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We have studied the interaction between EF-Tu-GDP or EF-Tu-GTP in complex with kirromycin or aurodox (N1-methylkirromycin) and aminoacyl-tRNA, N-acetylaminoacyl-tRNA, or deacylated tRNA. Three independent methods were used: zone-interference gel electrophoresis, GTPase stimulation, and fluorescence. All three methods revealed that kirromycin induces a severe drop in the stability of the complex of EF-Tu-GTP and aminoacyl-tRNA of about 3 orders of magnitude. The affinities of EF-Tu-kirromycin-GTP and EF-Tu-kirromycin-GDP for aa-tRNA were found to be of about the same order of magnitude. We conclude that kirromycin and related compounds do not induce a so-called GTP-like conformation of EF-Tu with respect to tRNA binding. The findings shed new light on the mechanism of action of the antibiotic during the elongation cycle. In contrast to indirect evidence previously obtained in our laboratory [Van Noort et al. (1982) EMBO J. 1, 1199-1205; Van Noort et al. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71, 4910-4914], we were unable to demonstrate complexes of EF-Tu-aurodox-GTP/GDP with N-acetylaminoacyl-tRNA or deacylated tRNA by direct detection using zone-interference gel electrophoresis. Modification with N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (TPCK) decreases the affinity of EF-Tu-kirromycin-GTP for aminoacyl-tRNA, just like it does in the absence of the antibiotic.  相似文献   

The site of interaction of aminoacyl-tRNA with elongation factor Tu   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
We have used RNases T1, T2 and A to digest two aminoacyl-tRNAs, Escherichia coli Phe-tRNAPhe and E. coli Met- tRNAMetm both in the naked forms and in ternary complexes with E. coli elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and GTP. An analysis of the 'footprinting' results has led to an interpretation that has localized the part of the three-dimensional structure of aminoacyl-tRNA covered by the protein in the ternary complex. In terms of the three-dimensional structure of tRNA established for yeast tRNAPhe, EF-Tu covers the aa-end, aa-stem, T-stem, and extra loop on the side of the L-shaped tRNA that exposes the extra loop.  相似文献   

Elongation factor (EF) Tu promotes the binding of aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) to the acceptor site of the ribosome. This process requires the formation of a ternary complex (EF-Tu.GTP.aa-tRNA). EF-Tu is released from the ribosome as an EF-Tu.GDP complex. Exchange of GDP for GTP is carried out through the formation of a complex with EF-Ts (EF-Tu.Ts). Mammalian mitochondrial EF-Tu (EF-Tu(mt)) differs from the corresponding prokaryotic factors in having a much lower affinity for guanine nucleotides. To further understand the EF-Tu(mt) subcycle, the dissociation constants for the release of aa-tRNA from the ternary complex (K(tRNA)) and for the dissociation of the EF-Tu.Ts(mt) complex (K(Ts)) were investigated. The equilibrium dissociation constant for the ternary complex was 18 +/- 4 nm, which is close to that observed in the prokaryotic system. The kinetic dissociation rate constant for the ternary complex was 7.3 x 10(-)(4) s(-)(1), which is essentially equivalent to that observed for the ternary complex in Escherichia coli. The binding of EF-Tu(mt) to EF-Ts(mt) is mutually exclusive with the formation of the ternary complex. K(Ts) was determined by quantifying the effects of increasing concentrations of EF-Ts(mt) on the amount of ternary complex formed with EF-Tu(mt). The value obtained for K(Ts) (5.5 +/- 1.3 nm) is comparable to the value of K(tRNA).  相似文献   

