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Recognition of tRNA by the ribosome. A possible role of 5 S RNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
S K Dube 《FEBS letters》1973,36(1):39-42

5S rRNA is an integral component of the ribosome of all living organisms. It is known that the ribosome without 5S rRNA is functionally inactive. However, the question about the specific role of this RNA in functioning of the translation apparatus is still open. This review presents a brief history of the discovery of 5S rRNA and studies of its origin and localization in the ribosome. The previously expressed hypotheses about the role of this RNA in the functioning of the ribosome are discussed considering the unique location of 5S rRNA in the ribosome and its intermolecular contacts. Based on analysis of the current data on ribosome structure and its functional complexes, the role of 5S rRNA as an intermediary between ribosome functional domains is discussed.  相似文献   

Over 25 years ago, Pace and coworkers described an activity called RNase M5 in Bacillus subtilis cell extracts responsible for 5S ribosomal RNA maturation (Sogin & Pace, Nature, 1974, 252:598-600). Here we show that RNase M5 is encoded by a gene of previously unknown function that is highly conserved among the low G + C gram-positive bacteria. We propose that the gene be named rnmV. The rnmV gene is nonessential. B. subtilis strains lacking RNase M5 do not make mature 5S rRNA, indicating that this process is not necessary for ribosome function. 5S rRNA precursors can, however, be found in both free and translating ribosomes. In contrast to RNase E, which cleaves the Escherichia coli 5S precursor in a single-stranded region, which is then trimmed to yield mature 5S RNA, RNase M5 cleaves the B. subtilis equivalent in a double-stranded region to yield mature 5S rRNA in one step. For the most part, eubacteria contain one or the other system for 5S rRNA production, with an imperfect division along gram-negative and gram-positive lines. A potential correlation between the presence of RNase E or RNase M5 and the single- or double-stranded nature of the predicted cleavage sites is explored.  相似文献   

The internal site of 5 S RNA comprising residues A39 and U40 has been localized on the E. coli 50 S ribosomal subunit by immune electron microscopy. It has been found to be located on the interface side of the central protuberance at the position distinctly apart but very close to the position of the 5 S RNA 3'-end providing evidence for a quite compact folded conformation of the 5 S RNA in situ.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that 16 S RNA can assume two different conformational forms as detected by agarose gel electrophoresis, and that these two forms vary in their ability to bind individual 30 S ribosomal proteins specifically. In this paper we show that the faster electrophoretic form can be converted to the slower electrophoretic form by the binding of either protein S4, S8, S7 or S15. The slower form can then be transformed into a fast form by heat-activating the reconstitution intermediate (RI) particle, which has been constructed under reconstitution conditions at 0 °C, to RI1. We demonstrate that the transformation of the 16 S RNA conformation by binding of protein S7 permits the subsequent binding of protein S9 following deproteination. We propose that many of the classical assembly-dependent relationships are due to induced changes in the 16 S RNA conformation.  相似文献   

A fragment of ribosomal protein L18 was prepared by limited trypsin digestion of a specific complex of L18 and 5S RNA. It was characterised for sequence and the very basic N-terminal region of the protein was found to be absent. No smaller resistant fragments were produced. 5S RNA binding experiments indicated that the basic N-terminal region, from amino acid residues 1 to 17, was not important for the L18-5S RNA association. Under milder trypsin digestion conditions three resistant fragments were produced from the free protein. The largest corresponded to that isolated from the complex. The smaller ones were trimmed slightly further at both N- and C-terminal ends. These smaller fragments did not reassociate with 5S RNA. It was concluded on the basis of the trypsin protection observations and the 5S RNA binding results that the region extending from residues 18 to 117 approximates to the minimum amount of protein required for a specific and stable protein-RNA interaction. The accessibility of the very basic N-terminal region of L18, in the L18-5S RNA complex, suggests that it may be involved, in some way, in the interaction of 5S RNA with 23S RNA.  相似文献   

Diethyl pyrocarbonate reactivity and thermal denaturation were used to probe potential ribosomal interactions between tRNA and the small 5.8S and 5S rRNAs. Puromycin, an analogue of the terminal aminoacyl-adenosine portion of aminoacyl-tRNA, was observed to increase the accessibility of the 5.8S rRNA, including the highly conserved GAACp sequences. EDTA which releases both tRNA and the 5S rRNA-protein complex resulted in an even greater accessibility in the 5.8S rRNA. The thermal dissociation of whole ribosomes resulted in the release of all three RNAs, with a striking similarity in the denaturation profiles. These results strongly suggest an interdependence in the ribosome-associated structures of the small rRNAs and provide in situ evidence for the various 5S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, and tRNA containing ribonucleoprotein complexes previously reconstituted through affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

