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In ascidians, the events of metamorphosis transform the non-feeding, mobile tadpole larva into a filter-feeding, fixed juvenile, and the process involves rearrangements of cells, two organs and physiological changes. Differential screening was used to isolate two genes that are not expressed in swimming larvae but are expressed immediately after the initiation of metamorphosis in Ciona intestinalis. One of the genes, Ci-meta1, encodes a polypeptide with a putative secretion signal sequence, 6 epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like repeats and 13 calcium-binding EGF-like repeats. The gene begins to be expressed immediately after the beginning of metamorphosis in the adhesive organ and is likely to be associated with the signal response for metamorphosis. Another gene named Ci-meta2 encodes a protein with a putative secretion signal and three thrombospondin type-1 repeats. Ci-meta2 gene expression begins at the larval stage and is upregulated in the metamorphosing juveniles. Ci-meta2 expression is found in three regions; the adhesive organ which is also associated with settlement, the neck region between the trunk and the tail of the larva which is associated with tail resorption, and dorsal regions of the trunk which correspond to the location of the siphon primordium. This gene may be involved in the dynamic arrangement of cells during ascidian metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Formation of the chordate body is accomplished by a complex set of morphogenetic movements including convergent extension of notochord cells. In the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, Brachyury plays a key role in the formation of the notochord, and more than 30 Bra-downstream notochord genes have been identified. In the present study, we examined the effects of functional suppression of nine Bra-downstream notochord genes, which include Ci-PTP, Ci-ACL, Ci-prickle, Ci-netrin, Ci-trop, Ci-Noto3, Ci-ASAK, Ci-ERM and Ci-pellino. When the function of the first two genes (Ci-PTP and Ci-ACL) was suppressed with specific morpholinos, the notochord cells failed to converge, while functional suppression of Ci-prickle resulted in a failure of intercalation, and therefore the cells in these three types of embryo remained in the mid-dorsal region of the embryo. Functional suppression of the next four genes (Ci-netrin, Ci-trop, Ci-Noto3 and Ci-ASAK) resulted in the partial defect of intercalation, and the notochord did not consist of a single row. In addition, when the function of the last two genes (Ci-ERM and Ci-pellino) was suppressed, notochord cells failed to elongate in the embryo, even though convergence/extension took place normally. These results indicate that many Bra-downstream notochord genes are involved in convergence/extension of the embryo.  相似文献   

The drastic morphological changes of the tadpole are induced during the climax of anuran metamorphosis, when the concentration of endogenous thyroid hormone is maximal. The tadpole tail, which is twice as long as the body, shortens rapidly and disappears completely in several days. We isolated a cDNA clone, designated as Xl MMP-9TH, similar to the previously reported Xenopus laevis MMP-9 gene, and showed that their Xenopus tropicalis counterparts are located tandemly about 9 kb apart from each other in the genome. The Xenopus MMP-9TH gene was expressed in the regressing tail and gills and the remodeling intestine and central nervous system, and induced in thyroid hormone-treated tail-derived myoblastic cultured cells, while MMP-9 mRNA was detected in embryos. Three thyroid hormone response elements in the distal promoter and the first intron were involved in the upregulation of the Xl MMP-9TH gene by thyroid hormone in transient expression assays, and their relative positions are conserved between X. laevis and X. tropicalis promoters. These data strongly suggest that the MMP-9 gene was duplicated, and differentiated into two genes, one of which was specialized in a common ancestor of X. laevis and X. tropicalis to be expressed in degenerating and remodeling organs as a response to thyroid hormone during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