The elongation factor Tu binds aminoacyl-tRNA in the presence of GDP   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Escherichia coli elongation factor (EF-Tu) binds aminoacyl-tRNAs (aa-tRNA) not only in the presence of GTP but also in the presence of GDP. Complex formation leads to a protection of the aa-tRNA against nonenzymatic deacylation and digestion by pancreatic ribonuclease, as well as to a protection of EF-Tu against proteolysis by trypsin. The equilibrium constant for the binding of Phe-tRNAPheyeast for example to EF-Tu.GDP has been determined to be 0.7 X 10(5) M-1 which is 2 orders of magnitude lower than the equilibrium constant for Phe-tRNAPheyeast binding to EF-Tu.GTP. In the presence of kirromycin, aminoacyl-tRNA binding to EF-Tu.GDP is not affected as much: Phe-tRNAPheyeast is bound with an equilibrium constant of 3 X 10(5) M-1. While there is also a measurable interaction between EF-Tu.GTP and tRNA, such an interaction cannot be detected with EF-Tu.GDP and tRNA, not even at millimolar concentrations. A so far undetected complex formation between aminoacyl-tRNA and EF-Tu.GTP in the presence of pulvomycin, however, could be detected. The results are discussed in terms of the structural requirements of ternary complex formation and in the light of proofreading schemes involving A-site binding on the E. coli ribosome.  相似文献   

GTP hydrolysis by elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) on the ribosome is induced by codon recognition. The mechanism by which a signal is transmitted from the site of codon-anticodon interaction in the decoding center of the 30S ribosomal subunit to the site of EF-Tu binding on the 50S subunit is not known. Here we examine the role of the tRNA in this process. We have used two RNA fragments, one which contains the anticodon and D hairpin domains (ACD oligomer) derived from tRNA(Phe) and the second which comprises the acceptor stem and T hairpin domains derived from tRNA(Ala) (AST oligomer) that aminoacylates with alanine and forms a ternary complex with EF-Tu. GTP. While the ACD oligomer and the ternary complex containing the Ala-AST oligomer interact with the 30S and 50S A site, respectively, no rapid GTP hydrolysis was observed when both were bound simultaneously. The presence of paromomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic that binds to the decoding site and stabilizes codon-anticodon interaction in unfavorable coding situations, did not increase the rate of GTP hydrolysis. These results suggest that codon recognition as such is not sufficient for GTPase activation and that an intact tRNA molecule is required for transmitting the signal created by codon recognition to EF-Tu.  相似文献   

In this work we show that intact aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) and its 3' half-molecule, but not its 3' C-C-A-aa fragment, require selective ionic conditions for stimulating the mRNA-independent GTPase of elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) in the presence of ribosomes.l Stimulation by aa-tRNA and its 3' half-molecule is only observed at 20 and 30 mM Mg2+ and not at 10 mM, where they exert inhibitory activity; by contrast, C-C-A-aa enhances the GTPase activity at all three of these Mg2+ concentrations. Ammonium ion is needed for stimulation by C-C-A-aa, whereas it inhibits the stimulation by aa-tRNA and its 3' half-molecule. The concentration of aminoacylated fragments needed for half-maximum stimulation follows this order: A-Val much greater than C-A-Val greater than C-C-A-Val much greater than 3' Val-tRNA1Val half-molecule greater than Val-tRNA1Val. The extent of maximum stimulation of the EF-Tu GTPase in the presence of ribosomes varies moderately depending on the aa-tRNA species; a clear dependence on the nature of the aminoacyl side chain is observed in the effects of their respective C-C-A-aa fragments tested (C-C-A-Arg, C-C-A-Val, C-C-A-Phe, C-C-A-Met, C-C-A-Lys). In the absence of ribosomes and at low [Mg2+], the one-round GTP hydrolysis by EF-Tu is enhanced by C-C-A-aa fragments, whereas it is inhibited by the corresponding aa-tRNAs. Our results suggest that besides the 3' aminoacylated extremity another region(s) of the aa-tRNA molecule controls the GTPase of EF-Tu. The "unspecific" stimulation by C-C-A-aa and the "specific," aa-tRNA-like effect of the 3' aa-tRNA half-molecule point to the importance of the T chi C loop and stem, as well as of the adjacent regions for the regulation of this function.  相似文献   

