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Summary At the end of gastrulation, the lateral mesoderm of amphibian embryos migrates ventrally between the ectoderm and the endoderm. The present study is an examination of the morphology of the leading cells of the mesodermal sheet and of the substratum over which they move (the inner surface of the ectoderm). The cells of the leading edge of the mesoderm are generally round, with very short and narrow flattened projections in the forward direction. These projections do not have a ruffled morphology, regardless of whether fixation is carried out before or after the ectoderm and mesoderm are dissected away from the endoderm. The inner surface of the ectoderm is covered with fine (450–500A) filamentous extracellular material and the ectoderm cells sometimes extend cytoplasmic processes (approx. 0.1 wide) onto the leading surface of the mesoderm or onto adjacent ectoderm cells. These studies indicate that the morphology of cell migration in amphibians is closer to that seen inFundulus than to that characteristic of chick or mammalian cells.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Mac V. Edds, Jr., who warmly encouraged the developmental biologists of the Pioneer Valley  相似文献   

E-cadherin is a member of the classical cadherin family and is known to be involved in cell-cell adhesion and the adhesion-dependent morphogenesis of various tissues. We isolated a zebrafish mutant (cdh1(rk3)) that has a mutation in the e-cadherin/cdh1 gene. The mutation rk3 is a hypomorphic allele, and the homozygous mutant embryos displayed variable phenotypes in gastrulation and tissue morphogenesis. The most severely affected embryos displayed epiboly delay, decreased convergence and extension movements, and the dissociation of cells from the embryos, resulting in early embryonic lethality. The less severely affected embryos survived through the pharyngula stage and showed flattened anterior neural tissue, abnormal positioning and morphology of the hatching gland, scattered trigeminal ganglia, and aberrant axon bundles from the trigeminal ganglia. Maternal-zygotic cdh1(rk3) embryos displayed epiboly arrest during gastrulation, in which the enveloping layer (EVL) and the yolk syncytial layer but not the deep cells (DC) completed epiboly. A similar phenotype was observed in embryos that received antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (cdh1MO) against E-cadherin, and in zebrafish epiboly mutants. Complementation analysis with the zebrafish epiboly mutant weg suggested that cdh1(rk3) is allelic to half baked/weg. Immunohistochemistry with an anti-beta-catenin antibody and electron microscopy revealed that adhesion between the DCs and the EVL was mostly disrupted but the adhesion between DCs was relatively unaffected in the MZcdh1(rk3) mutant and cdh1 morphant embryos. These data suggest that E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion between the DC and EVL plays a role in the epiboly movement in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic cell movements during gastrulation shape the vertebrate embryo bodyplan. Non-canonical Wnt signaling has been established to regulate convergence and extension cell movements that mediate anterior-posterior axis elongation. In recent years, many other factors have been implicated in the process by modulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling or by different, unknown mechanisms. We have found that the Src family kinases, Fyn and Yes, are required for normal convergence and extension cell movements in zebrafish embryonic development and they signal in parallel to non-canonical Wnts, eventually converging on a common downstream factor, RhoA. Here, we report that Csk, a negative regulator of Src family kinases has a role in gastrulation cell movements as well. Csk knock down induced a phenotype that was similar to the defects observed after knock down of Fyn and Yes, in that gastrulation cell movements were impaired, without affecting cell fate. The Csk knock down phenotype was rescued by simultaneous partial knock down of Fyn and Yes. We conclude that Csk acts upstream of Fyn and Yes to control vertebrate gastrulation cell movements.  相似文献   

The formation of mesoderm is an important developmental process of vertebrate embryos, which can be broken down into several steps; mesoderm induction, patterning, morphogenesis and differentiation. Although mesoderm formation in Xenopus has been intensively studied, much remains to be learned about the molecular events responsible for each of these steps. Furthermore, the interplay between mesoderm induction, patterning and morphogenesis remains obscure. Here, we describe an enhanced functional screen in Xenopus designed for large-scale identification of genes controlling mesoderm formation. In order to improve the efficiency of the screen, we used a Xenopus tropicalis unique set of cDNAs, highly enriched in full-length clones. The screening strategy incorporates two mesodermal markers, Xbra and Xmyf-5, to assay for cell fate specification and patterning, respectively. In addition we looked for phenotypes that would suggest effects in morphogenesis, such as gastrulation defects and shortened anterior-posterior axis. Out of 1728 full-length clones we isolated 82 for their ability to alter the phenotype of tadpoles and/or the expression of Xbra and Xmyf-5. Many of the clones gave rise to similar misexpression phenotypes (synphenotypes) and many of the genes within each synphenotype group appeared to be involved in similar pathways. We determined the expression pattern of the 82 genes and found that most of the genes were regionalized and expressed in mesoderm. We expect that many of the genes identified in this screen will be important in mesoderm formation.  相似文献   

