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Vunnam N  Pedigo S 《Biochemistry》2011,50(14):2973-2982
Neural cadherin (N-cadherin) is a calcium-dependent homophilic cell-adhesive molecule and critical for synaptogenesis and synapse maintenance. The extracellular region plays an important role in cadherin-mediated cell adhesion and has five tandemly repeated ectodomains (EC1-EC5) with three calcium-binding sites situated between each of these domains. Adhesive dimer formation is significantly dependent on binding of calcium such that mutations in the calcium-binding sites adversely affect cell adhesion. To investigate the relative significance of the calcium-binding sites at the EC1-EC2 interface in calcium-induced dimerization, we mutated three important amino acids, D134, D136, and D103, in NCAD12, a construct containing EC1 and EC2. Spectroscopic and chromatographic experiments showed that all three mutations affected calcium binding and dimerization. Mutation of D134, a bidentate chelator in site 3, severely impaired the binding of calcium to all three sites. These findings confirm that binding to site 3 is required for binding to occur at site 2 and site 1. Interestingly, while the D103A mutation diminished only the affinity for calcium, it completely eliminated dimerization. Equilibrium dialysis experiments showed a stoichiometry of 3 at 2 mM calcium for D103A, but no dimerization was apparent even at 10 mM calcium. These results indicate that calcium binding alone is not sufficient for dimerization but requires cooperativity between calcium-binding sites. In summary, our findings confirm that the calcium-binding sites are occupied sequentially in the order of site 3, then site 2 and site 1, and that cooperativity between site 2 and site 1 is essential for formation of adhesive dimers by N-cadherin.  相似文献   

Khaitlina S  Walloscheck M  Hinssen H 《Biochemistry》2004,43(40):12838-12845
The basic mechanism for the nucleating effect of gelsolin on actin polymerization is the formation of a complex of gelsolin with two actin monomers. Probably due to changes in the C-terminal part of gelsolin, a stable ternary complex is only formed at [Ca(2+)] >10(-5) M [Khaitlina, S., and Hinssen, H. (2002) FEBS Lett. 521, 14-18]. Therefore, we have studied the binding of actin monomer to the isolated C-terminal half of gelsolin (segments 4-6) over a wide range of calcium ion concentrations to correlate the conformational changes to the complex formation. With increasing [Ca(2+)], the apparent size of the C-terminal half as determined by gel filtration was reduced, indicating a transition into a more compact conformation. Moreover, Ca(2+) inhibited the cleavage by trypsin at Lys 634 within the loop connecting segments 5 and 6. Though the inhibitory effect was observed already at [Ca(2+)] of 10(-7) M, it was enhanced with increasing [Ca(2+)], attaining saturation only at >10(-4) M Ca(2+). This indicates that the initial conformational changes are followed by additional molecular transitions in the range of 10(-5)-10(-4) M [Ca(2+)]. Consistently, preformed complexes of actin with the C-terminal part of gelsolin became unstable upon lowering the calcium ion concentrations. These data provide experimental support for the role of the type 2 Ca-binding sites in gelsolin segment 5 proposed by structural studies [Choe et al. (2002) J. Mol. Biol. 324, 691]. We assume that the observed structural transitions contribute to the stable binding of the second actin monomer in the ternary gelsolin-actin complex.  相似文献   

Classical cadherins mediate cell-cell adhesion through calcium-dependent homophilic interactions and are activated through cleavage of a prosequence in the late Golgi. We present here the first three-dimensional structure of a classical cadherin prosequence, solved by NMR. The prototypic prosequence of N-cadherin consists of an Ig-like domain and an unstructured C-terminal region. The folded part of the prosequence-termed prodomain-has a striking structural resemblance to cadherin "adhesive" domains that could not have been predicted from the amino acid sequence due to low sequence similarities. Our detailed structural and evolutionary analysis revealed that prodomains are distant relatives of cadherin "adhesive" domains but lack all the features known to be important for cadherin-cadherin interactions. The presence of an additional "nonadhesive" domain seems to make it impossible to engage homophilic interactions between cadherins that are necessary to activate adhesion, thus explaining the inactive state of prodomain-bearing cadherins.  相似文献   

