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Landscape composition and physiognomy affect community structure and species distribution across space and time. The pine processionary moth (PPM) (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Den. & Schiff., Lepidoptera, Notodontidae) is a common pine defoliator throughout southern Europe and Mediterranean countries. We surveyed the spatiotemporal distribution of the PPM in a pine plantation forest in southwestern France and used the density of the winter nests as a proxy for population density. The study spanned 4 years (2005–2008) and showed a high temporal variability in nest density. We found a strong edge effect with nest densities at stand edges more than twice as large as within-stand densities. At the landscape scale, the spatial distribution of the moth exhibited a significant spatial autocorrelation in 3 out of 4 years of our study. The spatial scales of the autocorrelation ranged from ca. 2 km to more than 22 km. We found a positive correlation between spatial distributions corresponding to certain sampling years, but the relationship was not systematic. Landscape configuration appeared to be an important driver of the PPM spatial pattern. Bivariate Moran’s I correlograms showed that patch richness density as well as the percentage of local landscape covered by various land uses were correlated with population density. The study showed that accounting for landscape characteristics may be important in order to understand forest insect pest distribution, even in cases where the host species is abundant and homogeneously distributed throughout the study area, e.g., pure plantation forests.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Densities of solitarious adult desert locusts were measured on regular grids of up to 126 sample sites in the southern part of the coastal plain of Sudan during the winters of 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. Geostatistical procedures were used to characterize spatial dependence of locust density, to evaluate the possibility of estimating locust densities at unvisited sites, based on information obtained at surveyed sites, and to create density maps. 2 Sample variograms indicate that population densities were spatially correlated over ranges from 5 to 24 km. The range of spatial correlation decreased as dry conditions towards the end of the rainy season concentrated the locusts in contracting areas of sufficient humidity and availability of green vegetation. The rather small ranges of spatial correlation indicate that sampling needs to be conducted at a refined scale (< 24 km between sample points) to avoid missing hot spots of desert locust. 3 Locust densities were highly correlated with cover abundance of the wild plant Heliotropium arbainense and cultivated millet, Pennisetum typhoidum. The association of locusts with these host plants can be used to target sampling and enhance detection chance. 4 The relationship between sampling intensity and kriging variance was explored. Implications for monitoring of desert locust are discussed.  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草原人为火空间分布格局   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
人为草原火及其影响因素的空间分布格局与相关关系研究对于草原火发生、草原火管理等研究具有重要的意义.应用Ripley's K函数对呼伦贝尔草原1976-1996年间发生的人为草原火进行了空间统计分析,确定人为草原火空间分布在年内主要发生月份和年际间均呈聚集分布;应用Kernel密度函数对人为草原火及其影响因素居民点、道路和农田的空间分布密度进行了研究,结果表明呼伦贝尔草原人为火分布广泛,热点区域主体在123.05-124.82°E、48.25-50.21°N之间;居民点、农田空间分布密度的热点区域主要分布在东部和中部地区,道路的分布密度较农田和居民点分布更加均匀.人为草原火空间分布密度与居民点、道路和农田的空间分布密度呈显著性正相关,其Pearson相关系数依次为0.448、0.236、0.602 (P<0.001),火源因素(居民点、道路、农田)的空间分布格局是呼伦贝尔草原人为火空间分布格局的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrate densities and community composition were examined at three spatial scales after substratum disturbance; among reaches along a longitudinal gradient, within reaches and within plots. Reaches consisted of sandstone outcrops that were separated by approximately 2 km of highly mobile sandy silt substratum. 2. Substrata were disturbed by scraping sandstone plots (0.3 ± 0.3 m). Body-sized depressions created by Trichoptera in the sandstone were removed along with the upper 5 mm of sandstone, resulting in areas of newly exposed, smooth sandstone. 3. The spatial scale of examination determined whether patterns of macroinvertebrate distribution and densities were discernible. Initially there were no significant differences in community composition or total densities among reaches or among upstream/ downstream locations within reaches. Following substratum disturbance and 30 days recolonizarion, total macroinvertebrate densities did not differ significantly between undisturbed plots and disturbed plots. However, densities of Petrophilia (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera) differed along the longitudinal gradient and the Simuliidae had its highest density in the upstream reach. Significant differences were found in total macroinvertebrate densities between the upstream and the downstream halves of disturbed plots, with higher densities occurring in the downstream portions. 4. Recolonized plots had similar macroinvertebrate densities and community composition to undisturbed plots, suggesting that the stream community was highly resilient.  相似文献   

