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Neuropilin 1 (Nrp1) is a coreceptor for vascular endothelial growth factor A165 (VEGF-A165, VEGF-A164 in mice) and semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A). Nevertheless, Nrp1 null embryos display vascular defects that differ from those of mice lacking either VEGF-A164 or Sema3A proteins. Furthermore, it has been recently reported that Nrp1 is required for endothelial cell (EC) response to both VEGF-A165 and VEGF-A121 isoforms, the latter being incapable of binding Nrp1 on the EC surface. Taken together, these data suggest that the vascular phenotype caused by the loss of Nrp1 could be due to a VEGF-A164/SEMA3A-independent function of Nrp1 in ECs, such as adhesion to the extracellular matrix. By using RNA interference and rescue with wild-type and mutant constructs, we show here that Nrp1 through its cytoplasmic SEA motif and independently of VEGF-A165 and SEMA3A specifically promotes α5β1-integrin-mediated EC adhesion to fibronectin that is crucial for vascular development. We provide evidence that Nrp1, while not directly mediating cell spreading on fibronectin, interacts with α5β1 at adhesion sites. Binding of the homomultimeric endocytic adaptor GAIP interacting protein C terminus, member 1 (GIPC1), to the SEA motif of Nrp1 selectively stimulates the internalization of active α5β1 in Rab5-positive early endosomes. Accordingly, GIPC1, which also interacts with α5β1, and the associated motor myosin VI (Myo6) support active α5β1 endocytosis and EC adhesion to fibronectin. In conclusion, we propose that Nrp1, in addition to and independently of its role as coreceptor for VEGF-A165 and SEMA3A, stimulates through its cytoplasmic domain the spreading of ECs on fibronectin by increasing the Rab5/GIPC1/Myo6-dependent internalization of active α5β1. Nrp1 modulation of α5β1 integrin function can play a causal role in the generation of angiogenesis defects observed in Nrp1 null mice.  相似文献   

The angiopoietins (Ang-1 and Ang-2) have been identified as agonistic and antagonistic ligands of the endothelial receptor tyrosine kinase Tie2, respectively. Both ligands have been demonstrated to induce translocation of Tie2 to cell-cell junctions. However, only Ang-1 induces Tie2-dependent Akt activation and subsequent survival signaling and endothelial quiescence. Ang-2 interferes negatively with Ang-1/Tie2 signaling, thereby antagonizing the Ang-1/Tie2 axis. Here, we show that both Ang-1 and Ang-2 recruit β3 integrins to Tie2. This co-localization is most prominent in cell-cell junctions. However, only Ang-2 stimulation resulted in complex formation among Tie2, αvβ3 integrin, and focal adhesion kinase as evidenced by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Focal adhesion kinase was phosphorylated in the FAT domain at Ser910 upon Ang-2 stimulation and the adaptor proteins p130Cas and talin dissociated from αvβ3 integrin. The αvβ3 integrin was internalized, ubiquitinylated, and gated toward lysosomes. Taken together, the experiments define Tie2/αvβ3 integrin association-induced integrin internalization and degradation as mechanistic consequences of endothelial Ang-2 stimulation.  相似文献   

Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) not only regulates angiogenesis by binding to its well known receptor Tie2 on endothelial cells but also controls sprouting of Tie2-negative angiogenic endothelial cells and invasion of Tie2-negative non-endothelial cells by binding to integrins. However, the molecular mechanism of the Ang-2/integrin association has been unclear. In this study, we found that the Gln-362 residue of Ang-2 was essential for binding to α5β1 integrin. A Q362E Ang-2 mutant, which still bound to Tie2, failed to associate with α5β1 integrin and was unable to activate the integrin downstream signaling of focal adhesion kinase. In addition, unlike wild-type Ang-2, the Q362E Ang-2 mutant was defective in mediating invasion of Tie2-negative glioma or Tie2-positive endothelial cells. Furthermore, the tailpiece domain of the α5 subunit in α5β1 integrin was critical for binding to Ang-2. Taken together, these results provide a novel insight into the mechanism of integrin regulation by Ang-2, which contributes to tumor invasion and endothelial cell migration in a Tie2-independent manner.  相似文献   