Neural activity results in long term changes that underlie synaptic plasticity. To examine the molecular basis of activity-dependent plasticity, we have used differential cloning techniques to identify genes that are rapidly induced in brain neurons by synaptic activity. Here, we identify a novel cadherin molecule Arcadlin (activity-regulated cadherin-like protein). arcadlin mRNA is rapidly and transiently induced in hippocampal granule cells by seizures and by N-methyl-D-aspartate-dependent synaptic activity in long term potentiation. The extracellular domain of Arcadlin is most homologous to protocadherin-8; however, the cytoplasmic region is distinct from that of any cadherin family member. Arcadlin protein is expressed at the synapses and shows a homophilic binding activity in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Furthermore, application of Arcadlin antibody reduces excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitude and blocks long term potentiation in hippocampal slices. Its close homology with cadherins, its rapid inducibility by neural activity, and its involvement in synaptic transmission suggest that Arcadlin may play an important role in activity-induced synaptic reorganization underlying long term memory.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin is an endothelial specific cadherin that plays a major role in remodeling and maturation of vascular vessels. Recently, we presented evidence that the extracellular part of VE cadherin, which consists of five homologous modules, associates as a Ca(2+)-dependent hexamer in solution (Legrand, P., Bibert, S., Jaquinod, M., Ebel, C., Hewat, E., Vincent, F., Vanbelle, C., Concord, E., Vernet, T., and Gulino, D. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 3581-3588). In an effort to identify which extracellular modules are involved in the elaboration and stability of this hexameric structure, we expressed various VE cadherin-derived fragments overlapping individual or multiple successive modules as soluble proteins, purified each to homogeneity, and tested their propensity to self-associate. Altogether, the results demonstrate that, as their length increases, VE cadherin recombinant fragments generate increasingly complex self-associating structures; although single module fragments do not oligomerize, some two or three module-containing fragments self-assemble as dimers, and four module-containing fragments associate as hexamers. Our results also suggest that, before elaborating a hexameric structure, molecules of VE cadherin self-assemble as intermediate dimers. A synergy between the extracellular modules of VE cadherin is thus required to build homotypic interactions. Placed in a cellular context, this particular self-association mode may reflect the distinctive biological requirements imposed on VE cadherin at adherens junctions in the vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

Mice infected with the NYU-2 strain of Plasmodium berghei were used to study the effect of chloroquine on masking of a lipid that promotes ferriprotoporphyrin IX dimerization. More than 40% of this lipid was masked and unable to promote dimerization in membrane ghosts from erythrocytes of untreated, infected mice. Thus, preparations of membrane ghosts dimerized 57 +/- 6 nmol of ferriprotoporphyrin IX during a 2-h incubation, whereas the lipids extracted from these preparations dimerized 101 +/- 11 nmol of ferriprotoporphyrin IX (means +/- S.D. for four experiments). Exposure of membrane ghosts to sonication or cold significantly increased the extent of masking. In addition, chloroquine treatment of infected mice increased the extent of masking to approximately 90%. The lipid could be unmasked by extracting it into acetone or by aging erythrocyte membrane ghosts from untreated or chloroquine-treated, infected mice for 24 h at pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C. These findings indicate that masking and unmasking of a lipid is central to the regulation of ferriprotoporphyrin IX dimerization in malaria parasites. They also indicate that chloroquine impairs the function of this regulatory process.  相似文献   

In Sindbis virus, initiation of nucleocapsid core assembly begins with recognition of the encapsidation signal of the viral RNA genome by capsid protein. This nucleation event drives the recruitment of additional capsid proteins to fully encapsidate the genome, generating an icosahedral nucleocapsid core. The encapsidation signal of the Sindbis virus genomic RNA has previously been localized to a 132-nucleotide region of the genome within the coding region of the nsP1 protein, and the RNA-binding activity of the capsid was previously mapped to a central region of the capsid protein. It is unknown how capsid protein binding to encapsidation signal leads to ordered oligomerization of capsid protein and nucleocapsid core assembly. To address this question, we have developed a mobility shift assay to study this interaction. We have characterized a 32 amino acid peptide capable of recognizing the Sindbis virus encapsidation signal RNA. Using this peptide, we were able to observe a conformational change in the RNA induced by capsid protein binding. Binding is tight (K(d)(app) = 12 nM), and results in dimerization of the capsid peptide. Mutational analysis reveals that although almost every predicted secondary structure within the encapsidation signal is required for efficient protein binding, the identities of the bases within the helices and hairpin turns of the RNA do not need to be maintained. In contrast, two purine-rich loops are essential for binding. From these data, we have developed a model in which the encapsidation signal RNA adopts a highly folded structure and this folding process directs early events in nucleocapsid assembly.  相似文献   

