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Becher's investigations upon the soluble metallic lakes of the oxazines have been re-investigated, extended and results described. Gallamin blue, gallocyanin and coelestin blue in combination with ferric ammonium sulfate gave the best results. The dyes are dissolved in a five per cent aqueous solution of ferric ammonium sulfate. The solution is boiled for 2–3 minutes, cooled, filtered and ready for immediate use. The iron lakes of these dyes stain nuclei excellently giving a deep blue or blue black in 3–5 minutes. No differentiation with acid is required. Coelestin blue gives the most stable solution and is recommended as a routine nuclear stain. The protoplasm remains practically colorless and counter-staining with acid dyes such as ethyl-eosin, orange G, or fuchsin gives pictures which cannot be distinguished from a good hematoxylin stain.

Counter-staining with van Gieson solution is also possible. Benda's modification of the van Gieson solution is recommended. Staining of fat with Sudan, scarlet red, etc., does not interfere with nuclear staining by these dyes.

As applied to the central nervous system these dyes are far superior to hematoxylin. Ganglion and glia cells are as excellently stained as with thionin.

The most widely used fixatives, namely formaldehyde, Mueller-formaldehyde, Zenker's and alcohol, give equally as good results. The nature of the staining process is briefly discussed and a prospectus offered.  相似文献   

Experiments with 3 oxazine dyes with 19 mordants failed to produce a more satisfactory staining solution than that recorded by Gray et al. (1956). The most practical solution developed is prepared by adding 0.4 ml concentrated HNO3 to 1gm celestine blue B and dissolving the resulting mass in 100 ml 5% cupric nitrate containing 14 ml glycerol. This solution is less acid (pH 1.4) than the celestine blue B-ferric alum solution (pH 0.8) previously recommended. It gives as intense and sharp a stain but is slightly less stable. Formulae are given for four other combinations of possible practical application.  相似文献   

Although McWhorter1 and later Rich2 mentioned that trypan blue stained the nuclei of plant cells, their procedures were concerned with the demonstration of virus inclusions. The following method was developed and is presented with the emphasis on nuclear staining. The present author hopes that others will try it for comparison with the popular aceto-carmine and aceto-orcein methods.  相似文献   

Mordant blue 3 may be used as a suhstitute for hematoxylin in hematoxylin and eosin stains. The staining solution consists of 0.25 g dye, 40 ml of 10% iron dam, 5 ml of cone H2SO4, and 955 ml of dirtilled H2O. Staining the is 5 minutes, followed by differentiation in acid water or acid alcohol. After blueing, the seaions are counterstained with emin. Results closely resemble the hematoxylin and eosin stain.  相似文献   

Tissue fixed in 10% formalin, formol saline, CaCO3 or phosphate buffer neutralized formalin, Baker's formol calcium, Cajal's formol ammonium bromide, formalin-95% ethanol 1:9, formalin-methanol 1:9, Lillie's methanol-chloroform or Salthouse's formol cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. Sections were attached to slides with either albumen or gelatine adhesive and processed throughout at room temperature of 22-25 C. Mordanting 30-60 min in 1% iron alum was followed by a 10 min wash in 4 changes of distilled water. Myelin was stained in a gallocyanin self-differentiating solution for 1-2.5 hr; thick sections requiring the longer time. The staining solution (pH approximately 7.4) consisted of Na2CO3, 90 mg; distilled water, 100 ml; gallocyanin, 250 mg; and ethanol, 5 ml. The ethanol was added to this mixture last, and after the other ingredients had been boiled and then cooled to room temperature. After a staining and thorough washing, Nissl granules were stained for 5-10 min in a solution consisting of: 0.1 M acetic acid, 60 ml; 0.1 M sodium acetate, 40 ml; methyl green, 500 mg. Washing, dehydration, clearing and mounting completed the process. Myelin sheaths were stained dark violet; neuronal nuclei, light green with dark granules of chromatin; nucleoli of motor cells and erythrocytes, dark violet; cytoplasm, green with dark green Nissl granules. The simple and reliable method can be adapted easily for use with automatic tissue processors.  相似文献   

In the search for hematoxylin substitutes 26 dyes were more or less extensively tested for performance as nuclear stains, usually in combination with aluminum, chromic, ferrous and ferric salts. Reports from the literature on hematoxylin substitutes were also considered, and efforts were made to obtain samples of favorably reported dyes and test them. The reports on anthocyanins include isolated reports on several berry juices and a considerable number of studies on Sambucus niger and Vaccinium mytillus. None of these have so far been tested by us. Otherwise favorable reports have appeared on eleven synthetic dyes and on carmine, brazilin, and hematein. Except for one of the synthetics, naphthazarin, which is no longer manufactured, we had samples of all of these. In addition, more or less unsuccessful trials were made on twelve dyestuffs, some of which were new syntheses designed to combine chelating capacity with nucleophilia. Following Fyg's report of blue nuclear staining with chrome alum carmine, trial was made to change the red nuclear stain of kernechtrot by altering the metal mordant.

