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A study is made of the excitation of wake waves by a one-dimensional electron bunch in an electron plasma in the presence of an intense monochromatic pump wave with circular polarization. In the main state (in the absence of a bunch), the interaction between a pump wave and a plasma is described by Maxwell's equations and the nonlinear relativistic hydrodynamic equations for a cold plasma. The excitation of linear waves by a one-dimensional bunch is investigated against a cold plasma background. It is shown that, in a certain range of parameter values of the bunch, pump wave, and plasma, the excitation is resonant in character and the amplitude of the excited wake waves increases with distance from the bunch.  相似文献   

The properties of a nonlinear plasma wake wave excited by an axially symmetric relativistic electron bunch are studied. It is shown that the nonlinear dependence of the wake wavelength on the transverse coordinate leads to distortion of the phase front of the wake wave and to steepening and oscillations of the transverse profile of the wakefield. The magnetic field of the wake wave is nonzero and oscillates at a frequency higher than the plasma electron frequency. Because of nonlinearity, the amplitude of the excited wake wave changes with distance from the bunch. The increase in nonlinearity leads to the development of turbulence and chaotization of the wakefield and results in the switching-on of the thermal effects and plasma heating.  相似文献   

The problem of the excitation of electron waves in a thin-walled annular cold plasma in a cylindrical waveguide by a straight relativistic electron beam in a finite magnetic field is considered. The dispersion properties of a waveguide system with parameters close to the experimental ones are investigated. It is shown that the growth rate of the excited high-frequency plasma wave is comparable to that of the low-frequency wave, which is weakly sensitive to the strength of the longitudinal magnetic field.  相似文献   

The transverse and longitudinal dielectric permittivities of isotropic quantum plasma are calculated in the quantum plasma models based on the Dirac and Pauli equations. The dispersion relations for transverse-longitudinal waves in quantum particle beams are derived. Relativistic longitudinal and transverse waves in cold isotropic quantum plasma in models based on the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, as well as spin waves in the model based on the Pauli equation, are considered. Conditions for wave-particle resonance interactions in relativistic quantum plasma are analyzed.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory is developed that describes the interaction between an annular electron beam and an electromagnetic surface wave propagating strictly transverse to a constant external axial magnetic field in a cylindrical metal waveguide partially filled with a cold plasma. It is shown theoretically that surface waves with positive azimuthal mode numbers can be efficiently excited by an electron beam moving in the gap between the plasma column and the metal waveguide wall. Numerical simulations prove that, by applying a constant external electric field oriented along the waveguide radius, it is possible to increase the amplitude at which the surface waves saturate during the beam instability. The full set of equations consisting of the waveenvelope equation, the equation for the wave phase, and the equations of motion for the beam electrons is solved numerically in order to construct the phase diagrams of the beam electrons in momentum space and to determine their positions in coordinate space (in the radial variable-azimuthal angle plane).  相似文献   

Electron-ion collisions in relativistically strong electromagnetic fields are considered. Analytical and numerical analyses both show that all qualitative effects characteristic of collisions in nonrelativistic strong fields [1–3] occur at relativistic intensities of an electromagnetic wave as well. Expressions for Joule plasma heating and for the energy distributions of fast particles are derived from simple analytic considerations and are confirmed by numerical simulations. It is found, in particular, that, due to the relativistic increase in the mass of a scattered electron, Joule heating in ultrarelativistic fields becomes more intense as the field amplitude grows.  相似文献   

The structure and stability of a transverse electromagnetic wave propagating with a velocity lower than the speed of light in an unmagnetized plasma are considered. The stationary finite-amplitude wave is described by exact solutions to the Vlasov-Maxwell equations. However, unlike the well-known electrostatic analog, the Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal wave, the wave structure is determined to a large extent by the presence of trapped particles with a shear of transverse velocities, without which the existence of waves with a refraction index larger than unity is impossible. It is shown that the main origin of the wave instability is the longitudinal motion of trapped particles relative to the background plasma. Expressions for the growth rates in the main instability regimes are found under definite restrictions on the wave parameters.  相似文献   

A self-consistent set of Hamilton equations describing nonlinear saturation of the amplitude of oscillations excited under the conditions of parametric decay of an elliptically polarized extraordinary wave in cold plasma is solved analytically and numerically. It is shown that the exponential increase in the amplitude of the secondary wave excited at the half-frequency of the primary wave changes into a reverse process in which energy is returned to the primary wave and nonlinear oscillations propagating across the external magnetic field are generated. The system of ??slow?? equations for the amplitudes, obtained by averaging the initial equations over the high-frequency period, is used to describe steady-state nonlinear oscillations in plasma.  相似文献   