杨晓明  李逸欣  朱国平 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):4052-4058
南极磷虾作为南极生态系统中的关键物种,在空间分布上常表现出集群特征.这也反映到磷虾渔业生产的空间格局特征上.为了探讨捕捞能力有明显差异的船队在高/低单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)的情况下空间点分布格局特征及其生态学效应,基于南极半岛北部海域的两艘中国南极磷虾渔船(船A为专业南极磷虾渔船,船B为在智利竹筴鱼渔场与南极磷虾渔场转换的兼作渔船)的磷虾渔业数据,从空间点格局的角度出发,分别从两船的高、低CPUE的空间点格局在不同尺度上聚集特征,高、低CPUE在不同尺度上的二元点格局相关关系,以及CPUE点标记格局下的相关性关系等3个方面进行了分析.Ripley的L函数和标记相关函数分析结果表明: 研究对象在空间窗口所有尺度上的空间格局均表现为聚集性,高、低CPUE下均有聚集发生;在15 km尺度上,聚集强度近最大,在15~50 km尺度下,聚集程度稳定;总体上点格局分布的聚集强度依次为:船A高CPUE>船B低CPUE>船B高CPUE>船A低CPUE.船A高、低CPUE在0~75 km尺度上为正相关关系,在大于75 km尺度上为随机关系;船B在所有尺度上的高、低CPUE均为正相关,说明了低CPUE点事件伴随高CPUE的点事件同步发生,两者在大部分尺度下均显著相关.这是磷虾集群模式的动态性和复杂性造成.船A各点的CPUE值在0~44 km尺度上呈正相关,在44~80 km尺度上呈负相关;船B各点的CPUE值在50~70 km尺度上呈负相关,在其他尺度上无显著相关性;正相关反映了磷虾密集集群的种群分布特性,而负相关表明了磷虾群间由于食物和空间原因存在一定的竞争关系.捕捞能力强的船A和捕捞能力较弱的船B在点格局分布上存在较大差异.专业南极磷虾渔船更适于开展磷虾作业空间点格局分析及相关科学调查工作.  相似文献   

The landscape context of cereal aphid-parasitoid interactions   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Analyses at multiple spatial scales may show how important ecosystem services such as biological control are determined by processes acting on the landscape scale. We examined cereal aphid-parasitoid interactions in wheat fields in agricultural landscapes differing in structural complexity (32-100% arable land). Complex landscapes were associated with increased aphid mortality resulting from parasitism, but also with higher aphid colonization, thereby counterbalancing possible biological control by parasitoids and lastly resulting in similar aphid densities across landscapes. Thus, undisturbed perennial habitats appeared to enhance both pests and natural enemies. Analyses at multiple spatial scales (landscape sectors of 0.5-6 km diameter) showed that correlations between parasitism and percentage of arable land were significant at scales of 0.5-2 km, whereas aphid densities responded to percentage of arable land at scales of 1-6 km diameter. Hence, the higher trophic level populations appeared to be determined by smaller landscape sectors owing to dispersal limitation, showing the 'functional spatial scale' for species-specific landscape management.  相似文献   