The mRNA codon in the ribosomal A-site is recognized by aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) in a ternary complex with elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and GTP. Here we report the 13 A resolution three-dimensional reconstruction determined by cryo-electron microscopy of the kirromycin-stalled codon-recognition complex. The structure of the ternary complex is distorted by binding of the tRNA anticodon arm in the decoding center. The aa-tRNA interacts with 16S rRNA, helix 69 of 23S rRNA and proteins S12 and L11, while the sarcin-ricin loop of 23S rRNA contacts domain 1 of EF-Tu near the nucleotide-binding pocket. These results provide a detailed snapshot view of an important functional state of the ribosome and suggest mechanisms of decoding and GTPase activation.  相似文献   

The interaction between Escherichia coli aminoacyl-tRNAs and elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) x GTP was examined. Ternary complex formation with Phe-tRNAPhe and Lys-tRNALys was compared to that with the respective misaminoacylated Tyr-tRNAPhe and Phe-tRNALys. There was no pronounced difference in the efficiency of aminoacyl-tRNA x EF-Tu x GTP complex formation between Phe-tRNAPhe and Tyr-tRNAPhe. However, Phe-tRNALys was bound preferentially to EF-Tu x GTP as compared to Lys-tRNALys. This was shown by the ability of EF-Tu x GTP to prevent the hydrolysis of the aminoacyl ester linkage of the aminoacyl-tRNA species. Furthermore, gel filtration of ternary complexes revealed that the complex formed with the misaminoacylated tRNALys was also more stable than the one formed with the correctly aminoacylated tRNALys. Both misaminoacylated aminoacyl-tRNA species could participate in the ribosomal peptide elongation reaction. Poly(U)-directed synthesis of poly(Tyr) using Tyr-tRNAPhe occurred to a comparable extent as the synthesis of poly(Phe) with Phe-tRNAPhe. In the translation of poly(A) using native Lys-tRNALys, poly(Lys) reached a lower level than poly(Phe) when Phe-tRNALys was used. It was concluded that the side-chain of the amino acid linked to a tRNA affects the efficiency of the aminoacyl-tRNA x EF-Tu x GTP ternary complex formation.  相似文献   

The exchange of elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu)-bound GTP in the presence and absence of elongation factor Ts (EF-Ts) was monitored by equilibrium exchange kinetic procedures. The kinetics of the exchange reaction were found to be consistent with the formation of a ternary complex EF-Tu X GTP X EF-Ts. The equilibrium association constants of EF-Ts to the EF-Tu X GTP complex and of GTP to EF-Tu X EF-Ts were calculated to be 7 X 10(7) and 2 X 10(6) M-1, respectively. The dissociation rate constant of GTP from the ternary complex was found to be 13 s-1. This is 500 times larger than the GTP dissociation rate constant from the EF-Tu X GTP complex (2.5 X 10(-2) s-1). A procedure based on the observation that EF-Tu X GTP protects the aminoacyl-tRNA molecule from phosphodiesterase I-catalyzed hydrolysis was used to study the interactions of EF-Tu X GTP with Val-tRNAVal and Phe-tRNAPhe. Binding constants of Phe-tRNAPhe and Val-tRNAVal to EF-Tu X GTP of 4.8 X 10(7) and 1.2 X 10(7)M-1, respectively, were obtained. The exchange of bound GDP with GTP in solution in the presence of EF-Ts was also examined. The kinetics of the reaction were found to be consistent with a rapid equilibrium mechanism. It was observed that the exchange of bound GDP with free GTP in the presence of a large excess of the latter was accelerated by the addition of aminoacyl-tRNA. On the basis of these observations, a complete mechanism to explain the interactions among EF-Tu, EF-Ts, guanine nucleotides, and aminoacyl-tRNA has been developed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA from Ustilago cynodontis has been investigated in several of its properties. Its dG + dC content is equal to 33.5%; its buoyant density (1.698 g/cm3) is higher, by 5 mg/cm3, and its melting temperature (82.5 degrees C) is lower than expected for a bacterial DNA having the same base composition; the first derivative of its melting curve indicates a large compositional heterogeneity, its molarity of elution from hydroxyapatite is high, 0.28 M phosphate, and allows its partial separation from nuclear DNA. Degradation by micrococcal nuclease indicates that about 25% of the DNA is formed by stretches having no more than 15% dG + dC. Finally, the unit size of mitochondrial genome is about 50 X 10(6). In most of its properties, the mitochondrial genome of U. cynodontis presents strong analogies with that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A parallel investigation on mitochondrial DNA from Acanthamoeba castellanii which has as genome unit size of only 27 X 10(6), has shown that this shares with the former the dG + dC content (32.9%), the melting temperature (82.5 degrees C), a large compositional heterogeneity and a very similar pattern of micrococcal nuclease degradation; its buoyant density (1.692 g/cm3) and its molarity of elution from hydroxyapatite (0.25 M phosphate) are, however, normal, probably because of a different short-sequence pattern and the fact that its dA + dT-rich stretches are shorter, on the average.  相似文献   