M C Liau  M E Hunt  R B Hurlbert 《Biochemistry》1976,15(14):3158-3164
The activity of rRNA methylases was stimulated by high-energy precursors of RNA (ribonucleoside triphosphates) and inhibited by degradation products of RNA (ribonucleotides and oligoribonucleotides). The response of methylases from rat Novikoff ascites tumor and liver to these metabolites was strikingly different. The highly active tumor enzymes responded preferentially to inhibition by catabolic metabolites, whereas the less active liver enzymes responded exclusively to stimulation by anabolic metabolites. When the activity of rRNA methylases was assayed in response to increasing concentration of S-adenosylmethionine, the tumor enzymes responded with a hyperbolic substrate dependence curve and the liver enzymes with a sigmoidal curve. In the presence of an inhibitory dinucleotide, ApA, the tumor enzymes responded with a sigmoidal curve; in the presence of a stimulator, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, the liver enzymes responded with a hyperbolic substrate concentration curve. When normal rats were subject to a series of treatments by thioacetamide, a hepatocarcinogen, the liver nucleolar rRNA methylases became responsive to inhibition by ApA and relatively unresponsive to stimulation by adenosine 5'-triphosphate. When tumor-bearing rats were treated with polyinosinate:polycytidylate, an antitumor agent, the tumor nucleolar rRNA methylases became unresponsive to inhibition by ApA and more responsive to stimulation by adenosine 5'-triphosphate. A correlation was noted between increased methylation efficiency in vivo and increased stability of nucleolar RNA during incubation in vitro, or vice versa. These results are interpreted to indicate that rRNAmethylases are regulated by cellular metabolites during the nucleolar biosynthesis of ribosomes and that rRNA methylases may provide a favorable site for selective action by cancer chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The RNA degradosome is a multi-enzyme assembly that contributes to key processes of RNA metabolism, and it engages numerous partners in serving its varied functional roles. Small domains within the assembly recognize collectively a diverse range of macromolecules, including the core protein components, the cytoplasmic lipid membrane, mRNAs, non-coding regulatory RNAs and precursors of structured RNAs. We present evidence that the degradosome can form a stable complex with the 70S ribosome and polysomes, and we demonstrate the proximity in vivo of ribosomal proteins and the scaffold of the degradosome, RNase E. The principal interactions are mapped to two, independent, RNA-binding domains from RNase E. RhlB, the RNA helicase component of the degradosome, also contributes to ribosome binding, and this is favoured through an activating interaction with RNase E. The catalytic activity of RNase E for processing 9S RNA (the ribosomal 5S RNA precursor) is repressed in the presence of the ribosome, whereas there is little affect on the cleavage of single-stranded substrates mediated by non-coding RNA, suggestings that the enzyme retains capacity to cleave unstructured substrates when associated with the ribosome. We propose that polysomes may act as antennae that enhance the rates of capture of the limited number of degradosomes, so that they become recruited to sites of active translation to act on mRNAs as they become exposed or tagged for degradation.  相似文献   

