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We conducted a series of experiments to determine the movements and fidelity of juvenile pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides, in salt marsh creeks within North Inlet Estuary, SC. In Experiment 1, we investigated the fidelity of pinfish (40–100mm SL) at four subtidal locations (9–617m apart) along the axis of a major creek. We trapped and marked 2,297 individuals and recaptured 15–22% of the fishes released at each site, almost all of which (99.7%) had been marked at the same location of recapture up to 3 months earlier. In Experiment 2, we investigated pinfish movements between subtidal and intertidal areas. In the 8 weeks prior to sampling 2 intertidal creeks, we marked 950 juveniles in the adjacent subtidal areas. Sampling of the 2 flooded intertidal creeks showed that 9–20% of the pinfish collected bore marks, and all had been previously marked at the subtidal site immediately adjacent to the intertidal creek. Gut analysis of 60 individuals revealed that juveniles collected from the intertidal areas at high tide had consumed about ten times more food than those collected at the subtidal sites at low tide. In Experiment 3, we determined the fidelity of recently settled pinfish (<35mm SL) and showed that 15% of the 434 marked pinfish remained in the same area; some were at liberty up to 7 weeks. In Experiment 4, we determined home range by tagging and recapturing juvenile pinfish at sites separated by 20m along a 200m subtidal transect. We estimated that during periods when the intertidal zone was not accessible, the average home range was 9.4m with only 10% of tagged fish moving greater than 20m during the 4 month study. Our results indicate that soon after recruitment to the estuary, pinfish establish strong fidelity for sites within salt marsh creeks and exhibit tidal periodicity in both movements and feeding.  相似文献   

Resident Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, are widespread throughout the island of Newfoundland. This study examines aspects of the biology and spatial and temporal distributions of the charr of Gander Lake, the third largest in Newfoundland (surface area = 11320ha, maximum depth = 288m, mean depth = 105.4m). The deepest part of the lake is approximately 258m below sea level. The lake is well oxygenated from the surface to the bottom during all seasons. Sampling was conducted with Lundgren multiple-mesh experimental gillnets and baited hooks. There appears to be two morphs present, based on colour (dark and pale) and certain meristic characteristics. Dark charr were caught mainly in benthic nets (at depths from 1 to 100m inclusive) with only a few pelagic captures. Pale charr were caught only in benthic nets at depths between 20 and 100m inclusive. The maximum depth sampled was 196m, but there was no catch. There was a tendency for dark charr to be found in deeper, cooler water as the upper water column and inshore areas warmed during summer. There was no apparent trend in size of charr with depth sampled. Dark and pale charr both fed on benthic macroinvertebrates; sticklebacks were consumed only by dark charr and the importance of this prey item increased with size of predator. Zooplankton and surface food were not utilised by Gander Lake charr. Results of the study are compared with findings reported for other water bodies in Newfoundland and Labrador, North America, and Europe, particularly Loch Ness which has similarities in morphometry and trophic status to Gander Lake.  相似文献   

We intensively sampled fish in rivers and streams within a single major drainage basin (the Blackwater River) and across major drainages in British Columbia to assess the factors influencing distribution of chiselmouth, Acrocheilus alutaceus, and to develop models for predicting chislemouth presence. Chiselmouth were typically absent from sites with maximum temperatures below 20°C or 2100 annual degree days, both within a single drainage and between larger drainages. Indices of stream size (bankfull channel width and basin area) were the most significant predictors of chiselmouth presence within the Blackwater drainage (p=0.016 and p=0.032, respectively), and inclusion of thermal variables only marginally increased classification success. In contrast, bankfull channel width and basin area were poor predictors of chiselmouth presence in mainstem habitat within larger drainage basins throughout British Columbia. Inclusion of thermal variables (particularly degree days > 12°C) doubled correct classification rates of chiselmouth presence across larger drainage basins. These habitat associations suggest that water temperature is the primary constraint on presence of chiselmouth populations in larger drainages across a landscape, while selection of different habitat types (mainstem habitat over smaller tributaries) determines distribution within any given basin.  相似文献   