The most successful dyes were phenocyanin TC, gallein, fluorone black, alizarin cyanin BB and alizarin blue S. Celestin blue B with an iron mordant is quite successful if properly handled to prevent gelling of solutions.  相似文献   

The phenyl and methyl trihydroxyfluorones, hitherto used histologically only in the rather difficult and unreliable Turchini tecbnics for discriminating deoxyribonucleic from ribonucleic acid, find a new use as iron mordant metachrome dyes which act as nuclear stains. Nuclear staining is unaffected by acid extraction of nudeic acids, as with hematoxylin lakes.

The two dyes, named by Liebermann and Lindenbanm 9-phenyl-2, 3, 7-trihydroxy-6-fluorone and 9-methyl-2, 3, 7-trihydroxy-6-Ruorone, have also acquired (illustrating with the phenyl homolog) longer chemical names of the form 2, 6, 7-trihydroxy-9-phenylisoxanthene-3-one (Eastman). Aldrich and Pfalz-Bauer adhere to the Liebermann-Lindenbaum nomenclature. The trivial name fluorone black is proposed for the phenyl homolog and methyl fluorone black for the methyl homolog.

The iron lake of fluorone black appears to be a useful substitute for iron hematoxylin, methyl fluorone black less useful. Neither dye has the diverse capability of hematoxylin.

Aided by a contract from the National Cancer Institute NO-1-CB-43912  相似文献   

A method is given to stain the nucleus of Gaffkya tetragena and other bacteria. Only water solutions of crystal violet, mercuric chloride, and nigrosin are used. While the application of heat (50°C. for 20 seconds) is not absolutely necessary, it facilitates the decolorizing process. Some of the nuclei of cells from old cultures were found in various stages of division. The nucleus of a mature cell divides, and each daughter nucleus undergoes a second division usually in a plane at right angles to that of the first division. The nuclear division indicates cell development in units of four cells each. The method was found reliable for demonstrating the nucleus at various periods and stages of growth.  相似文献   

Gallo blue E, C. I. No. 51040, Mordant Violet 54, furnishes a blue black nuclear stain when applied to tissue sections in the form of its moderately stable iron lakes. This adoring combined well with such counterstains as orange G and eosin B. The Van Gieson stain tends to decolorize mucins, cartilage, and mast ells previously stained with this dye. Its aluminum lake solutions tend to gel in a few minutes to 24 hours depending on the solvent wed and the amount of Al2+ present. Aluminum lake solutions give a moderately good blue to dark blue nuclear stain and a brilliant purplish red to dark purple stain to a variety of epithelial and connective tissue mucins. Acid dye counterstains are poorly tolerated. With either lake, nuclear staining is abolished by deoxyribonuclease digestion or relatively short mineral acid extraction of DNA.  相似文献   

Human pituitaries fixed in Bouin's fluid or 10% formalin were stained by the PAS, Masson trichrome and luxol fast blue methods. By comparing adjacent sections stained by these 3 methods it was found that the alpha cells which are PAS negative, but stained red by the Masson trichrome method, were intensely stained by luxol fast blue. The beta cells which are stained blue by the PAS and Masson methods were not stained by luxol fast blue. Similar observations were made on a series of pituitaries from 8 other mammalian species. It is concluded that luxol fast blue is a selective stain for alpha cells in the mammalian pituitary.  相似文献   

The chelate k prepared by adding 4.5 gm of aluminon and 100 gm of chrome alum to 200 ml of distilled water, boiling gently for 20 min., filtering, and allowing the filtrate to drop into 3.5 liters of absolute alcohol. The alcoholic suspension is filtered and its precipitate is dried at room temperature. To prepare the staining solution 3 gm of chelate are dissolved in 100 ml of 3% HCI. Hydrated sections—paraffin, frozen, or celloidin—are stained for 30 min to 18 hr at room temperature. The stain is self-limiting and requires no differentiation. Since the stain is not removed by alcohol or weak acids, a large variety of counterstains my be used.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new series of staining methods which can discrimina-tively demonstrate every structure of the nervous system, including axons and capillaries, in animal and human materials. Methods described in this paper consist of one primary stain, luxol fast blue-periodic acid Schiff-hematoxylin (LPH) and six different subsidiary staining methods. The LPH triple stain can precisely differentiate the following structures: neurons (Nissl bodies, cytoplasm, nuclear membrane and nucleolus), various kinds of nuclei (glia, ependyma, endothelium, leucocyte, connective tissue, etc.), myelin sheaths, neuronal processes (axons and dendrites), reacted glial cell bodies (protoplasmic astrocytes, foamy cells, etc), blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries), meninges, intervening connective tissue, erythrocytes, lipofuscin granules, amyloid bodies, and others. Subsidiary staining methods are also described briefly. Applications are discussed in the context of staining technology and neuromorphological research.  相似文献   

