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利用流式细胞仪研究拟南芥叶发育过程中细胞周期的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶的形态建成依赖于细胞不断地分裂增殖和不同类型细胞的特化。在叶发育早期,叶细胞主要通过旺盛的有丝分裂来增加原基中细胞的数目。随着叶片的生长,叶细胞自顶部向基部逐渐退出有丝分裂进入内复制来增加细胞的倍性,同时伴随细胞的扩展和分化。本文介绍利用流式细胞仪研究双子叶模式植物拟南芥叶发育过程中细胞周期调控的方法和具体研究实例。我们发现至少存在3种类型的细胞周期异常的拟南芥叶发育突变体。此外,我们还介绍利用流式细胞仪测定DNA复制效率的方法。  相似文献   

Abstract Two methods of analyses were used to investigate tooth development in serrate (se) mutant and wild-type Columbia-1 (Col-1) Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. There were almost twice as many teeth with deeper sinuses and two orders of toothing on the margins of serrate compared with Columbia-1 leaves. The main objective of this study was to test three hypotheses relative to the source of polymorphism in tooth development: (i) Teeth share similar growth rates and initial sizes, but the deeper teeth are initiated earlier in leaf development. (ii) Teeth share similar timing of initiation and growth rates, but the deeper teeth have a larger initial size. (iii) Teeth share similar timing of initiation and initial sizes, but the deeper teeth have a faster growth rate. Leaf plastochron index (LPI) was used as the time variable for leaf development. Results showed teeth in se were initiated at −27 LPI, 15 plastochrons earlier than those of Col-1. Serrate leaf expansion was biphasic, with the early phase expanding at half the relative plastochron rate of the later phase, which equaled the constant relative expansion rate of Col-1 leaves. Allometric analyses of tooth development obscured the interactions between time of tooth and leaf initiation and the early phase of leaf expansion characteristic of serrate leaves and teeth. Timing of developmental events that allometric analysis obscured can be readily detected with the LPI as a developmental index. Received 25 January 2000; accepted 17 March 2000  相似文献   

Polar auxin transport inhibitors, including N-1-naphthylphthalamicacid (NPA) and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), have variouseffects on physiological and developmental events, such as theelongation and tropism of roots and stems, in higher plants.We isolated NPA-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, withmutations designated pir1 and pir2, that were also resistantto TIBA. The mutations specifically affected the root-elongationprocess, and they were shown ultimately to be allelic to aux1and ein2, respectively, which are known as mutations that affectresponses to phytohormones. The mechanism of action of auxintransport inhibitors was investigated with these mutants, inrelation to the effects of ethylene, auxin, and the polar transportof auxin. With respect to the inhibition of root elongationin A. thaliana, we demonstrated that (1) the background levelof ethylene intensifies the effects of auxin transport inhibitors,(2) auxin transport inhibitors might act also via an inhibitorypathway that does not involve ethylene, auxin, or the polartransport of auxin, (3) the hypothesis that the inhibitory effectof NPA on root elongation is due to high-level accumulationof auxin as a result of blockage of auxin transport is not applicableto A. thaliana, and (4) in contrast to NPA, TIBA itself hasa weak auxin-like inhibitory effect. (Received April 12, 1996; Accepted September 2, 1996)  相似文献   