Euphorbia characias is a Mediterranean spurge with a diplochorous dispersal system: after a ballistic dispersal that scatters the seeds, some ant species find and retrieve the seeds to their nest (myrmecochorous dispersal). The seed dispersal curve generated by ants in an abandoned field was described and partitioned according to ant size and to the distance to nest entrance from where seeds fell after ballistic dispersal. Both variables (ant size, distance to nest) affected dispersal distance. The seed dispersal curve showed a peak at short distance (median=1m) and a tail extending to 9.4m. The peak and the tail are explained differently. Short distances are usually generated by small ants (Pheidole pallidula and Tapinoma nigerrimum; 0.56±0.41m [n=48]) both from the nearest or farther nest entrances. The tail of the curve is generated disproportionately by big ants (Aphaenogaster senilis and Messor barbarus; 2.09±1.71m [n=61]) from farther nests. Seeds have a much greater probability (P=0.734) of being transported to nests which are not the nearest. This effect is largely due to transportation by big ants.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence and gonadal maturity of wild sturgeons, which are rarely caught off Hokkaido island in Japan. Based on their morphological features, combined with the data on their cell DNA content, 48 sturgeons were classified into three species and one hybrid. These were the kaluga, Huso dauricus; the Japanese (Sakhalin) sturgeon, Acipenser mikadoi (historically, this species has been considered conspecific with the American green sturgeon, A. medirostris); the Amur sturgeon, A. schrenckii; and the kaluga–Amur sturgeon hybrid; with a ratio of 36:10:1:1. All of them were caught in saline waters, rather than in the fresh-water of the river, although some of them were in saline waters in the mouth of the river. Most of them were smaller than adult size; however, early juvenile fish were not detected. Histological analysis of gonadal development revealed early stages of gametogenesis in the majority of the fish of both genders. These results indicate that several sturgeon species are still occurring in the coastal waters of northern Japan, at different stages of gonadal maturity. In contrast, the lack of reports of both mature and early juvenile sturgeon capture in the Hokkaido rivers may suggest that native spawning populations of Japanese sturgeon have become extinct in Japan.  相似文献   

Life-history characteristics of the double-ended pipefish, Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch), were investigated to determine growth rate, degree of sexual dimorphism, size at maturity, and reproductive biology. Growth rates of wild juveniles and adults calculated from monthly progression of length-frequency modes ranged from 0.8mmd–1 (fish lengths 120–145mm standard length (SL)) in summer to 0.2mmd–1 in winter (185–200mm SL). Growth of laboratory-reared juveniles up to 63d old was greater, ranging from 0.8 to 2.3mmd-1. The von Bertalanffy growth constant K was estimated at 0.0076d- 1, or 2.8year–1. Morphological differentiation between the sexes based upon abdominal pattern was possible for fish larger than 120mm SL, with females possessing a zigzag pattern on the abdomen. The association between this pattern and sex was confirmed by histological gonad analysis. Males were significantly longer than females during four of seven seasons examined, and a 1:1 sex ratio was determined for all seasons except autumn when the ratio was female biased. The breeding season was marked by the appearance of pregnant males between October and April, and during courtship both species exhibited increased pigmentation. The minimum paternal size at maturity was 185mm, the maximum length recorded 260mm. Clutch size ranged between 60 and 200 eggs, with a mean of 153. Ovaries had a sequential pattern of egg development, resulting in egg batches that approximated the number of eggs carried by brooding males. Additionally, all eggs in a brood were at the same developmental stage. This suggests that one female provides all of the eggs for one male per breeding event in a monogamous mating system.  相似文献   

Sakuragi  Mayumi  Igota  Hiromasa  Uno  Hiroyuki  Kaji  Koichi  Kaneko  Masami  Akamatsu  Rika  Maekawa  Koji 《Ecological Research》2003,18(4):347-354
The major factors affecting migration in large herbivores have been shown to be access to food resources and the risk of predation. Three migratory types of deer (resident, north migrant and east migrant) occur within a wintering female sika deer (Cervus nippon) population in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. We tested the hypothesis that north and east migrants feed on a higher quality diet than residents during summer, based on analyses of fecal nitrogen content. Fresh fecal pellets were collected in 18 summer ranges in the wintering area, northern area and eastern area between 1–5 August 2000. Fecal nitrogen content for all sampling sites was positively correlated with elevation, but was not correlated with distance from the wintering area. North migrants that inhabited higher (above 300m elevation) summer ranges fed on a higher quality diet than residents. In contrast, the dietary quality of east migrants that migrated over a long distance and inhabited lower (below 300m elevation) summer ranges was similar to that of residents. We conclude that east migrants may have gained significant benefit from the use of agricultural pastures with low population density conditions and without hunting; however, the recent population control program has reduced this benefit by avoiding the use of pasturelands.  相似文献   