The interaction of the chloroplast elongation factor Tu (EF-Tuchl) from Euglena gracilis with guanine nucleotides and aminoacyl-tRNA has been investigated. The apparent dissociation constant at 37 degrees C for the EF-Tuchl X GDP complex is about 3 X 10(-7) M and for the EF-Tuchl X GTP complex, it is about 1 order of magnitude higher. The sulfhydryl modifying reagent N-ethylmaleimide severely inhibits the polymerization activity of Euglena EF-Tuchl. In the presence of N-ethylmaleimide, the dissociation constant for the modified EF-Tuchl X GDP complex is increased by an order of magnitude. Conversely, both GDP and GTP protect EF-Tuchl from the modification. The polymerization activity of EF-Tuchl is also sensitive to the antibiotic kirromycin. In the presence of kirromycin, the apparent dissociation constant for the EF-Tuchl X GTP complex is lowered 10-fold. The interaction of aminoacyl-tRNA with EF-Tuchl was investigated by examining the ability of EF-Tuchl to prevent the spontaneous hydrolysis of Phe-tRNA and by gel filtration chromatography. The binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to EF-Tuchl occurs only in the presence of GTP indicating the formation of the ternary complex EF-Tuchl X GTP X Phe-tRNA. The effect of kirromycin on the interaction was also investigated. In the presence of kirromycin, no interaction between EF-Tuchl and Phe-tRNA is observed, even in the presence of GTP.  相似文献   