The decay instability of a lser pulse propagating across an external magnetic field in a subscritical plasma is investigated analytically and numerically. It is shown that, when the relaxation of the pulse is taken into account, the hydrodynamic growth rate of the decay instability is slower than that obtained earlier in the constant-amplitude pump wave approximation. The results of numerical simulations by a particle-in-cell method demonstrate that an increase in the amplitude of the parametrically excited waves is accompanied by a decrease in their group velocity; in this case, up to 85% of the laser energy is converted into the energy of the plasma particles. It is found that, under resonance conditions, the magnetic field acts to increase the energy of the accelerated ions that escape from the plasma slab through its front boundary.  相似文献   

A theoretical study is made of the surface electromagnetic eigenmodes that are excited by an annular charged-particle beam due to dissipative instability and propagate across the external axial magnetic field in a cylindrical metal waveguide partially filled with plasma. A self-consistent set of differential equations for a cold low-density charged-particle beam moving above the plasma surface is constructed in the single-mode approximation and is solved numerically. It is shown that the larger the dissipation, the slower the instability growth rate and the larger the wave amplitude in the saturation stage of the instability. An increase in the transverse dimensions of a charged-particle beam results in a slower growth of the dissipative instability, in which case, however, the beam transfers a larger fraction of its kinetic energy to the wave.  相似文献   

The modulational instability in a plasma in a strong constant external magnetic field is considered. The plasmon condensate is modulated not by conventional low-frequency ion sound but by the beatings of two high-frequency transverse electromagnetic waves propagating along the magnetic field. The instability reduces the spatial scales of Langmuir turbulence along the external magnetic field and generates electromagnetic fields. It is shown that, for a pump wave with a sufficiently large amplitude, the effect described in the present paper can be a dominant nonlinear process.  相似文献   

A study is made of the parametric excitation of potential surface waves propagating in a planar plasma-metal waveguide structure in a magnetic field perpendicular to the plasma-metal boundary. An external, spatially uniform, alternating electric field at the second harmonic of the excited wave is used as the source of parametric excitation. A set of equations is derived that describes the excitation of surface waves due to the onset of decay instability. Expressions for the growth rates in the linear stage of instability are obtained, and the threshold amplitudes of the external electric field above which the parametric instability can occur are found. Analytic expressions for the saturation amplitudes are derived with allowance for the self-interaction of each of the excited waves and the interaction between them. The effect of the plasma parameters and the strength of the external magnetic field on the saturation amplitude, growth rates, and the threshold amplitudes of the pump electric field are analyzed.  相似文献   

The effect of the magnetospheric MHD cavity on the excitation of the magnetosphere by stochastic and unsteady hydromagnetic waves incident from the solar wind is investigated theoretically by using a one-dimensional nonuniform model of the medium. It is shown that most of the energy of stochastic waves is reflected from the magnetopause and that the only waves that penetrate into the magnetosphere are those with frequencies in narrow spectral ranges near the eigenfrequencies of the cavity. These waves lead to steadystate excitation of the eigenmodes of the cavity, the energy of which is determined by the spectral density of the energy flux of the incident waves at the corresponding eigenfrequencies. The energy of the eigenmodes penetrates through the opacity barrier in the vicinity of the Alfvén resonance points (each corresponding to a particular mode), where the perturbation amplitude is sharply amplified, so the total energy localized close to the Alfvén resonance point is much higher than the total energy of the corresponding eigenmode. In the vicinities, the perturbation energy is dissipated by the finite conductivity of the ionosphere, the dissipation power being equal to the energy flux of the incident waves that penetrates into the magnetosphere. The case of unsteady waves is analyzed by considering a wave pulse as an example. It is shown that most of the energy of the wave pulse is reflected from the magnetopause. The portion of the incident perturbation that penetrates into the magnetosphere leads to unsteady excitation of the eigenmodes of the magnetospheric cavity, which are then slowly damped because part of the energy of the cavity is emitted through the magnetopause back to the solar wind while the other part penetrates into the vicinities of the Alfvén resonance points. In the vicinities, the perturbation is an Alfvén wave standing between magnetically conjugate ionospheres and its energy is dissipated by the finite conductivity of the ionosphere at a rate slower than the damping rate of the eigenmodes of the cavity.  相似文献   