The effect of microrelief and vegetation on methane (CH4) emission was investigated in a wet polygonal tundra of the Lena Delta, Northern Siberia (72.37N, 126.47E). Total and plant-mediated CH4 fluxes were measured by closed-chamber techniques at two typical sites within a low-centred polygon. During the study period, total CH4 flux averaged 28.0±5.4mgm–2d–1 in the depressed polygon centre and only 4.3±0.8mgm–2d–1 at the elevated polygon rim. This substantial small-scale spatial variability of CH4 emission was caused by strong differences of hydrologic conditions within the microrelief of the polygon, which affected aeration status and organic matter content of the soils as well as the vegetation cover. Beside water table position, the vegetation cover was a major factor controlling CH4 emission from polygonal tundra. It was shown that the dominant vascular plant of the study area, Carex aquatilis, possesses large aerenchyma, which serve as pathways for substantial plant-mediated CH4 transport. The importance of plant-mediated CH4 flux was strongly influenced by the position of the water table relative to the main root horizon. Plant-mediated CH4 transport accounted for about two-thirds of the total flux in the wet polygon centre and for less than one-third of the total flux at the moist polygon rim. A clipping experiment and microscopic-anatomical studies suggested that plant-mediated CH4 transport via C. aquatilis plants is driven only by diffusion and is limited by the high diffusion resistance of the dense root exodermes.  相似文献   

Sources and sinks of aquatic carbon in a peatland stream continuum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Streams draining peatland systems contain a number of different C-species, all of which are linked either directly or indirectly to the cycling of C in the terrestrial environment. Concentrations and fluxes of dissolved, particulate and gaseous forms of carbon were measured along a network of streams draining an acidic peatland catchment (46.3km2) in NE Scotland. The main aim was to identify sources and sinks of all the major forms of C in the drainage network and use this to develop a conceptual understanding of the evolution of streamwater chemistry along a peatland stream continuum. The investigation included a small-scale intra-catchment study of three contiguous sites in a 1.3km2 headwater catchment (Brocky Burn) and a larger scale integrated study of seven sites. Mean annual fluxes of the main carbon species varied from 115–215 (DOC), 8.15–97.0 (POC), 0.32–6.90 (HCO3--C) and 2.62–10.4 (free CO2-C)kgCha–1year–1; all contributed to the overall carbon flux to varying degrees. Methane-C was only measurable at sites within areas of deep peat (<0.01–0.09kgCha–1year–1). Downstream spatial changes in the intra-catchment study (Brocky Burn) were characterised by a decrease in DOC, CO2-C and CH4-C and an increase in POC fluxes over a distance of 1.1km from the Upper to the Lower sites. In the context of the integrated catchment study estimated losses and gains of carbon from the water column showed no net change in DOC, a large decrease in POC (–55%) and a slight increase in (HCO3--C) (+7.7%) and CO2-C (+4.5%). A significant decrease in the CO2-C flux: HCO3-C flux ratio with distance downstream from the stream source, illustrates the importance of outgassing of CO2 from streams draining peatland C reservoirs. These data are interpreted in the context of losses and gains of the various components of the aquatic C flux along the peatland stream continuum.  相似文献   

We investigated the age, growth and population structure of lake sturgeon in the Groundhog and Mattagami rivers, northern Ontario, Canada. Age, estimated from counts of annuli in pectoral fin rays, ranged from 1 to 69 years (y) in the 327 fish examined. Growth, expressed as an increase in fork length and calculated from a von Bertalanffy growth equation, slowed from a peak of about 3.9cmyear-1during the early juvenile period (<9y) and approached an asymptote beyond 90y (FL=141.549[–e-0.043(t–4.901)]). A length–mass equation (log M=3.07 log FL–2.26) and conversion factors for fork and total length (FL=0.97 TL–1.154) from our study ranged from 14.5 to 142cm (fork length), 15.5 to 158cm (total length) and 20 to 19730g (live mass) for 1177 individuals. We found no evidence for spawning or recruitment to the population in our study area. Population age and length structure were strongly bimodal, and growth rate appears to have slowed over the past decade. We discuss the possible environmental correlations and conservation implications of this age (size) distribution.  相似文献   