A new approach for the fluorescence labeling of an aminoacyl-tRNA at the 3'-end is applied to study its interaction with bacterial elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and GTP at equilibrium. The penultimate cytidine residue in yeast tRNATyr-C-C-A was replaced by 2-thiocytidine (s2C). The resulting tRNATyr-C-s2C-A was aminoacylated and then alkylated at the s2C residue with N-(iodoacetylaminoethyl)-5-naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid (1,5-I-AEDANS). A greater than 100% increase in the intensity of fluorescence emission of the modified Tyr-tRNATyr-C-s2C(AEDANS)-A was observed upon interaction with EF-Tu.GTP. A ternary complex dissociation constant of 1.27 X 10(-8) M was calculated from this direct interaction. Using such fluorescent aminoacyl-tRNA, the affinity of any unmodified aminoacyl-tRNA can be determined by competition experiments. By this approach, we show here that the affinity of unmodified Tyr-tRNATyr-C-C-A is identical to that of the modified Tyr-tRNATyr. This indicates that the fluorescence labeling procedure applied does not alter the affinity of the aminoacyl-tRNA for EF-Tu.GTP. The introduction of 2-thiocytidine into nucleic acids and their labeling with spectroscopic reporter groups may provide a unique means of investigating various types of nucleic acid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The interaction of the Escherichia coli elongation factor Tu guanosine tetraphosphate complex (EF-Tu ppGpp) with aminoacyl-tRNAs(aa-tRNA) was reinvestigated by gel filtration and hydrolysis protection experiments. These experiments show that EF-Tu X ppGpp like EF-Tu X GDP (Pingoud, A., Block, W., Wittinghofer, A., Wolf, H. & Fischer, E. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 11261-11267) forms a fairly stable complex with Phe-tRNAPhe, KAss being 0.6 X 10(5) M-1 at 25 degrees C. The binding of the EF-Tu X ppGpp X aa-tRNA complex to programmed ribosomes was investigated by a centrifugation technique. It is shown that this complex is bound codon-specific with KAss = 3 X 10(7) M-1 at 0 degrees C and that it stimulates peptidyl transfer. A numerical estimation of the intracellular concentration of EF-Tu X GTP X aa-tRNA and EF-Tu X ppGpp X aa-tRNA during normal growth and under the stringent response indicates that ppGpp accumulation does affect the EF-Tu X GTP X aa-tRNA concentration but does not lead to major depletion of this pool. Furthermore, due to the higher affinity of EF-Tu X GTP to aa-tRNA and of the ternary complex EF-Tu X GTP X aa-tRNA to the ribosome, EF-Tu X ppGpp X aa-tRNA binding to the ribosome is not significant. According to our measurements and calculations, therefore, a direct participation of EF-Tu in slowing down the rate of protein biosynthesis and improving its accuracy during amino acid starvation is not obvious.  相似文献   

Intact, native EF-Tu, isolated using previously described methods and fully active in binding GTP, was never found to be fully active in binding aminoacyl-tRNA as judged by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) gel filtration and zone-interference gel-electrophoresis. In the presence of kirromycin, however, all these EF-Tu.GTP molecules bind aminoacyl-tRNA, although with a drastically reduced affinity. For the first time, the purification of milligram quantities of ternary complexes of EF-Tu.GTP and aminoacyl-tRNA, free of deacylated tRNA and inactive EF-Tu, has become possible using HPLC gel filtration. We also describe an alternative new method for the isolation of the ternary complexes by means of fractional extraction in the presence of polyethylene glycol. In the latter procedure, the solubility characteristics of the ternary complexes are highly reminiscent to those of free tRNA. Concentrated samples of EF-Tu.GMPPNP.aminoacyl-tRNA complexes show a high stability.  相似文献   

We have investigated the formation of the aa-tRNA X EF-Tu X GTP ternary complex spectroscopically by monitoring a fluorescence change that accompanies the association of EF-Tu X GTP with Phe-tRNAPhe-F8, a functionally active analogue of Phe-tRNAPhe with a fluorescein moiety covalently attached to the s4U-8 base. With this approach, the protein-nucleic acid interaction could be examined by direct means and at equilibrium. The fluorescence emission intensity of each Phe-tRNAPhe-F8 increased by 36-55% upon association with EF-Tu X GTP, depending on the solvent conditions. Thus, when Phe-tRNAPhe-F8 was titrated with EF-Tu X GTP, the extent of ternary complex formation was determined from the increase in emission intensity. A nonlinear least-squares analysis of the titration data yielded a dissociation constant of 0.85 nM for the ternary complex in 50 mM N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (pH 7.6), 10 mM MgCl2, and 50 mM NH4Cl, at 6 degrees C. The delta H degrees of this interaction, determined by the temperature dependence of Kd, was -16 kcal/mol; the delta S degrees was therefore -16 cal mol-1 deg-1 at 6 degrees C in this buffer. In a more physiological polycation-containing solvent ("polymix"), the Kd was 4.7 nM. The ionic strength dependence of ternary complex formation showed that a minimum of two salt bridges and a substantial nonelectrostatic contribution are involved in the binding of aa-tRNA to EF-Tu. The affinities of unmodified aa-tRNAs for EF-Tu X GTP were determined by their abilities to compete with the fluorescent aa-tRNA for binding to the protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The co-crystal structure of Thermus aquaticus elongation factor Tu.guanosine 5'- [beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate (EF-Tu.GDPNP) bound to yeast Phe-tRNA(Phe) reveals that EF-Tu interacts with the tRNA body primarily through contacts with the phosphodiester backbone. Twenty amino acids in the tRNA binding cleft of Thermus Thermophilus EF-Tu were each mutated to structurally conservative alternatives and the affinities of the mutant proteins to yeast Phe-tRNA(Phe) determined. Eleven of the 20 mutations reduced the binding affinity from fourfold to >100-fold, while the remaining ten had no effect. The thermodynamically important residues were spread over the entire tRNA binding interface, but were concentrated in the region which contacts the tRNA T-stem. Most of the data could be reconciled by considering the crystal structures of both free EF-Tu.GTP and the ternary complex and allowing for small (1.0 A) movements in the amino acid side-chains. Thus, despite the non-physiological crystallization conditions and crystal lattice interactions, the crystal structures reflect the biochemically relevant interaction in solution.  相似文献   