This study reports on the relationship between Wuchereria bancrofti infection and female body size, intake of blood and fecundity in the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, vector of this filarial parasite in Recife (Brazil). Adults from field collected larvae were infected via a membrane feeding procedure, using blood with parasitaemia ranging from 724-6,000 mf/ml. A positive correlation was observed between mosquito size (measured by wing length) and egg production in uninfected females. However, this relationship did not exist in W. bancrofti infected mosquitoes. This change is unlikely to be the result of changes in blood ingestion as no significant difference was found when infected and uninfected females were compared. Variation in egg production observed between trials could not be associated with parasite density in the blood. These results suggest infection with W. bancrofti may disrupt the relationship between mosquito size and egg production during the first gonotrophic cycle of C. quinquefasciatus such that fecundity is sometimes reduced. However, this overall affect is variable and many groups of mosquitoes do not respond in this way.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: A dramatic decline in the incidence of malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum infection in coastal East Africa has recently been reported to be paralleled (or even preceded) by an equally dramatic decline in malaria vector density, despite absence of organized vector control. As part of investigations into possible causes for the change in vector population density, the present study analysed the Anopheles gambiae s.l. sibling species composition in north-eastern Tanzania. METHODS: The study was in two parts. The first compared current species complex composition in freshly caught An. gambiae s.l. complex from three villages to the composition reported from previous studies carried out 2-4 decades ago in the same villages. The second took advantage of a sample of archived dried An. gambiae s.l. complex specimens collected regularly from a fourth study village since 2005. Both fresh and archived dried specimens were identified to sibling species of the An. gambiae s.l. complex by PCR. The same specimens were moreover examined for Plasmodium falciparum and Wuchereria bancrofti infection by PCR. RESULTS: As in earlier studies, An. gambiae s.s., Anopheles merus and Anopheles arabiensis were identified as sibling species found in the area. However, both study parts indicated a marked change in sibling species composition over time. From being by far the most abundant in the past An. gambiae s.s. was now the most rare, whereas An. arabiensis had changed from being the most rare to the most common. P. falciparum infection was rarely detected in the examined specimens (and only in An. arabiensis) whereas W. bancrofti infection was prevalent and detected in all three sibling species. CONCLUSION: The study indicates that a major shift in An. gambiae s.l. sibling species composition has taken place in the study area in recent years. Combined with the earlier reported decline in overall malaria vector density, the study suggests that this decline has been most marked for An. gambiae s.s., and least for An. arabiensis, leading to current predominance of the latter. Due to differences in biology and vectorial capacity of the An. gambiae s.l. complex the change in sibling species composition will have important implications for the epidemiology and control of malaria and lymphatic filariasis in the study area.  相似文献   

We present a spatial model for the mean and correlation of highly dispersed count data, and apply it to individual-level counts of the nematode Wuchereria bancrofti, a parasite of humans which causes the disease lymphatic filariasis. Our model uses the negative binomial distribution, whose shape parameter is a convenient index of over-dispersion. Spatial association is quantified in terms of a characteristic length, which has an intuitive interpretation as the distance over which correlation decreases by half. Demographic surveillance and mapping enable us to include individual-level covariates such as age and sex. We discuss the distinctive features of our model and interpret the results in terms of the epidemiology of lymphatic filariasis and possible implications for control programmes.  相似文献   

We fitted spatial autocorrelation functions to distance-based data for assemblages of birds and for three attributes of birds' habitats at 140 locations, separated by up to 65 km, in the Great Basin (Nevada, USA). The three habitat characteristics were taxonomic composition of the vegetation, physical structure of the vegetation, and a measure of primary productivity, the normalized difference vegetation index, estimated from satellite imagery. We found that a spherical model was the best fit to data for avifaunal composition, vegetation composition, and primary productivity, but the distance at which spatial correlation effectively was zero differed substantially among data sets ( c . 30 km for birds, 20 km for vegetation composition, and 60 km for primary productivity). A power-law function was the best fit to data for vegetation structure, indicating that the structure of vegetation differed by similar amounts irrespective of distance between locations (up to the maximum distance measured). Our results suggested that the spatial structure of bird assemblages is more similar to vegetation composition than to either vegetation structure or primary productivity, but is autocorrelated over larger distances. We believe that the greater mobility of birds compared with plants may be responsible for this difference.  相似文献   