叶的极性建立直接决定叶的平展性发育,极性改变导致叶形态异常,影响植物体的各种正常生理活动。利用反向遗传学方法,从拟南芥基因激活标签突变体库中分离到一个叶片边缘锯齿状表型的突变体(命名为pCB1294),该突变体同时表现出叶表皮腺毛形态发育异常。通过TailPCR方法成功定位突变基因为At5g41663,该基因编码miR319b基因。Real time PCR显示,pCB1294突变体植株中miR319b基因的表达量是野生型(col)植株的11倍多。所得结果为进一步研究miRNA调控叶极性的分子机制和进一步分析miR319b与叶形态发生的关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Leaf polarity determines leaf flatness development directly, and abnormal polarity usually results in many abnormal leaves, which subsequently affects many physiological functions of plants. So the normal leaf development is important to plants. Here, an abnormal serration leaf margin mutant with abnormal leaf trichome development, named pCB1294, was isolated from an activation tagging Arabidopsis mutant pool through reverse genetics. By Tail PCR, the mutant gene loci At5g41663 encoding miR319b was successfully identified. Real time PCR shows the relative expression level of miR319b gene in the pCB1294 mutant is eleven times of higher than that of the wild (col). Our study lay the foundation for further studying the genetic mechanism of leaf polarity and investigating the interaction between miR319b and leaf morphology.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (mtLPD; L-protein) is an integral component of several multienzyme systems involved in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, photorespiration, and the degradation of branched-chain α-ketoacids. The majority of the mtLPD present in photosynthesizing tissue is used for glycine decarboxylase (GDC), necessary for the high-flux photorespiratory glycine-into-serine conversion. We previously suggested that GDC activity could be a signal in a regulatory network that adjusts carbon flux through the Calvin-Benson cycle in response to photorespiration. Here, we show that elevated GDC L-protein activity significantly alters several diagnostic parameters of cellular metabolism and leaf gas exchange in Arabidopsis thaliana. Overexpressor lines displayed markedly decreased steady state contents of TCA cycle and photorespiratory intermediates as well as elevated NAD(P)+-to-NAD(P)H ratios. Additionally, increased rates of CO2 assimilation, photorespiration, and plant growth were observed. Intriguingly, however, day respiration rates remained unaffected. By contrast, respiration was enhanced in the first half of the dark phase but depressed in the second. We also observed enhanced sucrose biosynthesis in the light in combination with a lower diel magnitude of starch accumulation and breakdown. These data thus substantiate our prior hypothesis that facilitating flux through the photorespiratory pathway stimulates photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in the Calvin-Benson cycle. They furthermore suggest that this regulation is, at least in part, dependent on increased light-capture/use efficiency.  相似文献   

拟南芥连体和离体叶片光合作用的光响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
测定出 2 5 0 μmol·m-2 ·s-1光强下培养的整株拟南芥连体叶片的光合作用在光强为 80 0 μmol·m-2 ·s-1左右达到光饱和 ,其离体叶片光合作用对光强响应的结果与此类似。自然条件下生长的珊瑚树连体与离体叶片光合作用均在光强约为 10 0 0 μmol·m-2 ·s-1下达到饱和 ,这验证所测得的拟南芥连体和离体叶片光合作用光响应的结果是正确的  相似文献   

Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that have inner and outer membranes. In plants, the inner membrane has been well studied but relatively little is known about the outer membrane. Here we report that Arabidopsis cells have mitochondrial outer membrane-derived structures, some of which protrude from the main body of mitochondria (mitochondrial outer-membrane protrusions; MOPs), while others form vesicle-like structures without a matrix marker. The latter vesicle-like structures are similar to some mammalian MDVs (mitochondrial-derived vesicles). Live imaging demonstrated that a plant MDV budded off from the tip of a MOP. MDVs were also observed in the drp3a drp3b double mutant, indicating that they could be formed without the mitochondrial fission factors DRP3A and DRP3B. Double staining studies showed that the MDVs were not peroxisomes, endosomes, Golgi apparatus or trans-Golgi network (TGN). The numbers of MDVs and MOPs increased in senescent leaves and after dark treatment. Together, these results suggest that MDVs and MOPs are related to leaf senescence.  相似文献   

AtNfs1 is the Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial homolog of the bacterial cysteine desulfurases NifS and IscS, having an essential role in cellular Fe-S cluster assembly. Homology modeling of AtNfs1m predicts a high global similarity with E. coli IscS showing a full conservation of residues involved in the catalytic site, whereas the chloroplastic AtNfs2 is more similar to the Synechocystis sp. SufS. Pull-down assays showed that the recombinant mature form, AtNfs1m, specifically binds to Arabidopsis frataxin (AtFH). A hysteretic behavior, with a lag phase of several minutes, was observed and hysteretic parameters were affected by pre-incubation with AtFH. Moreover, AtFH modulates AtNfs1m kinetics, increasing V (max) and decreasing the S (0.5) value for cysteine. Results suggest that AtFH plays an important role in the early steps of Fe-S cluster formation by regulating AtNfs1 activity in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