Transgenic corn expressing Cry1Ab (a Bacillus thuringiensis toxin) is highly effective in the control of Ostrinia nubilalis. For its toxic action, Cry1Ab has to bind to specific insect midgut proteins. To date, in three Lepidoptera species resistance to a Cry1A toxin has been conferred by mutations in cadherin, a protein of the Lepidoptera midgut membrane. The implication of cadherin in the resistance of an Ostrinia nubilalis colony (Europe-R) selected with Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab protoxin was investigated. Several major mutations in the cadherin (cdh) gene were found, which introduced premature termination codons and/or large deletions (ranging from 1383 to 1701 bp). The contribution of these major mutations to the resistance was analyzed in resistant individuals that survived exposure to a high concentration of Cry1Ab protoxin. The results indicated that the presence of major mutations was drastically reduced in individuals that survived exposure. Previous inheritance experiments with the Europe-R strain indicated the involvement of more than one genetic locus and reduced amounts of the cadherin receptor. The results of the present work support a polygenic inheritance of resistance in the Europe-R strain, in which mutations in the cdh gene would contribute to resistance by means of an additive effect.  相似文献   

Polyethylene glycol solutions (10% w/v) were used to detect the effect of mono- and divalent cations on some properties of thyroglobulin. It is shown that in presence of 10% w/v polyethylene glycol in 0.01 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, calcium (less than 0.05 M) modifies the solubility, the sedimentation rate, and the Stokes' radius of thyroglobulin, while monovalent cations up to 0.6 M do not effect any of these properties. These findings can be explained by an increase in molecular compactness of thyroglobulin. Furthermore, it was shown that a synthetic polymer, polyethylene glycol, could be used to detect conformational changes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the importance of dimerization of E-cadherin in the heterophilic adhesive interaction between E-cadherin and integrin alpha(E)beta(7). Dimerization of cadherin molecules in parallel alignment is known to be essential for homophilic adhesion and has been attributed to Ca(2+)-dependent interactions in the domain 1-2 junction or to cross-intercalation of Trp2 from one molecule to the other. We have disrupted either or both of these proposed mechanisms by point mutations in E-cadherin-Fc and have tested the modified proteins for alpha(E)beta(7)-mediated cell adhesion. Prevention of Trp2 intercalation had no adverse effect on integrin-mediated adhesion, whereas disruption of Ca(2+) binding permitted adhesion but with reduced efficiency. Both modifications in combination abolished recognition by alpha(E)beta(7). In EGTA, alpha(E)beta(7) adhered to wild type E-cadherin but not to the Trp2 deletion mutant. Independent evidence that the mutations prevented either or both mechanisms for dimerization is presented. The data show that dimerization is required for recognition by alpha(E)beta(7) and that it can take place by either of two mechanisms. Implications for the roles of the alpha(E) and beta(7) integrin subunits in ligand binding and for Trp2 and Ca(2+) in the assembly of cadherin complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

A subset of actin binding proteins is able to form crosslinks between two or more actin filaments, thus producing structures of parallel or networked bundles. These actin crosslinking proteins interact with actin through either bivalent binding or dimerization. We recently identified two binding sites within the actin binding domain of palladin, an actin crosslinking protein that plays an important role in normal cell adhesion and motility during wound healing and embryonic development. In this study, we show that actin induces dimerization of palladin. Furthermore, the extent of dimerization reflects earlier comparisons of actin binding and bundling between different domains of palladin. On the basis of these results we hypothesized that actin binding may promote a conformational change that results in dimerization of palladin, which in turn may drive the crosslinking of actin filaments. The proximal distance between two actin binding sites on crosslinking proteins determines the ultrastructural properties of the filament network, therefore we also explored interdomain interactions using a combination of chemical crosslinking experiments and actin cosedimentation assays. Limited proteolysis data reveals that palladin is less susceptible to enzyme digestion after actin binding. Our results suggest that domain movements in palladin are necessary for interactions with actin and are induced by interactions with actin filaments. Accordingly, we put forth a model linking the structural changes to functional dynamics.  相似文献   