The MAPKs are key regulatory signaling molecules in many cellular processes. Here we define differential functions for ERK1 and ERK2 MAPKs in zebrafish embryogenesis. Morpholino knockdown of ERK1 and ERK2 resulted in cell migration defects during gastrulation, which could be rescued by co-injection of the corresponding mRNA. Strikingly, Erk2 mRNA cross-rescued ERK1 knockdown, but erk1 mRNA was unable to compensate for ERK2 knockdown. Cell-tracing experiments revealed a convergence defect for ERK1 morphants without a severe posterior-extension defect, whereas ERK2 morphants showed a more severe reduction in anterior-posterior extension. These defects were primary changes in gastrulation cell movements and not caused by altered cell fate specification. Saturating knockdown conditions showed that the absence of FGF-mediated dual-phosphorylated ERK2 from the blastula margin blocked initiation of epiboly, actin and tubulin cytoskeleton reorganization processes and further arrested embryogenesis, whereas ERK1 knockdown had only a mild effect on epiboly progression. Together, our data define distinct roles for ERK1 and ERK2 in developmental cell migration processes during zebrafish embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Notochord is an embryonic midline structure that serves as mechanical support for axis elongation and the signaling center for the surrounding tissues. Precursors of notochord are initially induced in the dorsal most mesoderm region in gastrulating embryo and separate from the surrounding mesoderm/endoderm tissue to form an elongated rod-like structure, suggesting that cell adhesion molecules may play an important role in this step. In Xenopus embryo, axial protocadherin (AXPC), an orthologue of mammalian Protocadherin-1 (PCDH1), is indispensable for the assembly and separation from the surrounding tissue of the notochord cells. However, the role of PCDH1 in mammalian notochord remains unknown. We herein report that PCDH1 is expressed in the notochord of mouse embryo and that PCDH1-deficient mice form notochord normally. First, we examined the temporal expression pattern of pcdh1 and found that pcdh1 mRNA was expressed from embryonic day (E) 7.5, prior to the stage when notochord cells detach from the surrounding endoderm tissue. Second, we found that PCDH1 protein is expressed in the notochord of mouse embryos in addition to the previously reported expression in endothelial cells. To further investigate the role of PCDH1 in embryonic development, we generated PCDH1-deficient mice using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. In PCDH1-deficient embryos, notochord formation and separation from the surrounding tissue were normal. Structure and marker gene expression of notochord were also unaffected by loss of PCDH1. Major vascular patterns in PCDH1-deficient embryo were essentially normal. These results suggest that PCDH1 is dispensable for notochord formation, including the tissue separation process, in mammalian embryos. We successfully identified the evolutionary conserved expression of PCDH1 in notochord, but its function may differ among species.  相似文献   

T-box gene family members have important roles during murine embryogenesis, gastrulation, and organogenesis. Although relatively little is known about how T-box genes are regulated, published gene expression studies have revealed dynamic and specific patterns in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues of the mouse conceptus. Mutant alleles of the T-box gene Brachyury (T) have identified roles in formation of mesoderm and its derivatives, such as somites and the allantois. However, given the cell autonomous nature of T gene activity and conflicting results of gene expression studies, it has been difficult to attribute a primary function to T in normal allantoic development. We report localization of T protein by sectional immunohistochemistry in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues during mouse gastrulation, emphasizing T localization within the allantois. T was detected in all previously reported sites within the conceptus, including the primitive streak and its derivatives, nascent embryonic mesoderm, the node and notochord, as well as notochord-associated endoderm and posterior neurectoderm. In addition, we have clarified T within the allantois, where it was first detected in the proximal midline of the late allantoic bud (approximately 7.5 days postcoitum, dpc) and persisted within an expanded midline domain until 6-somite pairs (s; approximately 8.5 dpc). Lastly, we have discovered several novel T sites, including the developing heart, visceral endoderm, extraembryonic ectoderm, and its derivative, chorionic ectoderm. Together, these data provide a unified picture of T in the mammalian conceptus, and demonstrate T's presence in unrelated cell types and tissues in highly dynamic spatiotemporal patterns in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The present report firstly describes a pilot study in which, during early development of embryos of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio, the cellular adhesion to fibronectin (FN) was blocked by administration of GRGDS peptide (which binds to the FN-receptor). As this treatment resulted in developmental aberrations, suggesting a functional role for FN, the major part of the work was focussed on the distribution of reactivity of anti-FN antibodies during epiboly and gastrulation. GRGDS treatment had a concentration dependent effect on development. Incubation of embryos in 1.5 mg/ml from the 32-cell stage onwards caused a retardation of epiboly, which did not proceed beyond 60%. The embryos did not show involution, as was confirmed by histological study. These preliminary results suggest that FN is involved in both epiboly and gastrulation of carp embryos. During cleavage, no specific extracellular binding of anti-FN antiserum could be observed. However, binding to a number of cell membranes took place from early epiboly onwards. After the onset of gastrulation, we observed a gradually increasing number of the deepest epiblast cells, showing immunostaining on part of their surface, facing the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) or the involuted cells. During early epiboly, anti-FN binding was restricted to areas in front of the migratory hypoblast cells. Later on, binding was found at the border of hypoblast and epiblast cells. At 100% epiboly, some contact areas of epiblast and hypoblast showed a discontinuous lining of reactivity, whilst other areas appeared devoid of anti-FN binding sites. The results indicate that FN is involved in the migration and guidance of hypoblast cells during gastrulation in carp. Correspondence to: P. Gevers  相似文献   