The shavings of the dried heartwood of the tree Baphia nitida are ground to a fine powder, and 6 gm of the powder are extracted in 100 ml absolute ethanol at 27-30 for 6-24 hr. The extract is filtered with Whatman No. 1 paper and stored in a screw-capped bottle. For staining the interglobular dentine of nondecalcified sections of formlin-fixed teeth, sawed cross sections 20-30 μ thick were dehydrated in ethanol and stained in the undiluted extract for 6-12 hr at room temperature. The interglobular dentine was stained a bright golden brown on a pale brown background. For staining striated muscle, the extract was diluted 1:1 with distilled water and filtered. After mordanting formalin-fixed paraffin sections with 0.25% KMnO4 for 5 min, and bleaching with 5% oxalic acid for 10 min, they were washed in water and stained for 2-24 hr at room temperature. The striations were stained light to deep golden brown. For use as a counterstain, a 1:6 dilution of the original extract was required. When applied after haematoxylin for 15-30 min, it stained tissue components in varying shades of golden brown with distribution comparable to that produced by 1% eosin.  相似文献   

Onion (Allium cepa) root tips were fixed in a proprietary solution without aldehyde, toxic metals or acetic acid. Fixed specimens were embedded in paraffin, sectioned on a rotary microtome and mounted on detergent-washed slides without adhesive. Slides with ribbon segments affixed were immersed in 0.2% aqueous alcian blue 8GX in screw-capped Coplin jars in a water bath at 50 C for 1 hr. Excess alcian blue was rinsed off under cold running tap water and the slides were immersed in quick-mixed hematoxylin at room temperature for 15 min. Stained slides were deparaffinized, rinsed with isopropanol, air dried, and coverslips were affixed with resin. Thus, the traditional paraffin microtechnique has been modified at all steps from fixation to finishing slides with coverslips.  相似文献   

A new reagent (blue guaran) for quantitative estimation of lectins, has been derived from a galactomannan (guaran). When the lectin solution is added to an aqueous solution of blue guaran, dye-bound guaran is precipitated from the solution. The difference in absorbance of the blue guaran solution before and after the addition of lectin solution is proportional to the amount of lectin present in the sample. The method of preparation of blue guaran, its spectral characteristics and effect of pH on precipitation have also been described. It gives a simple colorimetric method for the estimation of galactose-specific lectins.  相似文献   

DAP (4,6.Diamidino-2-phenylindole) has been shown in this investigation to be a convenient and reliable DNA-specific nuclear stain which will exhibit pale blue fluorescence under ultraviolet irradiation. It could be employed to stain the nucleus in living plant specimens by simply immersing them in highly diluted DAPI solution (ca. 0.5 ppm) for 2–24 hours. The specimen with stained nucleus is still capable of exhibiting cyclosis. The seedling may grow steadily in such solution. Hence, the whole procedure is well suited for the preliminary survey of occurrence of nuclear extrusion in various higher plants chosen at random. As most investigations on nuclear extrusion have been intensively conducted on two monocots (wheat and Allium), special attention is paid to dicots. Free hand sections consisting of several layers of cells in thickness are taken from the various parts of a plant (flower bracts, petals and stipule) to avoid artificial indlced by injury ,and stripping. The main findings are summarized in Table, and the microscopic record illustrated in figures. The preliminary survey has adequately demonstrated that the frequency of successful detection of nuclear extrusion in plant samples taken at random is rather high although its occurrence is rare. Patient search under microscope is usually required. In general it is present in embryonic as well as in senescent tissues and in tissues of transitory existence such as the leaf hairs, but it is absent in mature normal function-organs. The results are in conformity with those of prefious observations.  相似文献   

An oil red O fat stain is prepared by dissolving 250 mg of the dye in 100 ml of a 1% Tween 40 solution in 30% alcohol, and incubating the mixture at 60°C for 24 hr. The solution is then filtered at room temperature under vacuum through medium porosity frittedglass. Frozen sections cut from material fixed in CaCl2-CdCl2-formalin (1%:1%:10%) are placed in the stain for not less than 4 hr. After washing in the alcoholic-Tween solvent, they are mounted on glass slides from distilled water with Farrants' medium. The resulting preparations appear to be permanent, for in a 2-yr test they have remained free from stain crystalization and the fat particles are still discrete and dark red.  相似文献   

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