Human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by early systemic dissemination. Although RhoC has been implicated in cancer cell migration, the relevant underlying molecular mechanisms remain unknown. RhoC has been implicated in the enhancement of cancer cell migration and invasion, with actions which are distinct from RhoA (84% homology), and are possibly attributed to the divergent C-terminus domain. Here, we confirm that RhoC significantly enhances the migratory and invasive properties of pancreatic carcinoma cells. In addition, we show that RhoC over-expression decreases cancer cell adhesion and, in turn, accelerates cellular body movement and focal adhesion turnover, especially, on fibronectin-coated surfaces. Whilst RhoC over-expression did not alter integrin expression patterns, we show that it enhanced integrin α5β1 internalization and re-cycling (trafficking), an effect that was dependent specifically on the C-terminus (180-193 amino acids) of RhoC protein. We also report that RhoC and integrin α5β1 co-localize within the peri-nuclear region of pancreatic tumor cells, and by masking the CAAX motif at the C-terminal of RhoC protein, we were able to abolish this interaction in vitro and in vivo. Co-localization of integrin α5β1 and RhoC was demonstrable in invading cancer cells in 3D-organotypic cultures, and further mimicked in vivo analyses of, spontaneous human, (two distinct sources: operated patients and rapid autopsy programme) and transgenic murine (LSL-KrasG12D/+;LSL-Trp53R172H/+;Pdx-1-Cre), pancreatic cancers. In both cases, co-localization of integrin α5β1 and RhoC correlated with poor differentiation status and metastatic potential. We propose that RhoC facilitates tumor cell invasion and promotes subsequent metastasis, in part, by enhancing integrin α5β1 trafficking. Thus, RhoC may serve as a biomarker and a therapeutic target.  相似文献   

CD63 is a member of the transmembrane-4 glycoprotein superfamily (tetraspanins) implicated in the regulation of membrane protein trafficking, leukocyte recruitment, and adhesion processes. We have investigated the involvement of CD63 in endothelial cell (EC) signaling downstream of β1 integrin and VEGF. We report that silencing of CD63 in primary ECs arrested capillary sprouting and tube formation in vitro because of impaired adhesion and migration of ECs. Mechanistically, CD63 associated with both β1 integrin and the main VEGF receptor on ECs, VEGFR2. Our data suggest that CD63 serves to bridge between β1 integrin and VEGFR2 because CD63 silencing disrupted VEGFR2-β1 integrin complex formation identified using proximity ligation assays. Signaling downstream of β1 integrin and VEGFR2 was attenuated in CD63-silenced cells, although their cell surface expression levels remained unaffected. CD63 was furthermore required for efficient internalization of VEGFR2 in response to VEGF. Importantly, systemic delivery of VEGF failed to potently induce VEGFR2 phosphorylation and downstream signaling in CD63-deficient mouse lungs. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a previously unrecognized role for CD63 in coordinated integrin and receptor tyrosine kinase signaling in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), which is also called CCN2, is a secreted matricellular protein. CTGF regulates various important cellular functions by interacting with multiple molecules in the microenvironment. In the ovary, CTGF is mainly expressed in granulosa cells and involved in the regulation of follicular development, ovulation and luteinization. TGF-β1 has been shown to up-regulate CTGF expression in rat and hen granulosa cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of this up-regulation remain undefined. More importantly, whether the stimulatory effect of TGF-β1 on CTGF expression can be observed in human granulosa cells remains unknown. In the present study, our results demonstrated that TGF-β1 treatment up-regulates CTGF expression in both immortalized human granulosa cells and primary human granulosa cells. Using a siRNA-mediated knockdown approach and a pharmacological inhibitor, we demonstrated that the inhibition of Smad2, Smad3 or ERK1/2 attenuates the TGF-β1-induced up-regulation of CTGF. This study provides important insights into the molecular mechanisms that mediate TGF-β1-up-regulated CTGF expression in human granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Cartilage is resistant to tumor invasion. In the present study, we found that the NH2-propeptide of the cartilage-characteristic collagen, type IIB, PIIBNP, is capable of killing tumor cells. The NH2-propeptide is liberated into the extracellular matrix prior to deposition of the collagen fibrils. This peptide adheres to and kills cells from chondrosarcoma and cervical and breast cancer cell lines via the integrins αvβ5 and αvβ3. Adhesion is abrogated by blocking with anti αvβ5 and αvβ3 antibodies. When αv is suppressed by small intefering RNA, adhesion and cell killing are blocked. Normal chondrocytes from developing cartilage do not express αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrins and are thus protected from cell death. Morphological, DNA, and biochemical evidence indicates that the cell death is not by apoptosis but probably by necrosis. In an assay for invasion, PIIBNP reduced the number of cells crossing the membrane. In vivo, in a tumor model for breast cancer, PIIBNP was consistently able to reduce the size of the tumor.  相似文献   