为探讨开矿对白音华矿区土壤重金属空间分布的影响, 本研究以内蒙古西乌珠穆沁旗白音华煤矿区周边土壤为对象,分析了距离矿区8 km内的重金属Cu、Cr、Pb和Mn含量的空间异质性。结果表明: 土壤重金属Cu、Cr、Pb和Mn的平均含量分别为12.7、32.6、29.9和201.3 mg·kg-1,其变异系数分别为26.8%、33.9%、27.1%和45.7%。采用半方差函数进行模型拟合, Cu、Cr、Pb和Mn空间分布分别符合高斯模型、高斯模型、高斯模型和线性模型。对其空间分布格局分析发现,Mn、Cr 和 Cu的空间自相关水平较高,主要受结构性因素影响,受随机性因素影响很小,Pb的空间相关性水平适中,同时受结构性因素和随机性因素影响。分形维数分析表明,4种土壤重金属含量空间分布简单,结合2D及3D图看,4种土壤重金属均呈现梯度分布,随着距离增加其含量逐步降低,Cu和Mn主要集中分布在距离矿区1.5 km内,Cr与Pb则分别集中分布在距离矿区2.0与3.0 km内。  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统(GIS)和地统计学研究了河北省遵化市土壤表层(0-20cm)碱解氮、全氮、速效钾、速效磷和有机质等5种养分要素的空间变异规律,应用GIS能够将系统变量的属性数据同地理数据相结合,使大区域范围内进行地统计分析变得较为方面,研究表明,全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、有机质变异函数曲线的理论型符合球状模型,速效钾的理论模型表现为指数模型和有基合值的线性模型的套合结构;碱解氮、全氮、速效磷、有机质  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统(GIS)和地统计学研究了河北省遵化市土壤表层(0~20cm)碱解氮、全氮、速效钾、速效磷和有机质等5种养分要素的空间变异规律.应用GIS能够将系统变量的属性数据同地理数据相结合,使大区域范围内进行地统计学分析变得较为方便.研究表明,全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、有机质变异函数曲线的理论模型符合球状模型,速效钾的理论模型表现为指数模型和有基台值的线性模型的套合结构;碱解氮、全氮、速效磷、有机质的空间变异主要是由随机性因素引起的,但程度有所差异,全氮和有机质由随机性因素引起的空间异质性程度较高,碱解氮和速效磷较低;速效钾的空间变异则主要是由结构性因素引起;5种养分要素的空间自相关程度都属于中等的空间自相关,但空间变异的尺度范围不同,碱解氮和速效磷变异尺度基本相近,为5和5.5km;全氮较大,为14.5km;有机质为8.5km;速效钾的变异尺度有两个,0~3.5km主要以指数模型为主,3.5~25.5km范围内以有基台值的线性模型为主.5种养分要素的各向同性的范围不同,碱解氮和速效磷在整个范围(0~28km)都表现出各向同性,全氮和有机质的其次,为0~10km;速效钾的较小,为0~8km.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for estimating elephant densities by counting elephant wells and dung boli within dry seasonal flooding rivers. A combination of aerial and ground counts of elephant wells and dung boli in the Ewaso Ngiro River were related to elephant numbers, obtained from an on‐going monitoring program of individually identified elephants in Samburu and Buffalo Spring National Reserves, Kenya. The total number of elephant observations was highly correlated with both densities of wells and dung boli at a spatial resolution of 4‐km river‐section. This indicates that both wells and droppings can be used for estimating relative densities at such spatial resolution. The method can be used as a quick and reliable way of estimating relative elephant densities in semiarid regions but is sensitive to differences in the time when different parts of the river dry out and will be unreliable in areas with secondary un‐censused water sources. A short 4‐week period between the river dry out and the count is recommended, because of an error induced by a level of well reuse and the difficulties in counting areas of high well densities from the air.  相似文献   