The depth distribution of the common bully, Gobiomorphus cotidianus, a small benthic forage fish, was measured by trapping at set depths from 0–70m in three large oligotrophic lakes, including one where inorganic sediment from a glacially-fed river produces turbid conditions. Bullies occurred at all depths from 0.5–70m in the clear lakes, but none were present below 25m in the turbid lake. Two groups of bullies were present in the clear lakes; a high-density, littoral stock at depths of 0.5–25m, and a low-density, profundal stock at depths of 30–70m. These groups were further distinguished by differing buoyancy requirements and feeding habits. The swimbladders of littoral bullies contained gas, but those of the profundal bullies, which fed more than littoral bullies by both day and night, did not. The variation in mean CPUE with depth within the littoral zone was not related to water temperature, oxygen concentration, or conductivity. Nor was it related to a reduction in light levels or to reduced water transparency caused by increased turbidity. It may therefore be controlled by biotic factors. The absence of a profundal stock below the littoral zone in the turbid lake indicates that the settlement of fines from turbid inputs may affect bully abundance in deeper waters. As conventional measures of the abundance of benthic fish in lakes are often restricted to littoral habitats, and do not reflect changes in abundance with depth, an index of overall abundance based on depth distribution was developed to allow comparisons between lakes.  相似文献   

We investigated aquatic macrophytes, water quality, and phytoplankton biomass and species composition in three shallow lakes with different levels of vegetation cover and nutrient concentration in Kushiro Moor, during August 2000. Trapa japonica can live in a wide range of nutrient levels. This species forms an environment with a steeper extinction of light, higher concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) near the bottom, and lower concentrations of nitrate+nitrite and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) than other vegetation types. The pH was much higher in a Polygonum amphibium community, and the DO near the bottom did not decrease compared to a T.japonica community in the summer. The relationship between chlorophyll a and the limiting nutrient (total phosphorus (TP) when total nitrogen (TN):TPis 10 and TN/10 when TN:TP is <10) significantly differed between lakes with and without submerged vegetation. The chlorophyll a concentrations at a given nutrient level were significantly lower in water with submerged macrophytes than in water without them. Correspondence analysis showed that the difference in phytoplankton community structure across sites was largely due to the presence or absence of submerged macrophytes, and the ordination of phytoplankton species in the lakes with submerged macrophytes is best explained by environmental gradients of TN, chlorophyll, pH and SRP.  相似文献   

In acid-sensitive watersheds of the northeastern US, decreases in SO2 emissions and atmospheric deposition of sulfur have not been accompanied by marked changes in pH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC). To better understand this phenomenon, we investigated the long-term trends in soil solution (1984–1998) and stream water (1982–2000) chemistry along a natural soil catena at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA. Significant declines in strong acid anion concentrations were accompanied by declines in base cation concentrations in soil solutions draining the Oa and Bs soil horizons at all elevations. The magnitude of change varied with position in the landscape. Recovery, as indicated by increasing ANC (mean 2.38µEqL–1year–1) and decreasing concentrations of inorganic monomeric Al (mean 1.03µmolL–1year–1), was confined to solutions draining the Bs horizon at mid-to-higher elevations. However, persistently low Ca2+/Ali ratios (<1) in Bs soil solutions at these sites may be evidence of continuing Al stress to trees. In Bs soil solution at a lower elevation site and in Oa soil solutions at all sites, declines in base cations (mean 3.71µEqL–1year–1) were either similar to or exceeded declines in strong acid anions (mean 3.25µEqL–1year–1) resulting in no change in ANC. Changes in the chemistry of stream water reflected changes in soil solutions, with the greatest improvement in ANC occurring at high elevation and the rate of increase decreasing with decreases in elevation. The pH of soil solutions and stream waters either declined or did not change significantly. Therefore pH-buffering processes, including hydrolysis of Al and possibly the deprotonation of organic acids, have prevented increases in drainage water pH despite considerable reductions in inputs of strong acids.  相似文献   

Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, tend to form stunted populations presumably due to competition for limited resources. In this context a long-term intensive fishery programme aiming at reducing charr density, and thereby increasing growth and harvestable sizes, was initiated in the early 1980s in a Norwegian alpine lake. Here we present long-term data on catch statistics and changes in mean weights of charr caught with gill nets on spawning grounds, as well as changes in mean weight of juvenile charr caught with funnel traps during the 1990s. Furthermore, we present results from shorter-term studies on growth, size- and age-distribution, and size-related habitat and resource utilisation of Arctic charr and brown trout, Salmo trutta, in this lake. Mean weight (± SD) of charr caught on the spawning grounds increased significantly from 129.8g (±11.9) in the years 1982–1990 to 213.1g (±37.8) in the years 1996–1999, whereas catch per unit of effort decreased significantly. Mean weight of juveniles caught in funnel traps increased significantly from 21.2g (±6.9) in 1993 to 41.9g (±14.8) in 1999. Apparently the increase in weight of spawning charr coincided with the onset of trap fishing for juvenile charr. Compared to generally shallow dwelling trout, charr grew rapidly and were generally found in deeper areas of the lake. Charr went through a distinct size-related niche shift from mainly consuming small zooplankton in the pelagic to consuming large benthic prey in shallower waters. Resource and habitat utilisation in different size-groups of charr and trout are discussed with respect to possible competitive and predatory intra- and interspecific interactions, and with regard to management of charr populations.  相似文献   