The co-culturing of insulinoma and islet-derived endothelial cell (iEC) lines results in the spontaneous formation of free-floating pseudoislets (PIs). We previously showed that iEC-induced PIs display improved insulin expression and secretion in response to glucose stimulation. This improvement was associated with a de novo deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins by iECs in and around the PIs. Here, iEC-induced PIs were used to study the expression and posttranslational modification of the ECM receptor integrin β1. A wide array of integrin β subunits was detected in βTC3 and NIT-1 insulinomas as well as in primary islets, with integrin β1 mRNA and protein detected in all three cell types. Interestingly, the formation of iEC-induced PIs altered the glycosylation patterns of integrin β1, resulting in a higher molecular weight form of the receptor. This form was found in native pancreas but was completely absent in monolayer β-cells. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis of monolayers and PIs revealed a higher expression of integrin β1 in PIs. Antibody-mediated blocking of integrin β1 led to alterations in β-cell morphology, reduced insulin gene expression, and enhanced glucose secretion under baseline conditions. These results suggest that iEC-induced PI formation may alter integrin β1 expression and posttranslational modification by enhancing glycosylation, thereby providing a more physiological culture system for studying integrin-ECM interactions in β cells.  相似文献   

Beta-1 integrins have essential functions in hemopoietic and immune systems by controlling phenomenons such as cell homing and cell activation. The function α4β1 and α5β1 integrins is regulated by divalent cations and, as demonstrated more recently, by mitogenic cytokines which activate them by “inside-out” mechanisms. Using the adhesive interaction of a cytokine-dependent human hemopoietic cell line to immobilized fibronectin, we have analyzed the requirements in divalent cations Mn2+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ for α4β1 and α5β1 activation by “inside-out” mechanisms triggered by cytokines such as granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor or KIT ligand, or by external conformational constraints with the function-activating anti-β1 integrin monoclonal antibody 8A2. The intrinsic difference between these two modes of β1 integrin activation was revealed by their different requirements in divalent cations. We found that in the absence of any divalent cations, α4β1 and α5β1 were non-functional even after further stimulation by cytokines or 8A2. However, whilst either Ca2+, Mg2+ or Mn2+ were able to restore adhesive functions of α4β1 and α5β1 when activated by 8A2, only Mg2+ and Mn2+ were able to support activation of α5β1 and α5β1 by cytokines. Furthermore, high concentrations of Ca2+ exceeding 20 mM dramatically inhibited cell adhesion to fibronectin induced by Mn2+ and cytokines but not by 8A2. On the contrary, in the presence of both Ca2+ and Mg2+, Mn2+ had an additive effect on the activation of α5β1 and α5β1 by mitogenic cytokines. The presence of the absence of these divalent cations did not inhibit early tyrosine phosphorylation induced by the binding of KIT ligand to its tyrosine-kinase receptor KIT. Therefore, we propose that in hemopoietic cells, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ may modulate in vivo α4β1 and α5β1 regulation by mitogenic cytokines, a phenomenon involved in the regulation of hemopoietic progenitor cell homing within the bone marrow.  相似文献   

