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Gene structure of mouse cathepsin B   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The structure of a genomic DNA fragment encoding mouse cathepsin B was characterized. The genomic insert spans 15 kbp and contains 9 exons encoding the 339 amino acid residues of mouse preprocathepsin B. Intron break-points are not found at the junctions of the pre-peptide, pro-peptide and mature enzyme. Like other cysteine proteinase genes, the region around the cysteinyl active site is split by an intron, but in contrast with cathepsins L and H the intron break-point is located immediately after the active site.  相似文献   

Transgenes consisting of segments of the rat liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) gene's 5' non-transcribed domain linked to the human growth hormone (hGH) gene (minus its regulatory elements) have provided useful tools for analyzing the mechanisms that regulate cellular and spatial differentiation of the continuously renewing gut epithelium. We have removed the jejunum from normal and transgenic fetal mice before or coincident with, cytodifferentiation of its epithelium. These segments were implanted into the subcutaneous tissues of young adult CBY/B6 nude mouse hosts to determine whether the bipolar, migration-dependent differentiation pathways of gut epithelial cells can be established and maintained in the absence of its normal luminal environment. Immunocytochemical analysis of isografts harvested 4-6 wk after implantation revealed that activation of the intact endogenous mouse L-FABP gene (fabpl) in differentiating enterocytes is perfectly recapitulated as these cells are translocated along the crypt-to-villus axis. Similarly, Paneth and goblet cells appear to appropriately differentiate as they migrate to the crypt base and villus tip, respectively. The enteroendocrine cell subpopulations present in intact 4-6-wk-old jejunum are represented in these isografts. Their precise spatial distribution along the crypt-to-villus axis mimics that seen in the intact gut. A number of complex interrelationships between enteroendocrine subpopulations are also recapitulated. In both "intact" and isografted jejunum, nucleotides -596 to +21 of the rat L-FABP gene were sufficient to direct efficient expression of the hGH reporter to enterocytes although precocious expression of the transgene occurred in cells located in the upper crypt, before their translocation to the villus base. Inappropriate expression of hGH occurred in a high percentage (greater than 80%) of secretin, gastrin, cholecystokinin, and gastric inhibitory peptide producing enteroendocrine cells present in the intact jejunum of 4-6-wk-old L-FABP-596 to +21/hGH transgenics. Addition of nucleotides -597 to -4,000 reduced the percentage of cells co-expressing this reporter four- to eightfold in several of the subpopulations. Jejunal isografts from each transgenic pedigree studied contained a lower percentage of hGH positive enteroendocrine cells than in the comparably aged intact jejunum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fasciola gigantica cathepsin B belongs to a family of cysteine proteases which is involved in invasion of host tissues. In this study, the recombinant cathepsin B2 (rFgCatB2), synthesized in Pichia pastoris, showed enzymatic activity on a fluorometric substrate Z-Phe-Arg-AMC and gelatin. Furthermore, this recombinant enzyme could degrade IgG and type I collagen. Mouse antiserum against rFgCatB2 reacted with the native FgCatB2 in whole body (WB) extracts of metacercariae (MET), newly excysted juveniles (NEJ) and 2 week-old juveniles, but not in 3, 4 week-old juveniles and adult flukes. Immunolocalization showed the presence of cathepsin B2 only in the caecal epithelium of MET, NEJ and 2 week-old juveniles. Co-localization of FgCatB2 and a prominent antigen of NEJ, FgCatB3, revealed that these proteins were expressed at the same regions in the caecal epithelium. Anti-rFgCatB2 showed no cross reaction with the other parasites’ antigens by Western blotting. These findings suggest that CatB2 is expressed only in early stages of the parasite and may be involved in digestion of host connective tissues and evasion of the host immune system during their penetration and migration. Thus, CatB2 could be considered as an immunodiagnostic and vaccine candidate for fasciolosis.  相似文献   

The enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin D 1-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) is the rate limiting enzyme in the two-step activation process of Vitamin D to its active form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25D) and is located in the mitochondrial fraction of the proximal tubular cells of the kidney. More recently CYP27B1 activity and expression have also been identified in a number of non-renal cells, which is suggestive of new, previously unidentified roles for Vitamin D in the human body. Although the regulation of CYP27B1 activity and expression has been a major focus of interest over the past decades, the exact molecular mechanism behind the regulation of CYP27B1 activity and expression and the role of the CYP27B1 promoter, herein, are still poorly understood. In this study, we created a transgenic mouse model that expresses the luciferase reporter gene under the control of the full-length, 1.5kb, human CYP27B1 promoter. This animal model allows us to study in vivo the tissue-specific, CYP27B1 promoter-controlled, regulation of the expression of the CYP27B1 gene.  相似文献   

We have sought to address the problem of the host and tissue specificity of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) by using transgenic mice obtained after injection of head-to-tail dimers of the HBV genome. Viral DNA replication and protein synthesis were obtained in one of nine transgenic mice containing integrated HBV DNA. The RNAs encoding the HBV surface antigen and the core antigen were synthesized in the liver, the kidney, and the heart. In these organs, DNA replicative intermediates similar to those found during normal infection were associated with corelike structures. Large amounts of core polypeptides and capsids were detected in the nuclei in the absence of any pathological effect. These results show that the different steps of HBV multiplication can take place in nonliver nonhuman cells once the problem of entry into the host cell is overcome. In the absence of a small laboratory animal infectable by HBV, such transgenic mice should be helpful for the study of many aspects of viral multiplication.  相似文献   

Senescence has been proposed as an important safeguard against neoplasia. One of the hallmarks of cellular senescence in vitro as well as human aging in vivo is a reduced intracellular protein catabolism. The pathways affected and the mechanisms responsible for the decrease in overall protein turnover in aging cells are not well understood. Our aim was to determine whether or not expression of one of the major hepatic lysosomal cysteine peptidases, cathepsin B, changes during aging of Sprague-Dawley rats. Cathepsin B activity was assessed in whole rat liver homogenates, and was found to be increased fourfold (P< or =0.001) in aged livers compared with younger counterparts. This was paralleled by an at least a twofold increase in mature cathepsin B protein. Nonetheless, Northern blot analysis of total liver RNA revealed no change in steady-state levels of cathepsin B mRNAs. These findings seem to contradict the present dogma according to which aging tissues have a reduced intracellular capacity to catabolise proteins. We propose that our earlier observation of the accumulation of T-kininogen, a potent but reversible cysteine peptidase inhibitor, in aging rat liver may provide a plausible explanation for this discrepancy.  相似文献   

We investigated the roles played by the cysteine proteases cathepsin B and cathepsin L (brucipain) in the pathogenesis of Trypansoma brucei brucei in both an in vivo mouse model and an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier. Doxycycline induction of RNAi targeting cathepsin B led to parasite clearance from the bloodstream and prevent a lethal infection in the mice. In contrast, all mice infected with T. brucei containing the uninduced Trypanosoma brucei cathepsin B (TbCatB) RNA construct died by day 13. Induction of RNAi against brucipain did not cure mice from infection; however, 50% of these mice survived 60 days longer than uninduced controls. The ability of T. b. brucei to cross an in vitro model of the human blood-brain barrier was also reduced by brucipain RNAi induction. Taken together, the data suggest that while TbCatB is the more likely target for the development of new chemotherapy, a possible role for brucipain is in facilitating parasite entry into the brain.  相似文献   