Dengue is endemic to the rural province of Kamphaeng Phet, Northern Thailand. A decade of prospective cohort studies has provided important insights into the dengue viruses and their generated disease. However, as elsewhere, spatial dynamics of the pathogen remain poorly understood. In particular, the spatial scale of transmission and the scale of clustering are poorly characterized. This information is critical for effective deployment of spatially targeted interventions and for understanding the mechanisms that drive the dispersal of the virus.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We geocoded the home locations of 4,768 confirmed dengue cases admitted to the main hospital in Kamphaeng Phet province between 1994 and 2008. We used the phi clustering statistic to characterize short-term spatial dependence between cases. Further, to see if clustering of cases led to similar temporal patterns of disease across villages, we calculated the correlation in the long-term epidemic curves between communities. We found that cases were 2.9 times (95% confidence interval 2.7–3.2) more likely to live in the same village and be infected within the same month than expected given the underlying spatial and temporal distribution of cases. This fell to 1.4 times (1.2–1.7) for individuals living in villages 1 km apart. Significant clustering was observed up to 5 km. We found a steadily decreasing trend in the correlation in epidemics curves by distance: communities separated by up to 5 km had a mean correlation of 0.28 falling to 0.16 for communities separated between 20 km and 25 km. A potential explanation for these patterns is a role for human movement in spreading the pathogen between communities. Gravity style models, which attempt to capture population movement, outperformed competing models in describing the observed correlations.


There exists significant short-term clustering of cases within individual villages. Effective spatially and temporally targeted interventions deployed within villages may target ongoing transmission and reduce infection risk.  相似文献   

The fish eagles along 32 km of shoreline were counted regularly from a launch. The territory size was found to be 0.6 km of shore with a density of 3.5 eagles per km. A single aerial count along 323 km of shore returned a density of 1.9 eagles per km with a territory size of 1.0 km of shore. The distribution of fish eagles is related to the relative availability of trees as perches and probably also to the abundance of fish. The quantity of fish taken by the fish eagles is shown to be negligible compared either with the total production or with the yield harvested by man.  相似文献   

Ultrathin sections of L3 of Wuchereria bancrofti embedded in hydrophilic resin were incubated with antisera pools from individuals (1) asymptomatic microfilaremic with different microfilaria (mf) densities (1-100, 101-500, and >1,000 mf/ml); (2) chronic with hydrocele or lymphedema; and (3) with no evidence of microfilaremia or clinical filariasis but residing in an endemic area. The groups of microfilaremic subjects studied presented differences relative to the intensity of labeling, with the density of gold particles per square micrometer proportional to microfilaremia. Incubation of ultrathin sections of W. bancrofti L3 larvae in the presence of antisera from patients exhibiting chronic obstructive lymphatic pathology of hydrocele and from individuals with clear clinical evidence of lymphedema exhibited a strong reaction in the same tissues. Except for the endemic normal group, all groups studied showed reactivity against epitopes in all tissues of infective larvae of W. bancrofti. The cuticle presented an intense labeling, suggesting a possible target structure for immune response.  相似文献   

Robust estimates of dispersal are critical for understanding population dynamics and local adaptation, as well as for successful spatial management. Genetic isolation by distance patterns hold clues to dispersal, but understanding these patterns quantitatively has been complicated by uncertainty in effective density. In this study, we genotyped populations of a coral reef fish (Amphiprion clarkii) at 13 microsatellite loci to uncover fine‐scale isolation by distance patterns in two replicate transects. Temporal changes in allele frequencies between generations suggested that effective densities in these populations are 4–21 adults/km. A separate estimate from census densities suggested that effective densities may be as high as 82–178 adults/km. Applying these effective densities with isolation by distance theory suggested that larval dispersal kernels in A. clarkii had a spread near 11 km (4–27 km). These kernels predicted low fractions of self‐recruitment in continuous habitats, but the same kernels were consistent with previously reported, high self‐recruitment fractions (40–60%) when realistic levels of habitat patchiness were considered. Our results suggested that ecologically relevant larval dispersal can be estimated with widely available genetic methods when effective density is measured carefully through cohort sampling and ecological censuses, and that self‐recruitment studies should be interpreted in light of habitat patchiness.  相似文献   

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