A Ciona intestinalis cDNA clone that encodes a protein highly homologous to other tyrosinases was isolated. Northern blot analysis showed that expression of Ciona tyrosinase starts at the early neurula stage and continues throughout the tail-bud and tadpole larval stages. The earliest tyrosinase expression was detected, by in situ hybridization, at the neural plate stage, in pigment precursor cells located along the two neural folds, in the animal region of the embryo. In the course of embryonic development the strong hybridization signal was always localized, within the rostral part of the developing brain, in the pigment precursor cells and was later detected in the otolith and ocellus. These results are discussed in relation to tyrosinase as an early marker of neural induction.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis is a very complex process which converts a swimming tadpole to an adult. The process involves reorganisation of the body plan and a remarkable regression of the tail, which is controlled by caspase-dependent apoptosis. However, the endogenous signals triggering apoptosis and metamorphosis are little explored. Herein, we report evidence that nitric oxide (NO) regulates tail regression in a dose-dependent manner, acting on caspase-dependent apoptosis. An increase or decrease of NO levels resulted in a delay or acceleration of tail resorption, without affecting subsequent juvenile development. A similar hastening effect was induced by suppression of cGMP-dependent NO signalling. Inhibition of NO production resulted in an increase in caspase-3-like activity with respect to untreated larvae. Detection of endogenously activated caspase-3 and NO revealed the existence of a spatial correlation between the diminution of the NO signal and caspase-3 activation during the last phases of tail regression. Real-time PCR during development, from early larva to early juveniles, showed that during all stages examined, NO synthase (NOS) is always more expressed than arginase and it reaches the maximum value at late larva, the stage immediately preceding tail resorption. The spatial expression pattern of NOS is very dynamic, moving rapidly along the body in very few hours, from the anterior part of the trunk to central nervous system (CNS), tail and new forming juvenile digestive organs. NO detection revealed free diffusion from the production sites to other cellular districts. Overall, the results of this study provide a new important link between NO signalling and apoptosis during metamorphosis in C. intestinalis and hint at novel roles for the NO signalling system in other developmental and metamorphosis-related events preceding and following tail resorption.  相似文献   

Recent whole-genome studies and in-depth expressed sequence tag (EST) analyses have identified most of the developmentally relevant genes in the urochordate, Ciona intestinalis. In this study, we made use of a large-scale oligo-DNA microarray to further investigate and identify genes with specific or correlated expression profiles, and we report global gene expression profiles for about 66% of all the C. intestinalis genes that are expressed during its life cycle. We succeeded in categorizing the data set into 5 large clusters and 49 sub-clusters based on the expression profile of each gene. This revealed the higher order of gene expression profiles during the developmental and aging stages. Furthermore, a combined analysis of microarray data with the EST database revealed the gene groups that were expressed at a specific stage or in a specific organ of the adult. This study provides insights into the complex structure of ascidian gene expression, identifies co-expressed gene groups and marker genes and makes predictions for the biological roles of many uncharacterized genes. This large-scale oligo-DNA microarray for C. intestinalis should facilitate the understanding of global gene expression and gene networks during the development and aging of a basal chordate.  相似文献   

The key position of the Ciona intestinalis basal to the vertebrate phylogenetic tree brings up the question of which respiratory proteins are used by the tunicate to facilitate oxygen transport and storage. The publication of the Ciona draft genome sequence suggests that globin genes are completely missing and that-like some molluscs and arthropods-the sea squirt uses hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin for respiration. However, we report here the presence and expression of at least four distinct globin gene/protein sequences in Ciona. This finding is in agreement with the ancestral phylogeny of the vertebrate globins. Moreover, it seems likely that the Ciona hemocyanin-like sequences have enzymatic instead of respiratory functions.  相似文献   