Lentil is a protein-rich pulse, grown mainly in developing countries as a rain-fed crop in nutrient-poor soils. Hence, the importance of root traits for efficient capture of soil nutrients and water can be crucial to its economical yield. Little is known about the lentil root system and even less about its relationship to grain yield. We compared the root system of two Bangladeshi lentil varieties, Barimasur-3 (BM-3) and Barimasur-4 (BM-4), in a pot experiment and related it to their multi-location grain yield in the fields. BM-4 maintained faster root development both at an early growth stage (20days after sowing) and at flowering (60days) compared to BM-3. The roots of BM-4 penetrated the 25cm depth of the soil profile after 19±1days and while those of BM-3 took 24±2days to reach the same depth. The roots of BM-4 were covered with denser (26±3mm–1) and longer (0.48±0.11) root hairs than BM-3 (density 17±2mm–1, length 0.32±0.09mm). The differential presence of root hairs increased the effective length of root system of BM-4 by 12 times and that of BM-3 by five times. The lentil varieties did not differ in their ability to induce pH change and acid phosphatase activity in rhizosphere. In the pot experiment, the uptake of macro-nutrients (K, P, Ca, and Mg) as well as micro-nutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B and Mo) by BM-4 was significantly higher, compared to BM-3. The varieties produced the same amount of shoot biomass. At five of six agro-ecological distinct field locations in Bangladesh, BM-4 gave significantly higher (10–20%) grain yield than BM-3. Linked with the higher grain yield, the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of BM-4 was 3.14 and that of BM-3 were 2.62, indicating that BM-4 provided better return per unit investment, compared to BM-3, supported by the better root morphology and higher nutrient uptake. This may be one of the reasons supporting the popularity and preferred adoption of BM-4 among the Bangladeshi farmers, who grow lentil mainly on nutrient-poor soils. The results indicate the benefits of selection and breeding for superior root traits for better agro-economics.  相似文献   

Tree biodiversity data is presented for a 1-ha permanent study plot on a low slope position of the Kuala Belalong valley in Temburong District, Brunei, Borneo. This is the first study in the region to document the tree flora of a low slope. All trees 5cm at 1.3m were mapped, measurements of dbh and height taken, and identified to species and morpho-species level. The total and relative values of each family for density, diversity, dominance and Importance Value Indices were calculated. A total of 1062 stems were recorded on the plot (1019 live, 43 dead) with a total of 278 species representing 110 genera in 49 families. The most ecologically significant family as determined by the Family Importance Value (FIV) was Euphorbiaceae with a value of 40 and'the'most significant species, using the Importance Value (IV), was morpho-speciesFordia splendissima with an IV of 29. The total basal area of all living trees was 31.43m2. Forest structure was marked by a few tall (>45m) emergents, for example,Koompassia excelsa, Crypteronia griffithii and two species of the Dipterocarpaceae family, however, lower understorey and sub-canopy species dominated the plot with the average height of all individuals over the hectare being 11m.  相似文献   