The regulation of integrin-mediated adhesion is of vital importance to adaptive and innate immunity. Integrins are versatile proteins and mediate T cell migration and trafficking by binding to extracellular matrix or other cells as well as initiating intracellular signaling cascades promoting survival or activation. The MAPK pathway is known to be downstream from integrins and to regulate survival, differentiation, and motility. However, secondary roles for canonical MAPK pathway members are being discovered. We show that chemical inhibition of RAF by sorafenib or shRNA-mediated knockdown of B-Raf reduces T cell resistance to shear stress to α4β1 integrin ligands vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and fibronectin, whereas inhibition of MEK/ERK by U0126 had no effect. Microscopy showed that RAF inhibition leads to significant inhibition of T cell spreading on VCAM-1. The association of α4β1 integrin with the actin cytoskeleton was shown to be dependent on B-Raf activity or expression, whereas α4β1 integrin affinity for soluble VCAM-1 was not. These effects were shown to be specific for α4β1 integrin and not other integrins, such as α5β1 or LFA-1, or a variety of membrane proteins. We demonstrate a novel role for B-Raf in the selective regulation of α4β1 integrin-mediated adhesion.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that regulate the endothelial response during transendothelial migration (TEM) of invasive cancer cells remain elusive. Tyrosine phosphorylation of vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cad) has been implicated in the disruption of endothelial cell adherens junctions and in the diapedesis of metastatic cancer cells. We sought to determine the signaling mechanisms underlying the disruption of endothelial adherens junctions after the attachment of invasive breast cancer cells. Attachment of invasive breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) to human umbilical vein endothelial cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of VE-cad, dissociation of β-catenin from VE-cad, and retraction of endothelial cells. Breast cancer cell-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of VE-cad was mediated by activation of the H-Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling cascade and depended on the phosphorylation of endothelial myosin light chain (MLC). The inhibition of H-Ras or MLC in endothelial cells inhibited TEM of MDA-MB-231 cells. VE-cad tyrosine phosphorylation in endothelial cells induced by the attachment of MDA-MB-231 cells was mediated by MDA-MB-231 α2β1 integrin. Compared with highly invasive MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, weakly invasive MCF-7 breast cancer cells expressed lower levels of α2β1 integrin. TEM of MCF-7 as well as induction of VE-cad tyrosine phosphorylation and dissociation of β-catenin from the VE-cad complex by MCF-7 cells were lower than in MDA-MB-231 cells. These processes were restored when MCF-7 cells were treated with β1-activating antibody. Moreover, the response of endothelial cells to the attachment of prostatic (PC-3) and ovarian (SKOV3) invasive cancer cells resembled the response to MDA-MB-231 cells. Our study showed that the MDA-MB-231 cell-induced disruption of endothelial adherens junction integrity is triggered by MDA-MB-231 cell α2β1 integrin and is mediated by H-Ras/MLC-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of VE-cad.  相似文献   

Human parechovirus 1 (HPeV-1) (family Picornaviridae) is a global cause of pediatric respiratory and CNS infections for which there is no treatment. Although biochemical and in vitro studies have suggested that HPeV-1 binds to αVβ1, αVβ3 and αVβ6 integrin receptor(s), the actual cellular receptors required for infectious entry of HPeV-1 remain unknown. In this paper we analyzed the expression profiles of αVβ1, αVβ3, αVβ6 and α5β1 in susceptible cell lines (A549, HeLa and SW480) to identify which integrin receptors support HPeV-1 internalization and/or replication cycle. We demonstrate by antibody blocking assay, immunofluorescence microscopy and RT-qPCR that HPeV-1 internalizes and replicates in cell lines that express αVβ1 integrin but not αVβ3 or αVβ6 integrins. To further study the role of β1 integrin, we used a mouse cell line, GE11-KO, which is deficient in β1 expression, and its derivate GE11-β1 in which human integrin β1 subunit is overexpressed. HPeV-1 (Harris strain) and three clinical HPeV-1 isolates did not internalize into GE11-KO whereas GE11-β1 supported the internalization process. An integrin β1-activating antibody, TS2/16, enhanced HPeV-1 infectivity, but infection occurred in the absence of visible receptor clustering. HPeV-1 also co-localized with β1 integrin on the cell surface, and HPeV-1 and β1 integrin co-endocytosed into the cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that in some cell lines the cellular entry of HPeV-1 is primarily mediated by the active form of αVβ1 integrin without visible receptor clustering.  相似文献   

Here we have investigated the ability of laminin-1 and specific laminin-1-derived synthetic peptides to stimulate neuronal cell matrix metalloproteinase secretion. Zymographic analysis of conditioned media from laminin-1-treated PC12 and NG108-15 cells revealed a 72-kDa matrix metalloproteinase which was not secreted by untreated cells. Laminin-1 α1 chain-derived synthetic peptides, AASIKVAVSADR (LAM-L) and RKRLQVQLSIRT (AG-73), also stimulated PC12 cell secretion of a 72-kDa matrix metalloproteinase. We further investigated the structural requirements of AG-73 for cell attachment, neurite outgrowth, and matrix metalloproteinase secretion using a series of AG-73 analogs that had single amino acids substituted with alanine. At the substrate levels tested, the AG-73 peptide promoted the adhesion of 67% of the PC12 cells and neurite outgrowth in 71% of the PC12 cells. Substitutions in any one of the amino acids within the central LQVQ sequence resulted in a large reduction in cell attachment whereas substitution in the carboxyl terminal proximal amino acids L, S, and R had little effect on attachment. Alanine substitution of any of the amino terminal proximal LQV amino acids and the carboxyl terminal L, I, and R residues resulted in a 65–91% reduction in neurite outgrowth. These data demonstrate that the sequence requirements for cell attachment and neurite outgrowth were not necessarily coupled but that the sequence requirements for neurite outgrowth and matrix metalloproteinase secretion were identical. We conclude that laminin-1 is able to stimulate neuronal cells to secrete a matrix metalloproteinase. Further, this study identifies the LQVXLXIR laminin-1 α1 globular domain peptide to be capable of stimulating both neurite outgrowth and matrix metalloproteinase secretion.  相似文献   