A ribonucleoprotein prepared by strong ribonuclease digestion of a complex of 16-S ribosomal RNA and proteins S4 and S20 from Escherichia coli has been characterized; its nucleotide sequence, the positions of enzyme cuts and the sequence excisions have been placed in the completed sequence of 16-S RNA. The positions and yields of enzyme cuts, and excisions of sequence, are compared with those of various ribonucleoproteins prepared with S4 or S20 alone, and with the ribonuclease-resistant S4 RNA prepared from renatured 16-s RNA in the absence of ribosomal protein. These data yield important information on the topography and organisation of the 5' third of the 16-s RNA which is selectively maintained in its native conformation by the bound proteins; they also provide criteria for testing secondary structural models of this region of 16-S RNA.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA with a long 5'-terminal leader sequence, as well as its isolated leader fragment (called omega), can form disome initiation complexes with wheat germ ribosomes. The second ribosome of the disome complex is bound to the leader sequence, upstream of an 80S particle occupying the AUG-containing initiation site [ Filipowicz and Haenni (1979) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 76, 3111-3115; Konarska et al. (1981) Eur. J. Biochem. 114, 221-227]. In order to identify the parts of omega important for interaction with ribosomes, the 5'-terminally-labelled omega was treated with alkali and the resultant fragments of different lengths were used in binding experiments. A 16-nucleotide-long fragment bearing the AUU sequence at the 3' end is the shortest oligonucleotide capable of forming 80S complexes with wheat germ ribosomes. Full-length (73 nucleotides) omega with AUG at the 3' terminus is the only RNA fragment supporting disome complex formation. Synthetic oligoribonucleotides were prepared for a study of 80S complex assembly at codons other than AUG. Hexadecanucleotide (A) 13A -U-U and, to lesser extent, also (A) 13A -U-C, (A) 13A -U-A and (A) 13A -C-G bind 80S ribosomes. Formation of the (A) 13A -U-U X 80S complex is dependent on the presence of initiator Met- tRNAMerf . Assembly of the 80S particle at the AUU sequence is not an artifact resulting from the terminal position of this triplet. (A) 13A -U-U elongated with over 100 A residues still efficiently binds an 80S ribosome positioned, as established by ribosome protection experiments, at the AUU triplet. The present results support the notion that 80S initiation-like complexes can be formed at sequences containing AUU codons. The possible function of these complexes as intermediates in initiation of translation of some viral RNAs is discussed.  相似文献   

Partial localization of the 5S RNA binding site on 23S RNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P N Gray  R Monier 《Biochimie》1972,54(1):41-45

Summary 5S RNA from B. stearothermophilus and E. coli was reacted with NaIO4 and aniline to remove their 3 terminal nucleoside. These modified 5S RNA molecules were then incorporated in B. stearothermophilus 50 S ribosomal subunits and tested for biological activities. 50 S ribosomes containing the modified 5S RNAs exhibited full activity and we therefore conclude, that the 3 terminus of 5S RNA does not play an active role in protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Deproteinated 16S RNA was iodinated at pH 5.0 in an aqueous solution containing TlCl3 plus KI for 1-5 hours at 42 degrees C. Under these conditions 33 moles of iodine are incorporated per mole of RNA. As judged by sucrose gradient sedimentation, the iodinated RNA does not exhibit any large alteration in conformation as compared to unmodified 16S. The iodinated RNA was examined for its ability to reconstitute with total 30S proteins. Sedimentation velocity analysis reveals that the reconstituted subunit has a sedimentation constant of approximately 20S. In addition, protein analysis of particles reconstituted with 16S RNA iodinated for 5 hours indicates that proteins S2, S10, S13, S14, S15, S17, S18, S19, and S21 are no longer able to participate in the 30S assembly process and that proteins S6, S16 and S20 are present in reduced amounts. The ramifications of these results concerning protein-RNA and RNA-RNA interactions occurring in ribosome assembly are discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of unwashed 30 S ribosomal subunits with 2-methoxy-5-nitrotropone causes a rapid loss of their capacity to bind bacteriophage Qβ RNA. Reconstitution experiments show that ribosomal protein is the functionally inactivated species. When purified unmodified ribosomal proteins were included in a mixture of 16 S ribosomal RNA and total protein derived from 2-methoxy-5-nitrotropone-treated subunits, four proteins (S1, S12, S13 and S21) were found to promote the reconstitution of particles capable of binding natural messenger RNA.  相似文献   

Since the recognition of the ‘translocation’ phenomenon during protein synthesis several theories have been proposed, without much success, to explain the translocation of peptidyl tRNA from the aminoacyl site to the peptidyl site. The involvement of L7/L12 proteins and therefore the L7/L12 stalk region of 50S ribosomes in the translocation process has been widely accepted. The mobility of the stalk region, as recognised by many workers, must be of physiological significance. It has recently been shown in this laboratory that 50S ribosomes derived from tight and loose couple 70S ribosomes differ markedly in quite a few physical and biological properties and it appears that these differences are due to the different conformations of 23S RNAs. It has also been possible to interconvert tight and loose couple 50S ribosomes with the help of the agents, elongation factor -G, GTP (and its analogues) which are responsible for translocation. Thus loose couple 70S ribosomes so long thought to be inactive ribosomes are actually products of translocation. Further, the conformational change of 23S RNA appears to be responsible for the interconversion of tight and loose couple 50S ribosomes and thus the process of translocation. A model has been proposed for translocation on the basis of the direct experimental evidences obtained in this laboratory.  相似文献   

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