The large Asian gastropod mollusc Rapana venosa Valenciennes 1846 (Neogastropoda, formerly Muricidae, currently Thaididae) is reported for eastern North America in the lower Chesapeake Bay and James River, Virginia, USA. This record represents a transoceanic range expansion for this carnivorous species. This species has previously been introduced to the Black Sea, Adriatic Sea, and Aegean Sea. Ballast water transport of larval stages from the eastern Mediterranean or Black Sea is the suspected vector of introduction into the Chesapeake Bay; 650 adult specimens in the size range 68–165mm shell length (SL) have been collected from hard sand bottom in depths ranging from 5 to 20m at salinities of 18–28ppt. The absence of small individuals from local collections is probably related to bias in collection methods. Age of the specimens could not be determined. R. venosa is probably capable of reproducing in the Chesapeake Bay. Egg cases of R. venosa were collected from Hampton Roads, a section of the James River, in August 1998, and hatched over a 21-day period under laboratory conditions to release viable bilobed veliger larvae. Four lobed larvae developed 4 days post-hatching and apparent morphological metamorphic competency was observed 14–17 days post-hatching. Despite the provision of live substrates and/or metamorphic inducers no metamorphosis to a crawling form was observed for larvae cultured on the monospecific diet. In work performed during 1999 settlement was observed for larvae cultured on a diet of mixed flagellates and diatoms and subsequently exposed to local epifaunal species. Salinity tolerance tests were performed on larvae at 1–6 days post-hatching. No deleterious effects were observed at salinities as low as 10ppt with limited survival to 7ppt at 6 days post-hatch. Current distribution is considered in context with larval salinity tolerance tests and literature describing native Asian and introduced populations to assess potential for establishment and further range extension both within the Chesapeake Bay and along the Atlantic coast of North America. Establishment within the Bay mainstem to the Rappahannock River with minor incursions into the mouths of the southerly subestuaries is considered feasible. A projected breeding range on the Atlantic seaboard extending from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras is considered as tenable. Potential impact of R. venosa on commercially valuable shellfish stocks throughout the projected range is cause for serious concern. Boring by the polychaete Polydora websteri is more prevalent in the younger whorls of the shell, and absent in shell laid down later in life. This pattern suggests that juvenile animals may prefer hard substrates and not adopt an infaunal lifestyle until a size in excess of 50mmSL, or after reaching maturity.  相似文献   

Substrate preferences of juvenile, hatchery-reared lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, from a Wisconsin population were examined relative to water temperature and velocity, fish size and time of day. Given the choice of a sand, gravel, rock or smooth plastic bottom, all sturgeon were strongly attracted to the sand substrate. Water temperature did not affect substrate preference, however small sturgeon (13.5cm mean FL) acclimated to 19°C were more active than those tested in 6°C water. Small sturgeon, under all conditions, were less sedentary in the early morning and late evening hours than during the daytime. Preference of small sturgeon for sand was slightly stronger when a current of 5cmsec-1 was present. Substrate preference of larger sturgeon (24.3cm mean FL) was not affected by any of the parameters examined. In general, hatchery-reared lake sturgeon showed similar behaviors (with respect to substrate selection) as those previously described for the same population in the wild, making it possible that substrate preferences have a genetic component and likely that hatchery rearing does not alter instinctive behavior.  相似文献   

Pitfall trapping is one of the most commonly used methods to survey surface-active invertebrates, but has many potential biases that may affect the catch of invertebrates. The distance between pitfall traps (inter-trap spacing) is one such factor. The abundance, richness and composition of invertebrate orders, and species of ants and beetles was examined for three commonly used inter-trap spacings (1, 5, 10m) in a grassy-woodland ecosystem in Victoria, Australia. Abundance and composition was not significantly different between treatments for any taxa. A significant difference in richness between treatments was found only for beetles. The 5 and 10m treatments had a significantly higher number of beetle morphospecies than the 1m treatment. Knowledge of such biases, and how subtle variations in trap design affect efficiency, is important for designing invertebrate surveys.  相似文献   

In an attempt to develop an efficient acoustic fish fence, we have designed an infrasound source able to generate large nearfield particle acceleration. The source generates water movements by means of two symmetrical pistons in an air-filled cylinder with 21cm bore. The pistons are driven by eccentric coupling to an electric motor, with 5cm p.p. amplitude. The piston movements are 180° out of phase. The piston reaction forces are thus opposed, leading to vibration free operation. The submergible infrasound source is operated freely suspended in the water mass. The emitted sound frequency is 11.8Hz. The particle acceleration is about 0.01ms–2 at a distance of 3m, corresponding to the threshold intensity for deterring effects of infrasound on Atlantic salmon smolts. The sound source was employed to test the effect of intense infrasound on migrating European silver eels. Fish confined in a tank displayed startle behaviour and prolonged stress reactions, telemetrically monitored as tachycardia, in response to intense infrasound. The field tests were carried out in the River Imsa. A trap that catches all the descending eels is installed near the river mouth. The trap was separated in four equal sections. During the periods with infrasound exposure, the proportion of silver eels entering the section closest to the sound source was reduced to 43% of the control value. In the section closest to the opposite river bank, infrasound increased the proportion of trapped eels to 144% of the control values. This shift of the migrating eels away from the infrasound source was highly significant.  相似文献   

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