and the cell line that served as host. The promoters from IE-4 and IE-0 behaved in a qualitatively similar fashion independent of the host cell. However, the promoter for ICP27 had a unique response pattern: in Vero cells it acted as an alpha gene promoter, whereas in HeLa cells its response was more like that of a beta gene promoter. The promoter sequences for ICP22 and ICP47 behaved as the IE-4 and IE-0 promoters did in HeLa cells, but their response to the effector molecules in Vero cells was unlike that of other alpha gene promoters we have studied. Evidence is also presented for a role for ICP27 in autoregulation.  相似文献   

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