The type III extra-domain B (ED-B) is specifically spliced into fibronectin (Fn) during embryogenesis and neoangiogenesis, including many cancers. The x-ray structure of the recombinant four-domain fragment Fn(III)7B89 reveals a tightly associated, extended head-to-tail dimer, which is stabilized via pair-wise shape and charge complementarity. A tendency toward ED-B-dependent dimer formation in solution was supported by size exclusion chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation. When amending the model with the known three-dimensional structure of the Fn(III)10 domain, its RGD loop as well as the adhesion synergy region in Fn(III)9-10 become displayed on the same face of the dimer; this should allow simultaneous binding of at least two integrins and, thus, receptor clustering on the cell surface and intracellular signaling. Insertion of ED-B appears to stabilize overall head-to-tail dimerization of two separate Fn chains, which, together with alternating homodimer formation via disulfide bridges at the C-terminal Fn tail, should lead to the known macromolecular fibril formation.  相似文献   

心肌细胞的钙致钙释放   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Wang J  Gao TL 《生理科学进展》1997,28(2):169-171
心肌细胞兴奋-收缩偶联由胞内钙变中介和调控。去极化进进入细胞的少量钙通过钙下释放(CICR)过程发肌质多(SR)释放更多的钙,使胞浆钙浓度升高,导致收缩近年来证明,SR钙放呈梯级特征,提出了局部控制模型,以解释这种现象。钙火花的发现,直观地证硒钙释放单位的存在,进一步支持了局部控制模型。此外,钙释放通道的适应现象,可能是CICR这一正反馈过程的负调节机制。  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease (PR) is a major drug target in combating AIDS, as it plays a key role in maturation and replication of the virus. Six FDA-approved drugs are currently in clinical use, all designed to inhibit enzyme activity by blocking the active site, which exists only in the dimer. An alternative inhibition mode would be required to overcome the emergence of drug-resistance through the accumulation of mutations. This might involve inhibiting the formation of the dimer itself. Here, the folding of HIV-1 PR dimer is studied with several simulation models appropriate for folding mechanism studies. Simulations with an off-lattice Gō-model, which corresponds to a perfectly funneled energy landscape, indicate that the enzyme is formed by association of structured monomers. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations strongly support the stability of an isolated monomer. The conjunction of results from a model that focuses on the protein topology and a detailed all-atom force-field model suggests, in contradiction to some reported equilibrium denaturation experiments, that monomer folding and dimerization are decoupled. The simulation result is, however, in agreement with the recent NMR detection of folded monomers of HIV-1 PR mutants with a destabilized interface. Accordingly, the design of dimerization inhibitors should not focus only on the flexible N and C termini that constitute most of the dimer interface, but also on other structured regions of the monomer. In particular, the relatively high phi values for residues 23-35 and 79-87 in both the folding and binding transition states, together with their proximity to the interface, highlight them as good targets for inhibitor design.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase RAF is a central component of the MAPK cascade. Regulation of RAF activity is highly complex and involves recruitment to membranes and association with Ras and scaffold proteins as well as multiple phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events. Previously, we identified by molecular modeling an interaction between the N-region and the RKTR motif of the kinase domain in RAF and assigned a new function to this tetrapeptide segment. Here we found that a single substitution of each basic residue within the RKTR motif inhibited catalytic activity of all three RAF isoforms. However, the inhibition and phosphorylation pattern of C-RAF and A-RAF differed from B-RAF. Furthermore, substitution of the first arginine led to hyperphosphorylation and accumulation of A-RAF and C-RAF in plasma membrane fraction, indicating that this residue interferes with the recycling process of A-RAF and C-RAF but not B-RAF. In contrast, all RAF isoforms behave similarly with respect to the RKTR motif-dependent dimerization. The exchange of the second arginine led to exceedingly increased dimerization as long as one of the protomers was not mutated, suggesting that substitution of this residue with alanine may result in similar a structural rearrangement of the RAF kinase domain, as has been found for the C-RAF kinase domain co-crystallized with a dimerization-stabilizing RAF inhibitor. In summary, we provide evidence that each of the basic residues within the RKTR motif is indispensable for correct RAF function.  相似文献   

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