The Integrin β1 family is the major receptors of the Extracellular matrix (ECM), and the synthesis and degradation balance of ECM is seriously disrupted during Osteoarthritis (OA). In this scenario, integrins modify their pattern expression and regulate chondrocyte differen-tiation in the articular cartilage. Members of the Transforming growth factor beta (Tgf-β) Su-perfamily, such as Growth differentiation factor 5 (Gdf-5) and Bone morphogenetic protein 7 (Bmp-7), play a key role in joint formation and could regulate the integrin expression during chondrocyte differentiation and osteoarthritis progression in an experimental OA rat model. Decrease of α5 integrin expression in articular cartilage was related with chondrocyte dedif-ferentiation during OA progression, while increase of α1, α2, and α3 integrin expression was related with fibrous areas in articular cartilage during OA. Hypertrophic chondrocytes expressedαV integrin and was increased in the articular cartilage of rats with OA. Integrin expression during chondrocyte differentiation was also analyzed in a micromass culture system of mouse embryo mesenchymal cells, micromass cultures was treated with Gdf-5 or Bmp-7 for 4 and 6 days, respectively. Gdf-5 induced the expression of theα5 sub-unit, while Bmp-7 induced the expression of the αV sub-unit. This suggests a switch in signaling for prehypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation towards hypertrophy, where Gdf-5 could maintain the articular chondrocyte phenotype and Bmp-7 would induce hypertrophy. Decrease of Ihh expression during late stages of OA in rat model suggest that the ossification in OA rat knees and endochondral ossification could be activated by Bmp-7 and αV integrin in absence of Ihh. Thus, chondrocyte phenotype in articular cartilage is similar to prehypetrophic chondrocyte in growth plate, and is preserved due to the presence of Indian hedgehog (Ihh), Gdf-5 and α5 integrin to maintain articular cartilage and prevent hy-pertrophy.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine the regulation of CCN2 by inflammatory cytokines, IL-1β, and TNF-α and to determine whether CCN2 modulates IL-1β-dependent catabolic gene expression in nucleus pulposus (NP) cells. IL-1β and TNF-α suppress CCN2 mRNA and protein expression in an NF-κB-dependent but MAPK-independent manner. The conserved κB sites located at −93/−86 and −546/−537 bp in the CCN2 promoter mediated this suppression. On the other hand, treatment of NP cells with IL-1β in combination with CCN2 suppressed the inductive effect of IL-1β on catabolic genes, including MMP-3, ADAMTS-5, syndecan 4, and prolyl hydroxylase 3. Likewise, silencing of CCN2 in human NP cells resulted in elevated basal expression of several catabolic genes and inflammatory cytokines like IL-6, IL-4, and IL-12 as measured by gene expression and cytokine protein array, respectively. Interestingly, the suppressive effect of CCN2 on IL-1β was independent of modulation of NF-κB signaling. Using disintegrins, echistatin, and VLO4, peptide inhibitors to αvβ3 and α5β1 integrins, we showed that CCN2 binding to both integrins was required for the inhibition of IL-1β-induced catabolic gene expression. It is noteworthy that analysis of human tissues showed a trend of altered expression of these integrins during degeneration. Taken together, these results suggest that CCN2 and inflammatory cytokines form a functional negative feedback loop in NP cells that may be important in the pathogenesis of disc disease.  相似文献   

1. The present study was aimed at elucidating effects of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) on blood-brain barrier (BBB) functions with mouse brain capillary endothelial (MBEC4) cells. 2. The permeability coefficients of sodium fluorescein and Evans blue albumin for MBEC4 cells and the cellular accumulation of rhodamine 123 in MBEC4 cells were dose-dependently decreased after a 12-h exposure to TGF-beta1 (0.01-10 ng/mL). 3. The present study demonstrates that TGF-beta lowers the endothelial permeability and enhances the functional activity of P-gp, suggesting that cellular constituents producing TGF-beta in the brain may keep the BBB functioning.  相似文献   

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