Memory B cells help to protect the host from invading pathogens by maintaining persistent levels of Ag-specific serum Ab and generating rapid Ab responses upon re-exposure to Ag. Unambiguous identification of memory B cells has been a major obstacle to furthering our knowledge concerning both the development of B cell memory and secondary Ab responses due to an absence of specific cell surface markers. Germinal centers (GCs) are thought to be the major site of Ig hypermutation and Ag-driven selection of memory B cells. To develop a model that would identify GC-derived memory B cells, we generated transgenic mice that expressed cre recombinase in a GC-specific fashion. Interbreeding these mice with the cre-reporter strain, ROSA26R, produced progeny in which beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) was permanently expressed in B cells of the GC-memory pathway. Analysis following immunization with (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl coupled to chicken gamma globulin showed that long-lived beta-gal+ B cells exclusively contained somatically mutated lambda1 V regions and were capable of producing Ag-specific Ab-forming cell (AFC) responses that were >100-fold higher than those afforded by beta-gal- B cells following adoptive transfer to naive hosts. Secondary challenge of immune mice showed that only approximately 20% of secondary AFCs expressed beta-gal. Interestingly, we found that somatic hypermutation of rearranged lambda1 V regions within secondary AFCs showed a strong correlation with beta-gal expression, suggesting that nonmutated B cells contribute significantly to secondary Ab responses. This model should provide useful insights into memory B cell development, maintenance, and differentiation following immunization or pathogenic infection.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B (EC was purified from buffalo liver. The enzyme activity against-benzoyl-dl-arginine-naphthylamme (BANA) was substantially reduced by heat (above 37C) and by nondenaturing concentrations of urea (3 M) and guanidine hydrochloride (1 M). Cathepsin B was significantly activated by 1.5 mM EDTA alone. The activation of the enzyme was further enhanced in the presence of thiol compounds, e.g., cysteine thioglycolic acid, 2,3-dimercapto-1-propenol, and dithioerythritol (DTE). The minimum concentration of the thiol compound required for optimal activation of cathepsin B was found to be lowest (0.2 mM) for DTE. The BANA hydrolyzing activity of cathepsin B was substantially reduced by Cu2+ (20–200M) and Ca2+ (30–250 mM) as well as by thiol blocking reagents, e.g., iodoacetate, 5,5-dithiobis(2-nitro-benzoic acid) (DTNB), andp-hydroxymercuribenzoate (pHMB). The enzyme activity was completely abolished when the molar ratio of the reagent: cathepsin B was close to 1. The number of free sulfhydryl groups in cathepsin B was determined to be 2 by titration against DTNB and pHMB. Modification of one free thiol group of cathepsin B resulted in complete loss of BANA hydrolyzing activity.  相似文献   

Intestinal epithelial cells undergo rapid turnover and exfoliation especially at the villus tips. This process is modulated by various nutrients especially fat. Apoptosis is one of the important regulatory mechanisms of this turnover. Therefore, identification of the factors that control epithelial cell apoptosis should help us understand the mechanism of intestinal mucosal turnover. Here, we report the identification of a novel small intestine-specific member of the Ly-6 family, intectin, by signal sequence trap method. Intectin mRNA expression was exclusively identified in the intestine and localized at the villus tips of intestinal mucosa, which is known to undergo apoptosis. Intectin mRNA expression was modulated by nutrition. Intestinal epithelial cells expressing intectin were more sensitive to palmitate-induced apoptosis, compared with control intestinal epithelial cells, and such effect was accompanied by increased activity of caspase-3. Intectin expression also reduced cell-cell adhesion of intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Acrosin is a serine proteinase located in a zymogen form, proacrosin in the acrosome of the sperm. It is released as a consequence of the acrosome reaction and is believed to be the most important enzyme in the fertilization process. In the mouse, the proacrosin gene is transcribed premeiotically in spermatocytes, but protein biosynthesis starts in haploid spermatids and is restricted to the emerging acrosome. Four lines of transgenic mice harboring 2.3 kb of 5' untranslated region of the rat proacrosin gene fused to the CAT-reporter gene were generated by microinjection of fertilized eggs. The chimeric gene was found to be present in 10-100 copies per genome in the different strains. The 5' untranslated region of rat proacrosin gene could properly direct CAT-gene expression to spermatocytes and CAT-mRNA translation to round spermatids as it is known for mouse proacrosin gene. However, CAT protein is not restricted to the acrosome; rather, it is distributed in the spermatid cytoplasm. This could be due to the lack of DNA sequences for a hydrophobic leader peptide that have been found in all mammalian proacrosins studied until now but that was not present in transgene. It can be concluded from our results that cis-acting sequences required for tissue specific proacrosin expression reside on a 2.3-kb restriction fragment and are conserved in the proacrosin genes of mouse and rat.  相似文献   