Cell migration during morphogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have raised a monoclonal antibody, 4G6, against gut manually isolated from stage 42Xenopus laevis embryos. It is specific for endoderm and recognises an epitope that is first expressed at stage 19 and which persists throughout subsequent development. The antibody maintains gut specificity through metamorphosis and into adulthood. The epitope is conserved in the mouse, where it is also found in the gut. Isolated vegetal poles fromXenopus blastula stage embryos express the epitope autonomously after culturing to the appropriate stage. This shows that certain aspects of endoderm differentiation do not require germ layer interactions. Animal cap cells from stage 9 blastulae cultured in the presence of the mesodermal growth factors FGF, XTC-MIF and PIF form both endodermal and mesodermal tissues, assessed by the binding of tissue-specific monoclonal antibodies. Endoderm is typically found in those caps which form intermediate and ventral forms of mesoderm, that is muscle and lateral plate. Correspondence to: E.A. Jones  相似文献   

The classical cadherins are known to have both adhesive and signaling functions. It has also been proposed that localized regulation of cadherin activity may be important in cell assortment during development. In the context of eye development, it has been suggested that cadherins are important for separation of the invaginated lens vesicle from the surface ectoderm. To test this hypothesis, we conditionally deleted N-cadherin or E-cadherin from the presumptive lens ectoderm of the mouse. Conditional deletion of either cadherin alone did not produce a lens vesicle separation defect. However, these conditional mutants did exhibit common structural deficits, including microphthalmia, severe iris hyperplasia, persistent vacuolization within the fibre cell region, and eventual lens epithelial cell deterioration. To assess the co-operative roles of E-cadherin and N-cadherin within the developing lens, double conditional knockout embryos were generated. These mice displayed distinct defects in lens vesicle separation and persistent expression of another classical cadherin, P-cadherin, within the cells of the persistent lens stalk. Double mutant lenses also exhibited severe defects in lens epithelial cell adhesion and survival. Finally, the severity of the lens phenotype was shown to be sensitive to the number of wild-type E- and N-cadherin alleles. These data suggest that the co-operative expression of both E- and N-cadherin during lens development is essential for normal cell sorting and subsequent lens vesicle separation.  相似文献   

Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is an actin-binding, membrane-associated protein expressed during Xenopus embryogenesis. We analyzed its function in cytoskeletal regulation during gastrulation. Here, we show that blockade of its function impaired morphogenetic movements, including convergent extension. MARCKS was required for control of cell morphology, motility, adhesion, protrusive activity, and cortical actin formation in embryonic cells. We also demonstrate that the noncanonical Wnt pathway promotes the formation of lamellipodia- and filopodia-like protrusions and that MARCKS is necessary for this activity. These findings show that MARCKS regulates the cortical actin formation that is requisite for dynamic morphogenetic movements.  相似文献   

Cardiac neural crest cells undergo extensive cell rearrangements during the formation of the aorticopulmonary septum in the outflow tract. However, the morphogenetic mechanisms involved in this fundamental process remain poorly understood. To determine the function of the Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion molecule, N-cadherin, in murine neural crest, we applied the Cre/loxP system and created mouse embryos genetically mosaic for N-cadherin. Specifically, deletion of N-cadherin in neural crest cells led to embryonic lethality with distinct cardiovascular defects. Neural crest cell migration and homing to the cardiac outflow tract niche were unaffected by loss of N-cadherin. However, N-cadherin-deficient neural crest cells were unable to undergo the normal morphogenetic changes associated with outflow tract remodeling, resulting in persistent truncus arteriosus in the majority of mutant embryos. Other mutant embryos initiated aorticopulmonary septum formation; however, the neural crest cells were unable to elongate and align properly along the midline and remained rounded with limited contact with their neighbors. Interestingly, rotation of the outflow tract was incomplete in these mutants suggesting that alignment of the channels is dependent on N-cadherin-generated cytoskeletal forces. A second cardiac phenotype was observed where loss of N-cadherin in the epicardium led to disruption of heterotypic cell interactions between the epicardium and myocardium resulting in a thinned ventricular myocardium. Thus, we conclude that in addition to its role in myocardial cell adhesion, N-cadherin is required for neural crest cell rearrangements critical for patterning of the cardiac outflow tract and in the maintenance of epicardial-myocardial cell interactions.  相似文献   

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