CfGSr基因克隆于加拿大森林害虫云杉蚜虫的幼虫基因组。研究CfGST转基因拟南芥表型特征,以及低温条件下叶肉细胞超微结构与存活率。结果表明,与野生型拟南芥相比,CfGSr转基因拟南芥的茎粗、叶宽,植株高度、分枝数、荚果数皆降低,生长速度减慢。低温(5±1)℃处理后,转基因拟南芥叶片的叶绿体和线粒体膜结构完整清晰,存活率提高25.14%。  相似文献   

CfGST基因克隆于加拿大森林害虫云杉蚜虫的幼虫基因组.研究CfGST转基因拟南芥表型特征,以及低温条件下叶肉细胞超微结构与存活率.结果表明,与野生型拟南芥相比,CfGST转基因拟南芥的茎粗、叶宽,植株高度、分枝数、荚果数皆降低,生长速度减慢.低温(5±1)℃处理后,转基因拟南芥叶片的叶绿体和线粒体膜结构完整清晰,存活率提高25.14%.  相似文献   

Although it is essential for plant survival to synthesize and transport defense compounds, little is known about the coordination of these processes. Here, we investigate the above- and belowground source-sink relationship of the defense compounds glucosinolates in vegetative Arabidopsis thaliana. In vivo feeding experiments demonstrate that the glucosinolate transporters1 and 2 (GTR1 and GTR2), which are essential for accumulation of glucosinolates in seeds, are likely to also be involved in bidirectional distribution of glucosinolates between the roots and rosettes, indicating phloem and xylem as their transport pathways. Grafting of wild-type, biosynthetic, and transport mutants show that both the rosette and roots are able to synthesize aliphatic and indole glucosinolates. While rosettes constitute the major source and storage site for short-chained aliphatic glucosinolates, long-chained aliphatic glucosinolates are synthesized both in roots and rosettes with roots as the major storage site. Our grafting experiments thus indicate that in vegetative Arabidopsis, GTR1 and GTR2 are involved in bidirectional long-distance transport of aliphatic but not indole glucosinolates. Our data further suggest that the distinct rosette and root glucosinolate profiles in Arabidopsis are shaped by long-distance transport and spatially separated biosynthesis, suggesting that integration of these processes is critical for plant fitness in complex natural environments.  相似文献   

Lukens L  Zou F  Lydiate D  Parkin I  Osborn T 《Genetics》2003,164(1):359-372
Brassica oleracea is closely related to the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. Despite this relationship, it has been difficult to both identify the most closely related segments between the genomes and determine the degree of genome replication within B. oleracea relative to A. thaliana. These difficulties have arisen in part because both species have replicated genomes, and the criteria used to identify orthologous regions between the genomes are often ambiguous. In this report, we compare the positions of sequenced Brassica loci with a known position on a B. oleracea genetic map to the positions of their putative orthologs within the A. thaliana genome. We use explicit criteria to distinguish orthologous from paralogous loci. In addition, we develop a conservative algorithm to identify collinear loci between the genomes and a permutation test to evaluate the significance of these regions. The algorithm identified 34 significant A. thaliana regions that are collinear with >28% of the B. oleracea genetic map. These regions have a mean of 3.3 markers spanning 2.1 Mbp of the A. thaliana genome and 2.5 cM of the B. oleracea genetic map. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the B. oleracea genome has been highly rearranged since divergence from A. thaliana, likely as a result of polyploidization.  相似文献   