Conditions for the propagation of a slow extraordinary wave in dense magnetized plasma are found. A solution to the set of relativistic hydrodynamic equations and Maxwell’s equations under the plasma resonance conditions, when the phase velocity of the nonlinear wave is equal to the speed of light, is obtained. The deviation of the wave frequency from the resonance frequency is accompanied by nonlinear longitudinal-transverse oscillations. It is shown that, in this case, the solution to the set of self-consistent equations obtained by averaging the initial equations over the period of high-frequency oscillations has the form of an envelope soliton. The possibility of excitation of a nonlinear wave in plasma by an external electromagnetic pulse is confirmed by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The excitation of a wake wave by a relativistic electron beam in an unbounded magnetized plasma and a plasma waveguide is studied theoretically. It is shown that, in a waveguide partially filled with a plasma, the energy that the electrons of the accelerated beam can gain is 37 times higher than the energy of the electrons of the beam generating wakefield.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of trapping of weakly relativistic charged particles (with kinetic energies on the order of mc 2) into a regime of surfatron acceleration by an electromagnetic wave that propagates in plasma across a weak external magnetic field has been studied using nonlinear numerical calculations based on a solution of the relativistic equations of motion. Analysis showed that, for the wave amplitude above a certain threshold value and the initial wave phase outside the interval favorable for the surfing regime, the trajectory of a charged particle initially corresponds to its cyclotron rotation in the external magnetic field. For the initial particle energies studied, the period of this rotation is relatively short. After a certain number (from several dozen to several thousand and above) of periods of rotation, the wave phase takes a value that is favorable for trapping of the charged particle on its trajectory by the electromagnetic wave, provided the Cherenkov resonance conditions are satisfied. As a result, the wave traps the charged particle and imparts it an ultrarelativistic acceleration. In momentum space, the region of trapping into the regime of surfing on an electromagnetic wave turns out to be rather large.  相似文献   

A study is made of nonresonant parametric excitation of surface waves by a spatially uniform, time-dependent electric pump field directed perpendicular to a plane plasma-dielectric interface. A set of equations is derived that describes the dynamics of surface wave excitation. Expression for the growth rate in the linear stage of instability is obtained, and the threshold amplitude of the external electric field above which the parametric instability can occur is found. The spectrum of the excited waves is analyzed. Published in Russian in Fizika Plazmy, 2006, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 994–998. The article was translated by the author.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory of the instability of a straight relativistic dense electron beam in a plasma waveguide is derived for conditions of the stimulated collective Cherenkov effect. A study is made of a waveguide with a dense plasma such that the plasma wave excited by the beam during the instability can be escribed, with a good degree of accuracy, as a potential wave. General relativistic nonlinear equations are btained that describe the temporal dynamics of beam-plasma instabilities with allowance for plasma nonlinearity and the generation of harmonics of the initial perturbation. Under the assumption that the resonant interaction between the beam waves and the plasma waves is weak, the general equations are reduced to relativistic equations with cubic nonlinearities by using the method of expansion in small perturbations of the trajectories and momenta of the beam and plasma electrons. The reduced equations are solved analytically, the time scales on which the instability saturates are determined, and the nonlinear saturation amplitudes are obtained. A comparison between analytical solutions to the reduced equations and numerical solutions to the general nonlinear equations shows them to be in good agreement. Nonlinear processes caused by the relativistic nature of the beam are found to prevent stochastization of the system in the nonlinear stage of the well-developed instability. In contrast, a nonrelativistic electron beam is found to be subject to significant anomalous nonlinear stochastization.  相似文献   

The structure of an ion-acoustic forerunner excited by a shock wave in a weakly ionized plasma is studied. It is shown that, when the shock velocity exceeds the ion-acoustic speed, a soliton bunch is produced at the perturbation front. The increase in the shock velocity to a certain critical value is accompanied by an increase in the soliton amplitude. A further increase in velocity leads to an explosive-like collapse of the bunch, which results in a decrease in the medium resistance. This phenomenon is analogous to the “Houston's horse” effect in narrow-channel hydrodynamics.  相似文献   

Generation, amplification, and propagation of auroral kilometric radiation in a narrow three-dimensional plasma cavity in which a weakly relativistic electron beam propagates is studied in the geometrical optics approximation. It is shown that the waves that start with a group velocity directed earthward and have optimal relation between the wave vector components determining the linear growth rate and the wave residence time inside the amplification region undergo the largest amplification. Taking into account the longitudinal velocity of fast electrons results in the shift of the instability domain toward wave vectors directed to the Earth and leads to a change in the dispersion relation, due to which favorable conditions are created for the generation of waves with frequencies above the cutoff frequency for the cold background plasma at the wave generation altitude. The amplification factor for these waves is lower than for waves that have the same wave vectors but are excited by the electron beams with lower velocities along the magnetic field. For waves excited at frequencies below the cutoff frequency of the background plasma at the generation altitude, the amplification factor increases with increasing longitudinal electron velocity, because these waves reside for a longer time in the amplification region.  相似文献   

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