The ribonuclease resistance assay has been used to probe the effect of trypsin modification of the Escherichia coli elongation factor Tu X GTP on the interaction with E. coli aminoacyl-tRNAs. First, the equilibrium dissociation constant of the trypsin-modified Tu X GTP X Thr-tRNA complex was determined to be 2.3 (0.1) X 10(-5)M at 4 degrees C, pH 7.4. Second, binding of 17 of 20 noninitiator aminoacyl-tRNAs and four sets of purified isoacceptor tRNAs to the modified protein was measured. At 4 degrees C, the complex stabilities vary 500-fold over the range of aminoacyl-tRNAs, with Gln-tRNA forming the strongest ternary complex and Val-tRNA, the weakest. The results are compared to a similar study of ternary complex formation using intact elongation factor Tu X GTP, and the major differences are discussed. An analysis of both data sets, particularly that for the leucine isoacceptor tRNAs, suggests that the trypsin modification of elongation factor Tu X GTP disrupts a region of protein that is involved with the aminoacyl side chain rather than that of the acceptor stem helix region of the aminoacyl-tRNA.  相似文献   

Two slow-growing kirromycin-resistant Escherichia coli mutants with altered EF-Tu (Ap and Aa) were studied in vivo in strains with an inactive tufB gene. Mutant form Aa was isolated as an antisuppressor of the tyrT(Su3) nonsense suppressor, as described here. Ap, the tufA gene product of strain D2216 (from A. Parmeggiani), has previously been shown to give an increased GTPase activity. The slow cellular growth rates of both EF-Tu mutants are correlated with decreased translational elongation rates. Ap and Aa significantly decrease suppression levels of both nonsense and missense suppressor tRNAs [tyrT(Su3), trpT(Su9), glyT(SuAGA/G)], but have only little or no effect on misreading by wild-type tRNAs. A particular missense suppressor, lysT(SuAAA/G), which acts by virtue of partial mischarging as the result of an alteration in the amino acid stem, is not significantly affected by the EF-Tu mutations. The combination of tufA(Aa) and a rpsD12 ribosomal mutation is lethal at room temperature and the double-mutant strain has an elevated temperature optimum (42 degrees C) for growth rate, translation rate and nonsense suppression. Our data indicate an alterated interaction between Aa and the ribosome, consistent with our in vitro results.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic elongation factor Tu is present in mRNA-protein complexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, partial peptide mapping, and antibody binding we have shown that eukaryotic elongation factor Tu is in close contact with mRNA in rabbit reticulocytes. It can be crosslinked to mRNA by irradiating both polysomes and 40-80 S mRNA-protein complexes with short-wave UV light. To our knowledge this is the first case in which a known translation factor has been shown to be associated with mRNA in native ribonucleoproteins.  相似文献   

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