Microbial pathogenesis studies traditionally encompass dissection of virulence properties such as the bacterium''s ability to elaborate toxins, adhere to and invade host cells, cause tissue damage, or otherwise disrupt normal host immune and cellular functions. In contrast, bacterial metabolism during infection has only been recently appreciated to contribute to persistence as much as their virulence properties. In this study, we used comparative proteomics to investigate the expression of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) cytoplasmic proteins during growth in the urinary tract environment and systematic disruption of central metabolic pathways to better understand bacterial metabolism during infection. Using two-dimensional fluorescence difference in gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and tandem mass spectrometry, it was found that UPEC differentially expresses 84 cytoplasmic proteins between growth in LB medium and growth in human urine (P<0.005). Proteins induced during growth in urine included those involved in the import of short peptides and enzymes required for the transport and catabolism of sialic acid, gluconate, and the pentose sugars xylose and arabinose. Proteins required for the biosynthesis of arginine and serine along with the enzyme agmatinase that is used to produce the polyamine putrescine were also up-regulated in urine. To complement these data, we constructed mutants in these genes and created mutants defective in each central metabolic pathway and tested the relative fitness of these UPEC mutants in vivo in an infection model. Import of peptides, gluconeogenesis, and the tricarboxylic acid cycle are required for E. coli fitness during urinary tract infection while glycolysis, both the non-oxidative and oxidative branches of the pentose phosphate pathway, and the Entner-Doudoroff pathway were dispensable in vivo. These findings suggest that peptides and amino acids are the primary carbon source for E. coli during infection of the urinary tract. Because anaplerosis, or using central pathways to replenish metabolic intermediates, is required for UPEC fitness in vivo, we propose that central metabolic pathways of bacteria could be considered critical components of virulence for pathogenic microbes.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress in skeletal muscle is a hallmark of various pathophysiologic states that also feature increased reliance on long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) substrate, such as insulin resistance and exercise. However, little is known about the mechanistic basis of the LCFA-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) burden in intact mitochondria, and elucidation of this mechanistic basis was the goal of this study. Specific aims were to determine the extent to which LCFA catabolism is associated with ROS production and to gain mechanistic insights into the associated ROS production. Because intermediates and by-products of LCFA catabolism may interfere with antioxidant mechanisms, we predicted that ROS formation during LCFA catabolism reflects a complex process involving multiple sites of ROS production as well as modified mitochondrial function. Thus, we utilized several complementary approaches to probe the underlying mechanism(s). Using skeletal muscle mitochondria, our findings indicate that even a low supply of LCFA is associated with ROS formation in excess of that generated by NADH-linked substrates. Moreover, ROS production was evident across the physiologic range of membrane potential and was relatively insensitive to membrane potential changes. Determinations of topology and membrane potential as well as use of inhibitors revealed complex III and the electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and ETF-oxidoreductase, as likely sites of ROS production. Finally, ROS production was sensitive to matrix levels of LCFA catabolic intermediates, indicating that mitochondrial export of LCFA catabolic intermediates can play a role in determining ROS levels.  相似文献   

The relationship between net nitrite uptake and its reduction in intact pea chloroplasts was investigated employing electron transport regulators, uncouplers, and photophosphorylation inhibitors. Observations confirmed the dependence of nitrite uptake on stromal pH and nitrite reduction but also suggested a partial dependance upon PSI phosphorylation. It was also suggested that ammonia stimulates nitrogen assimilation in the dark by association with stromal protons. Inhibition of nitrite uptake by N-ethylmaleimide and dinitrofluorobenzene could not be completely attributed to their inhibition of carbon dioxide fixation. Other protein binding reagents which inhibited photosynthesis showed no effect on nitrite uptake, except for p-chlormercuribenzoate which stimulated nitrite uptake. The results with N-ethylmaleimide and dinitrofluorobenzene tended to support the proposed presence of a protein permeation channel for nitrite uptake in addition to HNO2 penetration. On the basis of a lack of effect by known anion uptake inhibitors, it was concluded that the nitrite uptake mechanism was distinct from that of phosphate and chloride/sulfate transport.  相似文献   

Prakash  J.S.S.  Baig  M.A.  Mohanty  Prasanna 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(3):345-352
Cotyledonary leaves of Cucumis sativus cv. Poinsette exhibited senescence-induced losses in chlorophyll (Chl) and protein contents within three weeks since germination. Chl and protein concentrations in cotyledonary leaves approached maximum on 6th d after germination and they declined to 50 and 41 %, respectively, by the 20th day of growth. Activities of both photosystem (PS) 2 and PS1 decreased by 33 and 31 %, respectively, on the 20th day, compared to the control 6th day. Changes in sensitivity of PS2 to inhibitors like atrazine and dibromothymoquinone and sensitivity of PS1 to KCN accompanied the changes in PS2 and PS1 activities. Hence both the acceptor side of PS2 and the donor side of PS1 are affected by senescence-induced changes in cucumber cotyledonary leaves.  相似文献   

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