The ability to distinguish between self and foreign Ags is a central feature of immune recognition. For B cells, however, immune tolerance is not absolute, and factors that include Ag valency, the availability of T help, and polyclonal B cell stimuli can influence the induction of autoantibody responses. Here, we evaluated whether multivalent virus-like particle (VLP)-based immunogens could induce autoantibody responses in well-characterized transgenic (Tg) mice that express a soluble form of hen egg lysozyme (HEL) and in which B cell tolerance to HEL is maintained by anergy. Immunization with multivalent VLP-arrayed HEL, but not a trivalent form of HEL, induced high-titer Ab responses against HEL in both soluble HEL Tg mice and double Tg mice that also express a monoclonal HEL-specific BCR. Induction of autoantibodies against HEL was not dependent on coadministration of strong adjuvants, such as CFA. In contrast to previous data showing the T-independent induction of Abs to foreign epitopes on VLPs, the ability of HEL-conjugated VLPs to induce anti-HEL Abs in tolerant mice was dependent on the presence of CD4(+) Th cells, and could be enhanced by the presence of pre-existing cognate T cells. In in vitro studies, VLP-conjugated HEL was more potent than trivalent HEL in up-regulating surface activation markers on purified anergic B cells. Moreover, immunization with VLP-HEL reversed B cell anergy in vivo in an adoptive transfer model. Thus, Ag multivalency and T help cooperate to reverse B cell anergy, a major mechanism of B cell tolerance.  相似文献   

Calsequestrin (CSQ) is the major Ca2+ binding protein of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Transgenic mice overexpressing CSQ at the age of 7 weeks exhibit concentric cardiac hypertrophy, and by 13 weeks the condition progresses to dilated cardiomyopathy. The present study used a differential display analysis to identify genes whose expressions are modulated in the CSQ-overexpressing mouse hearts to provide information on the mechanism of transition from concentric cardiac hypertrophy to failure. Cardiac ankyrin repeat protein (CARP), glutathione peroxidase (Gpx1), and genes which participate in the formation of extracellular matrix including decorin, TSC-36, Magp2, Osf2, and SPARC are upregulated in CSQ mouse hearts at 7 and 13 weeks of age compared to those of non-transgenic littermates. In addition, two novel genes without sequence similarities to any known genes are upregulated in CSQ-overexpressing mouse hearts. Several genes are downregulated at 13 weeks, including SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2) and adenine nucleotide translocase 1 (Ant1) genes. Further, a functionally yet unknown gene (NM_026586) previously identified in the mouse wolffian duct is dramatically downregulated in CSQ mice with dilated hearts. Thus, CARP, Gpx1, and genes encoding extracellular matrix proteins may participate in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, and changes in SERCA2, Ant1, and NM_026586 mRNA expression may be involved in transition from concentric to dilated cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B (EC and an analogous thiol proteinase were isolated from mouse liver and from a transplantable tumor induced by methylcholanthrene, respectively, by a sequence of steps involving salt fractionation and ion exchange and gel permeation chromatography. Both enzymes are capable of hydrolyzing N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-Ala-L-Arg-L-Arg-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide but are weakly active towards N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-2-naphthylamide. The specific activity of the liver enzyme towards these substrates is approximately 14 times greater than that of the tumor enzyme. Both enzymes show a single band with slight difference in mobility when subjected to gel electrophoresis at pH 4.5, but both exhibit a multiple banding pattern when examined by isoelectric focusing. The tumor enzyme has a somewhat higher molecular weight than the liver enzyme (33,000 versus 30,000) and possesses a slightly higher helical content (48% versus 40%) based on CD spectra. Both enzymes display maximum activity in the pH range of 5.5 to 7.0 and are irreversibly denatured above pH 7 and below pH 4. Both enzymes cross-react with antiserum towards the tumor enzyme. The liver enzyme displays a higher catalytic efficiency towards a series of oligopeptide substrates than the tumor enzyme, but is only one-third as active towards N-benzoyl-L-arginine-2-naphthylamide. Both proteinases exhibit similar patterns of inhibition by iodoacetate, chloroquine, leupeptin, antipain, and several peptide chloromethylketones. Despite what appear to be subtle differences in physical properties, amino acid composition data and peptide mapping revealed significant differences between these two enzymes reflective of extensive regions of non-identity. These results suggest that the tumor thiol protease and liver cathepsin B are products of separate genes and that the tumor enzyme is not likely an immediate precursor of the liver enzyme produced by post-translational modification.  相似文献   

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