The compact genome of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis has been sequenced. Chromosome karyotype and mapping of the genome sequence information on each of the 14 pairs of chromosomes are essential for genome-wide studies of gene expression and function in this basal chordate. Although the small chromosome size (most pairs measuring less than 2 mum) complicates accurate chromosome pairing based on morphology alone, the present results suggest that 20 chromosomes are metacentric and 8 are submetacentric or subtelocentric, and two pairs of large chromosomes (#1 and #2) were defined. The characterization of chromosomes by FISH and staining with propidium iodide indicated that 18S/28S ribosomal gene repeats are present in the short arms of three pairs of chromosomes and that the short arms of these pairs show remarkable size polymorphism. In addition, each chromosome was characterized molecular cytogenetically by mapping representative BAC clones with FISH. The present study is therefore a first step in expanding the karyotype analysis and entire physical mapping of the genome sequence of Ciona intestinalis.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the tunic layers and migration of the test cells during swimming period in the larva of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis , were observed by light and electron microscopy. The swimming period was divided into three stages. In stage 1, further formation of juvenile tunic layer started only in the larval trunk and neck region. In stage 2, the layer became swollen in the ventral and dorsal sides of the neck region and in stage 3, the swelling expanded backward. Concomitantly with these changes, the outermost larval tunic layer (outer cuticular layer), which had been formed before hatching, also swelled in the neck region in stage 2 and formed two humps in stage 3, although the layer did not change in the tail region during the swimming period. Test cells that were present over the entire larval tunic layer in stage 1 began to move from the surface of the fin toward that of the side of the body in stage 2, and finally gathered to form six bands running radially from the anterior end to the posterior end of the trunk region and aligned along the lateral sides of body in the tail region in stage 3. In electron microscopic observations, pseudopodia protruding from the test cells invaded the larval tunic, following which they extended proximate to the juvenile tunic in the trunk region. In the tail region, which had no juvenile tunic layer as that described, the pseudopodia invaded and remained adjacent to the surface of the epidermis or the sensory cilia protruded from the epidermis. Metamorphosis of the larvae, further tunic formation, degradation of adhesive papilla, attachment of larva to the substratum and tail resorption commenced after these morphological changes occurred. The possible role of the test cells in metamorphosis is discussed.  相似文献   

One of challenges in the field of developmental biology is to understand how spatially and/or temporally coordinated expression of genes is controlled at the chromosomal level. It remains controversial whether genes expressed in a given tissue are randomly distributed throughout a given animal genome, or instead resolve into clusters. Here we used microarray analysis to identify more than 1,700 genes that are expressed preferentially in each of 11 organs of the chordate Ciona intestinalis adult, and determined the location of these genes on the 14 pairs of Ciona chromosomes. In spite of extensive mapped gene analysis, we only confirmed small clusters containing two or three genes. Our result indicates that organ-specific genes are distributed rather evenly all over chromosomes, suggesting that the notion of clustering of organ-specific genes in animal genomes is not generally applicable to this chordate.  相似文献   

Using the whole-cell voltage clamp technique, the electrical changes in oocyte and embryo plasma membrane were followed during different meiotic and developmental stages in Ciona intestinalis. We show, for the first time, an electrophysiological characterization of the plasma membrane in oocytes at the germinal vesicle (GV) stage with high L-type calcium (Ca2+) current activity that decreased through meiosis. Moreover, the absence of Ca2+ reduced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), which is consistent with a role of Ca2+ currents in the prophase/metaphase transition. In mature oocytes at the metaphase I (MI) stage, Ca2+ currents decreased and then disappeared and sodium (Na+) currents first appeared remaining high up to the zygote stage. Intracellular Ca2+ release was higher in MI than in GV, indicating that Ca2+ currents in GV may contribute to fill the stores which are essential for oocyte contraction at fertilization. The fertilization current generated in Na+ free sea water was significantly lower than the control; furthermore, oocytes fertilized in the absence of Na+ showed high development of anomalous "rosette" embryos. Current amplitudes became negligible in embryos at the 2- and 4-cell stage, suggesting that signaling pathways that mediate first cleavage do not rely on ion current activities. At the 8-cell stage embryo, a resumption of Na+ current activity and conductance occurred, without a correlation with specific blastomeres. Taken together, these results imply: (i) an involvement of L-type Ca2+ currents in meiotic progression from the GV to MI stage; (ii) a role of Na+ currents during electrical events at fertilization and subsequent development; (iii) a major role of plasma membrane permeability and a minor function of specific currents during initial cell line segregation events.  相似文献   

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